April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk THE LAURELS INN C H A S EACE THE FROM 8PM Tickets available at the Laurells Jackpot at time of going to press £305.00!!! Funds raised from Chase the Ace go towards the Petrockstowe Ladies Group Village Charities 1 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk Petrockstowe News Printed By: In this months Petrockstowe News: 2 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk CHURCH QUIZ. A hilarious, transatlantic quiz, devised and run by the Rev Susannah Metz, dressed as Sister Excrutiata, in the Baxter Hall on Saturday March 7, was a great success. Twelve competing teams had a very enjoyable evening which included a bread and cheese supper. The members of St Petrocs Church PCC are to be congratulated on running a very profitable event. Six bottles of assorted wine were presented to Table 4 who were the winners by one point! SKITTLES Ken Heaman and Richard Kelsey are to be congratulated in rustling up 8 competitive teams to play Skittles in the Baxter Hall on Saturday Evening March 21st. A very pleasant social evening, complete with bar, was enjoyed by all the local teams. Team `Briony`s Bashers` were the outright winners of the Lawson carved trophy at the end of a very traditional village evening Team `Briony`s Bashers` being presented with the Lawson carved trophy by Kenny Heaman after winning at the Skittles Evening in the Baxter Hall on Saturdy March 21st. 3 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk It is with regret that I have decided to resign as local organiser from the ROYAL BRITISH LEGION POPPY APPEAL with immediate effect. Over the three years that I have been organising the appeal the support received from this village has been fantastic and the sum collected has increased each year which is down to the generosity of the residents and also to the dedication of the wonderful small team of door to door collectors which we have in the village. Many thanks to you all If anyone in the village is willing to take on the role of organiser please contact me and I will be happy to give them details of what is involved. MIKE BANKS. Rowan Farm Aish Cross Petrockstowe 01837 810504.. Seeking paid assistance with the pets. Anyone interested, please contact Hugh & Bernadette at: detsiblackman@yahoo.co.uk. Merton Village Family Dog Show & Fun Agility Saturday 9th May 12 Noon Refreshments Clinton Hall 4 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk Dates of activities @ Clinton Hall Thursday 2nd April - Easter Holiday Holiday Fun Day at Merton Meal & Market - fun for all the family including a bouncy castle, glitter tattoo's, childrens craft workshop, stalls, games and cafe. Thursday 9th April - Easter Holiday Holiday Fun Day at Merton Meal & Market - fun for all the family including a bouncy castle, glitter tattoo's, childrens craft workshop, stalls, games and cafe. Sunday 12th April - 12-3 MERTS launch with a table top sale and cream tea. Introducing North Devon's new LETS (Local Exchange Trading Scheme) in the form of MERTS (Merton Exchange Rural Trading Scheme) - the exchange of skills, professions, hobbies and interests all over the country and also some visiting items traded by LETS from Australia. Free entry. Stalls cost £5 or free if you join MERTS. It is FREE to JOIN the scheme too. If you would like to buy some MERTS to get going you pay £5 for 5 MERTS and to celebrate our launch we are giving an additional bonus 5 MERTS too! Thursday April 16th - Merton Meal & Market 6 week workshops begin. FREE with Unite membership - English, Maths, Holiday German & French, Internet skills & Energy Saving. £10 per session (+ equipment where required) workshops - Writers Workshop, Knitting & Crochet for beginners and Improvers, Home Brewing, Watercolours for beginners, Wellbeing Workshop. 5 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk On Saturday, 2nd May at 7.30 p.m., the Okehampton Choral Society will present its Spring Concert at Fairplace Church in Okehampton under its new Musical Director, Richard Edwards. The programme will include music by the British composers Charles Villiers Stanford and Benjamin Britten. Their settings of the Te Deum and Jubilate (Psalm 100) will afford a contrast in treatment of the same texts. Keeping the theme of British music, the choir will be in lighter mood in a concert performance of ‘Trial by Jury’ by Gilbert and Sullivan. Tickets, priced £8, will be available from 1st April from Beanfeast in the Victorian Arcade at Okehampton. They may also be obtained by ringing Bill or Tim on 01837 53109. 