HOME CYTOSPIN 3 74010101 Issue No 02 . / :... ..:.:.:. z.i:s: $2 i:~:i~,$ ;;::g, 3: .. .:.: .: :.. .: ....,........ .:... ... ...,... . . ..:. . :...:.:. .. .,.. .......... :.. .. .. .::.. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . : .’ ::-::.. .. .\ .‘.‘.’ .? ”,,, . .. .. .. . .. .:.:. .:... .:.:. .: . ..j. : : :: i::.::::;:.:;; j.’ j I’: ‘-‘. zy $f,y ;::I, ::I i;{::~;;,~,: 8’ .p, “::’ i::::i::’ “2 ::: ..::: ..’ ..,.,. . ..A ,, 1” (” .‘. ::. ‘.‘.‘.‘.’ ::::::::.:: j:.::., ,, ‘,I,: :: /,, /, .... . ..,. .+: :. .. .i : 1.’,..I :/I :x: :,I.:, ;:: /,,, ,, I:,: .,,,, ., /\. ‘.. /,,.,,.,, .,.. ,,,.,.,_,.,_, .... ..,. . . . ...\ .. .. ... .. .. ... .,....... :.::>:::.....:.::.: .,., GD .:.. ..:. ... .: ::,: :.: :::: I,’ _, ,:,:. i “’ ‘/‘. ‘.‘..“? ii,:.ii, .’ “‘i .y,:;xzji:i8i j $, ‘V” ;;i: ;; {; { :; {:$.,i:; :$:; $:. i:;::p :i’ ‘ii :i:,;$;,k. :<.: ‘?’ ::$ I:“‘:‘. ‘-: :1:: .-.:: “::::, .; .‘::I ::.:.::::.: ::: ‘::.:::: . ... ....\..\ .A. .. .. .. ... .. . . .. ... . .. . .. . ...... .. . . .. .. . .. .... . .. .... ..... ..., . . .... ......A .. ......... .... .... . .... . ... . . . . . ..\. . .. .. ....... .. ..... ..... .... . . .. .~:.,.~,.):::.:.~~::.~:::::: I’. .‘.‘.:‘:::: .::::..:.:.,.. .* . ... . . . .. .. .. .. .... ... . ... . .. . .. ..: .:.:> ..,, ... .., .. ..a. . . .. .:. ..:.::.:.:,..:,:.:.:..:..:,.. :r.:..:.::j::-:;; >: i>:ii:l:.i :::.:: ~:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:::.:,:.:.: ,.:.: ,,:.::.:.:,..:,:.:. .. j:.:::.:::,:::, CELL PREPARATION SYSTEM SlWNDONI(>I Shandon Scientific Limited is an IS0 9001 Approved Company. HOME SERVICE MANUAL information contained in this document is intended for use by qualified personnel only. The calibration, scheduled servicing and the removal and replacement of parts should only be undertaken by personnel who have been formally trained in the appropriate servicing techniques and procedures. I I HOME LIFE SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL SERVICE IidANUAL RECEIPT (EUROPE) LTD SKEET When you receive this Cytospin 3 Service Manual, please complete the following: Company/Agent Name: . ... .. . ..... .. . . . ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. . ............ ..... ... ... .. .. .. ......... Address: ..................................................................................................... ........................................................................ ........................................... .. .................................................................................................................... . Signature: .... .... . .... . .. ... .. .. .. . .. ..... .. . . . .. ... .. ....L.. ... ..... .. ... ...... ...... ..... ... .. ....... ..... Please return this completed Receipt Sheet to the Service Department at Life Sciences international (Europe) Ltd by fax (0928 565845) or by letter post to: Life Sciences international (Europe) Ltd International Service Department Chadwick Road, Astmoor Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 IPR England These sheets will be used to complete our records and ensure you receive any amendments as and when they become available. International Service Manager HOME SELANDONCYTOSPIN 3 MICROPROCESSOR CONTROLLED CENTRIFUGE SERVICE:HANUAL This manual has been designed as an aid to efficient servicing fault diagnosis on the Cytospin 3 centrifuge machine. In order to get the best the operators manual. results from the Cytospin 3 please and consult HOME The service manual for the Cytospin 3 bench top centrifuge is designed to provide the locally based engineer with all the information he needs to install and maintain the Cytospin in good running order. It is essential that the maintenance routines are followed so that the operator gets the most out of the Cytospin. In the event of a problem arising, the section on Fault Diagnosis This section contains information designed to should be referred to. help the service engineer locate and repair simple faults. For a more detailed description of the operation of the Cytospin 3, the Principles of Operation section should be referred to. If you think you have identified and resolved the cause of a fault, remember to carry out any calibration of the part you have repaired Before handing over the Cytospin to the if necessary. replaced, operator, make sure you have checked it out thoroughly using the serviceability test. Finally, the manual provides parts you may need to order. you with a comprehensive list of any Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this manual is correct, no liability can be accepted Shandon Scientific Limited for any loss, damage or injury caused given. from, the information any errors in, or omissions No part of All rights reserved. recorded, including photo-copying, permission of Shandon Scientific this manual may be reproduced without the express written Limited. ii or by by or HOME AMENDMENTS Each of these manuals is numbered and listed against a manual holder. Any further copies required for the service area you are responsible for will be listed under the same holder with a different sequential number. As changes in the machine design necessitate changes in the manual, amendments will be sent to you to update the text: These amendments will involve adding and/or changing pages, the amendment log will help ensure all are up-to-date. These manuals can only Service Office. be obtained through Runcorn International AMENDMENT LOG Each time an amendment is Amendment Number 740-1-g 1 issued, fill in the number and date. Date Signature 24.4.91 J J Curran iii HOME INDEX ChaDter Title Page No INSTALLATION 1 PROGRAMMING THE CYTOSPIN 3 2 SERVICEABILITY TEST 8 DAILY AND WEEKLYMAINTENANCE 11 SAFETY 14 STATIC DAMAGETO MOS DEVICES 14 FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR 15 FITTING, TESTING AND CALIBRATION 29 Motor Lid Drip tray Damper adjustment Guard barrier Lid catch Out of balance switch Power supply Heatsink Nosecone 29 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 (a) (b) (c) 34 34 35 Main PCB Proximity switch Front panel 9 EXPLODEDDIAGRAMSAND PARTS LIST 36 10 LIST OF DRAWINGS 48 11 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS 49 APPENDIX PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 51 (1) 51 51 51 52 52 53 53 54 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Overview of System General Power Supply Microprocessor System Display and Keyboard Circuits Motor Drive Circuit Solenoid and Relay Drive Circuits Speed Watchdog and Out of Balance m, m, Hardware Watchdog and Open Collector Logic Motor, Opto Disc, Lid Lock and Balance-Switch iv 55 55 HOME 1 INSTALLATION 1 Unpack the unit and carefully (electrical cord). untie the mains lead 2 Check the instrument for signs of damage in shipment (broken glass, broken plastic, dents, etc). If something is missing or damaged notify Shandon or your supplier immediately. Quote the order number(s), inspection number, serial number, date and number of the invoice. 3 fit a suitable plug to the mains lead Where necessary, Make sure that the earth wire is (electrical cord). connected and that the mains supply has an earth (ground) connection. Instruments supplied to France, Germany and North America are fitted with plugs during manufacture. Other customers should connect the mains lead to a suitable rated fused plug as follows : Brown wire Blue wire Green/Yellow wire - Live (L or L2) terminal - Neutral (N or Ll) terminal - Earth (E or Ground) terminal Make sure that the voltage rating on the specification plate at the rear of the Cytospin and on thezinspection tag are the same as the mains supply rating. Switch the instrument on by pressing the power switch. 4 cover. In Press the ‘Open Lid I button and open the safety the event of a power failure, the safety cover cannot be opened using the ‘Open Lid’ button. The small white cap on the left-hand side of the instrument should be removed. A pencil or rod pushed into the hole and pressed firmly will Remove the sealed head and set it on open the safety cover. the bench beside the instrument. Remove all internal packing. 