International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. 10, No. 4; 2015 ISSN 1833-3850 E-ISSN 1833-8119 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education A Framework of IS/Business Alignment Management Practices to Improve the Design of IT Governance Architectures Jorge Orozco1, Ali Tarhini1, Ra’ed (Moh’d Taisir) Masa’deh2 & Takwa Tarhini3 1 Department of Computer Science, Brunel University, London, United Kingdom 2 Department of Management Information Systems, The University of Jordan, Jordan 3 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, Qatar Correspondence: Ali Tarhini, Department of Computer Science, Brunel University, London, United Kingdom. E-mail: Received: January 16, 2015 Accepted: February 11, 2015 Online Published: March 27, 2015 doi:10.5539/ijbm.v10n4p1 URL: Abstract This research aims to identify specific management practices that can help to improve the process of IS/business alignment and the design of ITG architecture that supports those processes. To this end the authors propose a framework that is used as a reference to classify relevant management practices in the process of IS/business alignment and design of ITG architectures. The analysis was carried out in a large leading international food and beverage company. Findings show that at operational and tactical levels, improving the coordination of the IT investment management process and enabling structures that strengthen the connection of budgetary controls are core structural capabilities that can positively improve the process of IS/business alignment and impact significantly the design of ITG architectures. Keywords: IT/IS management, IS planning, IS/business alignment, strategic alignment, alignment assessment 1. Introduction IS/Business alignment is seen as a necessary management practice that can enable information systems (IS) to adapt to the changing business environment (Tarhini et al., 2015a,b;Abbasi et al., 2015). Over more than two decades, practitioners and academics have continuously demonstrated interest on IS/business alignment and ranked it as a top management need. However, solutions to achieve IS/business alignment are still vague due to its complexity and holistic understanding. Despite this fact, several business benefits appear as the main justification to support its implementation. Empirical studies demonstrate that the alignment in organizations help to enhance organizational performance (Teo & King, 1996; Chan, Sabherwal, & Thatcher, 2006; Masa’deh & Kuk, 2009; Yayla & Hu, 2012; Walter et al., 2013; Wagner, 2014) and enables IT/business value (Melville, Kraemer, & Gurbaxani, 2004; Shannak et al., 2010; Chiang & Nunez, 2013; Siurdyban, 2014). Considering these organizational benefits, there is imminent and recurrent question that practitioners aim to answer: what do organizations need to positively advance the process of IS/business alignment? Despite several efforts to answer this question, there is still perennial work to contribute into the IS/business alignment research agenda. Literature in IS/business alignment is diverse, well-supported and ongoing research still is looking to establish its relevance in the context of IS use. Different approaches, dimensions and paradigms have characterized its progress (Chan & Reich, 2007; Gutierrez et al., 2009; Masa’deh et al., 2014). In the way to better understand IS/business alignment, literature has provided rich but theoretical research that lacks of pragmatic approaches. Particularly, few attempts advance pragmatically on the process of assessing, maintaining or sustaining IS/business alignment (Avison et al., 2004; Chan & Reich, 2007; Masa’deh & Shannak, 2012) and even fewer studies specify punctual management capabilities towards the consolidation of an IS/business alignment process (Luftman, 2004). IT Governance (ITG) is a more recent area of research with approximately a decade of age. Despite ITG has been defined in different ways; most definitions stress how management needs to make decisions rather than what decisions to be made. It could be argued that ITG has an older history as it has been considered within corporate governance research; however the current IT-driving era supports the ITG’s own personality. ITG, as area of research, has evolved over the past years from an IT-oriented into a more business-oriented practice. The implementations of ITG have gained relevance either to promote efficient organizational IT performance 1 International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 10, No. 4; 2015 (Simonsson, Johnson, & Ekstedt, 2010; Wraikat, 2012; Curry et al., 2014, Alenezi et al., 2015; Tarhini et al., 2015c) or accomplish legal regulations (ISO/IEO, 2014). Researches have agreed that ITG is a control-based system that includes internal and external management practices that enable and impact IS/business alignment (Peterson, 2004). According to Peterson (2004) and Weill and Ross (2004), ITG mechanisms or capabilities should be divided into three sets [process, relations, structures] in order to understand their scope and effect. The setting up of such mechanisms or capabilities constitutes a baseline to support making-decision processes and make valid organizational rules and procedures. Only then, the resulted ITG architecture can enable