PERRY COUNTY ARCHERS CLUB YOUTH INSTRUCTIONAL LEAGUE INFORMATION CONTACT INFORMATION Instructors: Todd Lydell Phone: 567-7464 Cell : 717-395-2233 Email: Jeff Pio Phone: 582-0617 Email: McLane Lydell Cell: 717-254-9544 Email: Club Phone: 582-8409 There are other club members who will be assisting us throughout the year. They will be helping out with any work that needs to be done on bows. INSTRUCTIONS 10 yard shooters – sessions will run 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM 20 yard shooters – sessions will run 10:15 AM – 11:30 AM The green bulletin board area is for the youth. Check the bulletin board every time you come in for information or updates. There is a sign-in board near the green bulletin board. Each time you attend a Saturday morning Youth Instructional League session, find your name and place an "X" under the correct date. Please be ready to shoot at your scheduled start time. Ready, S.E.T., Go…. There are three things each shooter must do before your scheduled start time… 1. Sign In 2. Equipment Ready (bow, arrows, release, quiver) 3. Target Up ONLY SHOOTERS AND INSTRUCTORS ARE PERMITTED BEYOND THE ORANGE CONE SAFETY LINE AT ANY TIME. NON SHOOTERS – Please be courteous to the shooters and instructors. During the course of each session, the instructors will be passing along valuable shooting and safety information. It is IMPERATIVE that noise levels be kept at a reasonable level so that the shooters may concentrate and be able to hear the shooting and safety instructions. If the LANE BELL is sounded, noise levels are too loud and EVERYONE is asked to please reduce the volume. JOIN US ON FACEBOOK !!! The Youth League has a group on Facebook! This is a closed group which means you must ask for and receive permission to join the group. Only those who have received permission can view the group page. Join our group so you can stay informed on what’s going on in the youth league, share your pictures and achievements, and be aware of announcements or weather related issues. Search on Facebook for “Perry County Archers Youth League” and request permission to join. You must have a Facebook account. You can also search for just “Perry County Archers” for the club’s Facebook page. INSTRUCTIONS CONTINUED Club membership is required to participate in the Youth Instructional League. Please contact our Membership Director for an application. There are a limited number of club bows available for use. If you sign up to use a club bow, that is your bow for the duration of the league. Simply return the bow to the closet after class, remember your bow number, and get that bow at the next class. You may also sign your bow out to take home with you to practice with but you must fill out a separate form. Any bows signed out MUST be returned to the club on the last day of classes. If you need to borrow a bow, please see one of the instructors. These will be signed out on a first-come-first served basis. Once a bow is assigned to you, please make sure that number is on your registration form. If a bow needs adjustments, please tell an instructor. The Perry County Archers Club Board of Directors has authorized that each member in the Youth Instructional League may shoot for FREE in any of the club’s 2015 archery shoots. When the kitchen is open during any of these shoots, each member will also get a free hot dog….but you must participate in the event. On the last day of the league (March 21), we will be having a breakfast and handing out prizes. ***If you are going to shoot Indoor States, you must notify an instructor by Feb 21. At the conclusion of the State Indoor Championships, everyone is encouraged and invited to remain for awards. Pizza will be provided. EQUIPMENT INSPECTIONS: Bowhunter & Barebow Divisions Each shooter in these divisions must have their equipment (primary and any back up equipment that may be used) inspected and scorecard verified to determine that the equipment is legal for the division based on the rules found in the PSAA rulebook. Inspection time: 7:00am – 7:45am Failure to have this completed during inspection time will result in the shooter being placed in the unlimited division. REGIONAL AND STATE SHOOT SCHEDULE PSAA SC Regional Indoor Championships – March 13-15 (York/Adams - Abbottstown, PA) PSAA State Indoor Championships – April 11, 12 (Farm Show Building – Harrisburg, PA) PSAA SC Regional Target Championships – June 7 (York Archers – York, PA) PSAA State Target Championships – June 27, 28 (New Kingstown Fire Hall – New Kingstown, PA) PSAA SC Regional Field / Hunter Championships – July 5 (Halifax Archers – Halifax, PA) PSAA State Field / Hunter Championships – July 18, 19 (Mechanicsburg - Mechanicsburg, PA) PSAA SC Regional Bowhunter / Animal Championships – August 2 (York Archers – York, PA) PSAA State Bowhunter / Animal Championships – August 15, 16 (Mechanicsburg - Mechanicsburg, PA) Note: PSAA membership is required to participate in the above events. In the event that a Saturday morning session is cancelled, it will be posted prior to 8:00 AM on the Perry County Archers Youth League Facebook page, the Perry County Archers Facebook page, and on our club’s website ( in the “PCA News Update” section in the upper right corner. ONLINE VIDEOS There are several instructional videos available that might help you with some of the things we go over in class. GET YOUR PARENT’S PERMISSION BEFORE GETTING ONLINE. Visit and go to the Videos page Available videos… Introduction Proper Form Common Archery Terms Bow Parts Pulling Arrows Determine Your Dominant Eye Gripping the Bow Kisser Button Proper Draw Weight More videos will be posted in the future. LOTS OF OTHER ARCHERY AND HUNTING STUFF TOO! PERRY COUNTY ARCHERS CLUB The Perry County Archers Club also has a website that contains club information, contacts, shoot schedules, and a bunch of other information. GET YOUR PARENT’S PERMISSION BEFORE GETTING ONLINE. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS JAN 4 - Introductions, Instructions, Dominant Eye, Pulling Arrows, TARGETS JAN 11 - Pulling Arrows, Shooting Form, 3D JAN 18 - Shooting Form, Aiming, TARGETS JAN 25 - Aiming, Gripping the Bow, TARGETS 7:00 – Club Grocery Shoot FEB 1 - Gripping the Bow, Release, BALLOONS FEB 8 - Release, Follow Through, TARGETS FEB 15 - Follow Through, Kisser Button, TARGETS 7:00 – Club Grocery Shoot FEB 22 - QUARTERS Deadline to notify instructors if shooting Indoor States MAR 1 - Bring-Your-Own TARGETS MAR 8 - TARGETS 7:00 - Club Grocery Shoot MAR 14-16 – Indoor Regionals MAR 15 – TARGETS 7:00 – Club Grocery Shoot MAR 22 – TARGETS MAR 29 - 9:00 AM for everyone. Breakfast. No shooting. Family and friends are invited. APR 5, 6 - PSAA State Indoor Championships at the Farm Show in Harrisburg.
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