Alexandru Marcoci PhD Candidate in Philosophy Philosophy, Logic & Scientific Method London School of Economics H (+44) 2079556338 B Í Revised: May 12, 2015 Specialisation AOS Epistemology, Rational Choice Theory, Philosophy of Science AOC Philosophy of Social Science, Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Language, Logic Education 2012–16 PhD Philosophy, London School of Economics. Formal Explorations in the Limits of Rationality (Supervisor: Luc Bovens) 2011–12 MSc Philosophy of Science, London School of Economics, Double distinction. Two Resolutions to the Absentminded Driver Problem (Supervisor: Luc Bovens) 2008–10 MSc Logic, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam. The Surprise Exam Paradox in Dynamic Epistemic Logic (Supervisors: Johan van Benthem and Sonja Smets) 2005–08 BA Philosophy, University of Bucharest. Employment 01/13- Graduate Teaching Assistant, London School of Economics. Teaching classes in logic, philosophy of science and evidence-based policy 11/14- Editorial Assistant, Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric. 10/12- Communications Officer, Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science. Website design and management, social media and general communications. Teaching Graduate Teaching Assistant PH101 Logic: 2012-15, for John Worrall. Class teaching and exam marking PH231 Evidence and Policy: 2014-15, for John Worrall. Class teaching and exam marking PH201 Philosophy of Science: 2013-14 for Miklós Rédei. Class teaching and exam marking Guest Lecturer 08/13 Government and Politics Course, Choice 2013 Summer School. Grants and Awards 2015 Honourable commendation for excellent class teaching. For class teaching in the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method at the LSE. Awarded on the basis of student satisfaction surveys. 2014 LSE Students Union Teaching Excellence Award. For "Collaborative Research and Guidance". This is a school-wide prize awarded by the Students’ Union and the Teaching and Learning Centre based on nomination letters received from students. In 2014 there were 450 members of staff nominated ranging from GTAs to Professors. I was one of the 7 winners. 1/5 2012 Imre Lakatos Prize. Best overall performance (including dissertation) in the MSc Philosophy of Science at LSE. Conference Organisation Grants 06/15 British Society for the Philosophy of Science 06/14 British Society for the Philosophy of Science 06/14 LSE Annual Fund Travel Grants 06/15 03/15 11/14 11/14 07/14 07/14 06/13 09/11 Postgraduate Travel Grant for Objectivity 2015, University of Tilburg Postgraduate Travel Grant for Pitt-CMU Graduate Conference, Carnegie Mellon University LSE Postgraduate Travel Grant LSE Postgraduate Travel Grant British Society for the Philosophy of Science LSE Postgraduate Travel Grant Society for Applied Philosophy Analysis Trust Study Scholarships 2012-15 2011-12 2011-12 2008-10 2005-08 British Society for the Philosophy of Science Doctoral Scholarship Imre Lakatos MSc Scholarship, LSE Open Horizons Scholarship, Dinu Patriciu Foundation, Bucharest Huygens Scholarship, Dutch Ministry of Education Study Scholarship, University of Bucharest Publications Reviews 2015 "Review of Quitting Certainties: A Bayesian Framework Modeling Degrees of Belief, Michael G. Titelbaum. Oxford University Press, 2013, xii + 345 pages". Economics and Philosophy 31(1):195-200 Conference Proceedings 2012 "The Surprise Examination Paradox in Dynamic Epistemic Logic", in Demey, L., de Vuyst, J. (eds), Proceedings of PhDs in Logic III, Brussels, Belgium, 17 & 18 February 2011, London: College Publications Editorial work 2014 Logic and Interactive Rationality Yearbook 2012, co-edited with Zoé Christoff, Paolo Galeazzi, Nina Gierasimczuk and Sonja Smets (2 volumes) 2012 Logic and Interactive Rationality Yearbook 2011, co-edited with