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Philadelphia South Asian
Monthly Community Paper | | 512-828-6709 | Vol. 5 No. 05
Nepal Earthquake
Kathmandu, Nepal (CNN)More
than 4,600 people dead. Over
9,000 injured. Eight million affected across Nepal. One million
children urgently in need of help.
WASHINGTON: At about the
same time the death of a farmer
in New Delhi brought the capital’s attention on farm suicides, a
young Indian-American was invoking with gratitude the Indian
roots of his success in the United
States: his agriculturist grandfather’s resilience and sacrifice that
led his parents emigration and his
own remarkable achievement in
this country. (Continued... P 20)
Those are the startling numbers
that indicate the scale of the dev-
astation from the huge earthquake
that struck the Himalayan nation.
(Continued On Page 21)
Hindu Temple In Texas
NEW YORK (IANS) — In the
latest attack on Hindu houses of
worship in the U.S., a temple has
been vandalized in Texas, “horrifying” both Hindus and non-
Hindus who have offered to help
the temple clean up the damage,
media reported. (Continued On
Page 21)
May 2015
Travel Budget Friendly.04
Raag Of Ages.............05
Meet Ultra Runner.......07
Bollywood Meets.........08
National Poetry Month.08
Visit To Organic Farm..10
Family Dinner..............10
5 ponters to buy a car.11
A Look Through..........11
Ex TCS Worker............11
Canada Returns..........12
Farmer’s Suicides........14
June 2015
DONATE You Can Advertise In Special
EARTHQUAKE Philadelphia SOUTH ASIAN 512-828-6709
www.REDCROSS .org
Go to web link below
Healthy Snacks...........15
Musical Ramanavami...17
Make A Difference.......18
Vivek Murthy Youngest
Surgeon General.........20
Hindu Temple In Texas
Nepal Earthquake.......21
Children’s Page...........22
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
Budget-Friendly Summer Travel Tips
Americans collectively neglect 430 million vacation days annually, according
to the 2014 Oxford Economics analysis.
Whatever your reasons for sacrificing vacation, don’t let it be finances.
You have a great job. Congratulations.
But, you could be missing on huge opportunities by not applying for jobs listed on
the employment market.
One good opportunity could make all the difference.
It is like being at the right place, at the right time. And we could make it happen for
You are on vacation and you do not want to miss on posted job opportunities.
You don’t have job. You may be missing on opportunities by not responding in time.
Register online: |281-754-3933
Philadelphia South Asian
for Just $29 Month
“An enjoyable vacation is possible on even
the smallest budget -- and summer is the
perfect time to travel,” says Tom Seddon,
Chief Marketing Officer of Extended Stay
Seddon encourages families to save big on
travel with these helpful tips.
People traveling during holidays and long
weekends often experience higher gas
prices, bigger crowds and longer lines.
Seddon suggests dodging departures and
arrivals during peak travel times to avoid
congested roads and stop-and-go traffic.
Save on airfare by leveraging a family
member’s business trip. Simply add days
to the beginning or end of the trip. Whether visiting relatives, touring colleges as
Philadelphia South Asian
Editor: Bala Kumar
Marketing: Jayachitra Vijay -512-8286709 / info@Philadelphiasouthasian.
Production: Jyothi Mariswaran
Admin: Sharada Dayanidhi
Publisher: Vidya Kumar
Distribution: Vasooda Kumar
©All rights reserved. No material
herein or portions thereof be
published without the wirtten
consent of the publisher.
The deadline for advertisement and
article is 20th of every month.
a high school senior or visiting a sibling
already enrolled, adding extra time to the
trip makes for a budget-friendly family
getaway. Stay-cation
Remember, expensive doesn’t mean more
fun. For a budget-savvy version of vacation, look for shorter trip destinations two
to three hours from home. Consider nearby attractions that make for an inexpensive
weekend or day trip, like theme parks, zoos
or state parks. Select a hotel that provides
a good value for what you need. Unlike
a resort hotel where the experience is the
hotel, use the hotel as a place to refresh,
sleep and prepare snacks, so that you can
spend more time experiencing all the local
Complete errands beforehand and create a
full itinerary to ensure you don’t fall into
your normal routine. Also, unplug -- reducing time on tech means more refreshing time off.
Use your time to visit local hotspots you’ve
also wanted to experience. Summer is usually the best time for state and county fairs
and local newspapers and regional websites are great resources for finding offbeat events.
Loyalty Rewards Programs
Many point-based loyalty programs require a significant amount of time and investment before you see any benefit.
Enroll in loyalty programs that offer in-
stant rewards, coupons, and discounts at national retailers, rental
car companies, restaurants, theme
parks and more. Programs like
this will provide valuable savings
to enhance summer travel.
dish on your own.
Meal Costs
Stay Across the River
Consider offsetting costs by
pre-making snacks and picnic
lunches. Staying at an extendedstay style hotel can be helpful,
as guests have access to in-room
kitchens and full size refrigerators.
Hotel accommodations can be pricey in big
cities. Stay across the river or in suburbs a
short drive or subway trip away. The same
concept can be extended to flights. Flying
into a smaller airport or neighboring cities
sometime yields lower rates.
Don’t worry about forgoing local fare. This is an opportunity to
visit the area’s farmer’s markets
where you can shop for local ingredients and recreate a regional
Still craving a specific restaurant? Lunch
menus are usually less expensive than dinner, and you’re more likely to catch happy
hour drink and appetizer specials.
For more budget travel tips and ideas, visit
This summer, don’t forgo vacation. Savvy decisions can make for wallet-friendly
travel. (State Point).
Poems By Arun
On this planet most magnificent
We are just guests
Brought in to live in
And not on our own.
Be grateful to the Host, for the munificent
Maintain this for the next generation,
Clean, beautiful and green
With no business to ruin!
To think as your own all natures gift
Not wrong at all
But co-exist and exit once and for all
On getting the final call!
Everything is his concept
Nothing is ours.
On this planet marvellous
We are just guests!
While you are keeping the first infant step
in your career
The following words do always remember.
Be grateful to those who teach you, however trivial it may appear.
Irrespective of their designations, respect
seniors and elders.
Smart work rather than hard work and
sincerity ensures better future
Grab the opportunities available, honestly,
to climb up the ladder.
Health, take care with good diet and make
it a point to walk a lot.
Keep away from bad company and bad
habits never cultivate.
Smile, it costs nothing, but value of the
same is great
For the receiver, the other end at.
Save, for of the future comforts, but not at
the cost of
Sacrificing the necessities of the present.
Borrow, only when you must and if you
can make provision to meet
The commitments on time to repay it.
Lend, when you have to, only if you are
confident of getting the same back
With some consideration, even if it is the
Learn to strike a balance between work
and family life to enjoy together.
Though you achieve the very best in your
endeavour, be humble forever.
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
Most South Asian Students
who travel 20000 plus miles
for studies in Philadelphia
feel home sick within the first
30 days of landing.
They would love to go some
place called home and talk to
or spend time with a family.
Families interested in creating a ‘Home Away Home’ for
these students can email their
contact info and we will post
it on PhiladelphiaSouthAsian.
com. Interesrted students will
contact you directly.
To Advertise
Meet Ultra Runner
Sandeep Shah
Interviewed by Mamata Misra
Mamata: Sandeep, you have decided to run
the 100-mile Tahoe Rim Trail race in July
When did you start running long-distances? What does it take to prepare for such
a feat?
Preparation is rigorous and requires almost
a monastic discipline, in terms of quantity
of training, quality of training, recovery,
and nutrition.
I slowly increase my mileage and punctuate the training with multiple shorter races.
The biggest challenge is balancing the running with family and work.
M: One reason you are running this race is
to help impoverished youth in India to get
an education and end the cycle of poverty.
What led to that decision?
I have been racing for a while, and it
dawned on me that I could use my passion
for running as a means to improve the lives
of these children.
However, I loved the experience, and the
memories of soft padding against the trails,
wide open spaces of mountains and trees,
and the freedom that can only be reaped
from a full embrace of nature stayed with
M: What do you do when you are not running?
Email your recipe with your
photos and see yourself in print
S: I am a full time radiologist and also actively invest in multifamily real estate.
By the time I hit June this year, I will be averaging 80-100 miles per week, with a mix
of tempo runs (setting a fast pace and holding it for 10-20 miles), hill repeats (lots
of hills in Philadelphia to choose from!),
steady state road runs, and long trail runs
(25-40 miles).
I try to follow a grain-free diet as much as
I will eat a lot of protein, good fats, and
non-grain carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes.
M: How long do you think it will take you
to run the hundred miles?
S: The cutoff is 35 hours, so I definitely
have to finish before then!
M: What are the most attractive and most
challenging aspects of ultra running for
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
Roses Are Red, Violets Are
Blue…It’s National Poetry Month!
(Continued From Page 01)
delphia metro area.
By Best In Class
and some delightful performances from the likes of Rahul
Nair (Tabla), Natyalaya School
of Dance (Bharat Natyam), Yesh
Rikhudh (Israeli Folk Dance),
Monsoon Dance (Rajasthani Folk
So, help us fill the hundreds of
back-packs and hope to see you
all at the mega event.
Happy National Poetry Month!
Introduced in 1996 by the Academy of American Poets, the celebratory month was initiated as
a way to increase awareness and
appreciation of poetry in the United States. Poetry is a rich tool for
the creative mind, especially in
Tickets are nominally priced:
Kids 6-12 yr. $10, Seniors over
Through him, I came to know and value
the impact of the work of this organization.
I was horribly naïve about what it takes in
terms of nutrition, pacing, and training for
this endeavor and wound up dropping out
at 40 miles.
I set my sights on the epic Leadville Trail
100 race in 2013 and I finished that race.
Bollywood Meets
Borscht Belt 2015!
S: My father, Anil Shah, was the president
of Pratham USA near the time of its inception.
Sandeep: My first attempt at an Ultra distance was a 50-mile race in California in
After finishing the 2012 Florida Ironman, I
decided to go for another Ultra.
S: When I am on the trails, my mind is
clear, troubles melt into the rocks and
roots, and the sense of possibility can be
My other hobbies include writing, reading,
traveling, and hiking with my wife Maneesha and our twin 10-year-old daughters,
Sofie and Ria.
M: Anything else you would like to add,
Dr. Sandeep Shah?
S: It’s a privilege to be granted this opportunity to raise money for Pratham via doing something I love so much.
I look forward to training hard, racing to
the maximum of my ability, and raising
money for this organization that has helped
so many children by giving them the tools
for progress.
M: Sandeep, thank you so much for sharing your story. I wish you a grand success
in the race in July.
Readers who wish to support Dr. Sandeep
Shah may do so on his fundraiser page
Readers interested in more information
about Pratham’s work will find it at www.
