INTRODUCTION TO ATOMIC SPECTRA BY HARVEY ELLIOTT WHITE, PH.D. A ssi stant P rofessor of Phueics , at th e University of Califo rnia McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INc. NEW YORK AND 1934 LONDON CHAPTER X ZEEMAN EFFECT AND THE PASCHEN -BACK EFFECT 10.1. Early Discoveries and De velopments.- I n t he year 1896 Zeeman 1 discovered t hat when a sodium flam e is placed between t he poles of a powerful elect romagnet t he t wo lines of t he first principal doublet are considerably broadened. Lorentz pointed out t hat t his phenomenon is in harmony with t he electron t heo ry of mat t er and radiati on proposed by him self. H e predicted from t heoretica l considerations t hat t he light from t hese lines should be polariz ed by t he magn eti c field , circularly polarized if viewed in a dir ection parallel to t he lines of for ce, and plane polariz ed if viewed at ri ght angles to t he field. These predictions were later verified by Zeeman by mean s of Nicol pri sms as analyzers. It has been shown fr om t he simple classical t heory of Loren tz t hat, if a ligh t source be placed in a magnetic field , t he moti ons of t he elect rons should be modified in such a way as to cha nge t heir periods of motion. In t he simple case of an electron movin g in a circular orbit, t he plan e of which is normal to t he field dir ecti on H , t he electron will be speeded up or slowed down by an amount which depends up on t he magnetic field strength H , t he ma ss and charge on t he electron, and t he velocity of ligh t. 1r. class ical treatment of t his pr oblem shows t hat if 1'0 represents t he orbit al frequen cy of t he electron wit hout field , t he frequency in t he pr esence of a field will be given by 1'0 ± ~ v, where [see Eqs. (3.50) and (3.59)] ~l' eH = --. 411"mc (10.1) If t he field is normal t o and up from t his page of t he book, t hen electrons moving in a counterclockwise dir ection in t he plane of t he paper are speeded up by an amo unt ~v and t hose movin g in a clockwise direction are slowed down by the same amount . It will now be shown how t hese modified mo ti ons have been employed in giving a classical explanation of t he normal Zeeman effect . In the following explan ation we are concerned with an ass embly of electrons mo ving in orbit s oriented at random in space. We start by selecting one of these orbits and resolve t he motion into t hree components along three mutually perpendicular axes (see Fig. The 1 ZEEMAN , P. , Phil. Mag. , 6, 43, 226, 1897. 149 150 [CH AP. X I NTROD UCTION TO A T OM IC S PEC T RA m oti on of the electro n is her e pictured as consisting of three sim pleharmonic mo tion s, one along the x axis, one along the y axi s, and on e along the z axi s. When this resolution is repeated for all of the electrons, the average am plitude of all the motions along each axi s will be t he same . If n ow, in t he absence of a field , t he electrons are em itting light an d we obse rve t he radia tion in t he x directi on, onl y t he ligh t from t he y and z motions will be observed . Sin ce t hese motion s a re proj ections fr om all orien tations , t his ligh t will be unp olarized. Thus, in t h e a bsenc e of a field, the light observed in any direction is unpolarized. y y y • (cJ (0) (d) Y--H-- - X z y It--* , *I --X Z )C---+-- X =Ef1=. j · +·;i=s (e) ~ (A) e -l'- 5 liJ 5 (5) FIG . ID.I.- S ch cm a ti c d iagrams for t he classical explanation of t he no r mal Zeeman e ffect . If now we return to Fig., which represen t s t he t hree h armoni c compo nents of a single orbital electron, a nd apply a magne tic field in t he directi on of t he z axis, t he x a nd y motions will be modified a nd t he z m otion will rem ain unchanged. M oving t ransvers ely to t he field, t he x a nd y mo tions will take the form of ro settes as shown in Fig. 1 This is t he same t y pe of motion as one en counter s in t he Faraday effect . These ap pare ntly com plex motions ca n be described to be t ter advantage in terms of circ ular motions somew hat as follo ws. The sim pleharm oni c motion giv en by t he y com pone nt of Fig., for example, is eq uivalent to t he resultant of t wo equal but opposit e circ ula r mo tions y+ an d y- as show n in Fig. Simil arly t he x com ponen t ca n be represented by t wo opposite circ ular motions x+ and x-. When the field is applied, t he x+ and u" rot ations will be speeded up by a n a mount t111 [see Eq. (10.1)] and t he x- a nd y- ro t a ti ons will be slowed down by t he sa me amo unt. (T he faster x+ mo ti on combine d with t he slower xm otion results in F ig. The x+ an d y+ mo tions and t he x- a nd y1 The electrons are he re movi ng at right angles to t he field , and t hey t he refo re expe rience a force at righ t ang les to their moti on t he directi on of wh ich dep ends upon the directi on of t he field and t he direction of t he motion. SEC. 10.1] ZE E M A N EFFECT AND T HE PASCHEN-BACK EFFECT 15 1 motions are now com bined, as shown in Fig. IO.ld, t o form plus and m inus re sultant s. Thus t he m otion of a single electro n in a magnetic field is repr esent ed by a lin ear motion along t he field direction wit h unchanged frequency Po and two circular motions at right angles to t his, one with the freq uency Po + ~P and the other with frequency Po ~P. On summing up such motions for all of the electrons, the resu lt will be the same as if one -third of t he electrons are moving with unchanged freq uency along t he z axis, one-third moving with a counterclockwise circ ular motion norm al to z of frequ ency Po + ~P, an d t he other t hird moving with clockwise circ ula r motion normal to z of frequency Po ~ P (see Fig. IO.le) . We are now interested in t he nature of t he light t hat should classically be radiated from these motions. Whe n viewed in t he direction of t he field , only t he circula r motions are observe d and t hese as right- and left-handed circularly polarized light (F ig. IO.IE). Since light