DELAWARE VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFPs) Design of a Green Stormwater Infrastructure Project in Chester City, PA I. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Delaware Valley Planning Commission (DVRPC) is seeking assistance from qualified consultants to provide professional services for the design of a demonstration green stormwater infrastructure project in Chester, PA. Submission Date: Proposals, including four (4) paper copies and a PDF copy on CD, must be postmarked by 5:00 PM EST, Friday, April 10, 2015 to: John Griffies, Contracts Manager Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission 8th Floor, 190 North Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106-1520 Phone: 215.238.2925 Fax: 215.592.9125 Email: Proposals submitted after that time and date or proposals that are non-responsive to the requirements of this RFP will not be considered. All administrative questions should be directed to John Griffies, Contracts Manager, at 215.238.2925 or All technical questions should be submitted in writing via email to Chris Linn, Manager of the Office of Environmental Planning, at All answers to technical questions will be posted on the DVRPC website at the location of the original RFP. II. BACKGROUND The Chester City Climate Change Adaptation Planning Element, adopted by The City of Chester in June 2014, recommends seven specific actions to increase community resiliency. Through a grant awarded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), DVRPC and its partners seek to implement strategy number 7 from the Adaptation Element: design a green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) demonstration project. This RFP seeks a qualified consultant to evaluate a variety of sites suggested by the Project Planning Team for a GSI demonstration project and prepare design and engineering documents for one or more of the sites in the City of Chester. Possible demonstration projects could include “greening” a schoolyard, constructing rain gardens or bioswales in public rights-of-way, or building a constructed stormwater wetland on public land. By the conclusion of the project, the selected consultant will complete “shovel ready” GSI design and construction documents to create at least three “greened acres” (defined as managing at least the first acre-inch of water from 3 acres) to manage stormwater. Plan detail will be sufficient to use for subsequent bids and to direct the entire construction process. III. SCOPE OF WORK The main objective of the consulting service is to assist DVRPC and the Project Planning Team in selecting a site, developing a GSI demonstration project concept, and preparing final engineering drawings for the project. Task 1 – Participate in the site selection process The selected consultant will work with DVRPC and its partners to select a final site, or sites, based on the criteria outlined below: Potential capacity to capture stormwater. Public land, preferably city-owned. High community visibility for illustrating a variety of GSI techniques. No major utility conflicts. Consideration of the long-term maintenance of the project. Proximity to a Vision 2020 Target Area (see Vision 2020 Map 1B) and/or proposed trails, parks, greenways, and recreation areas; potential alignment with other proposed infrastructure projects. During the site selection process, the Project Team may organize a public meeting or stakeholder meeting in which the selected consultant will be invited to participate. Task 2 – Evaluate potential sites for constructability and cost This may include coordination with utilities, discussion with permitting agencies, hydrologic analysis, geotechnical and infiltration testing, preparation of opinions of probable construction costs, and other tasks as necessary to determine project impact, benefit, cost, and constructability. Task 3 – Prepare a sketch rendering or other illustrative image of the proposed project. Task 4 – Create a set of construction documents for the selected project and site. This includes all steps necessary to create final construction documents including, but not limited to, collection of site survey data, coordination with utilities, and the creation of project engineering plans with associated specifications. IV. PROPOSAL CONTENTS In the proposals, the consultants shall describe the overall technical and creative approach for completing each task or subtask in a narrative format. The narrative should convince DVRPC and the Project Team that the consultants understand the needs and objectives of this RFP and DVRPC, RFP, Chester City GSI Design 2 that the proposed method meets the requirements of the project scope. The consultants should also describe the following: Specialized experience and technical competence of the firm, including experience with similar projects, project management, design, and permitting. Past examples of performance with respect to cost control, client satisfaction, and the ability to meet deadlines and other project challenges. A summary of the relevant experience and expertise of the proposed project team. How your firm might assist the Project Planning Team in evaluating and selecting candidate sites. Your preliminary ideas for creating three greened acres in the City of Chester. Narrative The written narrative should be no more than 6 pages in length (8.5 x 11 pages, with 11 point font and 1 inch margins for text). Consultants are also encouraged to include photos, sketches, renderings or other visual materials from past or present work. These materials may be up to an additional 4 pages in length. If inserted into the body of the written narrative, the whole narrative may be up to 10 pages in length. In concert with the DVRPC and the Project Team, the winning candidate must complete all of the aforementioned