reGisTrATion The registration fees for the conference participants and accompanying persons are yet to be finalized. However, it is tentatively fixed as follows: Registration fee By 31 July 2016 From 1 August 2016 Participant US$ 800 US$ 850 Presenting author US$ 750 Not applicable Accompanying person US$ 400 US$ 450 Full time student* US$ 400 Not applicable * (Letter from parent institute required). Pre-conference short course (one day) By 31 July 2016 From 1 August 2016 For PIANC-COPEDEC IX delegates US$ 150 Not applicable For non PIANC-COPEDEC IX delegates US$ 250 Not applicable PIANC members are eligible for an additional reduction of US$ 50. Some Brazilian delegates will also be eligible for a reduction, depending on a subsidy provision from different government agencies. For participants, the registration fee includes participation in all conference technical sessions; one set of proceedings; transportation between designated hotel(s) and the conference venue on specified days; reception and banquet as well as guided tours arranged for Wednesday (limited to the places available) and other official conference functions. Final details, registration and hotel booking forms will be included in the Third Announcement. Information will also be available on the conference website: imPorTAnT DATes AnD informATion The Conference date is 16th to 21st October 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. All information and practical details regarding registration, participation may be obtained from: INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE PIANC-COPEDEC IX C/o PIANC General Secretariat Graaf de Ferrarisbuilding, Koning Albert II laan, 20 bus 3 1000 Brussel (Belgium) Tel.: +32 2 553 71 61 / Fax: + 32 2 553 71 55 E-mail: LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE PIANC-COPEDEC IX C/o ANTAQ SEPN – Quadra 514 – Conjunto “E” – Edifício ANTAQ 70760-545 – Brasília-DF – Brazil Tel.: +55 61 2029-6540 / Fax: +55 61 2029-6501 E-mail: Abstracts and Fellowship Applications must be submitted before 1st September 2015. FOLDER PIANC 2015 - Ingles 2.indd 1 TeChniCAl Tours The guided tours arranged for Wednesday 19th October 2016 will include visits to important coastal engineering sites and major ports. More details of the Technical Tours will be given in the Third Announcement. Pre- AnD PosT-ConferenCe Tours The LOC will make necessary arrangements with an authorized travel agent and the tour packages will be displayed in the website. Similarly, for accompanying persons, tours packages to places of interest will be arranged with the same travel agent. ACCommoDATion A Block booking of hotel rooms at conveniently located hotels will be made for delegates. Hotel reservation forms outlining the special rates obtained will be included in the Third Announcement. Prices for the categories which will be available are in the following range (per person on a double occupancy basis). The rates are tentative and should serve as only a guideline. l Category A B l Category C l Category D l Category (5 Star) (4 Star) (3 Star) (Budget) US$ 120 US$ 80 US$ 50 US$ 25 to to to to US$ 400 US$ 150 US$ 100 US$ 50 ioC and PiAnC - CoCom Mr. Freddy Wens PIANC - COPEDEC IX IOC Chairman Berchemlei 115 2140 Antwerpen Belgium Phone +32 3 224 61 69 Mob +32 475 78 27 41 Email PiAnC Mr. Louis Van Schel Secretary General PIANC Graaf de Ferrarisgebouw, 11e verd. Koning Albert II laan, 20, Box 3 1000 Brussel Belgium Phone +32 2 553 71 61 Mob +32 475 415 471 Email loC Mr. Rafael Galvão de Santana PIANC- COPEDEC IX LOC Chairman SEPN - Quadra 514 - Conjunto “E” - Edifício ANTAQ CEP-70760-545 Brasilia/ DF Brazil Phone +55 61 2029 6794 Email ioC/loC secretariat and AnTAQ Ms. Ana Paula Harumi Higa International Advisor SEPN - Quadra 514 - Conjunto “E” - Edifício ANTAQ CEP-70760-545 Brasilia/ DF Brazil Phone +55 61 2029 6540 Email 2nd Announcement Final Call for Papers PIANC – COPEDEC IX Ninth International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries “Enhancing Waterborne Transport and Coastal Development – The challenge of reaching integrated solutions” From 16 to 21 of October 2016 Rio de Janeiro - Brazil 31/03/2015 16:15:03 The Conference The success of the First International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC), held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in March 1983, resulted in the subsequent holding of this special conference series, once every four years, in a developing country. Successful conferences were held in Beijing, China (September 1987), Mombasa, Kenya (September 1991), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (September 1995), Cape Town, South Africa (April 1999), Colombo, Sri Lanka (September 2003), Dubai, UAE (February 2008) and Chennai, India (February 2012). During the COPEDEC VI conference in Colombo, in September 2003, a merger agreement between PIANC, the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure, and COPEDEC was signed, and as a consequence of the agreement a new International Organizing Committee (IOC) was formed. The merger of PIANC and COPEDEC resulted in two successful PIANC-COPEDEC conferences in Dubai, UAE (2008) and Chennai, India (2012). The Ninth International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (PIANC-COPEDEC