is a transverse wave motion, t he z motions will not emit ligh t in t he field direct ion . When viewe d perp endicular to t he field, t he z motions are observed as plane-polarized light with the electric vector vibrating parallel to the field, and the circular motions, seen edge on, are observed as plane-p olarized light with the electric vector at right angles to t he field. A spectrum lin e vie wed normal to H sho uld therefore reveal t hree plane-polarized components (see F ig. IO.I A), a center u nshi ft ed line and two othe r lines eq ua lly displ aced one on either side. This is called a normal tri plet. T he abbreviation p stands for a vibration parallel to the field and s (senkrecht) stands for a vibration normal to t he field, T he experimen t al agreement with the dire ction of rotation of the circ ularly polarized components is proo f that the radiation is due to moving negative electric cha rges . In Zeeman's early inv estigations he was not able to split any lines int o doubl et s or triplets, but he did find t hat t hey were widened and t hat t heir outside edges were polarized as predi cted . H e was later able to photograph the two outer components of lines in a number of the elements, Zn, Cu, Cd, and Sn, by cutting out the p components with a Nicol pr ism. P rest on ! using greater dispersion and reso lving power was able to show not only t hat certain lines were split u p into triplets when viewed perpendicular to t he field, bu t t hat ot hers were split int o as many as four and eve n six components (see Fig. 10. 2a). He also point ed out that the pattern of all lines (usually called Z eeman patterns) belonging to the same series of spe ctrum lines was t he same and was .characteristic of that series. This is now know n as Pr eston' s law. With Prest on 's law firml y established, t he Zeem an effect has been , and still is, a powerful too l in spectrum analysis . 1 PRE ST ON , T. , P hil . Maa.. 46, 325, 1898. 152 I NTROD UCTION TO A T OM IC S PEC T RA [C HAP. X From Lorentz 's classical trea tment of t he Zeeman effect (F ig. 10.1) t he shift AI' of t he s components from t he un shifted p comp onent (see E q . 10.1) is given by He AI' = - = 4.67 X 10- 5 • H cm- 1 = L cm- 1 , 471'"mc 2 (10. 1a) where AI' is in wav e numbers, H is t he field in gauss, c is t he velocity of light , and e is t he cha rge on t he electron in electrostatic uni ts. Zee- .. I i II I .. . -, 8 Wove-Lengths ..,p ~ l, I' 'r~I I', II' , ~ :::0 oo::t". . _ - ---_._-_ <D ;:0 ~ IIId ~ IIl! I I II " I p ! Zeemon Effect In . :0 -e-- - --...".. II I 1\,I 'I P I , , -Ii ~ ; p , the Chromium Spectr um FIG. l O.2a. - Anom alous Zeem a n effect as observed in t he neutral spectrum of ch ro mi u m. (A f ter Babcock.) Zinc Singl et Sodium Principal Doublet No field Weak f ield l....1...J Nor ma l T r ip let L...L..J Anomalo us L....L.....J Patterns Zinc Sharp Trl ple+ No f ield WeClk field L...l-J l..-L-J l-J-l Anoma lous PaHerns FIG. 1O.2b.- N or mal and anomalous Zeem an effect. field. Viewed pe rpen dic ula r to t he m agn et ic man pat terns showing just t hr ee lines with exactly t hese separations . are called normal triplets. All other line groups, as, for example, t he complex pa t terns obser ved in t he chromium spect ru m (see Fig. 10.2a), SEC. ZEEMA N EFFECT AND THE P A SCHEN-BA CK EFFECT 10.21 153 a re said to exhibit t he anomalous Z eeman effect. One of t he mo st important of t he early in vestiga tions of t he ano malous Zeem an effect was ca rried ou t by Paschen and Runge." Each member of t he principal seriesof sodium, copper, and silv er wa s observed t o have 10 components as shown in F ig. 10.2b. The sh arp-series t riplets in mercury are still more complicated, the strongest lin e in each triplet having nine components, the middle line six, and t he weakest line only t hree. This last line does not form a normal triplet since it h as twice the nor mal separation. P:--1.----~---+----r- I I I I 5 P:-r-..-I~ 5 I }~~~m 3 p- 3 S I I I , -0 I I I I I I I 0 I P:--T-y----r---'---'---.L-.j-,.-..--) 5 I I I , - 0 +CI I I 'I P I P:-----r---L.--.--5 I 5 I o I I I I I I' +0 I I I 5,---- -.'- -"-- "'T1-'" - Normal Tri plet Nor mal Triplet FIG. l O.3 .- Sch em a t ic r epresen t a t ion of anomalous Zeem a n patterns vi ew ed pe rpe n dic u la r to t he field and showing polari zation (p-components above and s-components be lo w) . r ela t ive in t ensi ti es (h eig hts of lin es) . a nd in terv al s (dot t ed lin es) . In 1907 Runge made an import ant contribution t o a t heo re tical explanation of the anomalous Zeeman effect by announcing that all known pat terns-could be expressed as rational multiples of the n ormaltriplet sepa rations . If, for exa mple, L represen t s t he shift of t he s componen t s from t he unshif t ed line, as given by Loren tz's formula, t hen t he princip al- or sharp-series doublet s (see Fig. 10.3) m ay be expressed as ± i L, ±tL ±lL, ± ! L, ± %L 28i - 2P i, 281 _ 2P~ , and the principal- or shar p-series triplet s a re express ed as 81 81 38 1 3 3 - 3P 2 , 3P 1, 3P O, 0, ±!L ± l L ± ! L ± -! L ± !L ± tL 0, ± t L. ± ~L t his is now known as Runge's law. 10.2 . The Vector Model of a One-elec tron Sys tem in a Weak M ag n etic Field.-Soon afte r t he discovery of t he a nomalous Zeeman effect 1 P ASCH E N , 3. 441. 1902. F ., an d C. R UN GE , Astrophy s. J our., 16, 235, 333, 1902; Phys. Z eits., 154 INTROD UCTION TO ATOMIC S PEC T RA [CHAP. X came the development of the Lande vector model of the atom and the calculat ion of t he famous Lande g factor . The accuracy with whi ch t his model, with it s empirical rules, accounted for all observed Zeeman pat terns, and predi cted others which were later verified, is one of t he No Field Weak Field ~-----m=t _.2 Z FIG . l OA .