Extended TullyFisher relations using HI stacking Scott Meyer, Martin Meyer, Danail Obreschkow, Lister Staveley-Smith Summary Intro • • • TFR Where traditional methods fail HI Stacking Calibrations and simulated data • • Analytical galaxies Simulated galaxies (from the S3-SAX model) Real data test case (HIPASS and HICAT) • • HIPASS direct detections Extension work to 6df / SKA and precursors Extended Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking - Scott Meyer 2 2 Tully-Fisher relation (TFR) The Astrophysical Journal, 777:140 (10pp), 2013 November 10 What is the TFR? The TFR is an empirical relation between absolute magnitude and intrinsic HI emission line width (as a tracer of rotation velocity) that spiral galaxies follow. What’s happening here? This particular plot demonstrates a novel way of getting TFR parameters without having galaxy inclinations (See Obreschkow & Meyer 2013 for more info) Figure 4. Absolute K-band (left) and B-band (right) magnitudes, plotted against v (red big dots, i > Obreschkow & red Meyer, pJ, show 2013, Vol 7obtained 77, pg by1applying 40 the MLE using in TFRs with 1-σ scatter. The dashed A lines the TFRs to the red big dots. In turn, the blue solid lines are obtained without inclination data, by applying the Extended relations using HIfits stacking - Scott Meyer 3 blue small d inclinations, i.e., ρ(i)Tully-Fisher = sin i. In other words, these are based purely on the scattered (A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.) Current limitations Optical vs Radio rotation measures The TFR can be Wavelength inves<gated in op<cal or radio. Op<cal Radio Op<cal probes deep, but does not necessarily retrieve the full velocity profile. Radio probes much more of the velocity profile but is limited to z < 0.1. Observed Quan2ty Max Redshi8 Radius Probed Hα Z ~ 1-‐1.5 low HΙ z < 0.1 High NGC 6946 – leZ: Op<cal, right: Radio Extended Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking - Scott Meyer 4 4 HI stacking 998 S. Fabello et al. What? ◦ −1 ◦ −1 and velocity, a value of flux density is recorded. For each target in sample A, we extract a spectrum at a given position of the sky, over the velocity range of the data cube which contains the source. Two examples of extracted spectra are shown on the right, illustrating an H I detection (green, bottom) and an H I non-detection (red, top). How? Downloaded from http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/ at University of Western This technique seeks to creates an HI emission spectrum with increased improved signal-to-noise by combining several HI spectra (usually in an attempt to get a detection from a collection of nonFigure 4. A schematic representation of the fully processed ALFALFA 3D data cube. The data cubes are 2.4 × 2.4 in size and about 5500 km s detections). in velocity Fabello et. resolution al. 2011 range (25 MHz in frequency). The raw spectral resolution is ∼5.5 km s ; the angular is ∼4 arcmin. For each pixel, which is a point in RA, Dec. Rest-frame HI spectra from40 galaxies are created using optical redshift (or each source; strong continuum sources can × 40 arcmin around affect our spectraare by creating standing waves. available). These then co-added. Signal increases The signal fromradio each target redshifts is integrated over a if region of the data cube centred onproportional its 3D position. Because noise with number the to increases N (the of galaxies included) while noise increases square root of the integration area, integrating over too large a 3.1.2 Rms evaluation as √N. region lowers the quality of the spectrum without increasing the 2 3.1.1 Spectrum extraction 4 For each spectrum we need to measure the rms noise, which will Movie at https://vimeo.com/69062721 signal. Our GASS targets are always smaller then the ALFA beam (the mean R90 for sample A is 10 arcsec), so we simply integrate over a sky region of 4×4 arcmin2 . In Fig. 4, we illustrate how we extract spectra at two different positions in the sky inside the same data cube. The coloured regions indicate where the spectra would be evaluated. later be used as a