Pioneer High School Choirs 601 West Stadium Boulevard Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (734) 994-2189 x2 FAX (734) 994-2198 Steven R. Lorenz, Director of Choirs BULLETIN NO. 1 CHOIR CAMP AT INTERLOCHEN AUGUST 11-17, 2015 WELCOME! Welcome to the Pioneer Choir Family! We are thrilled to begin working with you at Pioneer High School. Attending Pioneer Choir Camp is a great way for a new student to get to know students from every grade and ensemble, in an environment that is nurturing, supportive, and challenging. WHAT IS PIONEER CHOIR CAMP? Our 44th annual Pioneer Choir Camp will be held at the Interlochen Center for the Arts in Interlochen, Michigan. Any current or prospective member of the Pioneer Choirs is encouraged to attend. Choir Camp is an exciting opportunity for students from all grade levels and ensembles to join and work together. Over the course of a single week, students heighten musicianship, improve leadership skills, and develop lifelong friendships. The week together is invaluable in building an esprit de corps that is vital to presenting expressive, exciting, and engaging performances. Upperclassmen spend the summer months planning activities that will involve and engage new students. Throughout the week, upperclassmen serve as mentors and guides for freshmen and other new members, as they get acclimated to the Pioneer Choir program. Freshmen spend their week living in a cabin with an equal number of sophomores, juniors, and seniors from the Pioneer Choirs. When the school year begins, they know a large contingent of the student population, easing their transition to high school. This year, the Pioneer Choir, Band, and Orchestra camps will be attending camp alone. Huron & Skyline are attending camp the following week. REGISTRATION PROCEDURES To register for Choir Camp, please register online (Google Doc), complete the forms listed below, attach payment (paid in full, initial deposit, or payment plan) and submit to Mr. Lorenz. In order to notify Interlochen of our expected enrollment, forms and payment must be submitted by Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 3:45pm. Forms and payment can be returned directly to Mr. Lorenz at Pioneer or mailed to the address provided on the form. A limited number of openings may be available after the registration deadline. Online Registration Form (required, online) AAPS Parent Notification & Consent Form (required) Health Form (required) Over the Counter Medication Form (required) Copies of both sides of your Transportation Form (required) health insurance card (required) Permission to Leave Camp Form (optional) Payment (required, in full, initial deposit, or payment plan) FEES $390.00 per student covers all costs associated with Choir Camp, including: transportation to and from Interlochen, a Choir Camp t-shirt, camp staff, lodging, meals, and activities for the week of Choir Camp. Please make all checks payable to Friends of the Pioneer Choirs and include “Choir Camp” and your child’s name in the check memo. To secure a space, please pay a non-refundable deposit of $200.00, pay in full, or arrange a payment plan with Mr. Lorenz. The balance is due on July 27, 2015. Cancellations after this date cannot be refunded. SCHOLARSHIPS Financial concerns should not be an obligation to your son/daughter attending camp. There are a limited number of need-based scholarships for Choir Camp provided by the Friends of the Pioneer Choirs. Please contact Mr. Lorenz prior to the April 22nd application deadline, indicating the amount of your scholarship request. TRANSPORTATION Charter bus service is provided to and from choir camp, with stops for lunch. Students attending camp are expected and encouraged to ride the bus. All students should complete the Transportation Form, indicating any alternate transportation plans. SUNDAY CONCERT & SATURDAY TALENT SHOW On Sunday, August 16, parents/guardians and families are cordially invited to visit the Interlochen Center for the Arts for a joint concert featuring the Pioneer High School Choirs, Bands, and Orchestras. The concert will be held in the beautiful Kresge Auditorium at 1:30pm. On Saturday evening, August 15, we present our annual Pioneer Choir Talent Show. Extra-curricular ensembles, student performances, and skits are all included in an enjoyable evening of student entertainment! Parents/guardians and families who are able to visit see what we have working on all week in preparation for the upcoming school year. We encourage you to attend the concert, visit Interlochen, meet other choir families, and prepare for the exciting year ahead. A Family & Friends Charter Bus will be arranged by Friends, POPS, and PBA for interested families and information will be distributed in June 2015. HEALTH & MEDICAL SERVICES Parents/Guardians must complete and sign the Health Form for each student attending choir camp. Please make a copy of your child’s current health insurance card (front & back) and attach it to the Health Form. The Interlochen Arts Camp health clinic is available to our students, and an AAPS health officer is on-site throughout the entire camp. Emergency services are available at the Traverse City Munson Medical Center, only 20 minutes away. FALL SPORTS TRYOUTS We have many student-athletes in the Pioneer Choirs. If you anticipate trying out for a fall sport but are interested in attending choir camp, please let Mr. Lorenz and your prospective coach know. Many students will be in a similar situation, and we will work with the Pioneer coaching staff to make participation in both events possible. CHOIR CAMP FACULTY Pioneer High School Director of Choirs, Steven Lorenz, is the director of the Pioneer Choir Camp. Additional camp faculty members are drawn from the Ann Arbor Public Schools vocal music staff. Our counseling staff is made up of recent college graduates and current undergraduates, many of who are alumni of the Pioneer Choir program. Many are either current music majors or participants in collegiate ensembles. The counselors ensure that each student has the best experience possible throughout the week. CAMP REGULATIONS & BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS Anytime we leave the Pioneer campus, we represent our Choirs, Pioneer High School, families, and the greater Ann Arbor community. Everything we do, positively or negatively, reflects on all of these parties. All participants are guests of the Interlochen Center for the Arts and are expected to abide by the rules of the camp. All Pioneer High School rules and regulations are to be followed at Choir Camp. Failure to conform to rules and accept supervision will result in the immediate removal of the student by their parent/guardian. The following activities are specifically prohibited at Choir Camp: 1. Hazing of any sort. 5. Entering a cabin to which you are not assigned 2. Smoking of any substance. without permission of a staff member. 3. Consumption of drugs or alcoholic beverages. 6. Leaving the Interlochen Arts Camp grounds 4. Leaving your cabin after cabin check or before for any reason without permission. reveille without a counselor. CONTACT INFORMATION FOR THE INTERLOCHEN CENTER FOR THE ARTS Street Address: Main Switchboard: Fax: Interlochen Center for the Arts 4000 Highway M-137 Interlochen, MI 49643 (231) 276-7200 (231) 276-6321 Mailing Address: Website: Interlochen Center for the Arts PO Box 199 Interlochen, MI 49643
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