Petition for The Orders To the Commander, Generalissimo, Captain General and Sir Knights of PIEDMONT COMMANDERY No. 26, Knights Templar of Virginia: Full Name: _____________________________________ Date of Petition: _____________________ The undersigned, who has resided in the Commonwealth of Virginia for the year immediately prior to the date of this petition and for the six months last past within the jurisdiction of the Commandery to which this petition is addressed, and who is a firm believer in the Christian religion, is desirous of receiving the Orders of Knighthood in your Commandery. If found worthy of membership I promise to conform to the ancient usages and customs of the Order and Bylaws and Constitutions of the same. I have read this petition and declare the within statements to be correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 1. I am now a member of ____________________________________________________ Lodge No. ___________, holden under the Grand Lodge of _________________________________________________________ 2. I am a member of ____________________________ Chapter No ______________ holden under the jurisdiction of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of __________________________________________ (or I have petitioned _______________________Chapter No. ______, holden under Grand Chapter of _________________________, Royal Arch Masons, for the Capitular degrees and will be affiliated with _________________________ Chapter No. ______________, holden under the jurisdiction of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of ______________________________________________ 3. Have you ever petitioned this or any Commandery of Knights Templar (Y/N) _______? If so, state the name, number and location of each such Commandery and the result of every petition: ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) 4. FULL NAME: (First) _______________________ (Middle) ____________________ (Last) ____________________________ 5. HOME ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________________ (City) _________________________________________ (State) _______________ (Zip Code+4) _________________________ 6. PHONE Numbers: (Home) _______________________ (Work) _____________________ (Cell) _________________________ 7. EMAIL Addresses: (Home) _______________________ (Work) _____________________ (Other) _______________________ 8. BIRTH PLACE and DATE: (City) ____________________________ (State) ___________ (Date) _______________________ 9. WIFE’S FULL NAME: (First) _______________________ (Middle) ____________________ (Last) _____________________ 10. OCCUPATION and ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________ USUAL SIGNATURE _______________________________________________________________________________ We, the below signed Sir Knights vouch for the good character and Masonic standing of the petitioner and recommend his admission. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME (Signature) TITLE COMMANDERY ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME (Signature) TITLE COMMANDERY Fees: $150.00. First year’s dues: $75.00. Make Check out for $225.00 to Piedmont Commandery No. 26 Per Bylaws: A separate check will be required AFTER Knighting, made out to Knights Templar Eye Foundation for $30.00 (A separate check is required in order for you to receive credit as a tax deductible donation to KTEF, a 501c3 foundation). (Petition Form P26; 5 Apr 2015) PETITION -OFCompanion _________________________________ For The Orders of Knighthood Received: AD Elected: AD Red Cross: AD Malta: AD K.T.: AD Fees, Dues and KTEF Life Sponsorship $150.00 Fee Required with Petition Check #__________ Date _____________ $75.00 Dues Required with Petition (Can be combined with Fee) Check #__________ Date _____________ $30.00 to Knights Templar Eye Foundation After Knighting Check #__________ Date _____________
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