Preconception Care A review of the literature First draft University Medical Centre Rotterdam, Erasmus MC, The Netherlands Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Obstetrics and Prenatal Medicine Denktaş S, Jong-Potjer LC, Waelput AJM, Temel S, Voorst van SF, Vos AA, Schölmerich VLN, Bonsel GJ, Kooy van der J, Quispel C, Poeran VJJ, Peters IA, Vujkovic M, Bakker R, Steegers EAP © 2012, Erasmus MC Copyright © 2012, Erasmus MC First draft University Medical Centre Rotterdam, Erasmus MC, The Netherlands Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Obstetrics and Prenatal Medicine Denktaş S, Jong-Potjer LC, Waelput AJM, Temel S, Voorst van SF, Vos AA, Schölmerich VLN, Bonsel GJ, Kooy van der J, Quispel C, Poeran VJJ, Peters IA, Vujkovic M, Bakker R, Steegers EAP Cite as: Preconception Care. A review of the literature. University Medical Centre Rotterdam, Erasmus MC, The Netherlands Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Obstetrics and Prenatal Medicine Denktaş S, Jong-Potjer LC, Waelput AJM, Temel S, Voorst van SF, Vos AA, Schölmerich VLN, Bonsel GJ, Kooy van der J, Quispel C, Poeran VJJ, Peters IA, Vujkovic M, Bakker R, Steegers EAP Correspondence: University Medical Centre Rotterdam, Erasmus MC, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Obstetrics and Prenatal Medicine Room Sk-4130, Postbus 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, The Netherlands ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This study was commissioned by University Medical Centre Rotterdam, Erasmus MC, The Netherlands, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Division of Obstetrics and Prenatal Medicine. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval without express written permission form the authors or publisher. Contents Page Chapter I, Preconception care Preconception care as part of public health programmes provided by health authorities Preconception care and Millennium Goals Provision of preconception care Preconception care initiatives Guidelines References Chapter II, Reaching arget groups Collective information through local public campaigns Specific information to groups that are hard to reach Peer Educators Perinatal Health Proactive professional approach and promotion of preconception care Preconception eduction at school References Chapter III, The association between preconceptional risk factors and adverse pregnancy outcomes Methods Results Conclusion References Tables Chapter IV, Effectiveness of the interventions in reducing the risk factors before pregnancy Introduction Methods Results Conclusion References Tables Chapter V, Risk assessment in preconception care Methods Risk assessment by questionnaires or checklists Risk assessment by physical examinations, laboratory tests and complementary tests References Chapter VI, Overall benefits of preconception care in terms of public health History Public Health Perspectives Beneficial targeting items Conclusion References 3 4 4 5 7 13 16 18 18 21 24 28 29 31 33 33 34 36 38 41 106 106 106 107 110 111 116 153 153 153 157 166 169 169 169 174 178 179 2 I. Preconception care Lieke C. de Jong-Potjer, Adja J.M. Waelput, Rachel Bakker, Semiha Denktaş, Eric A.P. Steegers Preconception health is widely recognized as a rather new but critical component of maternal and child health promotion. It is broadly defined as the provision of biomedical and behavioural interventions prior to conception in order to optimize women’s health and subsequent pregnancy outcomes. Risk assessment, health promotion, counselling and intervention are the core components of preconception care.1 Each of them must be evidence based to generate resources and assure sustainability, and they must be flexible enough to adapt to accommodate local priorities. It is important to recognize the key elements of preconception care. In the past 20 years various definitions have been formulated. In 1992 the following definition of preconception care was included in Pubmed's MeSH Database: “An organized and comprehensive program of health care that identifies and reduces a woman's reproductive risks before conception through risk assessment, health promotion, and interventions.”2 In 2005 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the March of Dimes, in collaboration with 35 professional and governmental organizations, convened a summit to discuss an agenda for preconception care programs, research, and policy. They defined preconception care as a continuum of care designed to meet the needs of a woman throughout the various stages of her reproductive life. Based on the Select Panel deliberations and its subsequently published recommendations, preconception care was then defined as: “A set of interventions that aim to identify and modify biomedical, behavioral, and social risks to a woman's health or pregnancy outcome through prevention and management, emphasizing those factors that must be acted on before conception or early in pregnancy to have maximal impact.” 