April 2015 - Pierce Distribution Services Company

April 2015
Pierce Distribution Services Company
Kevin Hogan Writes...
We are well into our Spring
Season in Seattle. Flowers
have already bloomed, wintering ducks headed back to
Canada and Alaska. The
robins from this area have
been back for a while. There
has been an increase in
boaters on the Puget Sound.
I just returned from an 18
day trip to Houston, Charleston, Columbia and Ripley.
My first stop was to visit one
of our competitors in Houston. It was a nice visit and I
like their operation. It is very
similar to our facility, ICP
(Portland) - a woodshop on
steroids. Afterwards, I joined
Dino McNabb (COO), John
Mullin (VP) and Brandon
Dunn (GM) for lunch with our
customers at the Houston
operation. It was a nice
lunch. We also toured the
plant and went into the new
space we are moving the
plant into. Andy Oltremari,
Executive Business Manager, was also there. I was
able to meet our new Texas
Business Manager, Jeff Feuerbacher.
Afterwards, I flew to Charlotte, NC where I drove to
Charleston, SC. While in
Charleston, I met with another competitor on Saturday
and toured their opera-
tion. Again, this company is
very similar to ICP. Afterwards I drove by another
competitor to see from a
distance their operation and
location. I also spent some
time to check out the new
Boeing plant(s) at the
Charleston airport. Impressive!
Scott Wiseman and
Michele Sitko to name a
few. Most of these people I have known for 36
years and some will be
retiring at the end of
June. The plant was very
busy processing some
big volume. Jay and the
Ripley Team have the
plant looking great. On
I drove to Columbia, SC to
my second to the last
spend some time with Gabe
day, Greg Hartsfield
White (GM) at our opera(Komatsu-retiree) was
tion. Dino, John M., John
asked to help serve
Bednar (Executive Mgr.),
lunch to the 350 Pierce
David Frye (Director of
associates (all 3 shifts) at
Quality) and Andy Oltremari
the plant. He brought his
were also there for meetrig by our cafeteria and
ings. We had a nice dinner
cooked up some great
with our customers and rebarbeque pork. He also
viewed some of the changserved beans, coleslaw,
es Gabe has put into place
potato salad, soda or
in his operation. The plant
water and topped off with
was in great shape.
a brownie which were
provided by Metro IndusI drove back to Charlotte,
flew to Memphis and drove trial’s VP, Kim Hill. The
to Ripley. I spent a week at food was great and our
our Ripley operation meet- associates were very
ing with the Pierce associ- appreciative.
ates including Jay Hogan
While I was in Ripley, I
(GM), Mark Strawn
met up with Donna who
(Assistant GM) and Moe
was already there. I was
Jordan (Ops Mgr. I also ran
able to spend time with
into one of our customers,
our daughter (Candice),
Jason Hulgan. I toured the
her husband (DJ) and
customer’s office greeting
our sweet granddaughmany contacts I’ve known
ter, Hartley. She kept me
for years: Lisa Grecco, Tom
(Continued on page 2)
Wiacek, Terry Anderson,
Important Notice
Please review important information regarding the
PDSC Scholarship Program on Page 8
Jack’s Words
Of Wisdom...
“The greater the obstacle, the
more satisfaction in
Pierce Distribution Services Company
Kevin Hogan Continues ...
(Continued from page 1)
busy at night playing. I also celebrated my sister-in-law’s birthday, Linda
Edwards along with her husband,
Bo, and some of Donna’s siblings,
Martha, Teresa, Ronnie and his
wife, Stephanie.
We were supposed to leave early
Saturday morning for Seattle but
received a text from the airline at
2:00 AM canceling our flight. We
rebooked and left Sunday. It was a
long but very productive trip.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone
who is celebrating in May a Happy
Birthday. In addition to this, congrat-
ulations to all celebrating service
anniversaries including some notables: Patricia Douglas (Ripley)
10 years on 5/2, Neng Nguon
(ICP) 10 years on 5/2, Nestor
Canedo (ICP) 10 years on 5/16,
Samuel Palmer (Ripley) 11 years
on 5/17, Horn Choup (ICP) 12
years on 5/25, Khun Ngoy (ICP)
13 years on 5/30, Tony Chiodini
(Corporate) 17 years on 5/26,
John McNabb (Peoria) 19 years
on 5/28, Walter Fisher (Ripley) 21
years on 5/23 and Judy Borgmann
(Ripley) 42 years on 5/24. Fortytwo years is a long time. Most of
that time Judy has processed
many returns for many companies.
