Martin Schönfeld - Philosophy

April 2015
Martin Schönfeld
Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Ave., FAO 248, Tampa, FL 33620, USA
(813) 974-5698
Ph.D. in Philosophy, minor in the History and Philosophy of Science, Indiana University
M.A. in Philosophy, University of Georgia
Graduate Program in Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany
B.A. (Zwischenprüfung) in Philosophy, Universität Regensburg, Germany
Area Categories
Analytic and Continental
Areas of Competence
World Philosophy: Chinese Philosophy
Early Modern Philosophy
Philosophy of Science
Areas of Specialization
Philosophy of Climate
Environmental Ethics
Research Keywords
Global Sustainability
Global Climate Change
Cultural Evolution
Professional Experience
Professor of Philosophy, University of South Florida
Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of South Florida
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of South Florida
Research Assistant, History and Philosophy of Science, Indiana University
Associate Instructor, Philosophy, Indiana University
MacArthur Fellow, Center of Global Change and World Peace, Indiana University
Fellow of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung)
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Research related to PHILOSOPHY OF CLIMATE is highlighted.
The Philosophy of the Young Kant: the Precritical Project. Oxford University Press, 2000
Edited Volumes
Ecology. Special issue of Journal of Chinese Philosophy, in preparation. Co-edited with Eric S. Nelson.
Global Ethics and Climate Change: Planetary Crisis and Philosophical Alternatives. Routledge, 2013.
Climate Philosophy Newsletters vol. 1-5 (2007-2012),
Climate Ethics. Special issue of Journal of Global Ethics 7 (2011).
Climate Ethics. Special issue of Essays in Philosophy 11 (2010).
Kant and Confucianism. Special issue of Journal of Chinese Philosophy 33 (2006).
Value in Nature. Special Issue of Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy 3 (1995).
Translations and Annotations
Kant: Thoughts on the True Estimation of Living Forces (1747), in The Cambridge Edition of the Works of
Immanuel Kant, vol. Natural Science, ed. Eric Watkins, 9-155. Co-translated with Jeffrey
Edwards. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
“Notes,” critical apparatus to pages 9-155, in Eric Watkins, ed., Natural Science, 684-705 . The
Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
“Bio-bibliographical Sketches,” in Eric Watkins, ed., Natural Science, 772-780. The Cambridge
Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
“Glossary,” co-authored with Eric Watkins, in Eric Watkins, ed., Natural Science, 751-771. The
Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Kant: Universal Natural History and Theory of the Skies chapter 7 (1755), 36 pp. Collapse 5 (2009).
Thomas Fuchs, “European China-Receptions from Leibniz to Kant,” J of Chin Philos 33 (2006): 5-49.
Book Chapters
“Wisdom and future-oriented philosophy: synthetic rationality as a path out of the crisis,” in HansGeorg Moeller and Andrew Whitehead, eds., Wisdom and Philosophy: East and West.
Bloomsbury Academic, forthcoming 2016.
“Wiredu, Amo, and the Afro-German Enlightenment,” in Dismas Masolo, ed., The Philosophy of
Kwasi Wiredu. Indiana University Press, 2015, in press.
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“American disenlightenment, or climate change made in USA,”in Byron Williston, ed.,
Environmental Ethics for Canadians. 2nd edition. Oxford University Press, 2015, in press.
“Imagination, progress, and evolution,” in Michael Thompson, ed., Kant and the Imagination, 183-203.
DeGruyter, 2013.
“Amerigenic climate change: an indictment of normalcy,” in Byron Williston, ed., Environmental
Ethics for Canadians, 283-290. Oxford University Press, 2012.
“The future of faith: climate change and the fate of religions,” in Dieter Gerten & Sigurd Bergmann,
eds., Religions and Dangerous Climate Change, 218-246. Continuum, 2012.
“How real is Daoism? Triangulating Kant, Laozi, and climate,” in Lik Kuen Tong, ed., Wei Wu Wei:
Essays on Daoist Philosophy, 69-78. Hong Kong Academy for Field-Being Philosophy, 2011.
“The metaphysics of sustainability: Kant’s categorical imperative,” ed. Jack Lee, Sustainability and
Health, 1-18. Ria University Press, 2010.
“Field, being, climate: climate philosophy and cognitive evolution,” in Ruth Irwin, ed., Climate
Change and Philosophy: Transformational Possibilities, 21-31. Continuum, 2010, 21-31.
