PINEWILD WOMEN’S GOLF ASSOCIATION Officers 2015 President Freddy Mastandrea 235-0663 Vice-President Barbara Vincenti 215-9517 Secretary Diane Dunlap 687-4667 Treasurer Debra Smith 255-0590 Tournament Directors April Zelinski Peggy Clark 616-340-5103 235-3908 Directors Elect Louise Pryor Sally Manich 295-5574 730-0263 Social Chair Arlene Knapp 420-2408 Members at Large Sue Jacobsen Mary Vicenik 420-1012 235-3885 Past President 295-5548 Karen Smith 1 Committee Chairwomen Handicap Louise Pryor 295-5574 Rules Carol Pitzer 255-3788 Publicity Katie Dahlberg 295-6894 Interclub 1 Elect Debra Smith Ellen Sherman 255-0590 295-1151 Interclub II Elect Judith Kelley Karen Smith 215-0944 295-5548 Pinetop Elect Linda Stohler Kathy Dahlberg 816-9117 295-6894 Tar Heels Brenda Hiscott 295-9544 Sunshine Kathy Lannon 235-9232 Ringers Jan Behnke 255-0470 Birdies DeeDee Schmitt 295-5878 Chip-ins Deb Chuderewicz 420-8112 2 Points Kay Rednour 3 235-5326 CHAIRS FOR SPECIFIC TOURNAMENTS Holly-Pines Terri Birkhauser Member-Guest Chris Johnson 420-2946 215-5829 Magnolia Challenge April Zelinsky Peggy Clark 616-340-5103 235-3908 Think Pink Lynn Moore 235-3929 Jack & Jill Patty Hmel 420-2479 Informal Guest Karen Smith Day 295-5548 Sadie Hawkins Karen Greene Judy Block 255-0678 235-3678 Solheim Cup 255-0698 215-0388 Kathy Samchalk Chris Novak 4 Ringers Jan Benke 255-0470 On a member’s first PWGA Play Day, she should circle her gross score, using an ink pen, on each hole on her ringer card. On subsequent PWGA Play Days, as improvement is made on a hole, each lower gross score should then be circled with a pencil. At the end of the year, a final ringer score comprised of the total of the lowest score recorded on each hole for that year will result in winners in each flight. Birdies DeeDee Schmitt 295-5878 Record birdies each PWGA Play Day on the sheet in the locker room, and have each attested, by someone in your foursome. At the end of the season, members will be divided into flights. The players with the most birdies in each flight will be awarded prizes at the closing luncheon. Chip-ins Deb Chuderewicz 420-8112 On each PWGA Play Day, if a player chooses to participate, she should sign her name on the chip-in sheet and put a quarter in the box prior to playing. If she has a chip-in, the player should circle her name on the sign-up sheet, indicate which hole, and have someone in her foursome attest the chip-in. The money will be divided among those who had chip-ins that day. Winnings may be picked up in the locker room on the next Play Day. Points Kay Rednour 235-5326 Points are given to the winners of PWGA Play Day events. At the end of the season the points are totaled and assigned a value. Members are then given credit in the pro shop equal to the amount they have won. 5 Past Presidents Barbara Nye Barbara Nye Mary Fahy Mary Fahy Ann Skrei Gail Weislogel Gail Meyer Jody Young Terry Brown Freddy Mastandrea Linda Critzer Connie Desmond Gayl Welter Gay Strojny Sandy Gruin Carol Roth Janet Clark Chris Johnson Lydia Healy Marsha Krasicky Kathy Samchalk Nancy Butler Karen Smith 6 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 PWGA 2015 MEMBERSHIP Telephone Member Spouse Birthday 255-0275 Anders, Nancy Carl 10/5 420-1223 Angus, Carol Dan 8/8 540-815-003 Appleman, Pam 295-1955 Barrett, BJ Marty 255-0470 