PHS Prom – A Night at the Oscars May 22, 2015 7:00-11:00 p.m. PHS Juniors and Seniors! This packet contains all the information you need to attend the Prom. Please read it carefully. You must have your packet completely filled out to purchase and receive your ticket to Prom. There will be a Pre-Prom mandatory meeting outlining additional guidelines, rules and expectations for all PHS prom attendees. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Manhart or Mrs. Lygas. Prom Night Basics Location: Timeline: 7:00 p.m. The Hyatt Regency Princeton *DIFFERENT VENUE FROM LAST YEAR! 102 Carnegie Center, Princeton, NJ 08540 Arrival and Registration • All attendees must have a ticket in hand to attend Prom. • Please arrange your own transportation to Prom. • All attendees must provide photo identification to get in. • All attendees must enter through the ballroom entry near check-in. • Attendees will not be admitted through the hotel lobby. • All attendees will undergo passive alcohol screening. IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING BAGS & BELONGINGS • • All bags should be left inside your vehicles or at home. There are no bags allowed into Prom. Persons and personal belongings are subject to search at any time. 7:00-8:00 p.m. Check in & Social Hour w/ Hors d' oeuvres 8:00-11:00 p.m. Dinner and Dancing in the Main Ballroom 8:30 p.m. Entry Cutoff • There is no admittance to the prom after 8:30 p.m. • Once a guest leaves the prom they are not permitted to reenter. 11:00 p.m. Prom ends Bussing to High School for Post-Prom Participants 11:30 p.m. Post Prom begins at Princeton High School. Use PAC Entrance. Preregistration and fee are required to attend Post-Prom. Form is the last page of packet. 2:00 a.m. Post-Prom Ends Your Prom Ticket Your prom costs $90 per person and includes dinner, dancing, photo souvenirs, karaoke, fun, plus a lifetime of memories! Each member of the Junior and Senior class is invited to attend the PHS Prom. You may elect to bring one (1) registered guest (for an additional $90). All students and guests must be on the guest list. All guests must be under 21 years of age, have a signed contract, and be approved by a PHS administrator. ALL MONEY AND FORMS ARE DUE BY MAY 4, 2015. Please make checks payable to Princeton High School. Return your completed forms to Mrs. Lygas in Guidance. A late fee of $10.00 per person will be charged after MAY 4, 2015. There are no refunds for prom tickets. Pre-Prom Mandatory Meeting All PHS students attending the prom MUST attend a Pre-Prom Meeting in order to pick up his or her prom ticket. The meetings will be held in the PAC. Break - May 12th, 13th, 14th 2:00pm - Wednesday, May 13th Students who complete the Prom Packet and attend a Pre-Prom meeting are eligible to pick up their Prom Ticket immediately following the meetings or by seeing Mrs. Lygas. Students must present their ticket for entrance at the Prom. Post-Prom Activity This year our PHS PTO Post-Prom event will be held at Princeton High School. All interested students will need to preregister and pay $10 to attend. The event begins at at 11:30pm and includes activities, food, prizes and transportation from the prom to PHS. Alcohol and Substance Use/Possession The following procedures will be carried out for any student or guest suspected of possession or use of alcohol or a controlled dangerous substance: 1. The student will be removed from Prom and required to submit to a medical examination at the nearest medical facility at the student/parent’s expense. 2. Parent will be notified and required to pick up the child. No ticket refunds. 3. Consequences will include and are not limited to school suspension, suspension of extra-curricular activities, loss of parking privilege, loss of school leadership positions and/or future leadership opportunities. Prom Rules and Guidelines 1. All Prom attendees must be on the pre-approved check in list, have a ticket, and show a photo ID at entry. All attendees must abide by all school rules and board policy. 2. There is no smoking at the Prom. The Hyatt is a non-smoking facility and the prom is a school function. 3. No food, beverages, or containers are allowed into the Prom. 4. No bags will be permitted into the Prom. All persons and personal belongings are subject to search at any time. 5. No video cameras are allowed at the Prom. 6. Photos taken by photographer at Prom may be used in future PPS publications. 7. Students will not be permitted to enter the Prom after 8:30 p.m. 8. Students will not be permitted to go outside or visit the parking lot/parked cars. 9. Students who leave the Prom will not be permitted to return. 10. All students attending the Prom will undergo Passive Alcohol Screening. 11. The use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and/or other illegal substances are strictly prohibited by state law and school/district policy. 12. Any student found under the influence or appearing to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol or has the odor of alcohol will be subject to disciplinary action as defined by the Princeton Public Schools substance abuse policy. Parents/ guardians will be contacted in the event of a problem. Local police will be on site to assist with the smooth operation of the evening. 13. Disorderly persons will be removed from the premises. Parents/guardians will be contacted in the event of a problem. Local police will be on site to assist with the smooth operation of the evening. 14. Violations of school policy while at prom can result in loss of privileges, future opportunities, leadership positions, and severe disciplinary sanctions. 