“Wolffs Chinarede und ihre Bedeutung für Kant” [Wolff’s China-speech and its significance for
Kant], in Jürgen Stolzenberg & Oliver Rudolph, eds., Akten des 1. Int. Christian-WolffKongresses 2004, 377-395. Christian Wolff, Gesammelte Werke, III.ii.5. Georg Olms, 2010.
“從孔子到康德: 信息的傳承如何可能,” [“From Confucius to Kant: the question of information
transfer”] trans. by Jauwei Dan 但昭偉 and Wanqing Shao 邵婉卿, in Haiming Wen 溫海明,
ed., Kant and Confucianism [康德與中國哲學智慧], 68-83. Beijing: Renmin University, 2009.
“康德的物質動力學和物質的場域觀” [“Kant’s material dynamics and the field-view of reality”],
co-authored with Jeffrey Edwards, trans. by Yongming Shu 穌永明, in Haiming Wen 溫海明,
ed., Kant and Confucianism [康德與中國哲學智慧], 109-124. Beijing: Renmin University, 2009.
“The Kantian blueprint of climate control,” in Velma Grover , ed., Global Warming and Climate
Change: Ten Years After Kyoto, 2 vols, 1:201-215. Enfield: Science Publishers, 2008.
“The green Kant: environmental dynamics and sustainable policies,” in Louis P. Pojman & Paul
Pojman, eds., Environmental Ethics, 5th edition, 49-60. Thomson-Wadsworth, 2008.
“Kant’s early dynamics,” in Graham Bird, ed., A Companion to Kant, 40-60. Blackwell 2006.
“Kant’s early cosmology,” in Graham Bird, ed., A Companion to Kant, 61-84. Blackwell, 2006.
“German philosophy after Leibniz,” in Steven Nadler, ed., A Companion to Early Modern Philosophy,
545-561. Blackwell, 2002.
Journal Articles
“Greening Confucius: appropriating Analects for a future-oriented reading,” J of Chinese Philosophy
43 (2016), in press.
“The future of religion: global boundaries and the fork in the road,” J of Religious Philosophy [宗教哲
學期刊] 65 (2015), in press.
“Confucius, maladaptation, and civil evolution,” J for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture 9
(2015), in press.
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“Laozi and the new green paradigm,” J of Daoist Studies 7 (2014): 226-241.
“The thing-in-itself in Nietzsche and Kant,” New Nietzsche Studies 9 (2014): 85-93.
“The Dao of geo-engineering: a new ethics of environmental intervention” [“地球工程之道“], tr. by
Minsu Chang, J of Religious Philosophy [宗教哲學期刊] 64 (2014): 97-112.
“Update on climate philosophy,” Int’l Soc for Environ Ethics Newsletter 24 (2013): 38-41.
“The endpoint of civil evolution and Daodejing sec. 80”[“文明進化的終極:從氣候哲學觀點解讀《道
德經》第 80 章”], tr. by Minsu Chang, J of Religious Philosophy [宗教哲學期刊] 63 (2013): 39-53
“World philosophy and climate change: a Sino-German way to civil evolution,” in Eric Nelson, ed.,
special issue on Chinese and European Perspectives, 2013 supplement, J of Chinese Philosophy 29
(2012): 50-67.
“Ecosophy in the climate age,” in Yih-Hsien Yu, ed, special issue on Ecological Intelligence, J of
Philosophy and Culture [哲學與文 化] 458 (2012): 69-88.
“Plan B: global ethics on climate change,”J of Global Ethics 7 (2011): 129-136.
“A Daoist response to climate change,” co-authored w. Chen Xia, J of Global Ethics 7 (2011): 195-203.
“Amerigenic climate change: an indictment of normalcy,” Human Ecology Review 17 (2010): 117-124.
“Climate change and the new paradigm,” Essays in Philosophy 11 (2010): 1-7.
“The phoenix of nature—Kant and the big bounce,” Collapse 5 (2009), 16 pp.
“How real is Taoism? Making sense of Laozi, Kant, and climate,” Int’l J for Field Being 6 (2007), 10 pp.
“Animal consciousness: paradigm change in the sciences,” Perspectives on Science 14 (2006): 354-381.
“From Confucius to Kant: question of information transfer,” J of Chinese Philosophy 33 (2006): 67-81.
“Kant’s material dynamics and the field view of reality,” co-authored w. Jeffrey Edwards, J of
Chinese Philosophy 33 (2006): 109-123.
“Superstrings and the Euler-Kant mirror,” 國立政治大學哲學學報 [Political University J of Philosophy]
13 (2005): 99-124.
