Congregational Church of Phillipston, U.C.C. 60 The Common Phillipston, MA 01331 Phillipston Community Newsletter April 2015 PUT STAMP HERE The Phillipston Congregational Church, U.C.C. Our Community Church Sunday Service at 10:00 a.m. Sunday School begins at 10:00 a.m. Dear Friends, But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in they did not find the body. While they were perplexed about this, suddenly two men in dazzling clothes stood beside them. The women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen." Luke 24: 1-5 Easter comes to us because of this story, that Jesus had risen, and was no longer in the tomb. I spent a year as an exchange student in the southern hemisphere, in New Zealand. It was odd to have Christmas in summer and Easter in autumn, as it was growing cold and the leaves were darkening. This year the snow might not melt in time for us to see green grass at Red Apple Farm on April 4 for the Easter Great Gathering, and yet we know that He lives, and that this promise is for us also. "In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?" John 14: 2 We would love to see you at Red Apple Farm on April 4 and at our Easter Worship service on April 5th at 10:00 a.m. Your sister in Christ, Rev. Stephanie C. Flynn Easter sunrise worship at 6: 15 at 275 Ward Hill Road on Sunday, April 5. Worship at 10:00 in the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday with the Sacrament of Communion. THE NEWSLETTER IS ON May NEWSLETTER DEADLINE IS April 23rd COME ONE COME ALL FOR GREAT FAMILY FUN! “EASTER GREAT GATHERING” April 4th 2015 - 8 am til 1 pm A Congregational Church of Phillipston Event At The Red Apple Farm, Phillipston, MA Off Site Parking – Watch for Signs (near King Philip) BRUNCH WITH EASTER BUNNY! $9 adults - $5 kids & seniors (10 and under & 65 and older) Egg Hunts – Children’s 9am, 10am & 11am (Toddlers & Preschool separate) Teen Egg Hunt with prizes @ 12:30 pm Adult @ High Noon - Prizes including Apple iPad, FitBit and more Vendors in Barn, coffee & donuts, farm animals Solid Waste Transporters 2015 Darren Brosseau/David Derlor D & D Waste Removal LLP 72 Jackson Avenue Fitchburg, MA 01420 978-342-6893 Karl Krechtel KK’s Roll-Off Containers 2739 Old Keene Road Athol, MA 01331 978-944-3004 Gary Griffith Griff’s Rubbish Removal 657 Pleasant Street Athol, MA 01331 978-249-6468 John Peard Monadnock Disposal Service 100 Old Sharon Road Jaffrey NH 03452 603-532-8088 John Spuria & Sons, Inc. PO Box 1067 1 Gardner Road Ashburnham, MA 01430 978-827-5069 Waste Management Corporation 124 Hartwell Street West Boylston, MA 01583 800-545-4560 (No Curbside-Dumpsters Only) G.L.M., Inc PO Box 221 Orange, MA 01364 978-544-6511 Allied Waste/Republic Services 845 Burnett Road Chicopee, MA 01020 413-557-6718 MASTER LIST OF LICENSED SEPTIC TRANSPORTERS Charles Buell Petersham Sanitary Service PO Box 236 Petersham, MA 01366 978-724-3434 Frank Moschetti F.A. Moschetti & Sons, Inc. 104 Rice Road Templeton, MA 01468 978-939-8645 Scott Fletcher Scotty’s Potties PO Box 472 102 Partridgeville Road Templeton, MA 01468 978-939-5922 Eli Santana United Site Services Northeast, Inc. 295 Pasco Road Springfield MA 01151 413-543-5271 Wind River Environmental 577 Main Street Hudson, MA 01749 800-499-1682 “The listed haulers are licensed with the Town of Phillipston for 2015. Any haulers not on this list are not licensed to do business in town. Please contact the Board of Health at 978-249-1735 if you need more information”. Did You Know Only 6% of the registered voters attend the Annual Town Meeting and they will decide how all of our taxes and other revenue will be spent. This years ATM will be on Wednesday, May 6 at 7:00 PM in the Phillipston Memorial School gym. If you wish to participate this year, the warrant for the ATM can be reviewed on the town website two weeks prior to the meeting. Because we live in a small town we have the unique opportunity to participate in this process. If you want your vote to count, you need to attend the ATM. North Quabbin Garden Club Thursday, April 16, 2015, 7 p.m. Millers River