Other Information Registration Fee includes continuing education, seminars, materials, breaks, and lunch. A late fee will be applied if the fees are sent after 4/21 for SEOPA and 4/25 for Alumni Day. For more information, contact Michael Kurilla, CE Program Specialist, at (304) 293-5103 or mpkurilla@hsc.wvu.edu, or Dr. Ginger Scott, CE Director at (304)293-1553 or at vscott@hsc.wvu.edu. Visit us on the web at http://pharmacy.hsc.wvu.edu/ce/Live-Programs. SEOPA Spring Seminar, April 26 (6 hrs CE) Alumni Day Seminar, May 1 (6 hrs CE) All Day - 6 hr CE (circle rate) Pharmacists All Others Fee $130 $90 Late Fee $160 $120 Half-Day Only Pharmacists All Others $65 $45 $80 $60 ______ ______ Cancellation Policy Refund minus a $25 fee will be given for cancellations received in writing by 4/25 for SEOPA and 4/30 for Alumni Day. The Office of CE reserves the right to cancel the program due to low registration. If canceled, registrants will be contacted via phone or e-mail. Register Online Please register and pay online at https://pharmacyce.wvu.edu/user/login. If you cannot register online, please mail or fax the form below to: WVU School of Pharmacy, Office of Continuing Education PO Box 9540 Morgantown, WV 26505 Fax: 304-293-2529 Locations 4/26 SEOPA (Vienna, WV) Grand Pointe Conference and Reception Center 1500 Grand Central Avenue, Suite 118 Vienna, WV 26105, (304)295-7007 Directions: From I-77, take Exit 179. Turn onto Emerson Avenue/WV 68 and follow for 4.7 miles. Turn right at Murdoch Avenue/WV 14 and follow for 2.3 miles. Destination will be on the right, located in the business park, to the left of Lowe’s. Prsrt First Class US Postage Paid Morgantown, WV Permit #230 Registration Fee Continuing Education Programs for Pharmacists 5/1 Alumni Day (Morgantown, WV) Waterfront Place Hotel Two Waterfront Place Morgantown, West Virginia, 26501 (304)296-1700 Directions: From I-79 South, I-79 North, and I-68 West, take the US-119 exit – EXIT NUMBER 1- toward UNIVERSITY AVE. /DOWNTOWN. Turn LEFT off of the exit ramp. Travel towards downtown Morgantown going through 3 stop lights. The Waterfront Place Hotel is on the LEFT at the 4th stop light. Southeastern Ohio Pharmacists Association Spring Seminar (SEOPA) Sunday, April 26, 2015 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Grand Pointe Conference Center Vienna, WV 3 hrs. Updated Drug Diversion CE and 3hrs. additional CE Parking Park in the Morgantown Event Center parking garage (entrance by Waterfront Jeep). Parking tickets will be validated at the event. Please Print or Type _________________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP _________________________________________________ PHONE (Home and Work) _________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS _________________________________________________ DIETARY RESTRICTIONS West Virginia University School of Pharmacy (WVUSoP) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education (CPE). The SEOPA and Alumni Day programs are accredited up to a total of 6.0 hours, or 0.6 CEUs for pharmacists. WVUSoP will report your participation in the program to NABP CPE Monitor within 4 – 6 weeks for all participants who successfully complete each session. Successful completion includes: attending the entire session, signing the attendance sheet and completing an online evaluation form for each session attended. After completing the evaluation form, a statement of credit may be printed online, by going to your personal account in our database http://pharmacyce.wvu.edu/user/login. Alumni Day Spring Seminar Friday, May 1, 2015 Return Service Requested _________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS Continuing Education WVU School of Pharmacy Office of Continuing Education PO Box 9540 Morgantown, WV 26506-9540 _________________________________________________ FIRST NAME MI LAST NAME 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Waterfront Place Hotel Morgantown, WV 3 hrs. Updated Drug Diversion CE and 3hrs. additional CE Program Description May 1, 2015 – Alumni Day Seminar Learning Objectives Continued Learning Objectives Continued Programs are designed for pharmacists in all practice settings. The SEOPA Seminar will focus on drug diversion, West Virginia law update, and treatment and prevention of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. The Alumni Day Seminar will focus on immunizations, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management, and drug diversion. 