the IS/business alignment process and enhance organizational IT/business value. Researchers and practitioners have identified tight relationships between ITG, IS/business alignment and business value (De Haes & Van Grembergen, 2009; Buchwald, Urbach, & Ahlemann, 2014). However there are few studies that link those studies to identify their relationships. This research aims to identify those management practices that can positively moderate and improve the process of IS/business alignment and the design of ITG. In order to identify these management practices, the management capabilities from the strategic alignment maturity (SAM) model proposed by Luftman (2000) were mapped against the structure of the ITG assessment process (ITGAP) model defined by Peterson (2004). The resulted mapping framework was used as a reference to classify management practices and analyze relevant management practices in the process of IS/business alignment and design of ITG architectures. The analysis was carried out colleting management practices from a leading and large food and beverage company. Findings show that at operational and tactical levels, improving the coordination of the IT investment management process and enabling structures that strengthen the connection of budgetary controls are core structural capabilities that can positively improve and moderate the process of IS/business alignment and impact significantly the design of ITG. By promoting program management practices towards a unified understanding of IT and business knowledge, the collaboration between strategic and operational levels would be positively influenced. This paper is divided in five sections. The following section outlines the research in IS/business alignment and its links with ITG. In section three, both SAMM and ITGAP are discussed and the proposed framework is introduced. Section four includes the case study analysis. In the last section, the results and conclusions are presented. 2. IT Governance and IS/Business Alignment Antecedents IS/business alignment has been researched as a phenomenon that focuses on the complexity of organizational relationships given by the integration of IT and business strategies (Broadbent & Weill, 1993; Henderson & Venkatraman, 1993; Ciborra, 1997, Smaczny, 2001), plans (Kearns & Lederer, 2000; Reich & Benbasat, 2000; Cragg, King, & Hussin, 2002; Balocco, Ciappini, & Rangone, 2013), or structures (Weill, & Ross, 2004). In more than two decades, these different approaches have revealed several loci research in IS/business alignment (Chan & Reich, 2007; Coltman, Sharma, & Tallon, 2013; Tarhini et al., 2015d) and also contributed marginally subscribing its broad and complex understanding. A specific challenge that IS/business alignment research agenda faces is its holistic scope. To conceptualize IS/business alignment, several dimensions have been indicated to portray its understanding. Four dimensions have been commonly referenced and cited: strategic or intellectual (Kearns & Lederer, 2000), operational (Papp & Luftman, 1995; Chan, 2002), informal structural (Chan, 2001; Chan, Sabherwal, & Thatcher, 2006) and cultural (Pyburn, 1983). These dimensions have been traditionally isolated approaches to understand and approach IS/business alignment research. However, a new organic and co-evolutional view suggests integrating these IS/business alignment dimensions in order to consolidate new IS/business alignment theory foundations. Benbya and McKelvey (2006) propose that IS/business alignment is the result of a series of adjustments at three levels of analysis: individual, operational and strategic. Most important in this view, they justify causal dynamics rather than cause-effect logic of managerial actions to impact all organizational levels and their performance. Empirically, the business characteristics of ITG have been a justification to consider their implementations as an alternative to develop such managerial actions along organizations. For instance, the adoption of frameworks such as COBIT, ITIL or ISO/IEC 38500-2008 exemplifies the relevance of different mechanisms to enhance an organizational platform to achieve tight IS/business alignment and higher IS/business value. 2.1 Linking IS/Business Alignment and IT Governance Literature has shown that similar outcomes can result of either achieving IS/business alignment or implementing ITG practices. Empirical studies evidence that higher organizational performance can be the result of tight IS/business alignment (Kearns & Lederer, 2003; Masa’deh & Kuk, 2009) but also consequence of effective implementations of ITG practices (Weill & Ross, 2004; Tallon et al., 2013). Both IS/business alignment and ITG 2 International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 10, No. 4; 2015 areas have been researched independently and few studies indicate mechanisms that link their consequences or antecedents (Chaudhuri, 2011; Buchwald et al., 2014; Thompson et al., 2014). For instance, literature disagrees to show how both areas are related. The IT Governance Institute (ITGI) considers IS/business alignment as one out of five areas of concern within ITG [strategic alignment, value delivery, risk management, resource management and performance management]. Conversely, SAM includes ITG as one out of six