Dance, Dances of the Gods n
more), Stand-up Comedies (Samson Koletkar), Steve Adler (former drummer and co-songwriter
- Guns N’ Roses), Naga Valli and
a Mazel Tov cocktail hour.
The Grand Finale for the evening
will be a perfect fusion of Bollywood and Israeli music involving
kids and performers from Monsoon Dance and Yesh Rikhudh.
Complementing the evening will
be a wide array of Indian vegetarian culinary delights and Jewish
desserts that will enlighten your
taste buds.
Education being the cornerstone
of successes in our communities,
it is time again to give-back, to
those in need and to those with a
dream of education. In Mahatma
Gandhi’s words: “Be The Change
That You Want To See In The
Invest in a better community for
your children. Please donate generously! All proceeds from the
event will go towards procuring Back-to-School supplies for
homeless children in the Phila-
65yr $15 and Adult $25 that includes dinner sponsored by local
Indian restaurants.
Sponsorships are available: $150
(includes 2 reserved tickets, name
in program listing, email marketing, Website presence and Face
Book marketing), $500 for reserved table for 10 – invite your
friends, family, colleagues, customers! (Includes above marketing, if preferred).
The event will be on Sunday May
31st from 4pm to 7pm at the Dell
Jewish Community Hall - 7300
Hart Lane, Philadelphia 78731.
For more information, visit, Sulekha.
com or
To Advertise
In PSA Call
the classroom.
A well-rounded English curriculum should include poetry as it encourages students to use language
to express thoughts, feelings, new
ideas, and unique perspectives.
Students who study poetry tend
to have a better understanding of
their surroundings. By bringing
poetry into our classrooms, we’re
able to teach children a lot more
about the world they live in.
Poetry instills a sense of freedom
in the mind of a child to explore
daily life, wants, and wishes. Encouraging children to write freely
about less tangible concepts creates an opportunity for children to
express themselves. Whether the
poem has structure or no rules at
all, poetry writing can tap into a
student’s artistic mind.
Sharing poetry in the classroom
emphasizes speaking and listening skills – both vital in a wellrounded education. It can also
allow students to practice using
metaphors, imagery, and symbolic language to paint a picture
about parts of themselves they
may not feel comfortable sharing
directly. Poetry allows students to
find their voice.
The study of poetry enables students to read, write, and understand text. By reading and studying poetry, students are able to
t h e i r
oral and
T h e y
c a n
to create
and images in a more flexible environment.
Poetry uses numerous techniques
and there are many ways to write
a poem. The art of writing and
reading poetry guides students to
think critically about the words
on the page in a more cognitive
manner, thus developing their interpretive skills.
Emotional Learning
Schools are designed to teach students lessons they take with them
as they grow. Emotional learning
is no exception. Adding poetry
to a student’s education can help
them see the world in a new way
while also helping them tap into
other methods of learning. Celebrate this month with your child
and encourage them to put pencil
to paper. The best part? It doesn’t
even have to rhyme.
For more information about Best
in Class services for your student,
or about current franchising opportunities, visit
Sring is here and with it comes
a great day to celebrate moms. If
you’re watching your wallet, you
may be in need of some great
ideas for celebrating Mother’s
Day. As it turns out, some of the
most thoughtful gift and activity ideas are the most economical
and easy to plan.
To help you plan your Mother’s
Day celebration, the discount experts at Dollar General are offering some great ideas.
Breakfast in Bed
Pamper mom with breakfast in
bed, complete with delicious pancakes, a good book or magazine
and hot coffee. She’ll love the opportunity to relax and enjoy her
morning without the hustle and
bustle of everyday life.
Grow Something Together
Sometimes the best gift is an afternoon spent together. Pick out
a planter Mom will love, along
with seeds, soil and gardening
tools. Spend the afternoon creating something that will grow all
season long and remind Mom of
her time spent with you.
Bake and Make
Mom might love her kitchen just
the way it is, but you can add
a splash of color and flair with
some inexpensive additions from
a discount retailer, such as Dollar
General. Update Mom’s kitchen
with new accessories, like a kitchen towel or oven mitt, or even a
new appliance like a coffee maker
or mixer. Complete your kitchen
additions with a baking mix for
cookies or brownies, and spend
time with Mom creating something yummy together.
Tell the Birds
Does your mom love the outdoors? Pick out a unique birdhouse and bird seed for her, so she
can enjoy the natural sounds of
the season. You could even turn it
into an art and crafts project and
make a birdhouse together.
This Mother’s Day, show Mom
how much you care, while making memories you can cherish for
years to come.
Most South Asian Students who travel 20000
plus miles for studies in
Philadelphia feel home
sick within the first 30
days of landing.
Editor: Bala Kumar
Ram Ramaswamy
Families interested
in creating a ‘Home
Away Home’ for these
Jyothi K. Mariswaran
students can email
Jayachitra Vijay
their contact info and
Admin: Sharada Rao
we will post it on
Publisher:Vidya Kumar
Interesrted students will
contact you directly.
Palepages llc
Tel: 206-501-2254
25 words
Email or on
15 th of every
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
We need volunteers
Philadelphia SOUTH ASIAN
is about telling children that consumption of
violent content in media can have adverse
health impacts. Join the Parent group today.
Invites Contributions From Readers And Community
To Advertise In SASA
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
My Visit To Organic Farm In India
By Venkappa Gani
During my visit to Karnataka,
India this month I was reading local news paper “ Vijaya Karnataka”.The article on Organic Farming caught my attention. Farm
happened to be near Mysore in
K.R. Nagar a small village called
I was staying in Dharwad leaving
to USA from Bengaluru within
few days.
My interest in learning about Organic farming made me to contact
the farmer to visit before my departure.
I contacted farmer Manjunath by
phone. He was pleasant to talk
and willing to show his farm. I
Changed my travel plans to visit
this farm. It was one day trip from
It was hard to convince my family
and relatives to accompany with
me to make day trip. I had only
one day left before my planned
departure to USA. Weather turned
lies, Roses, Marigold and papaya
plants at borders.
Manjunath arrived by bike and
welcomed us at the border of the
farm where we had all gathered.
He explained how he started the
organic farming.Soil preparation:
Uses traditional method of compost with cow dung mixed with
organic material spreads on the
He also uses liquid cow dung to
feed plants. This is basic nutrients
for plants. Soil is red sandy type.
Plants are placed in rows, watered by drip systems.
He has two bore wells for water
source. Uses companion planting
by alternate rows ie roses next to
peppers or marigolds which are
insect repellants. No chemical
fertilizers or insecticides being
He removes the sick plant to find
root cause. He takes corrective
action to save other plants. He
plants papaya plants on borders
without drip water. The Man-
junath’s family work full time
and get help from their kids and
hires extra labourers as needed.
We saw chilly harvesting during
our visit to get ready for market
shown in pictures.
Farm was full of green with eggplants finished with production
and ready for new planting. Small
beautiful red roses are very attractive for butterflies bees and other
overcome family dinnertime hurdles. Here she shares a few parenting insights:
stories that might amuse your
children, such as something mischievous the dog did. Starting
by telling as story
yourself can get
the conversation
that demonstrate
you’ve been paying attention. For
example, “I know
that today was
your first art class.
What was it like?”
Meaningful Conversation
A family meal is an excellent opportunity to connect with your
children. Foster dinner conversation by making the family table a
technology-free zone. You may
find that parents have a harder
time than kids turning off their
Throughout your day, collect
To deepen conversation, turn to
daily media content. For example,
elections can prompt discussions
about how democracy works.
Scandals can provide fodder for
talk about truth-telling.
children and adults must eat different foods might be a myth created by food manufacturers and
marketers. Your child might like
chicken piccata as much as chicken fingers.
Entice picky eaters by modeling
adventurous eating. Eat the new
food with gusto, and then ask,
“Would you like to taste it? Can
you describe the taste?” This focuses your child’s attention on the
food, rather than on rejecting it.
Avoid letting food become a
power struggle. If your child refuses a particular meal, stay calm
and offer an alternative such as a
peanut butter and jelly sandwich
-- nothing that makes much extra
work for you.
to be favourable. We made travel
arrangements by Taxi leaving early morning and return same day
by evening.
We were all eager to visit farm
first and see Mysore, Chamudeshwari temple and do some shopping on the We took fast short
route to Mysore through highway
Reached K.R. Nagar before noon
with brief stop over for breakfast
on the way. Finally reached ChikkaVaddargudi a small village.
Villagers guided us to find Manjunath’s farm.Once we reached
the farm it looked like an Oasis,
a garden spot with green plants
midst bare land surrounding.
Farmer’s wife was working with
few people harvesting chillies
welcomed us with big smile.
Manjunath was busy in directing
delivery of compost to the farm
from his house nearby.
We walked around the Organic
farm viewing eggplants, Chil-
The golden color marigolds were
spread all over in the middle of
other crops.
Flowers being sold for making
Papaya plants were loaded with
fruits dark round and long green.
Papayas start producing fruits
within six months after planting and keep on producing year
He replants papayas every two
years. He sells produces to merchants in K.R. Nagar and Mysore.
He earns enough by organic pro-
duce which is high demand. Farm
is only 2 1/2 acres on flat ground
on a small hill.
He impressed us with simple living and working judiciously getting plenty of different types of
produce on seasonal basis.
It really shows how one can start
small organic farm to make better
This is one lesson everyone
should learn to not to use chemical fertilizers and pesticides to
save clean water and soil for natural ecosystem.
He gave us plenty of Papayas,
Eggplants, and chillies samples
for tasting.
I am thankful to his family for allowing us to visit the farm spending time with us during busy
We all felt happy coming to see
the farm and enjoyed the It makes
you believe that one can create a
paradise in the middle of desert
Meaningful Family Dinner
Do you have dinner with your
kids? It’s become almost a luxury
today, with our crammed schedules. And yet, numerous studies show that no other hour in
your children’s day will deliver
as many emotional and psychological benefits as the one spent
unwinding and connecting over
food and conversation.
“A nightly commitment to family
dinners can be transformative,”
says Anne K. Fishel, Ph.D., therapist, cofounder of Family Dinner
Project, and author of “Home for
Dinner, Mixing Food, Fun, and
Conversation for a Happier Family and Healthier Kids,” (AMACOM).
Amongst finicky eaters, defiant
teens and the lure of fast food,
how can home cooking and family dinner be your household’s
In her new book, Fishel shares
strategies for busy parents to
Trying New Things
Don’t underestimate your child’s
taste buds. The idea that young
Have Fun
Ask kids to help with meal preparation. Spinning salad greens and
setting the timer are some of the
many things young children can
do. For older kids, do a role reversal one night a week and have
them do the cooking. It can be fun to re-create meals
kids have seen advertised on TV
or eaten in restaurants. For example, most supermarkets offer
ready-made pizza dough. Combined with tomato sauce from a
jar, it’s simple to make pizza at
Let teens choose music to listen
to during dinner. On other nights,
play music you listened to as a
For more dinnertime insights, and
information about the book, visit
Family dinner offers more than
just nutrition. Food may bring
everyone to the table, but it is the
fun and conversation that will
keep them there. (State Point)
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
A Look Through The Lens Of Katiyabaaz
By Sonam Rehani
Thought provoking, honest and
realistic are the attributes of the
films selected by Indie Meme.
