3rd International Piano Competition “San Donà di Piave City” From 20th to 24th May 2015 Cultural Centre Auditorium “L. da Vinci” Indipendenza square - San Donà di Piave (Venice) Panel of Judges President: Master Stefano Fiuzzi Master Boris Bekhterev Master Wonmi Kim Master Rita Kinka Master Giampaolo Nuti Winners’ Concert Sunday 24th May 2015 - 18.30 hrs. Metropolitan Theatre Astra - San Donà di Piave (Venice) Application Deadline 8th May 2015 Art Director, Coordinator: Master Francesca Vidal mobile no. 347 798 3032 e.mail: concorsosandona@gmail.com website: www.pianoconcorsosandona.jimdo.com Facebook profile: Concorso Pianistico San Donà di Piave - Facebook Rules & Regulations Art. 1: Cultural Ass. C. Debussy and Centro Musica, in association with San Donà di Piave Municipality organize The 3rd INTERNATIONAL PIANO COMPETITION “DI SAN DONA’ DI PIAVE CITY” to the end of promoting musical culture and draw young people to music study and development. The competition, opened to Italian and foreign applicants, will take place from 20th to 24th May 2015, at Cultural Center Auditorium “ Leonardo da Vinci” in San Donà di Piave (Venice). Art. 2: for all competitors of section 1 and 2 the program is free choice repertoire; the competitors of “Piano Execution” will be submitted to first eliminatory round and final round. For competitors of “First notes”, A,B,C and Section 2 the performance from memory is discretionary; for all remaining categories and section 3 the performance from memory is compulsory. Art. 3: The competition performances will be public and split up into three sections: Section 1 Cat. “First notes” born after 01/01/2007; max. performance duration: 4 minutes. Cat. A born from 01/01/2005 to 31/12/2006; max. performance duration: 5 minutes Cat. B born from 01/01/2003 to 31/12/2004; max. performance duration: 7 minutes. Cat. C born from 01/01/2001 to 31/12/2002; max. performance duration: 10 minutes. Cat. D born from 01/01/1998 to 31/12/2000; max performance duration: 15 minutes. Cat. E born from 01/01/1995 to 31/12/1997; max. performance duration: 20 minutes. Section 2: Four Hands Cat. F average age up to 11 years included; max performance duration 6 minutes. Cat. G average age up to 16 years included; max performance duration 12 minutes. Cat. H from 17 years, no age limit; max. performance duration 25 minutes. Section 3: Piano performance Up to 35 year age. Eliminatory round: max. performance duration 15 minutes: One study chosen among F. Chopin, F. Liszt, C. Debussy, S. Rachmaninov, S. Prokofiev, A. Skryabin, B. Bartok, G. Ligeti; Free choice program; Final round: max. performance duration 30 minutes Free choice program Art. 4: Competitors are allowed to apply to a higher max. age category, but not to a lower one. The absolute winners of one category, will not be allow to compete again for the same category competition. Art. 5: The judges, excellent reputation musicians/masters, will stop the performance in case of time limit overstepped and/or will not assign awards and scholarship in case they consider the competitors non-deserving. Actions and decision of the judges are unquestionable and irrevocable. Judges that tutored/taught one or more of the competitors during the previous two years are requested to abstain from participating to dealings/votes related to the nominated competitors performances; the occurrence should be clearly reported in the competition memorandum. At assignment, each judge will issue a declaration related to the mentioned teaching/tutorial activity with the competitors. In view of what above reported, the competitors are compelled to report in the application form the name of their teachers. Art. 6: Competitors are responsible for their own as well as their accompanists’ travel and accommodation expenses. Art. 7: Competitors will be admitted to test the piano in the days/timings arranged by organization and made available some days before the beginning of the competition. Art. 8: Competitors will find the time table and convocation time of each category in the following website: www.pianoconcorsosandona.jimdo.com. Competitors are expected to keep up-to-date referring to the following website: www.pianoconcorsosandona.jimdo.com and/or by reaching the management by the telephone; in this regard, management refuses any related responsibility as no different convocation procedure will be adopted. Art.9: Admitted competitors will made available 1 identity card/document and 2 copies of the program works plan. Art Director reserves to admit latecomers as last competitors. Art. 10: Award ceremony of first, second, third classified competitors will take place at conclusion of each category performances. First absolute competitors are compelled to perform at Award Galà on Sunday 24th May 2015 at 18.30 hrs. at Metropolitan Theatre “Astra” in San Donà di Piave (Venice) – for “Piano Performance” section the commitment is extended to first, second and third classified competitor. The winners of “Piano Performance” will be accommodated by hosting families at management care and expenses. Non-participation to Award Galà will entail the refusal of the rewards by the competitors, which, in no case, will be mailed/delivered. Art. 11: sensitive data and information will be treated by management under privacy restrictions and in compliance with fundamental rights of the human person as per