IS/business alignment maturity factors [communication, value measurement, IT governance, partnership, scope & architecture and skills] to assess IS/business alignment maturity. Researchers have called for studies that look for those relationships between IT/business value, IS/business alignment and ITG but have anticipated that ITG is an antecedent and enabler for achieving IS/business (De Haes & Van Grembergen, 2010; Schlosser et al., 2010; Wagner, Beimborn, & Weitzel, 2014). The implementation of ITG practices builds up a baseline that should include processes, structures and relational capabilities. These managerial abilities enable people to execute their responsibilities in support of IS/business alignment and the creation of IT/business value (Peterson, 2004). To achieve higher organizational performance, those capabilities need to be identified and then amalgamate an enterprise management system that facilitates controls along different information systems (Peterson, 2004; Beimborn, Schlosser, & Weitzel, 2009; Tiwana, 2012; Wagner & Weitzel, 2012; Zolper, Beimborn, & Weitzel, 2014). The authors of this paper coincide with the notion that the relationship between IS/business alignment and ITG is important but additional research will clarify their relationships. The relationships between IS/business alignment and ITG and the identification of their common management practices would help to focus efforts on specific managerial actions and impact organizational performance significantly. In the literature, the identification of these practices has been rarely discussed. 3. Assessment Framework Overview 3.1 The Role of Management Practices in IS/Business Alignment and ITG Managing IT also means meeting business objectives while targeting strategic, tactical and operational levels and handling a complex number of organizational assets and factors (Gutierrez et al., 2008; Gutierrez, Orozco, & Serrano, 2009). Benbya and McKelvey (2006) have considered theoretically the co-evolutionary dynamics of these organizational levels as a function of IS/business alignment. They propose an emergent nature that underpins IS/business alignment “as a continuous coevolutionary process that reconciles top-down ‘rational design’ and bottom-up ‘emergent process’ of consciously and coherently interrelating all components of the IS/business alignment at three levels of analysis [strategic, operational and individual]”. This contemporary view innovates the integration of different alignment dimensions to consolidate a new IS/business alignment theory. For instance, the operational level of analysis includes social and structural or operational components. The dynamics at this level offers insights into how ITG mechanisms influence business process performance (Beimborn, Schlosser, & Weitzel, 2009). In addition, decision-making processes and relationships of stakeholders also contribute in such dynamics. However, operational performance also depends on structures and capabilities to establish making-decision mechanisms (Hirschheim & Sabherwal, 2001). To this end, decisions to develop what capabilities to implement and how they should be arranged are the result of strategic management decisions to realize IS/business value (Weill & Ross, 2004). ITG has been conceptualized as “the distribution of IT decision-making rights and responsibilities among different stakeholders in the enterprise, and defines the procedures and mechanisms of making and monitoring strategic IT decisions” (Peterson, O’Callaghan, & Ribbers, 2000). In this notion, managerial abilities play an important organizational role to coordinate activities related to IT plans, organization and controls. Peterson (2004) groups them in three sets according to their key mechanisms and also calls them capabilities. Each set embraces lateral structures, processes and relational capabilities. Process capability refers to the coordination of strategic IT monitoring and IT decision-making process. Relational capability comprises the collaboration of active business and IT partnership and shared learning. Structural capability involves the connection of formal mechanisms such as positions, roles and organizational structures to build liaisons between IT and business (see Table 1). 3 Internnational Journall of Business andd Management Vol. 10, No. 4; 2015 Table 1. Suummary of IT governance caapabilities (adaapted from Petterson et al., 20000) Strategies Tactics Relationall Structures Processes -Positions and a roles -Strategic IT deccision-making -Business aand IT partnershipps -Organizatioonal structures -IT Monitoring -Business aand IT shared learrning (Structurees and processes) Mechanismss 3.2 Mappiing SAMM’s Management M Prractices into IT TGAP Model Two modeels were used in i order to devvelop the propoosed frameworrk, the ITG asssessment proceess (ITGAP) model m proposed bby Peterson (22004) and the strategic matuurity model (SA AM) model prroposed by Luuftman (2000). The ITG assessment processs (ITGAP) moodel aims to eevaluate ITG effectiveness iin terms of IT TG capability, ITG complexityy and IT valuee. The structuree of this modell presents two axes, horizonttal and verticall. Horizontally y, this model inccludes an arraangement of thhree ITG capabilities to evvaluate the inttegration of IT T decision-ma aking