5 Unpack the basic Operator Manual. kit and check against the items list in the 2 PROGRAHHING THE CYTOSPIN 3 This section illustrates how the Cytospin 3 is programmed and how programs may be stored, viewed and run. Please go through each example completely to gain a full understanding of how to effectively use your Ensure that the Cytospin lid is closed before running this unit. unit. (a) Entering Speed and Running required a Program = 1500 rpm, Time required Operation N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Switch Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press 'ON' 'SET TIME' ‘5' 'ENTER' 'SET SPEED' ‘1' ‘5' ‘0' ‘0' 'ENTER' 'LOW' = 5 minutes, Acceleration rate = low. Speed Display Time Display Accel Display Audible Signal 0 0 0 0 0 1 15 150 1500 1500 1500 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH LOW 3 Set valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid valid Audible key tone key tone key tone key tone key tone key tone key tone key tone key tone key tone This program may now be initiated, ie run (Operation The Cytospin 3 is now programmed. and/or it may be stored in memory with a designated program number (see (b) below). 12 13 14 15 16 17 Press 'START' Acceleration Period Once Speed Attained Deceleration Period Head Stops Rotating After 3 Set Audible Signal 0 O-1500 1500 1500-O 0 1500 5 5 5-o : 5 LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW valid key tone 3 Set Audible step Lid Lid Lid Lid Lid Lid 12) Locked Locked Locked Locked Unlocked Unlocked (b) Storing (Saving) a Program in Memory Program Number 1 designated Operation 1 2 3 Press Press Press ‘SAVE’ Program ‘1’ ‘ENTER’ Program Display Speed Display Time Display Accel Display 0 1 1 1500 1500 1500 5 5 5 LOW LOW LOW Program Number 1 is now entered into the memory. This Step 12 above. (Not during running of the Cytospin). (c) Running may be done either before or after.operation a Program From Memory Program Number 1 Operation 1 2 3 4 W Press Press Press Press ‘LOAD’ Program ‘1’ ‘ENTER’ ‘START’ Program Number 1 has now been (d) Viewing Previously Entered Program Display Speed Display Time Display 0 1 1 1 - previous 1500 1500 0 program 5 5 5 recalled Program(s) from memory and initiated Accel Display entered LOW LOW LOW or run. ‘. The operator having stored several programs in memory (up to 9) may wish to later view these previously entered programs to inspect speed/time/accel parameters to act as a reminder in selecting the desired one. Let us assume that Section 2 (a) and (b) have been followed entering and that the desired parameters are speed: 800 rpm, time: 8 minutes, program number cannot be immediately remembered by the operator. 9 different programs in memory, accel: med, but the actual Operation 1 2 3 Press Press Press ‘LOAD’ Program Program ‘1’ $2’ Program Display Speed Display Time Display Accel Display 0 1 2 0 0 5 8 HIGH LOW MED 1500 800 As you can see in this example, having sequenced through the above steps, Program Number 2 contains the desired operational parameters (speed/time/accel) and can now, if desired, be run. Simply follow operational section 2 (c) 3 through 4. GUIDANCENOTES 1 To Repeat a Particular The operator 2 Program has the choice of either, (a> storing a program in memory for future use and subsequently as detailed in section 2 (b) and (c) or (b) simply closing the lid following the previous run (with new samples correctly pressing ‘START’ - as detailed in Section 2 (a) steps 12 - 17 inclusive. To Alter a Program Mode Parameter (a) Press ‘CANCEL’ after memory. Please note (b) Alternatively pressing time/speed parameter, Pressing previous (by using ‘SET TIME’ or it is essential the running this program from memory, loaded) ‘CANCEL’ button) ‘SET SPEED’ to cancel time or speed previously entered to then select alternative speed/time parameter(s). ‘CANCEL’ systematically after having selected the ‘ENTER’ button will revert both the speed and time displays to zero. the ‘CANCEL’ button again will program parameters entered. and cause the speed/time/accel displays to revert back into for to the a 3 If Program Number 1 is required but Operation not closed correctly: Speed Display Time Display Accel Display Audible Signal Lid Lock Alarm LED Display Lid Lock Illuminated Lid Lock No Longer Illuminated Lid Lock No Longer Illuminated 1 Press 'START' 1500 5 LOW - 2 Close Lid 1500 5 LOW - Unlocked & Open Unlocked 3 Press 'START' 0 5 LOW - Locked From this 4 the Lid is point follow If Program Number 1 is balance steps 12 - 17 in Section required but 2 (a). the centrifuge head has been loaded Operation Speed Display Time Display Accel Display 1 2 3 1500 0 0 5 5 5 O-1500 o-1500* 4 Close lid Press 'START' Acceleration Period BALANCE' detected Deceleration Period 5 Head Stops 6 7 8 9 10 11 Switch 'OFF' Switch ‘ONI Re-select Program 1 Correct 'OUT OF BALANCE' Press 'START' Follow Section 2 (a) step 12 on. 'OUT OF Rotating 0 1500 1500 0 incorrectly Audible Signal Lid Lock LOW LOW LOW Alarm Unlocked Locked Locked 5 LOW Alarm Locked 0 LOW Alarm Locked LOW LOW LOW LOW 3 set Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked and is out of Alarm LED Display Balance Illuminated Balance 'Illuminated Balance Illuminated 5 Invalid Soeeds Lower Than 200 mm The Cytospin 3 sample chamber assembly will not 'TILT' into the upright position 200 rpm is achieved. The program memory will reject as INVALID any speed lower illustrated in this example when 190 rpm is entered. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Press Action 6 'SET TIME' ‘5' 'ENTER' 'SET SPEED' '1' '9' ‘0' 'ENTER' to be taken Invalid Speeds The Cytospin illustration, 0 0 0 0 1 19 190 0 i select Higher and enter 3 program memory will examine the following As Number 5 above Press ‘2' Press ‘0' Press ‘1' Press ‘0' Press 'ENTER' Action to be taken a value of Accel Display Audible Signal HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH valid valid valid valid valid valid valid invalid key tone key tone key tone key tone key tone key tone key tone speed 200 rpm or higher. Than 2000 rpm reject any speed entered greater than 2000 rpm. procedures when 2010 rpm is programmed. Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time Display Speed Display Operation unless a speed of than 200 rpmr as Steps - select l-4 and enter Speed Display Time Display Accel Display Audible Signal 0 2 20 201 2010 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH valid valid valid valid valid invalid a value of 2000 rpm or lower. As an key tone key tone key tone key tone key tone speed 7 Invalid Speed/Time Parameters The Cytospin 3 will not start without a valid speed and time entered program cannot be saved if the speed and time are not valid. 8 ‘!’ Light (Overspeed Indication/Rotor and displayed. control becomes irregular during Similarly should the sealed head assembly fail to start rotating due to mechanical malfunction, then the ‘!I light will be illuminated after approximately 3 seconds. signal will sound, and the ‘drive’ to the sealed head motor will be disconnected. and then refer a a run, due to Jam) The ‘! ’ light is illuminated in the event that speed electrical interference or instrument malfunction. Turn the power off, Similarly to Section 2, No 4, Steps 7, 8, 10, 11. or electrical An audible alarm HOME SWVICEABILITYTEST Introduction This procedure describes the test which can be carried out, at any time, on the Cytospin 3, to ascertain if the machine is functioning correctly. In the following tests a sealed head is fitted without cell or cell holders. Instruments Required One Multimeter, Insulation one 1OOOV Megger, one Stopwatch. Tests Before applying power to the machine the following insulation tests must be carried out. Using the multimeter, check the resistance path between the earth wire and any metal parts of the machine, this resistance is to be less than ORl. Connect the 1OOOV megger between the live and neutral wires on the mains power lead. With the power switch in the off position, the resistance should be greater than 100 megohms. Short the live and neutral wires of the mains power lead together. With the power switch in the ON position the resistance between the live/neutral wires and the earth should be greater than 25 If above is correct, apply power to machine. megohms. Procedure When power is applied to the Cytospin 3 thejdisplay panel should initialise to the following (if not, consult Fault Diagnosis Section and/or Principles of Operation) and the alarm should sound for three seconds. Program Display Speed Display Time Display HIGH MED LOW STOP START BAL ! LID LOCK OPEN LID 0 0 0 ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Keyboard Tests Press SET SPEED, check speed 0 flashes. Press appears on the right 0 - 9 in turn and check that digit hand side of the speed display and "rolls round". Press CANCEL, check that display reads 0 flashing. Press CANCEL, check that display reads 0. 