3 In 2007 the Health Council of the Netherlands presented the advisory report entitled Preconception care: a good beginning. The advisory report summarised the knowledge concerning the various components of preconception health care. On the basis of the scientific insights obtained, the Committee concluded that the provision of preconception advice on diet, lifestyle, diseases, use of medication, working conditions, and genetic factors 3 can be seen as an intrinsic part of effective care. Accordingly, it would be appropriate to offer preconception health care to all prospective parents. The Committee formulated the following definition for this advisory report: “Preconception care is the entire range of measures designed to promote the health of the expectant mother and her child, which, in order to be effective, must preferably be adopted prior to conception.” 4 Preconception care as part of public health programmes provided by health authorities Over the last 30 years several strategies and ideologies were developed to incorporate preconception care within international maternal and child health programs and policies. Some of them are well established and analyzed. This has resulted in a growing body of knowledge. Other policies are more or less hidden within declarations of international agencies, coalitions and international health movements, such as the promotion of global primary health care by the declaration of Alma Ata, Safe Motherhood initiatives and women’s rights and health movements.5 The Inter-Agency group for Safe Motherhood developed a package of services which should be offered to all women to ensure safe motherhood. This package included various preconception care services such as family planning, adolescent reproductive health education services, and community-based education to improve sexual and reproductive health and safe motherhood.5-6 Preconception care and Millennium Goals The WHO acknowledges the contribution of preconception care in reaching the Millennium Development Goals 4 (child mortality) and 5 (maternal health). They are meant to reduce the under-five mortality rate by two thirds and maternal mortality ratio by three quarters between 1990 and 2015 and to achieve universal access to reproductive health.7 In her strategic vision on sexual and reproductive health and rights for 2010-2015 the WHO states that universal access for all women and newborns to appropriate preconception, antenatal, childbirth and postpartum care should been achieved in 2015.8 Both Millennium goals are closely related to other key areas including poverty, gender equality, nutrition, education, and infectious diseases.7 These goals are reinforced in several documents such as the World Health report “make every mother and child count” (2005), in which the WHO states that a ‘Continuum of Care’ is needed to ensure maternal, newborn and child health. 4 This continuum consists of an integrated service delivery for mothers and children from prepregnancy to delivery, the immediate postnatal period, and childhood. A variety of specific interventions, delivered at specific time frames by specific care providers, are to be integrated. This will lead to multiple benefits, by enforcing each other, reducing costs and enlarging the efficiency, as has been shown by the introduction of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness.6, 9 Such integrated care is to be provided by families and communities, outpatient services, clinics and other health facilities.6, 9-10 The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), a regional office of the WHO, has identified key elements for this continuum of care. Preconception care for all women of childbearing age should include: o Access to good quality health care for all adolescents o Vaccination (e.g., rubella and hepatitis B vaccine) o Essential nutrition for girls and women and work to combat eating disorders (obesity prevention), including the administration of folic acid supplements o Preventive medical consultations, risk assessment, and psychological counseling (e.g., prevention of psychotropic substance abuse, risk behaviors) o Family planning, including the promotion of planned, adequately spaced pregnancies o Detection and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, especially HIV/AIDS o Treatment of chronic diseases (e.g., diabetes, hypothyroidism, malaria, tuberculosis, and Chagas’ disease).11 The WHO has developed a set of "Essential Interventions, Commodities and Guidelines for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health". This set should enable policymakers in low- and middle- income countries to make informed choices on interventions with a significant impact on maternal, newborn and child survival. The interventions address the main causes of maternal, newborn and child mortality.10 Preconception care is regarded as one of the essential interventions, with the focus on family planning, folic acid fortification and/or supplementation for preventing neural tube defects and the prevention