www.PinellasRepublicans.com May 2015 ON THE MOVE! webElect.net Your Campaign Connected OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE PINELLAS COUNTY REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MONDAY May 11, 2015 Pinellas County Republican Executive Committee Meeting 6 PM Member Orientation 7 PM Meeting Begins Banquet Masters 13355 49th Street N. Clearwater, FL 33762 PCREC OFFICE HOURS 9 AM to 2 PM Monday—Friday CONTENTS Page 1—Chairman’s Message Page 2—PCREC Speaker Club Corner—HRCOCP Page 3—Calendar Page 4—How To Do Facebook and Twitter Upcoming Elections Page 5—Ivory Club Pictures PCREC Treasurer Page 6—Tom Brew We have 566 days until the general election of 2016. Pinellas County Republicans have an enormous responsibility to elect Republicans to many offices in 2016. In 2012, Pinellas County was ranked the second most important county in the nation behind Hillsborough County in determining if a Republican is going to take back the White House. The I-4 corridor will once again play a vital role in the 2016 Presidential election. I am confident the Republican nominee for President will have the ability to articulate our platform and principles of smaller government, lower regulations and more personal freedom. Our country was founded on these principles and we need to elect a leader who will fight for the future of our country every step of the way. It’s time to end the corrupt Clinton dynasty once and for all! Locally, we have four county Commission races up for re-election, three of which are currently held by Democrats. We also have all five of our Republican constitutional officers: Sheriff, Supervisor of Elections, Tax Collector, Clerk of the Court and Property Appraiser on the ballot in 2016. Let’s make sure to show them our support in their reelection efforts. We must stand united, and we cannot afford to lose one of these seats. Of course, we cannot forget about two Congressmen: Gus Bilirakis and David Jolly, as well our State Representatives. We know these battles will be tough, but I am confident in our leaders, and I am confident in your dedication to their reelections. The stakes could not be higher this election. We must be prepared to protect our Republican elected officials and push back against the failed policies of Democrats in our county and across the country. As we continue preparing for 2016, be on the lookout for various ways to get involved. We are currently organizing a volunteerbased voter registration drive that will have our Executive Board, District Leaders and precinct leaders fully engaged to make sure we paint Pinellas Red. We are also pushing forward with a complete over haul of our website that will lead to improved messaging and social media engagement that is vital for a successful Republican party. We will be the most united, organized and passionate Republican Executive Committee in the state. Nick DiCeglie Chairman, Pinellas Republican Party Pinellas County Republican Executive Committee Office | 4707 140th Avenue North | Suite 208 | Clearwater, FL 33762 Phone: (727) 539-6009 | Fax: (727) 536-5902 | info@PinellasRepublicans.com Sheriff Gualtieri to Speak at the May PCREC Meeting Pinellas Sheriff Bob Gualtieri will provide an update on the latest programs and successes in the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office at the May 11 PCREC meeting. Sheriff Gualtieri has demonstrated strong leadership in steering and stewarding his large department in a challenging era of declining tax revenues and competing crime-fighting priorities. Bob Gualtieri has been the Pinellas County Sheriff since November 2011. He began his career with the Pinellas office over 30 years ago and has served in many different capacities, including the agency’s general counsel and the chief deputy. Did you know that Gualtieri attended Stetson College of Law and then entered private practice for about four years? Sheriff Gualtieri is married to Lauralee Westine, has three daughters and is active in the community, serving on numerous boards including the Boys and Girls Club of the Suncoast, the Sheriff’s Police Athletic League and the Pinellas Education Foundation. Club Corner: Hispanic Republican Club and Outreach of Pinellas County Chely Hernandez-Miller, President (727-434-4008) Hispanic Republican Club meets at 6 pm