processes. The assessmeent of ITG cappabilities helpss organizations to identify w what capabilities are in place e and guide how w to enable meechanisms to cconsolidate an effective ITG architecture. P Particularly, thhis research is only focused onn the horizontaal axe of this m model and the sstructure of ITG capabilities.. Figure 1. Cateegorization of IS/business alignment manaagement practicces in ITG cappabilities 4 International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 10, No. 4; 2015 The SAMM model was selected to provide IS/business alignment management practices for this study. The rationale to select this model was based on two main arguments. Firstly, existing IS/business alignment assessments are either theoretical conceptualizations or particular studies that cannot be applied generically in several organizations (Gutierrez, Orozco, Papazafeiropoulou, & Serrano, 2008). Hence, SAMM, on the contrary, is a practical method for analyzing organizational maturity of IS/business alignment by means of ranking management practices within five levels of maturity [initial, committed process, established focused, improved and optimized process]. Each of these levels is subdivided into six factors [communication, value, governance, partnership, scope & architecture, and skills] and each factor is also subdivided in a set of management practices, also called attributes. SAMM has recently been tested and validated (Sledgianowski & Luftman, 2005). Their findings show that the SAMM can be used as reliable diagnostic tool to improve the maturity levels of IS/business alignment. Gutierrez et al. (2009) also validates SAMM’s reliability. The authors analyze the significance of its factors against organization size and indicate that the six factors are significant for either large, medium or small organizations. Secondly, the SAAM has been enriched from previous research and is still generating research interests. The SAMM is originally based on the strategic alignment model (SAM) but, in comparison to the latter, it covers additional factors, for instance organizational value creation. The management practices proposed by SAMM were taken as sources of ITGAP mechanisms. In total 26 management practices were identified and categorized according the capabilities’ structure in ITGAP. The selected management practices were categorized in three key mechanisms, process, relational and structure. To do this categorization, descriptions of each attribute (management practices) in SAMM as well as definitions of components in ITGAP were taken as the main reference. This categorization was used as a reference for the case study analysis presented in the following section (see Figure 1). Since the ITG mechanisms can be elements of analysis in different IS/business alignment dimensions, it was decided to map ITG capabilities against different IS/business alignment dimensions. In practice, the implementation of ITG mechanisms might impact one or more organizational levels but also they might have been subject of analysis at different IS/business alignment dimensions. In this mapping, it was considered three sets of ITG capabilities [structure, process and relational] and four IS/business alignment dimensions [social, operational, informal structural and intellectual]. This mapping aimed to analyze the impact of different ITG capabilities at different IS/business alignment dimensions. The scope of each IS/business alignment dimension depicted in our mapping was based on definitions provided by Chan and Reich (2007) and Gutierrez et al. (2008). This mapping is also addressed the relationships between the three integration key mechanisms in order to indicate their management actions [coordination, collaboration and connection] and how they enable ITG integration. The final mapping is shown in figure 2. 4. Qualitative Analysis: A Case Study A case study approach was selected as a method of study as this research is focused on the context of managerial actions and their making decisions processes. One case study was conducted as a pilot to identify relevant IS/business alignment management practices that can moderate the design of ITG architectures. The framework proposed in Figure 2 was applied on one the snack food business unit (BU) of a large leading international food and beverage company, hereafter called CompX in 2010. Some positions at top management provide share services to other business units also within the snack food sector. Traditionally, business units have been independent and autonomous, as management identifies noticeable differences in their business rationale. However, the implementation of share services for both business units have been the cause of structural and functional changes over the past years. Although data from two business units in the same family business could limit the findings of this research, this attempt had an objective to test and present initial results from the proposed framework. For further enhancements, additional data from other two large organizations will be integrated to enrich the results presented in this paper. 5 Internnational Journall of Business andd Management Vol. 10, No. 4; 2015 F Figure 2. Mappping of integraation strategiess and tactics, annd IS/Business alignment diimensions Source: Adappted from Petersonn (2004). 