weighting factor when we stack spectra. The rms has to be evaluated in regions of the spectrum where there is no Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking - Scott Meyer emission fromExtended the target galaxy, and we also have to avoid spectral regions where there are any spurious signals (e.g. residual RFI that we failed to flag or H I emission from companion galaxies). In order 5 5 Simulated galaxies 1 Analytically solvable galaxy profiles A single galaxy was modeled as a disk with constant linear velocity (not constant rotation). This galaxy was projected to various different inclinations and convolved with Gaussians of varying σ/Vmax values to simulate different random gas velocities (dispersion). Random projections of this galaxy were stacked to investigate the relation between the FWHM of the stack, and the FWHM of the deprojected galaxy. Extended Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking - Scott Meyer 6 6 Simulated galaxies 2 Correction factor In order to reproduce the TFR, our measured stack widths must relate in some predictable way to the deprojected widths of the input galaxies. stack W50 = width of stacked profile ref • W50 = width of single analytical spectra, deprojected and dedispersed • Blue = high dispersion (random gas velocities) • Red = low dispersion • Extended Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking - Scott Meyer 7 7 Simulated galaxies 3 Galaxies with differential rotation Galaxies were given an exponential ⇣ rotation curve ⌘ of the form: V (r) = Vmax 1 e r/rflat Since galaxies no longer have constant velocity profiles, we prescribe a HI surface density of the form: M ⌃HI (r) = 1 0.9 Constant rotation, edge-on Constant rotation, stack Differential rotation, edge-on Differential rotation, stack σ/Vmax = 1/10 σ/V σ/V 0.7 0.6 max = 1/5 σ/Vmax = 1/10 1.1 part ref Fθ = W50 /W50 Normalised flux density 0.8 1.15 HI r/rHI e 2 2⇡rHI max = 1/20 1.05 0.5 0.4 0.3 1 0.95 0.2 0.1 0 0.9 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 Normalised velocity v = V/ Vmax 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Minimal inclination of stack imin [deg] Extended Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking - Scott Meyer 8 8 Simulated galaxies 4 Low number statistic corrections Because galaxies enter the stack without being corrected for inclination, having a sample too small introduces an offset and stack scatter into W50 . Extended Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking - Scott Meyer 9 9 Simulated galaxies 5 1902 Vol. 703 S3-SAX simulation HI and H2 semianalytical model made by post-processing the Millennium simulation. 1896 AND CO OBSERVING CONES n Commuay Design ium Simuline access he German OBRESCHKOW ET AL. OBRESCHKOW ET AL. Vol. 703 1901 Obreschkow 2009 ATALOG - and COve parameFrom these Ψ(V ) can on obs peak /2, obs peak /2, (A1) ation (A1) Figure 9. Simulated sky field covering 3 × 1 arcmin2 . The three panels correspond to three different redshift slices, with an identical comoving depth of 240 Mpc. The coloring is identical to Figure 4, but the flux scales are 10 times smaller at z = 3 and 100 times smaller at z = 6. APPENDIX D The sensitivity of a survey may be high enough that galaxies Figure 8. Comparison of a simulated normalized emission line Ψ(V ) (solid areofdetected theofgalaxy the cone simulation is 2 . regions Figure 4. Illustration of the galaxies the redshift range z = 1.0–1.1 in a small field 1 arcminin The full of field view ofMF, the where observing is 60,000 ANALYTIC FITSinFOR dN/dz-FUNCTIONS Extended Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking -CO(1–0) Scott Meyer 10 10fortimes line) with the emission line Ψapprox (V ) (dashed line), recovered from thelarger fivethan this example. emission each color sensitivity The gradual coloring represents integrated line fluxes per unit incomplete. solid angle forInH fact, i (left)for andeach (right).line Theand different tones CO obs obs obs obs belowof which sources limit, there a critical redshift zc , curves represent the brightness ICO(5−4) /I . The around H i is sources represent