“From Spatial Field to the Noumenon—more on Edward’s Substance, Force, and the Possibility of
Knowledge,”Studi Kantiani 18 (2005): 157-164.
“A Kantian basis of sustainable development” [“康德的永續發展基礎”], tr. by Naiyu Liu, J of the
Humanities [人文雜誌] (2004) 29: 111-131.
“Kant’s thing in itself or the Tao of Königsberg,” Florida Philosophical Review 3 (2003): 5-32.
“Christian Wolff and Leibnizian monads,”Leibniz Review 11 (2002): 81-90.
“Response to commentaries,” symposium on Young Kant, Florida Philosophical Review 2 (2002): 60-71.
“Environmental ethics—applied or foundational?” Phil of Education & Culture [教育哲學與文化] 3
(2001): 131-70.
“環境倫理學的定位及其理論基礎” [”Environmental ethics—applied or foundational?”], tr. by Jauwei Dan, Philosophy of Education & Culture [教育哲學與文化] 3 (2001): 173-85.
“Population growth and preservation of wilderness,” J of Social Philosophy 31 (2000): 414-428.
“Rost naselenya i ochrana okruzhayushei sredi” [“Population growth and preservation of
wilderness”], tr. by Alexander Shtil, Credo (Moscow) 4 (2000): 64-83.
“Dogmatic metaphysics and Tschirnhaus’ methodology,” J of the History of Philosophy 36
(1998): 57-76.
“Was there a Western inventor of porcelain?” Technology and Culture 38 (1998): 716-727.
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“Justifying value in nature,” Electronic J of Analytic Philosophy 3 (1995), 15 pp.
“Limits of interdisciplinary openness in environmental ethics,” Integrative Studies 16 (1998): 9-30.
“Who or what has moral standing?”American Philosophical Quarterly 29 (1992): 352-361.
“Justifications of environmental protection,” MacArthur Foundation Scholar Series 11 (1992): 3-86.
Encyclopedia and Dictionary Articles
“Natur,” in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol.
DeGruyter, 2015, in press.
“Kants Wahre Schätzung der lebendigen Kräfte (1747),“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg,
Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, 2015, in press.
“Kants ‚Umdrehung der Erde‘ (1754),“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al.,
eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Kants Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels (1755),“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen
Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Kants ‚Silberschlag-Rezension‘ (1764),“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et
al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Kants Inaugural-Dissertation [De Mundi sensibilis ...] (1770),“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen
Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Kants ‚Nachschrift eines Freundes‘ (1800),“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr
et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Jean le Rond D’Alembert,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., KantLexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Georg Bernhard Bilfinger,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds.,
Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Konfuzius,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol.
DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“China,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol.
DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Ontologie,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol.
DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Kosmogonie,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3
vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Naturphilosophie,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., KantLexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Kraft,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol.
DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Gravitation/Anziehungskraft,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds.,
Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Zurückstoßungskraft,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-
Martin Schönfeld 6
Lexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Lebendige Kraft,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon,
3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Grundkraft,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3
vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Kraftfeld—sphaera activitatis,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds.,
Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Lebendigwerdung—vivification,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al.,
eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Abstoßung,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol.
DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Adhäsion,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol.
DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Kohäsion,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol.
DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Prinzip der Aggregation,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., KantLexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Himmel,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol.
DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Bestirnter Himmel,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., KantLexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Himmelskörper,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon,
3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Gestirn,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol.
DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Stern/Fixstern,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3
vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Planet/Wandelstern,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., KantLexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Komet,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol.
DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Sonne,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol.
DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Weltkörper,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3
vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Orbitalbewegung/Umwälzung,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds.,
Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Phoenix der Natur,“ in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., KantLexikon, 3 vol. DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
“Nichts,” in Marcus Willaschek, Jürgen Stolzenberg, Georg Mohr et al., eds., Kant-Lexikon, 3 vol.
DeGruyter, forthcoming 2015.
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“Joachim Lange 1670-1744,”in Manfred Kuehn and Heiner Klemme, eds., Dictionary of Eighteenth
Century German Philosophers, 3 vol. Thoemmes, 2010.
“Georg Bernhard Bilfinger 1693-1750,” in Manfred Kuehn and Heiner Klemme, eds., Dictionary of
Eighteenth Century German Philosophers, 3 vol. Thoemmes, 2010.
“Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus 1651-1708,” in Manfred Kuehn and Heiner Klemme, eds.,
Dictionary of Eighteenth Century German Philosophers, 3 vol. Thoemmes, 2010.