IX) is to be held for the second time in Rio de Janeiro, the most vibrant city of Brazil, from 16 to 21 of October 2016, under the aegis of ANTAQ, the Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários (National Waterway Transportation Agency). This is the Second Announcement and final call for papers for PIANC-COPEDEC IX. A Third Announcement including a listing of accepted papers and detailed practical information such as registration and hotel booking forms, will be issued in April 2016. Those wishing to ensure the receipt of the Third Announcement are requested to log into the conference website (www.pianc-copedec2016. to indicate their interest. ANTAQ Director General’s Welcome Message It is extremely heartening to see that the quadrennial Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC) in its 9th edition is to be held again in Rio de Janeiro from 16 to 21 of October 2016. The merger between the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC) and COPEDEC offers an excellent opportunity for professionals in the coastal, port and navigation businesses to meet. We believe that the economic recovery, along with the potential infrastructure growth in Brazil due to the expansion of port, coastal and inland waterway facilities, in addition to the intensity of engineering activities will make experts from all over the world to attend this edition of the Conference. I invite everyone to join us in making PIANC – COPEDEC IX a great and pleasant event. Mr. Mario Povia Director-General of ANTAQ Objectives l To provide an international forum where coastal and port engineers from developing countries can exchange know-how and experiences amongst themselves and with their colleagues from industrialized countries; l To enable developing countries to have a sustainable resource pool of coastal and port development professionals. The overall theme for COPEDEC IX is “Enhancing Waterborne Transport and Coastal Development – The challenge of reaching integrated solutions” As with previous conferences, the emphasis on technical subjects remains. Papers will focus on practical applications, planning, management and environmental aspects of coastal, port and inland waterway engineering in developing and industrialized countries, including documentation of case studies. International Organizing Committee Conference planning is being coordinated by the International Organizing Committee, whose members are: l Mr. Freddy Wens, Chairman (Belgium) l Mr. Louis Van Schel, Secretary General PIANC (Belgium) l Mr. Rafael Galvão de Santana, Chairman of the LOC (Brazil) l Ms. Ana Paula Harumi Higa (Brazil) l Mr. David Smith (Jamaica) FOLDER PIANC 2015 - Ingles 2.indd 2 l Mr. Gary Mocke (South Africa) Hartmut Bruehl (Germany) l Mr. Nissanka Perera (Sri Lanka) l Mr. Venue The Conference will be held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, one of the most beautiful cities in the World, providing an ideal environment to stimulate technical discussions and international meetings. Main Sponsors This Conference series is unique in financially supporting the participation of selected delegates from countries in transition. In order to facilitate this, support is sought from various sponsors. The sponsors can hold Platinum, Diamond or Gold status depending on the extent of their financial contribution towards various events and the award of fellowships. Those who support lunches, dinners and technical tours attain the status of co-sponsor. Details of all of these donors and sponsors are being finalized and will only be fully outlined in the Third Announcement. ANTAQ will act as Local Host and organizer of the PIANC-COPEDEC IX conference. Language The Conference’s language will be English (there will be simultaneous translations). Abstracts Submission Abstracts must be formatted in accordance with the instructions on the conference’s website and submitted until 1 of September 2015. Authors will be notified of the acceptance/rejection of papers for presentation or for display as posters by 22 of February 2016. Authors whose abstracts are accepted for presentation after modification or amendment will be required to re-submit the final digital copies of their formatted abstracts by 21 of March 2016, and the final papers must be submitted by 31 of July 2016. The full set of papers will be published in digital form on Compact Disc and the abstracts will be printed in the form of a book of abstracts. All images contained in the abstracts should be legible when printed in black and white. Images in the full paper may be prepared in colour. Instructions regarding approved software, formatting, layout, typing and submission of papers will be forwarded to authors whose papers are selected for presentation. This information will also be posted on the website. Papers have to be presented at the conference by one of the authors. The main authors must guarantee such presentation. Presenting authors will be required to register early (by July 2016) to ensure inclusion of their papers in the technical programme. Proceedings A book of abstracts of all the papers to be presented at the Conference will be distributed among all registered delegates, together with a CD containing