Without Prejudice South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two: Large Projects This p r o g r a m i s f u n d e d b y t h e A u s t r a l i a n G o v e r n m e n t a n d d e l i v e r e d b y t h e G o v e r n m e n t o f S o u t h A u s t r a l i a Table of Contents A. PURPOSE OF THE GUIDELINES .................................................... 3 B. APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY ............................................................. 4 C. RDIF ROUND TWO SUMMARY .................................................... 5 D. PROJECT ELIGIBIITY AND ASSESSMENT .......................................... 6 E. MILESTONES AND PAYMENTS ................................................... 10 F. MAKING AN APPLICATION ....................................................... 11 G. RDIF ROUND TWO TIMING ...................................................... 13 H. FURTHER INFORMATION......................................................... 14 I. GLOSSARY .......................................................................... 16 2 // South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects A. PURPOSE OF THE GUIDELINES 1. Purpose of the Guidelines 2.2 RDIF Outcomes These Program Guidelines (the Guidelines) are designed to provide potential Applicants with sufficient information to make an informed decision as to whether they may apply for funding under the South Australian River Murray Sustainability - Regional Development and Innovation Fund (RDIF). The objective of the RDIF is to fund innovative, investment ready projects that contribute to economic diversification, employment outcomes and strengthening of local economies in the Region. Projects should also improve partnerships between government, the private sector and community. The desired outcomes of this investment will These Guidelines relate to a call for “large” project applications under Round Two of RDIF (Round One Applications closed on 19 September 2014). There will also be a further call for “small” projects with a total project cost of between $200,000 and $500,000 that will drive the creation of the next wave of economic opportunities and initiatives in the Region. These Guidelines are not intended to present all terms and conditions that will govern the provision of funding under RDIF Round Two. Guidelines and Applications do not create legally binding rights or obligations. Before preparing and submitting an Application, all Applicants should read the information contained within these Guidelines. Successful Applicants will be required to enter into a legally binding Deed of Grant (funding contract) with the South Australian Minister for Regional Development (the Minister). Create or retain jobs. Stimulate economic growth. Increase industry productivity. Strengthen and diversify the economic base. Up skill the regional workforce. Increase the capacity of regional communities to drive development in the Region. Support an increase in competitiveness and/or innovation. Improve the liveability and social cohesion of the Region. 2.3 The Region The Minister and/or Delegate reserves the right to amend these Guidelines, including varying the processes and/or timing set out in these Guidelines. The Region is defined as the area contained within the Local Government Areas of Renmark Paringa Council, Berri Barmera Council, the District Council of Loxton Waikerie, District Council of Karoonda East Murray, Mid Murray Council, the Rural City of Murray Bridge, Alexandrina Council, the Coorong District Council and the Gerard Community Council. 2. Fund Overview 2.4 Application Timing 2.1 Introduction Round Two of the RDIF will open on Tuesday 7 April 2015 and close 5pm ACST on Monday 18 May 2015. The $12.5 million competitive Regional Development and Innovation Fund (RDIF) is funded by the Australian Government as part of the $265 million South Australian River Murray Sustainability Program (SARMS) to assist regional communities diversify and adjust to new water supply arrangements. The SARMS will support South Australia’s contribution to a healthy working Murray-Darling Basin (MDB), including a healthy environment, strong communities and a productive economy, through implementation of the MDB Plan (the Basin Plan) and associated reforms and initiatives. The RDIF has been established to assist non-irrigating businesses create employment opportunities and improve economic diversification in the South Australian River Murray region (the Region) over five years and longer. South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects // 3 B. APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY 3. Eligibility Requirements 3.1 Who is eligible to apply? To be an eligible Applicant for the RDIF, Applicants must: have an ABN (and/or an ACN); be a legal entity capable of and willing to enter into a Deed of Grant with the Minister and/or Delegate; and not be directly involved in irrigation within the Region. For the purpose of these Guidelines, irrigation suppliers and service providers (e.g. agronomists) are not considered to be directly involved in irrigation. Examples of eligible Applicants include local government organisations (as defined by the Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1995 (Cth)), registered businesses and incorporated not-for-profit organisations (as defined by the Associations Incorporation Act 1986), co-operatives or associations (including business associations). 