D ear All, It has been a busy few months again at Pitcairn Under 5s. At the start of this term we welcomed Nikki to the team as relief support. She has been parachuted straight in and doing three days a week, helping with the rising numbers of children coming to join us. We extend a warm welcome to her and thank you for coming on board! Our new opening times on Tuesdays and Thursdays have proven popular with parents and children and we are pleased to say that they are to continue next school year. If you are interested please get in touch with Linda. We now have business cards and car stickers for PU5s. We need to advertise for next year and are hoping that these will put us on the map. Lots of people in the nearby villages don’t know about us and we want to get the word out there – please take some! The all important AGM will be on Friday 5th June at 12 midday and I look forward to seeing you all there! There are a few of us stepping down this year and we need a new committee. As I have said on numerous occasions, there is no playgroup if there is no committee. This term we are going to do a car boot sale at Errol. This will be on Sunday 7 th June and would ask for helpers please. The children will be doing a show on Wednesday 1 July, with the presentation for the older children moving up to school. The committee are also planning to make a morning of it with tea, coffee and some interesting stalls with lovely things for us to buy! Since this is my last newsletter I want to take the opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone for the last two years. Thank you to the staff for educating the children and being lovely human beings, and to all the other parents for their support and friendship. We have come a long way and I feel we are leaving this wonderful playgroup on firm ground, fit for years to come! Cat (Chairperson) Afternoon Sessions for 2015/2016 Following a successful trial of opening Tuesday and Thursday afternoons during the summer term, we are now happy to announce that we are continuing this service in session 2015-16. We require a minimum of 7 children per session to make it viable and at the moment Tuesdays are almost there. We do need a few more to come in on a Thursday so if you would be interested please get in touch with Linda. Please pass the word around your friends. It is our intention to keep the fees as competitive as possible and the figures noted across, are based on the current fees. NB: They will be reviewed at the AGM on 5th June. Standard hours Monday to Friday Monday to Friday from 9.15am to 12.25pm Early Learners: £10.00 per morning (Incl snack) Funded children: £2.55 per morning (Admin charge & Snack) Extended hours on Tuesday and Thursdays 9.15am to 3.00pm (Packed lunch required) Early Learners: £20.00 per day (Inc snack) Funded children: £12.55 per day (Includes Admin charge & Snack) The Parent and Toddler group is a parent supervised session and is an opportunity to let your child play and for you to have a coffee and meet others. The cost is £2.00 for the first child and 50p per additional child. We meet on Wednesday mornings in the Village Hall during term time. There is no need to register however we do require some information about you and your child. This will also allow us to keep you up to date with events. Forms are available on the noticeboard. Eliza Cargill is your representative on the committee so if you have anything you would like discussed at committee meetings or have any ideas for activities or visitors she is the person to speak to. You can also contact her at Eliza_mairi@yahoo.com REGISTRATION FOR SESSION COMMENCING AUGUST 2015 Early Learning and Childcare (ELC). Children over the age of three are entitled to 600 hours of ELC, equivalent to 16 hours per week across the school session. Our standard hours are Monday to Friday 9.15am to 12.25pm with extended hours on Tuesday and Thursday to 3.00pm These sessions take place during school term times, excluding in-service days, school half term breaks, and public holidays etc. Registration guidelines for admission for the 2015/16 session are now available from our Administrator. Perth & Kinross Council recognises that families have a variety of different needs and preferences with regard to early learning and childcare. Parents are entitled to apply to any local authority managed nursery class and or partner provider centre for their child’s funded nursery place. Neve 13 June Fundraising Some of you will know Vikki Coull and son Ben. Vikki gave birth to a baby Boy in April. His name is Murray. Best wishes to all the family. Registration Children may start at the staff led sessions from the age of 2 years . Early registration is recommended and forms are available from our administrator Linda MacPherson. Alternatively you can download one from the downloads page on the website which can then be emailed to Linda. Pitcairn Under 5s is a Scottish Registered Charity and we are required to fundraise. This helps to buy much needed resources for both the playroom and the Parent & Toddler’s group, and also to keep our fees at an affordable rate. You are