PIPER HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION May 31, 2015 Nova Southeastern University 9:00 a.m. GRADUATION UPDATE The day you have been waiting for is quickly approaching. The staff and faculty of Piper High School are proud of you and looking forward to sharing the excitement of your graduation ceremony. Piper’s graduation ceremony represents the culmination of years of hard work by our graduates. It is a dignified ceremony that will instill fond memories in all who participate. Therefore, all must cooperate to ensure that the Piper High School Graduation of 2015 is the inspirational and exciting event that our students and their families so richly deserve. In order to achieve this dignity, guests are to refrain from any and all disruptive behavior. In order to ensure that this evening is indeed special, please read the following information provided in this newsletter. It is important that you share this newsletter with your family and invited guests. Commencement exercises will be held at Nova Southeastern University on May 31 at 9:00 a.m. Graduating seniors are to report promptly at 7:00 a.m. in preparation to march at 9:00 a.m. SHARP! Guests arriving late will be seated only after the graduates have entered. THANK YOUR GUESTS FOR… *Not whistling, cheering, or shouting during the graduation exercise. *Not taking pictures during the exercise. *Not smoking. *REMAINING SEATED until the last graduate leaves the auditorium. TICKETS Each graduating senior will be entitled to 4 tickets to commencement. Tickets will be distributed on May 28th during the cap and gown distribution at Piper. All persons, except graduates, will need a ticket to enter Nova Southeastern University, including infants and small children. DIRECTIONS TO Nova Southeastern University From I-95, north or south, or Fl. Turnpike, north or south take I-595 exit, westbound. Proceed to University Drive; turn left and proceed southbound on University Drive to SW 30th Street; turn left onto SW 30th Street. Proceed approximately ½ miles turn right onto Ray Ferrero, Jr. Blvd. After stop sign make your 2nd right into the parking garage entrance. The University Center Arena entrance is just south of the parking garage. REMEMBER: Traffic may be very heavy. Give yourself plenty of time to get there so that you can arrive on time without having to rush. Parking is Free. GRADUATION PRACTICE Any senior who plans to participate in the graduation ceremony MUST attend practice on Tuesday, May 26th at 8:00 A.M. in the Main Auditorium at Piper High School. As you arrive at Piper High School GO DIRECTLY TO THE MAIN AUDITORIUM and take your seat. Proper school dress is required at rehearsal. Please remember that not only do you represent Piper, but you are also still a Piper student. Please respect the facility. No food/drinks in the auditorium. During the rehearsal, we will practice the processional (coming in) and the recessional (going out) as well as the proper way to receive the diploma. You are not to go into the main building after practice. CAP & GOWN DISTRIBUTION Your seating assignment will be given to you when you pick up your cap and gown at Piper High School in the main auditorium on May 28th. All financial obligations must be paid by May 15th before you pick up your cap and gown. Students are to bring their signed Graduation Rules & Expectations form in order to receive their cap & gown (see Senior link on Piper’s website). CARE OF GOWN When you arrive home after picking up your gown, place it on a hanger and allow the wrinkles to fall out. If you press the gown, use only low setting on the iron. WEARING YOUR GRADUATION CAP Caps should be placed on the head so that the mortarboard is level (straight). The front of the cap is indicated on the inside of the crown. Caps are never worn on the back of the head. The tassel is worn on the left. After the class has been presented and upon the direction of your Senior Class President, each member of the class will move the tassel to the right. DO NOT WRITE ON OR DECORATE YOUR CAP. PROPER DRESS Graduates are expected to dress appropriately. Ladies: Wear white or light colored dresses, skirts, and blouses. Only white or off-white low-heeled shoes may be worn. Corsages, Sunglasses, or Jewelry (exception: a watch, class ring, small earrings) may NOT be worn during the ceremony. Gentlemen: Wear a white shirt, dark tie (no bow ties), dark dress trousers, dress shoes and socks. No tennis shoes or sandals will be permitted. Nothing is to be carried in your hands; they should be free to accept your diploma. YOUR GUESTS A graduation ceremony is intended to be a “dressy” occasion. Persons wearing shorts or inappropriate clothing WILL NOT BE ADMITTED INTO THE FACILITY. DON’T FORGET * TIE * NAME CARDS * MEDALLIONS * TASSLES * BOBBY PINS * CORDS (if any) ACCEPTING YOUR DIPLOMA Accept your diploma with your left hand. Shake hands with your right hand. Look at the photographer when you shake hands with Mr. Gomez so that the picture will reveal your face, not the back of your head. OBLIGATIONS (Must be cleared by May 15th) No senior with an obligation will be allowed to pick up tickets or cap and gown. Only cash or the item will be accepted to clear the obligation. Seniors may clear obligations during all lunches. Please see Mr. Jones in the “A” Office concerning obligations. DIPLOMAS You will receive your diploma and report card after the ceremony in the back hallway of the Nova Southeastern University Center. Your gown must be returned in order to receive your diploma. DO NOT TOSS your cap into the air at the conclusion of the graduation ceremony. CAMERAS Guests should not bring cameras to the graduation. We ask that no one get out of his/her seat during the ceremony to take a picture of any graduate. We have a professional photographer taking pictures during the graduation. If you take pictures close to the stage, you will ruin the quality of the professional photograph. This may also cause other graduates’ pictures to be ruined. Please… we are asking your assistance with this very important issue. You may take all the pictures you like at home before and after the ceremony. Flowers are not permitted to be given to graduates at any time during the ceremony by parents or guests. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION WITH THIS. TIME SCHEDULE The doors at the Nova Southeastern University will open at 8:00 a.m. No one will be admitted without a ticket. This includes small children and babies that are sitting on laps. No one will be seated in the auditorium as the graduates enter. Graduates will be instructed during rehearsal regarding where to report the morning of graduation. SENIOR CALENDAR May 15 Final Day to Clear Obligations May 21 Senior Bar-B-Q. (Upon dismissal) May 14 Senior Awards Night (5:30 P.M.) May 28 Cap &Gown pick up Main Aud. (8:00-10:30)(A-M) (11:00-1:30)(N-Z) May 26 Graduation Rehearsal (8:00 A.M.) May 31 Graduation (9:00 A.M.)
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