Environmental Center 100 Main Street, Athol, MA 01331 Ferns and Mosses Boston Architectural College Landscape Institute Design Instructor, Laura D. Eisener will show us how native mosses and ferns can add color, texture and interest to our landscapes and replace higher maintenance lawns and other plantings. She will suggest plants for sun and shade that can solve a wide range of landscape problems. This is a meeting you won't want to miss. An affiliate of the Millers River Environmental Center in Athol, the North Quabbin Garden Club formed in 2006 to encourage interest in all phases of home gardening. With efforts to promote better horticultural practices and foster civic beauty, emphasis is placed on use of native plants, organic gardening, and the conservation of natural resources. Monthly meetings are usually held on the third Thursday evening of each month featuring informative speakers or workshop sessions. Members are currently working on a wildlife habitat garden at the Millers River Environmental Center and planning their annual spring sale of perennial plants and specialty items. Guests and new members are always welcome, so join us this month and learn something new about gardening. Meetings are free to members and guests are asked for a donation. Did you know that… · every 40 minutes, a fire injury is reported? · seven times per day, someone dies in a home fire? In partnership with the American Red Cross’ Home Fire Preparedness Campaign, the Phillipston Fire Department is offering free installation of photoelectric and ionization smoke alarms to Phillipston residents, beginning on Sunday, March 29. Residents may request up to three units per home. Batteries are included. No eligibility requirements need to be met. If you would like to schedule an appointment for installation, please call the Fire Department at (978)249-6302 or e-mail LADIES BENEVOLENT SOCIETY There was no meeting of the Ladies Benevolent Society in March. I am sure the ladies would have liked to get out for some social time with the snowy winter we have had. The next exciting event is the EGG (Easter Great Gathering), sponsored by the Phillipston Congregational Church, being held at the Red Apple Farm on Saturday April 4th from 8 am to 1 pm. Parking will be off site this year, with all the snow and mud. There will be buses shuttling people so watch for signs directing you to the offsite parking areas. The ladies will be unveiling their items for their annual raffle at this event. Four items will be raffled, a Baby Quilt, a couch Quilt, and 2 Wall Hangings. You will be able to choose which item you would like to take a chance for or drop tickets in each of the 4 items. The articles to be raffled were made by Barbara Sanden and Brenda Fontaine. Thank you so much ladies. These ladies are so very talented. The winner of each of these items will be draw at the fall Pumpkin Weigh-In Fair at the Red Apple Farm in October. Beginning plans were made for the Annual Silver Tea to be held on May 12th, further information will be coming. After a snowy winter this year, everyone is looking forward to the next meeting that will be held in April on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 in the vestry of the church with Carole Gariepy and Marie Lalino as hostesses. Final plans will be made at the April meeting for the Annual Silver Tea The Ladies Benevolent Society is open to any ladies, please feel free to come and join us. Hoping to see everyone at the Easter Great Gathering (EGG) at the Red Apple Farm on Saturday, April 4, 2015 from 8am to 1pm for a great breakfast brunch with the Easter Bunny and other activities! Trail Dedication 10 a.m. on May 16th The North Quabbin Trails Associaltion (NQTA) is planning a celebration of the completion of the 16.3 mile Red Apple Trail system on Saturday, May 16, 2015. Local officials will join the NQTA members, the Rose family, and all who enjoy hiking and nature at 10 a.m. in the upper parking lot near the wind turbine for a brief program before heading out on the trail. There are several trail heads for access for