TRAVEL HANDBOOK – OFFER OF SERVICE Your Jamboree adventure starts as soon as you step out your door! The Transportation team is working hard to make your journey to and from camp as smooth as possible with different options to suite your needs. Travel to and from PJ’15 is the responsibility of each Unit and Offer of Service attending the Jamboree. Please monitor the PJ’15 website at regarding transportation details. Updates may include arrival schedules, transport options, parking, payments and FAQ’s. Also check out the Travel Forum for questions from fellow travelers. If your transport questions or concerns are not answered there, please contact In order to anticipate the travel requirements of all attendees, each OOS and Contact Unit Leader responsible for completing the Unit Travel Questionnaire found on the PJ 2015 website. Please complete the web form th accurately as possible and submit (with payments) by April 30 . The Transport team is working with many agencies to make your trip to and from PJ a smooth journey. The Transport Questionnaire will be available at the beginning of March. OFFER OF SERVICE TRAVEL th Offers of Service members will be arriving at Camp Barnard starting on July 6 and a majority of volunteers will be th onsite no later than Friday, July 10 , 2015. Please confirm your expected arrival date and time with your Department Manager. The Jamboree is planning to have a shuttle bus to pick up OOS arriving by ferry or airline. We encourage all Units and Offers of Service to carpool or take the PJ Shuttle to the Jamboree. Parking at camp and public transit is very limited. Arrival – Offers of Service (OOS) Travel to and from Camp Banard is the responsibility of each OOS. The Jamboree will have options available for the transport of volunteers and their personal gear. The majority of OOS will only need to bring their personal backpack and a tent. If your role requires the transport of equipment or gear in addition to your personal gear please contact or make private arrangements. Arrival by Private Vehicle The Pacific Jamboree will be hosted at Camp Barnard located 3202 Young Lake Rd, Sooke, BC. All OOS driving to camp are requested to arrive by carpool if possible. The road to Camp Banard has limited capacity and very few safe spots for unloading. Loading zones are still being organized. Please be prepared to walk up to 1km to the camp gates with your gear. Private vehicles are limited to immediate unloading and will not be permitted to idle. After unloading, vehicles will be directed to one of several off-‐site parking lots. Once your vehicle is parked you will not be able to move it until the following Saturday. A shuttle will take drivers from the off-‐site lots to the campground. Please contact to make arrangements if you require your vehicle to be accessible during the Jamboree. All vehicles parked in the Jamboree parking lots will be left at owner’s risk. Arrival by Private Charter Bus Camp Banard will be equipped with a large bus loading zone to handle the daily busses to off-‐site program. If you have organized a private charter bus transport a group of OOS to and from camp you can have your bus drop off and unload at the ‘Bus Loading Zone’ inside Camp Banard. Please advise how many busses and your estimated arrival time by email to to receive prior authorization to enter Camp Banard. If you do not receive prior authorization, the bus will be refused entry and not be allowed to enter the camp road. If entry is refused, passengers may have to walk up to 1km to the camp gates. There is limited parking for PJ2015. Please arrange with your bus operator for offsite parking if possible. Arrival by Ferry (Vancouver Area & BC Mainland OOS) The primary mode of transportation for OOS from the BC Mainland will be the 1hr and 35 min sailing aboard BC Ferries from Tsawwassen across the Salish Sea to Swartz Bay on Vancouver Island. OOS will have a chance to sit back and relax, take in the sights, or enjoy a meal. OOS can arrange their own private transportation aboard the ferry and onwards to camp, or walk on passengers can disembark and meet the PJ Shuttle Busses for the hour and a half ride to Camp Barnard. Walk on Passengers BC Ferries Staff will direct large groups of OOS where to marshal before loading on the ferry. OOS that have pre-‐ paid fare will check in at the Ticket Counter 30-‐60 min prior to sailing. OOS traveling together can check in a group of walk on passengers to reduce congestion at the ticket window. Please see below for additional details on foot passengers on Tsawwassen/Swartz Bay including ferry fares and additional details. There will be up to 3 yellow PJ Shuttle busses at a time loading OOS bound for PJ 2015. Depending on the number of OOS on your sailing, the Jamboree may arrange a cargo van to meet you at Swartz Bay to transport personal gear to camp. You’ll be asked to place your bags into the vehicle. Bags cannot weigh more than 50 lb/22.5kg or they may be refused. Your Name, OOS Number and Department and Sub Camp must be clearly marked and attached to your backpack. This vehicle will drive directly to Camp Barnard where you will collect your bag/tent. The PJ Shuttle Bus is $15 each passenger