tasks by July 31, 2016. To accomplish all these tasks within the budget and timeline of this project, DVRPC and the Project Team will work closely with the consultant to provide necessary data and input, coordinate with the City and other agencies, and direct the stakeholder engagement process, while the consultants are responsible for providing technical expertise, cost estimates, illustrative images and design and construction documents. Appendices Firms should include the following in appendices (13 page limit, 8.5 x 11 pages, with 11 point font and 1 inch margins for text): Resumes of project personnel, no more than two pages per resume. A list of at least three relevant projects and associated references including name, address, and phone number of a person familiar with the projects and available to respond to a phone call. Budget The consultants must provide a separate, itemized budget for each of the tasks outlined above based on hourly rates and number of hours. Consultants may identify separate subtasks as they deem appropriate. The consultants must complete a Cost Estimate Form (page 6 below). This form must be included in a separate, sealed envelope. DVRPC, RFP, Chester City GSI Design 3 V. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIRMENTS Number of copies: Four (4) paper copies of the proposal are to be submitted via mail as well as (1) electronic copy in pdf format on CD by the submission deadline. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise and Small Business Concern Involvement: DVRPC is committed to providing opportunities for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) and small business concerns to compete for work. DBEs are certified by the Pennsylvania Unified Certification Program (PAUCP) in accordance with 49 CFR Part 26. Small business concerns are those entities seeking to participate in Commonwealth contracts that meet the definition of a small business concern set forth in Section 3 of the Small Business Act and Small Business regulations implementing it at 13 C.F.R. Part 21. Contractors are encouraged to involve Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and small business concerns in the required work and to submit documentation of any such involvement in the proposal narrative and budget. Certification of Eligibility: A signed statement is to be typed on your letterhead stating that: “The firm is not ineligible to receive award of a contract due to the firm’s inclusion on any Federal, Pennsylvania or New Jersey State lists of debarred contractors, or otherwise ineligible to be awarded a contract using Federal or State funds.” Joint Ventures: If a joint venture responds to this RFP, the prime contractor must not be included in any other proposal submission. VI. EVALUATION CRITERIA The Project Planning Team, including DVRPC, Pennsylvania Sea Grant, the City of Chester, and others will thoroughly evaluate the merits of each submission. The following criteria will be used to evaluate and rank proposals: Technical approach and project understanding (50%) Professional qualifications, technical expertise, and experience in similar work (30%) Ability to perform within schedule and budget, including records of past performance (20%) The winning firm must demonstrate the specialized experience and technical competence to design an urban green stormwater infrastructure project. Other desired experience and expertise include: GSI projects in an urban setting. Hydraulic and hydrologic modeling. Landscape architecture capabilities. Community engagement and participation in the design process. DVRPC reserves the right to reject all proposals submitted, to cancel the solicitation request under this notice, and/or to re-request proposals for this work and service. DVRPC, RFP, Chester City GSI Design 4 VII. PROPOSAL SELECTION AND TIMETABLE March 4, 2015: Posting of RFP on the DVRPC’s web site. Firms must postmark their proposals by 5:00 PM on Friday, April 10, 2015. Award of project: April 24, 2015. The candidate will be expected to begin work immediately and complete the project by July 31, 2016. VIII. CHECKLIST OF PROPOSAL REQUIRMENTS The following must be included in the proposal: A. Certification of Eligibility B. Proposal Narrative a. Specialized experience and technical competence b. Past examples of performance c. A summary of the relevant experience d. How your firm might assist the Project Planning Team in evaluating and selecting candidate sites. e. Preliminary ideas for creating three greened acres in the City of Chester. C. Appendices a. Resumes of project personnel, no more than two pages per resume. b. A list of at least three relevant projects and associated references including name, address, and phone number of a person familiar with the projects and available to respond to a phone call. D. Cost Estimate Form (submit in separate sealed envelope) DVRPC, RFP, Chester City GSI Design 5 COST ESTIMATE FORM (Must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope) Design of a Green Stormwater Infrastructure Project in Chester City, PA Name of Lead Firm or Consultant: _________________________________________________ Cost for Task 1– Participate in the site selection process: % of total cost: ______________ $_______ / Hours______ Cost for Task 2 – Evaluate sites for constructability and cost: % of total cost: ______________ $_______ / Hours______ Cost for Task 3 – Prepare rendering of proposed project: % of total cost: ______________ $_______ / Hours______ Cost for Task 4 – Prepare construction documents: % of total cost: ______________ $_______ / Hours______ TOTAL COST OF PROJECT: $__________ / Hours_________ Cost estimates should be provided by both number of hours and monetary cost. DVRPC, RFP, Chester City GSI Design 6
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