8 HOME Press SET TIME, check that display Press 0 - 9 in turn and check that digit appears side of time display and "rolls round". Press CANCEL, check that display reads 0 flashing. Press CANCEL, check that display reads 0. Press LOAD, check Press 0 - 9 in turn and check program window. Press CANCEL, check program 0 flashes. Press CANCEL, check program displays program reads 0 flashing. on right-hand 0 flashes. that the digit appears in the 0. Operation Tests Press SET SPEED. Press 2000. Press ENTER, display Press SET TIME. Press 10. Press ENTER, display Press START. should read 2000. should read 10. The Start LED should now come on and the Stop LED go off. The sealed head will begin to rotate and accelerate quickly until the SET SPEED is reached. The speed display will now read the actuaZ speed of the sealed head in rpm and time display will begin to count down towards 0. When the time display reaches 0 the sealed head will come to a The Start LED will go off and the Stop LED will come on. halt. The speed display will now read the SET SPEED (ie 2000) and the time display will reset from 0 to 10. The audible alarm will sound at the end of operation. Press SET SPEED. Press 200. Press ENTER, display will now read 200. HOME Remove the cells the sealed head and cell holders from the sealed in the machine and close the lid. Press SET TIME. Press 30. Press ENTER, the display Press HIGH ACCEL, the HIGH ACCEL LED should ACCEL LED should go off. Press START, the sealed should read head should head, replace 30. begin come on and the LOW to rotate. check that the timer counts down in 1 minute Using the stopwatch, Check that the speed display remains at 2000 rpm and intervals. that the head remains quiet throughout the 30 minute program. When the timer reaches 0 the machine should The time display should reset alarm sound. stop and the audible to 30. If the Cytospin 3 passes the above functional tests it can be If the machine fails to pass any considered to be serviceable. of the tests then reference must be made to the appropriate part of the servicing manual. 10 HOME DAILY AND WEEKLYMAINTENANCE CLEANINGAND STERILISING THE CYTOSPIN 3 All the components of the Cytospin 3 which are likely to become contaminated have been designed to be easily cleaned using mild detergent solutions, and then sterilised using a wide variety of agents. In the interest of laboratory safety, Shandon recommends suggested sterilisation procedures are adhered to. All the components of the sealed head, the safety cover and front panel, are designed that centrifuge bowl liner, to be easily cleaned. Each component part is dealt with individually and if the instructions are followed, no damage will occur. This is particularly important , since any chemical attack on the components of the sealed head or hinged safety cover will weaken <;-iz -p:?rial and create a serious hazard. When handling, cleaning or sterilising any component, it is advisable to wear gloves as they offer protection against infection and chemical effects on the skin due to the detergent After cleaning and sterilising and/or disinfectants being used. it should be examined for damage. any component, If in doubt as it should not be used on the centrifuge until to its state, inspected by your Safety Officer. IMPORTANTNOTE If you are in doubt as to the type of disinfectant you many brands do not declare the nature of the are using, , check with the manufacturer before active ingredients using the solution with any component part of the Cytospin 3. HYPOCHLORITEbased disinfectants should sterilise centrifuges of any type. NEVER be used to FRONT PANEL Frequency: Weekly and after Clean : Use a damp cloth to clean panel; do not use abrasive powders, these will damage the surface of the panel. Sterilise: Use 2% glutaraldehyde prepared facturer’s instructions. Notes: any spillage. a) Never clean the front similar solvents. b) The front panel liquid or spray panel according with Xylene, can be polished if furniture polish. 11 to manuToluene required with or a HOME HINGED SAFETY COVER Frequency: Daily and after any serious spillage. Clean: Use warm soapy water, DO NOT use abrasive powders, will scratch the surface and make it more difficult clean and also create a potential source of crosscontamination. Sterilise: Use 2% glutaraldehyde turer's instructions. Note: DO NOT clean the hinged could weaken the safety prepared cover cover. according with these to to manufac- any solvents - these BOWLLINER Frequency: Daily and after any serious spillage. Clean: Use warm soapy water, will create scratches and make sterilisation do not use abrasive powders, they which may harbour micro-organiss difficult. Sterilise: Use 2% glutaraldehyde turer's instructions. prepared according to manufac- SEALED HEAD ASSEMBLY Frequency: Daily and immediately after any-serious spillage. Sterilise: The head assembly can be sterilised as a whole unit b autoclaving at 121OC (250'F) for 15 minutes. It is necessary to unlock the lid so that the pressure ins&&z the head will be equalised with those in the autoclave and to allow the free entry of steam into the interior of the head. Clean: After sterilisation of the whole head, all components should be removed, washed in warm soapy water and dri& in an oven. (Maximum temperature 65'C or 149'F) befon re-assembly. SEALED HEAD BASE Frequency: Daily and immediately Sterilise: Autoclave at 121OC (250OF) for 15 minutes. Wipe with2% glutaraldehyde or a phenolic disinfectant prepared according to manufacturer's instructions. Clean:_ After sterilisation clean using warm soapy water, riiae DO NOT USE hard brushes to in clean water and dry. clean this component. 12 after any serious spillage. HOME SEALED HEAD SLIDE CLIP ASSEMBLYSUPPORTPLATE Frequency: Daily. Sterilise: As Sealed Head - Base. Clean: As Sealed Head - Base. Note: This component is easily removed from the Sealed Head Base by removing two thumb screws. This enables the under surface of the support plate to be cleaned easily and also facilitates cleaning of the inside surface of the sealed head base. The support plate can be totally immersed in 2% glutaraldehyde disinfectant if required- SEALED HEAD LID Frequency: Daily. Sterilise: As Sealed Head - Base. Clean: As Sealed Head - Base. Note: The silicone rubber seal around the rim of the lid cau be easily removed and replaced. It is advisable to remove this seal at weekly intervals to enable all the surface of the lid to be cleaned. A new seal should Be fitted at intervals of 12 months. CYTOCLIP Frequency: Daily. Sterilise: Autoclave at 121OC (250'F) 2% glutaraldehyde solution instructions. Clean: Rinse Note: It is advisable to ensure that the pressure spring is unlocked, releasing any pressure from the-spring durQg It is also important to ensure that ube sterilisation. face of the slide clip is clean as any raised particles could cause microscope slides to break under the appl&ed 'gr force. in clean water SAMPLECHAMBER Frequency: After use. 13 before for 15 minutes or immerse in according to manufacturer's use and hot air dry. HOME 5 SAFETY 1) 2) 6 There are potentially lethal voltages in the Cytospin 3. all necessary precautions when working on live machines. Beware of mechanically tedly under the control Take moving parts. They may move unexpecof the microcomputer system. STATIC DAHAGETO HOS DEVICES Some of devices the components used on the Cytospin and are sensitive to static damage. 