and management of sexually transmitted illnesses (including Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and syphilis).10 Provision of preconception care The core components of preconception care consists of risk assessment, health promotion and intervention.5 Preconception care should be part of an interlinked chain from preconception care through prenatal, neonatal, child, and youth care. Health authorities, 5 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) and health-care disciplines will be involved, such as general practitioners, midwives, obstetricians, clinical geneticists, and other maternal and child health professionals.1,12 Preconception care is meant to improve the health of mother and child by various complementary forms. Some are aimed at individual parents-to-be, others at all women of child-bearing age or the general population (Table 1) Table 1. Schematic overview of provision of preconception care Paradigm for preconception care: the terms used and how they are related 4 Individual General individual preconception For: all couples who want to have a child (e.g., preconception care care individual advice on stopping smoking, family history) Specialist individual For: a) couples who want to have a child who are preconception care already known to be at great risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes or b) couples who are referred from general individual preconception care after risk assessment (e.g., illness in the family, medication, specific working conditions of prospective mother) Collective measures with implications for preconception For: a) everyone (e.g., radiological protection) or b) care all couples who want to have a child (e.g., nationwide folic acid campaigns) Depending on the resources available, countries adopt different strategies to promote preconception health. Wealthier countries tend to provide a broader preconception programme. Next to addressing both the general population they pay special attention to reaching (social or medical) high-risk sub-populations within their country. Less-developed countries mainly provide targeted interventions, such as counselling patients with HIV.5 Collective measures with implications for preconception health include interventions such as rubella vaccination of children, iodisation of salt, radiological protection of all women in the childbearing age, cigarette package labelling for preventing low birth weight singletons and the U.S. food supply folic acid fortification or education campaigns on the use of folic acid.1, 12 Some of them are not primarily undertaken to improve preconception health (e.g., iodisation of salt), but do benefit the health of mother and child. 6 General individual preconception care is provided by primary care workers (general practitioner, midwife or community health care worker) to men and women of childbearing age. Health care workers can reach families and communities with information and resources to promote behaviours and preventive action. They can mobilize the demand for proper services. They can form a link between the community or the population at large and the formal health care services.10 Specialist individual preconception care is provided by medical specialists like gynaecologists and clinical geneticists. Depending on the medical history consultations by other specialists might be needed. If so, coordination by a single healthcare professional is crucially important.4 Professional organisations of nurses, midwives and gynaecologists have developed various recommendations and guidelines for the provision of preconception care to women in general and to targeted groups, such as diabetic mothers-to-be.5 Implementation of these guidelines has to be supported by intervention methods and strategies for: 1. a clear distribution of tasks and responsibilities between the professionals who provide individual care; 2. standardised risk assessment tools; 3. protocols to ensure care in a uniform manner; 4. training of professionals in the provision of preconception care; 5. standardised communication tools and strategies which can be adapted to the local situation; 6. involvement of municipal public health institutions, schools, employers, etc. The directives of the International Federation of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (FIGO) and the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) have incorporated the provision of preconception care (, Preconception care initiatives The goals set by the WHO are ambitious where it comes to universal access to appropriate preconception, antenatal, childbirth and postpartum care which should be achieved by 2015. This section tries to grasp the preconceptional programs that have been offered worldwide. The possibilities for preconception care in primary care vary to the extent in which primary care is developed in different countries. This entails that in some countries preconception care programs are only found in hospital settings or in private clinics staffed