Kudos to it for presenting such
films that sharpen and enhance
our regular movie watching taste.
phia, in March, was once again
host to a compelling documentary, Katiyabaaz, presented by
Indie Meme.
Taking up a realistic burning issue, the director duo of Deepti
Kakkar and Fahad Mustafa built
up a great drama with real life
According to one of Indie Meme’s
supporters & audience member
of Katiyabaaz, Sumit DasGupta,
the film was “an excellent example of the fact that human beings
will resort to any and all creative
approaches, legal or illegal, to
meet its basic needs…” .
Not just the movies but Indie
Meme often dishes up something extra for their audience be
it a special pre-screening evening
with the director, or an intimate Q
and A via skype.
It does seem that all sense of moral qualm is lost in the battle for
gaining a few hours of “Bijlee”!
The movie was followed by an
introduction to the director in attendance, Fahad Mustafa.
This little film society in Philadelphia is doing a tremendous
job bringing some rare gems for
It has opened up a plethora of
choices for the average movie
loving adult. A magnitude of unknown directors, movie makers
have suddenly been thrown in the
limelight and have a chance to
showcase their talent which is being enjoyed by the masses.
The Marchesa theatre in Philadel-
night and magically disappear in
the morning. The savior of the
people is Loha Singh, a Robin
Hood like character who brings
power to the people by hooking
up transmission lines.
The dropping temperatures heralding an icy night in Philadelphia did not deter the fans from
showing up at a thought-provoking feature highlighting the power
crisis in Kanpur, a metro of three
million people.
With mercury rising and eleven to
sixteen hours of power outages,
a sense of right and wrong dissipates.
A volley of questions raised by
the audience had the director take
them behind the scenes to demystify the filming, the hurdles to
cross and how it played out with
no written script.
Illegal connections are made at
A fascinating yet thoroughly il-
characters playing themselves.
luminating dialogue amongst the
attendees. A toast to the exciting
times ahead for the movie lovers
in Philadelphia!
Next up is the powerful, disturbing & haunting film, dealing with
the issue of child trafficking in
India, “Lakshmi” May 14th 7pm
at the Southwest Theaters Lakecreek.
Filmmaker Nagesh Kukunoor
is in attendance at the screening
and there will be a discussion post
Indie Meme is also organizing
a social on May 13th for Indie
Meme Members to meet with
If you are not already consider becoming a member. “Lakshmi” has
stellar performances by Monali
Thakur, Shefali Shah and Nagesh
himself For Tickets, Screening &
Film Details, Upcoming Mixer
with Nagesh Kukunoor & Indie
Meme Membership please visit:
5 Ways To Save Money When Buying A Car
Play your cards right and you can
save big when replacing your car.
The key is knowing where there’s
real money on the table.
Here are five proven ways to
maximize savings when purchasing a vehicle, according to the
experts at Autotrader, the leading
online marketplace for buying
and selling cars.
Consider CPO
Your heart may be set on a particular new car, but when did the
current version of that car debut?
Target Mid-Level Models
Before pulling the trigger on the
fully loaded model of a car, compare its price to the model line’s
base price. The loaded version
could cost around 50 percent
more than the stripped-down special.
You could probably buy the base
model of a considerably nicer
car for the same money. Target
a mid-level specification of your
chosen vehicle with meaningful
For example, the brand-new Honda Accord at your local Honda
dealer will be 2015 model, but
the same platform, features and
styling have been in use since
2013. You’ll get essentially the
same car if you buy a used 2013
or 2014 vehicle.
Plus, like Honda, most manufac-
turers’ certified pre-owned (CPO)
programs include full reconditioning by factory-trained technicians, along with a competitive
lightly used models
for thousands less than
new. With a few exceptions, the CPO warranty makes it almost
like buying new. Many
brands even offer extras,
such as a free satellite
radio trial and free maintenance
and roadside assistance.
If you’re looking into CPO programs, consider such brands as
Honda, Chevrolet, Ford, Kia and
Buy from Dealer Stock
Buying from dealer stock of-
ten requires flexibility, because
you’re choosing from what the
dealer ordered, as opposed to
ordering exactly what you want.
But on the flip side, dealers have
a strong incentive to move existing inventory.
For substantial savings, take a
good look at available inventory
among all the nearby dealerships,
and distant dealerships that offer long-distance delivery, to see
if there’s anything close to what
you want.
Watch out for dealerships eager
to take your trade-in, as they
typically won’t offer retail value.
While this transaction is easy, it
may cost you hundreds, if not
thousands when compared to selling your car on the open market.
Of course, you’ll need to be willing to spend time waiting for the
right buyer. An Autotrader classified ad is a great place to start.
Pay Attention to Finance & Insurance
Finance & Insurance (F&I) is
where dealers make a lot of their
money. The key is to be a hardnosed, well-informed shopper.
Listen to what the dealership
has to offer, but be ready with a
backup plan that includes your
own financing options. Make
sure you read all the fine print on
any warranties offered. There are
good deals to be had, but it’s also
easy to be taken to the cleaners.
Those with excellent credit may
be offered factory rebates and 0
percent financing.
Educated car shoppers can save
themselves a lot of money if they
know how the business works,
stress experts. (State Point).
Ex-TCS Worker Alleges Bias In U.S. Favoring South Asians
A former employee of Tata Consultancy Services has accused
the India information technology
services company of favoring
“South Asians” in its hiring and
In a complaint filed April 14 in
federal court in San Francisco,
Steven Heldt claims that 95 percent of the 14,000 workers TCS
employs in the U.S. are South
Asian, and most are Indian.
The practice, the lawsuit alleges,
has created a “grossly disproportionate workforce.”
TCS achieves its “discriminatory goals” by hiring large numbers of H-1B workers and hiring
“disproportionately South Asian”
workers locally, the complaint alleges, Computerworld reported.
For the “relatively few non-South
Asians workers that Tata hires,”
it shows bias in placement, promotion and termination decisions
regarding them, the suit claims.
From 2011-2013, TCS sponsored
nearly 21,000 new H-1B visas,
mainly workers from India, said
the lawsuit, which seeks class action status.
American workers” and believed
that “Indians were smarter and
better qualified than Americans.”
A similar lawsuit was filed in
2014 against Infosys in federal
court in Wisconsin.
“TCS is an equal opportunity employer, and as such, bases its employment decisions — including
recruiting, hiring, promotions,
retention, and discipline — on legitimate non-discriminatory business reasons without regards to
race, national origin,” and other
protected categories, he added.
Heldt in the lawsuit describes a
“miserable experience during his
20-month employment period” at
TCS, doing work that “often involved only menial responsibilities.” He also claims that he experienced substantial anti-American
sentiment” on the job.
The lawsuit contends that one top
Tata human resources manager
told recruiters to focus on hiring
Indians, “expressed his dislike for
TCS spokesman Benjamin Trounson said the company “is confident” that Heldt’s allegations “are
baseless and plans to vigorously
defend itself against his claims.”
Trounson said in 2014 TCS recruited more than 2,600 U.S.
hires, “many of whom are working on technologies and systems
that support critical client needs
and help to drive America’s innovation economy.”
Philadelphia South Asian Invites
Contributions From Readers
And Community
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
Fremont High School Juniors Develop Safe Driving App
Fremont, Calif. – Two young Indian American teens, both juniors
at American High School in Fremont, Calif., realized the impact
of texting while driving after a
friend got into a major car accident.
Their friend had looked down
for just a moment to look at an
incoming text. During the momentary lapse, his car crashed
into another, and was completely
totaled. The young man suffered
two broken ribs and spent two
months recovering from the incident.
Texting while driving is now the
leading cause of death among
teenagers; about 3,000 teens die
each year in texting-related accidents. The dangerous activity has
surpassed drunk driving: 2,700
teens die each year from alcoholand automobile-related incidents,
reports the New York-based Cohen Children’s Medical Center.
A Virginia Tech university study
found that almost half of the teens
surveyed admitted to using social
media while driving, including
posting photos and watching videos.
The accident sparked an epiphany for Shreya Shah and Aditi
Gopalan, two budding entrepreneurs involved in American High
School’s DECA program. The
Indian American duo developed
an app, TextLock, which automatically locks up a phone from
receiving or sending text meSASAges and using other applications - such as Facebook and Instagram - once the driver is in the
car. A quarter-sized sensor placed
on the driver’s seat connects with
the TextLock app on a mobile
Smartphone to disarm most of its
A Car and Driver magazine study
reported that a scant five seconds of distraction while driving
can cause a major collision. The
study noted that reading a text
worsened reaction times by 600
percent; reading a text is more
dangerous than writing a text,
noted the magazine.
Gopalan told India-West she got
her license six months ago and –
despite the car accident involving
her friend – she is tempted to look
down when her phone buzzes,
signaling a notification for an incoming text or activity on social
media. “In that five seconds of
looking down, I’ve travelled the
length of a football field.”
Users can still make and receive
calls via a Bluetooth device. Shah
and Gopalan have applied for
a patent for TextLock, and will
showcase the app at DECA’s International Career Development
Conference, which begins April
24 in Orlando, Florida. The app
took third place honors in the
California state competition;
Shah and Gopalan were the only
women among the top 10 teams.
The five-day international conference will bring together 70,000
students from across the globe to
share ideas and solutions for the
world’s most-pressing crises.
“Lots of kids just give up and say
‘only adults can do that,’ but age
is just a number,” Shah told IndiaWest. The ebullient teen said she
was excited about participating in
the upcoming conference. “The
business world is dominated by
men; we want to increase diversity,” she said.
Gopalan said her parents, aunts
and uncles all occasionally use
their cell phones while driving,
and she has accepted rides from
friends who text and drive.
The two entrepreneurs plan to
market their product to teens and
adults for about $25. Shah said
the team is also targeting businesses with large fleets of employees who drive, making communication safer. DECA clubs at
high schools and colleges across
the nation aim to mentor young
business leaders and foster entrepreneurship. Gopalan said she
is considering a career in health
administration. Shah said she is
considering a career in public
health combined with business
entrepreneurship, and hopes to
eventually study at the Wharton
School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
Summer Entertaining Ideas To Keep Your Cool
weather gatherings is a perfect
way to spend time with friends
and family in summer. Reduce
stress by following these four
simple tips for a great summer
soiree that both you and your
guests will enjoy.
petizers, such as guacamole, a
yogurt-based vegetable dip or a
cold soup. Make a style statement
by serving them in glass shooters with chips, veggies or pita
bread for perfectly sized servings.