1) Take all 2) Treat 3 all Remember, to fail. necessary precautions unknown devices statically 3 electronics are MOS when handling. as MOS. damaged devices may take weeks or months DO NOT TAKE CHANCES 1.4 HOME 7 FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR If the Cytospin 3 stops working it will be because either a fault condition has occurred or a safety circuit has operated. Refer to the list of fault conditions below until you find the symptoms Turn to the relevant page and work through the of your fault. methods of diagnosis and solutions. To retest possible causes, the Cytospin after each repair or replacement, follow the serviceability test. If the symptom of your principles of operation Fault fault is not listed below and the relevant circuit refer to diagram. Page Condition Panel LED's not 16 1 Front 2 SPEED, TIME, PROG, ACCEL and STOP display will not initialise on 'Power On'. 3 STOP, START, HIGH and LOW ACCEL LED's will initialise on 'Power On'. Cytospin 3 will Lid lock LED lights, Motor will Balance the not not illuminated accept program when Start LED's 18 not 19 commands. button pressed. 21 23 run. 24 LED lights. Balance LED fails sealed head). 20 to light 9 ! LED lights speed control and motor loop). 10 Lid solenoid not stops (with out-of-balance (failure of motor 26 27 28 working. THERE ARE POTENTIALLY LETHAL VOLTAGESIN THE MACHINESO CARE MUSTBE TAKEN WHENTESTING OR MAKINGADJUSTMENTSON LIVE MACHINES. 15 FAULT CONDITION 1: FRONT PANEL LED’S NOT ILLUMINATED Possible Cause 1.1 Mains supply 1.2 Incorrect supply has failed. mains power l 1.3 Plug and fuse intact. FSl not 1.4 Faulty wiring. switch cable, or Diagnosis Solution Check mains supply with suitable meter or by examining another appliance. Wait for supply to return or an alternative power source. Retest. Check that supply for 240V Cytospin is between 220V and 25OV, for 1lOV machine between 1OOV and 120V. If not, connect to correct supply and retest using serviceability test. Check plug. Check that fuse FSl is in place and intact (Drawing E740-l-l), 0.8 amp for 24OV, 2 amp for 1lOV. If not, fix properly or replace. Retest. If fuse blows again, investigate short circuits, earth (ground) leakage etc. (a) Check there is mains input voltage at the input terminals of SW1 (Drawing E740-l-l). If not, wiring. Retest. inspect the cable and Replace as necessary. (b) Ensure SW1 is closed and check if mains input voltage is present at output side of SW1 (Drawing E740-l-l). If replace not, SWl. Retest. find FAULT CONDITION 1: Possible 1.5 FRONT PANEL LED'S NOT ILLUMINATED Cause Power supply from transformer plate. Diagnosis Solution Check at socket nominal voltages (a) AC Voltages Between Between Between Between (b) pins pins pins pins DC Voltages Between pins Between pins for the following (Drawing E740-l-l) 1 and 2: 5 and 6: 10 and 12: 11 and 12: 24V 15V 8V 8V AC AC AC AC 7 and 8: 9 and 8: 24V DC 24V DC (a) If not, test transformer windings for continuity (Drawing E740-l-1). Typical resistances for windings are: Primary 16.0 R Secondary 24V 0.4 R Secondary 15V 1.4 R Secondary 8-0-8V 0.5 9 (b) If not, check across bridge rectifier Bl for 24V DC and 24V AC (Drawing E740-l-l). If correct, inspect and test associated plugs and'wiring for open or short circuits, earth (ground) leakage etc (Drawing E740-1-1). Replace as necessary. Retest. FAULT CONDITION 2: Possible SPEED, TIME, PROG, ACCEL AND STOP DISPLAY LED'S WILL NOT INITIALISE ON 'POWER ON' Cause Diagnosis Solution 2.1 Incorrect power supplies to mains PCB. Check that 12V, 5V, -5V and OV DC rails are available on Main PCB. If not, check through relevant supply circuit and replace as necessary (Drawing F740-1-2, E740-l-l). Retest. 2.2 Mains PCB faulty. Check main PCB by replacing with serviceable PCB. Before replacing PCB check that the correct voltages (Drawing E740-l-l) are available. (Refer to voltage table, Principles of Operation). If correct, place. leave new PCB in FAULT CONDITION 3: Possible STOP, START, HIGH AND LOWACCEL LED’S WILL NOT INITIALISE Cause 3.1 Fault on main PCB. 3.2 LED’s not 3.3 Wiring fault. functioning. or connection ON ‘POWER ON’ Diagnosis Solution Check main PCB power supplies (voltage table, Principles of Operation). If correct, replace main PCB with serviceable main PCB (after checking voltages). If correct, place. Press the Act switch and check that the Lo Act LED lights. Program the Cytospin and press the Start switch, check that the start LEd lights and that the Cytospin operates correctly. If correct, test the LED’s which are not functioning. Replace as necessary. Retest. Check associated wiring and connectors for continuity, open or short circuits, earth (ground) leakages (Drawing F740-1-2, E740-l-l). If not, Retest. leave replace new PCB in as necessary. FAULT CONDITION 4: Possible CYTOSPIN 3 WILL NOT ACCEPT PROGRAMCOMMANDS Cause Diagnosis Solution 4.1 Main PCB. Replace PCB with serviceable PCB check PCB. Before replacing that supply voltages are correct (voltage table, Principles of Operation). If now correct, place. leave 4.2 Fault on Cytospin 3 keyboard (front panel). Check keyboard by fitting front panel to serviceable Cytospin. If.not, Retest. replace as necessary. 4.3 Fault on molex connections between main PCB and keyboard Check connectors Replace as necessary. and wiring. new PCB in Retest. FAULT CONDITION 5: Possible LID LOCK LED LIGHTS WHENSTART BUTTONPRESSED Solution Diagnosis Cause 5.1 Lid not closed 5.2 Lid lock faulty. 5.3 Magnetic proximity (SW3) faulty. switch properly. (SW5) switch Check lid fully closed. If correct, retest. Check operation of SW5 as follows: With the lid fully closed, connect a continuity tester between pins 11 and 12 of socket 3 (Drawing E740-1-1) and check for continuity. Manually operate the solenoid (Sol 1) until the lid catch opens and the lid raises slightly (you should be able to hear the catch opening). There should now be an open circuit between pin 11 and 12 of socket 3. If not, Retest. replace SW5 as necessary. Check the operation of SW3 as follows: Place a magnet on the top trim in such a position that it will close the proximity switch. Connect a continuity tester between pin 7 on PL2B and pin 11, PL4A (Drawing E740-1-1) continuity. Remove magnet and check that there is now an open circuit between these pins. If not, Retest. replace SW3 as necessary. If correct, operate Cytospin with external magnet in position. If machine now functions correctly (ie defect not apparent) this indicates that lid magnet is not closing proximity switch. FAULT CONDITION 5: Possible lo N LID LOCK LED LIGHTS WHENSTART BUTTONPRESSED Cause 5.4 Fault on lid wiring. lock 5.5 Main PCB fault. circuit Diagnosis Solution Check associated wiring (Drawing E740-l-l). Replace Replace main PCB with serviceable PCB. Before replacing PCB check that correct voltages are available (voltage table, Principles of Operation). If as necessary. correct, leave new PCB in place. FAULT CONDITION 6: Possible MOTORWILL NOT RUN 6.1 Motor 6.2 Incorrect to motor. 6.3 Fault 6.4 Transistor 6.5 Main PCB Solution Diagnosis Cause If not, Retest. replace motor Check power supply circuits and components (Drawing E740-1-1). If not, Retest. replace as necessary. Check Relay A for correct (Drawing E740-1-1). If not? Retest. replace as necessary. Check transistor TRl for correct operation (Drawing E740-l-l). If not, Retest. replace as necessary. Replace main PCB with serviceable PCB. Before replacing PCB check that correct voltages are available (voltage table, Principles of Operation). If Check coil of motor (Drawing E740-l-l). fault. power supplies on Relay A. (TRl) fault. for continuity operation correct, leave as necessary. new PCB in place. FAULT CONDITION 7: BALANCELED LIGHTS Possible solution Diagnosis Cause If correct, retest. Adjust vibration switch (refer to adjustment procedure Testing and Calibration section). If correct, retest. Check operation of SW4 as follows: Using a continuity tester, test for open circuit between pins 10 and 12, socket 3 (Drawing E740-1-1). With tester still connected physically, tilt the Cytospin to the side in order to close SW4. Viewing the Cytospin from the front, SW4 is positioned laterally at the rear of the machine. If not, Retest. 7.1 Sealed head loaded incorrectly. Check that correctly. 7.2 Vibration incorrectly switch (SW4) adjusted. 