15. There are no refunds after 5/4/15. Pre-Prom Checklist In order to receive your Prom ticket(s), be sure to complete the following checklist: Pay any outstanding fines prior to purchasing your ticket. Fine lists will be posted outside the main office. Should you accumulate any other fines prior to the prom, your admittance may be denied. Students must serve outstanding detentions before being admitted to Prom. Seniors must order and pay for their graduation cap and gown before receiving their ticket. Make your payment of $90.00 per person by 5/4/15 ($100.00 per person after 5/4/15). Post prom payment may be included in the same check. Complete all the paperwork included in this packet including: FORM A - - REGISTRATION FORM (Mandatory) For all PHS Attendees FORM B - - OUTSIDE GUEST REGISTRATION FORM (If Applicable) For outside guests only FORM C - - POLICY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (Mandatory) FORM D - - PERMISSION FOR EARLY DISMISSAL (Optional) This privilege is ONLY for PHS students who are attending the Prom. FORM E - - SEATING/MEAL SELECTION (ONE PER GROUP) Complete tables consist of 12 people. If you submit an incomplete table or a table with more than 12 people, members of the table will be seated at the discretion of the Prom Coordinators. FORM PTO- - POST PROM REGISTRATION FORM (Optional) Submit this form with your $10 payment if you are interested in attending the PHS Post Prom. Attend mandatory prom meeting. Pick up your ticket. Attend school on Friday, May 22nd. Students who do not attend school until after the conclusion of period (1:13pm) will not be admitted to the Prom. Students requesting early dismissal must submit the early dismissal form even if there is a current senior privilege form on record. STUDENTS MUST SIGN OUT. 6th -- Form A-- PLEASE PRINT NEATLY PHS STUDENT REGISTRATION FORM (MUST be submitted for all PHS students attending Prom) Name: ________________________________________ Homeroom: ______________ Date of Birth: __________________________________ Grade: _________________ Student Contract 1. I will not consume alcoholic beverages or controlled substances before, during, or after the Prom 2. I understand and I will abide by the rules provided in this packet and in the PHS Handbook 3. I will complete all areas of the enclosed Pre-Prom Checklist prior to ticket purchase and attending prom Student Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____________ Parent Contract I understand the Prom rules and give my parental cooperation for the following: 1. I will not provide alcoholic beverages to students or their guests before Prom 2. No refunds are provided after May 1st 3. I understand that my son or daughter must attend school until 1:13 on the day of Prom. Students arriving late are ineligible for early dismissal 4. Prom is over at 11:00 pm 5. If my child needs to be picked up, I will pick them up. I give my permission for my son/daughter to attend the Prom. I give consent for the administration in charge to use their judgment in the application of first aid, securing medical aid, and securing ambulance services if deemed necessary. Police will be on site. If my son/daughter is found in breach of school policy, I understand he or she may need a medical examination, may be dismissed from Prom, and may have future consequences such as the loss of future or current leadership opportunities, privileges, or positions as well as other severe disciplinary sanctions. Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________ Date: ________________ Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Phone Number To Be Reached on Prom Night: ______________________________________ Alternate Emergency Contact: ____________________________________________________ Alternate Phone Number: __________________________________________________ Office Use Only: Check Name:______________________ #______ $ _______ Date:____________ A -- Form B-- PLEASE PRINT NEATLY OUTSIDE GUEST REGISTRATION FORM (MUST be submitted for all guests who do NOT attend PHS) Name of PHS Student Attending with: _________________________________________________ Name of Guest: _____________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________________ Grade: ________ High School: ____________________ Guest Contract 1. I will not consume alcoholic beverages or controlled substances before, during, or after the Prom. 2. I understand and I will abide by the rules provided in this packet and in the PHS Handbook. 3. I certify that I am under 21 years of age. 4. I will provide a photo ID upon request at check-in. Guest Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Parent Contract I understand the Prom rules and give my parental cooperation for the following: 1. I will not provide alcoholic beverages to students or their guests before Prom 2. No refunds are provided after May 1st 3. I understand that my son or daughter must be preapproved by PHS administration to attend the Prom 4. Prom is over at 11:00 pm 5. If my child needs to be picked up, I will pick them up I give my permission for my son/daughter to attend the Prom. I give consent for the administration in charge to use their judgment in the application of first aid, securing medical aid, and securing ambulance services if deemed necessary. Police will be on site. If my son/daughter is found in breach of school policy, I understand he or she may need a medical exam, may be dismissed from Prom, and may have future consequences such as the loss of future or current leadership opportunities, privileges, or positions as well as other severe disciplinary sanctions. Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________ Printed Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number To Be Reached on Prom Night: _________________________________________ Alternate Emergency Contact: _______________________________________________________ Alternate Phone Number: __________________________________________________ Office Use Only: Guest reviewed and approved by __________________________on ________________ B --Form C-- PLEASE PRINT NEATLY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF POLICY & PROCEDURES RELATED TO PHS PROM Princeton High School students attending Prom should be aware that all Princeton Public School policies and Princeton High School rules and procedures apply. Of specific concern are issues related to alcohol and/or drugs. In effort to deter the use of alcohol at dances and other school activities, BOE Policy 5530 allows for Passive Alcohol Sensors (PAS) to be used to screen attendees. PHS students attending school activities under the influence and/or in possession of alcohol or drugs are subject to all school sanctions as outlined in the PHS Student Handbook. Any student who refuses PAS screening will be denied entrance to the activity and the matter will be considered to have “raised suspicion” triggering mandatory testing under BOE Policy 5530. If PAS screening indicates the presence of alcohol, a second screening is conducted. If the student denied screening, the second screening is positive, or the student is suspected of being under the influence of drugs, parents are notified to pick up the student and take them to the nearest medical facility for a medical exam, breathalyzer, and urinalysis at parental expense. Police and medical involvement are possible as described in the handbook. It is expected that all attendees and their guests will act responsibly and demonstrate appropriate respectfulness to chaperones, Hyatt staff, and their classmates. Students who choose to bring a guest from another school understand that they are responsible for his/her escort’s understanding and adherence to PHS school rules and policies. All students are required to sign this letter indicating they have read and understand the policy. I, _________________________________, acknowledge and understand that Prom is Print Name a school event where all school rules apply. By choosing to attend Prom, I am agreeing to abide by all school and district policies and understand the consequences of violating these policies include: • 4-day suspension from school • loss of co-curricular activities/sports for 2 weeks • loss of current or future leadership positions • loss of parking privileges • other disciplinary sanctions ________________________________ Student Signature ________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature C (Must be signed even if student is 18 years old) --Form D-- PLEASE PRINT NEATLY PERMISSION FOR EARLY DISMISSAL Students must turn in this form to be eligible for early dismissal Prom is on Friday, May 22nd. On the day of the Prom students must report to school as usual. Students attending Prom who would like to leave school early to get ready for the prom may do so after 6th period provided they have filled out this form completely. This privilege is only for PHS students who are attending the Prom. On May 22, 2015 students MUST SIGN OUT of school outside the main office. Prom students leaving school earlier than the approved time OR leaving school without submitting this signed form are subject to the standard consequences as stated in the Princeton High School Handbook and can be denied admittance to the Prom. *Students who arrive late to school on May 22 are not eligible for early dismissal. I give my son/daughter, _____________________________, permission to leave school at 1:13 p.m. on Friday, May 22, 2015 because they will be attending the PHS Prom. ________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature (Must be signed even if student is 18 years old) _______________________________ Student Signature D --Form E-- PLEASE PRINT NEATLY SEATING/ MEAL SELECTION Seating Request: SUBMIT ONE LIST PER GROUP OF 12 PEOPLE. This list is a request only. Seating can be changed at the discretion of the Prom Coordinators. If you submit a list with more or less than 12 guests, the Prom Committee will make necessary changes. Make sure the people listed for your table have not already been listed at another table. Lists MUST BE legible. The list should be in ALPHABETICAL ORDER by last name. 12 GUESTS PER TABLE ____________________ Last Name ____________________ Last Name ____________________ Last Name ____________________ Last Name ____________________ Last Name ____________________ Last Name ____________________ Last Name ____________________ Last Name ____________________ Last Name ____________________ Last Name ____________________ Last Name ____________________ Last Name MEAL CHOICE Chicken Veggie Special Restriction _______________________ __________________ First Name Chicken Veggie Special Restriction _______________________ __________________ First Name Chicken Veggie Special Restriction _______________________ __________________ First Name Chicken Veggie Special Restriction _______________________ __________________ First Name Chicken Veggie Special Restriction _______________________ __________________ First Name Chicken Veggie Special Restriction _______________________ __________________ First Name Chicken Veggie Special Restriction _______________________ __________________ First Name Chicken Veggie Special Restriction _______________________ __________________ First Name Chicken Veggie Special Restriction _______________________ __________________ First Name Chicken Veggie Special Restriction _______________________ __________________ First Name Chicken Veggie Special Restriction _______________________ __________________ First Name Chicken Veggie Special Restriction _______________________ __________________ First Name E --Form PTO-- PLEASE PRINT NEATLY POST-PROM REGISTRATION FORM PHS Post Prom Info Date: May 22, 2015 Time: 11:30pm - 2:00am Price: $10 per person Includes: Activities, food, prizes and school bus transportation from the prom to PHS. MUST RESERVE IN ADVANCE!!! Please fill out the form below and return to Mrs. Lygas in guidance with your payment. All PHS Juniors and Seniors and their guests are invited. You do not need to attend the prom to attend the post-prom. NO WALK-INS WILL BE PERMITTED. You may add the $10 per person fee to your prom payment or make a separate check payable to PHS. Name ______________________________________ Grade ___________________ Yes, I would like to attend the PHS Post Prom. I understand that all rules that govern PHS prom apply to post prom. PTO
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