6 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk LAUREL`S QUIZ The result of the Quiz held on Tuesday March 3rd was as follows. The winning team was Universally Challenged, in 2nd place were Full Complement and the 3rd place went to Red Hot Silly Peppers. £50 was raised on behalf of The Dartmoor Dog Rescue. The next Quiz will take place on Tuesday April 7th and will be in aid of Recreation Ground Funds. 7 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk The Stevenstone Hunt presenting a cheque to Claire Wilson, at Hele Barton on Saturday February 21st, for the magnificent sum of £1,500 in aid of The Brain Tumour Research Fund. 8 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk It’s almost time for this year’s Merton Vintage and Classic Rally & Summer Fayre – to be held on Sunday 3 May. We are looking for volunteers to help us raise money for local good causes in Merton, Petrockstowe & Petersmarland by giving us a hand on the day. If you feel you are able to give us an hour or two of your time (or 6 if you like!!) on the day to help us man the kitchen, wash up, sell raffle tickets, marshall cars, help with car parking, man the entrance gate, sell bus ride tickets, etc. or help pack away after 5pm, please fill in the form below and hand in to Taw & Torridge Coaches in Merton or pop through my door at Woodside, Merton (at the bottom of the hill before you get to the Sawmills) as I am putting a rota together. Without local help we simply couldn’t put the event on and so we are very grateful to those who are willing to volunteer. We very much look forward to hearing from you. Name & Phone No. Car Park Marshall Gate Duty Cooking Food Serving Food Preparing Washing Sell Raffle Sell Bus Set up/ Bake Cake Food (not up Tickets Tickets Take down (s) cooking) Janette Newell, For Merton Moncks Committee Just a reminder to all groups that were kind enough to sell draw tickets on behalf of the Merton Moncks. Please return all sold and unsold tickets and money as a whole group return by Tuesday 7 April (just after Easter weekend) to Tracey Laughton. If you would like it collected please ring 01805 603400 and leave a message with your address. Thank you in anticipation of your hard work in helping us to raise funds for local groups in Merton, Petrockstowe and Petersmarland. Many thanks Tracey 9 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk Services at Roman Catholic Churches S evices at Sacred Heart, Bideford are: Saturday at 6.30pm and Sunday at 11.00am The Torrington and Okehampton details are unchanged. Torrington: The Holy Family, Gas Lane (served from Bideford) - Mass: Sunday 9.15am For further details telephone 01237 472519 Okehampton: St Boniface, 95 Station Road - Masses: Saturday 6.00pm, Sunday 11.00am For further details telephone 01837 52229 St Petroc's Church - Team Clergy T eam Clergy: Revd Martin Warren: 01409 281424 Revd Susannah Metz: 01837 810621 Churchwardens: Ann Luxton: 01837 810280 Services for April at St Petroc's April April April April April 4th 5th 12th 19th 26th Good Friday 7.30pm Service In The Chapel Easter Day 11.00am HC Low Sunday 6.30pm EP Easter 3 11.00 am United Service St.Petrocs At 3pm there will be a Christening Service in the Church to which all will be welcome. Therefore there will not be an Evening Service. The Annual meeting of the St Petroc's will be held on Sunday the 26th in the church at approx 4.15pm . All are welcome to attend. Chris has been busy planting up the wild flower meadow. We are most grateful for donated plants. Decorating the church for Easter will take place on Saturday April 4th. CLEANING ROTA April 4th - 11th Ann Luxton , April 18th - 25th David and Maureen The family would like to thank you most sincerely for the support shown at the funeral of Christine Andrews on Saturday 21st March. Thanks to Suzanna Metz for such a heart felt service, organist Vera Collins and all others who helped to decorate the Methodist Chapel. Thanks to everyone who attended the service and giving their support at this sad time. Also a huge thank you to the Ladies Group for their wonderful refreshments and their generosity in giving their time and commitment in making sure that everyone had a bite to eat and a hot cup of tea. It was truly welcomed. The Andrews family. 