Piedmont Baptist Witness Piedmont Baptist Assoc. 123 Fleetwood Dr. P O Box 463 Easley, SC 29641-0463 Non-Profit Org. US POSTAGE PAID Permit #33 Easley, SC 29640 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Serving the Churches of the Piedmont Baptist Association www.piedmontbaptist.com Phone: 864-859-9906 or 864-859-8229 April 2015 Staff: Robert Dickard, Director of Missions Chris Jordan, Missions Min. Coord. Joyce Sudduth, Ministry Asst. Young Couples Called Out I am filled with joy and gratitude for how God blessed at the PBA Church Planters Banquet recently. There were five (5) young families who have been called to plant a church in Baltimore and in the Cincinnati area. My heart was thrilled to hear their stories and to know that God is still calling out men and women to serve Him. Without exception, all of these young families are full of passion and purpose to shine the light of the Gospel to the dark neighborhoods of their cities. I pray that our churches will feel called to walk with them in this effort. I want to thank Rev. Phil McAlister and the wonderful people of Geer Memorial for working so hard in preparation and clean up of the banquet. I also want to thank JoAnn Thornton and our associational WMU for the tremendous effort in decorating and providing the food. May God richly bless you. Read the article about Mrs. Frances Eller, our Associational Mission Offering is named in her honor. Associational Emphasis Week is the third week of May. Our churches are asked to receive the Frances Eller Offering for Associational Missions between now and then. Actually, you can collect it all year. Her is what the offering will be used for: 35% will be used for Pickens County Released Time where Middle School students are bused off campus and taught the Bible, the returned to school for their normal schedule. 10% for India Upstate Fellowship. We have a large number of people from India in the area and we have planted a church in a large India population, to reach them. 25% for Multihousing. Apartments are everywhere, with a great portion of the population being there. The Piedmont Association is deliberate about reaching them. 20% is used for MARYS House, a shelter for battered and abused women. With your help, the PBA ministers to women in a crisis situation. Only the Lord knows how many lives have been touched. 10% will be used in some other way in local ministry. Every year, un-budgeted and un-anticipated needs arise. Your gifts are extremely needed. Thank you for all your gifts to the Piedmont Baptist Association, especially your gifts to the Frances Eller Offering for Associational Missions. Robert My Memory of Mrs. Eller Rev. E. R. Eller was an interim pastor at Jones Avenue Baptist Church when I was a teenager. That was when I met Frances Eller. She and Pastor Eller were very interested in the youth at our church. They made a point of spending time with our youth every Sunday. When Pastor Eller went out of town to preach in revivals, Mrs. Eller started asking me to stay with her so that she would not be alone. I would come over after work, and she would have a snack waiting for me at the table. In the morning, we got up early enough to have our devotion, then eat breakfast. I would then go to school. She would always have a positive attitude and pray for my day at school. Mrs. Eller became a mentor to me during the next few years. Even after Pastor Eller left our church, and they went back to First Baptist, she would call and chat at least once or twice a month. I went by her house frequently just to talk. She made me feel very important and special. When I got married, Frances Eller gave me a lovely bridal breakfast. After Pastor Eller died and Frances grew older and had difficulty getting around, she moved to Tennessee to be with her family. I missed her terribly, but will always remember her with love and affection. She was such a wonderful Christian role model. I was so delighted that the Piedmont Baptist Association decided to name an offering after her. I can think of no one more deserving. Sherry T. Booth Jones Avenue Baptist Church VBS Clinic for Workers zSaturday, April 11, 9am-noon Liberty First Baptist Church zSaturday, April 25, 9am-noon Arial Baptist Church zSaturday, May 2, 9am-noon Wren Baptist Church Treasurer’s Report February 2015 April Prayer Calendar Contributions from Churches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,197.33 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760.66 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,957.99 Monthly Budget Required .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Budget Required thru Feb.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Receipts to date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Difference.