by 7 gynaecologists. On the other hand, even in countries with firm primary care systems, new developments tend to start in secondary care. Later on they are partially or totally adopted by primary care workers (e.g., diabetes or cardiovascular check-ups). It is therefore not surprising to find that the oldest publications on preconception care programs are found in secondary care as can be seen in Table 2 Chamberlain et al.13 describes a clinic that was opened in 1978 in London to serve women with a previous adverse pregnancy outcome. In 18 months 56 women were counselled on the risks and management options for a following pregnancy. The secondary care setting tends to be easier to target women who are already at high-risk, as is summarized in Table 2. Studies that target a specific risk factor (e.g., diabetes or alcohol consumption) are not included in this overview. The studies described report on the number of women, sometimes with specification of the type of risk factors that were found. Cox et al.14 compared the outcome of the pregnancy following preconception care to the outcome of the previous pregnancy and found the percentage of normal live births was doubled. De Weerd et al.15 described the increase in folate levels following preconception consultation. The largest program described in primary care has been in Hungary. Preconception care was provided to 8.837 women and 7.600 men that subsequently resulted in 6060 pregnancies. Czeicel et al.16 described that these pregnancies showed 20.6/1,000 major congenital abnormalities compared to (35.0/1,000) in the whole of Hungary. Several other studies have been described in primary care using different (teams of) counsellors and different interventions (Table 3). Also in primary care some of the interventions focussed on targeting women who were at higher risk of adverse pregnancy. These studies offered preconception care to women living in socio-financial deprived communities.17-20 The reported outcome of these studies differ from reporting the number of risks found,19 to increase in the use of folic acid and less alcohol use in pregnancy21, to no effect and even one study found an adverse effect in birth weight in the subsequent pregnancy.20 The quality and effect of the different intervention studies is described in chapter IV. Table 4 summarizes other preconception care initiatives. Hillemeier et al.22 describes the Women’s Health Study in Central Pennsylvania (USA). This study combined active and passive recruitment activities to reach women for a randomized trial on preconception counselling in 15 low-income rural communities. In total, 692 women were included in a ratio 2-to-1 to intervention and control groups. The intervention groups were invited to participate in 6 biweekly small group sessions led by specially trained group facilitators.23 These session contained information on pregnancy and conception, managing stress, physical activity, nutrition (including folic acid use), preventing infections, tobacco exposure and alcohol use. Women in the intervention group reported higher self-efficacy for eating healthy food and to 8 perceive higher preconceptional control of pregnancy outcome; greater intent to eat healthier foods, be more physical active and reported more daily use of multivitamins containing folic acid.22 After 12 months follow-up the use of a multivitamin was still significantly higher in the intervention group. Furthermore, their weight and body mass index was lower compared to the control group.24 Weisman et al.25 conclude that preconception body mass index (overweight or obese) and vegetable consumption (at least one serving per day) had statistically significant independent and positive effects on birth weight and foetal growth. Maternal weight gain during pregnancy was found to be an independent predictor of birth weight and foetal growth. Surprisingly, after controlling for preconception and prenatal maternal characteristics, social demographic variables were not significant predictors of birth weight or foetal growth. 9 Table 2. Preconception care initiatives in secondary care Author and year* Country† Setting Target population Sessions Counsellor Results Previous risks - One session Obstetrician/ gynaecologist Obstetrician/ gynaecologist Midwife 56 women in 18 months Chamberlain13 1978 Smith26 1982-1985 Cox14 1982-1990 UK Hospital UK Hospital UK University Hospital SchranderStumpel27 1994 NL De Weerd15 1996-2000 Ebrahim28 Since 2004 - Maternal medical problem - Previous reproductive loss - Spontaneous miscarriage - Previous foetal abnormality - Chronic maternal disease - One session - Counselling Obstetric gynaecologist University Hospital General population: advertisement in local paper No data supplied NL University Hospital Main reasons for referral: - Spontaneous miscarriage - Previous foetal abnormality - Chronic maternal disease - Risk assessment - Counselling Obstetric gynaecologist and clinical geneticist Obstetric gynaecologist and resident South Korea University