Chromatographia (2013) 76:523–528 DOI 10.1007/s10337-013-2405-y ORIGINAL Determination of Carbadox and Olaquindox Residues in Chicken Muscles, Chicken Liver, Bovine Meat, Liver and Milk by MLC with UV Detection: Application to Baby Formulae Jenny Jeehan Nasr • Shereen Shalan Fathalla Belal • Received: 29 October 2012 / Revised: 17 January 2013 / Accepted: 21 January 2013 / Published online: 9 February 2013 Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 Abstract A simple and sensitive method was optimized and validated for the analysis of carbadox and olaquindox residues in chicken muscles, chicken liver, bovine meat, liver and milk. Analytical separation was performed in less than 4 min using a C18 column with UV detection at 373 nm and a micellar solution of 0.1 M sodium dodecyl sulphate, 10 % acetonitrile and 0.3 % triethylamine in 0.02 M phosphoric acid buffered at pH 4 as the mobile phase. The method was fully validated in accordance with ICH guidelines. The micellar method was successfully applied to quantitatively determine carbadox and olaquindox residues in spiked chicken muscles, chicken liver, bovine meat, liver and milk. It was also extended to the determination of carbadox and olaquindox residues in baby formulae. The recoveries obtained were in the 89.2–93.6 and 93.0–107.2 % ranges for carbadox and olaquindox, respectively. High extraction efficiency for carbadox and olaquindox was obtained without matrix interference in the extraction process and in the subsequent chromatographic determination. No organic solvent was used during the pretreatment step. Keywords Micellar liquid chromatography Carbadox Olaquindox Chicken muscles Liver Milk Introduction Carbadox (methyl-3-(2-quinoalinylmethylene)carbazateN1,N4-dioxide) (CBX) and olaquindox (2-(N-2-hydroxyPresented at: 29th International Symposium on Chromatography, Torun´, Poland, September 9–13, 2012 J. J. Nasr (&) S. Shalan F. Belal Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Mansoura, Mansoura 35516, Egypt e-mail: ethylcarbamonyl)-3-methyl-quinoxaline-N 1,N4-dioxide) (OLQ) are the best known members of quinoxaline-1,4dioxides (Fig. 1), a group of synthetic antibacterial drugs which are often used as growth promoters as well as to prevent a number of diseases in animals [1]. Due to health concerns over possible carcinogenic, mutagenic and photoallergenic effects of the drugs and their metabolites [2, 3], the use of CBX and OLQ has been banned in Europe since 1998 [4]. Recently, the health concerns and the ongoing use of these compounds in some countries have been stated at the 18th session of the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods (2009) [5]. In Australia, the maximum residue limit (MRL) for OLQ in pig and poultry meat has been set at 300 lg kg-1 [6]. The literature reveals several HPLC methods for the determination of CBX and OLQ residues in muscle tissues. CBX was determined together with its metabolites and OLQ metabolites in porcine and bovine muscle tissues using tandem-mass spectrometric detection [7]. It was also determined with some of its metabolites in swine tissues using UV–Vis detection [8, 9]. OLQ residues were also determined in swine tissues using UV-detection [10]. CBX and OLQ residues were determined together with CBX metabolites in chicken muscles using a UV-diode array detector [11]. CBX and OLQ were determined in animal feeds using UPLC [12], LC–MS-MS [13] and HPLC with UV-detection [14–16]. To control the compliance of the ban of carbadox and olquindox, a simple and effective analytical technique for the monitoring of these drugs in animal feeds is of great significance. Most protocols dealing with the determination of carbadox and olaquindox in biological samples involve liquid–liquid extraction followed by a clean-up step, which make them time consuming and expensive to perform when many samples must be analyzed [12]. 