all the papers accepted at the time of registration. Paper Selection Committee The following persons are members of the Paper Selection Committee: l Prof. Ron Cox, Chairman (Australia) Charitha Pattiaratchi (Sri Lanka - Australia) l Prof. Dr. Eloi Melo Filho (Brazil) l Dr. Gary Mocke (South Africa) l Prof. Dr. Han Ligteringen (The Netherlands) l Prof. Paolo Alfredini (Brazil) l Prof. Tomoya Shibayama (Japan) l Prof. This committee will meet in January 2016 to review and evaluate all the abstracts received and to make the final selection of papers. Call for Papers The themes that can be covered on proposals are listed below (especial attention will be paid to items 3 and 8). The list is not exhaustive. Feel free to suggest other topics, provided they are closely related to the context of the event. 1. Port Engineering Coastal and inland port (infra)structures / Physical and numerical modelling 2. Port Planning and Management Port, harbour and marina planning and layout / Nautical aspects / Operations and maintenance / Mooring and ship motions 3. Inland Navigation Planning and design / infrastructures / Management / Operations and maintenance / Logistical, economic and environmental advantages / Locks and canals / Margins protection / Dredging / VTMS 4. Short Sea Shipping and Coastal Navigation Management / Logistical, economic and environmental advantages / Engines – Fuel Savings – New technologies / VTMS / Dynamic positioning system / Vessels and cargo information systems – case studies 5. Coastal Engineering Coastal infrastructures / Coastal stabilisation / Intake and outfall systems / Coastal protection / Tidal inlets / Materials for use in the marine environment / Coastal processes / Coastal sediments and hydrodynamics / Marine surveys and instrumentation / Remote sensing / GIS / Offshore structures for the oil, gas and wind energy sectors 6. Coastal Zone and Coastal Risk Management Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) / Waterfront development / Coastal vegetation and forests / Tourism and recreation / Numerical techniques / Extreme wave events and analysis / Tsunamis 7. Port and Coastal Environmental Issues and Climate Change Green ports / Climate change mitigation and adaptation measures / Contingency planning / Best practices in environmental management 8. Port and Waterborne Transport Logistics and Multi Modal Transport Interconnection between river basins Papers need not be strictly limited to the above sub-topics. Selection of papers for presentation will be based on a one or two page abstract, provided as a digital copy (pdf document) which shall be submitted through our web portal before 1 September 2015. For any clarifications, the delegates can contact the secretariat of Paper Selection Committee at or consult the website Fellowships To meet the main objective of the conference, an increased number of fellowships is planned to be made available by the sponsors. Any professional, student or scientist living and working under a local labour contract in a transition country is entitled to apply for a fellowship. The fellowship will be granted to applying individuals only, not to institutions. Prospective fellows are encouraged to solicit other local funds first, for only partial funding will be given at first. The Fellowship Awards Committee will give preference to participants who are able to support themselves partially through other funding or on their own. Exceptions can be made for participants in need. Funding is restricted to international air transport, accommodation and/or conference registration fee. Funding will be provided primarily for authors, with emphasis on young active professionals. Chairmen of technical sessions and invited key persons are also eligible for fellowships, if funds are available. Each application will be evaluated by the Fellowship Award Committee against a set of criteria to determine the level of funding to be granted. Those interested are requested to fill in and submit the Fellowship Application form which can be downloaded from the conference website at the time of submission of abstracts. Fellowship application should be done until 1 of September 2015 and applicants will be informed by 21 of March 2016 whether it was accepted or not. Additional fellowships are being arranged by PIANC and other sponsors. Other sources for grants are also being sought. Short Course Following the huge success of the short course organized in connection with each of the previous four conferences, the conducting of a pre-conference short course is under consideration. This will only take place if sufficient interest is shown by participants in their responses to the pre-registration questionnaire on the website. The course will be conducted by internationally recognized specialist and is intended to support the theme and philosophy of COPEDEC. It will be aimed at improving skills in coastal, port and inland waterway engineering with particular application to developing countries. The final programme for the Short Course and the associated costs will accompany the Third Announcement. The course numbers will be limited, so early indication of interest is requested. 31/03/2015 16:15:03
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