Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition One Controller - Any Bus Connecting Programmable Automation Controllers ,Measurements, Sensors, Networks and PLCs Ian Bell - National Instruments Ir. Jos Pramudijanto, M.Eng. Jurusan Teknik Elektro FTI ITS Telp. 5947302 Fax.5931237 Email: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 1 Objektif: Industrial Communications Overview Why Connect a PAC to Industrial Networks and PLCs? 3 Methods to Connect to Any PLC or Device Basic Analogue and Digital I/O Industrial Network Communication OPC Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 2 Industrial Communications Overview Industrial communications connect industrial devices such as PLCs, sensors and actuators Common Industrial Networks •DeviceNet •PROFIBUS •Modbus TCP •Modbus Serial •CANopen •FOUNDATION fieldbus •Interbus •CC-Link •LonWorks •HART •PROFINET •Ethernet/IP Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 3 PAC Architecture Software Capabilities Ruggedness and reliability of PLC Software capabilities of PC Modular and diverse I/O PAC PC PLC Ruggedness and Reliability Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 4 Why Connect PACs to Industrial Networks and PLCs? High-speed analogue measurements High-resolution analogue measurements Advanced analysis (digital filtering, frequency analysis) Custom hardware performance with FPGA technology High-speed closed-loop control FPGA-based processing and analysis Custom Sensors/Measurements Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 5 3 Methods to Connect to Any PLC Basic I/O Analogue/Digital Industrial Communications OPC PACs PLCs Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 6 Basic I/O Cheap, Easy, Fast and Effective Available on every platform Analog and digital I/O options PLC users can easily integrate analogue and digital I/O into their code Allows PACs to act as intelligent devices Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 7 Basic I/O Advantages Fast, deterministic, little or no software overhead Considerations Doesn’t scale well Point-to-point wiring (parallel) Can’t communicate lots of data Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 8 Example Automated Filling of Aerosol Cans Existing PLC system was being used to automate the filling of aerosol cans PLC did not have the capability to do high-speed analogue for pressure measurements NI CompactRIO PAC was used for highspeed pressure measurements on 8 channels (2 k per channel) CompactRIO and PLC were integrated using digital I/O Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 9 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 10 3 Methods to Connect to Any PLC Basic I/O Analogue/Digital Industrial Communications OPC PACs PLCs Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 11 Methods for Industrial Communications Plug-In Interface s Ethernet/Serial Performance/Determinism Versatility Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 Gateways over Ethernet, Serial 12 Plug-In Communication Boards CAN and CANopen DeviceNet FOUNDATION fieldbus Serial (RS232, RS422, RS485) Third-party PROFIBUS (Comsoft) Support for PXI, PCI, PCMCIA, and CompactRIO Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 Plug-In Interfaces 13 Plug-In Communication Boards Plug-In Interfaces Advantages Direct, deterministic communication with the processor Timing and synchronisation with other I/O (DAQ) High-level API support for LabVIEW and other programming languages Considerations Many smaller buses and protocols are not supported Many only available on PC and PXI (real-time supported) Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 14 Example : PROFIBUS PROFIBUS master/slave for PXI and PCI More than 2 million nodes Popular in Europe and Asia Recommended: Comsoft DF PROFI II interfaces Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 15 cRIO-PBMaster/Slave and cRIO-PBSlave cRIO PB Master/Slave module Supports operation as DP Master or DP Slave Ships with configuration tool configurator II for DP Master configuration Ships with GSD file to configure any DP Master system cRIO PB Slave module Supports operation as DP Slave Ships with GSD file to configure any DP Master system Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 16 Ethernet-based Industrial Protocols Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet/IP EtherCAT Profinet Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 17 Why Ethernet: Protocols Modbus Modbus TCP/IP DeviceNet EtherNet/IP CanOPEN EtherCAT PROFIBUS PROFInet Traditional Industrial Protocols Ethernet Physical Layer Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 Modbus TCP/IP Overview • First industrial protocol on Ethernet (introduced 1999) Based on Modbus developed by Modicon in 1979 Widely adopted and open Ethernet standard Advantages Uses standard Ethernet (hardware and TCP/IP transport layer) Open and relatively simple Disadvantages Not a hard real-time protocol Does not deliver determinism Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 19 Ethernet-based Industrial Protocols Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet/IP EtherCAT Profinet Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 20 EtherNet/IP Overview Dominant bus for Rockwell Automation Managed by Open Device Vendors Association (ODVA) Extends DeviceNET concepts to Ethernet Advantages Uses Ethernet transport layer (TCP and UDP) Disadvantages Can overload networks with UDP messages if not correctly configured, recommend managed switches with IGMP snooping Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 21 Ethernet/IP Terminology Explicit Messages • TCP/IP • Used to set parameters and initiate implicit communication Implicit Messages • UDP/IP multicast • Used to communicate I/O data • Normally set-up for cyclical updates Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 22 Communication from NI PAC to ControlLogix and ComapctLogix PLCs Ethernet/IP Uses explicit messaging Available for download from NI Labs Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 23 Third-Party Gateways Wide variety of communication buses and protocols supported Gateways over Ethernet or serial-based Ethernet, Perfect for non-PXI, PCI, and PCMCIA Serial systems PROFIBUS DeviceNet EthernetIP ControlNet Ethernet Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 26 Example Adding Vision for Food Processing Optimisation Needed NI Compact Vision System to calculate the mass/volume of the food item coming through on the conveyor belt Ethernet/IP connectivity was a requirement Modbus TCP EthernetIP Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 27 3 Methods to Connect LabVIEW to Any PLC Basic I/O Analogue/Digital Industrial Communications OPC NI PACs PLCs Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 28 What Is OPC? Universal language for reading and writing data OPC Client: Read and write to OPC OPC Server: Translates between OPC and devicespecific protocols Windows PC English English Speaker: Speaker: “Hello!” “Hello!” English Spanish Translator Spanish Speaker German Translator German Speaker Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 French Translator French Speaker 29 OPC Client Windows PC Allen-Bradley OPC Server Ethernet/IP PLCs PROFINET Siemens OPC Server CCLink Mitsubishi OPC Server OPC Driver Device-Specific OPC Server OPC Client OPC Client Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 30 NI OPC Servers for Third-Party PLCs OPC support for more than 100 PLCs Connects with LabVIEW DSC OPC client Evaluation version included with DSC Servers included for: •Allen-Bradley •AutomationDirect •Cutler-Hammer •GE •Hilscher •Modbus •Omron •Philips •Siemens •Toshiba •WAGO •Yaskawa •Yokogawa •…and more! • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 31 OPC Advantages Most universal Least device-dependent Ideal for HMI and SCADA applications Considerations Slower, not deterministic, single-point only Can require PC-based OPC servers Not for safety or critical communications Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 32 ABCO Adds LabVIEW to PLC System “The ease by which NI can speak to ABS brake testing system the Allen-Bradley hardware saved me valuable time on this deliveryPXI for high-speed encodercritical job.” -Arif Bustani, electrical engineer measurements ABCO Added to existing Allen-Bradley PLC assembly line OPC used for communication between PXI and Allen-Bradley PLCs Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 33 Summary PACs add flexibility to connect to anything Use PACs to add any measurements to existing system 3 Methods to Connect PAC to Any PLC: Basic Analogue and Digital I/O Native Industrial Communications OPC Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 34 Online Resources – Modbus TCP/IP – Ethernet/IP – EtherCAT - PROFINET Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition - 05 35
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