123 524 J. J. Nasr et al. Reagents and Materials Fig. 1 Chemical structures of the drugs investigated Micellar liquid chromatography (MLC) allows complex matrices to be analyzed without the aid of extraction and with direct injection of the samples [17]. Micelles tend to bind proteins competitively, thereby releasing proteinbound drugs and proteins, rather than precipitating into the column. Proteins are solubilized and washed harmlessly away, eluting with the solvent front. This means that costs and analysis times are considerably reduced [18]. Micellar mobile phases usually need smaller quantities of organic modifier and generate smaller amounts of toxic waste in comparison to aqueous-organic solvents, so that they are less toxic, non-flammable, biodegradable and relatively inexpensive [18]. MLC has proved to be a useful technique in the determination of diverse groups of compounds in several matrices [19–21], including food samples [22–24]. The aim of this work was to develop a rapid, simple, sensitive and selective LC method with UV detection for determining CBX and OLQ residues in chicken muscles, chicken liver, bovine meat, liver and milk. The proposed procedure benefits from the two main advantages associated to the use of micellar mobile phases, namely, the use of environment-friendly eluents and fast and easy sample preparation. The procedure could also be extended to the analysis of these residues in baby formulae. All reagents and solvents used were of HPLC grade. Carbadox and Olaquindox analytical standards were of 100 % purity from VetranalÒ, Sigma-Aldrich (Seelze, Germany). Methanol, 1-propanol, acetonitrile and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) were from Sigma-Aldrich. Dimethyl sulfoxide, triethylamine and phosphoric acid were from Riedel-deHae¨n (Seelze, Germany). Nylon filters and syringe filters were from Sartorius-Stedium (Goettingen, Germany). Chicken muscles, chicken liver, bovine meat and liver samples were purchased from the local market. Milk was from JuhaynaÒ (Cairo, Egypt) and Infant Formula Milk was from HeroÒ (Spain). Preparation of Solutions Stock solutions of 0.2 mg mL-1 of each CBX and OLQ were prepared by dissolving CBX in the least amount of dimethyl sulfoxide then completing to volume with methanol, whereas OLQ was prepared in methanol. Working solutions were prepared by diluting the stock solutions with the mobile phase. Stock solutions were found to be stable for 1 week if kept in the refrigerator protected from light. Preparation of Calibration Curves Working solutions containing 0.5–40 lg mL-1 of CBX and OLQ were prepared by serial dilutions of aliquots of the stock solutions. Then, 20 lL aliquots were injected (triplicate) and eluted with the mobile phase under the reported chromatographic conditions. The average peak areas of each drug were plotted versus the concentrations of drug in lg mL-1. Alternatively, the corresponding regression equations were derived. Experimental Analysis of Bulk Substance Apparatus The method mentioned under the previous section was applied to the determination of the purity of CBX and OLQ raw materials. The percentage recoveries were calculated by referring to the calibration graphs previously prepared or by applying the regression equations. Chromatographic analyses were carried out using a Shimadzu Prominence HPLC system (Shimadzu, Japan) with a LC-20 AD pump, DGU-20 A5 degasser, CBM-20A interface, and SPD-20A UV–Vis detector with 20 lL injection loop. The columns used were Supelco DiscoveryÒ HS C18 column (250 mm 9 4.6 mm i.d., 5 lm particle size; Supelco, Pennsylvania, USA) and Nucleodur MN-C18 column (150 mm 9 4.6 mm i.d., 5 lm particle size; Macherey–Nagel, Du¨ren, Germany). Centrifugation was carried out using a TDL-60B Centrifuge (Anke, Taiwan). A BHA-180T Sonicator (Abbotta, USA) was used. Tissue homogenization was made using Tissue Master-125 Homogenizer (Omni International, GA, USA). 