10 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk Methodist Chapel Services for April 5th 11.00am Mr R Owen 12th 11.ooam LA 19th 11.00am United Service at the Church 26th 11.00am Mr A Smallacombe Flower Rota D Andrew C Cottle Good Friday Service at the Chapel 7.30pm to be taken by The Rev. Susannah Metz Our sympathy goes to their family of Ronald Medland who has passed away. He lived most of his life at Southill Farm. We remember Christine Andrew who has just died, she must have spent well over 40 years living at Hallwood , before moving up to the bungalow in the village. She was a gifted organist having played the organ at the Chapel most Sundays and sometimes at the Church. She also played the organ for the Village Voices Choir, in it’s heyday. We do miss her, our sympathy to all the family at this sad time 11 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk PETROCKSTOWE LOCAL HISTORY GROUP glaze and the colour of the pots was a lovely yellow and brown. James Town in the USA has a large collection of adie Green came with a presentation on Bideford Bideford pottery in museums that have survived. pottery and lots of sherds she had found along the Perhaps a trip is in order!! North Devon coastline. Ten members enjoyed the day class with Janet Few. For During the 16th and 17th centuries there were probably those who have some experience of researching their 30 potters in Bideford. Sir Richard Grenvillie Lord of family history she provided new avenues to follow and the Manor obtained a charter from Elizabeth 1st which those who are new to it were encouraged and helped allowed Bideford to start trading and so started the along the way. Janet has years of experience and is very exports of everyday household items and some willing to pass on her knowledge. decorative pottery to Wales, Ireland and eventually the Our next meeting will be at Merton Hall on Friday Eastern seaboard of the United States. April 10th at 7.30p.m. The speaker is Robert Heskith on When Colonists arrived from Bideford to Maine, New Devon place names. England, Virginia, Maryland and parts of Canada they had with them cooking pots, plates, chamber pots and Dates for your diary May 8th a tour of Torrington baluster jars. These were used as ballast on board ship Museum starting at 7pm. and all made from clay from Fremington and the local June 18th a trip to Fursden House area. near Tiverton a Thursday afternoon at 2p.m. Many colonist worked tobacco plantations and their crops were sent back to England. Thousands of tonnes The new screen and projector are a great asset to the of tobacco landed in Bideford in the 1600s and in 1660 Hall and thanks to the Virginia Company created settlements to grow Chris for supplying tobacco. a cable to link the Most of the pottery made was very plain but the projector with a decorative pieces called Sgraffito had patterns of petals, laptop. stippling and leaves drawn on them. All pottery had a S To be held at the Chapel on the 15th April 12 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk L ADIES GROUP hosted a spectacular Luxury Afternoon Tea A La Claridges on Friday February 27th in the Baxter Hall. Over 90 guests were offered a delightful selection of sandwiches, scones and fairy cakes, served by “maids” in traditional costume, on prettily decorated china and flowery teapots. The Hall was heavily disguised with pot plants and Edwardian style potted ferns and decorative china, with tables covered in lovely embroidered table cloths and vases of spring flowers. The ladies worked very hard and must be congratulated on running such a successful fund raising event in the village. The Ladies Group welcomed Malcolm Busby to their Meeting on Tuesday March 24th for a talk on the Citizens Advice Bureau of which Malcolm is a voluntary adviser in the Okehampton branch. This is a free service which receives no government funding but relies for its financial support on donations and local government funding. The branch is open from 10am until 4 pm on Tuesdays and Wednesday. Malcolm received training to do this widely varied work which deals with benefits, tax credits, debt, unemployment, housing problems, family and other relationships, legal matters, health issues and discrimination, issues with faulty second hand electrical goods and bad building repairs. There is complete confidentiality between the clients and their advisers who do not tell clients what to do but will arm them with all the facts and possible outcomes for them to decide for themselves what is right for them. They can also offer practical support with form filling and letter writing, also negotiating with third parties. Clients are allocated sessions of 1 hour. Malcolm was warmly thanked for his most interesting and informative talk. After our highly successful Afternoon Tea, we have decided to build up our own collection of “fine china ". If anyone has any chintzy teasets, teapots and tiered cake-stands that need a good home, please let us know and we will happily take them off your hands! We are also looking to recruit new members. We are a friendly, lively, enthusiastic bunch of women so why not come along to one of our meetings to try us out? Advance Notice of Events. We will be meeting at the Baxter Hall on 28th April for a talk on Dartmoor Prison - all welcome. Our May meeting, weather permitting, will be a walk at Fremington