Bryan W. Roberts Curriculum Vitae: May 3, 2015 Philosophy, Logic & Scientific Method London School of Economics & Political Science Areas of Study AOS AOC foundations of physics, history and philosophy of science logic, philosophy of economics, philosophy of mathematics, bioethics Academic Appointments 2013 2012 to present. Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Logic & Scientific Method, London School of Economics & Political Science to 2013. Provost’s Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Southern California Education Ph.D. B.S. B.A. History & Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, Sep. 2012. Mathematics, University of Washington, Dec. 2005 Philosophy, University of Washington, with College Honors, Dec. 2005 Peer-Reviewed Articles 10. Forth. “Three merry roads to T-violation.” To appear in Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. 9. Forth. “Comment on Ashtekar: Generalization of Wigner’s Principle.” To appear in Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. 8. 2014 “A general perspective on time observables.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 47:50-54. 7. 2013 “When we do (and do not) have a classical arrow of time.” Philosophy of Science 80(5):1112-1124. 6. 2013 “The simple failure of Curie’s Principle.” Philosophy of Science 80(4):579-592. 10.1086/673212 5. 2012 “Kramers degeneracy without eigenvectors.” Physical Review A 86(3):034103. http://dx.doi. org/10.1103/PhysRevA.86.034103 4. 2012 (with John D. Norton) “The Scaling of Speeds and Distances in Galileo’s Two New Sciences: A reply to Palmerino and Laird.” Centaurus 54(2):182-191. 2012.00263.x 3. 2012 (with John D. Norton) “Galileo’s refutation of the speed-distance law of fall rehabilitated.” Centaurus 54(2):148-164. 2. 2011 “How Galileo Dropped the Ball and Fermat Picked It Up.” Synthese 180(3):337-356. http://dx. 1. 2011 “Group Structural Realism.” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62(1):47-69. http://dx. 1 Articles In Submission “Disregarding the Hole Argument” “Curie’s Hazard: From electromagnetism to symmetry violation” Selected Works in Progress “Geometric Representations of Quantum Theory”, with Nicholas J. Teh “Three myths about time reversal in quantum theory” (manuscript available upon request) “Does quantum time have a preferred direction” (manuscript available upon request) “Jauch’s theorem” (manuscript available upon request) Book Manuscripts The Curious Case of Reversal in Time: The physics and philosophy of time reversal Manuscript, Sample chapters available upon request. Philosophico-Scientific Adventures Free public eBook, Genes, Brains and Beyond Free public eBook, Dissertation Time, Symmetry and Structure, supervised by John Earman and John D. Norton, with committee members Robert Batterman, Laura Ruetsche, and Giovanni Valente. Electronic Dissertation available at http://d-scholarship. Teaching Experience Teaching at LSE Spr 2015 Fall 2014 Spr 2014 Spr 2014 Philosophy of Science (PH 201/400) TQARO Average Overall Performance: Lecture 1.1 (BSc), 1.1 (MSc). Seminars: 1.2, 1.0. Philosophy of Science (PH 201/400) Genes, Brains and Society (PH 227/427) - Course Proposer TQARO Average Overall Performance: Lecture: 1.6 (BSc), 1.0 (Msc). Seminar: 1.0. Reason, Knowledge and Values (PH 103) TQARO Average Overall Performance: Lecture 1.3 (Bsc). Other Teaching Spr 2013 Fall 2012 Spr 2010 Fall 2009 Methodologies of the Sciences (PHIL 486), University of Southern California Einstein’s Spacetime Revolution (ARLT 100), University of Southern California Morality & Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Principles of Scientific Reasoning, University of Pittsburgh 2 Service Service at LSE: School Jan 2014-present Dec 2013-present Academic Consultation Group, Web Improvement Programme IT Portfolio Board Service at LSE: Philosophy Sep 2014-present Jun 2014-present Jun 2014-present Jan 2014-present Nov 2013-present Nov 2013-Jun 2014 MSc Programme Coordinator, Philosophy of Science Web and Outreach Coordinator PhD Placement Officer Convener of the Sigma Club Lecture Series, CPNSS MSc Admissions Selector Fellow of the Forum for European Philosophy Service to the Profession Mar 2015-present Mar 2013-present Aug 2012-present Aug 2009-Aug 2012 Governing Board Member, British Society for the Philosophy of Science Developer and Manager of USC Logic Web, a public web application for learning logic, Executive Committee, PhilSci-Archive, Official online preprint repository of the Philosophy of Science Association, Archive Manager, PhilSci-Archive Journal Referee Service British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Dialectica, Ergo, Erkenntnis, Foundations of Physics, Humana.mente Journal of Philosophical Studies, Journal of General Philosophy of Science, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophy of Science, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, Synthese, Theoria. Programme Committee Service British Society for the Philosophy of Science 2015 Annual Conference European Philosophy of Science Association 2015 