Thank you for your service and
commitment to Pierce.
Kevin Hogan
Houston Writes ...
Spring is finally here and
the bluebonnets are
The story behind the famous bluebonnets is that
at the turn of the century
Texas needed to pick a
state flower. The men who
ran things and made important decisions like this wanted a flowering
cactus of some sort or another. I’m sure it was
a very manly and phallic plant with very manly
and phallic
spines. But
the high society ladies
said no, they
would prefer
this little blue
spring flower
(at the time it
was called a
Bluebonnets of Texas
buffalo clover). The gentlemen probably thought it was a
terrible choice but being gentlemen said “Yes,
of course, whatever you think is best.”
We are excited to say how smoothly we closed
Mahindra USA fiscal year. Our Houston facility
continues to shape up, and now we are making
arrangements to start our 80,000 sq. ft. expansion. Yeah!
We are thrilled to share
more good news this
month. True Matyja and
his wife Rebeca are expecting a baby boy this
summer. We wish them
all the best! We also
want to congratulate Triwayne Davison for becoming a new homeowner.
Happy, happy, joy, joy!
Summer is bringing
A Baby Boy!
all of
here at the Houston facility,
we hope you had a wonderful
month of April and the same
wishes for your May!
Congrats, Triwayne
Kira Mahendran
Pierce Distribution Services Company
Columbia, SC Writes...
Jo-O Day
My name
is Timothy “Tee”
Owens. I
work for
Pierce in
I enjoy
my job in the Receiving Department. I
would like to take the time out to
thank all my coworkers that came out
and supported me over the weekend,
11 April 2015. My mother passed
away from cancer on 3rd April 2008.
She was a single mother who raised
three wonderful children. In her
memory every year my family and I
have a big memorial cookout in her
name. We started off having them at
my house but the numbers have
grown so much in a short period that I
now rent out a lake house. This year
we had over two hundred in attend-
ance. The cookout brings so many
people together and also raises
awareness that we have now made it
a weekend of events in her name.
Rest in Peace Mom and thanks to
everyone from Pierce, Metso, family,
and friends who came out in support
of this event. Look forward to seeing
everyone next year.
Timothy Owens
Pierce Distribution Services Company
Our C.F.O. Writes...
Wellness & Prevention Newsletter April 2015
Each month Williams-Manny provides The Wellness & Prevention
Newsletter to you as a service for distribution to your employees. Please find the newsletter attached. The newsletter includes
information on health, wellness, nutrition and disease.
This month's topics include:
Everyday Earth Day Ideas
OUTER AISLE FRESH – Making the Case for Cacao
EATING WELL RECIPE – Chocolate Hazelnut Spread
GET MOVING – 5 Ways to Squeeze in Exercise Without Rescheduling Your Day
FISCAL FITNESS – Mini Money Makers
THE WHOLE YOU – Physical Health: Acupressure: An Alternative to Acupuncture for
People Who Hate Needles
THE WHOLE YOU – Emotional Health: Easy, Healthy Easter Basket Options
YOUR HEALTH MATTERS – Focus on Finances
ISSUE INSIGHT—Calgon, Take Me Away
The Health Resources section features informational links on fitness and nutrition, senior
health, kids’ health, prescription drugs, emergency resources, health calculators, mental health,
disease risk assessments, and health information from the world’s largest medical library, the
National Library of Medicine.
The Financial Resources section presents articles about budgeting and saving, college
planning, kids and money, taxes, credit and debt, retirement planning, insurance, investing, leasing vs. buying a car, purchasing a home and getting a mortgage, and making a will.
The Other Resources section offers tips about local volunteer opportunities, charitable
giving, motor vehicle safety, vital records, and weather warnings.
The Employee Resource Center is designed for all age groups, and content is appropriate for children and adults.
To log into the Employee Resource Center Enter:
http://ercubabenefits.com/ Using the following credentials:
wellness Password:
Patricia Douglas
Neng Nguon
Stephanie Wiggins
Margaret Haycraft
Michael Deberry
Jeffery Bradford
Heather Davis
William Chalk
Distinctive Holloway
Sondra Knight
Houston Sanders
Walter Hayes, Jr.