Quay, followed by a cream tea. Date and time TBC. The next village coffee morning will be on 15th April, at the Chapel. DC COMPUTERS For all your home computer needs Upgrades:Data recovery:Virus removal:Slow computers and Laptop repairs Qualified Computer support Technician Shaun de Courcy 4 Oaklands Petrockstowe 07773129958 13 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk Petrockstowe Marketing Group: A message from Pip The Petrockstowe Website needs You… It’s hard to believe that it’s been two years since I took on the challenge of promoting Petrockstowe; whether you’ve been involved as one of our volunteers or had your part to play in our tremendously successful music video, ‘Happy’, I cannot thank you enough for your support. However, I feel that I have contributed as much as I can towards promoting our community; as a result, coupled with a need to focus on my exams this summer, I have taken the decision to step down from running the Petrockstowe website. I am looking for someone to take over running the website; if you are interested please contact me for more details on pmahoney1998@gmail.com or 01837 811702. The Laurels – 01837 810578 Sunday lunches available from 12 noon to 2:30pm- please book 1 course……………………£7-95 2 courses…………………..£10-95 There is a vegetarian option available – please advise when booking Chip Shop Night Takeaway evening ~ Every Tuesday from 6.00pm (either phone order or pop in) Steak Night: 8oz sirloin and a drink of your choice for £12 – Every Thursday Normal Opening Hours Mondays: Lunchtime closed – Open from 6.00pm to midnight Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: Open from 12 noon to 3.00pm and 6.00pm to midnight Fridays: Open from 12 noon to 1.00am Saturdays: Open from 12 noon to 1.00am Sundays: Open from12 noon to 12 midnight 14 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk PETROCKSTOWE GARDENING CLUB NEWSLETTER No 207– April 2015 In March the Gardening Club welcomed Barry Starling back who gave an illustrated talk on ‘Woodland Try feeding roses with Epsom salts at the end of plants and shade lovers’ – the pictures shown were April, just as the leaves are appearing. It can very colourful indeed. Barry explained that many of be sprinkled on the soil or watered on with a the plants grown in this country originally come from can. This makes the rose healthier and helps to Canada or Japan and that a good place to grow many prevent diseases, especially black spot. of them, cyclamen in particular, is at the foot of trees When the soil sticks to your boots it is too wet to between the roots as there is plenty of leaf litter. Barry sow any seeds, but it is ideal for transplanting talked about plants through from early spring anything that needs moving or dividing. It the (snowdrops, primroses, etc) to the early summer soil is not sticking to your boots it is perfect for (foxgloves, geraniums, etc). One of the last to flower is sowing seeds. the meconopsis family – the flowers of the yellow variety open from the top downwards and if the first buds of The Club’s next meeting will be on Tuesday 14 April at the blue variety are removed the plant will become a 8.00pm in the Baxter Hall. The speaker will be Stuart perennial and should last a few years. Holder and his subject will be ‘Propagation’ After a few questions Neil thanked Barry for his excel- Tea/Coffee makers: Linda Grinter, Malcolm Grinter, lent talk and his amazing memory for all the Latin Gerard Jones names. ADVANCE NOTICE: HINTS AND TIPS – APRIL The Gardening Club have been invited by Lady Clinton Split clumps of snowdrops by digging then up, gen- to visit the garden on the afternoon of Thursday 28 tly pulling them apart into bunches of 3 or more May (probably arriving about 2.00pm). There have bulbs and replanting in dug over soil with some been quite a few changes made in the garden since the bone meal incorporated into it. Work quickly last visit and it is also a different time of year. We will so the bulbs do not dry out and water in if the be taking names of people who would like to attend at soil is at all dry. the April meeting. If you are unable to be at the April meeting and would like to come on the visit please let ADVANCE NOTICE FOR PETROCKSTOWE SUMMER FLOWER AND PRODUCE SHOW This year the Show will be held on Saturday 1st August. The full schedule for the Show will be attached to the May newsletter, but below are listed the classes for the Handicrafts section of the Show. Please note that this section is open to children as well as adults. Caricature of a local person drawn in pencil on A4 paper in portrait layout Handmade draught excluder or door stop A decorated sun hat A knitted animal An edible necklace Original 5 line limerick on ‘The Laurels’ Decorated