- Split ting u p of an ene rg y lev el in a weak m a gn eti c field. drawn for t he case wh er e j = ~ . This figure is marve ls of scientific history. With t he adv ent of t he spinning electro n, and later t he qu an tum mechani cs, Lande's vector model gave way to a more satisfactory and, at t he same t ime , a simpler semiclassica l model. It is with t his simplified model and its adequate account of t he Zeeman effect t hat we are concerne d in t his cha pt er. Experimentally it is obse rve d that in a weak field each spectrum line is split up into a number of com ponents forming a symmetrical Zeeman pattern, and t hat, in general, t he wid th of any give n pattern is no t greatly different from that of a normal t riplet . Theoretically t his effect is at t ributed to a splitting up of t he energy levels s* into a number of pr edetermined FIG. 1O.5. -C lassica l p recession of a single valen ce ele ct ron around t he field equ ally space d levels (see F ig. 10.4). d irection H . T ransiti ons betw een t wo sets of t hese levels, subject t o certain selection and intensity rules, give rise to t he observed spect ra l frequencies . Before at tempting a calculation of t hese Zeeman level s it is well t hat we formulate some picture of t he atom in t erms of t he semiclass ica l model. In Fig. 8.8, we have seen t hat t he orbit al an gular-momentum vector l* and the spin angular-momentum vecto r s* precess with uniform speed around their resultant j *. Wh en t he atom is placed in a weak magneti c field, t he magneti c moment }J.j associated with t he total mec ha nical moment Pt = j *hj 21r causes t he atom to pr ecess like a to p ar ound SEC. 10.3) ZEEMAN EFFECT AND 1'HE PASCHEN-BACK EFFECT 155 the field direction H (see Fig. 10.5). The qua ntum conditions imposed upon this motion (see Sec. 9.6) are t hat the projection of the angula r momentum j *h/27r on the field direction H will take only t hose values given by mh/27r, where m ±!, ±1, ±t . . . ,±j. In other words t he projection of j* on H takes half-int egral va lues fr om + j to - j only . T he discret e orientations of t he atom in space, and t he small change in energy due to t he precession, give rise to t he various discrete Zeeman levels. While the number of t hese levels is determ ined by the mechanical moment j *h/27r, t he ma gnitude of j* t he sepa rations is determined by t he , field strengt h H and the magneti c / '>. moment u. In field-fr ee space an energy /1 ", level is defined by t he three quantum ~:'- 7r-<.- - - - - - , 1* numbers n, I, and i- In a weak magne"7- -t ic field an additional orfourth quantum * ~A~\ _~ number m is necessary to define the S - . \ ._ _ state. '" \ 10.3. The Magnetic Moment of a " Bound Electron.- To determine the / 1 ~, magnitude of t he separations between / 1,'1\" ///! 1\ " ' , Zeeman levels, it is essential t hat we // 1 ' I \ , " / 1' 1 \ \ " first det ermine t he t otal magnetic / 11 I' 1 \ '' " " / moment of t he atom. In t he simplest / ~\ I I -J \ , " / {:-- -: ..... 1- -\ - - \ ', case to be considered here t he atom I- - - ---':::-T=-=F~-'\ ~- - - -~ core and nucleus will be ass umed to --- - - - --;""-_ J L _ _ -- --I ,I ', " II- \\ / have zero magnetic and mechanical I moments so that any moments attriJ I' , \ / / I ' \ I buted to the atom mu st be assigned J II ', ' \~\ I / I to a single valence electron. Later it I 1- - - -<- >:L1 - - - - , :,u. will be shown where t hese assumptions --- - ::uT >--- Is are justified. FIG. lO.6.- Vector m od el sho win g According t o t he classical t heory, t h e m a gn e ti c an d m echani cal m oments the ratio between t he magneti c and of a sin gle valen ce ele ct ro n . mec hanical moment s of an electron in an orbit [see Eq. (3.52)] is given by , ).1.1 e PI = 2mc' (10 .2) J ust a s observations of the fine structure of spectrum lines show that the mechanical moment of t he spinning electron is given by s*h/27r , where s* = V s(s + 1) and s = ! , so the anomalo us Zeeman effect shows that t he ratio betw een t he magnetic and mechanical moments for the spinning electron is just t wice that for the orbital-motion, i. e., ).I.. p. = 2_ e_ . 2mc (10.3) 156 I NTROD UCTION TO A T OM IC SPEC T RA [C HAP. X This result has also been der ived t heo retically on t he qu antum me chanics (see C hap. IX). A schematic vector di agram of t he magn eti c and mech anical moments is shown in Fig. 10.6. H ere it is seen t hat t he resul t ant magneti c mo me nt 1J. 1•• is not in lin e with t he resul t ant mechanical mo me nt j* h/ 27r. Since t he resul t an t mechanica l mom ent is in varian t, 1*, s*, 1J. 1, IJ.. , and 1J. 1•• precess around j*. As a resul t of t his precession, only t he com ponent of 1J. 1•• parallel to j* contributes to t he magn eti c moment of t he atom. This may be seen by resolvin g 1J. 1•• in to t wo compone nts, one parallel to j * and t he other perp endicular. The perpendicular com pone nt, owing to t he continual change in dir ecti on, will average out t o zero . The parallel com pone nt lJ.i may be evaluat ed as follows: By Eqs. (10.2) and (10.3) IJ. I and IJ.. ar e give n as IJ. I h e ergs - -and 27r 2me gauss = 1*- ' - h e erg s - - ' 27r 2me gauss' = 2· s*_ · - IJ.. (10.4) and t he ir com pone nts along j* are given as Component . Component h 2~ cos (l*j *) 7r me h e = 2· s*2 . -2 cos (s*j* ). 7r me IJ.l JI. . = 1*2 . (10.5 ) Adding t hese, we obtain IJ." 1 = [1* cos (l*j *) + 2s* cos (s*j*)]~ . _ c_ . 27r 2me (10.6) Since t he last t wo fact ors in t his equation are equivalent t o one Bohr magneton [see Eq. (3.57)], t he qua ntity det ermined by t he bracket gives t he total magneti c mo me nt of t he atom i~ Bohr magn et on s. . This bracket term is readily evaluated by setting it equal to j* t imes a constant g, j * . g = 1* cos (l*j *) + 2s* cos (s*j*) . (10.7) Making use of the vector mod el and t he cosine law t hat S*2 = 1*2 + j*2 - we obt ain 21*j * cos (l*j*) , 1* cos (l*j* ) j* 2 + 1*2 _ S*2 2j * . s* cos (s*j*) j *2 _ 1*2 2j * Simila rly, + S*2 Substi tuting t hese t wo cosines in E q. (10.7), :we get j *2 S*2 - 1*2 g = 1+ 2j*2 ; + • (10.8 ) (10.9) (10.10) (10.11) SEC. lOA]' ZEEMAN EFFECT AND THE PASCHEN-BACK EFFECT in terms of the quantum numbers land j and the spin = g 1 + j(j + 1) + 8 (8 + 1) 2j(j + 1) l(l 157 8, + 1). (10.12) The importance of t his g factor cannot be overemphasized, for it gives directly t he re lative separations of t he Zeem an levels for t he differe nt terms.! We shall now see how this comes about. 