7.3 Vibration faulty. switch (SW4) sealed head is loaded replace SW4 as necessary. FAULT CONDITION 7: Possible 7.4 Cause Main PCB Fault BALANCELED LIGHTS Diagnosis Solution Check main PCB by replacing with serviceable PCB. Before replacing PCB check that correct voltages are available (voltage table, Principles of Operation). If correct, leave new PCB in place. FAULT CONDITION 8: Possible BALANCELED FAILS TO LIGHT (with Cause sealed head out of balance) Diagnosis Solution 8.1 Vibration incorrectly switch (SW4) adjusted. Adjust vibration switch (refer to adjustment procedure Testing and Calibration section). If 8.2 Vibration associated switch (SW4) or wiring faulty. Check switch and wiring (refer Drawing E740-l-l and Fault Diagnosis, paragraph 8.3). If not, Retest. replace as necessary. 8.3 Faulty If not, Retest. replace as necessary. 8.4 Main PCB fault. LED. Test LED using diode (Drawing E740-1-2). to tester Check main PCB by replacing PCB with serviceable PCB. Before replacing PCB check that correct voltages are available (voltage table, Principles of Operation). If correct, correct, retest. leave new PCB in place. FAULT CONDITION 9: Possible N -4 ! LED LIGHTS AND MOTORSTOPS (failure Cause 9.1 Fault on control sys tern. 9.2 Main PCB fault. opto of motor speed control loop) Diagnosis Solution With ‘Power On’ (but start switch not pressed) connect voltmeter between pins 1 and 2 on sensor PCB plug (Drawing E74@-1-1). Slowly turn the sealed head assembly (or drive boss) by hand and check that the output from the opto is present. If not, check disc encoder, as necessary. Check main PCB by replacing with serviceable PCB. Before replacing PCB check that correct voltages are available (voltage table, Principles of Operation). If correct, opto transistor, wiring etc. Replace Retest. leave new PCB in place. FAULT CONDITION 10: Possible 10.1 LID SOLENOIDWILL NOT OPERATE Cause Fault on transistor T12 and T13 (main PCB). Diagnosis Solution With solenoid button pressed check output of T12 and pin 1 PL2B main PCB (Drawing F740-1-2). (a) check solenoid and If correct, Replace as catch assembly. necessary. Retest. (b) If not, check transistor T12 and T13, microswitch and wiring. Replace as necessary. Retest. HOME 8 FIT'UXG, TESTING AND CBLIBRATION All internal screws and nuts to be fixed with Loctite Screwlok, THE EXCEPTION OF ANY IN CONTACT WITH PLASTICS, where Araldite lid) must be used. (1) MOTORREMOVALAND REPLACEMENT WITH (eg a> With the access door open and the sealed head removed, isolate the machine from the electrical supply. b) Loosen the M3 grub screw in the side of the taper, pull the drive taper off the motor shaft. Remove “V” ring seal from Do not lose the key in the motor shaft, the motor shaft. it should be kept for fitting into the new motor shaft. c> Remove the four countersunk screws securing the steel fixing plate to the bowl and motor. The bowl is now released from the motor. (Retain these special screws refitting new motor). for d) Remove the outer two countersunk screws securing the front of the bowl to the instrument case. (These screws are under the silicone rubber seal behind the nosecone trim; care should be taken not to damage the seal). e> Close foam, f> Remove the four screws securing the nosecone to the plinth (base) and carefully pull the nosecone away from the case. The nosecone will fit face down in front of the plinth (place some protection on the bench for the control panel). Disengage the three connectors , remove the M5 earth nut and The nosecone can now be taken from the machine. leads. g) Turn the machine upside down and remove the six securing screws from the plinth (base). The plinth can now be tilted up and to one side for removal of the M5 earth nut and leads (up and to the left when the machine is upside The plinth can now be removed. down and facing front). h) Loosen the two screws securing the encoder bracket to the guard barrier and slide the bracket back as far as Release the M2.5 grub retighten the screws. possible, screw fixing the encoder disc to the motor shaft and carefully pull the disc off the shaft, after removing the grip ring from the motor shaft. i> Remove the nut retaining barrier. j) Remove the four countersunk screws that fix the motor the motor will now be free housing to the guard barrier, remove from the guard barrier once the leads have been (When fitting the new motor ensure correct desoldered. wiring of motor leads). and secure the access should be placed over 29 door. (A protecting the door). the motor leads cover, ie to the guard to HOME k) The motor is now removed and the motor housing released from the motor by removal of the four countersunk screws. Fitting the new motor is but the following points generally the reverse should be noted: of the removal, a) It is important to use the original screwlok screws in and LOCTITR SEX1 LOCK HUST NOT COKR INTO around the motor. CONTACTWITH ANY PLASTIC OR PAINTED COXPONENT. b) When re-fitting the encoder disc and bracket, the disc should turn freely near the centre of the gap between the should be fixed so that the encoder heads, and the bracket encoder assembly is as close as possible to the edge of the disc without any risk of contact between the two. Refit the grip ring to the motor shaft. c) When re-fitting screws. the plinth (base).do The machine is turned upright (manually operate the solenoid not tighten the six and the access door opened to release the catch). Replace the PTFE seal along the top edge of the nosecone. Care must be taken when re-fi t ting the nosecone that the two lugs fit smoothly under the bowl seal. Loosely fit the two countersunk screws.. Fit the nosecone so that the front lower edge of the nosecone lines up with the front top edge Fix the nosecone using the four of the plinth (base). Do not over-tighten the two countersunk screws in screws. Pull the case forward to meet the nosecone and the bowl. tighten the six screws.. d) Fit the “V” ring seal to the motor shaft with the lip Push the seal just past the keyway in the facing down. Fit the key into the keyway on the motor shaft. shaft. The drive taper is then fitted and fixed 1 mm from the steel fixing plate (the seal will be pushed down into position by the drive taper). Reconnect the electrical instrument. (2) supply and test the functions of the LID REMOVALAND REPLACEMENT a) Before isolating open the lid. the machine b) Remove the right hand screw (looking from the front of the machine) fastening the lid hinge to the pivot (do not lose Remove the the spacing washer or the shakeproof washer). two M3 countersunk socket screws holding the right hand hinge plate to the lid frame and remove the hinge plate. (Support the lid while removing these parts). 30 from the electrical supply HOME (3) c) The lid can now be moved to the left and the left-hand pivot will slide out of the bearing block. The lid can WV be dismantled. d) Replacing e) Forward adjustment of the lid is achieved by slackening the two hinge pivot screws and sliding the lid forward or back. f) To raise or lower the lid loosen the four screws securing the two bearing blocks at the rear of the machine (two either side) and adjust the lid height accordingly. Remember to also adjust the plunger height in order to keep the lid on the seal correctly. the lid is the reverse of the removal. DRIP TRAY AND LID SEAL REMOVALAND REPLACEMENT a) Before isolating open the lid. the machine from the electrical supply b) Remove the seventeen countersunk and the drip tray to the case of c) Remove the drive taper from the motor shaft (M3 grub retain the key from the motor shaft. Remove the ‘V’ seal from the motor shaft. d) Remove the four countersunk remove the plate. The drip e) Inspect the rubber extrusion on the lid of the guard barrier and replace if necessary. When removing only the lid seal, the seventeen screws need to be removed and a sew seal can be fitted around the drip tray, ensure that the lower lip of the seal fits over the case of the machine and that the seal sits properly on the drip tray. screws retaining the machine. the seal screw) ring screws in the clamp plate tray can now be removed. and Replacement of the drip tray is the reverse of the removal. The motor shaft ‘V’ ring seal must be fit.ted with the lip facing down, push the seal just past the keyway in the shaft. Fit the key into the keyway on the motor shaft, the drive taper is then fitted 1 mm from the steel clamp plate (the seal will