Hospital Women childbearing age; no further specification - Risk assessment - Questionnaire - Physical examination - Blood tests Obstetric gynaecologist and fellows in clinical medicine 200 couples 1,075 couples 81% of women with chronic disease gave birth to live normal infants compared to 42% in previous pregnancy (95% CI 28.5-54.9%: Chi 2 p<0.001) 106 couples; 45% gynaecological concerns and 55% genetic concern 484 women data available 459 50% of women had additional testing. Hyperhomocysteinemia was found in 24%, other form of thrombophilia (coagulopathy) in 21% and vitamin deficiency in 18%. N=111 folate level assessment at counselling and at 4 months follow-up. A significant increase was found among women that did not use folate supplements prior to the counselling session N= 132 women 92% had at least one risk factor. e.g. history of 40% adverse pregnancy outcome, 30% spontaneous abortion, 15% birth defect, 2% genetic disease in family *Year(s) that preconception care was provided †UK: United Kingdom; NL: The Netherlands; USA: United States of America 10 Table 3. Preconception care initiatives in primary care Author and year* Country† Setting Target population Sessions Counsellor Results Czeizel 16 1984-1994 Hungary Primary care General population addressed through primary care and media Nurse Counselling of 8,837 women and 7,600 men. 6,060 pregnancies: 20.6/1,000major congenital abnormalities versus (35/1,000) in Hungary. Hale 17 1989 USA Primary care economically disadvantaged Community health care workers No data supplied Moos 19 1989 Jack 29 1993-1995 UK Primary care -Risk assessment USA Primary care At delivery of infant, women received risk assessment for low weight birth for future pregnancy Primarily low-income women in family planning clinic General population at time of negative pregnancy test - Risk assessment - Counselling - 2 x follow-up in pregnancy -Risk assessment -Multiple follow-up dependant on risk factors Health-care professional No specific program 1,761 risk assessments reviewed; on average, women had 6.8 risk factors 170 women were randomised. No difference in intervention rates of risk factors Elsinga21 2000-2003 NL Primary care Women 18-40 years in 30 general practices (control group in 37 practices) Dunlop18 2003-2004 USA (Atlanta Georgia) Primary care African-American women with previous very low birth weight infant in hospital 24 months primary health care and social services Lumley 20 1982-1991 Australia Primary care/ home visits Community at higher risk poor outcome targeted following first birth V d Pal 30 2009-2011 NL Midwives practice General population In intervention group: -Risk assessment -Referral if needed -Information on lifestyle + time to next pregnancy - risk assessment Risk assessment - GP was sent outcome of risk assessment and intervention group was offered appointment at GP Risk assessment and Own general counselling practitioner Team: general practitioner, nurse practitioner/ midwife, periodontist Midwives Midwives Intervention group (sufficient data n=114 control n=1158) Folic acid use adjusted odds 4.93 (2.81-8.66) reduced alcohol in 1e trimester 1.79 (1.08-2.97) 20% adverse outcome control group 16% in intervention group OR 0.77 (0.48-1.22) 1-year: 29 women enrolled retrospective cohort comparison. Control group had 2.6 more pregnancies <18 months and 3.5 times more adverse pregnancy outcomes 1668 approached, completion study 786 information on second child analysed. In intervention group the birth weight was lower (-97.4 gr) and 10 births occurred <32 weeks (1 in control group N=104 almost all women had one or more risk factors 33% had 3 or more risk facotrs *Year(s) that preconception care was provided †UK: United Kingdom; NL: The Netherlands; USA: United States of America 11 Table 4. Other reports on preconception care Author and year* Country† Setting Target population Sessions Counsellor Results 6 group sessions of 2hours each on e.g. lifestyle, pregnancy, stress and nutrition Health assessment, health education and empowerment and intensive case management for highest risk - Health assessment - Educational DVD for home study - Nurse and physician Question whether any health care worker addressed preconception issues Specifically trained group facilitators N=362 Randomised 2-to-1 measured at 14 week follow-up. Higher self-efficacy and more behavioural changes: reading food labels, physical activity and use of multivitamin with folic acid. N= 2941 Average of 7.9 risk factors Longitudinal follow-up not provided Hillemeier 22 Velott23 2008 USA Community setting Low-income rural community Biermann31 2001-2005 USA Florida Community setting African-American women 15-44 in socioeconomic high-risk area Ebrahim28 2005 Hong Kong Family planning association Interested couples Williams 32 2004-2008 USA PRAMS data Retrospective analysis data from 4 states Team: nurse-midwife, health educator, social worker Nurse and physician problems: obstetric gynaecologist or internist - Not published. Service is provided