10.4. Magnetic Interaction Energy.- By Eqs. (10.6) and (10.7) the ratio between the total magnetic and mechanical moments of the atom, J.L j and Ph is just J.L j Pi = e g . 2mcf (10.13) where Pt = j*h /271".2 The precession of j * around H is the result of a torque acting on both l* and 8 *. Due to the electron's anomalous sp in magnetic moment, 8* tends to precess twice as fast around H as does l*. If t he field is not too strong, the coupling between l* and 8* is sufficiently strong to maintain a constant j*, so that this resultant precesses with a compromise angular velocity, by Larmor's theorem [Eq. (3.58) ], given by g times the orbital precession angular velocity w L = e Hg- · 2mc (10.14) The t otal energy of the precession is given by the precessional angular ve locity WL times the component of the res ultant me chanical moment j* h/271" on t he ax is of rotation H: 3 LlW = :Lj*~ cos 271" (j*H) = u . g_e _j*~ cos 2mc 271" (j*H ). (10.15) 1 The values of g giv en by Eq. (10.12) are exactly the same as those given by Lande's model. 2 In any expe riment lik e the St ern-G erla ch experimen t (Z eits. f . Phy s., 8, 110, 1922), performed for t he purpose of det ermining the magneti c a nd mechanical mom ent of the a tom, the moments J1. j a nd Pi a re ori ented at some a ngle with the field just as in the Zeeman effect (see Fig. 10.7). Wh at on e m easures in t his exp eriment is the component J1. of the resultant magneti c moment along H. By theory we say the component of J1. j will be J1. = J1.j cos (j *H ), and th e component of j*h/27r along H will be mh/27r, where m takes values differing from each other by unity from m = +j to m = - [ , 3 The magnetic energy can be considered as the energy of a permanent m agn et of moment J1., at an angle 6, in the field H , or as th e added kin eti c ene rgy of the elect ron's orbital mo tion. If , in the ca se of a cir cular orbit normal to th e field , E represents the kinetic energy before the field is applied , and E' = H (w W L ) 2 the kinet ic energy after, then t he change in energy is ju st t;E = E' - E = Vwl IwwL. Since the added field does not change t he size of th e orbit, I remains cons t ant . With w > > WL, the first t erm is negligibly small and the ene rgy change is given by the product of the me chanical moment, I w = j*h/27r, and W L . + + 158 I NTROD UCTION TO A T OM IC S PEC T RA [CHAP. X In terms of the magnetic quantum number m, j *h/211" . cos (j *H) is just equal to mh/211", so t hat! e h eh 6.W = H· g'm' - = m ' g ' H - - · 2mc 211" 411"mc (10.16) Dividing by he, the in teraction energy in wave numbers becomes 6.W - -6.T he - = He 411"mc- m . g . - - ., em- i. (10.17) With g = 1 t his equation redu ces to Loren tz 's class ical formula [Eq. (10.1)]. Sin ce t he field H is t he sa me for all levels of a given atom, it is convenient to express the Zeeman splitting in te rms of what may be called the Lorentz unit, L = He/47l"mc2 , and writ e simply - 6.T = m . g . L cm-l. (10.18) It should be emphasized t hat 6.T is t he cha nge in energy for each m level from t he original level, and t hat the shift is proporti onal to t he field st rengt h H. Wi th m = ±t, ± ~, ±t, . . . , ±j , t he g factor is seen t o be of primar y import an ce in t he splitting of eac h level. Valu es of t he g fa ctor for doublets are given in Table 10.1 and, along with t hem, values of t he corresponding splitting fact ors mg. T AB L E ID.l.- T H E LANDi: g FACTORS AND THE SPLlTTiN G FACTORS mg FOR D O U B L E T TERMS l T erm D 2S! 2P ! mg g ~ ±I 1 I i i H 2P ~ 2D , 2D i t ± i, H 2 t 3 2F i 2Fi 4 2G i 2G, l ~ i JjjQ. ±i, H ±! , ±!, ±\Il. \ _ "7, ±~, ±J.f + ± }, ±¥, ±1,}l, ±~, ±J§~, ±i, ±V, ±~" -., ±.2j, ± -2l ±~Jf, + "" ±~Il. Con sid er, for example, t he splitting of a 2p , level in a weak m agne ti c field. With j = i , t here are four magneti c levels m = t , t, - t , and i , shifted from the field-free level by mq = t, i , -t, and -t- A gra ph ical 1 with Here tn, t he magnetic quantum number in the numerator, must not be confused tn, the mass (If t he electron in the denom inator. SEC. 10 .5] ZE E M A N EFFECT AND THE PA SCHEN-B A CK EFFECT 159 represen tati on of t his splitting is shown in Fig. 10.7, where t he vect or j * is shown in t he four allowed positions. Multiplying by g and project ing t he pr oduct on t he H axis, the displacem ents mg shown at the left are obtained. R eferring now to t he spip-orbit in t er acti on energy [Eqs. (8.17) and (8.20)], wh ich gives rise to t he doublet fine structure, and to t he eq uation r H --- mg = ~ -----4 3" 4 3" 6 -3- - - - ---_..- "' ,- FIG . 1O.7.-Sehematie orientation diagram of an atom in a 2PI state showing t he resul t a n t Zeem an levels in a weak magnetic field . just derived fr om t he Zeeman splitting, t he complete te rm value T of . any magnetic level may be wr itten T = To - r - mg . L . (10.19) T o is t he te rm value of t he hy potheti cal center of gravit y of t he field-free doublet , r is t he fine-structure shift , and mg . L is t he m agneti c shift . 10.5. Selection Rules.