more than welcome to join in on any fundraising event that takes place. (see the committee and fundraising page for details). Dates for Your Diary 3 June Summer Trip. Coach leaving the hall at 9.25am. Returning for 3.00pm 17 June Sports Day 24 June Teddy Bears Picnic Application takes place directly at the relevant centre. Parents should apply for a funded nursery place for session 2015-16 irrespective of whether their child currently has a nursery place. The following is the criteria for funded places: Pre-school Year Children (deferred from school) who will be aged five between 19 August 2015 and 29 February 2016 to start on 18 August 2015. Children who will be aged four between 1 March 2015 and 29 February 2016 to start on 18 August 2015. Ante-pre-school Year Children who will be aged three between 1 March and 31 August 2015 to start on 18 August 2015. Children who will be aged three between 1 September and 31 December 2015 and eligible to start in January 2016. 1 July Coffee morning/ fundraiser including Pre-schooler’s presentation. A chance to see what the older children get up to at the group. All welcome Children who will be aged three between 1 January and 29 February 2016 and eligible to start in April 2016. Early Learners If you will not require a funded place but would like your child to continue attending the group then you must re-register. See Linda. Children who will attain the age of 2 years during 2015/2016. Group fees and the snack charges for the 2015/2016 session are detailed on the Policy and Guidelines for Allocation of Places Policy. (See our Website). Please note that fees will be reviewed at the AGM in June. Will is learning to swim and can ride his bike with stabilisers Kerr, Ruby and Isabel Andrew 23 April Eva 7 May Jessica 20 June Jack 22 June Alex 27 June Douglas 20 July Summer 3 August Staff Training 2014/15 Continual Development for each staff member is an important part of being able to provide a quality service from the group. Here are just some of the training the EYPs will take part in this session. SVQ Level 3 (Perth College UHI) HNC in Childcare Birth to Three Leadership and Management Skills Infection Control Asthma and Epi-Pen Awareness Risk In Play Emergency First Aid at Work Potential for I-Pad Self Regulation Child Protection Developmental P.E. for nursery Keeping Your Child Safe Talk, Listen and Communicate (TLC) Developing Creativity in the Early Years Key Issues at the Early Level with 2 year olds Core Toothbrushing with CHILDSMILE (NHS) Risk in Play course in the Community Wing at Perth Grammar School This course highlighted how careful everyone has become about allowing children freedom. In my day we spent all day with the dog up the woods, splashing in the burn with no thought of any danger or strangers doing you harm other than the farmer yelling at you to get out off his corn etc. As Shona stressed, the safest place now is probably the park as strangers do not have to hang around when they can do all their ground work unnoticed on the internet. She asked how many of us would let children climb a tree splash in the burn, toast a marshmallow one childminder admitted she let a five year old make eggy bread from start to finish and I thought some of the other participants were going to pass out by the looks on their faces. If an activity is properly assessed and the children understand the rules and are able they is no reason they should not be allowed to push the boundaries and experience a cooking session such as this especially when you get to eat the end result. Children should be allowed to be children, get muddy, splash in the puddle, climb a tree, dig in the garden, run about a field, go out in the wind and rain and get soaked it is part of growing up. However they should be taught the basic rules for their and others safety . The responsibility lies with the parents and what they are comfortable with and how they see the world . As in all situations if you have had a bad experience you will want to wrap your child in cotton wool but that may not be the best thing for your child. Let them enjoy their childhood but be aware of where they are and who they are with, they might even thank you when they are older ! Important Dates Not to be Missed Sports Day—Wednesday 17 June 2015 Family members welcome to join us on the green at 10.00am—weather dependant Teddy Bears Picnic—Friday 26 June 2015 Children to bring their favourite teddy/dolly all dressed up for the occasion. Summer Show—Wednesday 1 July 2015 All welcome to join us in the hall at 11.00am. (Includes fundraising stalls) (Don’t forget your cameras and tissues) Pitcairn Under 5s is a registered Scottish Charity SC003575 Fundraising Fridays We get together for coffee and to plan the next fundraising events on the last Friday of every month at 9.30 am. We would love you to come along if you can make it. Please just speak to someone on the committee to find out the venue. Everyone is welcome to get involved with organising fundraisers or just come and join us for the coffee and chat! Forever Living Raffle The winner of hundreds of Forever Living products