3.2 Who is not eligible to apply? You are not eligible to apply for funding under the RDIF, if you: are a Federal or State Government agency, an instrument of the Crown or a commercial arm of these agencies; are an Applicant that has not met all the terms and conditions placed on any previous Australian Government funding; are an Applicant seeking funding for activities to which other Australian Government programs (for example the Irrigation Industry Improvement Program (3IP) or Farm Finance program) have funded, have committed to funding, or have provided a loan; are an Applicant directly involved in irrigation within the Region; or are an Applicant currently under bankruptcy or insolvency administration (i.e. external administrator, receiver, receiver manager, liquidator appointed, or own assets/property where there is a mortgagee in possession). 4 // South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects C. RDIF ROUND TWO SUMMARY Round Two will focus on creating employment opportunities and economic development in the Region by seeking to fund targeted projects that will provide significant economic return on investment. Projects for Round Two have a minimum total project cost of $500,001, with at least 50 per cent of the total project cost to be covered by cash and in-kind co-contributions. Subject RDIF Round Focus Total project cost Project Timeframe Weighting of Merit Criteria (in order) Applicant Co-contribution Applicant Eligibility criteria Assessment Criteria Funding Preferences Milestones and Payments Explanation Creation of sustainable new employment and economic development in the Region by project end. $500,001 and above. Projects completed by February 2017. Economic Benefits, Innovation & Social Impact. (NOTE: Economic Benefits is a mandatory criteria) Minimum 50 per cent of total project cost with minimum 25 per cent of total project cost as cash. Refer to PART B – Applicant Eligibility. Refer to PART D, Section 5 – Assessment Criteria and Section 6 – Additional Assessment Criteria. Refer to PART D, Section 7 – Funding Preferences. Payments based on milestone achievement. At least one progress report annually. South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects // 5 D. PROJECT ELIGIBIITY AND ASSESSMENT 4. Call for “Large” Projects: Round Two Round Two will focus on creating employment opportunities and economic development in the Region by seeking to fund targeted projects that will provide significant economic return on investment. enhance business resilience, realise supply chain efficiencies and improve business responsiveness to changing demand and conditions. Expansion and enhancement of existing institutions or facilities to increase their impact on the Region. Projects for Round Two must have a minimum total project cost of $500,001, with at least 50 per cent of the total project cost covered by cash and in-kind co-contributions. Establishment of supply chain infrastructure for existing or new economic activities. Advanced food manufacturing activities. This round will fund projects that create sustainable new employment opportunities and stimulation of economic growth in the Region by the end of project implementation. Introduction of the outcomes of research and development, adoption and/or adaptation of innovation, and new technologies, technology transfer, and diffusion of the outcomes of research and development. Projects that are ineligible under SARMS Irrigation Industry Improvement Program (3IP), but that facilitate the implementation of SARMS 3IP. Projects to enhance regional sustainability, which may include linkages with improved sustainable energy, waste management, and environmental outcomes. Post-secondary education, training and skills development that fills an identified skills gap and is part of a larger project that delivers economic benefit. 4.1 Project Completion Projects funded under Round Two of the RDIF must be completed by February 2017. 4.2 Project Eligibility To be eligible for funding under Round Two of the RDIF, projects must: be infrastructure works or provide services to achieve RDIF outcomes; have at least 50 per cent of total project costs covered by cash and in-kind co-contributions. Of this, at least half (50 per cent) must be cash (that is, at least 25 per cent of total project cost must be a cash co-contribution). Refer to section 4.3 for more information; The following are not eligible for funding under the RDIF. Projects that require recurrent State or Australian Government funding. Projects seeking retrospective funding for project activities that have commenced or have been completed. The development of feasibility studies and business plans. Examples of Eligible Projects The following types of projects and activities may be eligible for funding from the RDIF Round Two. This list is a guide only, and is not exhaustive. Cost benefit analyses and economic impact studies, unless they are part of a larger project that meet the criteria for the RDIF. Costs of operation and maintenance of existing businesses, back-office costs and costs of foregone business activity. have a minimum total project cost of $500,001, inclusive of co-contributions; achieve the mandatory Economic Benefits Merit Criteria (see Section 5.1); and have project activities located within and outcomes that benefit the Region. Projects to increase regional economic activity (including capital works). Establishment of new, or expansion of existing activities, that can make a long-term sustainable and strategic contribution to the Region’s development. Projects to remove