Behnke, Jan Bob 6/3 215-9306 Bell, Linda Harold 3/4 235-9237 Berry, Bonnie Fred 6/24 420-2418 Birkhauser, Terri David 5/24 215-0716 Blecharczyk, Sallie Steve 12/5 235-3678 Block, Judy Len 1/28 215-9964 Brewer, Anita Frank 7 9/24 6/7 295-6974 Bruff, Jean Bill 215-6178 Buller, Anke Manfred 295-5790 Butler, Nancy Jack 11/21 295-0305 Cashion, Jan John 8/20 295-2790 Cecka, Andy Tom 8/5 295-3569 Clark, Janet Roger 8/31 235-3908 Clark, Peggy 1/11 7/6 11/1 215-8730 Clark, Phyllis Gary 12/8 295-8989 Connelly, Judy Kevin 2/9 295-2695 Corgan, Gail Dan 11/8 420-2425 Cormier, Kay Bob 8/16 420-2020 Crabill, Mary Jane Warren 215-9395 Critzer, Linda Mike 8 7/5 1/13 585-7318 Dahlberg, Katie Eric 2/27 255-6263 Danker, Rita Walt 2/21 215-8113 Davis, Nancy K Richard 215-8741 Davison, Lynne Ted 7/18 295-6179 Denny, Shelley Dave 8/8 420-2155 Devendorf, Shari David 5/20 295-9573 Dix, Jean Ron 4/19 255-6417 Donahue, Jen Tim 4/24 255-6128 D’Onle, Brenda Leon 7/10 687-4667 Dunlap, Diane Barry 10/3 295-6988 Ecker, Harriet Karl 3/24 295-5629 Edgar, Cindy Lou 7/14 235-4550 Erdman, Bobbi Cal 9/1 420-2795 Fassett, Susan Allen 9 11/19 281-773-0848 Ferguson, Carol Fergi 255-0338 Fulcher, B.J. Calvert 295-1413 Gannaway, Patricia 5/9 295-4753 Gannett, Barbara Walt Jordan 7/8 235-3796 Garber, Janet Jan 5/5 295-7184 Gilbert, Karen Dick 3/21 255-0678 Greene, Karen Bud 9/13 463-8240 Grieshaber, Jean Rick 2/8 235-0910 Hamilton, Emily Don 295-5536 Harper, Diana 420-2101 Harrington, Jean Dick 1/27 215-9735 Healy, Lydia Fred 10/5 295-5895 Heimann, Connie Jack 11/3 10 Doug 11/26 3/15 11/10 7/15 215-0978 Hill, Grace Jim 295-9544 Hiscott, Brenda Don 12/20 420-2479 Hmel, Patty Mike 2/22 420-1012 Jacobsen, Sue Gary 2/21 215-5829 Johnson, Chris Joel 7/14 295-1954 Johnston, Marlene 235-3821 Jones, Carla Bob 11/5 295-1881 Junk, Penny Keith 1/13 295-3760 Keel, Nancy Phillip 9/14 235-0082 Keener, Linda 1/12 215-0944 Kelley, Judith 7/13 295-1100 King, Pat Jack 5/26 420-2408 Knapp, Arlene Bob 3/7 295-4011 Krasicky, Marcia Gary 5/25 11 8/8 10/13 215-8101 Kroes, Carol Mike 4/16 295-7192 Lambert, Sue Terry 7/28 235-9232 Lannon, Kathy Art 215-0002 Lash, Ginger Pete 7/3 215-5544 Leggett, Judi Steve 4/5 295-1360 Leidy, Marjory Doug 8/16 255-1009 Lowry, Terry John 12/1 295-4432 Lundberg, Jackie Dave 5/2 986-2716 Lyszyk, Paula Gene 12/5 215-0266 Mahan, Marilyn Jack 730-0263 Manich, Sally Glenn 420-8305 Marki, Pat 255-0436 Marrale, Kaye Chuck 12 7/19 9/15 10/16 Francis 7/30 235-0663 Mastandrea, Freddy Pat 9/15 818-448-0881 McKay, Charlene Dan 4/9 414-379-7054 McGushin, Kathy Terry 4/4 295-9747 McMahon, Dee Jim 12/1 295-1870 McNeish, Ann Peter 11/7 215-9429 Mitchell, Betsey Dick 10/27 235-3929 Moore, Lynne Tim 3/26 295-5569 Moore, Nan Steve 10/1 295-7344 Mott, Dolly Gary 3/10 295-1159 Mulvaney, Betty Bill 1/7 235-4272 Niedermaier, Nancy Dave 2/17 295-6545 Norman, Connie J.C. 12/2 215-0388 Novak, Chris Jan 8/21 215-0564 Otto, Marilyn Dave 13 2/4 420-1363 Oxendine, Adrienne 215-5807 Petricola, Denise Tony 12/16 255-3788 Pitzer, Carol Ken 12/22 295-9115 Pollard, Lois Jeffrey 9/15 420-2236 Polston, Liz Fred Hoffecker 1/25 215-4580 Porter, Ruth Ann Harry 11/29 295-1744 Power, Joan Don 2/13 215-9479 Preboske, Judy 5/3 235-0011 Prosser, Nanette 8/11 295-5574 Pryor, Louise Jim 235-5326 Rednour, Kay Gordon 2/12 235-0137 Regula, Debra Ralph 5/24 