shorter hikes along this trail system. With the assistance of funding from L.A.N.D. grants, the Phillipston Community Preservation Fund, and our neighbors, Selectman Tom Brouillet, Reggie and Mel Haughton, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, and Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust, and the generous voluntary efforts of the North Quabbin Trails Association, it is now possible to hike from Phillipston to Bearsden Woods Conservation Area in Athol and up to Millers Crossing in South Royalston. Plan on a beautiful, sunny spring day for a great hike on a wonderful trail system. It is possible to spot a car at different locations for those who prefer a shorter walk. Check in with for more information. The Transfer Station will open for its Summer Hours beginning Wednesday April 1, 2015. Every Wednesday from 4:00-6:00pm, and Saturdays 7:45am-1:45pm PHILLIPSTON RESIDENTS ONLY! QUESTION NO. 1 Shall the Town of Phillipston be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one half, so called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to pay for the following equipment for the Fire Department: self-contained breathing apparatus, firefighting protective clothing, and Fire hoses? YES ________ NO________ Debt Exclusion On the election ballot, on May 4, the town will be asked to vote on a debt exclusion article to provide the fire department with 14 self-contained breathing apparatus, hoses and firefighting protective clothing. These items are necessary as the current items are expired or expiring this year. The NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) mandates that each firefighter have the necessary safety equipment to enter a burning building. There must be one breathing apparatus per seat in every vehicle. If there isn’t, that vehicle cannot be used. Funding this article through a Debt Exclusion will allow the department to fully replace all necessary safety equipment and hoses with a one-time tax increase of about $45 for one year based on $100,000 house valuation. Failure to fund these items could result in higher home insurance rates and slower response time to house fire calls. As a result of not having proper safety gear, interior fire attack and rescues will not be able to be completed leading to greater property loss and possible life casualties. For the safety of your firefighters and the town’s people please vote in favor of the debt exclusion. IMPORTANT VOTING DAYS The Annual Elections of the Town of Phillipston will be held on Monday, May 4, 2015 from noon to 8pm at the Town Hall, 50 On The Common, Phillipston, MA. ABSENTEE BALLOTS Absentee Ballots will be available on April 16th. 2nd. Requests can be made until noon on May The Annual Town Meeting will be held at 7pm on May 6, 2015 in the Phillipston Memorial School Gym, 20 on The Common, Phillipston, MA. TOWN CLERK – Karin L. Foley BOARD OF SELECTMEN John Telepciak – Clerk Thomas Brouillet –Chairman Terrance Dymek, Vice Chairman HAPPY SPRING PHILLIPSTON FIRE DEPARTMENT OPEN BURNING RESIDENTIAL PERMIT OPEN BURNING SEASON JANUARY 15 th – MAY 1st BURN PERMITS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN’S OFFICE MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. PHILLIPSTON FIRE DEPARTMENT – MONDAY – FRIDAY 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM IF AVAILABLE CALL 978-249-6302 AGRICULTURAL BURN PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM FIRE CHIEF STEVENS TO OBTAIN A BURNING PERMIT BY MAIL: PLEASE COMPLETE THE INFORMATION BELOW AND MAIL COMPLETED INFORMATION WITH A CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO: TOWN OF PHILLIPSTON IN THE AMOUNT OF $5.00. INCLUDE A SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE FOR BURN PERMIT. MAIL TO: PHILLIPSTON FIRE DEPARTMENT 90 STATE ROAD, PHILLIPSTON, MA 01331 NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER Points of Interest As part of the new website, we would like to include information about “Points of Interest” to people who may be new to the area. We are asking that you submit your suggestions for “Points