iso-density CO at the 50 percentile , c2 , and c3white for contours Table 1 liststemperature the valuesintensity of the ratio parameters c1CO(1−0) parameters Ψobs 0 , Ψmax , wpeak , w50 , and w20 . of the incomplete part of the simulated galaxy MF will be level of the full CO density scale and vise versa. the analytic dN/dz fit of Equation (15). The parameters are (A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.) detected at a sufficiently high rate that the number of real given for both peak-flux-density-limited and integrated-flux- Simulated galaxies 6 S3-SAX Tully-Fisher relation 103.6 -25 -24 -22 101.8 -21 -23 102.4 101.2 100.6 -19 K band absolute magnitude 103 -20 1.2 Million galaxies stack • Blue diamonds = W50 • White diamonds = stack W50 before correction • Black circles = averages from individual galaxies • stack,c W50 2 stack W50 2 Wref 50 2 100 40 50 60 80 100 200 Vrot [km s 1] Extended Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking - Scott Meyer 11 11 Simulated galaxies 7 Simulated HIPASS (b) Vctotal Vchalo Vcdisk 500 h-1Mpc (a) -24 2 -22 Obreschkow et al. stack 50 stack,c W50 Wind 50 2 -20 The Astrophysical Journal, 766:137 (11pp), 2013 April 1 K band absolute magnitude -26 5 independent regions of the S3-SAX box were selected and HIPASS was reproduced. TFR reproduced extremely well using HI stacking technique. W 2 HI -18 Vcbulge 5 0 10 15 radius [kpc] 500 40 h-1 Mp c (c) -1Mpc 500 h 50 60 80 100 200 300 1 [km s ] Obreschkow 2009 Figure 3. The five colors represent our five virtual HIPASS volumes fitted inside the cubic box of the Millennium simulation. The box obeys periodic boundary conditions, such that the truncated volumes (blue and purple) are in fact simply connected. The five HIPASS volumes do not overlap and can hence be used to estimate the magnitude of cosmic variance. Extended Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking - Scott Meyer of turbulent/thermal dispersion. The linewidth W50 at the 50%level of the peak flux density is then measured from the 12 12 Real data (HIPASS & HICAT) HIPASS Galaxy selection was kept to a minimum: Galaxies to be stacked were only cut based on angle from CMB equator. Red galaxies were cut based on angle from CMB equator as well as a 45 degree cut. -18 -24 -22 -20 K band absolute magnitude -26 Wstack 2 50 stack,c W50 2 HIPASS i > 45 deg -18 -20 -22 Wstack 2 50 stack,c W50 2 HIPASS i > 45 deg -16 B band absolute magnitude stack • Blue = W50 • Red = HIPASS galaxies stack • White = W50 without corrections 20 30 50 70 100 [km s 1] 200 300 20 30 50 70 100 200 300 [km s 1] Extended Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking - Scott Meyer 13 13 Extension work Non-detections Work is on-going in the HIPASS region by stacking 6df galaxies (non-detections in radio). SKA With significantly deeper data sets such as DINGO, WALLABY and LADUMA, stacking can be used to squeeze more science out of these instruments. Other uses for stacking So far stacking has only been used to recover total HI flux (and now average rotation velocities), how far can we take this technique? Optical and Radio survey overlap This work relies heavily on overlapping optical (or IR) and radio surveys. Extended Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking - Scott Meyer 14 14 Summary Calibrations and simulated data • • Analytical galaxies Simulated galaxies (from the S3-SAX model) Real data test case (HIPASS and HICAT) • HIPASS direct detections Extension work • • • Non-detections SKA Other stacking work Extended Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking - Scott Meyer 15 15 Extra plots HIPASS simula<on Millennium Extended Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking - Scott Meyer 16 16 Extra plots 103.6 stack,c Millennium data WITH ellip<cal galaxies -24 103 -22 101.2 -20 101.8 -21 -23 102.4 100.6 -19 W50ref = deprojected but WITH dispersion K band absolute magnitude -25 W50 2 stack,c,e W50 2 100 40 50 60 80 100 200 1 Vrot [km s ] Extended Tully-Fisher relations using HI stacking - Scott Meyer 17 17
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