Home Of e Whalers - Port Hardy Secondary School

PO Box 27
9350 Granville St
Port Hardy, BC
V0N 2P0
Home Of The Whalers
April 2015
Volume 15 Issue 6
Upcoming Events
Early Dismissal—1:50pm
Interviews—7:00pm in
the gym
School-Based Pro-D Day
Victoria Day
I Reports Mailed Home
for students who have
<50% in a class
Graduation Day
19-24 Provincial Exams
Year-End Awards
Last day of classes for all
School closed
Reports Mailed Home
Port Hardy Secondary now has a
FaceBook page. Check us out and
“like” our page to receive
notifications about PHSS.
Principal’s Message
I’m proud to report that staff at
PHSS are working together in
professional learning communities
to look at current practice and
how to bring about improvement
in student learning. Next time
you’re talking with a PHSS staff
member, ask them about what
their professional learning collaborative group is exploring. They
have a lot to say.
The PHSS Parent Advisory Committee is
always looking for parents to participate in
meetings and other activities
around the school. If you are interested in coming to a PAC meeting,
please feel free to join us. No commitment necessary.
We’re continuing to have parent
-teacher interviews in the school
and outside of the building. Please
join us so that together we can
discuss best educational practices
that will help your son/daughter
thrive in our educational setting.
At PHSS we’re exploring course
offerings that will allow students
to gain practical experience in the
trades and in trades-related courses. A limited number of interested
students will have the opportunity
to complete WHMIS training,
First Aid training and FoodSafe
training in May. Enrolment is
limited to eighteen students for
each course. More details will be
available as the planning for the
courses nears completion.
Lauren Deadman
250-949-7443 ext. 3222
Next Meeting: May 12th
@7pm in the Library
ParentParent -StudentStudent -Teacher
Interviews /
Early Dismissal
On Thursday, April 30th, we will
be conducting parent-studentteacher interviews from 7:00 - 8:30
in the PHSS gym. To facilitate this,
we will have early dismissal that day
at 1:50. The block schedule will be
as follows:
8:50 - 9:55 — D Block
10:00 - 11:05 — A Block
11:05 - 11:30 — Break
11:35 - 12:40 — B Block
12:45 - 1:50 — C Block
April 2015
Volume 15 Issue 6
Science & Biology Field Trip
ViceVice -Principal’s Message
The North Island provides great opportunities for our
students to engage with the environment in the course of
their learning. Science and Biology classes enjoy the
opportunity for experiential learning in the natural setting.
Here students from both PHSS and NISS are learning
traditional uses of native plants. Other topics explored on
these field trips are
ecological relationships
succession in plant
communities, taxonomy,
and sustainable resource
use. Luckily, the weather
often cooperates to make
the event enjoyable as well
as informative.
The end of Term 3… TERM 3!!!
I was just speaking with a couple of
Grade 12 students, remarking that
they’re in the last 9 weeks before
“the real world kicks in…”
As of April 20, there are 9 weeks
left in this school year—a little better than a quarter remaining in this
truncated education frame. What’s
on the horizon for PHSS during
this time? A lot:
ICBC Road Sense Distracted
Driving Presentation;
Roots of Respect Presentation
for Junior students;
PHSS Drama Department
District Elementary Track and
Field Meet at PHSS;
PHSS Graduation Ceremonies
and Dry Grad, June 13;
PHSS Yes2It Transition activities day for Grade 7 students;
PHSS Awards Presentations.
Reading and Writing Support for All Students
As the learning improvement teacher, Ms. Johnson is working to support
readers and writers in all the grades. At the next parent teacher interview
night, Ms. Johnson can share with parents and guardians samples of
students’ writing in grades 8 and 9. She can also discuss the reading levels of
these students. Why is this information important? It allows for parents,
students and teachers to work together to improve these skills at all levels,
whether the students are struggling or advanced for their age. Ms. Johnson
will be able to answer the question, “Where to next?” for many of our
learners. She will also have available resources that are useful to parents and
students. Some of the materials that she will have at the interviews include:
• Grade 8 and 9 students’ writing samples;
• Grade 8 and 9 reading levels;
• An ultimate library list of books from The Book Whisperer;
• Authors teens may enjoy;
• Bookmarks students can use to
record new vocabulary;
• Useful word lists;
• Suggestions for dealing with
content reading;
• Roots, prefixes and suffixes
recognition as recommended by
Kylene Beers;
• Reading and writing strategies for students taking Provincial Exams;
• A list of helpful online resources.
Here is one website link to start with as summer approaches.
And CONGRATS! to our PHSS Jr
Girls Soccer team who are currently
putting together an impressive run
in advance of the Island and Provincial Championships. You make
us proud!
Frank MacLean
ViceVice -Principal
250-949-7443 ext. 3223