each way. Fees must be paid prior to arrival to secure a space on the bus. This fee will include the transport of 1 personal camp backpack (60 L bag) and personal sized tent. Payment info will be on the OOS Travel Questionnaire. Please see below for additional details relating to ferry travel Vehicles Private vehicle drivers and passengers are eligible for certain discounts; drivers can obtain a free sailing reservation and discounts for passengers 18 and under If pre-‐paid through the Travel Questionnaire by April 30, 2015. Please ensure you complete the Travel Questionnaire with accurate passenger and vehicle information (i.e. 1 standard size car, 1 adult and 4 scouts as this will be used to make your BC Ferry reservations. By filling out the form, Scouts Canada will make your vehicle reservations and purchase discount tickets on your behalf. Please indicate if you require a vehicle reservation and what type. If you have not made reservations, all travel with BC Ferries will be on a first come first serve basis with regular fares being paid at the terminal. Please state the following when completing the survey: Vehicle Type: Standard vehicles under 7ft high, standard vehicle over 7 feet high, or standard vehicle over 20 ft long (and the exact measure), Vehicle Type: Commercial: Bus (16 or more passengers) overall length from bumper to bumper or commercial vehicle (Truck/Bus with a registered GVW over 5,500 kg). **If renting a box truck we will need to know the registered Gross Vehicle Weight and overall length from front bumper to rear bumper. Vehicle Length: Less than 20’ length. If longer than 20’ length, provide overall footage from bumper to bumper Passenger information in each vehicle: Number of adults 19 and over, Number of children 5-‐11 and 12-‐18 years of age. Please review the BC Ferries website for check in times for vehicles with reservations. If vehicles miss the reserved sailing check in restrictions you will be added to the queue for the next available sailing. Arrival by Air (Victoria Airport -‐ YYJ) Victoria Airport is in Sydney BC, located 10 min from the Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal, or an hour and half drive from Camp Banard. OOS traveling to PJ 2015 via airline to Victoria Airport can arrange private transport to camp or use the PJ Shuttle Bus. Busses (or PJ vehicles) will be scheduled to meet arriving OOS at the airport and drive volunteers and their luggage directly to Camp Barnard. OOS are required to advise flight number, scheduled arrival time, number of members, contact person, and the amount of luggage expected on the OOS Travel Questionnaire. The PJ Shuttle Bus is $15 each passenger each way. Fees must be paid prior to arrival to secure a space on the bus. This fee will include the transport of 1 camp backpack and personal sized tent. Additional luggage can be transported for $5 each piece each way. Payment info will be on the OOS Travel Questionnaire. Arrival by Air (Vancouver Airport -‐ YVR) We encourage all OOS taking an airline to PJ’15 to make their final destination Victoria International Airport (YYJ). This will make your final leg to camp straight forward. However, if Vancouver is your final destination please review your options below: Rent a car – There are several car rental companies at Vancouver Airport. Please contact the company directly to make rental arrangements. From the airport, you will drive to the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal to board the ferry to Swartz Bay on Vancouver Island. From Swartz Bay you will drive to Camp Banard located at 3202 Young Lake Rd, Sooke, BC. Please refer to the above instruction for Arrival by Private Vehicle. Get Picked Up – Arrange for a local OOS, friend or relative to meet you at the airport and drop you off at the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal. See Arrival by Ferry (above) for further details. Scheduled Bus Connection – Scheduled bus connections are available from Vancouver Airport to Vancouver Island via the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal. Please contact Pacific Coach Line for schedule and fare info. Please see Arrival by Ferry (above) for further details Public Transport – Public Transport is an economical link from Vancouver Airport to Vancouver Island via the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal. OOS will take the Canada Line (rapid transit) from YVR-‐Airport Station to Bridgeport Station. Change here for a public bus to the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal. Be sure to visit to learn more about fare information and trip planning. If you plan to arrive by transit, give yourself plenty of extra time! If you choose to make your own way to the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal as walk on passengers, you are welcome to join the PJ Shuttle Bus in Swartz bay as detailed above (Arrival by Ferry). Please indicate your intentions on the OOS Travel Questionnaire. The Jamboree will not be providing transportation from Vancouver International/Domestic Airport (YVR) to Camp Banard. Additional Details for Walk-‐on Ferry Passengers The PJ Transport Team has secured discount rates for all youth