When selecting desserts, use seasonal ingredients. A mixture of
sliced fruits pairs well with pieces of shortcake on skewers that
can be assembled ahead of time.
Sorbets are also simple to make
Pick a Theme
Get started by choosing a theme
for your summer celebration. A
defined focus will allow you to
quickly narrow down menu and
décor selections. Easy ideas include seasonally inspired concepts, like Christmas in July;
location-specific parties, such as
a Hawaiian luau or Parisian café;
and era themes, like the Roaring
Streamline Your Menu
Looking for recipes that require
little prep work but are sure to
please? Consider whipping up
a large batch of seasonal ap-
Slow-cook a few chicken breasts
ahead of time that can be shredded and quickly tossed with a delicious sauce for healthy sliders.
in a blender and only require a
few ingredients -- fruit, ice and
a sweetener. By choosing recipes
that allow you to prep some elements ahead of time, you’ll find
yourself with more time to mix
and mingle. Select a Useful Kitchen Sidekick
When fixing your menu, a musthave kitchen partner is a highperformance blender that does
all the hard work for you. One
versatile option, the Vitamix Professional Series 750, features five
pre-programmed settings, including programs for smoothies and
frozen desserts, helping reduce
prep time and cleanup, and allowing you to create a variety of
delicious party recipes. With a Vitamix you can much more easily
chop ingredients for gazpachos,
salsas and coleslaws; achieve a
silky smooth texture for hummus
and spreads; emulsify vinaigrettes
and marinades; quickly prepare
seasonal sorbets; and even blend
frothy frozen beverages.
Make Beverages a Breeze
Ensure your guests have easy
access to drinks and will avoid
running for refills, by setting up
a station with pre-mixed, thirstquenching beverages housed in
large glass or plastic dispensers.
This station will help you create
a central beverage zone and get
imaginative with drink concoctions.
Mixtures of lemonades or flavorinfused waters are the perfect
combination for keeping everyone cool on a warm day. For a
more unique approach, let guests
personalize drinks with flavored
simple syrups, frozen fruits and -for added flair -- frozen herb ice
cubes, which are a great way to
add refreshing flavors. Complete
the beverage station by labeling the drink options with small
chalkboard signs and display a
collection of seasonal cups and
colorful straws.With just a bit of
creative planning and pre-event
prep work, you’ll be ready to host
stress-free parties and enjoy more
time with your guests this summer.
Spreading The Literacy Love Through Book Drive
By Padmini Bhat.
This year we were fortunate
enough to take part in the Summer Reading for All Book
drive,conducted by Leander Independent School District.
Later cousin Dr Anand and Dr
Mythili sent second shipment
from Cleveland.
Close friends from Cedar park
for all of us.
When we shared the information on Facebook and emails,our
friends supported for the great
Ashwini Bhat (9th Grade-CPHS)
and Naveen Bhat (6TH GradeCPMS) participated in the the
Book drive for their School District.
Volunteering together with the
children has helped us in better
communication and bondings.
Giving back to the community
shows there is more happiness in
giving then receiving.
We would like to extend our sincere appreciation and thank you
notes to all the people who supported for the Literacy.
Through the community generosity and hard work ,were able to
donate more than 65 books.
Both of them made fliers and
distibuted to the neighours and
We as parents were thrilled to
support for the noble cause they
were involved.Our friends from
Dallas and Houston sent first
by teaching how their actions can
change the world.School,sports
and service can help to build better community.
came home and dropped more
cause with all the encouraging
and enthusiastic comments.
It is really a gratifying experience
We want to create communites
What is
Summer Reading
for All Book drive?
Leander ISD year TWO of the
Summer Reading for All Book
Drive to helps to keep all students
reading during the summer.
The book drive will help to give
books to students who might not
otherwise have access to quality
reading material.
All levels of books will be accepted and all genres are needed
(chapter books, picture books,
non-fiction, fiction); however, the
greatest need is for books appropriate for students in grades 6th
through 12th.
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
Ginger Beer 101: Spice Up Unseasonal Rains,
Your Summer Cocktails
Failed Crops And
(StatePoint) Whether grilling for neighbors,
hosting a dinner party or relaxing on your
deck with a drink, you can make the experience more refreshing by pairing your favorite spirit with ginger beer.
vor profile with ginger from Cochin, India
rounding out the group.
While most people know that for cocktails
like the famed Moscow Mule or Dark &
Stormy to be truly great, inferior liquors just
won’t do.
Dark & Stormy
However, many do not apply that principle
to selecting mixers. With ginger beer as your base, mix up these
classic cocktails.
• 2oz, rum of choice
• Fever-Tree Ginger Beer
• Fresh ice – at least 4 big cubes
“People today spend good money on artisanal and premium spirits only to dilute
them with a poor quality mixer,” says Tim
Warrillow, Co-Founder of Fever-Tree, the
world’s first line of premium natural mixers.
• Fresh lime juice
“Three-quarters of your cocktail is the mixer, so use a high quality one that enhances
the flavors of the spirit, such as an all-natural ginger beer with a fresh, clean taste.”
Fill a highball glass with fresh ice. Pour the
dark rum (can be spiced) over the ice and
add a generous squeeze of fresh lime juice.
Pour ginger beer, garnish with a couple of
lime wedges.
Superb on its own, ginger beer is a soft drink
being used increasingly in cocktails around
the world to add intense flavor to mixed
drinks featuring whiskey, gin, rum, tequila,
liqueurs and vodka. Produced since the 1700s in the UK, ginger
beer is made by brewing root ginger, resulting in a noticeably stronger ginger flavor
than ginger ale.
• Lime
Moscow Mule
• 2 oz, vodka of choice
• Fever-Tree Ginger Beer
• Fresh ice – at least 4 big cubes
• Fresh lime juice
Interestingly, many mass producers of ginger beer no longer include real ginger, as it
is an expensive ingredient. • Fresh mint
While nonalcoholic, ginger beer’s deep flavor makes it anything but innocent.
Pour vodka over stacks of ice in a tall glass.
Add fresh lime juice and chilled ginger
beer. Garnish with fresh mint sprig.
Ginger beers vary greatly in flavor and sugar
levels, but mixologists across the country
are fans of Fever-Tree’s Ginger Beer, which
is naturally brewed and uniquely fresh because it blends a trio of three gingers from
around the globe harvested exclusively for
Of note is a fresh, green ginger sourced from
the Ivory Coast.
With a zesty aroma, the oils are extracted
immediately after the ginger is harvested
rather than drying the ginger root first.
Nigerian ginger, prized for its fragrant intensity, adds depth and complexity to the fla-
For a lighter, low-calorie alternative with
the same ginger taste, pair Fever-Tree Naturally Light Ginger Beer with other dark
The brand also offers ginger ale and tonic
waters, all with carbonation that carry the
flavor of the botanicals in each mixer. Recipes and entertaining ideas are available at
This summer, spice up cocktails with ginger beer, to enhance, not mask, the flavor
of premium spirits.
Farmers’ Suicides
Courtesy: Deccan Herald
In recent weeks, on account of unseasonal rains, crops have suffered in North India. According to reported estimates, rabi crops in about 113 lakh hectares have been damaged.
However, crop failures due to floods, droughts, hailstorms and other natural calamities
are a regular phenomena in India.
To address such issues, the government has launched crop and weather insurance
schemes. As with any other insurance scheme, there are difficulties in making claims
and availing appropriate amount in time.
Finally, in most of the cases, the government announces relief to the farmers from the
budget, impacting fiscal policy.
And then, the government instructs the Reserve Bank of India to accommodate farmers
of affected areas by permitting some interest rate relief. Commercial banks, especially
public sector banks, will be advised to help by either waiving or restructuring loans,
impacting monetary policy.
The insurance companies are also advised to proactively settle the claims.
As agricultural activities support nearly 70 per cent of the population, there are political
and economic implications for natural calamities impacting agriculture.
Thus, there is a need to examine this issue in depth, analyse the implications and consider some long term remedial measures as this trend may not abate, given climatic
changes due to global warming.
Simultaneously, there is a fear that such natural setbacks to agriculture can lead to farmers’ suicides.
On the one hand, we take pride in being a welfare state, regularly announcing schemes
for social security and old age pensions, and making specific arrangements for providing minimum support price for many crops and assured procurement of their farm
On the other, despite many facilities like subsidised power and fertiliser, opening of
banking accounts, and direct transfer of benefits, the farmers are committing suicide
owing to financial distress.
(Continued On Page 15)
5” X 2” Ad COSTS $29
Healthy Snack Ideas For Your Little Athletes
Kids may seem to have boundless
energy, but running around the
soccer field or baseball diamond
takes effort -- and burns lots of
calories. As a parent or coach, it’s important to make sure kids are well
They’ll play better on the field
and feel better afterwards.
Whether it’s a practice game or
the championship, come prepared
with these fuss-free, nutritious,
on-the-go snacks:
• Victory veggies: Bring veggies
that are easy to eat, such as baby
carrots, celery sticks and bell pepper slices.
They provide valuable vitamins
and nutrients, and they won’t
weigh down young athletes.
• First-place fruit: Oranges, tangerines, watermelon and other
juicy fruits are chock full of vitamins. And their high water content will help keep kids hydrated.
Make these tasty fruit snacks
even easier to eat by pre-slicing,
pre-peeling and packing them in
single-serve bags.
Fun fact: olives, avocados and tomatoes are fruits!
• Winning flavor: Olives are central to the bold, heart-healthy flavors of the Mediterranean style
diet. Often used in cooking or
served at meals, they are also a
terrific snack.
An easy way to include olives in
your kids’ pre- and post- game
snack routine is with Pearls Olives to Go!
These single-serve, liquid-free
olives in a cup are available in
America’s most popular variety:
California-grown Black Pitted
All kids need to do is peel the lid
off the cup, which makes them
an easy, mess-free addition to the
usual snack line-up.
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
Tabla Mestro Ankur
a nutritious dose of antioxidants
and omega-3s. Cheese sticks are
another portable protein option.
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
Give Parties A Boost With Gourmet Cheese
(StatePoint) There’s more to Parmigiano Reggiano cheese than
you may have considered.
• Replenish & rehydrate: While
nourishment is important, don’t
overlook the importance of replenishing fluids and electrolytes
lost during intense activity.
While delicious grated over pasta,
it also can be served on its own or
paired with other flavors to help
liven up the table at a party.
Kids should quench their
thirst throughout the game,
especially in warmer
weather. Water is always
the best choice for hydration.