bottlenecks or capacity constraints on regional activity. Projects that identify new market opportunities, 6 // South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects 4.3 Co-Contributions To be eligible for funding under RDIF, the total project cost must include at least 50 per cent co-contribution. Within this total co-contribution, Applicants are required to make a financial co-contribution or source third party funding of at least 50 per cent (half) of the total co-contribution. In other words, cash contributions must represent at least 25 per cent of the project total cost. Financial co-contributions can include contributions from the applicant and other parties (such as Local and State Government, individuals, financial institutions, businesses, universities, CRCs, industry bodies, Research and Development Corporations and not-for-profit organisations), but cannot include contributions from Australian Government programs. Note: Organisations whose primary purpose is to represent, address or assist disadvantaged communities/people may propose to use Australian Government funds as co-contribution (i.e. are exempt from this requirement). Examples of reasons for disadvantage include social exclusion and economic capacity (this is not an exhaustive list). Applicants must provide evidence of support for financial cocontributions at the time of application (for example, a letter from the co-contributor detailing the value and nature of the commitment, and any conditions relating to the cocontribution commitment). Such commitments must be confirmed in writing before execution of a Deed of Grant. In-kind co-contributions can include: employee time allocated to the project which must be calculated using direct salary, superannuation contributions and direct on-costs (payroll tax, workers compensation payments, parental, sick and long-service leave accrual); and/or new land and/or equipment specifically obtained for the project; and the depreciation and/or cost associated with the use of existing assets (including land) for the project (existing assets are defined as assets owned prior to making an application for RDIF Round Two). In-kind employee contribution must be at least 50 per cent of a full time equivalent position. The Applicant must demonstrate that the position is attributable to the project. Allowances, supervision and project management associated with employee contributions cannot be included in the calculation of co-contributions. Appropriate records to confirm the in-kind contribution must be maintained. 5. Assessment Criteria Each Application that meets the eligibility criteria will be appraised against the assessment criteria. Applicants are advised to present a strong case against each of the relevant assessment criteria, with all claims supported by evidence. Only eligible projects can receive funding under RDIF. Information provided in the application and supporting documentation will be used to determine the relative merit of projects and whether they will deliver value-for-money for the Australian and South Australian Governments. Applications for Round Two must demonstrate that the project will achieve the mandatory Economic Benefits Merit Criteria to be considered for funding. An Expert Assessment Panel comprising of nonGovernment, independent personnel will undertake comprehensive due diligence and consider Applications against the Assessment Criteria before making recommendations to the SARMS Steering Committee and then the Minister. The Minister (or delegate) will make the final decision on projects to be funded. The project is being governed within the SARMS governance structure to ensure probity and that the Expert Assessment Panel have no conflicts of interest. Successful Applicants will be required to enter into a Deed of Grant with the South Australian Government that commits the Applicant to delivering the agreed milestones within specified timeframes in order to receive funding. 5.1 Merit Criteria Applications must demonstrate that the project will achieve the mandatory Economic Benefits Merit Criteria to be recommended for funding. Applicants must demonstrate evidence against each mandatory Merit Criteria and identify those stakeholders within the Region that support the project. Written evidence of statements of support must also be submitted with the application. In addition to satisfying the Economic Benefits Merit Criteria, applications should also (but it is not mandatory) address the Innovation and Social Impact Merit Criteria. The Merit Criteria will be weighted in the following order: Economic Benefits, Innovation and Social Impact. Applicants must provide evidence of commitment to in-kind co-contributions at the time of application (for example, a letter from the contributor detailing the value and nature of the commitment, and any conditions relating to the cocontribution commitment). South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects // 7 Economic Benefits Innovation This Merit Criteria is weighted the highest in the Round Two assessment process. Projects should deliver innovation to the Region to meet identified needs, improve existing and/or introduce new practices or businesses. Projects should have a strong and identifiable impact on the long-term and sustainable economic development of the Region. Applications must clearly describe how the project meets the following three mandatory criteria: how the proposed project contributes to the economic diversification of the Region in relation to