Biennial Conference Conferences Organised 2015 2014 2014 2013 2012 From Physics to Metaphysics and Back Again (Trinity College, Cambridge), 6-7 Feb 2015. Lakatos Award Conference on Philosophy of Physics (LSE), 21 Oct 2014, CoOrganised with John Worrall. Quantum Time (Center for Philosophy of Science, Pittsburgh), 28-29 March 2014, Co-Organized with Thomas Pashby and Giovanni Valente. Relativity Meets Quantum Theory (CPNSS, London School of Economics), 28-29 Nov 2013, Co-Organized with Adam Caulton and Eleanor Knox. Irreversibility in Axiomatic Thermodynamics (Trinity College, Cambridge), 30 Nov 2013, Co-Organized with Adam Caulton and Eleanor Knox. 7th Quadrennial Fellows Conference of the Center for Philosophy of Science (University of Pittsburgh / Mu˘gla, Turkey), November 2012, Co-Organized with Mehmet Elgin, Peter Machamer, Ali Osman G¨undo˘gan, John D. Norton. 3 Awards 2011 2010 2008 2007 2006 Dissertation Research Improvement Award #1058902, National Science Foundation. Rob Clifton Memorial Book Prize in Philosophy of Physics, University of W. Ontario. Wesley Salmon Award, University of Pittsburgh. Arts & Science Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh. Andrew Mellon Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh. Talks Invited Academic Talks 25. “Mathematical representation and the hole argument,” Applying Homotopy Type Theory to physics workshop, University of Bristol, 7-8 Apr 2015 24. “On the meaning of time reversal,” Popper Seminar, Philosophy, LSE, 10 Mar 2015 23. “Quantum field theory on K¨ahler manifolds,” Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, 5 Jan 2015 22. “Curie’s hazard,” Lecture programme of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, 24 Nov 2014 21. “The curious case of reversal in time,” University of Leeds, 29 Oct 2014 20. “A general perspective on time observables,” University of Bristol, 11 Jun 2014 19. “A general perspective on time observables,” London Foundations Connection, LSE, 14 May 2014 18. “Curie’s Principle,” University of Rome III, 16 Apr 2014 17. “Two Merry Roads to T -violation,” LSE Sigma Club, 3 Feb 2014 16. “Two Merry Roads to T -violation,” Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, 18 Mar 2014 15. “Classical time obsevables,” Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, 4 Jan 2014 14. “Three Merry Roads to T -violation,” Workshop on Cosmology and Time, Penn State University, 16-17 Apr 2013 13. “The Curious Case of Reversal in Time,” LSE Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, 5 Feb 2013 12. “The simple failure of Curie’s principle,” Philosophy, University of Minnesota, 14 Feb 2013 11. “The simple failure of Curie’s principle,” Southern California Philosophy of Physics Reading Group, University of California, Irvine, 8 Dec 2012 10. “When do the laws of physics distinguish past from future?” University of Southern California, 31 Aug 2012 9. “Does quantum time have a preferred direction?” University of Sydney, 6 Dec 2011 8. “Does quantum time have a preferred direction?” University of California, Irvine 13 Jan 2012 7. “Does quantum time have a preferred direction?” University of Chicago 19 Jan 2012 6. “Does quantum time have a preferred direction?” California State University, LA, 23 Jan 2012 5. “T -invariance and T -violation.” University of Bristol Quantum Field Theory Workshop, 24 May 2011 4 4. “Three myths about time reversal.” University of Oxford Philosophy of Physics Research Seminar, 19 May 2011 3. “Notes on the CPT Theorem.” UCSD Philosophy of Science Reading Group, University of California, San Diego, 3 Mar 2011 2. “How to time reverse a quantum system.” Southern California Philosophy of Physics Reading Group, University of California, Irvine, 19 Feb 2011 1. “Group Theory and the Structure of Quantum Theory.” University of Notre Dame Workshop: Structuralism in Philosophy of Science, 18-20 Nov 2010 Professional Conferences 5. “Curie’s hazard: From electromagnetism to symmetry violation,” Symposium on Curie’s Principle with Elena Castellani, Jenann Ismael, and John D. Norton, Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Chicago, 7 Nov 2014 4. “When we do (and do not) have a classical arrow of time,” Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, San Diego, 16 Nov 2012 3. “How to time reverse a quantum system,” Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Montreal, 4-7 Nov 2014 2. “Galileo’s refutation of the speed-distance law of fall rehabilitated,” &HPS3 Conference, Bloomington, IN, 23-26 Sep 2010 1. “Time reversal and the symmetry of nothing,” British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Meeting, Dublin, 9 Jan 2010 Invited Public Lectures 4. “The arrow of time”, Barnes Philosophy Club, London, 15 Jan 2015 3. “The limits of science”, Forum for European Philosophy, LSE, 7 Oct 2014 2. “Metaphysics vs. Physics”, University of Southern California, 30 Nov 2012 1. “The science of warp drives”, Casa de Bernardo, Los Angeles, 20 Sep 2012 Languages fluent reading English, French, Spanish. German, Latin. 5
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