Sylvia Davis
Nestor Canedo
Samuel Palmer
Tommy Sisco
Titus Seilheimer
Walter Fisher
Judy Borgmann
Luis Vazquez
Horn Choup
Tony Chiodini
John McNabb
Khun Ngoy
Sales & Marketing Writes...
Jeff Feuerbacher
Robert Parks
Stephanie Gill
Jackie Bonds
Patricia Douglas
Rath Yong
Jason Smith
Steven Hendrix
Phillip Webster, Jr.
I am a native Texan and was born in Fort
Milton Powell
Hood, TX. I earned a BA Degree from
McMurry University. I am happily married to Crystal Ruiz
Carl Rhone
a beautiful lady, Debra. We do not have any Rachel Brewer
children, but have a beautiful Shetland
Chad Hada
Sheepdog, Lily. My work background inLatonia Peet
cludes International Ocean Container Ship- Thomas Monson
Timothy Veal, III
ping, Domestic LTL and TL, Third Party
Manuel Hernandez
Freight Logistics, Material Handling EquipJames Miller
ment, and Industrial Supply Chain Manage- Tommy Sisco
ment. I enjoy golf, reading, and cycling. I
Ken Holze
am very happy to be part of the Pierce Distri- John McNabb
Londell Currie
bution Services family. I look forward to
Judy Borgmann
meeting as many of you as I can over the
coming years. My favorite quote is from the Brian Cutts
Jackie Hunt
movie Forrest Gump, “Life Is Like A Box Of
Triwayne Davison
Chocolates, You Never Know What You Are Nellie Frazier
Going To Get”.
Donna Oliver
Tony Chiodini
Please meet …
Jeff Feuerbacher
Texas Business
Pierce Distribution Services Company
ICP (Portland) Writes...
Spring is here and the pace is picking up at ICP… Here is an inprocess and finished photo of an
interesting crate being assembled
by Daniel Palma. The padded saddles cradle an airplane part. ICP’s
ability to produce complicated features like this is greatly aided by
our CAD capability. This month we
would like to introduce our CAD
technician, Shiman Yee. Here he is in action…
Randy Cantonwine
Shiman Yee
Celebrating Service Anniversaries
Kuhn Ngoy
13 Years
In April, Daniel Palma was presented with a restaurant gift card in recognition of 5 years of service. Here is Daniel [R] being congratulated by
Production Manager, Steve Costanzo.
Pierce Distribution Services Company
ICP (Portland) Continues ...
Celebrating Service Anniversaries
Neng Nguon 10 Years
Nester Canedo 10 Years
Luis Vazquez 8 Years
Titus Seilheimer 3 Years
Our C.F.O. Writes ...
Pierce Distribution Services Company and thirty-one other local companies joined the IceHogs
in the “We Believe in Rockford Campaign.” Pierce associates were a part of a record breaking
season for the Rockford IceHogs who set attendance records in total attendance of 183,701 and
in average attendance at 4,834 per home game.
The IceHogs finished second in the division and fourth in the conference with a 46-23-5-2 record
as they missed their first ever division title by one point. With the fourth seed and home ice advantage, the IceHogs will
begin a best-of-five series against the defending Calder Cup Champion Texas Stars. Rockford holds a 4-0-0-0 season
edge versus the Stars. The series kicks off on Friday, April 24 in Texas and will move to Rockford for game 3 on April
29.This is first playoff appearance for the Rockford IceHogs since the 2009-2010 campaign and the IceHogs have not
won a playoff game since the 2008-2009 season. WE want to thank those associates who helped Pierce make this a
successful campaign and we look forward to next year’s season. GO HOGS.
Pierce Distribution Services Company
Belvidere Writes...
Hello from Plant 8 in
Belvidere, IL. We had a
bit of a scare here in
the Stateline area. Tornadoes attacked the
second week of April.
The storms skirted the
Rockford and Belvidere
area, right around closing time at our Plant.
Jeremiah Arnold, our 2nd shift supervisor had a
few people that stayed and some that came
back after trying to go home. They took cover in
the designated area, our break room and rest
rooms, for about 15 minutes. Jeremiah says that
it felt like a truck hit the building. The floors and
walls were shaking and the clouds outside were
swirling around. Thankfully, there was no damage and everyone was safe. Thursday alone
saw 17 confirmed tornadoes — including one
that spanned nearly 20 miles and delivered
winds of up to 200 mph, killing two people and
destroying dozens of homes in Fairdale, Illinois.
