Purchasing Policy No. 3 Exhibit 1, Page 1 of 2 62-0760 (Rev 11/00) Purchasing Department CONTRACT OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT Contract Opportunity Announcement Professional Service Contract Construction Contract X Service Contract Material Requirement Other Contract Opportunity Title: Estimated Contract Value (Range): Request For Proposal (RFP) # 6942: Proposition 39 Zero Net Energy Pilot Program Design and Technical Assistance to K-12 School and Community College Customers Two contracts at $150,000 to $200,000 each Work Location: PG&E Service Territory (Northern and Central California) Deadline: Friday, May 15, 2015, at 11:59 pm. Contract Opportunity Description: Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) invites qualified firms with expertise in the design and modeling of zero net energy and low-energy projects and individual buildings to submit their interest in responding to a Request for Proposal to provide commercial project design and technical assistance services in support of PG&E’s Proposition 39 (Prop 39) Zero Net Energy (ZNE) Pilot Program. PG&E seeks high-quality technical support to provide the detailed design, technical, and performance assistance that will be offered to project teams through the Prop 39 ZNE Pilot Program. PG&E will use the services of consultants to assist PG&E staff. PG&E will award contract work based on each consultant team’s areas of expertise and the needs of the Prop 39 ZNE Pilot Program. Consultants will play critical roles in delivering the Pro p39 ZNE Pilot Program. Candidates for recruitment include architecture, engineering, energy modeling, and energy and/or sustainability consulting firms. The successful bidders will be one of two firms from which PG&E can choose consultants to provide design assistance to projects. Reports on project progress must be regularly provided to PG&E program manager and available upon request. Contract Opportunity Description continued below. Suppliers interested in responding to this upcoming RFP should email their contact information to the PG&E Representative listed below by Friday, May 15, 2015, at 11:59 pm. PG&E Contact: Department: Ann Bauer Sourcing E-Mail Address: Phone Number: Ann.Bauer@pge.com 415-973-5918 Purchasing Policy No. 3 Exhibit 1, Page 2 of 2 62-0760 (Rev 11/00) Purchasing Department CONTRACT OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT: (continued from above) The following are among the desired skills for the firms to provide ZNE Design Assistance to commercial projects, in particular K-12 school and community college buildings. PG&E does not expect firms applying to have expertise in every area and firms may include in the proposals any significant available subcontractor resources. Familiarity and experience with PG&E programs will be an asset. Experience with school-specific construction review and approval processes through the Department of State Architect (DSA). Experience with retrofit projects in K-12 school and community college projects. Expertise in the design and performance of passive environmental systems, including direct gain passive solar systems, indirect gain passive solar systems, isolated passive solar systems, passive cooling systems, and hybrid cooling systems. Expertise in solar hot water heating systems, including direct systems, indirect systems, space heating systems, and heat pump systems. Experience or background in the integration of energy efficiency measures, load reduction strategies, and renewables, including (as applicable) site planning (infrastructure cost reductions, site layout methods and tools), shell (including prefabrication, façade systems, structural insulated panels, and advanced framing), interior materials (including phase change materials), HVAC (especially radiant heating and cooling), DHW system, lighting (including daylighting), thermal storage, communicating appliances, refrigeration, cooking equipment and appliances, consumer electronics, other plug loads, on-site renewable systems and technologies, swimming pools and spa systems, and other equipment and systems (including DC power systems). Experience with energy analysis for the above systems and in energy modeling for low- and zero net energy communityscale or building projects. Experience with a range of standard design and analysis tools, as well as more specialized energy analysis tools developed for specific design decisions or for research purposes (such as tools developed by LBNL and NREL). Experience with cost estimating methods and tools for low- and zero net energy projects. Experience with California electricity and gas rates structures and with how to model or estimate demand response and alternate pricing options. Experience with relevant state and local energy and safety codes and standards, as wells as experience with planning and code review methods and tools. Experience with commissioning during the entire project design and construction process. Experience with performance monitoring equipment and performance assessment methodologies. Experience with building performance assessment reporting, with writing case studies on the design process and building performance, with the development of case studies and workshops based on project results, and with energy efficiency and behavior education for project owners, operations staff, and building occupants. All firms interested in responding to this upcoming RFP should email their contact information to the PG&E contact listed above by Friday, May 15, 2015, at 11:59 pm. If not already a registered PG&E vendor, please create a Supplier Profile at the following URL: http://www.pge.com/b2b/purchasing/
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