PBC News March April 2015 - Peterborough Bridge Club

PBC News
March April
Game Times PBC
Monday 1:00 pm open
Tuesday 1:00 pm 0-499
Thursday 1:00 pm 0-499
Friday 1:00 pm open
Friday 9:00 am Play and Learn
Game Times Q of C
Monday 7:00 pm open
and intermediate
Wednesday 1:00 pm open
Wednesday 7:00 pm intermediate
Tales from the Trail
Toronto Sectional Jan 2-4
The team captained by Peter Britton with
Nancy Murphy, Susan Halasi and Melanie
Robinson placed in all the events they
entered. Friday Afternoon Swiss they came
3rd in C. Saturday Compact KO bracket 2
also a 3rd place finish. Sunday BCD Swiss
another bronze in C.
Special Games & Events
Thur Mar 26th 7:00 PM Swiss Team Game
Sat Mar 28th 12:30 PM Birthday Game
Tues Apr 2nd 1:00 PM Charity game 499ers
Fri Apr 10th 1:00 PM Club Championship Open
Tues Apr 21st 1:00 PM Club Championship 499ers
Wed Apr 22nd 1:00 PM Helen Shields Rookie Master Game
details of this game on page 3
Sat Apr 25th 12:30 PM Birthday Game
Thur Apr 30th 7:00 PM Swiss Team Game
Upcoming Tournaments
Mar 12-22 New Orleans Spring National
Mar 19-22 Ottawa Sectional
Mar 21-22 Guelph Sectional
Mar 31- Apr 5 Toronto Easter Regional
Apr 10-12 Arnprior Sectional
Apr 11-12 Sarnia Sectional
Apr 13-19 Gatlinburg Regional
Apr 17-19 Buffalo Sectional
Apr 24-26 North Bay Sectional
Apr 25-26 Brampton Sectional
team. Their point total for the week was 29.41
Friday Afternoon 299ers had our Dan Beal coming 5th in C
with Joyce Gibson from Toronto.
March 7-8 Oshawa Swiss Team Games
Peterborough showed up for both days with several teams.
The only team placing was captained by Phil Smith playing
with Jim & Diane Ferguson and Melanie Robinson.
They finished 5th out of 19 tables.
Kingston Sectional Jan 23-25
Peter Britton captained his team with Sally Thompson,
Melanie Robinson and Terry Wilson to a first place in
Saturday Bracketed KO Bracket B. Terry Wilson and Sally
Thompson placed 3rd in C in the Sunday Swiss playing with
pick up team mates.
Canada Wide STAC
(silver points at clubs)
London Sectional Jan 24-25
Donna Williams and Terri Wyllie came 5th in the BC pairs
Monday afternoon Feb 16th PBC
235.5 tables played in this event from coast to coast. Our
club had some impressive results:
A. with more than 1500 masterpoints
3. Norma Bradley & Peter McConkey with 71.53% netting
them 11.09 points
9. Dave Munro & Pat Munro
19 . Maureen Nichols & Chuck Messinger
B. less than 1500 MPs
7. Marilyn Spate & Sharon Barry
St. Catherines Sectional Feb 6-7
Pat and Dave Munro finished tied for 3rd in their Saturday
KO top bracket playing with pick up team mates.
The Palmetto Regional February
Lyn Stevens with her tournament partner Charlotte St.
Amant and regular teammates Wendy and Arnie Krause
made it to the final in bracket 2 but lost to a professional
application to the President or Vice-president of the Board
(or another Board member acting in their absence) no later
than March 30, 2015. Applications will be reviewed by a
search committee appointed by the Board of Directors.
Wednesday afternoon Feb 18th at Queen of Clubs
291.5 tables competed
23. Gordon Tyler & Terry Wilson
Friday afternoon Feb 20th PBC
309.5 tables competed
6. Gordon Tyler & Peter Britton
Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting of the Peterborough Bridge
Club will be held the last week in April; watch the bulletin
board at the club for date and time. The Board of Directors
will report on the 2014/15 operating year, including a
financial update, the status of HST deliberations,
introduction of new Board members, and our plans for the
coming year. There will be an opportunity for “questions
and answers”. All PBC members are encouraged to attend.
President's Message
Vacancies for the 2015/16 Board of Directors
Nominations are now open for four positions on the
Peterborough Bridge Club Board of Directors:
House Coordinator
Peterborough Sectional Bridge Tournament
Peterborough will be hosting a sectional tournament again
this year, under the able leadership of Ron Haney. The
tournament is scheduled for the weekend of May 2 and 3.
Last year's tourney was outstanding, with good attendance
and great “hospitality”. I encourage all PBC members to
attend this year's home-town event. And when Ron and his
organizing team put out the call for contributions to the
goodies table or for volunteer assistance in the kitchen, I
hope everyone will consider participating.
A summary of the responsibilities of each of these positions
and a nomination form have been posted on the club
bulletin board.
If you feel you can make a contribution to the effective
administration and operation of the Peterborough Bridge
Club, I encourage you to consider one of the above spots on
the Board.
PBC Policy on Social Media
PBC members posting messages on the club's Facebook
page or other social media are reminded of the club's Zero
Tolerance policy regarding personal comments or
inappropriate content.
Nominations close at 4:00 pm. on April 15,2015.
Club Manager – Bridge Operations
As most of you know, Jim Ward will be retiring from his
position as club manager. The Board of Directors has
reviewed various options for ongoing management of the
club. Based on this review, the Board has decided to
restructure the club manager role to focus on bridge
operations – communications with the ACBL, scheduling
of club games, working with game directors to ensure
games are run professionally, promoting a positive playing
atmosphere, record keeping associated with game results,
maintaining bridge supplies and appropriate use of
technology. We are planning to have more direct
involvement of Board members and club volunteers in
management of the club premises, provision of
refreshments and various membership matters. The Board
will continue to be responsible for overall administration,
financial oversight, development of club policies and
disciplinary matters.