- As an exam ple of t he calculati on of Zeeman pat t erns, conside r t he simple case of a princip al-seri es doublet lik e the sodium ye llow D lin es XA5890 and 5896. The g fact ors for t he ini ti al 2P i and 2P I states and for t he final 28 i state (see T abl e 10.1) are j, J, and 2, respecti vely . The splitting of eac h of t hese levels is shown schematically in F ig. 10.8, starting with t he field-free levels at t he left . The dot t ed lin es in eac h case represent t he centers of gravity of the associated levels. The t heo retical selection rules for t ra nsit ions betwe en levels, in agreement with observations, may be stated as follows: I n any transition. the magnetic quan tum number m charujes by + 1, 0, or -1 , i .e., L'J.m = 0, ± l. (10.20) For the stronger of t he t wo field-free line s t here are six allowed t ra nsitions and tw o forbidden t ransit ions . F or the other line there ar e four 160 I N T R ODUCT IO N TO ATOMIC SPECTRA [CHAP . X allowed transit ions . T he obse rved and ca lculated patterns a re shown at the bot tom of t he figure. Polarizati on rul es der ived fr om the classical t heo ry as well as t he qu ant um mechanics are found to hold experime ntally . These rul es may be stated in t he followin g way : {t.m Sm. Viewed II t o field {t.m V' d t fi ld iew e .1 0 e = = = Sm = ± 1; plan e polariz ed 0; plan e polariz ed .1 to H ; s com pone nts II to H ; p com pone nts ecom pone nts ± 1; circ~larly polarized; 0; forbidden : p com pone nts 10.6. Intensity Rules.- T he in t ensity rules for field -fr ee ene rgy levels, first deri ved fro m experime ntal obse rvations by Burger , Dorgelo, 6 I 2 P31. · ,2 1/ r . ah --2-- --8-- (::- \' To- - - - ,:.- - - - - - - \ \ '. PY2 ---- - -- - - - - -- - - 6 \ 2 2 8 I r · -" .'----~:-( - - - - / - - - - - - - - - - - 4- '4 4 - 4 mg 1'2 % % -);2 - 2;3 12 - 93 liz >3 :.. V 2 - 1'3 1 -- - - --- - m ~2 liz - - P s - 1'2 ' \ Calc ( Obs F IG. 1O.8 .- Zeeman effec t of a principal-series doublet, and Ornst ein (see Sec. 8.3) are readily sh own t o follow directly from the int ensit y rules for t he same levels in a weak magnetic field . In short t hese rul es may be stated as follows : Th e sum of all the transitions starti ng f rom any initial Z eem an level is equal to the sum of all transitions leaving an y other level having the same n and l values. Th e sum of all transitions arriving at an y Z eeman level is equal to the sum of all tran sitions arriving at any other level having the same nand l values. F or any given field-free spectru m line t hese rules are bet t er expressed in t erms of formulas whi ch have been der ived from t he class ica l! as well 1 For a classica l d eriva t ion of t he in t ensit y ru les, bas ed on Boh r 's correspondence pr in eiple, see J. H . Van Vleck , " Qua ntum Principl es and Lin e Spectra ," N at. Research Council, Bull., Vol. 10, 1926. SEC. 10.61 ZEEMA N EFFECT AND THE PA S CHEN-BA CK EFFECT as t he qu an tum-mechanical theories. ated as follow s: Transition j -t j . .on J. - t J. + T ransiti m -t m { m -t m ± 1, I -t These formulas may be abbrevi- = AU ± m ,I = 4Am 2 • l{m m+- 1,, II m -tm 161 = B (j = 4B (j + l ) (j ±m+ +m+ + m). l )(j ± m l )(j - m (10. 2 1) + 2). + 1). (10.22) A and B are constants t hat need not be determined for relati ve intensiti es within eac h Zeem an pa t t ern. These formulas take in to acco unt t he Zeeman Patterns For Doublets F IG. l O.g.-Zeem a n patterns for a ll of the com m on ly observed doublet transitions. dots represen t no rmal t rip let separations. r , T he fa ct tha t, when the radiation is. obser ved perpendicular t o the field direction, only half of t he ligh t making up t he s com ponents of a pat t ern is obser ved. Obse rvations parallel to t he field give t he othe r half of t he s com pone nts' in t en sity. The a bove given rul es and formulas applied to the principal doublet in Fig. 10.8 giv e t he relative in t en siti es shown at the top of t he arrows. The sa me values a re indicat ed by t he heigh ts of t he lin es sho wn at t he bot t om of t he figure. The sum of all transitions st a rt ing from any lev el in t he figure is 12, a nd t he sum a rrivi ng at eit he r of the lower lev els is 36. (I n obtaining these values t he s com pone nts mu st be multiplied by 2.) E xperimen t ally , t he p 0 1' 8 com pone nts may be ph ot ogr aphed separately by inser ting a Nicol pri sm in t he pa th of t he ligh t coming fr om t he source bet ween t he poles of an electromagnet. ... 162 [CHAP. X ' I N TROD UCTION TO A TO MIC SPECTRA Zeem an patterns for a number of do ublet transitions a re given in Fig. 10.9. These calculated pa t terns are in excellent ag ree ment wit h all experiment al observations . It is par t icularly in t eresting to see how closely t he differ en t lines grou p t hemselves arou nd t he normal- triplet separations, whi ch are indicated in t he figure by dot s. Normal Zeem an t riplets , as will be seen lat er , arise in special cases and in parti cul ar for all lines belongin g to a singlet series, where t he g fact or for bot h t he initi al a nd final states i's unit y. A method fr equen tly employed for a rapid calculation of Zeem an pa tterns will be give n briefly as follows. The separation fa ct or s m g, for both t he ini ti al and final states, are first written down in two rows with equal values of m directly below or a bove eac h othe r . For a 2D i-2p ! t ra nsition t hey are : m = mg initial state t ¥ mg fina l state t ! lK * --t -- t -~ - ~ J1'.Q ~D<t><t><l / -~ ~ - j - g In t his array, t he ve rtical arrows indicat e t he p compo nents, Sm = 0, and t he diagonal arrows t he s com ponents, :::"m = ± 1. The differe nces expresse d wit h a least commo n de nominator are as follows : Vertica l Differen ces p Components + 1\' +1\' -1)" - l~rr D iago nal D ifferences s Components ±H, ±-H, ± -H, ± -H In short t hese may be abbrev iated, A _ 1->V - (± 1), (±3), ± 15, ± 17, ± 19, ± 21 - 1 L ern , ( 15 the four p com ponents being set in pa ren theses, followed by the eig ht s com ponents (see Fig. 10.9). A sim ple qu alitative rul e for t he in t ensities has been give n by Ki ess a nd Meggers as follows: If t he j values of t he two combining terms are equal, t he ve rtica l differen ces at t he end of t he scheme, a nd t he diagonal differences at t he center, give t he strongest p a nd s com pone nts, respectively. If the j v alues are not equal, as in t he case shown a bove, t he vertical differences in t he middle of t he sche me a nd t he di agon al differen ces at t he ends give t he strongest p and s com pone nts, resp ectively. 