to 4000-5000 couples a year Cohort n= 30481 of which 32,4% reported receipt PCC. Adjusted odds (CI) 4.4 (4-4,7) daily pre-pregnancy vitamins, 2.1 (1.8-2.4) 1e trimester prenatal care, 1.3 (1.2-1.5) alcohol drinking cessation *Year(s) that preconception care was provided †UK: United Kingdom; NL: The Netherlands; USA: United States of America 12 Guidelines The previously described preconception programs in medical literature are still limited. Programs are often provided in small communities in research settings. Only Hungary has developed a nationwide program, which was offered to all women preconceptionally by specifically trained nurses. The heightened attention towards preconception care is also visible as the number of guidelines on preconception care as a program is growing. The American Academy of Pediatircs (AAP) and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists (ACOG) published the first guidelines for Perinatal care in 1983 in partnership with the March of dimes Birth Defect Foundation.33 In the appendix it is noted that “Preparation for parenthood should begin prior to conception”. Ten years later The March of Dimes published ‘Toward Improving the outcome of Pregnancy; the 90s and Beyond’ in which the concept of reproductive awareness was introduced.34 It calls for professional standards, structure and financing to ensure an annual preconceptions risk reduction visit for every woman from menarche to menopause and integration into the perinatal care system. In 2005 the ACOG underlined the importance of preconception care in the continuum of Women’s Health care with a committee opinion paper.35 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published ‘Recommendations to improve Preconception Health and Health Care’ in 2006.12 This report presented ten recommendations for improving preconception health through changes in consumer knowledge, clinical practice, public health programs, health-care financing, and data and research activities. Domus Medica, a Belgium Society for General Practitioners, upgraded their guideline for neural tube defects to a guideline for preconception care in 200836 and updated it in 2011.37 Five key-elements are noted: the need for preconceptional risk assessment advice and were needed a referral general practitioners should advice all women to stop smoking and deduce alcohol to a maximum of one unit a day if there is no evidence of immunity status a blood sample should be drawn to check rubella and toxoplasmosis anti-bodies 13 the general practitioner should actively discuss the need for folic acid supplement with all women who are thinking about getting pregnant. Women at increased risk of neural tube defect (diabetics’ type 1 or 2, family history of neural tube defect, antiepileptic medication or women with thalassemia) should be advised to take 4 mg of folic acid supplements. In the Netherlands the Royal Society for Midwives wrote a paper in 200538 to define the role midwives can play in preconception care. The Dutch Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology published an opinion paper in 2008 stating the essential elements of preconception care and the need to actively offer it to all couples contemplating pregnancy.39 The Dutch College of General Practitioners (NHG) has published a Preconception care guideline in June 2011.40 It refers to a web-based risk assessment tool that had previously been developed by Erfocentrum and Erasmus MC, This provides a summary of risk factors that need attention and also enables the women to send the summary by email to her caretaker of choice. The key message of this guideline is to create awareness among general practitioners to: inform women on preconception issues and the possibility to attend a specific consultation to address the risk factors assess which interventions are needed for women with chronic diseases adjust (chronic) medication for women of childbearing age family history of both men and women assess working climate of both men and women advise folic acid supplements smoking cessation of men and women reduce alcohol use in pregnancy support women in reaching a healthy weight before pregnancy. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the UK has no specific guideline for preconception care. Preconception care is only specified in the guideline for Diabetes care and the recommendation to use folic acid prior to pregnancy is specified in the guideline for Antenatal Care. There is a specific guideline concerning weight management before, during and after pregnancy. Pre-pregnancy body mass index is found to be a greater determinant of healthy outcome for mothers and babies than any weight gain during 14 pregnancy. Therefore, evidence based recommendations are summarized to help women achieve a healthy (pre-pregnancy) weight. The National Health Service does provide information on preconception advice and management, which can be found as a chapter in the topic Pregnancy in Clinical Knowledge Summaries online ( It is divided into