4.1 Case SStudy CompX is headquarteredd in Mexico C City and is a leaader in the Meexican snack fo food market. C CompX is part of an internationnal business grroup in the seector of beveraages and foodd but in Mexicco CompX serrves as umbrellla to commerciaalize internatioonal as well aas local snackk brands. Com mpX is renow wned for the qquality, variety y and flavors off its products.. Locally, Com mpX controlss around 80% % of the Mexiican snacks m market and ho old a respectablee brand along their clients. D Due to a recennt organizationnal restructurattion, some mannagement posiitions at CompX X share servicess with other buusiness unit, heereafter called CompZ. Com mpZ is the largeest manufacturrer of cookies annd market leadder in Mexicoo. CompZ holdds well-knownn brands and ooffers a wide variety of pastries, oats, cereaals and cookiess. Both busineess units have bbeen facing seeveral IT changges in the last four years. On ne of the biggestt projects bothh business unitss are dealing w with is the implementation off SAP in core bbusiness proce esses. This projeect has been a starting pooint to transfform an orgaanization tradiitionally functtional into a new process-orriented organizzation. In addittion, several sttructural changges have been taking in placce over the past two years as coonsequence off a strategy based on higher pproductivity annd cost-decreassing. 4.2 Data C Collection The methoods to collect data includedd questionnairees and semi-sttructured interrviews. Both ssources were taken t into accouunt to perform m the analysis.. Although thee combinationn of research m methods in innformation sysstems research coould be uncom mmon, a multi--method researrch design cann bring noticeaable advantagees (Gable, 1994 4). In total, twennty face-to-facce semi- structuured interview ws were conduucted with a leength of approximately one hour. All interviiewed particippants were at managerial levvels and holdding executive,, senior, tacticcal and operattional manageriaal positions (seee Table 2). Exxecutive positiions included those participaants that have strategic roless and hold eitherr head or direcctor positions aat corporate leevel. Senior poositions involved strategic rooles that hold either e director orr head positioons at business unit level. T Tactical managgers include pparticipants inn charge of tac ctical implementtations such ass intra-organizzational or inteer-organizationnal projects att business unitt level. Operattional managers grouped manaagerial positioons closer to tthe execution of operationall activities or implementatio on of subsets of strategic projeects. In additioon, a balanced representationn between IT aand business rooles was consid dered (see Table 3). Table 2. N Number of sampples of data coollected Organizationnal position Data collection techniqque Questionnnaire Semii-structured intervviews (IT projeect alignment matuurity) Executive 5 Senior Manaager 5 Tactical Mannager 7 3 Operational M Manager 3 3 6 Internnational Journall of Business andd Management Vol. 10, No. 4; 2015 4.3 Methodd of Analysis Nvivo 8.00 was the maiin tool used inn support of the overall quualitative research effort. E Each interview was recorded aand later transscribed. All trranscripts weree uploaded annd saved into Nvivo as conntent sources. Each participantt was the unitt of analysis aand a case nodde per particippant was creatted. To map thhe content of each transcript aagainst the connstructors of thhe proposed frramework, a noode was createed per each maanagement pra actice depicted inn Figure 1. These nodes werre also arranged into coding hhierarchies. Too do so, a tree node structure e was created to categorize proocess, structurre and relationnal capabilitiess as indicated by ITGAP. Thhe content ana alysis was perforrmed coding each e interview w according thee defined nodees and identifyying relationshhips between them. t Questionnnaires were alsoo applied to m managers in chaarge of deliverring high IT-deependant projects. To analyze e this data, an aadapted version of the strattegic alignmennt maturity moodel to assesss strategic IT projects was used (Gutierrezz et al., 2008). Two strategic projects were assessed and six participantts involved in tthese projects were asked to annswer the quesstionnaire. Table 3. R Role of intervieewed organizattional positionss Organizationnal role Number oof interviewed peoople IT 5 Business 13 Both 2 The analyysis was focused on the idenntification of the relevance of each manaagement practtice along diffferent making-deecision processses and its imppact in the IT/bbusiness value perceived. Thhe results from m the questionn naires helped to corroborate thhe results from m the intervieews and provided additionaal insights. W When potential new constructoors were identtified, free noodes were creeated. Howevver, these new w nodes only helped to ou utline characterisstics, similaritties and differrences betweeen both businness units. It w was also perfformed a chec cking process to ensure that possible missinng content wass not included in the final codification. Thhe identificatio on of relevant cooded nodes waas performed aassessing the nnumber of codding references and using quuery functiona alities in Nvivo. The queries were w defined aand executed ttaking into acccount the orgaanizational rolle and position ns of participantts. For instancce, content coodification from m executive aand senior maanagers was rrelevant to ide entify strategic rrelational inteegration proceesses, strategic relational iintegration strructures and formal integrration processes since these capabilities c inffluence the inntellectual or sstrategic dimeension of IS/bbusiness alignm ment. Similarly, content codification from taactical and opeerational managgers was relevvant to identifyy formal integrration process, fo formal integrattion structuress, tactical relattional integrattion process aand tactical rellational integrration structures, as these capabbilities influennce the operatioonal dimensionn of IS/businesss alignment. 