Parts of Rochelle were also devastated where a
popular restaurant was flattened, trapping patrons in the basement. Thankfully, no one was
seriously injured there. They did exactly what
they were told to do. Take cover! It was lucky
this establishment acted quickly and had a
storm cellar.
We, here at Plant 8, also have some happy
news. Brittany Thompson is getting married this
week! Congratulations BT! We are so happy for
you and Tony.
Dan Yates, Jeremy Linder and Josh Moorehead
are all celebrating birthdays this month. Happy
Birthday to you all!
Brittany Thompson and Tony James were married April 17, 2015.
Happy Birthday
Birthdays are:
Dan Yates,
Jeremy Linder
Celebrating Anniversaries
We also have some associates celebrating
Pierce anniversaries. Bob Beghtel has 13 years
at our Plant. Jackie Hunt has eight years and
Cindy Mena has 14 years with us this month.
Thank you all for everything you have contributed during your time with us. Keep up the great
Speaking of Great Work, I would like to congratulate our Associate of the Month, Don Manns.
He has been with us since 2013. He’s got a
great attitude and he is willing to help wherever
he is needed. Thanks, Don!
Wishing you low stress and great success.
Carol Hebel
[L-R] Bob Beghtel – 13 years,
Cindy Mena – 14 years, and Jackie Hunt – 8 years.
Pierce Distribution Services Company
Belvidere Continues ...
Associate of the Month
I would like to congratulate our Associate of the
Month, Don Manns. He has been with us since
2013. He’s got a great attitude and he is willing to
help wherever he is needed.
Don is in charge of keeping this building clean as a
whistle, from the office all the way through the warehouse’s back door. Don isn’t just our maintenance
guy; he enjoys being a help to all of the departments
when an extra hand is needed. Thanks for all you
do, Don!!
I really enjoyed
the visit we had
awhile back with
Brandon Dunn,
Ingrid Briggs and
Triwayne Davidson from Plant
5’s Mahindra operation. I hope all is running smoothly
with your departments’ projects and
changes you may have made since
your visit. Hopefully, it will be us coming to Texas to see you on the next
visit. Here at Plant 8 our Returns Department has begun to fill up their
shelves with RMA orders. The Excess Parts and Termination orders
are going to keep Tina Blunt and
Merry Jenkins busy for quite a while.
So far, since the beginning of the
2015 year, these ladies have completed 2,102 Excess Part lines and
2,045 Termination lines; and that
doesn’t even include the daily RMA’s.
Keep up the great work Ladies. I’d like
to give a shout out to my awesome put
-away guys David Wakenight and Derrick Jones for all the added help
they’ve been giving to the Shipping
Department on picking orders over the
last couple weeks. Don’t get too comfortable on that end of the building
guys, it’s only temporary. Sam Martinez is doing a great job at filling in on
binning in the absence of the put-away
guys. From the looks of it, I think Sam
misses doing binning a little bit. Piya
Newton is rocking out the Daily UPS
pre-pack line and doing a great job
keeping it clear. I’d like to welcome
Juridia Salas to Receiving. She’s
learning how to pre-pack and we look
forward to teaching her many new jobs
in the future. The one thing I enjoy
about the Pierce Team at Plant 8 is
the willingness that our associates
have in learning new jobs and the
cross training that is given to the peo-
ple to keep this place running
smoothly on our less than perfect
days. Thank you all for what you
do; it is greatly appreciated by all
Team members. Another one of the
associates who keeps this place
running so smoothly is Don Manns.
Don is in charge of keeping this
building clean as a whistle, from the
office all the way through the warehouse’s back door. Don isn’t just
our maintenance guy; he enjoys
being a helper to all of the departments when an extra hand is needed. Thanks for all you do, Don!!
Cynthia Mena
PDSC Scholarship Program
Due to conflicting schedules and deadlines, the PDSC Scholarship Program is extending
the postmark deadline for 2015 ONLY, from May 1, 2015 to June 1, 2015 for new applications. A review of this program follows and complete information packets can be obtained
through your Human Resources Department.
For currently active recipients, your scheduled deadlines remain as previously instructed: Your Renewal Application and full transcripts are due as soon as grades are obtained and/or postmarked no
later than July 1, 2015.
Donna Hogan
Page 9
Pierce Distribution Services Company
PDSC Scholarship Program
Pierce Distribution
Services Company, (PDSC)
has established a scholarship program to assist employees’ children who plan to
continue education in college
or vocational-technical
school. Renewable scholarships are offered each year
for full-time study at any accredited institution of the student’s choice.