seven scenarios; advices for all women, mental health, metabolic disorder, chronic medical conditions, genetic haemoglobinopathies, advice for older women and advice about genetic screening. The public health agency of Canada has published national guidelines for Family-centered maternity and newborn care. A specific chapter is dedicated to preconception care first stating the importance of preconception care, the expected diversity and the opportunities to provide it. The Public health agency believes schools and media can play a part in getting the appropriate message out to the general public. Primary care and community health care workers should use diverse means to reach men and women. The guideline summarizes the risk assessment and support on specific issues (social, lifestyle, environmental, physical activity, nutrition and genetic and health history). 15 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. van der Zee B, de Beaufort I, Temel S, de Wert G, Denktas S, Steegers E. Preconception care: an essential preventive strategy to improve children's and women's health. J Public Health Policy 2011;32(3):367-79. http:/ Accessed. Posner SF, Johnson K, Parker C, Atrash H, Biermann J. The national summit on preconception care: a summary of concepts and recommendations. Matern Child Health J 2006;10(5 Suppl):S197-205. Gezondheidsraad. Preconception care: a good beginning. In. 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Preconceptioneel advies door de huisarts: ervaringen opgedaan met de Preconceptie Polikliniek Maastricht. . Patient care: het tijdschrift voor de huisarts 1996;23 (6):52-55. Ebrahim SH, Lo SS, Zhuo J, Han JY, Delvoye P, Zhu L. Models of preconception care implementation in selected countries. Matern Child Health J 2006;10(5 Suppl):S37-42. Jack BW, Culpepper L, Babcock J, Kogan MD, Weismiller D. Addressing preconception risks identified at the time of a negative pregnancy test. A randomized trial. J Fam Pract 1998;47(1):33-8. Van der Pal-de Bruin K, Verlinden DA, Jansen YJFM, Theunissen MHC, Broerse A, Aalhuizen I. Implementatie van preconceptiezorg in de regio Leiden. In: TNO; 2011. Biermann J, Dunlop AL, Brady C, Dubin C, Brann A, Jr. Promising practices in preconception care for women at risk for poor health and pregnancy outcomes. Matern Child Health J 2006;10(5 Suppl):S21-8. Williams L, Zapata LB, D'Angelo DV, Harrison L, Morrow B. Associations Between Preconception Counseling and Maternal Behaviors Before and During Pregnancy. Matern Child Health J 2011. Pediatrics AAo, Gynecologists. ACoOa. Guidelines for perinatal care. In. Evanston, Illinois: American Academy of Pediatricians; 1983. March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation. Toward improving the outcome of pregnancy. In. White Plains, NY: March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation; 1993. American College of O, Gynecologists. ACOG Committee Opinion number 313, September 2005. The importance of preconception care in the continuum of women's health care. Obstet Gynecol 2005;106(3):665-6. Samyn E, Bastiaens H, de Sutter A, van Royen P. Preconceptie advies. Huisarts Nu 2008;37(5). Samyn E. Opvolgrapport Aanbeveling voor goede medische praktijkvoering preconceptieadvies. In: Domus Medica Vereniging van Huisartsen; 2011. de Jonge A. Standpunt Preconceptiezorg. In: Koninklijke Nederlandes Organisatie van Verloskundigen; 2005. Steegers E, Wildschut HIJ. Nota Preconceptiezorg. In: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Obstetrie en Gynaecologie; 2008. De Jong-Potjer L, Beentjes M, Bogchelman M, Jaspar AHJ, Van Asselt KM. NHG-Standaard Preconceptiezorg. Huisarts en Wetenschap 2011;54(6):310-26. 17 II. Reaching target groups Vera L.N. Schölmerich, Ingrid A. Peters, Marijana Vujkovic, Eric A.P. Steegers, Semiha Denktaş Reaching prospective parents before the onset of pregnancy is crucial for effective preconception care. However, it seems that women do not actively seek preconception care consultation, nor do they enthusiastically accept the offer to attend a consultation. Research on why preconception care achieves limited outreach and how this short-coming can be addressed is scarce. Several studies have indicated that an important problem with reaching parents on time is that many women do not plan pregnancies, which makes it difficult to raise their interest in preconception care, let alone provide preconception care to them.1-2 For instance, 40-50% of pregnancies in the United States of America are unplanned.3,4,5 This problem is less predominant in some countries such as the Netherlands, where only 20% of pregnancies are unplanned.6 Other studies suggest that preconception schemes fail to reach target groups because they are not adapted to the specific situation of the target groups. For instance, TV spots promoting the use of folic acid will not reach women who do not own a TV.7, 8 Research on the effectiveness of methods to reach target groups for preconception care is scarce, and does not paint a clear picture on