wooden spoon – must be a ‘superhero’ 15 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk SENIOR CIRCLE Thursday 9th April 2.30pm at Old Orchard LUNCHEON CLUB Wednesday 22nd April At Crossways Inn Follygate From Old Orchard 12.30pm Dates for your Diary Future Dates for your Diary 16 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk Across 1. Theft (7) 5. Ambit (5) 8. Relating to a city (5) 9. Closest (7) 10. Foster (7) 11. Public square (5) 12. Floor covering (6) 14. Soldiers (6) 18. Percussion instruments (5) 20. Burrowing rodent (7) 22. View (7) 23. Stroll (5) 24. Choose (5) 25. Pull out (7) Down 1. Curt (7) 2. Watercourse (5) 3. Leave out (7) 4. Distant but visible (6) 5. Acute (5) 6. Aromatic herb (7) 7. Additional (5) 13. Habitual method (7) 15. Oddment (7) 16. Excess (7) 17. Opportunity (6) 18. Stingless male bee (5) 19. Change position (5) 21. Shinbone (5) Solution on page 27 17 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk MERTON AND DISTRICT FOOTBALL CLUB RECENT RESULTS: 1st TEAM Combe Martin Shamwickshire Merton Merton 1 3 4 4 Merton Merton Woolacombe Northam Lions 0 1 1 0 4 1 3 Merton Merton Merton 4 2 2 2nd TEAM; Hartland Fremington Hartland APRIL FIXTURES: 1st TEAM: Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat 4th 11th 18th 25th Braunton Reserves Woolsery Hartland Chittlehampton Away .. .. Home 3pm Start .. .. .. .. .. .. 2nd TEAM: Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. 4th 11th 18th 25th Bideford Academy Home Putford Reserves .. Lynton & Lynmouth Reserves .. Anchor Chiefs Reserves Away 3pm Start .. .. .. .. .. .. CRICKET CLUB held their AGM in The Methodist Chapel Meeting Room on Wednesday March 11th . It was agreed to fertilise the `Square` as soon as the sheep were moved. It was also agreed to add £1 to the tea money during the coming season rather than continue with the issue of subscriptions. The report from the Chairman, Lawson Tremellen, hoped that more players can be encouraged to join the Club. The Secretary mentioned several ground care items which he will be unable to carry out post his hip operation. The officers of the Club were re-elected en-bloc, apart from the nomination of Team Captain which was left pending. Bar purchases and Cricket Tea matters were agreed. The first game of the 2015 season will be an inter village match on Sunday May 17. The next meeting of the Committee will be on Thursday May 14. The Rec Clean Up Day will take place on the morning of Saturday April 25th at 10am 18 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk This Months Suduko Solution on Page 19 Solution on page 27 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk Mic Wright’s page The web is amazing, but mind the scams It’s amazing what you can find out on the internet, did you know that the average cost of a weekly shop is £86.52, but interestingly when shopping is done on a more casual basis the bill comes to £115.64. Do casual shoppers eat more (or better) or do they waste more? Maybe more visits to the shops makes us more open to wiles of supermarkets allowing them to sell us more. Whatever, they spend £29.12 more weekly which is £1514.24 a year more according to a poll by www.VoucherCodesPro.co.uk, the most popular reason for not doing a weekly shop was lack of time. Using online shopping also helps keep costs under control, you are not distracted by offers, sugary foods etc. although you are able to scroll through special offers if you so desire, and we have 4 supermarkets that deliver to the village now. You can also visit supermarkets where you can use handheld scanners, operating like a small computer they keep track of how many items you are purchasing, if you are missing out on a special offers and most importantly how much you are spending as you go around the store so you can keep track of your spending. Whilst talking about food there is a new scam going around in restaurants at the moment. The scammer calls the restaurant and, pretending to be from the bank, says that they need to talk to the customer as there is a problem with the card machine. The customer is then asked for their security information by the scammer pretending to be from the card machine company (bank), then the restaurant is told all is OK, put the transaction went through OK. End of the matter, except the scammer has all the customer’s card and security details… so don’t let this scam get pulled on you. Spring is coming so it’s time to get out and about, but don’t forget what you can find out from your PC about Spring, http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/families/article-1355774910706/ on the National Trust is an interesting article on the signs of Spring and gives ideal NT places to visit to see each of the Spring