Seminar for experienced PhD-supervisors, 15

Seminar for experienced PhD-supervisors
15th and 16th of June 2015
Munkebjerg Hotel, Vejle
Seminar for experienced PhD-supervisors
Why this seminar
The conditions of PhD supervision are changing these current years. Both supervisors and PhD
students are increasingly part of larger research groups with different nationalities, locations and
a more complex association to the corporate world. Supervisors also face a reality with
significantly more PhD students who have heterogeneous backgrounds and competencies and
who require a faster lead time. This calls for the supervisors and research environments to
develop guidance that match the new requirements and challenges.
This seminar brings the latest, international, research-based knowledge and practice in the
counseling area into play. The idea is to inspire the experienced supervisors and give them new
tools and knowledge to develop and raise the level of PhD supervision in their respective
academic environments. These supervisors often have management tasks within research
groups and act as role models for other supervisors. The seminar was designed as a skills
development project under the Agency for Competence Development in collaboration with the
most experienced teachers in the field in Denmark.
Target group
The seminar is directed at experienced PhD supervisors. Defined as supervisors who:
- Have supervised at least 5 PhD students as main supervisor.
- Alternatively have been main supervisor for at least 3 PhD students combined with
tasks as assistant supervisor or other relevant job functions in the PhD area. Ongoing
projects are also relevant.
The goal is to expand the participants repertoire of guidance strategies and methods, strengthen
their reflections on their own practice and get inspiration for constructing an academic
environment that supports the student's professional development and well-being. The seminars
principal approach is that guidance is best qualified and further developed by the participants
sharing experiences and being challenged at the edge of their comfort zone.
Seminar for experienced PhD supervisors
The seminar comprises of a number of topics that bring the participants' experiences, knowledge
and values ​into play. The topics are selected to represent the current challenges for many PhD
supervisors. They cover three core supervisory competences often addressed in the literature:
1. relationship and process management skills
2. communication skills
3. text-related skills
This course differs from courses in PhD supervision at the individual universities by putting special
emphasis on a managerial perspective: how is the academic environment organized for the
benefit of the PhD students, how to lead a larger group of PhD students and how supervisors can
cooperate to guide a PhD program . The detailed program will be announced later.
Participants are expected to devote 3-4 hours preparation time for reflection and gathering of
knowledge in relation to their own practice.
Teaching method
The seminar is very practice-oriented with emphasis on the exchange of experience and the
training of concrete guidance principles and methods. The seminar is based on a combination of
presentations, plenary discussions, group work and input from participants. Many of the working
methods/processes that are brought into play at the seminar can also be used in the research
group and the collective guidance of PhD students.
The Seminar will be held in English or Danish depending on the participants language skills
Academic anchorage and teachers
The seminar is professionally anchored in a network under DUN, - Network for the Development
of PhD supervision (NUP) see:
There is currently a group consisting of two course coordinators referring to the NUP, and new
course managers will be recruited from the NUP. For 2015, the teachers will be Mirjam
Godskesen, PhD and independent consultant and Gitte Wichmann-Hansen, PhD, associate
professor and research manager at Aarhus University.
Seminar for experienced PhD supervisors
We will be working with the following issues:
What is ”good” supervision?
How do you encourage and motivate the PhD students?
What challenges do internationalization add to supervision?
How is supervision best integrated in the research environment?
How do you as a leader create a good academic environment for the PhD students?
How do you encourage students’ writing processes and provide constructive text feedback?
Which communication tools are helpful in supervision?
How do you identify and manage typical conflicts in supervisory relationships?
 What strategies are effective in order to promote students’ independence?
 How can techniques from coaching be used in supervision?
Quotes from partipants attending our last seminar
"... high praise for the high subject knowledge, great dedication and fine structure“
“It worked really well with the many discussions / personal involvement“
"Dense, intense, rewarding and valuable with the many well-planned presentations and attentive
group work“
"Enthusiastic and vivid"
Seminar for experienced PhD supervisors
Practical informations
6.900 DKK
Registration deadline
April 8, 2015
Go to registration here.
Cancellation Policy
Any cancellation must be notified as early as possible and by mail.
Cancellations will only be accepted up until the original registration deadline. All cancellations
after this date will be invoiced a late cancellation fee at a minimum for the cost of the
accommodation. Institutions can, by further agreement with the secretariat, find a substitute if the
person in question is within the seminars target group.
Munkebjerg Hotel
Munkebjergvej 125
7100 Vejle
Kompetence- og organisationsudvikling
Campusvej 55
5230 Odense M
Kursuskoordinator Anette Bjerre Jensen
Tlf. 6550 4406