Background and Objectives
Marine science has taken a historical turn during the past two decades. Individual studies
and global initiatives such as the History of
Marine Animal Populations (HMAP) and the
Sea Around Us programmes have led to a large
number of research projects in diverse socio-ecological systems, from coastal European
marshes to Pacific islands to Atlantic fisheries.
The submission of oral and poster papers encompassing the following themes is encouraged:
Meanwhile, in what could be dubbed a sea
change of history, environmental historians
are also studying human engagement with the
underwater realm. Historians, including archaeologists, sociologists, and geographers, have
engaged with marine scientists in an interdisciplinary effort to bring together the long-term
study of human and animal worlds. Thanks to
this collaborative effort, researchers have not
only identified, but in many cases resolved, the
problem of the ‘shifting baseline’ by pushing
back the chronological limits of our knowledge.
• The application of molecular tools to identify marine historical change
This conference, the fifth in the Oceans Past
series, will provide a forum where the latest
research in marine environmental history and
historical marine ecology can be presented and
debated, and easily accessible to all researchers and policy makers.
• When, how, and why did human activities
impact the marine environment?
• Utilizing modelling approaches to hindcast
marine ecosystem dynamics
• New methods in historical analysis
• Using a gender lens to better understand
fishing and gathering
• From history and science to policy: how to
support sustainable use of marine resources and ecosystems
The conference is open to all students and researchers interested in the history of human
interactions with life in the ocean.
International Conference
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the History
of Human Interactions with Life in the Ocean
Tallinn, Estonia, 18-20 May 2015
Scientific Steering Committee
The full registration fee is €350, and the student fee is €150. The fee covers conference
attendance, the book of abstracts, ice-breaker
party, drinks at the poster session, morning
and afternoon tea and coffee, as well as lunches. The conference dinner will be an optional
additional cost.
Poul Holm, Chair (Ireland)
Georg Engelhard (UK)
Heike Lotze (Canada)
Kathleen Schwerdtner-Manez (Germany)
Lembi Lõugas (Estonia)
Marta Coll (France)
PhD students and Post Docs may apply for
travel grants (up to €1,000).
Important dates
Conference Structure
Papers addressing the above themes will be
presented during half- or full-day sessions.
The sessions will run sequentially rather than
in parallel.
Invited keynote speakers will give 30 minute
presentations while accepted oral presentations will be allotted 15 minutes. Posters will
be displayed during the whole meeting, but a
late afternoon poster session will be arranged.
The official language will be English.
A volume of proceedings from the meeting will
be published in ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Those who are interested to publish their work
in the ICES journal, please be ready to submit
your manuscript by the start of the conference.
Date and Venue
The meeting will be held at Tallinn University,
in Tallinn, Estonia from 18-20 May 2015.
• Early-bird registration opens:
1 November 2014
• Abstract deadline:
1 January 2015
Local Organising Committee
Henn Ojaveer (Chair) henn.ojaveer@ut.ee
Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu,
Marge Simo (Secretary), marge.simo@ut.ee,
Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu,
Kerli Kangro, kerli.kangro@tlu.ee, Tallinn University Conference Centre, Tallinn, Estonia
• Early-bird registration closes:
1 March 2015
• Notification of paper acceptance:
1 February 2015
Alison MacDiarmid
National Institute of Water and
Atmospheric Research
Private Bag 14-901, Kilbirnie
Wellington 6241, New Zealand
Brian MacKenzie
National Institute for Aquatic Resources
Technical University of Denmark
Kavalergården 6
Charlottenlund, DK-2920
Further Information
Please consult the Oceans
Past V website at