Tur-Lcrras Vol. 35.No. 7. pp. 10674070. 1994 Elsevim ScimceLul Priitcdin Gmt Bitin cnl40-4039~s6.olko.oa First Total Synthesis of a Barnacle Hatching Hydroxy-eicosa-S(Z),9(E),ll(Z),14(Z),17(Z)-pentaenoic Tony K. M. Shing,*a a Department K. H. Gibson,b Jonathan R. Wiley,c Factor 8(R ) acid C. Ian F. Watt= of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong b Chemistry Department II, ICI pharmaceutical Division, Alderley Park, Macclesfeld, Cheshire SKI0 4TG. U.K. C Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester, Manchester Ml3 9PL, U.K. Abstract-The fast total synthesis of a barnacle hatching factor (BHF) establishes its constitution and absolute stereochemistry as B(R)-Hydroxy-eicosa-S(Z),Q(f)),l 1(2),14(i!).17(2)-pentaenoic acid 1. Recently, an eicosanoid monohydroxy fatty acid was isolated from the homogenates of Balanus balanoides and Eliminus tnodestus in minute quantities (lOSg g) and shown to induce the hatching of barnacle& (IQ cu. 5.0 x 10-S M).3 The structure of the barnacle hatching factor (BHF) was suggested to be S(R)-Hydroxyeicosa-5(2),9(E), biogenetic consideration4 11(Z), 14(2),17(Z)-pentaenoic acid 1 [I(R)-HEPE] and of an analysis of its mass fragmentation pattem.te2 on the basis of Other spectroscopic studies are not possible because of the scarcity of the material which therefore watrauts a total synthesis. Only the 8(R)-enantiomer statftsh.4 Commercially hatching.5 of 8-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid was active in inducing oocyte maturation in available 8(S)-HEPE has been shown to be biologially inactive towards barnacle The limited availability of I(S)-HEPE in microgram quantities and the prohibitive cost render investigation of its chemistry impractical. Here we report, starting from Dmannitol and pmpargyl alcohol, the first total and stereoselective synthesii of 1, which displayed a mass spectrum in accord with that of the BHF and, most importantly, exhibited bioactivity towards barnacle hatching (KS ca. 2.4 x lo-6 ~),3 thereby enabling the assignment of the constitution and absolute configuration 1067 1 to the BHF. analysis of 1 shows that dissection of the strategic 11-allcene gives the upper haIf Retrosynthetic aldehyde 2 and the bottom half phosphonium reaction to yield the target molecule. salt 3 which can bc assembled The construction (c 1.0, CHCl3)P Selective metbanolysis + 9.00 (c 1.3. CHCl3). cataIyst followed Stereoselective by deacetonation in four steps, with the lithium salt afforded the benzoate 6 as a viscous oil, [CC]D~ + 10.10 of the tetrahydropyranyl ether in 6 gave the corresponding primary alcohol which then was subjected to an oxidation-esterification 7, [a]# Wittig of 2 is illustrated in Scheme 1. Oxirane opening teaction6 of the known diepoxide 4.7 readily accessible from Dmannitol of the allcyne 58 followed by in situ benxoylation via a Z-selective hydrogenation gave the ene-diol sequence to form the methyl ester of the triple bond in 7 with Liidlar’s 8. [a]~~~ + 51.2O (c 6.5, CHC13).lo Glycol cleavage oxidation** of the diol moiety in 8 with sodium metaperiodate followed by Wittig reaction with formylmethylenetriphenylphosphorane CHCl3).12 The stereochemistry in CH2C12 furnished the Z,Bdienal of the two double bonds in 2 was indicated 2, [IX]+ - 108.20 (c 0.9. from the 1NMR spectrum (J5,e = 10.2 Hz and 59.10 = 15.6 Hz). .. ... ,$.q u,ubiv :‘;;I4 I Scheme 1 ReamIs i. Hm(CH2)3CH2oTHp 5. n-BSi, ~/DImlJ, iii, (COCth, DMSO. BtgN, (78%); iv, NaCQ. 2-methYl-Z-butene. t-BuOWHzO (94%); v, MeOH, HCI (93%): vi Hi. L~IKIWS catalyst 0 %J (79% vii. 80% and condXcms: ii. TsoH. aquas WA. MeOH, A (74%); 0 ‘C (84%); viii On the other hand, the synthesis reaction of I-bromo-pent-Zyne catalysed phase hydrogenation transfer spectrum (33.4 phosphonium conditions14 gave the skipped salt 3 in the conventional ~.ZCWIK. (97%); ix, Pb+CHCHO, salt is depicted available diyne The alcohol (gg%): CHzC12 (85%). in Scheme 2. Coupling but-3-yn-l-01 10 under copper (l) 11 in 73% yield. of the dieue moiety in 12 was evident = 10.9 Hz). phco~. N&I$Q+ with a catalyst modifier ethylenediaminele The Z&geometry = 10.6 Hz and J6,7 0k of the phosphonium 913 with the commercially of 11 over nickel boridels diene 1217 in 79% yield. NdO4, MeOHMfl. & w Stereoselective afforded the Z,Zfrom the 1NMR 12 was then transformed into the way. CuI, t-BuJUI. DMF (73%); ii, H2, Ni(OAc)2, N&H,, F&H, fkb~ 2 ReoSents and COnditiOM: i, kfls. HzN(CHdzNH2 (79%): iii. MsC1,Et3N. Et20 (87%6); iv, Nd, ace(88%); v, pph3, Ma, A (98%). 