on the first Monday of the month at Crabby Bill’s, 401 Gulf Blvd., Indian Rocks Beach hrcpc08@aol.com www.hispanicrepublicanclub.com The Hispanic Republican Club of Pinellas County was founded in June 2008 and received the RPOF Charter in December of the same year. With tremendous support from PCREC Chairman Tony DeMatteo and his board, the club set bylaws: “To attract members and involve them in the Republican Party and subsequently provide them with a practical means of Republican Party participation, leadership training and political involvement at all levels of government; to support the principles, objectives and platform of the Republican Party; and to help secure the election of all duly nominated Republican candidates in the general election and registered Republican non-partisan elections.” In December 2014, under the guidance and support of Chairman Nick DeCiglie and his PCREC Board, the HRCOPC accepted free office space offered by its treasurer, Fernando Gutierrez, with the purpose of establishing an Outreach Office in addition to the Club. The office is centrally located at 1161 Woodlawn Street in Clearwater and offers services to those needing translations, notary public and legal consultation, all free of charge. “Outreach” was added to the club’s name for the new RPOF Charter. HRCOPC will endeavor to help and engage registered Hispanic Republicans, as well as to reach out to those who eventually will be able to be part of the process. The only requirement is to be a registered Republican, and dues are $10 a year. Most of the membership is not Hispanic, and they are very supportive of the club’s efforts to involve Hispanics in the political process. CALENDAR OF EVENTS—MAY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 BWRC 3 4 5 6 7 HRCOPC 10 11 12 PCREC 17 18 25 13 PCYR 19 RCGL 24 8 9 PSBRC 14 21 RRRC 26 15 16 22 23 29 30 CPRC SPRC 20 PCTR NPRC 27 28 31 BELLEAIR WOMEN’S REPUBLICAN CLUB (1st Friday of the Month) FRIDAY Guest Speaker: Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri Location: Belleair Country Club, 1 Country Club Lane, Belleair Contact: President Claudia Thomas (813) 361-4345 BWRC@PinellasRepublicans.com www.BelleairWomensRepublicanClub.com CENTRAL PINELLAS REPUBLICAN CLUB (2nd Thursday of the Month) THURSDAY Guest Speaker: Col. E. Otero, Ret., speaking on Cuba Location: 9100 113th Street North, Room 210, Seminole, FL Contact: President Barbara Stephens (727) 397-3449 CPRC@PinellasRepublicans.com May 1_ 11:30 AM May 14 HISPANIC REPUBLICAN CLUB AND OUTREACH OF PINELLAS COUNTY (1st Monday of the Month) MONDAY Guest Speaker: Dr. Robert Lawrence Location: Crabby Bill’s, 401 Gulf Blvd., Indian Rocks Beach Contact: President Chely Hernandez-Miller (727) 434-4008 www.HispanicRepublicanClub.com HRCPC08@aol.com 11:30 AM May 4 6 PM May 21 6 PM PINELLAS COUNTY REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (2nd Monday of the Month) MONDAY May 11 Guest Speaker: Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri Location: Banquet Masters, 13355 49th Street, North Clearwater, FL 33762 Contact: Office (727) 539-6009 info@PinellasRepublicans.com www.PinellasRepublicans.com 7 PM PINELLAS COUNTY TEENAGE REPUBLICANS (2nd Saturday of the Month) Guest Speaker: TBA Location: 1040 21st Avenue N., St. Petersburg 33704 Contact: President ReLynn Capra (727) 459-5104 relynncapra@aol.com SATURDAY May 9 3 PM PINELLAS COUNTY YOUNG REPUBLICANS (2nd Tuesday of the Month) Guest Speaker: TBA Location: St. Petersburg Yacht Club, 11 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL 337-1 Contact: President Gordon Oldham (727) 482-6902 g.oldhamiv@gmail.com TUESDAY May 12 7 PM PINELLAS SUNCOAST BLACK REPUBLICAN CLUB (1st Thursday of the Month) Guest Speaker: TBA Location: Sunshine Center, 330 5th Street N., St. Petersburg 33701 Contact: President Sheila Griffin (727) 207-2721 psbrcfl@yahoo.com THURSDAY May 7 7 PM May 18 6 PM NORTH PINELLAS REPUBLICAN CLUB (3rd Thursday of the Month) Guest Speaker: TBA Location: Leo’s Italian Grill, 33286 US 19 North, Palm Harbor 34684 President: Jim Downes Contact: Sue Berfield (727) 443-7316 northpinellasrepublicanclub@gmail.com REPUBLICAN CLUB OF GREATER LARGO (3rd Monday of the Month) Guest Speaker: Col. E. Otero, Ret., speaking on Cuba Location: Alfano’s Restaurant, 1702 Clearwater Largo Road, Clearwater, FL 