123 Samples Preparation Amounts of 2.5 g of each of the solid samples were accurately weighed and 5 mL of milk were spiked with aliquots of CBX and OLQ solutions. The spiked samples were mixed with 25 mL of 0.1 M SDS solution of pH 4. The samples (except milk samples) were then homogenized at 5,000 rpm for 5 min, then the homogenate was sonicated for 15 min, then centrifuged at 3,000 rpm for Determination of Carbadox and Olaquindox 5 min. Milk samples were only sonicated for 2 min without centrifugation. The supernatant of all samples was filtered through 0.45-lm membrane filters using a vacuum pump and diluted with the mobile phase. Aliquots of 20 lL were injected (triplicate) and eluted with the mobile phase under the reported chromatographic conditions. 525 Choice of Column Two different columns were used for performance investigations, including: Supelco DiscoveryÒ HS C18 column, and Nucleodur MN-C18 column. The experimental studies revealed that the first column was more suitable, since it produced well-resolved peaks with a very high sensitivity. Results and Discussion Mobile Phase Composition The proposed method permits the quantitation of CBX and OLQ in raw material, in chicken muscles, chicken liver, bovine meat, liver, milk and baby formula milk. Figure 2a shows a chromatogram indicating good resolution of OLQ (tR = 2.5 min) and CBX (tR = 3.1 min). The proposed method offers high sensitivity: as low as 0.07 lg mL-1 of CBX and 0.16 lg mL-1 of OLQ could be detected accurately. Optimization of Chromatographic Performance A well-defined symmetrical peak was obtained upon measuring the response of eluent under the optimized conditions after thorough experimental trials that could be summarized as follows: Several modifications in the micellar mobile phase composition were performed in order to study the possibilities of changing the selectivity of the chromatographic system. These modifications included the change of the surfactant concentration, the concentration and type of cosurfactant, the pH, and the flow rate. The results obtained are shown in Table 1. The mobile phase was prepared using 0.3 % triethylamine and 0.02 M phosphoric acid. Triethylamine was used to adjust the pH and it has a role in improving the efficiency [25]. The effect of changing the pH of the mobile phase on the selectivity and retention time of CBX and OLQ was investigated using mobile phases of pH ranging from 3.0 to 6.0 with 0.1 M SDS concentration and 10 % 1-propanol. Table 1 shows that a pH of 4.0 was most appropriate, giving well-resolved peaks and the highest Fig. 2 Chromatograms showing: (a) 5 lg mL-1 OLQ, (b) 5 lg mL-1 CBX in: a CBX and OLQ standards, b bovine meat, c chicken liver, d bovine liver 123 526 J. J. Nasr et al. Table 1 Optimization of experimental factors affecting the chromatographic performance of the proposed method Parameter Number of theoretical plates Tailing factor Resolution CBX OLQ CBX OLQ CBX/OLQ 3.0 30,247 21,564 1.18 1.04 1.83 4.0 33,985 25,611 1.17 1.03 1.89 4.5 29,136 20,389 1.18 1.03 1.84 5.0 26,830 21,349 1.19 1.04 1.80 5.5 25,504 18,733 1.20 1.06 1.80 8,931 1.26 1.14 1.72 Optimal chromatographic separation was achieved using a Supelco DiscoveryÒ HS C18 column. A solution containing 0.1 M sodium dodecyl sulphate and 10 % acetonitrile and 0.3 % triethylamine in 0.02 M phosphoric acid of pH 4.0 was used as mobile phase with a flow rate of 1 mL min-1. The detector wavelength was 373 nm. pH SDS concentration (M) 0.02 27,300 0.05 27,917 13,584 1.25 1.08 1.71 0.075 31,137 23,565 1.26 1.01 1.67 0.1 34,266 24,973 1.19 0.99 1.81 0.12 30,111 21,834 1.19 1.05 1.76 1-Propanol concentration (%) 6 8 27,627 29,919 11,501 21,916 1.25 1.20 1.22 1.12 1.82 1.91 10 33,580 24,702 1.17 0.99 1.79 12 30,958 20,107 1.18 0.98 1.81 Organic modifier nature Methanol 27,063 20,178 1.24 1.18 1.23 1-Propanol 31,979 23,611 1.17 0.96 1.78 Acetonitrile 37,081 33,599 1.18 0.91 1.89 number of theoretical plates. Values of pH higher than 6.0 resulted in a very low numbers of theoretical plates and low