Keep in mind not every cheese labeled “parmesan” is the real deal,
as only cheese hailing from one
area in Northern Italy and aged
at least 12 months can bear the
name Parmigiano Reggiano.
To resupply neceSASAry
sodium, offer your little
athlete a salty snack, like
olives, as a healthful, simple and natural alternative to the
less healthful go-to snack, chips.
Here are five essential steps from
the experts at Whole Foods Market for entertaining with this intense, complex cheese:
They’re also gluten-free, dairyfree, sugar-free, cholesterol-free,
trans-fat-free, GMO-free and
Go easy on sports drinks, which
can be loaded with calories and
sugar and are generally unneceSASAry for the sports field except in the case of prolonged, vigorous exercise, according to the
American Academy of Pediatrics.
• Powerful protein: A boost of
protein after vigorous physical
activity helps repair muscles.
A handful of almonds or a scoop
of trail mix is easy to pack in a resealable plastic bag and delivers
Whether you’re prepping for a
big game or enjoying a casual
scrimmage at the park, don’t forget snacks that will keep your
athletic, on-the-go family healthy,
hydrated and strong(StatePoint).
Piano Virtuoso Amogh
Add warm, crusty bread for a
more substantial course.
• Taste: Let the cheese melt on
your tongue and savor the nuances.
• Pair: Highlight Parmigiano
Reggiano’s subtle bite, creaminess and sweetness with pears,
balsamic vinegar, honey, walnuts,
Chianti, figs or hazelnuts.
• Store: Buy pieces that will last
• Serve: Place portions of Parmigiano Reggiano on individual
plates with a selection of the suggested pairings below.
The next time you entertain use
this recipe for Parmigiano Reggiano Party Mix, a nice combination of salty and sweet.
• 1 cup almonds
• 1 cup hazelnuts
• 5 ounces Parmigiano Reggiano
cheese, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
(about 1 cup)
• 1/2 cup dried apricots, coarsely
• Prepare: Allow the Parmigiano
Reggiano to come to room temperature.
Cut it into small irregular chunks
for nibbling, paper-thin slivers or
tiny bite-size cubes.
Store it in the cheese or veggie
drawer of your refrigerator (40
degrees F); freezing compromises
its subtle nuances.
• 1/2 cup dried figs, coarsely
Enjoy its delightful range of
tastes: nutty, sweet, grassy,
creamy and fruity.
The lovely, subtle crunch is from
the protein crystals that form during the aging process.
Philadelphia South Asian
you no more than two weeks.
Keep wedges tightly wrapped in
parchment paper or aluminum
• 1/2 cup
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
F. Spread almonds on a large
Email your recipe with your
photos and see yourself in print
rimmed baking sheet and toast
until crisp and golden, 10 to 12
Meanwhile, spread hazelnuts on
a separate large rimmed baking
sheet and toast until golden, 10 to
12 minutes.
Wrap hazelnuts in a clean dish
towel and rub them together to
remove skins. Set nuts aside until
cool enough to handle. In a large bowl, combine almonds,
hazelnuts, Parmigiano Reggiano,
apricots, figs and prunes and toss.
Keep at room temperature in a
cool, dark place for up to three
days or refrigerate in an airtight
container for up to two weeks.
More cooking tips and recipes
can be found at
For true cheese lovers, there are
few experiences that match the
pleasure of savoring a perfectly
aged, fresh-cut sliver of Parmigiano Reggiano.
To Advertise
512-828-6709 / info@
5” X 1” Ad COSTS $29
And Community
From Readers
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
By Priya Raman
It is amazing how culture, religion, spirituality and philosophy
acquire idealistic meanings under
varied contexts and spaces.
And most often when these feelings trigger larger perceptions in
a society, it is pleasant to see how
they influence towards greater
relationship and people friendly
These expressions are outcomes
of an observation of how organizations and social groups react
to and interact with alien atmospheres to celebrate art!
The performing arts circle of
Philadelphia concerted to glorify
our ‘Ideal God’ Rama, on the occasion of Ramanavami through
classical music and dance presentations.
For its name, it was a first encounter with Philadelphia’s cultural milieu, but the reverberations were nothing close to new,
The India Fine Arts association,
a premier organizer with decades
of serving the Indian arts in this
part of the world, played its best
role to host almost the entire
dance fraternity in and around
resentation among continuous
doses of Bharatanatyam through
a triad by Divya Shanker, Pooja
Dr. Sreedhara Akkihebalu, a
unique artiste who combines being a medical practitioner turned
dancer/teacher, and taking to
Yoga as a way of life, holds in
him a legacy of the old school tradition of Bangalore, much to its
Some of the rare compositions by
him along with newer compositions by his students were blended
to Tulsidas’ select and rich poetic
verses in Avadhi and Brij.
A beautiful narrative of a seldom
told scene from Ramayana – the
first meeting of Rama and Sita
served a signature piece. And if
it is celebration of Rama, then
Tyagaraja will make his choicest
Pavithra Ramadoss, Samhita Ko-
For a linear explanatory piece,
it was rightly interspersed with
jathis exhibiting explicit intricate
patterns executed in high standard despite the fast tempo.
Tarangam, which by now has become a predictable ending of a
Kuchipudi perfromance, did fill
the palate what with the conclusion offering an interesting choreography of the ‘Sita apaharanam’
and ‘Ravana – Vinitha Subramanian’s experience and expertise in
teaching was showcased through
the effervescent Bhavayami raghuramam in all its detailing and
in depth format of the song.
for once inside the closed doors
of the auditorium, it seemed akin
to any of the Ravindra Bharatis,
Ravindra Kalakshetras or Bhavans.
A breezy Saturday afternoon and
parents and (restless) siblings of
young dancers dressed in the best
of Indian attires waited for their
turn on stage walking through
the exits and entries and stuffing
themselves with pongal and pizzas!
suru and Sangavai Ganesh presented episodes from the popular
Tygaraja Ramayanam creating an
initial De ja Vu, an instinct that
comes from multiple watchings
of Dr. Ananda Shankar Jayant..
An ambitious group of women
students gave a short representation for Anuradha Naimpally’s
school through another gem of a
composition – Nagumomu.
Kuchipudi found its sole rep-
It could have well been done
without the overflowing entourage of dancers in and out of the
However, the almost 80’s recording with Prasanna Kumar’s nattuvangam and sholkattu was captured well in the rustic demeanor
of the jathis. The final embellishment for me was a sparkling
thillana by the younger students
of Divya Shanker.
Choreographed intelligently and
executed in perfect tandem and
high confidence, the group of
close to ten girls in innovative
and attractive costumes held up
to the novel music with neat finishing and crisp adavus presented
in style.
Shortlisted for ‘Best Realtor
Award’ in Texas
Interludes giving brisk rushes of
Rama’s life story without using a
sahitya particularly, was refreshing.
Mr. Sijo Vadakkan, CEO of Trinity Group of Companies has been
shortlisted for ‘Best Realtor of
the Year’ Award in Texas.
It is definitely not an easy talk to
churn these many young dancers
to an equal prowess of good standard in a country where driving
and scheduling are more crucial
to plan than the actual classes!
Rao and Anusha Danda choosing one of the pancharatna kritis
– jagadananda karaka. The item
evinced chaste Kuchipudi with
typical muktayis and aradhis.
India Community
Center Of
Austin needs
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
5 Tips To Avoid A ‘Break The Bank’ Summer Vacation Make A Difference...GM Diet
(StatePoint) Vacations are good
for you. But they can also be
tough on the wallet.
es occur when redeeming and
whether your rewards ever expire.
if a card is lost or stolen, a quick
call to your bank can stop charges
to your account.
For more than one-third of Americans, the cost of a vacation will
be one of their largest expenses
in the coming year, according to
• Some consumers track rewards
and redeem them regularly. Others rarely think about them.
In addition to rewards programs,
many cards offer little known
perks that may help make your
travel smoother.
For example, some credit cards
offer 24/7 concierge services that
can help you plan your trip or
even make dinner reservations.
It’s consecutively the second time
that this coveted award comes in
search of this young, ambitious
businessman of Austin.
He is the first ever Indian to be
shortlisted for such a prestigious
distinction as the HBA MAX
AWARD, an honor reserved for
persons of outstanding performance in the Real Estate arena.
Among the other nominees for
this award are: Gayle Berkbigler, (Lake Travis Builders),
Tammy Templin (Lake Travis Builders), Jacquelyn Goreman (Scott Felder Homes).
Mr. Sijo, is known for his management and business efficiency,
migrated with his family to US
more than ten years ago and since
then has been climbing the ladder
of success with business deals
worth $ 65 million in the previous year.
A panel of experts of the Home
Builders Association will judge
the entries and the winner of the
Award will be announced on 2,
May 2015 at Hilton Hotel in Austin.
Sijo lives in Texas, with wife
Litty and their two children Annie and Allen.
For more details email: info@
How can you avoid vacation
sticker shock? One option is sitting in your wallet, as certain
credit cards offer rewards with
virtually every purchase.
You may have earned enough rewards to offset vacation costs like
airfare, hotel stays or gift cards to
merchants you plan on visiting
while vacationing.
Here are five tips for how you can
use your credit card to turn your
vacation dreams into reality.
Alternatively, you may prefer to
redeem your rewards as an account credit and use the cash
while traveling.
• Read the terms and conditions
thoroughly and understand how
you can earn and redeem rewards.
Some cards offer cash back while
others offer points.
Some credit cards allow customers to redeem for a variety of options, while other cards -- such
as those offered by some airlines
and hotels -- connect you to reward redemptions for their specific product.
Know what, if any, fees or charg-
• The average vacationer spends
just over $1,300 for travel, including food, lodging and transportation, estimates the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
By responsibly using your rewards credit card for vacation
costs, rewards can add up. You
can redeem them later -- perhaps,
for next year’s vacation!
• Traveling with your credit card
offers a safer way to pay because
As I am going to India to attend
my niece’s wedding and also several other ceremonies I decided
on losing weight before going
to India rather than after coming
back from India when one has put
on more weight and so more difficult to lose weight.
So I am really happy that I was
able to start off by losing weight
in the first week.
I started researching the web and
asking friends and co-workers
what is going to work.
Finally, I found that GM diet
– which one can look up on the
website works!!
To learn more about these benefits, read your credit card agreement.
And moreover, there is variety in
eating different foods everyday–
Also, check to see if your credit
card offers special travel deals
that come with additional rewards
from specific retailers.
If you fall in the second category,
check your rewards balance.
not just the same food.
Your card may also offer rental
car insurance, no-fee currency
conversions, competitive currency conversion rates, and travel
protections like insurance for lost
or damage luggage.
• Look for special travel offers
from your rewards program.
Wells Fargo’s recent “How America Buys and Borrows” survey.
By Vidya Kumar
To learn more about available
offers, cardholders can typically
check their rewards program
To review Wells Fargo’s available
offers, visit and
As you plan vacation, keep budgeting and money management
basics in mind.