be pushed down into position by the drive taper). Secure the drive taper. (4) LID DAMPERADJUSTMENT a) Remove the drip tray b) The damper is case. c) To increase damping , screw damper body. found as described on the right 31 in Section hand side the nylon 3. of adjuster the main into the HOME d) (5) (6) i To remove the damper from the machine, remove right hand hinge screw fixing the hinge plate pivot. ii Remove the two M5 nuts securing the damper body case. The damper assembly can then be removed. iii The link arm is separated on the damper arm. by removal of the to the to the the retainer GUARDBARRIER REMOVALAND REPLACEMENT a) Refer to section (l), b) After closing and protecting the lid, turn the machine upside down and remove the ten (10) M4 screws securing the plinth (base) to the case and nosecone. The plinth will then lift off to one side of the machine. c) Remove the M5 earth nuts, leads and plugs plinth to the case and remove the plinth. d) Disconnect the wiring balance switch. e) Remove the eight springs supporting the guard barrier (loop a piece of cable through the outer loop of the spring, restrain the machine with one hand and pull the spring free with the other). f) The guard g) Replacement barrier is step to a and step the motor, c. joining optics and out the of can now be removed. the reverse of the removal. LID CATCHMECHANISM a) If the whole assembly is to be removed, the guard has to be removed first (see section (5)) b) Once the guard barrier is extracted, remove screws securing the aluminium angle carrying The assembly can now be inspected. assembly. c) the microswitch and the solenoid can be The catch assembly, removed without removing the aluminium angle but care must be taken when refitting that the components are correctly fitted. d) In order to function correctly the solenoid plunger must always be fully home when the solenoid is energised, also the catch must clear the lid plunger with sufficient clearance (until it is flush with the side of the lid Once the solenoid is fully home and the plunger hole). catch is flush with the hole sides, the catch must then be free to move 0.5 to 1.0 mm further out. 32 barrier the four (4) the catch M3 HOME (7) OUT OF BALANCESWITCH ADJUSTMENT a) Remove the round access instrument. b) The out of hole. cl the switch is mounted on a rectangular screws. Loosen both of these screws. d) One of the screws is in a slot. plate counter-clockwise a small Retighten both screws. balance plug switch on the back of can be seen the through plate this held access by two Slide the rectangular amount - approximately loo. e) Test for out of balance using all 12 chambers and clip assemblies. Once you are satisfied the machine does not go out of balance, proceed to step f). f) Using 10 chambers and clip assemblies, load the sealed head (see Operator Manual). Ensure that the two positions left vacant are not directly opposite each other. Select high acceleration and 2000 rpm and start machine. The out of balance should operate at a point between 1000 and 1500 rpm. Repeat g) (8) using Make certain and retest. low acceleration. the screws are tight; replace the access plug POWERSUPPLY REMOVALAND REPLACEMENT a) Isolate machine from the electrical b) Protect the lid (use foam etc). c) Turn the machine screws. d) Lift the plinth up and to the left side (looking Disconnect the 3 plugs and ground leads, front). plinth is then free to remove. e) Disconnect the supporting the fixing screws supply is now f) Replacement is upside supply. down and remove the ten (10) M4 from the and the electrical leads from the power supply, and plinth and power supply, remove the four from the underside of the plinth. The power free of the plinth. the reverse 33 of the removal instructions. HOME (9) HEATSINK Two different a) b) Internal External a) Internal ii) heatsink may be found External Remove the two outer M3 screws heatsink from the machine. i> (10) of Remove the plinth [as in Section 8, paragraphs a) to d)]. Disconnect and remove the heatsink retaining nuts, desolder the transistor leads and disconnect the wiring fixed to the plinth. The plinth can now be removed. i> b) types and extract ii) The transistor mounting body is secured screws. Remove these and the transistor Desolder and remove from the machine. iii) In both removal. cases the replacement is the using two M3 can be seen. the opposite of the NOSECONEASSEMBLY Removal and Replacement a) Remove the nosecone, and f). b) Disconnect partially Take care c) Disconnect Main PCB (see Section 1, paragraphs a, d the main PCB from its retaining pillars, and extract it through the back of the nosecone. not to damage any of the components on the board. PCB plugs. Remove the main PCB. Replacement NB: is Replace Proximity the reverse the PTFE seal of removal. along the top edge of the nosecone. Switch a> Remove the nosecone b) Remove the main PCB. (Section 34 1, paragraphs a, d and f). HOME c> Remove the two M4 screws remove the trim. d) Remove the two M3 nuts Note: retaining and remove the nosecone the proximity trim and switch. It is possible to remove the trim.without removing the main PCB using a screw retaining screwdriver, but great care must be taken to avoid damage to any components on the PCB. Replacement is the reverse of removal, but when positioning the proximity switch it must be adjusted so that the machine will not start when the lid is slightly open. The switch must be out of the magnetic field before the lid plunger releases the lid catch microswitch. NB: Replace Front the PTFE seal along top edge of the nosecone. Panel a) Remove the nosecone b) Remove the main PCB. c) Remove the eight (8) M3 nuts and remove the front from the front of the nosecone. Replacement NB: Replace replace is (Section the reverse the PTFE seal the PTFE seal of 1, paragraphs a, d and f). panel removal. behind the front panel. Also along the top edge of the nosecone. 35 CYTOSPIN 3 PARTS LIST IDENTIFICATION Ident G, 4 No Part No Description Issue MA 1000 07P 1 1 59930096 Top Cap Locking 2 59930097 Handle 3 PO7595 Seal 4 59930095 Locking 5 PO7437 Top Cover 6 59930094 Main Body - Locking Device 5 7 PO9638 Ball (2) 1 8 PO9698 Thumb Nuts (2) 1 9 59920047 Cell Plate 3 10 PO7431 Seal V Ring 1 11 59930093 Hub Sealed - Sealed - Silicone Pin From Ser No Head Assembly 3 - Sealed 1 Pin - Locking Head Device 1 Mouldings Bearing %" dia Head 5 4 PARTS LIST IDENTIFICATION Ident No Part No Description From Ser No Issue MA 1000 07P 1 12 PO6007 Grub Screw M3 x 8 (2) 13 PO7525 0 Ring 1 14 PO7516 Seal 1 15 59920046 Inner Bowl 1 16 59930063 Drive Boss 4 17 PO7432 V Ring - Motor Shaft 1 18 59930068 Fixing Collar 4 19 PO7596 Moulded Seal 1 20 59920033 Drip Tray 2 21 PO7512 Key 2 mm x 2 mm x 12 1 22 PO7402 Motor 1 2;;: PARTS LIST IDENTIFICATION Ident No Part No Description From Ser No Issue MA 1000 07P 7 II 1 23 59920034 Outer Bowl 24 PO9610 Spring Retention 25 PO7441 Spring Barrier 26 59920038 Bracket 27 59930072 Clamp Plate 28 PO7524 Mercury Position 29 59930070 Support Pillar 30 59930064 Support Collar 31 59930059 Carrier Plate 32 PO7444 Encoder Disc 33 59930060 Clamp Plate Pin (8) (8) - Vibration Switch 11 1 11 2 11 Sensor (3) II 1 1 II 2 II 5 II 2 11 1 II 1 PARTS LIST IDENTIFICATION Ident No Part No Description From Ser No Issue MA 1000 07P i II 1 34 PO7522 Grip Ring 35 59920127 Mounting 36 PO7467 Opt0 Interrupter (2) 1 36 59920131 Opto Interrupter PCB 2 37 59930154 Angle Bracket Right 1 37 59930155 Angle Bracket Left 1 38 59910131 Motor Suppresser 39 PO6979 12 Way Receptacle 40 59930051 Mounting 41 PO4249 5 mm Nut 1 41 59930162 Locknut 3 Bracket & Block Plate Housing 2 1 1 PARTS LIST IDENTIFICATION Ident No Part No Description From Ser No Issue 42 59930161 Plunger MA 1000 07P 2 43 74010051 Lid Panel 44 74030053 Screw - Hinge Plate 45 74030052 Hinge Plate - Right 45 74030051 Hinge Plate - Left 46 59930071 Tapping 47 59930055 Hinge Pivot 48 59930152 Hinge Block 48 59930167 Hinge Block 49 59920032 50 PO7430 Lid Catch Assembly 11 1 (2) II 1 Hand II 1 II 1 11 4 I, 2 - Right II 3 - Left II 3 Damper Arm Assembly II 5 Rubber II 1 Hand s Strip Buffer (2) PARTS LIST IDENTIFICATION Ident No Part No Description From Ser No Issue MA 1000 07P 1 I, 1 II 1 51 PO9696 Damper Rod 52 PO7426 Damper 53 PO7763 Plug Cover 54 74020030 Maincase ,I 1 55 59930044 Guide Bracket 11 1 56 59930160 Mounting Angle II 1 57 59930042 Mounting Plate 58 PO6741 Plug 318" 59 PO7526 Spring 60* PO6148 Solenoid * NOTE: Items 60 and 61 are bonded (Mercury Switch) II Solenoid Black Solenoid together II 1 II 1 II and should not be ordered separately. 