10.7. The Paschen-Back Effect.- I n deriving t he interact ion ene rgy between an atom containing one single valence electro n and a n external magnetic field, it was ass umed t hat t he field was weak as com pared with the internal fields du e t o t he spin and orbital motion of t he electron. When t he extern al field becom es greater t ha n t hes e int ernal SEC. 10. 71 ZEEMA N EPPECT A ND THE P A SCHEN -BA CK EFPECT fields t he in t ernal motions are greatly per turbed a nd t he at om gives rise t o the so-called Paschen-Back effect. Just as t he doublet fine-structure sepa rations are a meas ure of t he cla ssical frequen cy with whi ch l* and s* pr ecess around t heir resultant j* (see Sec. 10.4), so t he Zeem an sepa rations of t he sa me ene rgy states in a weak magn eti c field are a measure of t he fr equ en cy with whi ch j* precesses around H, I n calculating the Zeem an separations in Sec. 10.4, it was tacitly ass umed t hat t he pr ecession of l" and s* a round j* was mu ch faster t ha n t hat of j* around H, This was ne cessary in order t hat t he componen ts of l* and s* normal to j* aver ag e to m zer o and do n ot apprecia bly per turb t he other precession. If now t he field H is in crea sed until t he t )"o precessions are of t he sa me order of magni tude, FIG. lO.lO. -Vector model fo r the then t he Zeem an levels of t he doublet Paschen-Ba ck effec t where the field is will begin t o ove rla p, t he re will be no so st ron g that 1* a n d s* precess independaveraging t o zer o, a nd E qs . (10.17) ently around t h e field direction H . and (10.19) will not hold. Under these conditions t he coupling betw een l* a nd s* will be parti ally broken dow n, the classica l motions of l* a nd s* will becom e com plicated , a nd j * will no lon ger be fixed in magni tude. As t he field H is still fur ther in creased , l* and s* will soon becom e H H m _~H~~'_. , 5* S' , 1 I , \ I -T r : : --' s=! I-I 1-2 FIG . lO.l1 .- Sp a ce-quan tiza ti on di agr ams fo r p a n d d ele ctrons in a strong m a gn et ic field , P asch en -B a ck effec t . quantized sepa rately and precess more or less indep enden tly around H (see Fig. 10.10 ). This is t he P aschen-Ba ck effect .' The quantum conditions in a st rong Paschen-B ack field a re : (1) The projection of l* on H takes in t egral va lues from m, = +l to m, = - l. (2) T he projecti on of s* on H takes one of t he two values m, = +1, or 1 P AS CH E N , F ., and E . B AC K , Ann. d . P hys., 39, 897, 1912; 40, 960, 1913. 164 I N TROD UCTION TO A T OM IC SPECT RA [CH AP. X - t o For a p electron with l = 1, s = t, t here are six possible states ml = 1, 0, and -1, when m. = t or - t o Space-q ua ntization diagrams of these cases are given in F ig. 10.11. Sin ce for every elect ro n t here 1 va lues of mi , t here are 2 (2l 1) comare tw o va lues of m . and 2l binations of t he qua ntum nu mb ers corres ponding to 2 (2l + 1) different + + states of t he atom. AJ3 might be expected, t his is exactly t he num ber of wea k-field levels. The total ener gy of t he atom in a field stro ng enough to give t he P aschen-Back effect is m ad e up of t he t hree par t s: (1) the energy due to the precession of l* around H ; (2) the energy due to the precession of s* around H ; (3) the interaction energy between l* and s*. By Lar mor's theorem [Eq . (3 .58)], t he pr ecessional angular velocit ies are give n by H t imes t he ra tio betw een t he magneti c and mechani cal moment s: Wl* = H _ e_ and 2m c w.* = 2H _ e_ . 2m c (10.23) Sin ce the ratio between t he magneti c and mechanical moment for t he spin of the electron is t wice the or bit al ra ti o, s* should, on t he classica l picture, precess t wice as fast as l*. Multiplying each of t hese ang ular velocit ies by t he pr ojecti on of t he angula r momentum on H [see E q . (10.15)], one gets t he first two te rms of t he energy : e h e h H - l*-2 cos (l*H ) = H2- m l-2' 2mc 11' mc 11' e h e h = 2H s*2 cos (s*H) = 2H- m . . 2mc 11' 2mc 211' ~ W I . 1l = (10.24) ~Ws , (10 .25) H The sum of t hese t wo energ ies acco unts for the main energy shift fr om t he unperturbed energy level and is ~ W ll = (m l eh + 2m .)H;c· '±1I'm c (10 .26) Di viding by he, t he te rm shift in wav e nu mbers becomes - ~Tll = (m l He + 2m' )41I'mc• cm-l, (10.27) or in Lorentz uni ts of H e/411'mc2 , (10.28) To t his magn eti c energy t he small correction te rm du e t o t he interaction be tween l* and s* must be added. Although t hese two vect ors precess independently aro und H , each moti on still produ ces a magneti c field at t he electron which perturbs t he motion of t he other. This in teracti on ener!&, t hough small as com pa red with t hat due to t he external field, is of t he same order of magnit ude as t he fine-structure SEC. 10.8) ZEEM A N E FFEC T AND THE PA SCHEN-B A CK EFFECT 165 do ublet separations in field-free space, whic h by Eqs. (8.14), (8. 18), and (8.19) are given by t he r fact or, r = - t..T l •• = al*8* cos (l*8*) , (10.29) where (10.30) In field-free space, t he angle between l* and 8 * is constant and t he cosine term cos (l*8*) is eas ily evaluated . In t he presen t case, however, t he angle is continually changing, so t hat an average value of t he cosine · m ust be calculated. From a well-know n t heorem in t rigono metr y it may be shown t hat wit h 8* and l* pr ecessing independen tly with fixed a ngles aro und a t hird directi on H, cos (l*8*) = cos (l*H) . cos (8*H) . (10.3 1) M aking t his substit ution in (10.29), I' = -t..T l •• = al* cos (l*H)8* cos (8*H) . These are ju st t he projections of l * and 8* (10.32) on H , so t hat (10.33) Adding t his term to Eq. (10.28), t he total energy shift becomes - t..T cm-l = (ml + 2m. )L + amrni •. (10.34) We may now write dow n a general relation for t he te rm value of an y strong fieldlevel, (10.35) where To is t he term value of t he hypotheti cal center of gravit y of t he fine-st ructure doublet . 