primary production, processing and business development. the anticipated new employment and economic growth created as a direct result of the project. the anticipated longer-term economic impact of the project (beyond the life of the project) in the Region. It is also mandatory for your Application to clearly describe how the proposed project will deliver on at least one of the following: Contributes to the economic diversification of the Region in relation to primary production and processing. Increases local, national and/or international investment in the Region which enhances primary production, processing or regionally relevant industry development. Increases exports out of the Region (exports may be intrastate, interstate or international) of primary products, food or related products. Applications which demonstrate innovation should clearly describe the new ideas, opportunities and business/ operating models and how the proposed project will deliver on at least one of the following: Improves diffusion of advanced technology and know-how into and throughout the Region. Drives innovation in business, management and/or production systems. Supports the development of regional collaborative and cooperative business opportunities. Supports the implementation of new market products and/or opportunities. Supports the practical application of research into the business, transport and agricultural sectors. Social Impact Projects should strengthen, expand or enhance regional institutions to improve social conditions and contribute to the liveability of the Region. Applications which demonstrate Social Impact should clearly describe how the proposed project will deliver on at least one of the following: Builds social capacity, including for disadvantaged groups. Builds on identified key regional strengths. Creates access to new markets for existing or new economic activity which complements primary production, processing or marketing. Improves educational and training opportunities to support identified workforce skills gaps and/or to support emerging industries. Builds on existing or develops new competitive advantages or regional strengths. Up-skills the regional workforce. Provides opportunities for disadvantaged groups. Develops or builds infrastructure to support planned economic diversification as a consequence of SARMS-3IP projects. Improves industry productivity and enhances projects supported by SARMS-3IP. Improves and involves participation of regional social institutions such as local councils, producer/industry organisations, community groups and other non-government organisations. Increases collaboration between the social institutions within the Region. Builds capacity and skills that directly support economic activity within the Region. Builds new businesses within the Region that are sustainable for at least five years post-funding. 8 // South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects project. Note: Local Governments, and publicly funded universities and educational institutions are exempt from this requirement. 6. Additional Assessment Criteria In addition to assessments against the Merit Criteria, all projects will be assessed against the following criteria: demonstrated project need; demonstrated project feasibility and delivery; financial viability of the Applicant; and value for money. Value-for-Money Applications will need to clearly demonstrate: that the project will deliver value for money for the Australian and South Australian Governments; how the project maximises funding support from a range of sources, including private sector, regional organisations, local government and the community (co-contributions of at least 50 per cent are required, with higher co-contributions encouraged); whether goods and services are purchased from South Australian enterprises; and that employee time allocated to the project as an in-kind co-contribution should be substantial (greater than 50 per cent of a full time equivalent position is encouraged). Demonstrated Project Need Applications will need to clearly demonstrate: the project need, including the problem that the project is seeking to resolve, and the compelling reason for assistance; the extent to which the project would be unlikely to proceed without funding support (i.e. this funding is not for normal business development or maintenance); the uniqueness of the project in the Region (why the project does not represent duplication); and any potential long-term economic activity in the Region that will result from the project. Industry Participation Policy Demonstrated Project Feasibility and Delivery Applications will need to clearly demonstrate: that all legal, land tenure, planning and environmental issues have been identified and resolved or satisfactory resolution strategies are in place; access to suitable project management in both the developmental and operational phases of the project; Applicants should be familiar with the requirements of the Industry Participation Policy for Projects receiving more than $2.5 million in RDIF funding. Note: Information about the South Australian Industry Participation Policy and guidance to maximise compliance is available at: http://www.dpc.sa.gov.au/office-industry-advocate. 