signs in their article. http://www.naturedetectives.org.uk/download/hunt_spring_early.htm is the Woodland Trust website where you can get a free download of Spring pictures, ideal for kids and families. Since February it is now a specific criminal offence to post intimate images or videos of a former partner, this carries a 2 year prison sentence with it as well. However some sources have expressed concern that police forces may be overwhelmed by complaints without the experience to deal with this type of crime. The Ministry of Justice website can be found at https:// www.gov.uk/government/publications/revenge-porn-be-aware-b4-you-share What’s in a number, well 7726 is the gene coding for a human gene official full name TRIM26, it’s also the twitter account for the official mars online administrator but more usefully for us it is the number to report text spam to, it spells SPAM if you put the number into an alpha-numeric keypad, so just type in SPAM on your phone keypad if you receive any text messages that appear to be spam and forward to this number The official government department dealing with this is the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) which deals with all matters of Data Protection in the UK. Their website is https://ico.org.uk/for-the-public/texts/ where you can see what the law says about spam text messages and the action that the Information Commissioner's Office has already taken since the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 came into force ++++++++++++++++++++++ oldcodger@petrockstowe.co.uk 20 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk useful to find information about neighbouring properties from the Land Registry. Agree any unclear areas with your neighbours and sign an agreement with them if possible. You can ask a surveyor or a solicitor for advice. Get a surveyor to draw up a detailed plan and send this to Land Registry, with a completed Application to determine the exact line of a boundary, £90 fee and any agreements with neighbours. You can apply to have the agreement added to the title for your property and your neighbour’s. Fill in Form AP1 and send it to Land Registry with a copy of the boundary agreement and the appropriate fee. Neighbour disputes about boundaries If you haven’t sent a signed agreement from your neighbours with your application, Land Registry will contact them to check they’re happy with your plan. Land Registry will refer the dispute to the independent Land Registration division if you and your neighbour can’t agree on the boundaries. The Land Registration division will make a decision on what should happen - you may have to go to a hearing. Your property boundaries and trimming of hedges We often get calls from people having problems with neighbours due to issues over boundary ownership and the right to trim hedges. Below I have set out some advice if you are in a similar dispute or concerned about your boundaries and trimming. It is far better to resolve these issues without Police involvement and often just talking to the neighbour is the best option. If your neighbour is a tenant, you could contact their landlord. You could use a mediation service (Northern Devon Community Mediation 0845 201 2556) if raising the issue informally doesn’t work. If the dispute involves a statutory nuisance (something like loud music or barking dogs), you can make a complaint to your local council. Contact the Police if your neighbour is breaking the law by being violent or harassing you. As a last resort you can take legal action through the courts. Most land in England and Wales is registered with general boundaries. When a property is registered, Land Registry creates a drawing called a ‘title plan’. This usually only shows the general boundaries of the property, unless the previous owners supplied exact boundary information. You can get a copy of the title plan for any registered property in England and Wales. Working out the exact boundary You can set the exact boundary for your land or property if you want to. Get as much information as possible from your title plan, registry documents and other documentation. You may find it Continued on next page 21 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk Fence boundaries There’s no law about who owns the boundaries around your property, eg which side of the fence, walls or hedges you’re responsible for. Check your deeds to find out if there are any boundary agreements. If nothing’s been agreed you can set up an agreement with your neighbours. Registration mistakes If you think there’s a mistake in your registration, write to Land Registry and explain what’s wrong. Citizen Centre PO Box 6350 Coventry CV3 9LP Trimming Hedges Theoretically, you should