Spring 2015 - Permian Historical Society

Permian Historical Society
Vol. 5
No. 13
President’s Message
Hello Fellow Historians
We are lining up a very
good group of story tellers
Permian Historical Society Officers
Peggy Kelton—President
Hello fellow historians. Time is fast approaching for our spring meeting. It is
scheduled for Saturday, April 18, 2015. The
regular destination has been changed due to
remodeling and the banquet room is reserved for a wedding that evening and they
would like to have time for decorating. So,
we had an invitation to meet and have our
program at the POLO PARK ESTATES at
2100 Castleford Road in Midland. It is just
off North Garfield, under the loop 1 block. It
is right behind the hotel on the right. They
not only are hosting the event, but are furnishing our meal. It looks like it will be a
wonderful event. All other plans are the
same. We will have stories on Friendly Indians in Early day Texas by Barbara Barton, a
special ranch/rancher story by Bill Modisett
and an Hispanic lady and an African American lady both of Crane telling of their experiences of growing up in Crane, TX an all
white, English speaking town at the time.
Y’all Come!
Betty Damron—VP Program/
Sue Ann Damron—Secretary
Sherry Phillips—Treasurer
J. Tillapaugh—Investments
Jim Collett—Editor
Barbara Barton—Tom Green Co. (17)
Carolyn Hodge—Reagan Co. (16)
Jim Collett—Midland Co. (17)
Donna Bell—Upton Co. (17)
Beth Hoover—Crockett Co. (15)
Genny Townsend—Crane Co. (15)
Roger Goertz—Howard Co. (15)
Ruben Vasquez— Ector Co.(17)
Earnest Woodward—Pecos Co. (17)
Permian Historical Society Spring Program
Polo Park Estates, 2100 Castleford Road
Midland, Texas
Happy Hour and Program of Papers
9:00 Registration and Happy Hour (Visitation) light refreshments, coffee, juice —-display of books by the
Authors—Book Sale
9:15: Short Board of Directors Meeting
10:00: Program of Papers…………………………………………………………………………...Peggy Kelton, President
Barbara Barton…………………………………………………………………………..Indians of the Concho Area
Barbara Barton is currently serving on the PHS Board of Directors. She has previously
Presented for the Permian Historical Society. She lives in Cristoval.
Bill Modisett……………………………………………………
Bill Modisett worked for daily newspapers in West Texas for more than 40 years. He is
Now retired and only writes the weekly “Back in Time” column for the Odessa American.
He and his wife live in Midland.
Emily Barton………………………………………………………………...First Hispanic family in Crane, TX
Emily will tell her story of growing up in Crane and what it was like to be the first
Hispanic student in the Crane Schools.
Daisy Jeffery………………………………………………………...Growing up African American in Crane, TX
Daisy will tell her story of growing up as a Black American in the early days of integration
And the successful life she has had in spite of the stumbling blocks.
11:30 Lunch compliments of Polo Park Estates
12:30 Voting on Best Presentation today. Present certificate for Best Presentation at the Fall Meeting in
Stanton: Donna Bell
Quick business meeting if needed. Announce Fall Meeting location, Ft. Stockton in October.
Door prizes—check your tickets
Theme: He Haw. Come in your overalls, clod hopper shoes/boots, bandanas, check shirt or anything to
Portray Cornfield County. Guitar Pickers, fiddle players & singers most welcome
Polo Park Estates 2100 Castleford Road Midland
North Garfield Drive under the Loop 250 one block on the left behind the Hotel
Our meal is graciously being complimentary by Polo Park Estates. They must have an accurate headcount by April 1, 2015. They must plan and purchase the food for the meal and must know how many
plan to attend. Register Now by calling, e-mailing or snail-mail by April 1. The meeting is totally free,
but to be able to have a meal you must be registered. Such a small thing for such a great result.
Peggy Kelton: 432-652-8738 or peggy.kelton@gmail.com or Box 901 McCovey, TX 79752
The Permian Historical Society Newsletter, April 8, 2015
Sad News
The sad news is that we have lost
many of our members these past years
due to health issues, moving to be near
children & doctors, and some due to
Mammie Sheppard, widow of John
Ben passed away recently. She supported her husband in his projects, but
was a woman with much drive and ideas of her own. They were instrumental
in getting the Permian Historical Society started
She had moved away and was not actively involved, but she will be missed.
Bobbie Jean Klepper
Former president of PHS Bobbie Jean
Klepper passed away in November,
2014 in Fort Worth. She too had
moved away from West Texas first to
San Marcos and then to Ft. Worth to be
near her daughter. Bobbie was a strong
leader and encouraged others to become leaders. She led a very busy life
having five children, several stepchildren and a very full calendar in many
originations She had begun college at
the age of 31 & had received BS in
History then, a BA in History & on to a
Masters. She was working on her
Doctorate when 2 strokes slowed her
down. .
James “Jim ED” Edward Miller
Jim Ed lived in Pecos and was a member of the Permian
Historical Society for many years. The gentleman never
did marry, but took great interest in the education of the
children of Pecos City, donating money to all projects the
children were involved with. Growing up in small West
Texas towns Jim Ed went on to college at Arlington State
transferring to the University of Texas where he was a
member of Phi Kappa Psi . He served two years in the
Army at Ft. Bliss and then graduated from the University
of Texas. At that point he returned to Pecos He was involved in several business ventures: Owner of an oil distribution co. he was a very successful cotton broker, a
very well liked officer and director of the First National
Bank of Pecos, General manager of Red Bluff Water
District, and then a rancher and oil operator in his later
years. Jim Ed never met a stranger and truly loved people. PHS will surely miss him.
Ann Clark
Ann Clark long-time resident of Rankin, librarian,
Historical Commission chair, Museum curator and top
notch researcher passed away recently just a few
weeks before her 103 birthday.
On retirement she moved to a San Angelo Retirement
Center where she spent her time in the library, or
quilting T-bone neck pillows & laps pads to be sold
through the gift shop of the Center. She also spent
many hours at the nearby Morman Center doing research.. She was a true historian and a lifetime member of PHS.
She moved on to San Antonio to be near her daughter
and grandson, Esther Curnutt and Clark Curnutt . She
& her daughter eventually moved into a nursing home.
Esther preceded Ann in death. She is survived by her
grandson and his family.