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contributions from Churches (Note: Some churches give quarterly) 2015 Agape .00 Arial 770.00 Bishop Branch 1,557.68 Brushy Creek 1,000.00 Calumet 453.00 Calvary Hill 874.45 Cannon Memorial 375.00 Cateechee .00 Cedar Rock 637.00 Central First 721.00 Corinth 897.96 Crosswell First 310.16 Easley First 1,519.92 East Clemson 836.77 East Side 250.00 Elljean 202.82 Enon 735.00 Esperanza .00 Faith 100.00 Flat Rock 1,074.21 Geer Mem. 659.54 Georges Creek 531.49 Glenwood 548.43 Graceway .00 Hunt’s Mem. 600.00 Indian Upstate 100.00 Jones Ave. 1,756.49 LaRoca .00 Liberty First 1,109.96 Mountain Springs 1,016.67 Mt. Airy 1,600.00 Mt. Carmel 1,413.45 Mt. Moriah 250.00 Mt. Pisgah 5,334.82 Mt. Tabor .00 My Father’s House .00 Norris First 1,750.00 Park Street 42.00 Pendleton St. 996.75 Powdersville First 1,711.63 Refuge 333.32 Rice’s Creek .00 River Road 156.00 Rock Springs 9,042.41 Ruhamah .00 Siloam 1,936.90 Six & Twenty 661.06 Slabtown 582.00 Smith Grove .00 The Neighborhood 652.24 Trinity Point 193.67 Warehouse 100.00 Wren 156.18 Total 45,549.98 26,819.42 53,638.84 46,311.26 -7,327.58 2014 .00 1,092.08 2,582.00 2,000.00 501.00 652.40 1,125.00 .00 304.97 795.00 277.33 .00 803.25 912.21 500.00 287.34 1,312.00 .00 150.00 1,382.06 744.40 949.97 682.43 398.92 600.00 .00 1,181.46 41.40 700.56 800.00 1,600.00 1,268.11 500.00 3,416.79 58.00 .00 1,750.00 27.00 1,426.53 1,927.22 366.66 536.66 206.88 8,285.44 .00 1,841.76 354.60 443.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 192.06 44,976.49 The Pastor/Staff lunch will th be Tuesday, April 14 , 11:30am at Silver Bay in Easley. Thank you to all who helped make the Church Planting Missionary banquet a success. A special thank you to our Associational WMU for providing the meal and to Geer Memorial for hosting the banquet. Thank you to Bishop Branch, Calumet, Corinth, Crosswell First, Enon, Elljean, Mt. Carmel and Mountain Springs for hosting the planters in your churches. It is exciting to know that god is at work and He allows us to have a part of what He is doing in redeeming the Lost of North America. Chris Birthdays: 1 Hayley Atkins, wife of Pastor, Powdersville First 14 Allison Taffer, Minister to Children, Mt. Airy 17 Keith Shorter, Pastor, Mt. Airy 17 April Lee, wife of Pastor, East Side 19 Wendy Finley, wife of Pastor, My Father’s House 21 Don Gibson, Minister of Music, Rock Springs 23 Gloria Harris, wife of Pastor, Calumet 24 Benjamin Smoak, Pastor, Mountain Springs 27 Wanda Tate, wife of Pastor, Slabtown 28 Evelyn Garmon, wife of Pastor, Cedar Rock Wedding Anniversaries: 11 Mike & Gail Dobson, Pastor, Cateechee 21 Phil & Pamela McAlister, Pastor, Geer Mem. 30 Robert & Diane Fowler, Pastor, Elljean Staff Anniversaries: 2008 Rick Baldwin, Pastor, Smith Grove 2012 David Bagwell, Pastor, The Neighborhood PBA Youth Event Saturday, April 18, 2015, 5pm Rock Springs Baptist Church “Discovering Your Destiny” For more information contact Phillip Jewell, 884-6926 or Clint Freeman, 859-9854. Cedar Rock will hold Revival services April 19-22. The guest speaker will be Rev. James Dyar. There will also be special music each night. Sunday night service begins at 6pm and Monday - Wednesday, 7pm. The public is invited. Corinth is in need of a pianist/organist. Please contact Kathy Adams at 850-3725 or Mitch Huff at 855-44469. th East Side will have Home Coming on April 19 at 10am. Enon is seeking a part-time Children’s Minister. Send resumes to Personnel Committee. 871 Enon Church Rd., Easley, SC 29640. Mountain Springs will host the SC Singing Churchmen in concert Monday, April 13, 7pm. For more information call 850-1407. Norris First is seeking an Associate Pastor/Youth Minister. This is a full time position. Send resumes to: Royce Addis, Pastor, P O Box 130, Norris, SC 29667. Rock Springs Bowling Lanes are open for Senior Citizen bowling each Tuesday from 10am - noon. Special rates apply. Call 442-2057 for more information. Kings Grove, Central is seeking part-time Minister of Music/ Interim part-time Minister of Music. Contact Josh Thomas at rev.joshthomas@gmail.com. McCall Camp has a need for cooks and nurses. These are paid positions with flexible schedules. Contact the Camp office at 878-6025 for more information. Mt. Bethel in Belton is searching for a Youth & Children’s Minister. Send resumes to mbbcsearchteam@gmail.com th by April 30 . Feed A Hungry Child ministry needs funds to help feed the children in Pickens County through the backpack program. If your church would help, please contact Carol Dickard at ad18759@gmail.com. Need 25 Tan Choir Robes? Call MARYS House at 8551708.
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