7. Funding Preferences In Round Two preference will be given to projects which demonstrate: that project risks have been identified and strategies are in place to manage them; higher cash contribution (as a percentage of the Applicants share of the project costs); that an acceptable level of project planning has been undertaken to ensure that the project will be delivered on time and within budget, and that open and competitive procurement processes will be employed to deliver the project; and value for money (measured by the extent to which the project would be unlikely to proceed without funding support); collaboration with Government, private sector and community; and industry and community benefit (with evidence) from the project. that RDIF funding will be used in an efficient, effective, economical and ethical manner and deliver the outcomes of the program. This may involve illustrating that project costs will be reasonable compared to industry benchmarks. Financial Viability Further to this, projects comprising only educational, training or capacity building activities (i.e. is not delivered as part of a larger project that delivers economic benefit) will be treated as less preferential than other projects. Prospective Applicants will be asked to provide copies of annual reports and audited financial statements covering the last three years as supporting documents to their Application to enable an assessment of their financial viability and their ability to manage and complete the South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects // 9 E. MILESTONES AND PAYMENTS 8. Milestones and Payments Funding is linked to the achievement of the milestones defined in the Deed of Grant, which must be completed within a specified timeframe. Milestones will be based on the achievement or delivery of an activity or set of activities - not based solely on dates. Payments will be made in arrears (that is, evidence-based reimbursements). Milestones will be agreed between the applicant and PIRSA during contract negotiations. Successful Applicants will be sent a letter of offer, where the applicant will be provided with a draft Deed of Grant, including payment schedules. The Deed of Grant must be executed within two months of the date of the letter of offer. Standard milestones are: initiation milestones – activities to commence the project; achievement of interim project goals or delivery of measurable outcomes; at least one progress report to PIRSA annually, detailing; o progress against milestones; o progress against expenditure targets; and o project completion. A minimum of 10 per cent of project funding will be paid on completion where the project has met all other milestones, and is completed as stated in the Deed of Grant to the satisfaction of PIRSA. The program will fund GST exclusive costs only. 10 // South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects F. MAKING AN APPLICATION 10. Applicants should carefully consider their own projects against the Eligibility, Merit and Additional Assessment Criteria before submitting an Application. Enquiries are welcome at any time. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact PIRSA early in the development of the Application to discuss the Region’s priorities, the potential for financial and/or non-financial support for the project, and assistance on how to develop the application. 10.1 Application Deadline Applicants must complete and submit the official Application Form to PIRSA in the format detailed below no later than 5pm ACST on Monday 18 May 2015. Applications not submitted in the official format and/or not submitted as described below will be excluded from consideration. Hard copy applications will not be accepted. Please note that, as part of the assessment of your Application, PIRSA may request further information or clarification of information provided in your application. PIRSA’s primary mode of communication with Applicants is by email. Please advise the Program if you would prefer an alternate mode of communication. 10.2 Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, or their representatives, to take part in any launch of the project; Making an Application complete the project and all reporting requirements, and acquit funds within the agreed timeframe; undertake to only apply the grant to the intended purpose; provide annual financial statements relating to the project; return any unspent funds to the RDIF on completion of the project; retain assets purchased with project funds for at least five years from project completion; that projects will comply with all applicable laws, regulations and Australian standards. For Round Two projects: Format of Application o principal works will commence within six months from the date that the Deed of Grant is executed; and o the project must be completed with all funding acquitted and proponents must have submitted their final Progress Report to PIRSA by February 2017. Applicants are required to submit one electronic copy of the SmartForm Application and supporting documentation in Microsoft Word or Excel or Adobe PDF format online at http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/regions/sarms/regional_developme nt_and_innovation_fund_rdif. A schedule of payments by milestone that includes detail regarding cash and in-kind contributions will also be sought in the Application. 