“Johanna Charlotte Unzer, b. Ziegler 1625-1785,” in Manfred Kuehn and Heiner Klemme, eds.,
Dictionary of Eighteenth Century German Philosophers, 3 vol. Thoemmes, 2010.
“Christian Wolff 1679-1754,” in Donald Borchert, ed., The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd edition, 10
vols, 9:822-832. Macmillan, 2006.
“Kant’s philosophical development,” (18,000 words) in Edward N. Zalta, ed., Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy, 2003. (Future updates to this entry to be authored by Michael Thompson.)
“Bernard de Fontenelle 1650-1750,“ in Edward Craig, ed., Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 10
vol., 3: 690-693. Routledge, 1998.
“Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus 1651-1708,“ in Edward Craig, ed., Routledge Encyclopedia of
Philosophy, 10 vol., 9: 485-487. Routledge, 1998.
Review of Livia Kohn, Zhuangzi 莊子: Text and Context (St. Petersburg: Three Pines Press, 2014),
Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 2015, in press.
Review of Bron Taylor, ed., Avatar and Nature Spirituality (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University
Press, 2013), International Diaologue, A Multidisciplinary Journal of World Affairs 4 (2014): 391397
Review of Kristin Shrader-Frechette, What will work: fighting climate change with renewable energy, not
nuclear power (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), Metascience 23 (2014): 391-397.
Review of Michael Friedman and Alfred Nordmann, eds., The Kantian Legacy in Nineteenth Century
Science (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2006), Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2007
Review of Eric Watkins, Kant and the Metaphysics of Causality (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2005), International Philosophical Quarterly 46 (2006): 124-126.
Review of Eric Watkins, ed., Kant and the Sciences (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), Mind 112
(2003): 579-583.
Review of Jeffrey Edwards, Substance, Force, the Possibility of Knowledge (Berkeley: California
University Pres, 2000), Kantian Review 7 (2003): 134-138.
Review of Dieter Birnbacher, ed., Ökophilosophie (Stuttgart: Reclam, 2000), Philosophischer
Literaturanzeiger 52 (2001): 233-236.
Review of Stefan Gosepath and Georg Lohmann, eds., Philosophie der Menschenrechte (Frankfurt:
Suhrkamp, 2000), Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 54 (2001): 23-26.
Review of Rudolf Malter, Arthur Schopenhauer—Transzendentalphilosophie und Metaphysik des Willens
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(Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog, 1991), Nous 29 (1995): 556-557.
Review of Christopher Janaway, Self and World in Schopenhauer’s Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1989), Journal of the History of Philosophy 29 (1991): 503-505.
Philosophical Essays (not peer-reviewed)
“Highlights from the cutting edge,” Climate Philosophy Newsletter 5 (2011/2012).
“Where are we heading?” Common Dreams 30 Aug 2011.
“From climate ethics to climate philosophy,” Climate Philosophy Newsletter 4 (2010/2010).
“Widening circles,” Climate Philosophy Newsletter 3 (2009/2010).
“Climate 2007: trying to make sense of the year of records,” Common Dreams 7 Jan 2008.
“America's Darwin awards and a philosophy assignment,” Common Dreams 9 Sep 2005.
“美國政府可為所欲為了” [“The US empire won’t get away with murder”], transl. by Jian-san Peng,
美英出兵伊拉克評論與紀實 [Critiques & Chronicles of the UK-US Iraq Assault], special issue of
灣社會研究 [Taiwan Society Research Quarterly], Taipei: Tonsan, 2003, 119-122.
“侵略伊拉克的效益與成本”[”Benefits-Cost Analysis of the Assault on Iraq”], tr. by Yuh-yi Huang,
海峽評論 [Taiwan Straits Commentary] 149 (2003): 25-31.
Works in Progress
Philosophy of Climate, book manuscript.
“Kant’s Physics,” chapter, in Sorin Baiasu & Mark Timmons, eds., The Kantian Mind. Routledge,
under contract (invited).
“Evolution,” encyclopedia entry, in Julian Wuerth, ed., The Cambridge Kant Lexicon. Cambridge
University Press, under contract (invited).
“Traveling, crisis, and Zhuangzi’s you 遊,” article, Philosophy East and West (invited).
“Moving towards climate philosophy,” article, in Ruth Irwin, ed., special issue on Climate Change,
Knowledge and Cultures (invited).