Just as we encourage you to play nice – we ask that you
chat nice!
Phil Smith
Member Information
The following documents are available for viewing on the
PBC members only site
1. Board of Directors nominationa and job description
2. Club Manager Bridge Operations position
3. Job description for club manager bridge operations.
The password for the members only site is pbc-2014-pbc
A new position of Club Manager – Bridge Operations has
been created. This service contract position, reporting
directly to the Vice-President of the Board, will be filled
this spring. A description of the responsibilities of this new
position has been posted on the club bulletin board.
Interested individuals are asked to submit a letter of
Anne Heffernan, our webmaster, has asked that if you are
looking for photos from the birthday parties, click on The
Photo gallery link on the left side of the web page. This
link takes you directly to all the birthday parties starting
last September.
volunteers for the kitchen to help Jan, who did a terrific job
last year and is coming back. We have both floors this year
meaning we are working lunch and goodies on two levels.
On April 1st a large board will go up in the club. Please put
your name on it and tell us what you want to do or make.
You can also call me at 705-874-3028 or email me at
birteayer@bell.net. I will also do announcements at games
starting early April.
The Helen Shields Rookie Master Game
Wednesday April 22nd at 1:00 PM (Queen of Clubs)
The spring rookie master game will be played at participating bridge clubs across Canada and is named in memory of
Helen Shields of Thunder Bay, who was a past President of
the Canadian Bridge Federation. Helen was very active in
teaching and introducing new players to duplicate bridge.
On another note I will also be in charge of partnerships so if
you do not have a partner and are willing to come and play
either day, please let me know. I know this will be a great
weekend so I'll be thanking you in advance.
This is a special game designed to help introduce new
players to the game of duplicate bridge. Since this event
falls on a Wednesday, which is not a regular playing day for
the Peterborough Bridge Club, but is for The Queen of
Clubs, Marja Hutchinson has gracefully agreed to run this
important event. To continue to make this very special
game a success, we ask all regular club members to help recruit new members or at least sign up to play with a novice.
You can sign up at the club or call Marja at 705-745-2127
or leave a message at the club if you need a partner.
Birte Ayer
Club Championship Results
Friday January 9th Open Overall results
1. Dave Munro - Pat Munro
2. Ron Haney - Maureen Nichols
3. Donna Williams - Terri Wyllie (they placed 1st in B)
4. Chuck Messinger - Ken Livingstone
5. Tom Peng - Anne Heffernan
Sally Thompson - Rick Jackson placed 2nd in B
and 1st in C
The game will be run using computer hands so that all
players across the country will be playing the same hands.
The best percentage score in Canada will be declared the
National winners. Trophies are awarded to the National
winners. Plaques are awarded to the top percentage score in
each Zone. Club winners will receive certificates.
To be eligible to play in this event at least one of each partnership must have fewer than 50 master points.
Tuesday Jan 20th 499ers Overall results
1. Janet Purcell - Fran Burd
2. Valerie Pitt - Mary McLaughlin
3. Sally Thompson - Dan Selby
4. Gillian Wilson - Herb McGee
5. David Hall - Rick Schuett
Since this game is designed to introduce new players to our
game, the use of certain conventions does not fit the spirit
of the game. Under no circumstances will conventions beyond the ACBL Yellow Card be allowed in this game (if
you are not familiar with this card, you can pick one up at
the club or alternatively download it from the ACBL site).
Monday Feb 2nd Open Overall results
1. Rick Jackson - Dan Selby
2. Betty Turner - Anne Heffernan
3. Priscilla Lorne - Peter McConkey
4. Nancy Murphy - Susan Halasi
5. Sally Thompson - Marilyn Spate
The semi-annual Rookie-Master games have proven to be a
great success and a lot of fun for all participants over the
last few years, mostly due to a lot of hard work done for
this game by Sharon Barry. We trust that you will come and
support this great event.
Monday March 2nd ACBL Wide Seniors Game
1. Ron Haney- Birte Ayer
2. Gordon Tyler - Dave Munro
3. Ken Livingstone - Jim Ward
4/5. Jim Ferguson - Tom Peng
4/5. Phil Smith - Martin Bacigalupo
Sectional Bridge Tournament
May 2 & 3, 2015
In the last issue of the newsletter 1st Quarter 2015, Ron
Haney did an article on the upcoming tournament.
If you did read said article you will have noticed that I will
be in charge of the hospitality during the two days.
Last years hospitality was amazing thanks to all the
volunteers and we hope to match or surpass last year output
To help achieve that goal my call goes out to all our
members. We are looking for muffins and loaves for the
two mornings, sandwiches, veggie and cheese trays, pickles
etc. for Saturday lunch. For dessert for both days fruit trays
cookies and bars. To help our people in the kitchen we ask
that sandwiches be precut into thirds and bars be ready to
be put on platters.
Thursday Mar 12th 499ers Overall results
1. Joyce Hodson - Andy Bishop
2. Carolyn Stansel - Shirley Selby
3. Muriel Crough - Joyce Balsdon
4. Marilyn Spate - Larry Sidler
5. Trish Mitchell - Margaret Sanders
Last year two ladies from the Lawn Bowling Club helped
Jan Haney (Ron's wife) in the kitchen on the first day. They
did that as a huge favour to us as we had no volunteers.
They will not be available this year so we are asking for