10.3 Submission of Applications 11. RDIF Round Two SmartForm Applications and supporting documentation must be submitted via the Program website at http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/regions/sarms/regional_developme nt_and_innovation_fund_rdif. The following evidence will be mandatory when submitting an application: The application form will require applicants to acknowledge and agree to the following, which align with the Deed of Grant: Mandatory Evidence Project Management Plan or a similar document. Business Case or a similar document. Risk Management Plan or other document which includes any significant risks associated with the project and mitigation strategies. identify to PIRSA any existing, apparent or potential conflicts of interest when applying for RDIF funding or delivering the project; Procurement Management Plan or other document which describes arrangements to procure major items. declare that information provided in the application form is correct; acknowledge the contribution of the South Australian and Australian Governments on any promotional material; Written confirmation of all co-contributions. If cocontributions are conditional on the provision of the funding grant, Applicants must provide a letter of intent from a senior member of the organisation providing funding. provide opportunities for the South Australian Minister for Regional Development and the Written confirmation of all in-kind contributions. Evidence that the asset will be maintained in a South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects // 11 viable and operational state for three years for projects with funding from $250,000 to $1 million and five years for projects with funding over $1 million. Audited Financial Statements for three most recent consecutive years (not required for Local Government or publicly funded universities). Evidence to confirm the Applicant’s experience in delivering projects of similar size and scope. Asset Maintenance or Asset Management Plan. 12 // South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects G. RDIF ROUND TWO TIMING The timing for the Round Two RDIF is outlined in the table below. Milestone Timing Key Points Guidelines Released Tuesday 7 April 2015 Guidelines are available on the PIRSA website Applications Open Tuesday 7 April 2015 The SmartForm Application is available on the PIRSA website Applications Close 5 pm ACST Monday 18 May 2015 Announcement of Successful Projects By end September 2015 Applicants will be advised on the outcome of their application. South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects // 13 H. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information about RDIF, please contact: 13. Mr Kym Walton Team Leader – Regional Support, River Murray Sustainability Department of Primary Industries and Regions Telephone: (08) 8539 2118 (Murray Bridge) (08) 8595 9172 (Loxton) or Mobile 0488 020 715 Email: kym.walton@sa.gov.au All information, including contact details and the content of a Project, collected by PIRSA on Applicants, or potential Applicants to the RDIF, will be managed according to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). Alternately, please call 1300 364 322 or email pirsa.sarmsadmin@sa.gov.au. Privacy Notice 1. Purpose for collection of personal information The personal information collected as part of the Program Application and assessment process will be used for purposes including: a) assessment of the Application; and b) due diligence. 2. Authorisation for collection 12. Appeals Should an Applicant wish to appeal the decision and outcomes of their Application assessment, the below process must be followed. 1. If an Applicant has been declined or deemed ineligible, a letter will be sent confirming the reasons for this decision, along with the relevant criteria on which the decision has been based. The Applicant can lodge a request for appeal within 30 calendar days of the date of the letter. 2. Upon receipt of a request for appeal, the SARMS Appeals Committee will provide a review of all decisions made throughout the Assessment Process. The SARMS Appeals Committee will advise the Minister (or Delegate) of its findings. 3. Based on advice from the SARMS Appeals Committee, the Minister (or Delegate) will make a determination as to whether the decision should be upheld or changed. 4. The decision of the Minister (or Delegate) is final and Applicants have no further right of appeal. Additionally, Applicants are not to contact any member of the Appeals Committee to discuss the outcome. 5. The SARMS Appeals Committee will inform the Applicant of the determination in writing. Conditions of Appeal: When seeking an appeal, the Applicant must (in writing) address the reasons why the decision should be overturned in terms of the Program Guidelines and relevant criteria listed in the letter of decline. The written appeal may include supporting documentation. The collection of personal information for the above purposes is not expressly authorised or required by law. Disclosure of Personal Information Any personal information collected may be disclosed: a) to service providers engaged by PIRSA to undertake due diligence on the technical components of the Application for the RDIF; b) in response to a request by a House or a Committee of the Parliament of the State of South Australia; c) where the information is authorised or required by law to be disclosed or where the information is in the public domain other than by PIRSA disclosure; and d) for the purposes of conducting checks with other State and Australian Government databases to ensure duplicate funding (or ‘double dipping’) will not occur for Project activities. Examples of where PIRSA is authorised or required by law to disclose your information include: a) where an application is made under the Freedom of Information Act 1991; b) where PIRSA has been served with a valid search warrant; c) where PIRSA has a duty to disclose the transfer of funds under the Anti-Money Laundering and CounterTerrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth). Consequently, PIRSA does not warrant that the information provided by either party under an Application or for the preparation of any future contract or Funding Agreement will not be disclosed to a third party. By submitting an Application, the Enterprise waives its right to commence an action for breach of such a warranty against PIRSA. 