not trim your neighbour’s hedge for fear of doing criminal damage to their property. However, your neighbour’s hedge has no entitlement to occupy the air space above your land. This would appear to give you the right to alleviate the nuisance caused by the encroachment of your neighbour’s hedge onto your land, allowing you to trim back its branches to the point at which they each cross the boundary. Before doing this however, I would advise speaking to your neighbour and advising them of the problem and they might be happy to trim the hedge for you or give you the go ahead to trim it to an agreed point and this will hopefully avoid any complaints from your neighbour. General practice, if you have trimmed your side of the hedge, is to dispose of the trimming yourself but as they are the property of the neighbour please check with them first. With regard to the height of the hedge, again this is something you could discuss with your neighbour but as it is your neighbour’s hedge they are entitled to decide to what height it grows. You may therefore trim your side only; you may not reduce the height of the hedge. Contact details: Torrington Station Pathfield TORRINGTON EX38 7BX Crime Stoppers 0800 555111 Non Emergency 101 Email: melissa.baker@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk or torrington@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk 22 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk P ARISH COUNCIL met in the Baxter Hall on Tuesday March 17th Present were: Vice Chairman Cllr Irene Fisher, Cllr Julie Harris, Cllr Alan Hunkins, Cllr Brian Cameron, Cllr David Kelsey, District Cllr Phillip Collins. and Clerk Heather Harris. Apologies were received from Cllr William Luxton, Cllr Josie Jeffs and PCSO Melissa Baker. The Minutes of the meeting held on January 20th 2015 were read, confirmed and signed. Matters Arising: a) Play Area,There has been a provisional Lottery Grant of £10,000 towards renovating the Play Area. New poles have been replaced in the Area. b) Elections, The members of the Council filled in their nomination papers prior to their delivery to Bideford Council Offices by the Clerk. c) Dog Bin The new dog bin has been located near to the Bus Shelter and was discussed. Councillor`s Reports: Recreation Ground, Cllr Kelsey reported that the Burn`s Night Ceilidh Barn Dance on January 24th had been very successful, he also reported that the Recreation Ground Committee AGM had been put back to April 23rd . Baxter Hall: Cllr Julie Harris reported that a new thermostat is to be fitted in the Hall to help control the new, recently installed, heaters. She announced that The Flower Show will take place on August 1st, also The Hall Committee are hoping to revive some of the traditional village events from the past. Financial Payments: included payment for the Play Area timber and fitting the new defibrillator exterior box. Torrington Area Advisory Group Cllr Kelsey reported on a recent meeting which he had attended. A.O.B. It was agreed that the Clerk should purchase a new Laptop in order to comply with the new Eenabling systems which are being set up by Torridge District Council. There was discussion concerning the new regulations regarding planning for barn conversions. The subject of the possibility of losing the Thursday Bus Service to Torrington was raised. A report from PCSO Melissa Baker in respect of the problems caused by trimming and location of boundary hedges was read out. Melissa also reported that that there had been 6 crimes logged in Petrockstowe over the past 6 months. The continuing problem of replacement signs on the Bury Cross signpost was once again raised. The Vice Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10pm. Property Boundaries and Hedge Trimming Item received from the Community Beat Team saying that it is far better to resolve these issues of disagreeing with neighbours without Police involvement. In difficult cases it is possible to use the North Devon Community Mediation Service on 0845 2012556. Disputes over boundaries can often be resolved by contacting the Land registry which can be contacted at Citizen Centre, P.O. Box 6350, Coventry CV3 9LP PARISH COUNCIL Annual General Meeting will take place in the Baxter Hall on Tuesday April 21st at 8pm All are welcome to attend. 