8:00am Registration and Refreshments 8:55am Welcome/Announcements 9:00am A Shot of Prevention: An Update on Current Vaccination Recommendations (Knowledge-based) Dani Dolin, PharmD, CDE, CPT ACPE UPN 0072-0000-15-032-L01-P 11:00am Break 11:15am A “Lung” Overdue Review of COPD Management (Application-based) Gregory B. Castelli, PharmD, BCPS ACPE UPN 0072-0000-15-033-L01-P 12:15pm Lunch 1:15pm Drug Diversion and Best Practice Prescribing of Controlled Substances Training for West Virginia Pharmacists (Knowledge-based) Daniel J. Ventricelli, PharmD Second Speaker to be Announced ACPE UPN 0072-0000-15-036-L03-P 2:45pm Break 3:00pm Resume Drug Diversion Presentation 4:30pm Questions and Conclusion Updates in Prescription Drug Diversion, Substance Use Disorders, and Pain Management A “Lung” Overdue Review of COPD Management Agendas April 26, 2015 – SEOPA Seminar 8:00am Registration and Refreshments 8:55am Welcome/Announcements 9:00am Updates in Prescription Drug Diversion, Substance Use Disorders, and Pain Management (Knowledge-based) Michael O’Neil, PharmD ACPE UPN 0072-9999-15-023-L03-P 10:30am Break 10:45am Resume Drug Diversion Presentation 12:15pm Lunch 1:15pm West Virginia Pharmacy Law Update: 2015 (Knowledge-based) David E. Potters, JD ACPE UPN 0072-0000-15-035-L03-P 2:45pm Break 3:00pm *Treatment and Prevention of MethicillinResistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Infections (Knowledge-based) Lisa A. Keller, PharmD, BCPS ACPE UAN 0072-0000-14-120-L01-P 4:30pm Questions and Conclusion *This session was originally presented on 10/12/14 in Pipestem, WV and on 3/15/15 in Martinsburg, WV. If you attended either of these sessions, additional credit will not be awarded. Learning Objectives SEOPA Seminar West Virginia Pharmacy Law Update: 2015 (Knowledge Based) Discuss laws passed by the 2015 WV Legislature related to pharmacy practice. Identify the expansion in types of immunizations given by West Virginia pharmacists. Discuss federal changes for compounding for prescriptions and for 503b outsourcing facilities. Treatment and Prevention of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Infections – (Knowledge-based) • Describe the epidemiology of MRSA infections in the community and healthcare settings. • Review the management of patients with infections caused by MRSA. • Compare newer treatment options for MRSA. • Discuss MRSA prevention strategies. • Discuss what comprises drug diversion, including West Virginia statistics on prescription drug abuse and resulting deaths. • State the epidemiology of chronic pain and misuse of opioids. • Describe the indicators for opioids in chronic pain treatment including general characteristics, toxicities, and drug interactions. • Outline patient evaluation and risk assessment and tools to assess risk and monitor benefits. • Explain the initiation and ongoing-management of chronic pain in patients treated with opioid based therapies. • Discuss a case study of a patient with chronic pain. • Identify diversion and drug seeking behaviors and tactics. • State best practice methods for working with patients, prescribers, and law enforcement concerning patients suspected of drug seeking behavior and diversion. • Give examples of compliance with controlled substances laws. • Identify registration with and use of the West Virginia Controlled Substances Monitoring Program established in West Virginia Code 60A-9-1. Alumni Day Seminar Drug Diversion and Best Practice Prescribing of Controlled Substances Training for West Virginia Pharmacists • Learning objectives for this presentation are the same as the Updated Drug Diversion presentation above A Shot of Prevention: An Update on Current Vaccination Recommendations • Compare the available influenza vaccinations and determine how to select the most appropriate vaccine. • Discuss similarities and differences between the pneumococcal polysaccharide and conjugate vaccines. • State the recommendations for tetanus-containing vaccines in adults including target population and re-vaccination. • Discuss meningococcal vaccines and administration. • Define the COPD burden in the state of West Virginia. • Use GOLD guidelines to choose a medication regimen for a COPD patient. • Recommend immunizations important in the COPD population. • Describe proper inhaler technique for various products. Faculty SEOPA Seminar Michael O’Neil, PharmD Professor of Pharmacy Practice South College School of Pharmacy Knoxville, TN David E. Potters, JD Executive Director and General Counsel WV Board of Pharmacy Charleston, WV Lisa A. Keller, PharmD, BCPS Clinical Specialist - Infectious Diseases West Virginia University Healthcare Pharmacy Department Morgantown, WV Alumni Day Seminar Gregory B. Castelli, PharmD, BCPS Clinical Pharmacist, School of Family Medicine Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy West Virginia University Morgantown, WV Dani Dolin, PharmD, CDE, CPT Clinical Pharmacist Morgantown, WV Daniel J. Ventricelli, PharmD Research Fellow and Adjunct Faculty Department of Pharmacy Practice Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy East Tennessee State University Johnson City, TN
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