was Gemma Willoughy. The sum of £110 was raised. Thanks to Lisa Watkins for donating the products. You can check out the product range at www.foreverliving.com Easter Hamper Sunday 7 June 2015 The winner of the hamper was Charlie Geddes. Thanks to Maz and Shelley for donating the contents. The sum £132 was raised. If you have anything you would like to contribute please bring into Maz or Shelley by Friday 5 June 2015. Cash4Clothes Items can be brought in and stored prior to this date if required. We will receive 50p per kilo for Belts, Blouses, Dresses, Hats, gloves & scarves. Jackets and coats, jumpers and cardigans, jumpsuits and playsuits. Knitwear, leggings, nightwear, polo shirts, shirts, paired shoes and boots, shorts, skirts, paired socks, sportswear, suits and soft toys and handbags. We will receive 5p per kilo for Bed linen, curtains and towels. (No duvets, pillows or blankets). Please note that we can only accept items that are in good, clean and re-useable condition. North Inch Trundle raised £500. Well done! Raised So Far in 2014/2015 Perth Show £382 Alex’s sponsored climb of Schiehallion £300 Race Night £150 Pub Quiz Night £200 Peal to Save £115 RAG BAG £24 Ladies Night Fundraising Links Sponsorship and Gift Aid Help us raise funds when you buy from Yellow Moon http://www.yellowmoon.org.uk/ Group’s code WPI14354 Help us raise funds when you buy from any organisation supporting easy fundraising http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/panel/ Register Pitcairn Under 5s as your preferred charity Remember to click on our name before you start filling your basket. . Did you know that if you take part in an event such as a Marathon or bungee jump, or anything you want to do really, you can be sponsored by your friends and family and choose Pitcairn Under 5s as your preferred charity. £149 ASDA Tokens £50 Christmas Cards £82 Christmas Show & Raffle £210 2015 Calendars and Show DVD £215 Christmas Fayre at Pitcairn PS £58 Pub Quiz Night (Dec) £67 Valentine Disco £119 Fund matching from Dalcrue 4 x 4 £119 Bridgeton Stores counter tin Miscellaneous Donations £50 £3 Forever Living Raffle £110 Easter Hamper Raffle £132 Cash for Clothes North Inch Trundle For more information please contact Linda MacPherson. TOTAL £56 £500 £3091 SESSION 2014/2015 Ongoing Registration for session 2015-16 commencing Tuesday 18 August 2015 Wednesday 3 June Summer Trip to Camperdown Park Departure times: Hall - 9.20am Bridgeton Stores—9.30am Main Street Post Office—9.35am Returning to Pitcairngreen for 3.00pm If you are travelling by car please meet us at Camperdown Park car/coach park at approximately 10.15am. Otherwise we will be around and about the play area. There are a few seats left on the coach. Please contact Linda for details. Children start Tuesday 18 August 2015 to Friday 9 October 2015 Friday 5 June Annual General Meeting - 12.00pm All parents/carers welcome. Autumn Holiday Monday 12 October 2015 to Friday 23 October 2015 Wednesday 17 June Sports Day—Weather dependant. Parents/carers should meet on the green at 10.00am Friday 26 June Teddy Bears picnic—Children to bring their favourite teddy/ dolly all dressed up for the occasion. SUMMER TERM In-Service Day Monday 20 April 2015 Tuesday 21 April 2015 to Thursday 2 July 2015 May Holiday Monday 4 May 2015 SESSION 2015/2016 AUTUMN TERM In-service Day Monday 17 August 2015 WINTER TERM Monday 26 October 2015 to Friday 18 December 2015 Wednesday 1 July In-Service Days Thurs & Fri 19 & 20 November 2015 Christmas Holiday Monday 21 December 2015 to Monday 4 January 2016 Thursday 2 July Last day of Summer term SPRING TERM Tuesday 5 January 2016 To Friday 1 April 2016 For updates visit the news page on the website Rona and the team would like to thank the Committee members, parents and carers who worked exceptionally hard this year to promote and support the group. This resulted in growing attendance and financial stability. You are all stars. In-Service Day Wednesday 17 February 2016 Half-Term Thursday 18 & Friday 19 February 2016 Spring Holiday Monday 5 April 2016 To Friday 15 April 2016 Pre-schoolers farewell summer show/fundraiser 11.00am We wish all the children who are starting school good luck and hope you come back to see us sometime. For those who will be joining us again - see you in August where we’ll do it all again. Have a great holiday! E-mail Addresses Chairperson & Fees Catriona Christie all.christie@btinternet.com Secretary Claire Patterson claire_carden@hotmail.com Treasurer Steve Stalker stevestalker@gmail.com Parent & Toddler Eliza Cargill Manager Rona Lofthouse Website: www.pitcairnunder5s.co.uk Fundraising Team Members. Eliza Cargill Eliza_mairi@yahoo.com marie4x4stewart@hotmail.co.uk Eliza_mairi@yahoo.com Maz Stewart You can join them on the last Friday of every Shelley McKenzie month to contribute Tina Fairlie your ideas. pitcairnu5s@gmail.com Administrator pitcairnu5s@gmail.com E-Mail: pitcairnu5s@gmail.com Linda MacPherson shelley-mckenzie@hotmail.com tina@bwcadets.co.uk Pitcairn Under 5s is a registered Scottish Charity SC003575
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