23 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk RESULTS FOR January Results as follows: 1st Brenda Kent 2nd Vic & Hazel Cartwright No. 42 No. 78 3rd Peter Lexton No. 79 Mobile Library Timetable 2014/15 The Mobile Library will be at Baxter Hall arriving at 15.20 and departing at 15.50 on the following dates: Monday November 10th Monday December 6th 24 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk Little Otters Pre-School, at The Clinton School, Merton Opening times: Term time- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays, 9am till 3.30pm, with a lunch club 12pm – 1pm. £3 Per hour We aim to provide a safe and stimulating pre-school environment and to work within a framework, which ensures equality of opportunity for all children and families. We believe that early year’s education is much more than teaching sounds, colours, numbers and letters. It is about developing strong, curious and confident children. Our aim is to make learning fun and for children to enjoy learning as they start their journey in life. Your child is entitled to 15 hours, funded , the Term after they are 3 Years. We are also able to provide 2gether funding for 2 Year olds. For more Information please contact the school on 01805 603357 or email admin@clinton.devon.sch.uk Little Otters Baby & Toddler Group, Merton Where-The Clinton Hall, Merton When- Every Friday, 9am - 11.30am Price- £3 per child, £4 per family (Under 6 months free) Little Otters Baby & Toddler Group, Merton provides all kinds of fun and stimulating activities for children aged 0-5 Years. Activities available vary from messy play, story/singing sessions, role play to small world play and much, much more!! A chance for Parents/Carers to have a catch up, while your children play in a safe environment. A snack & milk will be provided for the Children and tea/coffee and biscuits for the Adults. Please come along to the Clinton Hall, where you will be warmly welcomed!! News from Little Otters…. This month the children have enjoyed using the travel agents in our role play area. And we have been enjoying the lovely weather in our outdoor learning area and out on the school mounds. Sharone, our class snail has come out of hibernation!! We hope you all have a lovely Easter break and look forward to a busy Summer term. Little Otters ‘stay and play’ session, every 1st & 3rd Thursday of each Month. A chance for Parents, Siblings and young families to spend time within our fantastic facilities and see the interesting activities we have on offer. The sessions will run, during term time, from 9am until 10am. For more information please contact Joelle on 01805 603357 25 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk 26 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk 27 April 2015 Edition ….View us online @ www.petrockstowevillage.co.uk CONTACTS Art Group Keith Rooke ** rookeys@krtoons.com 01837 811885 Baxter Hall Bookings Paul Everett (Temp) paul.everett60@gmail.com 07749 200758 Baxter Hall Secretary Malcolm Busby busbyspain@yahoo.co.uk Baxter Hall Treasurer Ken Rayner ** kenrayner7@gmail.com 01837 810778 Children’s Play Area Heather Harris h.harris24@btinternet.com 01837 810261 Cricket Ken Heaman Gardening Club Neil and Carol Squires** 01805 624025 neil.squires725@btinternet.com 01837 810567 annluxton@hotmail.co.uk 01837 810803 01837 810280 Chris and Doreen Smith History Group Ann Luxton Methodist Chapel Jessie Skinner ** North Devon Journal Corre- David Kelsey ** davidindevon@btinternet.com 01837 810796 Recreation Field Secretary Louise Hansen louisehansen1@btinternet.com 01837 811155 Senior Circle Joan Walden Skittles (Ladies) Marion Steer Skittles (Men's) Mike Stapleton St Petroc’s Church Martin Warren martinwarren535@btinternet.com 01409 281424 Team Vicar Susannah Metz petrockstowevicaris@gmail.com 01837 810621 Ladies Group Caroline Pink & Ann Tomkins g.pink.petrock@btinternet.com 01837 810810 Neighbourhood Watch Caroline Pink ** g.pink.petrock@btinternet.com 01837 810501 01837 810810 Ward Councillor Cllr Philip Collins 01805 603656 The Royal British Legion Mike Banks 01837 810504 Member of Parliament Mr Geoffrey Cox MP tellgeoffrey@geoffreycox.co.uk 01237 459001 Parish Councillors Chairman William Luxton annluxton@hotmail.co.uk 01837 810280 Vice Chairman Irene Fisher Stevenstone Hunt 01837 810468 01837 810732 marion.steer@hotmail.co.uk 01805 601776 01837 811097 Julie Harris** mrs.j.harris@live.co.uk 01837 810898 Alan Hunkin allan.ciderman@googlemail.com 01805 601287 David Kelsey davidindevon@btinternet.com 01837 810796 Brian Cameron Parish Clerk 01837 810671 01837 810222 Josie Jeffs bazandjosie@gmail.com 01837 810493 Heather Harris h.harris24@btinternet.com 01837 810261 Keith Rooke David Kelsey petrocknews@gmail.com davidindevon@btinternet.com 01837 811885 01837 810796 Petrockstowe News Editor Distribution Contact details for Petrockstowe News Email: petrocknews@gmail.com Or by post to: Petrockstowe News 5 Townland Rise EX20 3PQ Baxter Hall Keyholders** Gerard Jones — Carol Squires David Kelsey — Ken Raynor Jessie Skinner — Keith Rooke Graham & Caroline Pink Julie Harris 28 ** See Contact Details Above**
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