art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03; competitors are advised that their sensitive data provided at application to competition, will be treated only and exclusively for purposes/communications related to the competition; according to art. 7 of nominated decree, data subjects are entitled at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning them and be informed of their contents and origin, verify their accuracy, or else request that such data be supplemented, updated or rectified; they have the right to request erasure, anonymisation or blocking of any data that is processed in breach of the law as well as to object in all cases, on legitimate grounds, to processing of the data. Art. 12: Management reserves the right of modify the competition announcement and/or possibly suppress one or more categories and/or sections in case of inadequate number of applicants. Only in this case the application fees will be reimbursed. Art. 13: Management is not responsible for risks and/or damages of any nature which should occur to competitors during the entire period of the public performance. Art. 14: The application to competition entail the unconditional acceptance of the rules/regulations of the present announcement. AWARDS Section 1 e Section 2 (Four Hands) Absolute First min. scoring 98/100 will receive 1 price cup, diploma and the scolarships reported here below: Cat. First notes €uro 80.00 scholarship donated by Solidarity Association of San Donà A.S.SO. Cat. A €uro 100.00 scholarship donated by Solidarity Association of San Donà A.S.SO. Cat. B €uro 120.00 scholarship donated by Solidarity Association of San Donà A.S.SO. Cat. C €uro 150.00 scholarship donated by Solidarity Association of San Donà A.S.SO. Cat. D €uro 200.00 scholarship donated by Soroptimist Club San Donà of Piave-Portogruaro Cat. E €uro 250.00 donated by Solidarity Association of San Donà A.S.SO. and one concert. Cat. F €uro 150.00 (aggregate) scholarship donated by Solidarity Association of San Donà A.S.SO. Cat. G €uro 200.00 (aggregate) scholarship donated by Solidarity Association of San Donà A.S.SO. Cat. H €uro 300.00 (aggregate) scholarship donated by Soroptimist Club San Donà of Piave-Portogruaro and one concert. To first prize (with scoring from 95/100 to 97/100): cup and diploma To second prize (with scoring from 90/100 to 94/ 100): cup and diploma To third prize (with scoring from 85/100 to 89/100): cup and diploma To fourth prize (with scoring from 80/100 to 84/100): diploma All remaining competitors will receive the diploma/certificate of attendance. Section 3: Piano performance First prize scholarship of €uro 2,000.00, three concerts and one digital work with publication of one CD on the internet under KNS Classical record label. Second prize scholarship of €uro 800.00 donated by Terra d’Acqua Foundation and two concerts. Third prize scholarship of €uro 400.00 and one concert. Judges reserve to assign ex-aequo prizes for all the sections; in this case the scholarships will be fairly divided among the winners. AWARD CONCERTS In addition to the assigned award concerts, Judges will assign concerts to competitors selected from all the sections. Concerts: Concert for “A. Peri” Conservatory of Reggio Emilia. Concert for Italian Opera Florence at Auditorium Santa Monica of Florence. Concert for People’s University of Milan. Concert at Marcello Loredan-Franchin Villa of Ceggia (Venice). Three concerts at Cavagnis Palace in Venice. Two concerts at IX Musical Festival of San Donà di Piave City. One concert at Young Piano Talents in San Donà di Piave (Venice). Other concerts to be arranged SPECIAL PRIZES Arts Campus of Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza) offers two scholarships to absolute winners of A and B categories for the free the attendance at XI edition of Campus which will take place in Bassano from 25th July to 2nd August 2015. The Absolute Winner of the Third International Piano Competition “San Donà di Piave City” will be proclaimed on completion of competition performance. The “Public Price” will be conferred during the Award Concert. Honours will be conferred to teachers with higher number of applicant students and prizes will be assigned to teachers with the higher number of rewarded students. HOW TO ENTER/APPLY Free download application forms are available on website: www.pianoconcorsosandona.jimdo.com The application form filled in its entirety should be e-mailed to: concorsosandona@gmail.com - deadline 8th May 2015. The registration will be completed only under reception of confirmation e-mail issued by the Management. In case of belated/non reception of confirmation please reach the Management by telephone. Application fees: Section 1 €uro 40.00 €uro 45.00 €uro 50.00 €uro 55.00 for for for for Category: First Notes Categories: A, B Categories: C, D Category: E Section 2 € 60.00 for Category: F (aggregate fee for the duo) € 70.00 per la Categoria: G, H (aggregate fee for duo) Section 3 € 75,00 for section “Piano Performance” Accepted Payment Methods: Bank Transfer to Associazione Culturale C. Debussy – bank details: IBAN: IT83 L089 6536 2800 1101 1011 752 BIC: CCRTIT2TU00 Reason for payment “Application to 3rd International Piano Competition of San Donà di Piave City”- the name of the applicant should be clearly reported.
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