resolution. The effect of changing the concentration of surfactant on the selectivity and retention times of CBX and OLQ was investigated using mobile phases containing SDS concentrations in the range 0.02–0.12 M and containing 10 % 1-propanol and buffered at pH 4. Table 1 shows that 0.1 M SDS was the best, giving well-resolved peaks and the highest number of theoretical plates. Retention times increased when concentration of surfactant decreased. The effect of changing the concentration of organic modifier on the selectivity and retention times of CBX and OLQ was investigated using mobile phases containing concentrations of 6–12 % 1-propanol and containing 0.1 M SDS and buffered at pH 4. Table 1 shows that 10 % of 1-propanol was the best, giving well-resolved peaks and the highest number of theoretical plates. Hence, a small amount of 1-propanol is added to accelerate and control the elution of the drug. The effect of changing the type of cosurfactant on the selectivity and retention times of CBX and OLQ was investigated using mobile phases containing 10 % methanol, 1-propanol or acetonitrile. Table 1 shows that 10 % acetonitrile was the best, giving well-resolved peaks and the highest number of theoretical plates. 123 Method Validation Concentration Ranges and Calibration Graphs Under the above-described experimental conditions, linear relationships were established by plotting peak areas against CBX and OLQ concentrations. The concentration range was found to be 0.5–40 lg mL-1 for each of CBX and OLQ. Linear regression analysis of the data gave the following equations: PCBX ¼ 17; 392 þ 12; 158 CCBX ðr ¼ 0:9999Þ POLQ ¼ 10; 775 þ 47; 495 COLQ ðr ¼ 0:9999Þ where C is the concentration of drug in lg mL-1 and P is the peak area. The high values of the correlation coefficient (r values [0.999) indicate good linearity of the calibration graphs. Statistical analysis of the data gave small values of the % relative error (% Er) 0.7 % for both CBX and OLQ, respectively [26]. Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) and Limit of Detection (LOD) The limit of quantitation (LOQ) was determined by establishing the lowest concentration that can be measured according to ICH Q2B recommendations [27] below which the calibration graph is non-linear and was found to be 2.5 and 5.2 lg g-1 for CBX and OLQ, respectively. The limit of detection (LOD) was determined by establishing the minimum level at which the analyte can be reliably detected (S/N = 3); it was found to be 0.7 lg g-1 (2. 7 9 10-7 M) and 1.6 lg g-1 (6.1 9 10-7 M) for CBX and OLQ, respectively. Accuracy and Precision The proposed method was evaluated by studying the accuracy as % Er and precision as percent relative standard deviation (% RSD) using three preparations with suitable concentrations, as shown in Table 2. The intra-day (n = 3) and interday (n = 3) accuracy, calculated as % Er, was found to be within 0.1 and 0.2 % for CBX, respectively and 0.1–0.2 and 0.2–0.3 % for OLQ, respectively. The repeatability of the Determination of Carbadox and Olaquindox Table 2 Accuracy and precision data for carbadox and olaquindox using the proposed method 527 Analyte Concentration (lg mL-1) Carbadox Intra-daya Inter-dayb Recovery (mean ± SD) RSD (%) Er (%) Recovery (mean ± SD) RSD (%) Er (%) 5.0 100.4 ± 0.2 0.2 0.1 100.6 ± 0.4 0.4 0.2 10.0 100.6 ± 0.2 0.2 0.1 100.8 ± 0.4 0.4 0.2 20.0 100.0 ± 0.2 0.2 0.1 100.1 ± 0.4 0.4 0.2 5.0 100.9 ± 0.3 0.3 0.2 100.9 ± 0.6 0.6 0.3 Intra-day: within the day 10.0 100.6 ± 0.3 0.3 0.2 100.9 ± 0.3 0.3 0.2 Inter-day: three consecutive days 20.0 100.3 ± 0.2 0.2 0.1 99.8 ± 0.3 0.3 0.2 Each result is the average of three separate determinations a Olaquindox b assay (intra-day) was found to be within 0.2 and 0.2–0.3 (n = 3) at 5, 10, and 20 lg ml-1 for CBX and OLQ, respectively. The reproducibility of the assay (inter-day) at the same concentration levels was found to be within 0.4 and 0.3–0.6 (n = 3) for CBX and OLQ, respectively. The