Be sure to let your bank know
you’re going out of town, and
consider using free tools -- like
online banking or your bank’s
mobile app -- to stay on top of
your finances.
That way you’ll come home refreshed, with no worries about
having derailed your financial
It clearly states that it is just for 7
days so it is doable.
As GM diet is nothing but detoxification of the body you cannot do
it for more than seven days.
Please visit the website and there is details
of all the seven days what needs
to be done.
You can google for GM diet for
vegetarians and for Indians –
there are plenty of websites that
gives you how the diet works.
Before starting off on any diet ritual please check with your family
doctor whether it is suitable for
Failed Crops And Farmers’ Suicides
(Continued From Page 11)
To understand the phenomenon of suicide by farmers, there is a need
to understand the social and economic circumstances that prevail in
rural economy.
On the positive side, the terms of trade in agriculture have improved in
recent years because of higher food prices.
This trend is expected to continue in view of increasing urbanisation
and shrinking of available land for agricultural purpose, and increase
in rural purchasing power because of numerous government schemes
like the rural job scheme.
The increased availability of purchasing power can also be gauged
from the fact that nearly 70 per cent of gold sold in the country is in
rural areas.
On the other side, indebtedness in rural areas is rising, because farmers
tend to borrow from all available sources, including money lenders, on
the pledge of standing crop.
In the case of crop failure, debt burden on the farmer increases and
therefore the stress level, which is ascribed to be a leading cause of
There could be another reason for reporting of debt-stress related suicides which need to be examined carefully.
(Continued On Page 16)
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
May Predictions - 2015
ARIES (March 21 to April 20):
Some of you may finally decide
to move on in life
and start looking
for another job,
within and even
outside country
residence. Money wise you will
stay comfortable. You may call
and old confidant for advice and
guidance on career related matter.
It will be an excellent month for
people in food business.
TAURUS (April 21 to May 20):
You will have better control
over things in
life and will be
able to take all
decisions with a
cool and rational
mind. Any changes in career
at this point will be a blessing
in disguise. New contract will
relieve you of previous tension.
You may arrange a small get
together at your place and invite
few close friends.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20):
Obstacles will cause some
You will travel
state to attend
may also make final payment on
a short term loan or credit card.
Home remedy will be enough to
resolve health issues. You may
be slowly working on a vacation
also. You will do some serious
cleaning inside and outside home.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22):
You will lay your hands on some
real easy money
this month. A
big refund or
also come via
mail. Just do not
involve your self in other people’s
problems. Keep working on your
plans as ultimate success is just
few days away. Some of you may
start looking for a better place to
move this coming summer.
LEO (July 23 to August 22):
New strategy will be helpful in
around for your
benefit. You will
be able to prove
your point and
reap rich rewards
money wise. Spouse will be little
stressed out for no visible reason.
You will continue your search for
another location and may fill up
some kind of applications in a
hurry this month.
VIRGO (August 23 to September
22): You will
among number
of applicants for
the prestigious
job. People in
business will continue to gain an
edge over their competitors with
the new strategy. Help will come
from totally unexpected place.
Just do not stretch your limits and
avoid making any big financial
commitments during the month.
LIBRA (September 23 to October
22): Having almost everything
and things going
right way, you
may still feel
little uneasy and
lack the real
motivation. You
have to overcome it quick and
just look at what you got and feel
content. People in business will
experience better sales. Quick
thinking and action will help
make money through stocks also.
(October 23 to
harm in being
ambitious as long
it does not turn
into greed. Avoid
initiating a legal
case just to harass some one who
could not fulfill his commitment.
You will continue to make slow
and steady progress as far as
money is concerned. You may
be traveling to a comparatively
warmer area.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23
to December 22): Excellent time
for people in marketing and sales.
This is the right time to approach
boss or a government agency to
seek big favors.
Its high time that
you should throw
all your fears out
and implement
your plans. You
may receive some money though
small amount through a legal
process. Trip will be very fruitful.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to
January 19): Money will come
but will be hard
to hold. Loan
application will
be approved with
added conditions.
useful material. You may start
your search for another location
to move.
(February 19 to
March 20): Help
will come from
unexpected place.
which will make you unhappy
will prove to be a blessing in
disguise the very next day. You
should not not change your travel
plans and proceed with positive
attitude. Email or letter you mail
out will bring positive response.
Some electric item will need to be
A government agency giving run
around in the past, will ease off
their requirements and you will
start to see the light at the end
of tunnel. It is favorable month
for those looking for a change in
AQUARIUS (January 20 to
February 18): With new strategy,
you will be able
to turn things
around in your
favor all of a
quit the scene. You may one more
time put your needs aside and
help a needy sibling or a friend.
You will be studying some very
Pandit Parashar
On every financial stress related
reported suicide, family of the
deceased is provided a compensation of nearly Rs 5 lakh in addition to waiving of all loans outstanding with the public sector
An alternative, which insulates
monetary, fiscal, banking and financial sector policies from regular agricultural events, needs to
be considered.
First, the government could set up
a National Financial Distress Relief Fund (NFDRF) which would
provide due compensation after
verifying the factors that led to
the suicides, assessing genuine
reasons of any financial stress on
the deceased, including outstanding loans.
This should be on the lines similar to the strict procedure required
to claim money under the life insurance policy.
Crop Failure Relief Fund
The corpus of NFDRF should be
formed by contributions made by
farmers themselves through annual premiums or during the harvest season.
Second, and more important,
there is also need for a National
Crop Failure Relief Fund (NCFRF) to be established which
should also be adequately funded
by the farmers during harvest and
bumper crops.
The government, and others, including private entities, under the
corporate social responsibility,
could make initial contribution to
the corpus of both these funds.
The compensation would only
be given to those farmers who
regularly contribute to both these
The contribution to these funds
can be operated through bank accounts in commercial banks and
post offices.
Now, with the success of the Jan
Dhan Yojana, there is need to
extensively extend penetration
of life and crop insurance in rural India. The highly subsidised
contribution from farmers for the
existing government insurance
schemes for crops should be ensured.
For the six lakh villages in the
country and about 16 crore rural
households, it would be helpful if
the National Sample Survey Organisation undertakes a survey to
understand the factors that cause
financial stress on the rural families.
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
May 2015 Community Calendar
We have compiled this event listing based on the information available on the web site (where ever possible) of the community/organization as of third Friday. Please check with
the organizers to confirm its accuracy. We request all South Asian organizations to email us ( their community calendar on or before 20th of
every month, for the events happening next month. We will carry listing of all South Asian non-profit organizations in Philadelphia. If the Name, Contact info is not correct or has
changed email us ( the changes you want to see. E&OE.
May 02, Saturday,
11:00 AM - 03:00 PM,
CelebrASIA Philadelphia: Asian
Pacific American Food & Heritage Festival at Asian American
Resource Center, 8401 Cameron
Road, Philadelphia, TX 78754.
Help decide the winner of the
AARC’s second annual Battle of
the Asian Food Trucks, with our
theme ingredient coconut! Plus,
cultural performances, kids’ activities, games, educational food
booths, artisan marketplace, community outreach fair, heritage
showcases and more!
Free admission and activities.
$20 tasting ballots for Food
Truck Battle. Additional food and
items available for sale. AARC
Ballroom, Great Lawn. For more
information, visit www.Philadel-
May 02, Saturday,
03:00 PM,
AMM Picnic 2015 is at Zilker
Park Playscape Shelter Picnic
Area (next to Train Station), 2100
Barton Springs Rd, Philadelphia,
TX 78746
May 08, Friday,
08:30 AM - 10:00 PM,
Indian-American Vivek Murthy Is US’s
Youngest Surgeon-General, Takes Oath On Gita
(Continued From Page 01)
Unseasonal Rains, Failed Crops And Farmers’ Suicides
(Continued From Page 15)
“By any reasonable measure, I
shouldn’t be standing here. My
father is the son of a farmer in
rural India. He was supposed
to have been a farmer, as was
I,” Vivek Murthy recalled to a
gaggle of supporters gathered at
a military base in Fort Myer after he was administered oath (on
a Bhagavad Gita) on Wednesday
by vice president Joe Biden as
the 19th surgeon general of the
United States, America’s doctorin-chief.
Clearly unaware of the tumult
in India over the farmer suicide,
Murthy then added, “But for my
grandfather’s insistence that his
son get an education, even if that
meant going into debt, we might
have never left that village (Hallegere in Karnataka’s Mandya
district) to go out in the world and
- as my grandfather also insisted
- start fixing what needed fixing.”
“We were not supposed to have
become Americans. My parents
stopped in three other countries
- including a brutal dictatorship on their journey to get here.
They saved up money and
scrounged for information about
job opportunities, always knowing that America was the des-
tination,” Murthy continued,
outlining what has now become
a familiar Indian-American template for success.
He then thanked everyone who
helped him, at 37, become America’s youngest surgeon-general,
and the first Indian-American to
occupy an office that carries with
it a three-star military designation - vice admiral Vivek Murthy
- saying, “I am who I am because
of my grandmother’s faith, my
father’s strength, my mother’s
love, my sister’s support, and my
fiancee’s unyielding belief in me.
I am blessed to have all of them
here with me today. I will always
be grateful to them for the sacrifices they have made.”
Encomiums came in thick and
fast for the remarkable man for
whom President Barack Obama,
who nominated him for the position, battled through Republican
opposition for more than a year
to secure a confirmation for what
will be a four-year tenure.
“I applaud the Senate for confirming Vivek Murthy,” the President
said following the confirmation.
“As ‘America’s Doctor,’ Vivek
will hit the ground running to
make sure every American has
the information they need to
keep themselves and their fami-
lies safe. He’ll bring his lifetime
of experience promoting public
health to bear on priorities ranging from stopping new diseases to
helping our kids grow up healthy
and strong.”
Indeed, Murthy has been running even before his swearing in,
shooting a promotional film with
the Sesame Street character Elmo
last week to promote vaccination.
On Wednesday, he put forth an
expansive agenda for America,
befitting the nation’s “TopDoc”
as he was called on Twitter, including promoting healthy living,
raising awareness of mental illness, tackling childhood vaccinations, and curbing drug abuse.
“Today, we face a rising tide of
diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
We will lose nearly half a million
lives this year to tobacco-related
disease. Forty-two million people
in our country struggle with mental illness,” he said of a country
which spends more per capita on
health than any other nation but
yet has poor outcomes.
“Heroin and prescription drug
abuse ravage towns across
America, and vaccine-preventable diseases we thought we had
contained have come back with
a vengeance because of fear and
Disoriented Comedy is at the
Asian American Resource Center, 8401 Cameron Road, Philadelphia, TX 78754. The first-ever
(mostly) female Asian American
stand-up comedy tour featuring
nationally-touring Los Angelesbased writer and comic Jenny
Yang and standup comedian,
writer and actress Atsuko Okatsuka along with local up-and-coming Asian American comedians.