Alexandru Baltag, Davide Grossi, Ben Rodenhauser and Sonja Smets Work in progress "Correcting Inconsistencies in the Book of Nature" (with James Nguyen) "On the Rationality of Theory Choice" (with James Nguyen) "Should We Treat Self-Locating Beliefs with Indifference?" "Solving the Absentminded Driver Problem Through Deliberation" "On the Limits of Fairness: Local and Global Fairness" "In Defense of Fair Lotteries" "On the Stability of the Stability Theory of Belief" 2/5 "Review of Evidence, Decision and Causality by Arif Ahmed, Cambridge University Press", for the British Journal for the Philosophy of Science Conference Presentations Theory Choice vs. Social Choice (with James Nguyen) 23-26/09/15 "On the Rationality of Theory Choice," Theory Choice meets Social Choice Symposium, EPSA 2015, Düsseldorf 10-12/06/15 "Scientific Objectivity and Rationality: a dilemma," 8th Munich-Sydney-Tilburg Conference in Philosophy of Science, Tilburg 20-21/03/15 "On the Rationality of Theory Choice," 17th Annual Pitt/CMU Graduate Student Philosophy Conference, Pittsburgh. 2-3/09/14 "Should the virtue pluralist fear Arrovian Nihilism?" First London Philosophy of Science Graduate Workshop, London (Presented by James Nguyen) The Absentminded Driver Paradox 6-8/11/14 "Solving the Absentminded Driver Problem Through Deliberation," The Twenty-Fourth Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Chicago 10-11/07/14 "Solving the Absentminded Driver Problem Through Deliberation," Annual Conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, Cambridge 08-10/07/13 "Beliefs and Strategies in Decision Problems with Imperfect Information," Games and Decisions, Pisa (Invited) The Numbers Problem 24-27/06/13 "In defense of fair lotteries," British Postgraduate Philosophy Association Conference, Glasgow 17-19/06/13 "In defense of fair lotteries," Second Reasoning Club Conference, Pisa (Invited) Procedural Information in Dynamic Epistemic Logic 07/07/11 "Procedural Information: Computer Science, Game Theory, Philosophy," Ontological, Epistemological and Methodological Aspects of CS, Stuttgart The Surprise Exam Paradox in Dynamic Epistemic Logic 21/02/11 "The Surprise Examination Paradox in Dynamic Epistemic Logic," Logic Tea, Amsterdam (Invited) 17-18/02/11 "The Surprise Examination Paradox in Dynamic Epistemic Logic," PhDs in Logic III, Brussels 16-20/08/10 "The Surprise Examination Paradox in Dynamic Epistemic Logic," Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Intelligent Interaction, Copenhagen (Invited) Thought Experiments in Philosophy 21-26/08/08 "Thought Experiments: inferential vs. explanatory," 6th European Congress of Analytical Philosophy, Krakow 30-05/08/08 "New Work for Thought Experiments," 22nd World Congress in Philosophy, Seoul Replies 19-20/05/15 "Reply to ’Shape Perception in a Relativistic Universe’ by Peter Epstein", The 12th Annual Berkeley-London Philosophy Conference, Berkeley. 27/02/15 "‘Why Epistemic Normativity Won’t Come From What is Constitutive of Belief’ by Charles Coté-Bouchard," Institute of Philosophy: Spring Graduate Philosophy Conference, London 07/02/14 "’Collective Responsibility in the Absence of Collective Agency’, by R. Bascara," Institute of Philosophy: Spring Graduate Philosophy Conference, London 09/12/12 "’Evans’s Attack on Tense Logic’, by J. MacIntosh, "Institute of Philosophy: Winter Graduate Philosophy Conference, London 3/5 22-25/09/11 "’A Physical Argument Against Composition’, by J. Erhardt," British Postgraduate Philosophy Association Conference, Reading Impact Research My MSc dissertation "The Surprise Exam Paradox in Dynamic Epistemic Logic" was: Cited in Ardeshir, M. and R. Ramezanian. "A solution to the surprise exam paradox in constructive mathematics." The Review of Symbolic Logic 5 (2012): 679-686; and assigned as a required reading for PHIL 290-7 Graduate Seminar: Epistemic Logic & Epistemology, Fall 2012, University of Berkeley. Civil Service 03-06/11 I wrote several reports on the position of the Netherlands before meetings of the Council of the European Union. Some of these reports were included in the official briefing of the Romanian delegation attending the meetings (ministerial level). Public Engagement 9-10/07/15 Teacher for the Harris Experience Summer School, Kenwood House, London 26/06/14 Panellist for the Forum for European Philosophy - Philosophy Challenge, LSE 2013 LSE Research Festival video entry on Rational Deliberation 2011 Collaborated with Hollybush Gardens Gallery in London for the exhibition "Logical Paintings: A to E" by Benoit-Marie Service to the Profession Refereeing 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 Eight Workshop in Decision, Games and Logic, LSE, 17-19 June Review of Symbolic Logic Fourth LSE Graduate Conference in Philosophy of Probability, 6-7 June 2014 Philosophia British Journal for the Philosophy of Science Stat. The ISI’s Journal for the Rapid Dissemination of Statistics Research Conference Organisation 23-26/09/15 Symposium on Theory Choice meets Social Choice meets Theory Choice at The Fifth Biennial Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA15) Düsseldorf, Germany 2015 Eight Workshop in Decision, Games and Logic, LSE, 17-19 June 2014 Fourth LSE Graduate Conference in Philosophy of Probability, LSE, 6-7 June Research Seminar Organisation 2012- The Choice Group Seminar Series, LSE 2011- Lent Reading Group in Philosophical Logic, LSE 03-08/11 Logic and Interactive Rationality Seminar, ILLC, Amsterdam Departmental Committee 2011-2014 Student Representative in the Student-Staff Liaison Committee, LSE. Responsible for the Department’s PhD placement record. Graduate Coursework London School of Economics 2014-15 Research Methods in Philosophy: The Stability Theory of Belief (David Makinson)∗ 4/5 2013-14 2013-14 2013-14 2013-14 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 Problems of Analytic Philosophy (Foad Dizadji-Bahmani and Christian List) Set Theory and Further Logic (Miklós Rédei and David Makinson) Choice Group (Richard Bradley) Methodology of the Social Sciences (Luc Bovens) Research Methods in Philosophy: Philosophical Logic (David Makinson)∗ Philosophy of Science (Miklös Rédei) Evidence, Objectivity and Policy (Nancy Cartwright, Roman Frigg and John Worrall) Rationality and Choice (Richard Bradley, Nick Baigent, Wulf Gaertner) University of Amsterdam 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 Philosophical Logic (Catarina Dutilh Novaes) Intuitionistic Logic (Dick de Jongh) Dynamic Epistemic Logic (Johan van Benthem) Advanced Introduction to Philosophy of Language Vagueness, Reasoning and Language (Lucian Zãgan) Introduction to Modal Logic (Alessandra Palmigiano)∗ Model Theory (Jouko Väänänen)∗ Axiomatic Set Theory (Jouko Väänänen) Introduction to Game Theory (Peter van Emde Boas) Meaning, Reference and Modality (Paul Dekker) Core Logic (Benedikt Loewe) Kant, Logic and Cognition (Michiel van Lambalgen) Philosophy of Mathematics (Benedikt Loewe) University of Groningen 2009-10 Logics of Information Change (Barteld Kooi and Sonja Smets) 2009-10 Dynamic Interactive Belief Revision (Sonja Smets) ∗ I only attended these courses and my participation was not formally assessed. Computer Skills LATEX, Mathematica, SPSS (Basic knowledge), HTML, Wordpress, Contensis Management System, Adobe Illustrator, Moodle. References Luc Bovens Professor of Philosophy and Head of Department Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method London School of Economics and Political Science Miklós Rédei Professor of Philosophy Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method London School of Economics and Political Science 5/5
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