10.8. Paschen-Back Effect of a Principal-series Doublet.-As an example of t he P aschen-Back effect, conside r first t he calculation of t erms and te rm separations involve d in a principal-seri es doublet 2Sl-2P I . ~. The fine-st ructure sepa rations du e to t he interaction of l* and 8* in field-free space are given in Col. 2, T able 10.2 (see F ig. 8 .9). In t he next t hree columns t he wea k-field energies are calculated (see Fig. 10.8). In t he last five columns t he stro ng-field energies are calcula ted , using Eq. (10.34) . The values tab ulated are shown schematically in Fig. 10.12. At the left t he undisturbed fine-structure levels and t he observed transit ions are show n. The wea k-field Zeem an levels are next show n with the observed Zeeman pat t erns below. In t he strong field t he P aschen-Baok levels are show n with, and without, the small l*8* coupling cor rection 166 [C HAP. X I NTROD UCTION TO A T OM IC S PEC T RA The allowed t ransit ions and t he calculated pat tern are shown below. In deri ving the above equat ions for the Zeeman and Paschen-Back effect s, t he atomic system was assumed t o be in one of t wo ideal situations . In t he first case t he field was ass umed so weak t hat t he resultant of l* and s*, was in vari an t as regards magni tude and inclinati on t o t he field axis. In t he second case t he field was assumed so strong t hat l * and s* pr ecess independently around H . The question of intermediate arn /rn, . r, TABLE 10.2.-WEAK- AND STilONG-FIELD ENEilGIES Fa ll A PilIN CIPAL-SEIlIES DOUBLET T er m r m +a/2 mg g - - 'p ! '- - +i +! + i - ., +! +! +! - ., 3 - 1 +1 - ! +! 0 _ .1 3 - 1 +1 - 1 +2 +1 +a/2 0 +! 0 0 -a/ 2 -a/ 2 - ., - ., 1 -! - 1 0 _ Ii 1 - ~ - 2 + a/ 2 0 +! +! +1 0 0 - ! - - 1 0 - 2 - '3 1 2 +! +! ~ - j - - - - -- H +1 0 ! + !. -a m= ml+ 2m . am,m 8 ml + m. m. -- - - - 32 - - - - - - - 2S ! ml +~ 1 'p ! Strong field (Pas chen- Bac k effect ) Weak field (Zee ma n effect ) No field - - --- 1 2 0 -! 1 2 fields, t herefore, arises, and one asks, how does eac h weak-field level go over to a corresponding strong-field level? Darwin's treatment of this problem, whi ch will not be given here, answers t his qu estion in a very sim ple m anner. I According to t he classical law of t he conse rv ation of angul ar momen tum, t he sum of t he pr ojecti ons on H of t he various angula r-mome ntum vectors must rem ain t he sa me for all field strengt hs . Sin ce in weak field t his sum is given by rn and in stro ng field by rn / + rn" we may wri t e, as part of t he correlation rule, m = rn/ m .; This alone is not sufficient to corre lat e all weak- and strong-field levels, sin ce in most ins tances t here will be more t han one level with t he sa me m. value. The more specific rule, in keeping with t he quan tum mechanics, may be stat ed as follows: L evels with the same m never cross. An ingenious method for ob taining t he same correlation has been given by Breit." An array of weak- and strong-field quantum numbers + DARWIN, C. G., Pr oc. R oy. So c., A, 116, 1, 1927. • BREIT, G., Phys. R ev., 28, 334. 1926. 1 S E C. 10.8) ZEEMA N EFFECT AND 'i 'HE P A SCHEN-BA CK EFFECT 167 is written down as follow s (see Fig. 10.13). Values of m , a re written down in t heir regul ar order in a horiz on t al row a nd v alues of m, in a vert ical colum n. The array is next filled in with all possibl e sums of Strong Fi eld - -- ml + ms _. + 1 + - 'Qh = m Yz -+0/2 No Fie l d rQI2 2 2 _ - f- . - --:;r'" 2 2 0-1'2- -Yz --- % -1- V2--tz - , 2 -- _ ~- .rr. =me . __.- - - - - -- -. I - =o=crr ,P SIS SI S FIG . 1O.12.-Energy levels fo r a principal-se ries do ublet starting wi th no field at t he left a nd ending with a strong field (Paschen-Back effe ct) at t h e r igh t . Allo we d transitions are shown be low. ~ mz an d m. . These sums are t he weak-field qu antum num be rs, di vided in t o two part s by t he dot t ed lin es. Each weak-field level m is to be corre lated wi th t he strong-field level give n by t he value of mz directly above , and t he value of m, directl y to t he ri gh t of t he m value . The 2P I' m = 4 state, for exam ple, goes t o t he state m.; = 1, an d m. = t · P mj m = I =t :~ 0 d -1 t -t t t--=t'l -~ -t 2P! : ZP3 m s 212 ml= Z .2. m=2 0 1. z 1 Z -I -2 _1 - ~ Z 2 I Z ~~ f-r-~~ --·:T: -%-t ZD i2D r3 :' 5'2 ms FIG. 1O.13.- C orrela ti on of weak- and strong-fie ld quantum numbers and energy lev els. (After B reit .) It is obv ious t hat t he re are t wo way s of drawin g t he L-sh ap ed do tted lin e. Of t he two ways only t he one sho wn will give t he correct cor re lat ion for doublet s fr om a single electron. 168 I NTROD UCTION TO ATOMIC S PEC T RA [C HAP. X 10.9. Selection Rules for the Paschen-Back Effect.- Selection rules for t he P aschen-B ack effect , derived fr om t he classical t heory may be stated as follows : In any t ra nsition tsm , = 0, ± 1 and S m , = O. (10.36) When t hese rules are applied to a given dou blet they are found to lead, in a very strong field, to a pat t ern closely resembling a normal Zeeman t riplet. The radi at ed frequ encies of t he pri ncipal-series do ublet con side red above are assembled aga in in F ig. 10.14. T he res triction S m, = 0 impli es t he necessary conditio n t hat t he polarizati on of any give n line be ret ained t hro ughout all field strengths. The p and s components '2. 5 1 2- '2 P3h. 25Y2- '2. PI!c. I"/z a No Field We" k Field --v~ -- ----- »> -: /' /' Strong Fi eld S Ld.. p -'-L ---"'--' N_ormal Tr i pletFIG . lO.14.