participants, OOS, and Leaders. In order to secure these discounts, all passengers must pre-‐pay for tickets by April 30th. Walk on Passenger fares are as follows: CATEGORY FULL FARE Youth Participant or OOS 18 & under Adult Leader or OOS 19 & over SPECIAL PJ FARE SAVINGS $16.90 $9.00 $7.90 $16.90 $15.00 $0.90 BC Ferry Fares as of April 1, 2015 Units and OOS will have the opportunity to bid for sailing times. Sailings run every hour starting at 7am from the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal until 9pm, with the PJ shuttle meeting select sailings. Once payment is received in full, the PJ Transport team will assign you to your sailing preference in the order requested. The OOS will receive a Travel Confirmation in May stating the sailing times with information on how to check in. If you selected to take the PJ Shuttle Bus to camp, your tickets will also be included. Please be considerate to the environment and crowds at the ferry terminal by carpooling. Walk on passengers will be required to check in 30-‐60 min prior to sailing. Closer to July meeting points at the ferry terminals, check in requirements, and location of gear truck drop off/pick up will be posted on the website. General Notes: All OOS volunteers (Venturers, Rovers, & Scouters) must wear their full uniform when traveling to and from the Jamboree. All OOS volunteers (Venturers, Rovers, & Scouters) are requested to bring a daypack to hold some essential items (sunscreen, hat, water, snacks, and reading material, and work gear). This should be separate from your larger camp backpacks. Daypacks are especially useful on arrival, departure and during your shifts at camp. All personal camp backpacks that are transported by the Jamboree Transport Team must be within the specified weight limit of less than 50lb or 22.5 kg. Pack light! Nothing is to be hanging off packs, such as hiking boots etc. Gear will be loaded onto the cargo vans by OOS or jamboree volunteers. The Jamboree fees do not include transportation to and from the camp. All fees associated with getting to and from camp are the OOS’ responsibilities. This user fee system lets volunteers choose the most cost efficient travel for their situation. ALL OOS MUST INDICATE THEIR METHOD OF TRANSPORT AND ANTICIPATED ARRIVAL TIMES ON A COMPLETED TRAVEL QUESTIONNAIRE, EVEN IF THEY ARE GOING DIRECTLY TO CAMP BARNARD BY THEIR OWN MEANS. Useful website links: BC Ferries (Ferry) -‐ Pacific Coach Lines (Scheduled bus service Vancouver to Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal and Victoria) – Translink (Vancouver public transit) – BC Transit (Victoria and Sooke public transit) – OFFER OF SERVICE DEPARTURE After a week of adventure, new experiences and forging new friendships, the Jamboree will close and camp will be packed up. Like arrival to camp, you have many options to depart. Your mode of departure will be indicated on the Travel Questionnaire (Due April 30, 2015) including any costs associated. Please refer to the Arrival info for the user fees. Prior to departing Camp Barnard, Subcamp staff will inspect your site and approve for departure. Your exact departure day will depend on your role at PJ and instructions from your department manager. Offers of Service leaving camp on Saturday will be allocated to later departure than participants. We need to provide as much support to the departure youth and leaders as possible! For OOS departing on Sunday, July 19th busses will be available to transfer you to the airport, ferry, or off-‐site parking lots. Please indicate your travel plans on the Travel Questionnaire and pre-‐pay for tickets if required. If you have a special travel request or restriction, please email How you may Depart…. Depart by Private Vehicle Private vehicle drivers will be can take the PJ shuttle to pick up their vehicle from one of the off-‐site parking lots. OOSs will carry gear to their vehicle or meet the driver & vehicle in the loading zones. Please bring all your gear to the vehicle loading zone so we can have you depart quickly. Please do not idle your vehicle while loading. Departure by Private Charter Bus If you have organized a private charter bus to take you (or group of Units/OOS) to and from camp you can have your bus pick up at the ‘Bus Loading Zone’ inside Camp Barnard. Please advise how many busses and your estimated departure time on the Unit Travel Questionnaire to receive prior authorization to enter Camp Banard. If you do not receive prior authorization, the bus will be refused entry and will not be allowed to enter the camp road. If entry is refused, passengers may have to walk up to 1km to the camp gates with their gear. Please note that the Bus Loading Zone will be busy taking Units to the ferry. Your charter bus will only be provided a small window of time to load and not interfere with other schedules. If your group is traveling to the Jamboree by BC Ferry (any route) please contact for bus reservations and passenger discount. Departure by Ferry (Vancouver Area & BC Mainland Units) OOS will be provided the opportunity to request departure sailing times on the Travel Questionnaire. OOS are required to be at the Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal 