PHY 3003 SPRING 2015: SOLUTIONS, PROBLEM SET 10 (1) 10.6 The mass is b Z Z 2 M= r dr dcos(θ)dφρ = a so 2πρ 3 b − a3 3 3M 2π (b3 − a3 ) The center of mass must by symmetry be along the line X = Y = 0 so Z b Z 3 b4 − a4 πρ 4 ρ r2 dr dcos(θ)dφ rcosθ = b − a4 = ZCOM = M a 4M 8 b3 − a3 ρ= When a = 0 we get 3b/8 and when a → b we get 3b/4. (2) 10.12 √ The coordinates of the √ √ corners of the triangle in the x−y plane are (−a, −a/ 3), (a, −a/ 3) and (0, 2a/ 3). Assume the height of√the prism is b Thus the equation for say the left side of the triangle is y = − √a3 + 3(x + a) so that 0 Z M = 2ρb Z √ − √a + 3(x+a) 3 dx −a 0 Z dx = 2ρb dy − √a 3 √ √ 3(x + a) = 3ρ ba2 −a (This shows we got the limits of integration right!) Now Z 0 Izz = 2ρb Z √ − √a + 3(x+a) 3 dx −a dy x2 + y 2 − √a 3 1 √ 3 0 √ 2 = 2ρb dx x 3(x + a) + 3(x + a) 3 −a Z 0 √ 2M a2 2ρ = 2 3ρ b dxx2 (x + a) + (x + a)3 = √ ba4 = 3 3 −a Z The two products of inertia for rotations about the z axis must be zero because for rotations about z the symmetry is high enough that the angular momentum is parallel to z. Put differently, the center of mass is obviously on the z axis. 1 2 PHY 3003 SPRING 2015: SOLUTIONS, PROBLEM SET 10 (3) 10.18 (a) Change in angular momentum about pivot is the impulsive torque about the pivot, in other words ∆L = ∆T = ξb This implies the angular velocity is ω = ∆L/I = ξb/I which means that the velocity of the center of mass is Vcom = aω so the center of mass momentum PCOM = M aξb/I (b) Now, the total angular momentum is the sum of the angular momentum obtained by treating the system as a point particle rotating about the center of mass plus the angular momentum of rotation about the center of mass. Thus the angular momentum of rotation about the center of mass is Lrot = ξb − M a2 ξb Because the system is fixed at the pivot point, it is not actually rotating about the center of mass immediately after the impulse, thus the pivot must deliver the impulse needed to cancel Lrot , i.e. must deliver the impulsive torque Tpivot = −Lrot = ξb M a2 −1 I To get the force, divide by the distance to the COM, a. (c) The sweet spot is thus r b0 = I M (4) 10.22 (a) Let m be the mass of one of the vertices. Choose coordinates so that the corner about which we wish to find the inertia tensor is the origin and the other 7 points are at ~ 1 = aˆ R x ~ 2 = a (ˆ R x + yˆ) ~ 3 = aˆ R y ~ 4 = aˆ R z ~ R5 = a (ˆ x + zˆ) ~ 6 = a (ˆ R x + yˆ + zˆ) ~ 7 = a (ˆ R y + zˆ) PHY 3003 SPRING 2015: SOLUTIONS, PROBLEM SET 10 3 so that Ixx = 8ma2 Iyy = 8ma2 Izz = 8ma2 Ixy = −2ma2 Ixz = −2ma2 Iyz = −2ma2 (b) About cube center all of the off diagonal elements are zero by symmetry and 2 also by symmetry the diagonal elements are equal, with I = 8m a2 = 4ma2 . (5) 10.32 The diagonal components of the inertia tensor (in any basis) are Z 0 Izz = d3 r ρ(r) x2 + y 2 while Z Ixx + Iyy = 0 d3 r ρ(r) y 2 + z 2 + x2 + z 2 = int0 d3 r ρ(r) x2 + y 2 + 2z 2 ≥ Izz Note that this inequality holds in any basis, and thus holds in particular in the basis in which the inertia tensor is diagonal. Equality occurs only for a “pancake” (no extension in the z direction). (6) 10.36 Note that the problem does not specify the origin. We will compute the moment of inertia about the origin. Ixx = ma2 (0 + 5 + 5) = 10ma2 Iyy = ma2 (1 + 4 + 1) = 6ma2 Izz = ma2 (1 + 4 + 1) = 6ma2 Ixy = −ma2 (0 + 0 + 0) Ixz = −ma2 (0 + 0 + 0) Iyz = ma2 (0 + 2 + 2) = −4ma2 or 10 0 0 6 −4 I = ma2 0 0 −4 6 4 PHY 3003 SPRING 2015: SOLUTIONS, PROBLEM SET 10 The principal axes are e1 = x ˆ 1 y + zˆ) e2 = √ (ˆ 2 1 e3 = √ (ˆ y − zˆ) 2 and in this basis the matrix is 10 0 0 I = ma2 0 2 0 0 0 10
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