-Principal-seri es d ouble t in various magneti c field stre n gths . effec t . P a soh en-Ba ck in weak field become p and s com ponents, respectively, in t he strong field or else disappear as for bidd en lines. For t he s com ponents, t he fine-structure separation is just t wo-thirds t hat of t he field -fr ee doublet . It sho uld be m ad e clea r t hat as t he field stre ngth in creases and t he q uantum number j disappear s, and, as j and it s projecti on m are repl aced by m l and m., t he selection ru les for j can no longer be expected to hold. This is in agreement with observations made by P aschen and Back! who wer e t he first t o observe experiment ally t he so-called normal triplet of a principal-series doub let in a very strong field. Since t he strong-field levels mu st be widely sepa rated as com pa red with t he fine struct ure, only t he very nar row fine-structure doublets m ay be expecte d to be carried over t o t he P aschen-Back normal t riplet with t he ordinarily obtained field strengths . Using t he princip al-seri es doublet of lithium, with on ly a separation of 0.34 wave numbers, P aschen and Back required t he very strong field of 43000 gau ss to obser ve it as a m agn eti c t riplet. 10.10. The Zeeman Effect, and Paschen-Back Effect, in Hydrogen.Although t he hydrogen atom is t he simplest of all atom ic systems, t he 1 P AS CHEN , F ., and E . BACK , Phusica, 1, 261, 1921. v SEC. 10.11 ] ZEE M A N EFFECT AND T HE PASCH EN-BACK EFFECT 169 Zeeman effect in hydrogen is not very simple. In Sec. 9.3 we have seen how each of the Balmer terms contains a fine structure which is made up of dou blet s 28, 2p, 2D, etc. When placed in a weak magnetic field each of t hese do ublet levels, as in sod ium, should undergo a n anomalous splitting (see F ig. 10.8). As a resul t of t his splitting eac h finestructure com ponent of a lin e lik e H a , }'6563, should reveal an anomalous but symmetrical Zeeman pattern (see Fig. 10.9). With H, made up of seven different transitions, t here would be, in t his case, seven patterns of t he type show n in F ig. 10.9, all lying wit hin a n int erval of abo ut half a wave number (see Fig. 9.4). It is now easy to see why t he a Zeeman effect of hydrogen has not been observed. I n a strong magnetic field, t he magnetic levels of each do ub let begin to overlap eac h ot her, until in a field strength of seve ra l t housand gauss the Paschen-Back effect sets in. Un der these conditio ns each doublet level, combining wit h another doublet level, gives rise to approximately a normal triplet like the one shown in Fig. 10.12. T he H, b line, for example, will be made u p of t hree normal triplets 28_ 2P , . 2p_ 28 , and 2p_2D, superimposed almost on top of each other. In a field of 32000 gauss, P aschen and Back! observed ju st t hat; a FIG.1O .15 .-Paschenwell-resolved triplet with practically the ' class ica l Back effect of hydrogen separation . In such a field the pattern is some H a, A6563. (a) Enlarged from photograph in the six t wide as t he field-free line . A phot o- published paper of Pasgraph ic reproduction of this triplet is given in chen and Back. (b) Same as a with photographic Fig. 10.15. Normal triplets have also been observed paper moved parallel to by Paschen and Back for H 13 and H y • lin es during enlargemen t . 10.11. A Quantum-mechanical Model of the Atom in a Strong Magnetic Field.-In this chapter the Zeeman effect, as well as t he P aschenBack effect, has been treated chiefly from t he standpoint of the sem iclass ica l vector model. Quantum-mechanical treatments of the sa me problems have been made by different investigators and found to lead to exa ctly the same formula . Chronologica lly, t he more acc urate quantum mec hanics led t he way to a simpler formulat ion of Lande's vector model. We have seen in Chaps. I V and IX how, in field-free space, this model is surprisingly sim ila r to t he quantum-mechanica l model of probability-density distributions for t he electron. As would be expected from energy relations, t he weak- and strong-field distribu tions for the electron on any model should be lit tl e different from eac h other 1 PASCHEN, F., and E. BACK, Ann. d. Phys., 39, 897, 1912. T h e photograph in F ig . 10.15 is a copy of the photograph given in Pla t e VIII of Ann. d. Phys., Vo l. 39, 1912. I 170 INTRODUCTION TO ATOMIC SPECTRA [CHAP. X radi ally . Angul arly, as show n by t he vector model, t hey should cha nge considerably . Space-q ua ntized to a va nishi ng magnetic field t he field-free states, oriented as shown in F ig. 9.8, may be taken to re present t he weak-field states, t he Zeeman effect , of t he atom . Assuming separate angular distributi on curves for t he spin of t he electro n, simila r to t he orbital curves in Fi g. 4.3, pict ures ana logous to t he in dependent pr ecession of 1* and s* around the field direction H may be formulated for stro ng fields, i.e., t he P aschen-B ack effect . In passing, it should be mentioned t hat a give n state of t he atom in a weak field is specified by t he qua ntum numbers n, l, i. and m , and in a stro ng field by n , l, ml , and m .. For intermediate fields eit he r set may be used, although, to use an expression introduce d by M ullike n, i, tn i, and m. are not good quantum numbers. Problems 1. Compute the Zeeman pattern (sepa ra tions and intensities) for the doublet t ra ns it ion "Gr- 'H ,," 2. Find the total wid th in wave numbers of t he Zeeman patt ern of P rob . 1 in a weak field of 500 0 ga uss. 3. Compute t he weak- and strong-field en ergies for a d iffuse-ser ies doublet, and tabulate th em as in T abl e 10.2. Plot t he in it ia l a nd fina l st a t es, a s shown in F ig. 10.1 2, a nd indicate the allowed t ransitions by a rrows. 4. Plo t , as in Fig . 10.14, the field-free lin es, t he weak-fi eld lines, and the st rongfield lin es of t he above exa mple. [No 'rnt-e-Ce rt nin compone nts of th e forbidd en transition 'Pi- ' D j appear in st rong field s and should be indicat ed (see Fig. 13.1 4)]. 6. What field st rength would be requ ired to ca rr y the first m ember of the princip al se ries of sodium over to the P a sch en- Ba ck effect whe re t he separa tion of t he resultan t normal triplet (see F ig . 10. 14) is fou r times the fine-stru ct ure separation of t he field free doublet?
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