Doors open 8 pm, show begins
8:30pm. Tickets $8 pre-sale or
$10 at door, available at http://
May 09, Saturday,
02:00 PM,
TCA Ugadi and Sri Rama Navami Celebrations is at C D Fulkes
Middle School, 400 W Anderson
Ave, Round Rock, TX 78664.
Premium $ 25.00;
Non-profit Member $ 15.00;
Member $ 12.00;
Kids (5-15 yrs) $ 10.00
May 09, Saturday,
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM,
Care to Dance Showcase is at the
Asian American Resource Center,
8401 Cameron Road, Philadelphia, TX 78754. Featuring performances from more than 150
AISD students and community
collaborations. Proceeds from
raffle drawings go directly to children served by non-profit Leap of
Joy. FREE. AARC Ballroom.
May 10, Sunday,
11:00 AM - 01:00 PM,
Mother’s Day Celebration at Radha Madhav Dham Hindu Temple
is at Radha Madhav Dham Hindu
Temple 400 Barsana Road, Philadelphia, TX 78737.
May 13, Wednesday,
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM,
GAACC Business Buzz is at the
Asian American Resource Center, 8401 Cameron Road, Philadelphia, TX 78754. The Greater
Philadelphia Asian Chamber of
Commerce presents “Google My
Business & Facebook Advertising” with speaker Ricardo Guerror, CEO and Chief Buzz Generator of Social Media Dynamo.
Learn how to effectively use
Google My Business and Facebook Advertising to engage and
communicate directly with current and potential clients. FREE.
Register online at AARC
Conference Room.
May 15, Friday,
08:30 AM - 12:00 PM,
Hidden Epidemic: Bullying and
Asian American Youth is at the
Asian American Resource Center, 8401 Cameron Road, Philadelphia, TX 78754. Come for a
brief presentation on bullying and
panel of mental/behavioral health
professionals who will provide
real-life examples and lessons.
This training also hopes to foster
a discussion on how professional
and community-based organizations can collaborate to address
the issue. Breakfast & Networking 8:30 to 9am, Training 9am to
12pm. FREE. $30 CEU Certificate available.
May 16, Saturday,
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM,
Traditional Peking Opera is at the
Asian American Resource Center, 8401 Cameron Road, Philadelphia, TX 78754. The Philadelphia Peking Opera Club and
Chinese Opera Club of Houston
present this rare opportunity to
see performed selected scenes
from four classic Peking operas:
Into the Palace the Second Time,
Farewell to My Concubine, Lady
Mu the Marshal, and Mother-Son
Reunion. Chinese and English
subtitles will be provided. FREE.
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
Hindu Temple In Texas Vandalized With Graffiti Nepal Earthquake
(Continued From Page 01)
In the attack at the North Texas
Hindu Mandir in the Lake Highlands suburb of Dallas, vandals
painted symbols of devil worship
on the temple’s door, media reports said April 18.
“The Mandir has always had a
great relationship with our neighbors, but after this event, their
outpouring of concern has sincerely touched us.
The attackers left behind on a
shed at the temple the mark of
Mara Salvatrucha, an international gang originating among immigrants from the predominantly
Catholic nation of El Salvador
and active in the U.S.
The 11CBS network in the Dallas-Fort Worth area reported that
a temple board member, Krishna
Singh, said mandir members discovered the graffiti April 13.
“That was a big shock, really,” the
network quoted her as saying. “It
makes me sad inside,” nine-yearold Gracie Reed told 11CBS.
“To me, it’s really horrifying because I don’t know who would do
this to a church,” the child said
referring to the house of worship.
Dallas police have sent detectives
from their gang unit to investigate
the incident, according to WFAA,
an ABC network affiliated local
We thank them for helping us
with our ‘Clean Up Day - Painting over the Pain, while Rolling
on New Memories,’” he added.
This is the first time the temple
has been attacked since it was
founded in 2002.
Temple officials said they would
soon add surveillance cameras
and construct a fence to ensure its
“An attack on any house of worship is an affront to all people of
faith,” said Dr. Rajiv Pandit, HAF
executive council member in Dallas.
“And while this latest crime adds
to a growing trend of intolerance
towards the Hindu and other minority communities, the support
shown by the temple’s neighbors
represents one of the greatest
qualities of everyday Americans.”
The temple supports community
charities like food banks for the
poor and an organization that
helps victims of child abuse.
According to 11CBS, “666” and
an upside-down cross were painted on the temple door.
“Mandir members and the board
are saddened by this event, but at
the same time feel it has brought
us closer to our neighbors and
Old Lake Highlands residents,”
said Shiva Maharaj, the temple’s
And some of the grim figures are
likely to get even worse as hopes
The landslide happened around 4
p.m. in Langtang National Park,
said Ramesh Dhamala, president
of the Trekking Agents of Nepal.
They symbolize devil worship.
Some Christian leaders, including
a former candidate for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination, Pat Robertson, have called
Hinduism “demonic.”
The attack is the latest in a series of attacks on Hindu places of
Two temples were vandalized in
Washington state in February. In
August, a statue of Shiva at the
Vishwa Bhavan Hindu Mandir in
Monroe, Georgia, was desecrated
with black paint.
The local sheriff’s office arrested
two people in connection with the
attack. Between July and October
in Loudon County in Virginia, police have documented 17 separate
incidents of anti-Hindu vandalism, the Hindu American Foundation said.
The gesture of help from neighbors was welcomed by Hindus.
of rescuing any more survivors
diminish every hour.
Heartbreaking scenes of suffering
and loss are playing out across
this shell-shocked nation as it
reels from its deadliest natural disaster in more than 80 years.
As the country coped with the
fallout of the quake, another natural disaster struck Tuesday afternoon in a popular trekking area
north of Kathmandu, and up to
200 people were feared missing
as a result, a trekking association
official said.
Laxmi Dhakal, spokesman for
Nepal’s Home Ministry, said he
was aware of reports about the
landslide but wasn’t immediately
able to confirm details.
Quake relief efforts continued
Tuesday, but officials warned that
they were hampered by problems
of getting aid into the country and
then delivering it to some of the
remote communities in desperate
(Continued On Page 23)
While the administration of President Barack Obama, who has
criticized India over religious
tolerance, and Christian leaders
had not reacted as of April 19 to
the Texas vandalism, non-Hindu
neighbors have offered to help
the temple.
Leaders of the Hindu American
Foundation praised the residents
of Lake Highlands as they joined
members of the North Texas Hindu Mandir April 18 to clean the
graffiti by painting over the hateful meSASAges.
(Continued From Page 01)
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Photos And See Yourself In Print
1. Milan’s La ____
6. Globe shape
9. Saintly sign
13. Alexandre Duma’s “The Black ____”
14. Broadcast
15. Happen again
16. Like city life
17. Mudbath site
18. Fill with high spirits
19. *”Mommie ____,” movie
21. *Kate Hudson’s mom
23. Dog command
24. Like Andersen’s duckling
25. Eric Stonestreet on “Modern Family”
28. Hard currency
30. Internet business
35. In the sack
37. Sometimes hard to reach
39. Irrigation water wheel
40. Track event
41. *Suri’s mom, e.g.
43. Fix a horse
44. ____’s razor
46. *Bébé’s mother
47. Copycat
48. Tarzan’s swings
50. A in B.A.
52. “... ____ he drove out of sight”
53. Repair, as in socks
55. Pull the plug on
57. *Mom to Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March
60. *Popular Mother’s Day gift
64. Kim Jong-un of North ____
65. Reverential salutation
67. Tie again
68. Relating to Quechuan people
69. Intelligence org.
70. Dodge
71. Don’t let this hit you on the way out
72. One of Bartholomew Cubbins’ 500
73. More sly
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
1. Part of house frame
2. Prepare by drying or salting
3. *This famous Jessica became a mom in 2008
4. Pinocchio and his kind
5. Relating to apnea
6. Brewer’s kiln
7. Tombstone acronym
8. Health food pioneer
9. Retained
10. Palm tree berry
11. Guitar forerunner
12. Bonanza find
15. Count on
20. Indifferent to emotions
22. *Like Mother Hubbard
24. Soiled
25. *TV’s “lovely lady”
26. Olden day calculators
27. Muhammad’s birthplace
29. Big-ticket ____
31. “Animal House” garb
32. French pancake
33. Oil tanker
34. *”Mother” in Italian
36. Novelist Koontz
38. German mister
42. Asian pepper
45. Sterling, Cooper or Draper
49. Sigma Alpha Epsilon
51. Soft palate vibrations
54. Boxer’s stat
56. Inhabit
57. Kissing disease?
58. Atlantic Richfield Company
59. Last row
60. Notable achievement
61. Evening purse
62. Hitchhiker’s quest
63. Nostradamus, e.g.
64. *Mom has at least one
66. By way of
sudoku answers to
Name and photo of the inviduvidual with first correct answer will
be published in Feberuary 2015
To Advertise
in SASA call
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
Nepal Earthquake: Death Toll Passes
4,600 As Rescuers Face Challenges
(Continued From Page 21)
In Kathmandu, a capital city of
shattered temples and toppled
houses, some people paid their
last respects to loved ones taken
by the quake.
‘Many people are crying’
Elsewhere in the city, many
shaken residents are sleeping in
the open -- some have lost their
that is typically used for parades.
One of the grand gates to the field
is now just a pile of rubble.
By the Bagmati River, which
winds through the city, more than
a dozen funeral pyres burned
As workers stoked the flames
for the Hindu cremation ceremonies, some mourners shaved their
heads -- a traditional show of
mourning from children who lose
their parents.
Alongside their father, two teenage brothers from the Gurung
family, Ishan and Iman, said
goodbye to their mother, Ishara.
“We never imagined this would
happen to us. This much pain,”
said Ishan, the elder of the two.
homes, others are afraid to stay in
buildings that may be vulnerable
to aftershocks.
Large encampments of tents have
sprung up in open areas, including a wide space belonging to the
military in the center of the city
Kisnor Raj Giri, a 22-year-old
man from Kathmandu who lost
members of his extended family in
the quake, said he was too scared
to return home. He is camping
out at the military grounds with
thousands of others even though
frequent rain has made the nights
an ordeal.
“Many people are crying, sharing
their hardships,” he told CNN on
Monday evening. The elements
showed no mercy to the homeless
masses on Tuesday as thunderstorms rumbled over Kathmandu
-- and more bad weather is forecast for the region in the coming
But in one piece of good news,
Turkish and Chinese rescue crews
helped pull free a 21-year-old
man trapped under rubble near a
city bus park in a 13-hour rescue
operation. The death toll has now
climbed above 4,600 in Nepal,
officials said Tuesday evening, as
rescue and relief efforts continue.