of Interest” for Phillipston and surrounding communities for consideration to Please include details about your point of interest – where it is located, what you can do there, what age groups may enjoy it. SUBMITTED POLITICAL AD Re-elect Tom Brouillet! All of the good things that have happened, and continue to happen, in town are the result of the current Selectboard who work together to keep things moving in a forward direction. Tom has kept an open mind and strives to make decisions that will benefit the Town as a whole. Other area towns are struggling through some hard times, but Phillipston is full of people, like Tom, working diligently to keep the town in good financial standing. Through Tom’s dedication and leadership, along with the two other members of the Selectboard, the Town departments are all working together to do what is best for the town. Historical Society of Phillipston invites you to "Old Timers Round Table" April 15, 2015 Congregational Church Vestry Dave Bramhall will lead an interesting session reviewing Phillipston's past with old timers who grew up in town. Come hear them share their memories of school days, World War II years, the plane crash, early TV, and more. It promises to be a fun evening of nostalgia. Refreshments will be served following the meeting. All are welcome. Dog Licenses for 2015 License your dog with the Town Clerk All dogs licensed after April 1st will have a $5.00 late fee added to their license cost Dogs licensed after May 1st will pay a $25.00 late fee All dogs not licensed will receive a $50.00 fine Fines that are not paid will be sent to the Winchendon Court House for collection. You may come to the Town Hall on Monday’s from 8:00am to 9:00pm, Wednesdays 12:00pm to 6:00pm and the first Saturday of the month from 8:00am to 10:00am. Please make sure your dogs rabies shot is up to date and bring your certificate with you if we do not have it on file. If your dog needs rabies shot contact Nygard Veterinarians in Templeton at, 978-939-8348, for a listing of clinics in our area. If your dog is no longer with you please let us know so a fine will not be sent out to you. You can also license your dog by mail and you will find the application enclosed. Call the Town Clerk’s Office if you have any questions at 978-249-1733 please leave a message. ATTENTION PHILLIPSTON NEWSLETTER READERS The Phillipston Community Newsletter is put together by The Congregational Church of Phillipston, U.C.C. The newsletter is available to all nonprofit organizations in town to post news items or notices of upcoming events. Businesses in town may place ads at $10 for a Half page and $5 for quarter page. A full page for the newsletter is 7” x 8.5” with a .5” margin. Ads or news items may be sent by e-mail to ,The Congregational Church of Phillipston, U.C.C will decide what can be put in the newsletter and also may limit the number of pages in an issue. All questions or comments can be sent to MAY NEWSLETTER DEADLINE IS APRIL 23rd ANNUAL TOWN ELECTION May 4, 2015 Monday CANDIDATES FOR ELECTION TO TOWN OF PHILLIPSTON OFFICES SELECTMEN - 3 YR TERM – VOTE FOR ONE Thomas L. Brouillet, 34 Baldwin Hill Road, Incumbent James T. Mackie, 5 Petersham Road ASSESSOR – 3 YR TERM – VOTE FOR ONE Rebecca Martin, 35 Brooks Village Road, Incumbent David E. Manty, 570 Royalston Road ASSESSOR – 2 YR TERM – VOTE FOR ONE Anthony M. Membrino, 255 Lincoln Road BOARD OF HEALTH – 3 YR TERM – VOTE FOR ONE Matthew E. Pearson, 46 Spa Road, Incumbent CEMETERY COMMISSION – 3 YR TERM – VOTE FOR ONE Paul E. Bauch, 150 Templeton Road, Incumbent CONSTABLE - 3 YR TERM – VOTE FOR ONE Roger M. Wrigley, 40 Schoolhouse Road, Incumbent LIBRARY TRUSTEE - 3 YR TERM – VOTE FOR ONE Karen L. Thorn, 60 Petersham Road MODERATOR – 3 YR TERM – VOTE FOR ONE Timothy R. Haley. 