1 hour prior to sailing. Coupled with the travel time from the Jamboree Site, this will necessitate leaving the Jamboree site 3 hours prior to the scheduled sailing time of your allocated ferry departure. OOS will be allocated to afternoon departure on Sat, July 18th or anytime on Sunday, July 19th. OOS that miss their scheduled bus transfer will be subject to availability on subsequent departures. Depending on your departure time, OOS will deposit their backpacks in a cargo vehicle in the main field or carry on the PJ Shuttle. The cargo vehicle will take the same ferry as you and will meet passengers at the Tsawwassen ferry terminal for backpack pick up. The exact location of pick up will be provided closer to July. Please carpool when picked up at Tsawwassen ferry terminal. This will provide a safer environment as hundreds of people will be walking around and reduce terminal congestion. BC Ferries staff may be on hand to help direct traffic and guide Units where to collect their camp backpacks. th As a reminder, all bus and ferry fare must be pre-‐paid by April 30 . Camp backpacks cannot weigh more than 50 lb/22.5kg or they may be refused. Your OOS Number, Name, and Sub Camp must be clearly labeled and attached to your backpack. Some sailings will not have a cargo van taking backpacks. These groups will take their backpack on the bus and will use the BC Ferries Baggage carts. Please use this free service to avoid congestion on the passenger decks. Collect your bags at Tsawwassen ferry terminal. If OOS do not have their large camp backpacks transported privately to camp, they can board the bus without stopping at the cargo truck. OOS will check in at the ticket kiosk with their Travel Confirmation. OOS can check in multiple groups at the same time. Vehicles Private vehicle drivers and passengers are eligible for certain discounts; drivers can obtain a free sailing reservation and discounts for passengers 18 and under If pre-‐paid through the Travel Questionnaire by April 30, 2015. Please ensure you complete the Travel Questionnaire with accurate passenger and vehicle information (i.e. 1 standard size car, 1 adult and 4 scouts as this will be used to make your BC Ferry reservations. By filling out the form, Scouts Canada will make your vehicle reservations and purchase discount tickets on your behalf. Please indicate if you require a vehicle reservation and what type. If you have not made reservations, all travel with BC Ferries will be on a first come first serve basis with regular fares being paid at the terminal. Please state the following when completing the survey: Vehicle Type: Standard vehicles under 7ft high, standard vehicle over 7 feet high, or standard vehicle over 20 ft long (and the exact measure), Vehicle Type: Commercial: Bus (16 or more passengers) overall length from bumper to bumper or commercial vehicle (Truck/Bus with a registered GVW over 5,500 kg). **If renting a box truck we will need to know the registered Gross Vehicle Weight and overall length from front bumper to rear bumper. Vehicle Length: Less than 20’ length. If longer than 20’ length, provide overall footage from bumper to bumper Passenger information in each vehicle: Number of adults 19 and over, Number of children 5-‐11 and 12-‐18 years of age. Please review the BC Ferries website for check in times for vehicles with reservations. If vehicles miss the reserved sailing check in restrictions you will be added to the queue for the next available sailing. Departure by Air (Victoria Airport -‐ YYJ) Units departing by airplane at Victoria Airport can arrange their own transport to the airport or use the PJ Shuttle Bus. Busses (or PJ vehicles) will be scheduled to have passengers at the airport at least 2 hours prior to domestic flights and 3 hours prior to international. This will result in airline passengers leaving camp at least 3-‐4 hours prior to their scheduled flight. Unit Leaders are required to advise flight number, scheduled departure time, number of members, contact person, and the amount of luggage expected on the Unit Travel Questionnaire. Groups th departing by air can pay $5 extra for each piece of luggage. Payment is due by April 30 with the Unit Travel Questionnaire. Departure by Air (Vancouver Airport -‐ YVR) We encourage all Units traveling from PJ’15 by airline to make Victoria International Airport (YYJ) their point of departure as this will considerably reduce your initial travel time. Travel from the Jamboree to Vancouver is the responsibility of the traveling party. Please refer to the Arrival Section for options available to get to Vancouver. Please note the first ferry leaves Swartz Bay at 7am and is scheduled to arrive in Tsawwassen at 9:30am. Give yourself plenty of time to make it to Vancouver Airport. Closer to July meeting points at the ferry terminals, check in requirements, and location of gear truck drop off/pick up will be posted on the website. ALL OOS MUST INDICATE THEIR METHOD OF TRANSPORT AND ANTICIPATED ARRIVAL TIMES ON A COMPLETED TRAVEL QUESTIONNAIRE, EVEN IF THEY ARE GOING DIRECTLY TO CAMP BARNARD BY THEIR OWN MEANS. If your have further questions please email
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