1 5 PARTS LIST IDENTIFICATION Ident No 61* Part No Description 3 II 4 I, 1 ,I 3 II 1 ,I 1 ,I 1 ,I 1 59910121 Catch 63 PO7764 Microswitch 64 59930037 Microswitch 67 59920128 Proximity 68 PO2969 Grommet 69 P11993 Proximity/Switch 70 PO7476 Voltage 76 74030070 Top Trim I, 1 77 74020061 PCB Mainboard II 1 74020064 EPROMfor II 1 * NOTE: Items 60 and 61 are bonded Catch MA 1000 07P Adaptor , - Spindle Issue 59930043 62 - Solenoid From Ser No Assembly Bracket Switch Assembly Pillar Regulator above together and should not be ordered separately. PARTS LIST IDENTIFICATION Ident No Part No Description From Ser No Issue MA 1000 07P i 79 74020060 Nosecone 81 74030020 Front 82 PO6979 Receptacle 83 PO6976 Plug 84 PO9407 Transistor PMD16K60 85 PO9254 Transistor Mounting 86 59930005 Transistor Mounting 89 59920009 90 11 1 II 1 II 1 ‘1 1 Kit '1 1 Block I' 1 Heatsink 1' 3 74020001 Plinth II 1 91 PO1517 Clamp Plate II 1 92 PO7882 Fuse Holder II 1 Panel Cytospin 3 12 Way Housing 12 Way z - Mains Lead PARTS LIST IDENTIFICATION Ident No Part No Description Plate From Ser No Issue MA 1000 07P 1 93 PO4654 Fuse Marking 94 P11130 Fuse 0.8 PO7884 Fuse Cap 240V FEIT 031-1663 1 PO7828 Fuse 2 Amp Slow Blow 1 PO7883 Fuse Cap 1lOV FEIT 031-1661 II 1 95 PO6755 Input II 1 96 59930009 Terminal II 1 97 PO7155 Relay II 1 98 PO6102 Capacitor Clip ‘1 1 99 PO7462 Capacitor 4700 yF II 1 100 59920041 Tagboard ‘1 5 1 Amp Slow Blow Block Mains Block Pad 60 73 IML Assembly 240V PARTS LIST IDENTIFICATION Ident No Part No Description 100 59920043 Tagboard 101 P11944 Rocker 102 PO6979 Receptacle 103 P11109 Mains Filter 104 59930001 Transformer 105 PO7807 Diode 106 59930116 Transformer 107 59930171 Spacer 108 PO7602 Black 59930156 Hinge Adjustment Assembly 1lOV Switch Bridge 12 Way From Ser No Issue MA 1000 07P 4 II 1 ‘1 1 ‘1 1 Plate 4 Rectifier 1 II 1 2 Neoprene Buffer Screw 1%" x 'h" Thick 1 2 HOME RECOHMENDEDPIRSTLINE REPAIRKIT Part No 59920041 59920043 59920131 59930094 59930095 59930096 59930097 59930116 74010004 74010005 74020061 74020062 74020063 74020064 74030020 PO5606 PO6148 PO7155 PO7402 PO7431 PO7432 PO7437 PO7444 PO7462 PO7467 PO7476 PO7516 PO7524 PO7525 PO7595 PO7596 PO7763 PO7764 PO7807 PO9254 PO9351 PO9407 PO9638 P11109 P11944 - CYTOSPIN 2 Description Tagboard Assembly 240V Tagboard Assembly 1lOV Opto PCB Main Body - Locking Device Locking Pin -. Locking Device Top Cap - Locking Pin Handle - Sealed Head Transformer Transformer Plate Assembly 1lOV Transformer Plate Assembly 240V PCB Mainboard Programmed PAL Programmed PAL Programmed Eprom Front Panel Proximity Switch (SW3) Solenoid Relay - LO 73 IMO Motor - Type 55M Spec Seal - V Ring Seal - V8 - Motor Shaft Top Cover Moulding Disc Encoder Capacitor 4700 nF Opt0 Interrupter Voltage Regulator Seal Switch Mercury (SW4) '0' Ring Seal - Silicone - Sealed Bead Seal Moulded Plug and Cover - Mercury Switch Microswitch (SW5) Diode Bridge Rectifier Mounting Kit Brush Assembly - Motor Transistor - Darlington - PMB 16K60 Ball Bearings Mains Filter Switch - Rocker (SWl) 47 HOME 10 LIST OF DRAWINGS Page No Cytospin Circuit Note: 3 llOV-250V Diagram Circuit Diagram - Main PCB The PCB used on the Cytospin 3 is component locations will be used. 48 E740-1-l 49 F740-1-2 50 a common board, not all HOME 110 I’ I I I - ? a I CIRCUIT DIAGRAM-MAIN PCB n I II F740-1-2 HOME SHANDON CYTOSPIN SOUTHERN III 40 41 42 PRODUCTS LTD 43 28 108 26 27 HOME -- PLGh SK11 WTlcY 1 - RD z-w)-WTXXI 3-m) GYM W-MN 4-m) 5-W)-- )-- , GYM , RD , RD GY GY RD RD BK GY@K 6--m)-7-r GY 8-w)-- CY@K 0 _ RD BK 9-m)--- -3 1 tl Cl lo-==>- 1-L -7 47mtJf -* 11-m)-12-my WTM ) PL2% 1 2 f: 3&; 4 5 6 i 1 0 I WTNL RD 1 WXN I I 1’ GYM I I- I [GYBK ------- I PLGI SK12 - 1 I 1I t RIA 4 ' L-cl T I 4 -- 5.a 1 -- 8 -10 : 9 10 11 I2 SENSOR P.C.B. wlm WlflD i w4>-5 ) WTrcR WTIRD 6) 7 )-- I wT/8N ln2 WTBL WTBK 1 VIBRATKX SWITCH SW4 LIDLOCKEDSWIICH SW5 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM-CYTOSPlN(llO-250V) 51 -RD I p -11 I I I f I HOME APPENDIX PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION This description F740-1-2 E740-l-1 (1) uses Circuit Circuit drawing numbers: Diagram Main PCB Diagram Cytospin (110-250V) OVERVIEWOF SYSTEM The Cytospin 3 is a bench-mounted centrifuge with a range of speeds from 200 - 2000 rprn. The time and speed required are entered and displayed digitally by means of a keyboard and LED displays. The Cytospin 1 2 3 a number of safety features: Overspeed detection Out of balance detection Electronic failure detection The Cytospin the operator (2) 3 incorporates GENERAL (Ref 3 has been designed to provide from biological specimens. maximum protection to F740-1-2) The Cytospin 3’s electronic circuit occupies one PCB in the It is connected to the main instrument by nosecone assembly. This PCB replaces the earlier meansof a detachable loom. versions as fitted to the Cytospin 2 and is not retrofittable. The PCB is partitioned are described below. no analogue setting-up (3) into well The PCB is procedure. defined factory functional calibrated areas which and requires POWERSUPPLY Mains power is supplied to the machine via SW1 (the main on/off The internal circuitry switch) which is mounted on the plinth. fuse, 0.8A for 250V operation is protected by FSl, a slow-blow Interference protection, both from inter2A for 1lOV operation. ference getting into the machine from the external mains supply and vice-versa, is provided by FLl. The low voltage supplies for the machine are derived from Tl, this is a toroidal transformer to minimise space and temperature It has two primaries which are connected in series for rise. 240V operation or in parallel for 1lOV operation, as shown on Two voltage dependent resistors Sl, S2 are drawing E740-1-l. connected across the primaries to suppress any voltage spikes which are not attenuated sufficiently by FLl. Tl has three secondaries, 24V AC at 4A rms, 8-0-8V AC at 2A rms and 15V AC at 0.58 rms. 51 HOME The 24V winding is used to supply power to the motor, lid solenoid and motor control relay, it is rectified by diode bridge Bl and smoothed by Cl, a 4700uF capacitor. Both Bl and Cl are situated on the transformer plate assembly in the plinth. From the transformer, 8V AC is fed to the main PCB, rectified by Dll, D12 and C36, then regulated by VR3 to provide a +5V 3. supply * The 12V AC winding is unused on the Cytospin (4) MICROPROCESSOR UNIT The microprocessor system on the Cytospin 3 is centred around IC6, a Hitachi HD63A03Y 8-bit microcomputer. The clock signal for the microcomputer is provided by the 4.9152 Mhz quartz crystal at X2 together with capacitors C245 and C25. The system ROM is contained in IC7 while the PLA at IC8 is used for address decoding. In the event of a power failure, all stored programs are retained in memory by the EEPROMat IC4. Power failure detection and software watchdog facilities are provided by the MAX690 at IC2 and the PLA at IC5 respectively. (5) DISPLAY AND KEYBOARDCIRCUITS The display and keyboard driving is multiplexed. The LED’s 1 - 8 are scanned by a walking zero on port six of the as are the seven segment displays. microcomputer, This allows for increased intensity of display for reduced current consumption. The walking zero is used to switch on one of the transistors The transistor supplies the common anode of the T16 to T23. seven segment display and another LED with 5V. The other end of the LED’s in the seven segment display and the separate LED are pulled low through RN2 and R41. This is done selectively by the pattern being fed through from the darlington driver chip ICll. ICll is correct mounted memory mapped and driven by the processor to power the All the seven segment displays are display segments. in tuned pin sockets for easy replacement. The keyboard is of standard touchpanel construction being The rows of eight going arranged in three rows of eight. vertically down the keyboard are scanned by port 6 of the microcomputer at a frequency of about 100 Hz, therefore response is immediate. 