5 Myrtle Road, Incumbent PLANNING BOARD - 5 YR TERM – VOTE FOR ONE Bernard A. Malouin, Sr., 30 Petersham Road, Incumbent PLANNING BOARD - 2 YR TERM – VOTE FOR ONE John Telepciak, 170 Blake Corner Road TAX COLLECTOR – 2 YR TERM – VOTE FOR ONE Sally A. Kastberg, 75 Baldwinville Road, Incumbent NARRAGANSETT REGIONAL SCHOOL COMMITTEE 3 YR TERM – PHILLIPSTON VOTE FOR ONE Victoria C. Chartier, 115 Baldwinville Road, Incumbent NARRAGANSETT REGIONAL SCHOOL COMMITTEE 3YR TERM – TEMPLETON VOTE FOR TWO Deborah A. Koziol, 55 Winchendon Road, Baldwinville, Incumbent Rae Ann Trifilo, 226 Royalston Road, Baldwinville, Incumbent April J. Cover, 24 A Meadowbrook Lane, Templeton ANNUAL TOWN ELECTION WILL BE May 4th The polls will open at 12:00pm and close at 8:00pm LAST DAY TO REG TO VOTE WILL BE APRIL 15th TOWN OF PHILLIPSTON Office of the Town Clerk 50 The Common Phillipston, Massachusetts 01331 Phone (978) 249-1733 Town Clerk: Karin Foley MAIL IN DOG LICENSE FORM (Licenses are issued January 1st) COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SEND WITH PAPER WORK LISTED BELOW: (to the above address) Note: $ 5.00 Late fee after April 1st 1. Current Rabies Certificate $25.00 Fine after May 1st 2. Spaying/Neutering Certificate All dogs not licensed $50.00 fine 3. Stamped Self addressed Envelope (fees & fines must be paid before licensing will occur) 4. Check made payable to the Town of Phillipston OWNER’S NAME:_____________________________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________________________________ PHONE:_______________ Dog owners over the age of 70 may register their dog for free (Licenses will be processed & mailed as received) The owner’s age will be verified against street listing Dog #1 – Dog’s Name: ______________________________ Dogs Age: ___________ Breed: ________________________________________Color: ______________________ Check one: Male $15.00_____ Neutered Male $10.00______ Service Dog or Owners Female $15.00____Spayed Female $10.00______ Over 70yrs n/c________ Dog #2 – Dog’s Name: ______________________________ Dogs Age: ___________ Breed: ________________________________________Color: ______________________ Check one: Male $15.00_____ Neutered Male $10.00______ Service Dog or Owners Female $15.00____Spayed Female $10.00______ Over 70yrs n/c________ Dog #3 – Dog’s Name: ______________________________ Dogs Age: ___________ Breed: ________________________________________Color: ______________________ Check one: Male $15.00_____ Neutered Male $10.00______ Service Dog or Owners Female $15.00____Spayed Female $10.00______ Over 70yrs n/c________ Symptoms of rabies may include unexplained aggression, impaired locomotion, varying degrees of paralysis, and extreme depression or viciousness. Individual animals maybe affected in different ways. Some animals will display the well known “vicious” form, while others, displaying the “dumb” form, will merely appear sick or dazed and become very lethargic. Once an animal begins to show signs of rabies it is likely to die within 5 days. Town Clerk Office Hours: Mondays 8:00am to 9:00pm – Wednesday 12:00pm to 7:00pm1st Sat of Month 8-11am It’s time to cut the clutter! Join the Community fun at Phillipstons Town Wide Yard Sale! Saturday, May 9, 2015 $15 IS ALL IT TAKES - IT’S SO EASY! Contribute to a good cause, clean out your clutter, & make some extra CA$H! We will do all of the advertising for you! Please contact Jennie at 978-790-9279 to list your address on the map. Encourage neighbors to join, more homes = more customers on your street! Maps to the different homes participating in the yard sale will be handed out for $1 each on the Common in Phillipston, in the center of town beginning at 7AM! Sponsored by the Friends of the Girl Scouts. THIN MINT SPRINT! 5K run/walk to benefit the Phillipston Girl Scouts & the Templeton Food Pantry Saturday, May 2nd Registration begins at 8:30, race starts at 10:00 Phillipston Town Common $20 entry fee for the race, Checks can be made payable to Troop 30908 T-shirts for the first 20 participants! We are also collecting food for the Templeton Food Pantry the day of the race! Please bring a donation & support this wonderful cause that helps so many in our area! Need a form? Questions? Call, email, or text: Jennie Chace: or 978.790.9279 Melissa Kuehl: or 508.344.3514
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