This scholarship program is administered by the
PDSC Scholarship Committee who seeks to assist the
children of Pierce employees
in expanding educational
opportunities and encouraging educational achievement.
Awards are granted without
regard to race, color, creed,
religion, gender, disability, or
national origin.
Applicants to the
PDSC Scholarship Program
must be Dependent children,
age 24 and under, of fulltime Pierce Distribution Services Company employment
who have a minimum of one
year of full-time employment
with the company as of the
application deadline date,
and who continue PDSC employment through funds disbursement dates.
High school seniors or graduates who plan to enroll or
students who are already
enrolled in a full-time undergraduate course of study at
an accredited two- or fouryear college, university, or
vocational-technical school.
If selected as a
recipient, the student will
receive an award ranging
from $500 to $3,000.
Awards may be renewed
within the same range, for
up to three additional years
or until a bachelors degree
is earned, whichever occurs first. Renewal is contingent upon satisfactory
academic performance in a
full-time course of study.
Interested students must complete the
application and mail it
along with a current, complete official transcript of
grades to PDSC Scholarship Committee, postmarked no later than June
1, 2015. On-line transcripts and grade reports
are not acceptable.
Recipients have no
obligation to Pierce Distribution Services Company.
They are, however, required to supply the PDSC
Scholarship Committee
with complete transcripts
when requested and to notify the PDSC Scholarship
Committee of any changes
of address, school enrollment, or other relevant information.
Awards are for undergraduate study only.
All applicants
agree to accept the decision of the PDSC Scholarship Committee as final.
Applicants will be
notified by late June. Not
all applicants to the program will be selected as
recipients. Students may
reapply to the program
each year they meet eligibility requirements as stated above, plus maintain a
3.0 cumulative GPA.
Applicants are required to report to the
PDSC Scholarship Program, any and all other
scholarships awarded for
the purpose of higher education.
Applicants are
responsible for gathering
and submitting all necessary information. Applicants are evaluated on the
information supplied;
therefore, answer all
questions as completely
as possible. All information received is considered confidential and is
reviewed only by the
PDSC Scholarship Committee.
PDSC Scholarship
Committee reserves the
right to review the conditions and procedures of this
scholarship program and to
make changes at any time
including termination of the
Questions regardARSHIPS
ing the scholarship program should be addressed
PDSC Scholarship to:
Program processes scholarship payments on behalf PDSC Scholarship
of Pierce Distribution Ser- Committee
C/O Pierce Distribution
vices Company. PayServices Co.
ments are made in equal
installments on August 15 P.O. Box 15600
Loves Park IL 61132
and December 30.
Telephone (815) 636-5656
Checks are mailed to
each recipient’s home ad- For a packet of scholardress and are made paya- ship information, FAQS
and forms, please conble jointly to the student
tact your HR Manager or
and the school and must
be endorsed by both.
or phone :
(815) 636-5656
Pierce Distribution Services Company
Ripley Writes ...
I would like to say a very warm
hello from Pierce Ripley! As the
weather has been heating up
down here, and everyone is busting out their summer clothes, we
have been SWAMPED! After the
first quarter of 2015, and the last
quarter of 2014, Plant 7 has never
produced this many lines and pieces (500,000 lines, and 9 million
pieces). This was all done through the Holiday season
and bad weather…..or the worst weather we can get
down here! These are more lines processed than we
did over the first several years of my employment with
Pierce. I am very proud of my Team, the hours that
they are putting in, the quality of work going out, and
how safely they are working. Great job TEAM!
This is the first time Komatsu has ever invited a vendor to participate. Our very own Carley Strawn will be
partnered up with Jordan Henson (Komatsu Ripley
Inspection) to present our cost saving ideas we have
been mutually working on over the last several years.
This is a total of over 3 million dollars of total savings. The first stage of the competition will be held in
May. The winner will be going on to Komatsu Japan
to present there as well. Komatsu and Pierce are
feeling very excited about this opportunity and believe we are going to do very well! Good luck Carley
and Jordan!!!
We recently have been invited to participate in the Komatsu QC competition. The competition brings out the
best of the previous year’s internal accomplishments.
