Pasquale Schiraldi - LSE - London School of Economics and

May 20, 2015
Department of Economics
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE
Office: 0207-955-7584
Pasquale Schiraldi
Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Department of Economics, London School of Economics and
Political Science (since September 2007, with tenure since August 2012).
Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research – CEPR
Academic Advisor at the Competition and Market Authority, UK – CMA
Associated Editor, International Journal of Industrial Organization
Industrial Organization, Applied Econometrics, Applied Micro Theory
Ph.D., Economics, Boston University, Boston, MA, May 2007
M.A., Economics, Bocconi Univeristy, Milano (Italy), with distinction, June 2002
Laurea in Economics, cum Laude, University of Bari, Bari (Italy), July 2000
June 2013
April 2011
March 2011
Oct. – Dec. 2010
Visiting Scholar – Sassari University
Visiting Scholar – Cowles Foundation, Yale University
Visiting Scholar – Boston University
Visiting Scholar – Bari University
“Buying frenzy in durable goods markets”, European Economic Review, Vol. 70, pp. 1-16,
August 2014. (with T. Liu)
“The Flexible Coefficient Multinomial Logit Model of Demand for Differentiated Products”,
Rand Journal of Economics, Vol. 45, pp. 32-63, Spring 2014 (with P. Davis)
“Sales and Collusion in a Market with Storage”, Journal of European Economic Association,
Vol. 12, pp. 791-832, June 2014, (with F. Nava).
“Internet, Search Frictions, and the Efficiency of Decentralized Markets: Evidence from
Automobiles”, Economics Letters, Vol. 121, pp. 232-235, November 2013, (with D. Rapson)
Pasquale Schiraldi
“New Product Launch: herd seeking or herd preventing”, Economic Theory, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp.
627-648, November 2012 (with T. Liu)
“Resale and Collusion in a Dynamic Market for Semidurable Goods”, Journal of Industrial
Economics, Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 274-298, June 2012 (with F. Nava).
“Automobile Replacement: a Dynamic Structural Approach”, Rand Journal of Economics, Vol.
42, No. 2, pp. 266-291, Summer 2011.
“Supermarket choice with multi-store shopping: measuring market power and policy
implications”, (with S. Seiler and H. Smith)
“Simultaneous First-Price Auctions with Preferences over Combinations” (with M. Gentry and
T. Komarova)
“Product Variety and Coase Conjecture” (with F. Nava)
“Estimating a Dynamic Game of Spatial Competition: The Case of the UK Supermarket
Industry”, (with H. Smith and Y. Takahashi).
“Synergies in the retails industry: Evidence from UK”, (with M. Pesendorfer and H. Smith)
Lecturer, Econometric Methods EC486 – MSc Econ & Management, 2007-2010 2011-2014, LSE
Lecturer, Economics of Industry EC536 - Research Students, 2007-2010 2011-2014, LSE
Lecturer, The Economics of Industry EC427 – MSc Economics, 2008-2010 2011-2014, LSE
Lecturer, Industrial Economics EC313 - Undergraduate, 2007-2009 LSE
Co-Organizer, Work in Progress Seminars – Industrial Econ. EC501, 2007-2010 2011-2014 LSE
Co-Organizer, conference, “London IO-day”, 2013.
Co-Organizer, NERA-STICERD Economics of Industry Seminar, 2007-2010 2011-2013 LSE
Royal Economic Society – Program Committee, 2012-2014
LSE Economics Department – PhD Recruitment Committee 2011-14
LSE Economics Department – Junior Recruitment Committee 2012 - 2014
Pasquale Schiraldi
STICERD grant 2009, Internet, Search Frictions, and the Efficiency of Decentralized Markets:
Evidence from Automobiles
Young Essay Research Award 2006, Italian Society of Industrial Organization (Società Italiana
di Economia e Politica Industriale - SIEPI), “Second-Hand Markets and Collusion by
Manufacturers of Semidurable Goods”.
Special Research Fellowship, Department of Economics, Boston University, Spring 2005, Fall
2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2006.
Teaching Fellowship, Department of Economics, Boston University, 2002-2007
Department of Economics Summer Research Grant, Boston University, Summer 2004 and 2005
Invernizzi Foundation Scholarship, Department of Economics, Bocconi University, 2001
2015 2013 – 2014
2011 – 2012:
2009– 2010:
2007– 2008:
City University London, Stony Book University
University of East Anglia, University of Toulouse, University of Zurich,
University of Leuven, University of Mannheim.
HEC Montréal, LUISS Roma, University of Mannheim, University of
Warwick, EIEF Roma, University of York, Bicocca University, Boston
University, John Hopkins University, Yale University, UC Davis,
University of Bari, University of Wisconsin, Harvard University, Yale
University, University of Alicante, Bristol University, University of
Sassari, European Institute in Florence, Einaudi Institute for Economics and
Finance in Rome.
Stern School of Business - NYU, University College London, Oxford
University, University of Warwick, University of Wisconsin, University of
Michigan, University California San Diego, University of Rochester,
University of Bari, Italian Society of Industrial Organization (SIEPI).
Applied Industrial Organization – Barcelona GSE Summer 2013 and 2014.
The 9th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston 2011.
The 7th CEPR School on Applied Industrial Organization, Toulouse 2010.
The 2009 North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society.
The 35th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics
(EARIE), Toulouse 2008.
The 6th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference, Washington DC 2008.
Pasquale Schiraldi
The 33rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics
(EARIE), Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 2006.
The 4th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston April 2006.
American Economic Review, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Review of
Economic Studies, Rand Journal of Economics, Journal of Econometrics, International Economic
Review, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Industrial Economics, International Journal
of Industrial Organization, BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Economic Journal,
Economica, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Oxford Economic Papers.
Seiler Stephan (Standford GSB - Marketing), 2011.