52 HOME The three horizontal rows are monitored by IC13 which is memory Connection to the keyboard is through a single in line mapped. 18-way Berg connector (PL3) via a short tail to the top of the keyboard. LED 9 is (6) driven by IC14 and supplied from pull up resistor R40. MOTORDRIVE CIRCUIT The motor control output provides a regulated current to the base of the motor drive power darlington transistor TRl. v - 1.5 This current is approximately -CD amp, where V,, is the 300 voltage at the collector of transistor Tll and 300 is the value in ohms of R28. V,, is controlled by a unity gain longtailed pair amplifier made up from T8, T9 and TlO. The amplifier compares the collector voltage V,, with an input taken from a reservoir capacitor C26 to adjust the base current of Tll. The voltage appearing at capacitor C26 is controlled by a series of one millisecond pulses which are generated at These pass through inverter IC8c pin 14 of the microprocessor. and a resistor R27, which provide the correct charge level and rate control for the capacitor. (7) SOLENOID AND RELAY DRIVE CIRCUITS The solenoid which is activated to allow the lid to be opened and the relay which is driven to allow motor current to reach the motor both operate from +24 volts and have similar drive circuits. Because of the inductive nature of both devices, by-pass diodes D6 and D7 are fitted to re-circulate switched current. The solenoid is activated by taking IC6 pin 23 low and the relay In each case this switches on a pnp by taking IC6 pin 15 low. transistor (T15 and T13) connected to +5 volts, which provides base current to an npn transistor (T14 and T12), which itself The base current to the drive transistor in powers the device. each case can be clamped to ground to prevent the transistor this is done using an open switching on. For the relay, collector handgate IC17 driven by KEs and mRT providing a safety interlock. 740-l-91 53 HOME The lid release solenoid can only be driven under software control. Should the software control fail, the open lid key will not operate. In an emergency the lid release solenoid can be opened manually. This is done by turning off the mains supply and inserting a thin screwdriver through the hole provided in the left side panel. The hole is covered by a plastic cap. (8) SPEED WATCHDOG AND OUT OF BALANCE The out of balance detector mercury switch is used to generate an mAT by being latched on the NM1 decode/general interface PAL (IC5). This will cause the drive to the motor to be cut via IC17 and the plinth relay to release, causing regenerative braking. In addition, the BAL LED will light showing an extreme fault condition. The Cytospin 3 has to be switched OFF then ON to recover from the situation. Other signals that cause the same sequence of events include hardware overspeed. The ability to detect imminent power fail is not used. The Cytospin 3 has a software based overspeed detection circuit that will cut the drive, cause regenerative braking and light the again is by switching OFF then ON. LED. Recovery The microprocessor monitors the angular speed by monitoring the output of the slotted opto mounted beneath the motor. This signal is fed to the board PL2a pin 3 then squared up using the Schmitt inverter IC18 and fed into the microprocessor’s interval timer input on IC6 pin 9. Running in parallel to this software overspeed detector This circuit is comprised hardware overspeed detector. Essentially its associated discrete analogue components. circuit is a frequency to voltage converter. is a true of IC3 and the The squared up opto signal is differentiated using C18, IC3 and R3 to produce a pulse for every edge detected. This pulse is then rectified using D2 and used to charge C19, should the speed be too high Cl9 will be unable to discharge to a low voltage. The average of the voltage on Cl9 is generated across C20 using R4, it is this voltage that is a reflection of the speed. The final stage using POT2 and IC3 is a comparator producing a low This signal is latched by the PAL IC5 when overspeed is detected. creating an NHI and the usual machine shutdown. POT2 is used to set the voltage threshold and hence the frequency threshold. Due to the variation in component value and the variation in the Vf of D2, the circuit must be calibrated using a known frequency of 2.6 KHz on the spin input to produce the overspeed warning. 740-l-91 54 ! HOME The circuit once calibrated should never require recalibration. A feature of the software is the anti-jam mechanism. This checks to see if any pulses are being generated on the rotor speed opto interrupter input line. If the microprocessor expects rotor rotation because power is applied to the motor and none is detected, then drive power will be removed after a period of approximately 4 seconds. This is to prevent motor damage if the motor is jammed, but also acts as a safeguard against opto interrupter failure. (9) NMI, RESET, HARDWARE WATCHDOG AND OPEN COLLECTORLOGIC The FU3%has the same action on the open collector logic as the NRT signal. The two signals being added together in IC8 to produce the CVT signal driving IC17, cutting drive and driving the plinth relay RLl via T14 to cause motor drive isolation and regenerative braking. The m signal will be produced by the MAX690 (IC2) in one of two Should the power fail, prior to the ILogic levels being situations. affected, at 4.5 volts the microprocessor is reset and will not be released from reset until such time as the power rail has risen above 4.5 volts and a further 1.6 seconds has elapsed. The NRT signal will also be produced should a watchdog signal not This signal is an indication that the be produced on IC6 pin 22. its absence indicates software software is operating normally, corruption. (10) MOTOR, OPT0 DISC, LID LOCK AND BALANCESWITCH The motor used is a 24V permanent magnet type, mounted in line with The power to the motor is controlled by relay the rotor assembly. RLA and transistor TRl (E740-l-l), these components are mounted on When the machine is stopped or de-energised, power to the plinth. the motor is removed and it is short circuited by contacts RLAl, RLA2 (connected in parallel) of relay RLA. Thus, if the machine is stopped the motor is regeneratively braked (ie it acts like a generator with a short circuit output). When the machine is started RLA is energised and power can be supplied to Ml via TRl. Because this transistor under certain conditions is called upon to dissipate up to 6OW, it is mounted on a heatsink which projects out The control signal for TRl is derived of the rear of the machine. from the main PCB and is described above. 55 HOME The lid of the Cytospin is locked by means of a mec.hanical latch which can only be released by means of a solenoid Sol 1 (E740-l-l), the control signal for which comes from the main PCB; So as to inform the microprocessor control system if the lid is locked or are incorporated in the circuit, SW3 and SW5. not, two switches Switch SW3 is a reed relay proximity switch which is activated by a The switch itself is mounted in the trim on top magnet in the lid. As the lid is closed the magnet is brought closer of the nosecone. to SW3 and when it is within range the switch will close. To ensure that the lid is fully locked, a microswitch is incorporated in the lid latch assembly (SW5), this switch detects if the lid Since SW3 and SW5 are in series, a signal latch is not fully home. (5V) will only be present to the main PCB when the lid is fully shut (F740-l-l). In the event that the head is loaded with a non-balanced load and the machine started, an out of balance switch is incorporated to inform the microprocessor to switch the machine off. This switch, SW4, consists of two contacts situated above a small bead of If the machine vibrates the mercury is agitated and mercury. this signal is latched on the bridges the gap between the contacts, Because the mechanics of the main PCB and stops the machine. suspension system exhibit different characteristics depending upon whether the rotor is accelerating or decelerating, the switch is then taken out of the circuit by RLA3 when the motor is turned off. 56
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