Jay Hogan
We’re Friendly
Down South
(referring to the attached picture)
accomplished. Woodshop has been
helping with a lot of Label Only and
Dealer Return work. This is great as
it creates an opportunity for our
Woodshop guys to learn other deHello from Rippartment’s procedures and helps
ley! As you can see move the work faster. My guys are
from the picture,
always eager to work and learn new
“We’re friendly
things. I appreciate every one of
down South”. Real- them and the hard work that they
ly, it’s OK! The
do! I would also like to take this time
beautiful young lady to wish our Cost Savings Team
sitting on my knee is my daughter, Car- “good luck” as they prepare and
ley, who also works here at the Ripley
compete at the KAC QC Convention
Plant as HR Assistant with many other
coming up in June in Rolling Meadjob responsibilities. I’m working on my
ows, IL. As Carley is a member of
11 year as a Pierce associate and I
the Team (Komatsu & Pierce), I
can’t remember being as busy as we are know how much time and effort has
right now – and being busy is just the
been given in preparation for the big
way I like it. I’m the supervisor of our
Woodshop Department. In fact, all departments are working well together as a
Team just as we always do. Everyone
knows with Teamwork anything can be
Tony Strawn
Tony Strawn, Pierce-Ripley
Woodshop Supervisor with
his daughter, Carley Strawn,
Pierce-Ripley’s Human
Resources Assistant
Gathering for a Purpose
At Plant 7 on first shift, we start
the day off by voluntarily gathering in some of our different departments for a moment of prayer
to start the day off in a positive
way. There are occasions that
warrant special requests from our associates especially when there is a death in the family or a
family member is hospitalized or other personal
needs that an associate feels comfortable to
share with his/her work family. Many of our Line
(Continued on page 11)
Pierce Distribution Services Company
Ripley Continues ...
mood and sets the tone for having a good day.”
states Yvonna Turner of the Allocations DepartLeads use the 3-5 minute devotion time to spotment. In our Kits Department, our Line Lead Ray
light individual associates who have completed a Brown is quick to point out that his associates
difficult or monumental task or they just want to
are told that the morning meetings are strictly
recognize notable accomplishments by an assovoluntary, no one is required to attend, but he is
ciate or the whole department. Jerry Hanks, Line happy to report that everyone joyfully attends.
Lead of our Woodshop, has been leading his
Even the new associates are given an invitation
group on a daily basis for almost two years. Rato attend and are told attendance is not mandachel Brewer, Line Lead in the Service Parts Detory. Ray shared that “in the year 2014, we all
partment, began leading her associates about
went through some type of tragedy, difficulties
one month ago. Rachel states, “morning prayer is and even fatalities in our life. There is always
a wonderful way of addressing your associates;
someone offering words of comfort and encouryou know Pierce is my second home, we spend
agement during our hour of bereavement and I
more time with our fellow associates at work than felt in my heart the need to start a morning praywe do with members of our own family”. Rachel
er session. This is a good way to show love,
has been with Pierce Distribution for four years
sympathy and support for those who may be goand while working admits to encountering some
ing through a difficult period in their life. At first, I
heart breaking situations in her own personal life. was not sure of the response I might get from
In November 2014, Rachel lost her 31 year old
some of the associates, but I proceeded and the
daughter. She states, “never did I ever think losresponse was in agreement to participate and
ing a child would ever affect me as much as it
we continue going strong. I have associates outhas. I have learned we all have lives filled with
side the Kits Department asking if I would pray
stresses of everyday living, working relationships for their loved ones or for a certain situation. I
and family problems. A trusted friend, Jerry
am proud that we started our morning prayer
Hankins, (Woodshop Dept.) recognized the
service in our department. It has really made a
needs of my personal situation and encouraged
difference.” Jerry Hankins, in his presentation,
me to start a prayer time for my associates (over will sometimes include inspirational short stories
35 associates) and we have all benefitted ever
that give associates the opportunity to respond
since.” Rachel asks for volunteers to lead prayer and also allow associates to give updates on
which gives different associates the opportunity
their particular situation. Jerry states, “it is a reto participate. Ms. Sylvia Gholson is quick to rewarding moment as the men respond in a prospond in leading prayer and her words often lead active way.” It is good to know people care.
to tears in the eyes of her listeners as her careful- Morning “gatherings” seem to be a thoughtful
ly chosen words are truly appreciated. Pam Eiway of sharing information and making ansom and Seprina Hall echoed the same reaction
nouncements of interest and putting associates
as they appreciate the opportunity to share with
in a ‘feel good’ mood. Being around positive and
their co-workers. Seprina states “by the end of
caring people often changes our perspective on
devotion time, she (a church choir member) is
life and what we value. “Every day is a blessing,
ready to ‘break out in song’ to celebrate the occa- every moment a gift.”
sion”. Cloudette Toomes finds herself waiting impatiently every morning for the morning devotion
to begin. She states “she prays every day anyway and thinks the participation is getting larger
and it only brings us closer”. Doris Puente loves
to hear Sylvia Gholson pray as she “makes me
have chills from head to toe – her words are so
touching that I have tears coming down my face.