Dhakal, the Home Ministry
spokesman, put the death toll at
4,620, while Nepal’s National
Emergency Coordination Center said the number of dead was
4,727. Both sources gave the
number of people injured as
April 2015 Sudoku Answer:
Correct Answer: Yudhveer Bagga
Another 72
people died
while China
reported 25
Most of the
numbers in
Nepal are
believed to
have come
mainly from
and the surrounding
area. They
are expected
to climb as
from remote
“We have
but we apprehend the death toll
will go up,” Nepalese Information Minister Minendra Rijal told
CNN earlier on Tuesday. “We
cannot say by how much exactly.”
The news agency Reuters cited
Prime Minister Sushil Koirala as
saying that the toll could reach
10,000 and that the country was
“on a war footing” in its rescue
and relief work.
In a live, televised address to the
nation, the Prime Minister said
the country had been stunned by
the disaster and announced three
days of national mourning, starting Tuesday.
The government’s first priority is
to continue search and rescue operations and relief efforts, he said,
as he thanked all those involved.
Historic and religious monuments
destroyed by the earthquake will
be reconstructed in time, he added.
At least 90% of 96,000 Nepali
army troops have been deployed
in relief and rescue operations,
according to Nepal army spokesman Jagadish Chandra Pokharel.
More than 15 countries and agencies have already promised help,
Koirala said, as he appealed for
other nations also to come to Nepal’s aid.
Even as international aid pours
into the country, overwhelmed
hospitals are lacking vital medical supplies, people remain buried in the wreckage of buildings
and rescuers are struggling to
reach hard-hit rural areas near the
quake’s epicenter.
“The biggest problem is reaching
these villages,” Matt Darvas, an
emergency communications officer for the humanitarian group
World Vision, told CNN from
Gorkha district, northwest of
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
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Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
Salman Khan To Sing
Is Manisha Koirala’s Kannada-Tamil Movie
Ballad For ‘Hero’ Remake
Based On Sunanda Pushkar’s Life?
Mumbai — Salman Khan is set
to sing another track after his hits
in “Kick,” this time for his own
production directed by Nikhil
Advani — “Hero,” the authorized
remake of Subhash Ghai’s 1983
ballad, soft-rock et al as the days
of desi genres seem to have become passé!) featuring the lead
pair Sooraj Pancholi and Athiya
ya is Suniel Shetty’s daughter.
The song, “O Khuda” sung by
Palak Muchhal, will be in the finale of the movie and will show
the male and female protagonists’
lives in a flashback.
Rumour has it that ‘Game’, a
Kannada-Tamil bilingual movie
that is being directed by AMR Ramesh, is based on the life of late
Sunanda Pushkar, wife of former
Union Minister Shashi Tharoor.
Sunanda had died under mysteri-
But reports say that the movie
might be associated with Sunanda
Pushkar’s mysterious murder as a
part of the movie is set in a forensic lab in Chennai.
According to a report published
The film’s composer, Amaal Malik, said, “Nikhil’s brief to me
was that it’s a song about two lovers against the world.
He will be singing a ballad (nowadays all Hindi films have songs
described by Western trends, like
The two young actors make their
debut with this movie as the latest
star kids.
Sooraj is the son of Aditya and
Zarina Wahab Pancholi, and Athi-
Kellerman said he was totally
bowled over by Rahman’s “Bombay” theme track and a song from
“Slumdog Millionaire.”
The song promises to reflect the
film’s essence and, in another
weird change, it has already been
filmed, but Salman has yet to sing
it! Yes, change is the order of the
day, but looks like change is now
the disorder, too!
The composer, who received
a Grammy at the 57th Annual
Grammy Awards for his 2014
album “Winds of SaSASAra” in
collaboration with Indian composer and producer Ricky Kej,
was in the city to work on an ambitious project with the latter.
Weekend Box Office Collection: Raghava
Lawrence’s ‘Kanchana 2’, Mani Ratnam’s
‘O Kadhal Kanmani’ (‘Ok Kanmani’) Leads
The weekend box office collection of Tamil movies in Chennai
is out and the reports suggest that
most of the recent releases have
managed to pull in a good number
of viewers to the theatre.
popular Tamil
Lawrence’s latest flick
“Kanchana 2” is
leading in box
office collection
from 20-26 April
in Chennai, followed by Mani
Karthi’s “Komban” and Udayanidhi
“Nanbenda” has
managed to grab
the third and
fourth positions,
Bengaluru — Grammy-winning
South African flautist and music composer Wouter Kellerman
says he loves Bollywood music
and that A.R. Rahman is his favorite music director because it
is impossible to imitate the Indian
The fact that Sooraj is lip-syncing
to Salman’s voice makes the song
really big, and parts of it will be
used in the background score
through the lovers’ journey.”
The second weekend collection
of “Kanchana 2” is estimated to
be ₹ 1,30,12,872 from 282 shows
and the weekday box office collection is ₹1,13,88,244 from 332
shows, making the total collection of the movie in the second
week as ₹ 3,75,49,733.
ous circumstances bringing even
her husband under the purview of
the judiciary.
Reportedly, when actress Khushboo was offered a role in the movie, she inquired about the plot,
which Ramesh refused to reveal.
in The Hindu, only details the director gives is that the movie is “a
murder mystery”. Manisha gets
murdered in the film and Arjun investigates this complicated case.”
This is the first time Manisha Koirala is acting in a Kannada movie.
Sachin Tendulkar About
His Daughters Film Debut
Rumors were rife today with
some sections of the online media
claiming that Sachin Tendulkar’s
teenage daughter Sara is making
ously annoyed about the rumors
and has tweeted that “ My daughter Sara is enjoying her academic
He said they were collaborating
on a follow-up to “Winds of SaSASAra,” to be released in 2017.
“I and Ricky have started to work
for a very long, ambitious project
to be released in 2017, but that
will be a follow-up of ‘Winds of
SaSASAra,’” he said.
The Master Blaster was obvi-
Annoyed at all the baseless speculation about her joining films.”
press their love through music.
“Some express their love by giving presents; some do it by giving
compliments, and I express love
New Delhi — Irrfan Khan is
glad that director Shoojit Sircar
offered him the romantic role in
“Piku” opposite Deepika Padukone as their love story is made
up of endearing moments and
moment,” he added.
through music,” he said.
That’s the music I like. It can be
sad, it can be deep, but I don’t like
to make music which is dark,” he
On his new project, Kellerman
said the theme of his new album
“Love Language” is how different cultures across the world ex-
There are 14 songs in the album
in different global languages,
with two Indian songs which are
being worked out with Kej. The
“It is a very entertaining and engaging film and love is a very
important part of this story. It was
Shoojit’s trust in me that he gave
me a romantic lead.
“We were shooting on the Gujarat
highway, and we were in the car.
The director and actor can talk
very little because there is urgency in such scenes.
In this scene, which is very small,
I have to give her (Padukone) a
look and say something because
we have been traveling for a long
It is just a look but so beautiful.
Shoojit was emotional after seeing it,” he said.
elements in ‘Piku,’” Khan said.
The “Namesake” star, 48, said the
silences in the movie stand out as
they shot the film as if they were
doing a theater production.
Asked how he came to love Indian culture and music, Kellerman,
who performed at the closing
ceremony of the 2010 Football
World Cup, said his Indian girlfriend introduced him to Indian
culture and music.
Fifteen years ago, she was my
first real contact. She introduced
to me a lot more Indian culture
and music. Those Indian influences slowly seeped into my consciousness,” he said.
“I don’t like to make music that
has sinister dimensions. For me,
all the music I make can be deep,
but it is not dark.
I was longing to do something
like this. I also wanted to do comedy. Coincidently, I got both these
album will be released next year,
he said.
“I used to have an Indian girlfriend from Kerala, living in
South Africa.
Irrfan Khan On ‘Piku’: I Was
Longing To Do A Romantic Lead
The actor said the movie, slated
to hit the screens May 8, was an
emotional but fun ride for him,
Padukone and Bachchan.
her Bollywood debut opposite
Shahid Kapoor in a new film.
“I have a lot of respect for musicians who want to make dark music — sometimes I like listening
to it, but that’s not my road at the
“The theme is always going to
be good energy, love, peace and
tolerance — that’s the theme we
would like to build on,” he added.
Kellerman, however, said he
doesn’t like to make music that
has “sinister dimensions,” though
he has immense respect for those
who create it.
Khan plays the role of Rana
Chaudhary, who runs a cab service in Delhi, which is how he
comes into contact with Piku and
her father, played by Amitabh
With the kind of reception the
movie has been getting so far, the
industry analysts are hoping that
“Kanchana 2” will be declared
a blockbuster hit in the coming
At the same time, Mani Ratnam’s
“OK Kanmani” has also done extremely well in its second week in
box office with total collection of
₹ 2,04,90,564.
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
Grammy Winner Wouter Kellerman:
‘A.R. Rahman Has Magic in His Fingers’
“A.R. Rahman obviously is my
favorite. I try to imitate him but
cannot keep the magic intact.
There is some magic in his fingers. It is impossible to imitate
him,” he said.
So, we have lots of cellos, violins
and larger-than-life flashbacks.
film “Hero” (No, there is no unauthorized one!).
Khan said he loved the way Sircar extracted a restrained performance from his actors. “I found
it very interesting that he is not
underlining stuff for the audience.
There is so much unsaid that goes
on between the characters. I enjoy
this style of storytelling, where it
is not just dialogues but you are
communicating with every breath
and gesture,” he said.
The film marks the first time that
Khan is working with Bachchan,
and the actor loved every moment
of their scenes together.
“Bachchan saab is Bachchan
saab. I have been offered roles
with him earlier, but nothing
materialized so when you get a
chance to work with him, you
want to make it as memorable as
It was exciting to be with all the
actors, be it Deepika or Moushumi Chatterjee. It was very engaging,” he said.
However, he never visited India until last year when he flew
down to give the final touches to
“Winds of SaSASAra.”
Kellarman said more than visiting
places in India, he is interested in
Indian people, culture and music.
Asked if any film offers were
coming his way, he said, “Hollywood and Bollywood, I will take
I think I have a great space for
soundtracks, but I haven’t really
followed it up. I have been making my music,” he said.
Among Indian flautists, Kellarman likes Hariprasad Chaurasia
and Pravin Godkhindi and tries
to bring their expressions into his
“They are just absolutely amazing flautists and are huge talents.
I often try imitating the Indian expression because it is so special.
They are very disciplined.
There are a lot of dips. The advantage of the Indians flute is that you
can glide between the notes; it is
very expressive than the western
flutes,” he said.
Philadelphia South
Philadelphia South Asian | May 2015
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