235-0247 Reutter, Nancy Bob 4/29 14 Joe 5/7 7/29 215-9044 Rezeli, Kathy Frank 9/13 215-0121 Rhone, Shelley Wayne 11/19 925-360-1508 Roberts, Val John 215-0778 Roche, Marylou Larry 10/11 255-0698 Samchalk, Kathy Marty 12/16 295-7386 Schmidt, Nancy Doug 6/29 295-5878 Schmitt, DeeDee John 2/21 295-7589 Schnare, Sandy Richard 5/14 215-9257 Schneider, Mary Don 6/25 Schneiter, Linda 687-0066 Scofield, Vicky Jeff 215-5540 Scribner, Mary Steve 295-1151 Sherman, Ellen Bill 295-7403 Sheron, Arvilla Richard 15 4/16 7/13 12/18 10/7 295-2648 Simms, Helen Eddie 295-3627 Sluder, Jo Ann Larry 255-0590 Smith, Debra Bill 7/24 986-0862 Smith, Judy Robert 3/24 295-5548 Smith, Karen 295-6965 12/24 12/14 Steere, Mary Lou Richard 6/17 805-455-4041 Stohler, Linda John 1/12 420-2124 Tartalio, Janis Paul 2/26 295-1241 Teems, Karen Wayne 295-4256 Tencza, Barbara Michael 10/5 215-8903 Tuffnell, Talie Stu 2/10 235-3885 Vicenik, Mary Tom 12/25 215-9517 Vincenti, Barbara Dan 10/18 215-0989 Vosilus, Diane 16 Bob 6/8 235-0853 Wake, Shirley 295-4572 Waldemar, Jane 215-8964 Watterworth, Pat George 10/13 295-5344 Weiler, Jean Ed 12/13 235-5256 Weller, Cynthia Jim 1/15 215-5790 Welter, Gayl Bob 12/7 215-0105 Wilson, Sue Jack 1/25 215-5943 Winkley, Jude Rich 5/1 215-0920 Wisniewski, Sue Jerry 5/27 295-3386 Wright, Suzanne Dick 12/6 295-9512 Young, Jody Jim 12/27 Tom 4/29 616-340-5103 Zelinski, April 17 John 3/21 9/14 Membership Changes and Notes 18 PLAY DAY INFORMATION PWGA Play Days consist of organized play with assigned tee times. The point system is used to determine year-end award amounts. A. PLAY DAYS 1. PWGA Play Days are on Tuesdays starting March 10 through November 17. 2. During the off-season, there will be no organized game. The Pro Shop will usually assign tee times for Tuesday during the offseason. B. PLAY FORMATS 1. Peer Play: Play is with members of similar handicaps. Points are awarded within flights for individual performance 2. ABCD: The field is divided into 4 levels. A team consists on one player from each handicap level. Points are awarded based on team performance. 19 3. Pick A Partner: Players choose any other PWGA member to be a partner for a Better Ball of Twosome event. 4. Informal Guest Day: Players invite another amateur golfer who is not a PWGA member to a fun day of golf for cart fees only. There is no game on these days for members or guests. C. HANDICAP SYSTEM 1. Forty (40) is the maximum handicap used for play days and tournaments regardless of a player’s established handicap. 2. To be eligible to play in PWGA Play Day Tournaments, new members must bring an established handicap from a prior club or post five18-hole Pinewild scores to establish a handicap. 20 3. Posting adjusted scores: When posting scores in the computer, the following are the maximum scores which may be taken any hole based on handicap: (Equitable Stroke Control) Hcp, 0-9 (double bogie); Hcp. 1019 (7); Hcp. 20-29 (8); Hcp. 30-39 (9); Hcp. 40 and above (10). D. PLAY DAY PROCEDURES 1. Sign up will only be via the internet. 2. Players must sign up by 12:00 Noon Sunday for Tuesday play. The Pro Shop will handle all pairings, cancellations, and changes. No special requests will be accepted from individual players 3. Tuesday’s parings will be posted on the web site by 1:00PM on Sunday. Players should check the website after 6:00PM the day before play for the final listing of tee times in the event that revisions have been made. Non-residents may call the Pro Shop for tee times (295-5145). Course conditions are available on the web site or by calling 295-0358. 