14 // South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects 14. Indemnities and Warranties Applicants: will be required to indemnify the Government of South Australia, the Australian Government and PIRSA against any environmental or other third party damage caused by the Project; will be required to provide details of warranties to ensure that the infrastructure that is delivered under this Program is constructed to specification; should note that the Government of South Australia will not accept any responsibility for any legal contracts already entered into, except where explicitly agreed; and will be required to provide evidence that they have public liability insurance for at least $10 million prior to the Project commencing. 15. Publicity and Acknowledgement of Australian Government Support All publicity for a Project shall give appropriate recognition to the role of the RDIF, the Government of South Australia and the Australian Government in supporting that Project. This includes invitations to participate in formal Project opening or launch ceremonies and publicity events. PIRSA will work with successful Applicants with respect to Project publicity and communications. 16. Complaints A PIRSA customer service charter has been developed as part of our commitment to continuing improvement in all aspects of client service delivery. The charter sets out the standards of service clients can expect from us, their rights and responsibilities. The charter applies to everyone who has contact with PIRSA, including government agencies, community organisations, industry and members of the public. The service charter is available at http://pir.sa.gov.au/top_menu/about_us/corporate_policies Complaints about the RDIF will be addressed following the procedures outlined in the service charter. South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects // 15 I. GLOSSARY Applicant Under this Program ‘Applicant’ refers to the legal entity that may be eligible to apply for, or has applied for funding. Application The required documentation and information to be completed and lodged online using the RDIF SmartForm. Application Deadline The time at which Applicants must have submitted an Application for consideration in the funding round, being 5pm ACST on Monday 18 May 2015. Due Diligence A measure of prudence activity, or assiduity, as is properly to be expected from, and ordinarily exercised by, a reasonable and prudent person under the particular circumstances; not measured by any absolute standard but depends on the relative facts of the case. Deed of Grant The legally binding contract to be executed between the Minister (or Delegate) and the successful Applicant. Expert Assessment Panel An Assessment Panel comprising requisite technical, legal, environmental and regional skills and knowledge to assess Applications submitted under this Program. PIRSA Primary Industries and Regions SA. Project An activity, a suite of activities or a Project for which Program funding is sought through the application and assessment process by an Applicant. Program (or RDIF) South Australian River Murray Sustainability - Regional Development and Innovation Fund (RDIF). Region The Region covered by the Program is defined as the area contained within the Local Government Areas of Renmark Paringa Council, Berri Barmera Council, the District Council of Loxton Waikerie, District Council of Karoonda East Murray, Mid Murray Council, the Rural City of Murray Bridge, Alexandrina Council, the Coorong District Council and the Gerard Community Council. South Australian River Murray Sustainability Program The $265 million funding initiative, including the $240 million 3IP and $25 million Regional Economic Development element. SARMS-3IP The Irrigation Industry Improvement Program (SARMS-3IP) is the $240 million program which allocates funding through three distinct streams. Stream One – Irrigation Efficiency, Stream Two – Water Return and Stream Three – Irrigation Industry Assistance. Guidelines The current version of Program Guidelines applicable to the current round of funding, being Round Two. Irrigation The application of water to land. Innovation Innovation encompasses a product, process or method that is either new, or significantly improved, to the business, industry sector, or global market. Minister The South Australian Minister for Regional Development. Opening Date The time at which Applicants can access the Guidelines and a SmartForm Application, being Tuesday 7 April 2015. 16 // South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects Primary Industries and Regions SA - PIRSA Government of South Australia Level 16, 25 Grenfell Street, Adelaide GPO Box 1671 Adelaide SA 5000 1300 364 322 www.pir.sa.gov.au/regions/sarms/regional_development_and_innovation_fund_rdif South Australian River Murray Sustainability Regional Development and Innovation Fund – Grant Funding Guidelines Round Two “Large” Projects // 17
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