33756 Contact: President Casey Cox (727) 480-9155 RCGL@PinellasRepublicans.com THURSDAY MONDAY http://largorepublicans.com RONALD REAGAN REPUBLICAN CLUB (3rd Tuesday of the Month) TUESDAY Guest Speaker: State Rep. Chris Latvala Location: Top of the World Veranda Room, East Activity Center Contact: President Marvin Lazernik (951-377-0913) suemarvlaz@gmail.com ST. PETERSBURG REPUBLICAN CLUB (2nd Wednesday of the Month) WEDNESDAY Guest Speaker: Rep. Kathleen Peters Location: St. Petersburg Community Church 4501 30th Avenue North, St. Petersburg 33710 Contact: President Gail Hebert (727) 526-2492 SPRC@PinellasRepublicans.com May 19 7 PM May 13 7 PM Take the plunge and create a Facebook/Twitter account You may remember that one of the reasons President Obama won his elections was his social media presence. For the upcoming Republican elections we all need to advance our online presence and spread the word for Republican candidates. The Internet gives us the ability to communicate almost instantaneously to online neighborhoods. The one-two-three steps listed below should help you get your online presence started. Steps to creating a Facebook account: District Leaders Getting Organized Pam Hinds, District 66, held a meeting on Saturday, April 11. The meeting included discussions on voter registration training by Rosemary Mills, instruction in precinct walking by Barbara Stephens and the importance of meeting the voters in each precinct now. These district leadership meetings are a must in getting all of districts organized for a very big election cycle headed our way. We need Pinellas County to be ready to register, walk and rally! Do you realize we have all of the following elections coming up? 2016 Elections: President U.S. Senate U.S. House District 19 (Gus Bilirakis) Florida Senate District 19 Florida House Districts 64 65 (Chris Sprowls) 66 (Larry Ahern) 67 (Chris Latvala) Districts 68 and 70 69 (Kathleen Peters) Pinellas County Constitutional Officers: Clerk of the Circuit Court (Ken Burke) Property Appraiser Tax Collector (Diane Nelson) Sheriff (Bob Gualtieri) PLEASE NOTE: The Ronald Reagan Republican Club of Pinellas County is moving to a new location starting in May. The club will be meeting at Top of the World on the third Tuesday of every month at 7 pm in the Veranda Room in the East Activity Center. Go to Google or another search engine. In the Search field type “Facebook.com”. You will be asked to enter your first and last names, an email address, birthday and gender. Next, create a password, something you will remember, but tough enough it won’t be easily guessed. It is best to use at least 11 digits, with numbers, capitals, and symbols. Be sure to write it down! Example: 1&2Remembr9 Facebook will ask you to complete your profile by asking questions like high school, college, employer, etc. You may skip this step if you don’t want personal information out there. You will be asked to provide a photo. You can upload a photo or you will get the Facebook’s default. Once the account is active you will see a search area, “find friends”. Please type in: Republican Party of Florida Pinellas County Republican Executive Committee Republican National Committee The names of the clubs listed in this newsletter When each Facebook page comes up you will see the word “LIKE” in the title area. If you click on the LIKE you will then be joined to the page, and you will get postings from the organizations which you can then share with your friends. Steps to creating a Twitter account: Twitter is a networking tool for advocacy, and it is important that followers trust you and feel comfortable connecting with you. Go to Google or another search engine. In the search field, type “Twitter.com” and click on the Sign up now button. Think creatively and try picking a name that instantly tells about you. Once logged in, simply click on Profile from the navigation bar up top. Next click Edit Your Profile, halfway down the page, you will find the field for a one-line bio. This is the critical piece in your Twitter identity. If your username is not specific, if your picture is a little vague, this is the space where you can define yourself. Add a profile picture. Space is provided to upload a new image from your computer. You do not want to use the default Twitter photo. This is the