21 4. Players should check in at the Pro Shop at least 15 minutes prior to tee time. 5. If participating in the chip-in game, players must sign the Chip-In Sheet and put a quarter in the box in the locker room prior to play. 6. After finding foursomes and making cart arrangements, foursomes should proceed to course. 7. Upon completion of play, players shall: a. Update Ringer Cards and sign for birdies and chip-ins as indicated on the play schedule. BOTH birdies and chipins must be attested by a teammate. b. Post adjusted score in the computer immediately after play to qualify for points. c. Leave signed and attested score cards in PWGA league section of the unlocked box in the locker room. 8. Game results and individual point awards will be posted on the PWGA Website and will be e-mailed to all PWGA members. 22 E. CANCELLATIONS & LATE SIGN-UP 1. If it is necessary to cancel after sign-up players must notify the pro shop as soon as possible. If the cancellation is made the morning of play, the player should also contact someone in her group so that they do not wait for her. 2. If a player did not sign up before pairings were made on Sunday, but would like to play, she should contact the Pro Shop and ask to be put on an alternate list. 3. After 4:00PM of the day prior to play, the Pro Shop will assign alternates to starting times where there are openings and where handicaps are best suited for the scheduled event. 4. The Pro Shop will call alternates to inform of placement and tee times. No special requests will be accepted. 23 F. WEATHER CONDITIONS 1. The Tournament Directors will consult with the Pro Shop, and at least thirty minutes before the first tee time a decision will be made regarding cancellation because of inclement weather. If the weather is questionable, members should check the web site first or call the Course Condition Line (295-0358) or the Pro Shop (2955145). If weather becomes an issue after play has begun, each foursome may decide whether or not to continue play. 2 If 20 or more PWGA members finish play, the game will be considered valid and points as well as birdies, ringers, and chipins will be awarded when indicated for the game of the day. 3. If the club closes the course or PWGA Tournament Directors cancel play, no points, birdies, ringers, or chip-ins will be awarded. Any chip-in money will be carried over to the next play day. 24 G. EQUITABLE STROKE CONTROL In order to speed up play, if a player is at or beyond her maximum ESC score on a hole, she may choose to pick up her ball and take her maximum score on that hole. The player will remain in the game of the day, and remains eligible to win points for the event as long as her ball is not used on that hole, or that hole is not part of the event. Examples are a best ball event, or when the maximum score is taken on an odd hole when only even hole scores are being used. HOWEVER THIS ACTION WILL ELIMINATE THE PLAYER FROM COMPETITION FOR LOW GROSS/LOW NET POINTS IF THEY ARE BEING AWARDED THAT DAY. If a player chooses to do this, the following procedures should be followed. 