results of the proposed method were favorably compared with those obtained using the reference method [14]. The reference method depends on the RP-HPLC determination of CBX and OLQ with UV detection using a C18 column and a mobile phase composed of acetonitrile:water containing 25 mmol L-1 ammonium acetate (10:90 v/v) using gradient elution at a flow rate of 1 mL min-1. Detection was carried out at 373 nm using solid-phase extraction for sample clean-up [14]. Statistical analysis of the results obtained by the proposed and reference methods showed no significant difference in the performance of the two methods using Student’s t test and the variance ratio F test. The proposed procedure offers additional advantages over the reference procedure in that the proposed is more sensitive with good accuracy and precision. Applications The applicability of the procedure developed here to determine CBX and OLQ was tested by analyzing it in spiked chicken muscles, liver, bovine meat, liver and milk in addition to spiked baby formula milk. All samples were bought at a local supermarket. Table 3 shows the results of the analysis of CBX and OLQ determined in all samples after homogenization with micellar solution, sonication, centrifugation and filtration. Samples were spiked at the following concentration levels: 5, 10 and 15 ppm. Three replicates of each concentration were injected into the chromatograph. The data obtained (Table 3) show satisfactory recoveries for CBX and OLQ in all samples, and the results fall in the range of 89.2–93.6 and 93.0–107.2 % for CBX and OLQ, respectively. Figure 2 depicts the chromatograms obtained from different spiked samples of CBX and OLQ analyzed with the optimum mobile phase. These chromatograms reveal how a surveillance programme for CBX and OLQ residues can be Table 3 Assay of carbadox and olaquindox in food samples using the proposed and reference methods Method CBX OLQ Prop. Ref. CBX Prop. Ref. OLQ Prop. Ref. CBX Prop. Ref. Chicken liver OLQ Prop. Ref. Prop. Ref. 91.2 Sample type Chicken muscles Bovine meat a Mean (X) 89.4 88.6 107.2 105.5 90.8 89.8 93.8 91.9 89.9 90. 6 93.0 ±SD 2.2 2.4 2.1 2.5 1.8 2.6 1.3 2.5 1.5 2.9 2.9 4.0 Variance 4.8 5. 6 4.4 6.4 3.3 6.6 1.8 6.5 2.3 8.4 8.2 16.3 Student’s t valueb 0.42 0.93 0.55 1.15 0.32 0.62 Variance ratio F valueb 1.15 1.46 2.00 3.65 3.65 1.99 Sample type Bovine liver a Mean (X) Milk Baby formula milk 89.2 91.6 95.9 94.0 89.3 87.7 95.9 89.3 93.6 91.3 ±SD 1.4 3.2 1.3 1.9 1.7 2.1 2.9 1.7 1.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Variance 2.1 10.4 1.7 3.7 2.9 4.5 8.7 9.1 1.9 6.5 7.7 8.8 Student’s t valueb Variance ratio F valueb 1.21 4.90 1.41 2.23 0.99 1.55 a Number of experiments = 3 b Tabulated t and F values at p = 0.05 are 2.78 and 19.00, respectively 0.22 1.05 1.35 3.50 102. 9 101.8 0.46 1.14 123 528 performed under the proposed chromatographic conditions. The low detection limits of the proposed method are useful for the determination of any traces of CBX and OLQ residues that are prohibited in baby formula milk. Conclusion The proposed procedure is useful for food quality testing and control areas to determine the content of CBX and OLQ in chicken muscles, liver, bovine meat, liver and milk samples. Moreover, it allows the detection of traces of CBX and OLQ residues in baby formula milk with high sensitivity. One advantage of this procedure is the possibility of injecting the samples directly into the chromatographic system with no previous treatment other than homogenization, dilution and filtration, thus avoiding tedious extractions from matrices. Validation according to ICH regulation provides satisfactory results in terms of sensitivity, linearity, accuracy and recoveries and at the ppm level. It is noteworthy that the use of micellar mobile phases endows the procedure advantages such as nontoxicity, non-flammability, biodegradability, and low cost. 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