Mike Moore
It inspires me from the heart, it reflects a positive
(Continued from page 10)
Pierce Distribution Services Company
Ripley Continues ...
“Gathering for a Purpose” Group Shots
Pierce Distribution Services Company
Ripley Continues ...
Associate of the Month
Pierce Feasts
Greg Hartsfield [L] with Kevin Hogan
We Appreciate Our Associates
Reginald Lake pictured with Debbie Chipman
Very Respectful
Nominated by second shift Back-Up Supervisor, Debbie
Chipman, Plant 7’s Associate of the Month is Reginald
Lake. Full of laughter and a positive attitude, Reginald is
no stranger to hard work as he has proven himself in his
short 2 ½ years with Pierce Distribution. This father of
two can always make you laugh. He is proud of his two
children – 18-year-old Mercedes, who is a Tennessee
State University Business Management Major and 11year-old Xavier, who attends Union City Junior High. Reginald states, “I enjoy spending time with my family especially when we gather to take advantage of my grilling”.
His specialty is cooking whole shoulders (secret is soaking the shoulder before applying the dry rub). Not willing
to share ‘secret’ spices in the dry rub, he admits people
get addicted to his good food. Reginald is a life-long resident of Ripley and Lauderdale County and a 2000 graduate of Ripley High. He loves the people he works with
and admits Pierce is a cool place to work (even in the
summer time). “I appreciate my job and the responsibilities that go with the job. I wish I had more time to spend
on restoring classic cars, but that will come later.” Ms.
Debbie states, “I just love his personality and his ability to
make you laugh as she refers to him as ‘Dough Boy’. (I
understand his other nickname is ‘Huggy Bear’ – I wonder what that is all about?) Thanks, Dough Boy, for being
our Associate of the Month. We appreciate you!
On April 23, 2015, Plant 7 showed their appreciation to all
our associates by hosting a BBQ Meal with all the trimmings for the 350 associates. The meal was catered by
Blue Footed Boobies BBQ (of Ripley, TN) owned by former Komatsu associate, Greg Hartsfield, and his
staff. The wonderful and tasty southern meal included
pulled pork BBQ on buns, homemade baked beans, potato salad, slaw and beverage. Our temp agency friends at
Metro Industrial (Kim Hill, Vice-President) joined the festivities by providing chocolate brownies for dessert. Yum
yum, Good! We pride ourselves by having the best and
most productive associates and take this opportunity to
say “thanks for what you do”. Your success is our success! We were also pleased to have Pierce Distribution
President, Kevin Hogan, and his wife, Donna, and granddaughter, Hartley, join us for the celebration festivities.
Pierce Distribution Services Company
Ripley Continues ...
Proud Great-Grandmother
Jackie Freeman
Weighing in at 14 pounds, 4 ounces is, not
one, but two “light weight’ boxers, Roman and
Jude. Ms. Jackie Freeman, of our first shift
Breakdown department, Plant 7, boasted of her
newborn great-grandsons who entered the
world on April 25, 2015. Roman Eisley Fitzgerald weighed in at 7 pounds, 2 ounces and 20
inches long; while brother, Jude Huxley Fitzgerald, weighed in at the same weight of 7
pounds, 2 ounces, but with the length of 20 ½
inches. Ms. Jackie states both great grandsons and her granddaughter, Sahara Fitzgerald, are doing well. The “high risk” pregnancy
was only one week short of 40 weeks. Also,
Ms. Jackie stated Sahara only weighed 92
pounds before the pregnancy. Congratulations
and Best Wishes to the new little family. Graduate
Macey Marie Cook
Milan High School
Macey Marie Cook, granddaughter of Joella Cook
(1st Shift – Allocation) graduates May 15th from Milan High School. Macey has plans to attend University of TN at Martin this fall. She will be majoring in communications with a minor in art history.