1. The maximum score on any hole for player’s course handicap should be used for that hole: Hcp, 0-9 (double bogie); Hcp. 1019 (7); Hcp. 20-29 (8); Hcp. 30-39 (9); Hcp. 40 and above (10). The player’s maximum score followed by an X should be recorded on the score card to indicate that the player did not complete that hole, e.g. 8x 25 H. WITHDRAWAL FROM A ROUND AFTER PLAY HAS BEGUN 1. If a player withdraws from a play day game, but completes the round of play, she must still post her adjusted score in the computer. 2. If a player plays 9 through 12 holes she must post a nine hole score. 3. If a player plays 13 or more holes but does not complete the round, she must post an 18 hole score. Scores for the unplayed holes should be recorded as par plus any handicap strokes she would receive on those holes. LOCAL RULES Everyone should carry a current copy of USGA Local Rules sheet (available on Members’ Website under Club News/Policy/Golf) in her Golf bag. USGA Rules as modified by PCC. Local Rules apply for PWGA play days, unless otherwise noted on the rules sheet for the event. 26 Highlighted Local Rules Out of Bounds on both courses as defined by gray stakes with white tops. For a ball out of bounds, consider playing a provisional ball. Proceed under Rule 27-2 Posted Environmentally Sensitive Areas may NOT be entered and balls may NOT be played from these areas. The areas are either water or lateral water hazards and the entire hazard is included. Proceed under Rule 26-1 Greenside Fans are temporary immovable obstructions TIO. Relief may be taken for swing and stance and line of play (See App.1, 7a). Stones in Bunkers are movable obstructions. Use of Distance Measuring Devices is permitted Please note: The drop areas on the Holly Course may NOT be used in any PWGA play or Club Tournaments. Ball in water hazard must be played under the appropriate water hazard rule. Proceed under Rule 26. 27 PWGA 2015 SCHEDULE of EVENTS Dates and events are subject to change (T) Designates posting as tournament round. Always check the tournament instruction sheet in the locker room and /or Pro Shop for tee times, as they may be revised. DO NOT PICK UP at any time during the game if you are playing for a course record. MARCH 3/10 PWGA Opener 8:00 Breakfast and Meeting 10:30 Shotgun – on the Magnolia “SURPRISE” Game No birdies, chip-ins, or ringers 3/17 “1-2-3 Irish Four Ball” –Holly 1st hole 1 Net BB; 2 nd hole 2 Net BBs; 3rd hole 3 Net BBs; Repeat Start recording birdies, chip-ins, and ringers 3/24 AB & CD - Magnolia – Orange Tees 1 Net BB of AB added to 1 Net BB of CD 3/31 Peer Play – Magnolia “Aces of the Day” Individual Low Gross/Low Net Post as “Tournament” Round 28 APRIL 4/6 Pinetop @ Pinewild – Holly Post as “Tournament” Round 4/7 Holly vs. Pines – Holly 9:00 Shotgun followed by luncheon 4/14 ABCD – Magnolia “Six – Six – Six” 1st 6 holes 1 Net BB; 2nd 6 holes 2 Net BBs; 3rd 6 holes 3 Net BBs 4/21 A vs B & C vs D - Holly Individual – Match Play 100% Handicap (play off low ball) 4/27 MEMBER GUEST - Practice Round Tee Times on the Holly No birdies, chip-ins or ringers 4/28 MEMBER-GUEST – Holly 8:30 Registration & Breakfast 10:00 Shotgun – 5:30 Cocktails; 6:00 Dinner and awards No Birdies, Chip-ins or Ringers 29 MAY 5/5“Pick A Partner” – Holly Individual Low Gross/Low Net Net Best Ball