Recent and Upcoming Presentations
“Daoism as one of the five pillars of climate philosophy,” 10. International Conference on Daoist
Studies, Lei-Li-A Monastic Retreat 鐳力阿道場, Puli, Nantou, Taiwan, May 2016
“The Future of religion: global boundaries and the fork in the road,” Society for the Study of
Religious Philosophy, Lei-Li-A Monastic Retreat 鐳力阿道場, Puli, Taiwan, January 2015
“Wisdom East and West or future-oriented philosophy,” Symposium on Wisdom, Académie du
Midi, Alet-les-Bains, France, June 2014
“Yan-Fu’s Legacy: translating Chinese wisdom in the age of ecological overshoot,” Philosophy
Martin Schönfeld 9
Department /School of Humanities, Peking University, Beijing, China, October 2013
“Daoist wu-wei as a yardstick for assessing methods of geo-engineering,” Society for the Study of
Religious Philosophy, Lei-Li-A Monastic Retreat 鐳力阿道場, Puli, Taiwan, May 2013
“Daoist perspectives on the climate age,” Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) and
Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam-Berlin, Germany, April 2013
Funding related to climate philosophy
USF Foundation, private donors, Potsdam Climate Institute (PIK), Germany, Travel 2015
Tiandijiao Association, Lei-Li-A Monastic Retreat, R.O. China, Conference Travel 2016
USF Foundation, private donors, Académie du Midi, France, Conference Travel 2015
Beijing University, China, Conference Travel 2014
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies-Potsdam (IASS), Germany, Conference Travel 2014
Volkswagen Stiftung / Potsdam Climate Institute (PIK), Germany, Travel 2013
Courses Taught
Intro to Philosophy; Intro to Ethics; Intro to Environmental Policy; Honors
Class on Climate Change; Environmental Ethics; Chinese Philosophy; Kant
Kant; Philosophical German; Leibniz; Nietzsche;
Heidegger; Marx and Žižek; Chinese Philosophy;
Environmental Ethics and Sustainability
Climate Philosophy (scheduled again for Fall Semester 2015)
Dissertations Directed and Co-Directed
“Climate change and virtue ethics,” John Voelpel, ABD, in progress
“Spinoza and the art of suffering,” Katie Schenk, ABD, in progress
“Nietzsche on violence,” Laura McAllister, ABD, in progress
“Kant and just war theory,” Steven Starke, ABD, in progress
“Climate in Latin American thought,” E. Hernandez, ABD, in progress
“Climate, the eco-crisis, and Neo-Spinozism” Nancy Kettle, Ph.D. 2013
“The ontology of the climate crisis” Casey Rentmeester, Ph.D. 2012
“Kant on the power of the imagination” Mike Thompson, Ph.D. 2009
“Genocide and the universal concept of evil” Jason Campbell, Ph.D. 2009
“Dewey and Zhuangzi” Chris Kirby, Ph.D. 2008
“C. S. Pierce on the passions” Robert Beeson, Ph.D. 2008
Martin Schönfeld 10
Former Students:
Dr. C. Rentmeester, tenure-track assistant professor, Finlandia University
Dr. M. Thompson, senior lecturer (renewable), University of North Texas
Dr. J. Campbell, assistant professor (renewable), Nova Southeastern Univ.
Dr. C. Kirby, tenured associate professor, Eastern Washington University
Dr. R. Beeson, tenured professor and dean, Edison State College
Recent Service
Service to the profession
Refereeing: Books and Book Proposals
Taylor & Francis
Academic Press
Refereeing: Articles
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
Landscape and Urban Planning
Journal of Chinese Philosophy
Climatic Change
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
Florida Philosophical Review
Human Ecology Review
International Philosophical Quarterly
Journal of Global Ethics
Journal of Social Philosophy
Journal of the History of Philosophy
Perspectives on Science
Philosophia Africana
Philosophy East and West
Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science
Zhexue Wenhua [哲學文化]
Martin Schönfeld 11
Service to the Profession II
External Referee for Promotion to Professor, University of Massachussetts-Lowell, 2014
Editorial Board, Journal of Global Ethics, 2014Editorial Board, Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly [當代教育研究季刊] (Taiwan), 2014Climate Philosophy Newsletter, founder and editor, 2007-2013
Service to the College and University
School of Humanities (College of Arts and Sciences), tenure & promotion committee, 2014-2015
College of Global Sustainability, MA program admissions committee, 2012-2013
USF, Global Academic Partnership Initative, faculty work group, 2013
USF, university partnership with Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, 2012
Service to the Department
Midterm tenure review committee, chair, 2013-2014
Promotion committee, chair, 2012-2013
Hiring committee, 2012-2013
Graduate committee, 2007-2013