4.4 Analyssis and Discusssion Formal caapabilities [strructural and pprocess] appear as core reeferences in oorder to improve organizational integrationn. Particularlyy, the restructuuration or reddesign of form mer organizatiional structurees is perceive ed as applicable attempts to acchieve higher oorganizationall integration. H However, the im mplementationn of new proce esses, their redesign or changges are perceeived as bureaaucratic activities that limiit organizationnal flexibility and responsiveeness. Similarr results indiccate that orgaanizational strructures tend to implemennt easier relattional capabilitiees in comparisoon to process ccapabilities (De Haes & Van Grembergen, 2009). F Figure 3. Form mal integration process codifiication at strateegic level 7 Internnational Journall of Business andd Management Vol. 10, No. 4; 2015 Figgure 4. Formal integration strructures codifiication at operaational level Formal inttegration proceesses undertakke an angular pplace within ouur proposed fraamework. Threee formal processes, IT investm ment managem ment, IT projectt prioritizationn and business planning, inflluence significcantly the desig gn of ITG architectures. Com mmonly, these three processes are fundam mental pieces along the straategic IS planning. Strategic IIS planning recconciles bottom m-up and top-ddown approaches during thee strategy form mulation (Benbya & McKelveyy, 2006) and innfluences the oorganization att strategic, tactical and operational levels as long as uniiform and consistent decisionns towards IT T projects andd investments are made (P Peak, Guynes, & Kroon, 2005). However, literature in IS/business I aliignment has raarely shown sstudies that inntegrate strateggic and operattional dimensionns (Gutierrez, Orozco, O & Seerrano, 2009). Conversely, bbusiness and IS S planning proocess consists of a multilevel scope that inccludes the impplementation of both operativve and strategiic managemennt practices in order o to be effective (Grant, Hackney, & E Edgar, 2009). The businesss planning proocess was idenntified relevan nt for strategic leevel positions whereas the IT investmentt management process for sstrategic, tacticcal and operattional positions ((see Figure 3)). At operatioonal level, the IT project prrioritization prrocess was allso diagnosed with pertinent aattention. r IS/Buusiness alignmeent managemeent practices foor the design of ITG architectures Figure 5. IIntegration of relevant der to Luftman ((2000) does noot suggest anyy relationship between attribbutes since alll are equally rrelevant in ord assess IS/bbusiness alignnment. Howevver, some attrributes can bee consequencees or antecedeents of others. For instance, bboth business planning p and IIT project priooritization proccesses can be ccategorized ass sub-process in the stages of tthe IT investm ment managem ment process. In the proposed frameworkk we address tthese relationsships. Both businness planning and IT projecct prioritizationn process havee been depicteed as relationshhips since they y can be precediing sub-process of IT investment managgement. For innstance, a forrmal IT investtment management process caan be structureed in five keyy stages (idea generation, business case ggeneration, invvestment selec ction, 8 International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 10, No. 4; 2015 project implementation and achieving benefit) (Sherer, 2007). All results discussed in this section are presented and mapped in the proposed framework in Figure 5. 5. Discussions and Conclusions The results from this research indicate that at operational and tactical levels, improving the coordination of the IT investment management process and enabling structures that strengthen the connection of budgetary controls will impact the integration of additional formal capabilities and consequently moderate positively the process of IS/business alignment and enable mechanisms to design effective ITG architectures (see Figure 4). For example, between strategic and operational levels, promoting program management practices would influence collaboration towards a unified understanding of IT and business knowledge. From a practitioner’s point of view, these results suggest that management should concentrate and put special emphasis in control mechanisms to support and monitor the IT investment management process and consolidate it by means of improved structural costing schemas. Specially, there is a need to permeate balanced practices between stakeholders. 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