of Partners 5/12 MAGNOLIA CHALLENGE Tee Times – Round 1 Round 2 completed by June 9th Round 3 completed July 14th 5/19 ABCD – Holly 1 Net BB on Par 3’s; 2 Net BBs on Par 5’s 5/26 “Peer Play” – Magnolia “Aces of the Day” Individual Low Gross/Low Net “Odd/Even” 1 Net BB on odd holes; 2 Net BBs on even holes 5/28 Jack n’ Jill – Magnolia (PMGA leads) 30 JUNE 6/2 PWGA – Away Play – Little River 9:06 Shotgun 6/9 Think PINK----for Breast Cancer 8:30 Shotgun – Holly Luncheon & Business meeting 6/16 Peer Play - Magnolia Individual Low Gross/Low Net Post as “Tournament Round” 6/23 ABCD – Holly “Pink Lady” Object is to keep ball in play; each player plays at least 4 holes with the pink ball; team is rewarded for returning with the pink ball 6/30 ABCD – Magnolia “Nassau” Front, Back & Overall Net 31 JULY 7/7 Peer Play – Holly “Aces of the Day” Individual Low Gross/Low Net Team Low Putts Post as a Tournament Round 7/14 PWGA/PAL Scramble & Lunch (PAL Hosting) No birdies, chip-ins or ringers 7/21 NC State Day – Peer Play Magnolia “Aces of the Day” Individual Low Gross/Low Net Post as a Tournament Round 7/28 Informal Guest Day – Magnolia No birdies, chip-ins or ringers 32 AUGUST 8/4 Tar Heel @ Pinewild Post as a Tournament Round 8/11 Peer Play – Holly “Aces of the Day” Individual Low Gross/Low Net 3 Net Balls of Foursome 8/18 Away Game - Pinewood No birdies, chip-ins or ringers 8/25 ABCD - Magnolia “Stableford” Net Best Balls 100% Handicap 33 SEPTEMBER 9/1 Sadie Hawkins – Holly Shotgun w/Luncheon to follow No birdies, chip-ins or ringers 9/8 Peer Play – Magnolia 2 Net BBs that start with T or F 9/15 ABCD – Holly “Cat & Mice Net Best Balls” Cat’s score on each hole always counts plus 1 BB of the mice 9/22 Peer Play – Magnolia “Aces of the Day” Individual Low Gross/Low Net Post as a Tournament Round 9/28-29 Solheim Cup Event – Magnolia See Tournament instructions for birdies, chip-ins and ringers, and which scores to be posted as “Tournament” rounds. 34 OCTOBER 10/1 Solheim Cup Event - Magnolia 10/6 ABCD – Holly “AC + BD” 1 Net BB of AC added to 1 Net BB of BD 10/6 PAL “Tickle Me Pink” (optional for PWGA members) No Birdies, chip-ins or ringers Peer Play – Magnolia “Aces of the Day” FINAL Individual Low Gross/Low Net “Flag Day” 1 BB on Red & White; 2 BB on Yellow Flags 10/13 10/20 ABCD – Holly “Luck of the Draw” 2 BBs Net Card Game 10/27 PWGA Fall Shootout (Qualifiers only) Magnolia – No Regular PWGA Play 10:00 Shootgun 35 NOVEMBER 11/3 Peer Play – Holly Individual Low Gross/ Low Net “Blind Partner” Pro Shop will select partners after play begins; Partners’ scores are combined to determine winners 11/10 ABCD – Magnolia “5 Club Challenge” Each player can only use the same 5 clubs from their bag all day; 2 BBs 11/17 FINAL PLAY – FUN DAY – Magnolia “SURPRISE” Game No birdies, chip-ins or ringers 36 DECEMBER 12/1 CLOSING LUNCHEON 11:00 AM Business Meeting No Play 37 HOLE-IN-ONE CLUB 1. The PWGA Hole-in-One Club will run from January 1 to December 31 each calendar year. 2. Annual Hole-in-One fees will be collected at the same time as annual dues and membership. The fee to participate will be $10. 