1069 With the upper and lower half of the target molecule readily at hand, we set to complete the synthesis of 1 (Scheme 3). Thus the phosphonium salt 3 was deprotonated (n-BuLi, THF, -78 Oc) and the aldehyde 2 added followed by 1,3dimethy1-3,4,5,6-tet.rahydro-2(1H)-pyrimidinone (DMPU). HPIC analysis of the mixture isolated by flash chromatography showed that the Z : E ratio of the newly formed 1I-alkene was 12 : 1. Fractionation by preparative HPLC then gave the pentacne 13 as a clear oil, [a]# - 75.7O (c 2.7. CHC13). Saponification of the two ester groups in 13 foilowed by acidification with formic acid furnished the target molecule 8(R)-HEPE 1 as a colourless oil, [a]# + 33.4O (c 2.1, CHC13). with 86% e.e.t* Since derivatisedI9 1 showed a mass fragmentation pattern similar with that of the BHF and exhibited bioactivity towards barnacle hatching (IC50 cu. 2.4 x 10-e M).~O the structure and stereochemistry of the BHF is confirmed as 8(R)-Hydroxy-eicosa-5(Z),9(E),ll(Z),14(2),17(Z)pcntaenoic acid 1. 13 Sebcme 3 Reagents and conditions: i, n-BuLi. THF, -78 OC. then 2. DMPU. -78 to -25 OC (87%); ii, K2C@, M&H. H@ (85%). In conclusion, we have developed a convergent and enantioselective synthesis of 1 using tafftmannitol as the source of chirality and using Wittig reactions and catalytic hydrogenation of alkynes to introduce stereoselectively the five double bonds. The convergent strategy employed allows facile syntheses of acetylenic analogues and geometric isomers. Research in this direction is in progress. Acknowledgment. We thank the S.E.R.C. for financial support and Dr. D. L. Holland for discussion and performing the bioassay. References and notes (1) Hill, E. M.; Holland, D. L.; Gibson, K. H.; Clayton, E.; Oldfield. A. Proc. Royal Sot. Lam! B, 1988,234, 455. (3) Hill, E. M.; Holland, D. L.; Gibson, K. H.; Clayton, E.; Oldfield. A. Proc. Royal Sot. L,und B, 1989,235, 407. IC~o is defined as the concentration of the material to cause a 50% hatch. (4) Mcijer, A. R.; Brash, A. R.; Bryant, R. W.; Ng, K.; Maclouf, J.; Sprecher, H. J. Biol. Chem, (51 (6) Hill, E. M.; Holland, D. L. Proc. Royul Sot. Lund. B, 1992,247, 41. Le Merrer. Y.; Gravier-Pelletier, C; Micas-Languin. D.; Mcstrc. F.; Durcault, A.; Depexay, J. C. .I. (7) Org. Chem, 1989.54. 2409. Le Merrer, Y.; Dureault, A.; Greek, C.; Micas-Languin. D.; Gravier-Pelletier, C; Depexay, J. C. Heterocycles, 1987.25, 541. (2) 1986,262, 17040. 1070 (8) Beaction of the commtxciaUy available hex-5yn-l-01 (9) All new compounds with 2,3-dihydropyran (CH2Cl2, Tk0I-I) gave 5 in 98% yield. gave aatisfactoty spectral and HMRS or analytical data (10) Reversed phase HPLC analysis showed that 8 was > 95% one isomer. (11) For a recent teview, see Shing, T. K. M. Cowtprehensivc Orgcudc Sywhcsis. eds. Trost, B. M. and Fleming, I., Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1991, vol. 7, p. 703. (12) There was no indication of the undesited ZZ isomer by TLC and tNMB spectml analysis. (13) Bromide 9 was ptepated from propargyl alcohol in four steps, see: Kajiwara, T.; Odake. Y.; Hatanaha, A. Agr. Biol. Gem., (14) ‘l&se conditions 1975.39, 1617. wets used previously for the substitution of ally1 halides with terminal alkynes, see: Jeffery, T. Tetrahedron L-en.. 1989,225. (15) Brown, H. C.; Brown, C. A. J. Am Chem. Sot.. 1963.85, 1005. (16) Brown, C. A.; Ahuja, V. J. Chem. Sm., Chem Contmun., 1973,553. hydrogenation was signilkmtly Stereoselectivity for the poorer without the ethylenediamlue. (17) GC analysis showed that 12 was > 95% one isomer. (18) 1 was derivatised with ethereal diazomethane into the corresponding methyl ester whose e.e. was determined by the Mosher’s protocol.21 The aldehyde 2 is believed to undergo a little racemization. (19) 1 was txeated with ethemsl diazomethanc followed by silylation with bis-trimethylslly- tfifluoroacetamide. (20) The bioassay was carried out by Dr. D. L. Holland at the Mark Bridge, Anglesey, Science Laboratories, Menai U.K. The IC5u (5.0 x 10-4 M) of the natural material is higher than that of the synthetic I(R)-HEPE 1. The likely explanation of this discrepancy is the error in the determination of the molar@ of the test solution of the natural material since only small quantities (10-g g) of the BHF was isolated from crushed barnacles. (21) Dale, J. A.; Dull, D. L.; Mosher. H. S. J. Org. Chew 1%9,34. (Received in China 20 March 1993; accepted 29 November 19%) 2543.
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