quickest way to go nowhere on Twitter. Your page can be found at www. twitter.com/yourhandle. For example: www. twitter.com/inezliota. Each “tweet” can only be up to 140 characters in length. To reply to someone else’s post, simply place “@” in front of their username or click the arrow to reply and type your response. April 28—Bascom’s I V O R Y C L U B Thank You Bascom’s and Paul Jallo for a memorable Ivory Club Spring Fling Notes from the PCREC Treasurer: “Follow the Money”, the now famous quote from Ben Bradley to Woodward and Bernstein in All The Presidents Men, has become a mantra for many of us who seek transparency in public finance. Our goal is to make the finances and the financial records of the PCREC open and transparent. One of the ways we do this is printing and distributing the financial statement to members at the monthly PCREC meeting. All money collected and all money spent is reported in detail to the Supervisor of Elections in a quarterly report. Once reported to the SOE, it becomes a public record for all to see. In addition, any PCREC member who has questions can make an appointment with me, and I will be happy to answer them. I am happy to report that the Audit Report for Calendar Year 2014 has been completed and the records were found in general compliance by the Finance Committee. We are very appreciative of the volunteer hours devoted to a complete review of the financial records of the PCREC and the Ivory Club by Tim Lima CPA, Finance Committee Chairman, Alan Swartz CPA, Finance Committee and Mel Sams CPA, Finance Committee. Thank you gentlemen. We are in the process of switching the financial record keeping to Quick Books which should make tracking and reporting even more streamlined. My first five months as treasurer have been very busy, but the PCREC office staff and volunteers have made it most enjoyable. We have the best volunteers! —Casey Cox, Your PCREC Treasurer ON THE MOVE! Pinellas County Republican Executive Committee 4707 140th Avenue North, Suite 208 Clearwater, FL 33762 PCREC Celebrates Tom Brew Most of the PCREC membership know and appreciate Tom Brew. Tom joined the PCREC in January 1988. He served as Membership Chairman for more than 10 years and helped create and implement the most successful membership drive in the history of the organization. Once challenged by then Chairman Paul Bedinghaus to fill 50% of all precinct seats, his committee filled 450 precinct committee seats, the largest number ever for Pinellas County. Tom also created a comprehensive training program for new members and oversaw the training committee, and he is a charter member of the Chairman’s Circle and an active member of the Ivory Club. Over the years, he has faithfully supported local Republican candidates, working behind the scenes in support roles. Tom is originally from New Jersey (South Jersey). He is a retired industrial mechanical engineer after 30 years with the American Can Company in Tampa. He lived with his wife (now deceased) in St. Petersburg where they raised their three children. On April 11, 2015, Tom celebrated his 90th birthday among 250 well-wishers at the St. Petersburg Yacht Club. To this day Tom is always there with a smile and ready to assist when we need him. Thank you, Tom, for your lifetime of dedication to the PCREC and Republican causes. PCREC BOARD Nick DiCeglie, Chairman Chairman@PinellasRepublicans.com Todd Jennings, Vice Chairman ViceChairman@PinellasRepublicans.com Pam McAloon, Secretary Secretary@PinellasRepublicans.com Casey Cox, Treasurer Treasurer@PinellasRepublicans.com Charlotte Smith, Executive Director administrator@PinellasRepublicans.com Brian Aungst—Legal Counsel Questions? Comments? Suggestions? info@PinellasRepublicans.com STATE PARTY OFFICIALS Blaise Ingoglia Dan Tucker Nancy Riley Jay J. Beyrouti Chairman-Republican Party of FL State Committeeman State Committeewoman State Committeeman at Large Attention PCREC Members: RPOF County Model Constitution: Section 4—Removal for Non-Attendance at County Executive Committee Meetings (a) A county executive committee member who is absent for three (3) consecutive regular meetings without a valid excuse shall be removed from the County Executive committee as of the date of the third consecutive missed meeting.
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