3. Any member of the PWGA Hole-In-One Club who has a hole-in-one will receive $l00 at the time the Hole-In-One is accomplished. a. At the end of the calendar year the remaining funds in the club will be distributed evenly among those who accomplished a hole-in-one. b. If there are any funds remaining they will be carried over to The Hole-In-One Fund for the following year. 4. A hole-in-one can be made on any day on either the Magnolia or Holly course, but must be witnessed by at least two additional people, one of whom may be a spouse. 5. The Hole-In-One money will be administered by the Treasurer, and will not be co-mingled with any other PWGA monies. 38 6. Anyone making a hole-in-one is to notify the Publicity Chair, Katie Dahlberg (295-6894) who in turn will notify the Treasurer, Debra Smith. The treasurer will be responsible for disbursing prize money and keeping a list of members who have a hole-in-one during the year. 39 Pinetop (Pinetop rounds to be posted as Tournament rounds) Linda Stohler Kaite Dahlberg April 6 May 6 June 15 July 23 Aug 19 Sept 10 Oct 19 816-9117 295-6894 Monday Wednesday Monday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Monday Pinewild Woodlake Whispering Pines Seven Lakes Foxfire Grey Fox Southern Pines Pinehurst #5 1. Approximately four weeks prior to the tournament an email will be sent with details and a sign-up sheet will be posted. 2. The Sign-Up Sheet will be removed from bulletin board (approximately) 9-10 days prior to tournament. 3. Only those sign-ups accompanied with a check payable to PWGA will be accepted. No reminders will be made. 40 4. A team of 12 players who play for points and prizes and 4 Alternates who play for prizes will represent Pinewild. Name order of the 4 Alternates may not indicate who is called first, second, etc. Alternates are based on needed indices to fill out a flight. Additional golfers may be accepted if the Host Club can accommodate more than 16 golfers, and they will play for prizes. 5. Entry fee includes lunch, bag tips, and prizes. If golf is cancelled due to inclement weather, lunch will still be served. No refunds for lunch will be given. 6. Deadline for cancellation is 5 days or as noted on the invitation. Contact Linda Stohler (816-9117) or Katie Dahlberg (295-6894). 7. All the events will have a shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. except for the April event at Pinewild and the October event at Pinehurst #5. They will have a shotgun start at 9:00 a.m. 8. Scores will be posted as tournament scores by The Pro Shop. 41 Tar Heel Women’s Golf Association (Posted as Tournament rounds) Brenda Hiscott 295-9544 1. 2. 3. 4. The Sign-Up Sheet is posted in the Locker Room and sign-ups must be made in ink. Maximum USGA index 32.9. Shotgun at 9:30 AM. Tournaments will be played if the course is open. To qualify for a two-day tournament, you must participate in at least two one-day tournaments. Tournament fee (including cart fee) will be refunded only if a player notifies the host club of cancellation 48 hours before play. March 24 April 16 May 5 June 9 July 16 August 4 Sept 17 Oct 21-22 Pinehurst #7 Pine Valley Wilson Highland River Landing Pinewild Coharie Governors Club 42 (Pinehurst) (Wilmington) (Wilson) (Highland) (Wallace) (Pinehurst) (Clinton) (Chapel Hill) Moore County Interclub I Team Matches (Posted as Tournament rounds) Debra Smith 255-0590 Ellen Sherman 295-1151 Wednesday, May 27 Host: Country Club of North Carolina Pinewild vs. Country Club of North Carolina Monday, June 1: Host: Foxfire Pinewild vs. Foxfire Wednesday, July 8 Host: Pinewild Pinewild vs. Monday, August 10 Host: Country Club of Whispering Pines Pinewild vs. Country Club of Whispering Pines Wednesday, September 30 Host: Pinehurst #5 Pinewild vs. Pinehurst #5 Sign Up Procedure: Interclub I & II Each team consists of eight (8) players. A sign-up sheet will be posted in the Ladies Locker Room 2 weeks prior to each match, where eligible players may sign up. One week before the match, the signup sheet will be removed and the lowest sixteen (16) handicaps from that list will be determined. All those who signed up will be notified by email. 43 Moore County Interclub II Team Matches (Posted as Tournament rounds) Judith Kelley Karen Smith 215-0944 295-5548 Monday, May 4 Host: Mid South Pinewild vs. Mid South Wednesday, June 24 Host: Pinehurst #7 Pinewild vs. Pinehurst #7 Wednesday, July 8 Host: Pinewild Pinewild vs. Monday, August 10 Host: Pinehurst CC Pinewild vs. Pinehurst CC Wednesday, September 30 Host: Pinehurst #5 Pinewild vs. Pinehurst #5 Eligibility: Interclub I & II Current handicap must be 25.0 or less Must be a member of the PWGA Eight rounds must have already been played and posted at Pinewild during the current year. Two rounds (with at least one at Pinewild) must have been played and posted within the five weeks prior to the date of the upcoming team match. 44 Additional 2015 Events (Posted as Tournament rounds) Carolinas Golf Association and North Carolina Women’s Golf Association: April 21-22: NC Women’s Senior – Starmount Forest CC, Greensboro, NC May 19-21: Carolinas Women’s Amateur – Treyburn CC, Durham, NC June 9-11: NC Women’s Amateur – Porters Neck, Wilmington, NC July 7-9: Carolinas Women’s Match Play Cowan’s Ford – Stanley NC July 24: Carolinas Parent-Child, Pinewild CC July 27-28: Moore County Women’s Amateur, CC of North Carolina August 4-5: Women’s Four-Ball Championship, Catawba CC, Newton, NC August 22-23: Carolinas Mixed Team, Pinehurst #1 September 21-22: Carolinas Women’s Senior, Henderson CC, Hendersonville, NC All events open to PWGA . No handicap restrictions. Any player with an index of 20 or better could comfortably compete in her flight. 45 Pinewild Country Club of Pinehurst 2015 Tournaments Pinewild Country Club uniquely provides opportunities for women to play in all seven of the Club’s major events. With the exception of the two couple’s events, each event has a woman’s division equal and separate from the men’s division. As members of the PWGA we should take the opportunity to participate in these events. The schedule for 2013 is listed below: Sat-Sun, March 21/22 Rain Date Mon, March 23 Wed, May 6 Ringer Event (Holly) Charity Event - Magnolia Fri-Sat, May 22/23 Rain Date Sun, May 24 Couples Member Guest Magnolia/Holly Mon, May 25 Flag Event - Magnolia Sat June 27 Husband/Wife Championship Rain Date Sun, June 28 Magnolia Sat, July 4 Red, White & Blue Event Magnolia Sat-Sun, July 11/12 Rain Date Sun, July 13 Member/Member Event Magnolia/Holly 46 President’s Cup (Net Championship) Holly/Magnolia Fri-Sat, July 31/Aug 1 Rain Date Sun, Aug 2 Fri-Sun, Aug 14/15/16 Club Championship Rain Date Mon, Aug 19 Magnolia/Holly/Magnolia Sat-Sun, Oct 17/18 Rain Date Mon. Oct 19 Club Championship Magnolia/Holly 47
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