Pills, Potions, and Poisons July 6 - College of Pharmacy

Pills, Potions, and Poisons
A science enrichment and career exploration program
for high school students in the greater Columbus area
July 6 – 11, 2015
The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy
Columbus, Ohio
The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy • 408 Riffe Building • Columbus, OH 43210
Pills, Potions, and Poisons Information
The Pills, Potions, and Poisons program provides students with an overview of
pharmacology and its relationship to health, disease, and society. In the field of
pharmacology, scientists study the interactions between drugs and the body and then
apply what they have learned to the development of new drugs.
A wide variety of drug topics will be addressed in the course, including:
Can we find a “perfect” drug, and if so, what properties would that drug have?
What are the similarities and differences between therapeutic drugs that cure
disease and street drugs used recreationally?
How do drugs cause addiction?
How do our genes play a role in the success or failure of a drug treatment?
How do we discover new drugs?
What types of careers are available in the pharmaceutical sciences?
Students will learn through a variety of approaches including lecture, discussion, debate,
games, laboratory visits, field trips, and hands-on experiments. On the final day of the
course, we will provide a morning information session that discusses the College of
Pharmacy’s undergraduate bachelor program in the pharmaceutical sciences. We will
provide lunch following this information session, and spend the early afternoon with
students presenting their findings in a student showcase. All parents are invited and
encouraged to attend both the morning and afternoon sessions, as well as lunch.
The course is not designed strictly for students with an interest in pharmacy. In fact, any
student with an interest in biomedical science (including careers in pharmacy, medicine,
dentistry, laboratory research, etc.) is encouraged to apply.
The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy • 408 Riffe Building • Columbus, OH 43210
Pills, Potions, and Poisons Information
July 6 – 11, 2015
9:00AM – 4:00PM (note: this is a day camp, not a residential program)
OSU College of Pharmacy, Parks Hall
Rising 10th-12th grade students who have an interest in the biomedical sciences
(e.g., pharmacy, medicine, dentistry, lab research, etc.). Students must obtain a
nomination from a science teacher at their school (form provided on the website).
Note: We strongly encourage applicants to complete either a high school-level
biology or chemistry course before applying.
$150, which includes all supplies, meals, snacks, field trip expenses, and a t-shirt.
Do NOT send any payment with this application. Payment is due upon acceptance
into the program and is non-refundable.
Students should provide their own transportation to/from the OSU campus each
day. For those students who plan to drive to campus, parking passes are available
for a fee through CampusParc (http://www.campusparc.com/osu).
Application instructions:
Interested students should complete and email the student application to Dr. Molly Downing
at downing.211@osu.edu. In addition, each application requires a nomination from a high
school teacher. Each teacher should download and complete the ‘Teacher Nomination Form’
found on our website. The teacher should email the completed form to Dr. Molly Downing. All
emails must be sent by the teacher’s work email.
Both the student application and teacher nomination form must be received by Dr. Molly
Downing via email no later than April 17, 2015. Do not send payment.
Questions? Please contact
Dr. Molly Downing at downing.211@osu.edu.
The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy • 408 Riffe Building • Columbus, OH 43210
Student Application
Instructions to the student: Complete this application form with your parent/guardian. Email
the completed application to Dr. Molly Downing at downing.211@osu.edu. Applications are
due by April 17, 2015.
Personal Information
Name: _______________________________________________________
Street Address: ___________________________________________________________
City: _______________________
State: ________
Home phone: ______________________
Zip: ___________________
Cell phone: __________________________
Email address: _______________________________________________________
Birth date: __________________________
Hispanic/Latin American
Native American
Where did you hear about the program? ______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Information
Parent/guardian’s name: __________________________________________________
Parent/guardian’s occupation: ______________________________________________
Parent/guardian’s cell phone: _________________________
Parent/guardian’s email address: ___________________________________________
The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy • 408 Riffe Building • Columbus, OH 43210
School Information
Current school: ___________________________________________________________
Current grade:
GPA: ____________ on a scale of _________________
What high school science courses will you have completed by July 2015?
Biology 1
Biology 2 or AP
Chemistry 1
Chemistry 2 or AP
Other (please indicate): _______________________________
If selected, indicate how you will travel to/from the OSU College of Pharmacy:
My parent/guardian will drive me
I will drive
Other (please indicate): _______________________________
Have you previously applied to this program? (Check the appropriate box)
Yes; please specify which year ________________
Teacher Nomination
Students applying to the Pills, Potions, and Poisons course must have a nomination from a high
school science teacher. Please ask the teacher nominating you to download, complete and email
the ‘Teacher Nomination Form’ found on our website.
Name of teacher nominating you: ____________________________________________
The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy • 408 Riffe Building • Columbus, OH 43210
Short Response
Find a recent news article (within the last year) that focuses on a science topic that interests you.
Using the space below, write a brief essay (max. 250 words) summarizing the article and explain
why you find it interesting. Please cite the source of your article.
I hereby certify that the information given in this application by the student is true
and accurate. It reflects the effort of the student and not a parent/guardian.
Student printed name
Parent/Guardian printed name
Both the student application and teacher nomination form must be received by Dr. Molly
Downing via email no later than April 17, 2015. Do not send payment.
The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy • 408 Riffe Building • Columbus, OH 43210