which methods work.9,10 Given that preconception care programs have difficulty reaching target groups, several studies emphasize the necessity to design innovative methods of outreach.11,12,13 The sections below consider existing or suggested methods on how to reach target groups as well as the efforts of the programme ‘Ready for a Baby’13 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Collective information through local public campaigns Public health campaigns attempt to inform and achieve behavioural change in all individuals, not merely in those seeking help.14 This method spans various strategies, including journal advertisements, radio ads, newsletters, brochures, flyers, posters, TV spots, information kits, free product samples, discount vouchers and improved labelling of products.1, 7, 9, 15, 16 Public health campaigns on preconceptional health and behaviour typically focus on one aspect of preconception health, e.g., folic acid use15 or diabetes awareness for women trying to conceive.9 Only a few studies have measured the effectiveness of public campaigns in the domain of preconception (see, for instance17). These studies show varied success of public campaigns.17 It should be noted here that the assessment of effectiveness of public campaigns represents a major difficulty as it is difficult to exclude interferences.1 18 Together with the Star-Medical Diagnostic Center and the municipal health authority of Rotterdam, the Erasmus Medical Center conducted a comprehensive field study at the end of 2006 to examine the interest among care givers for organized, chain-oriented preconception care. A small public campaign was conducted in the North of Rotterdam, where posters were hung up in the streets and in offices of care providers, and house-tohouse information leaflets were distributed.13 These posters and leaflets emphasized the availability of the website This website contained a questionnaire that provided information about possible risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes coupled with an invitation for a preconception consult. The short campaign resulted in a temporary increase of 250 percent in the use of The last two years, the average number of visitors per day is 400. This result indicates that certain people are, to a certain extent, interested in preconception health and subsequently look for information on this topic. In January 2009, the program Ready for a Baby was launched in Rotterdam.13 The aim of the 10-year programme is to improve perinatal health outcomes in Rotterdam. In this pursuit, a number of projects have been implemented that are based on standardized care in the obstetrical chain of care and supplemented by a number of non-medical measures. In close collaboration with health care and other professionals working in the field, the programme office formulates and manages selected projects. Professionals involved in a given project are committed to targets by means of covenants. Within Ready for a Baby, a great deal of effort was invested in the development and organisation of programme-based preconception care in primary care (midwifes and general practitioners). A major challenge here is to raise public awareness for the concept of preconception care among residents.13 Here, a variety of channels were used, including posters, flyers and banners on trams in the Northern and Southern parts of Rotterdam. 19 Table 1. Public campaign Ready for a Baby Product Aim Content Distribution Posters (1) Draw attention of the public to the Short messages in Dutch General practitioners, midwife fact that improving perinatal health is and other languages and obstetrician practices, possible and (2) inform the public (Turkish, Arabic and health centres, schools, about the availability of preconception Papiamentu): e.g., ‘Are you religious and migrant care considering a pregnancy? organizations, social and Visit a baby wish well-being services, and consultation’ shops (1,2) and (3) provide the public with A two-sided A5 format flyer General practitioners, midwife information about the content of explains in simple Dutch (1) and obstetrician practices, preconception care and of the do’s what preconception care is, health centres, schools, and don’ts of a healthy pregnancy (2) why candidate parents religious and migrant should visit a consultation, organizations, social and and (3) how to enhance well-being services, and preconceptional health e.g., shops Flyers use folic acid supplementation, stop smoking, etc. Website (1-3) and (4) provide the public with information of activities of the programme Ready for a Baby and preconception related news Practical information about (1) the pre-pregnancy phase: do’s and don’ts of a healthy pregnancy, the availability of baby wish The internet The web address is listed on all materials consultations, (2) during pregnancy: when and why a midwife should be visited, (3) delivery: possible locations of delivery (home, hospital, birth clinic), (4) after delivery: where to find maternity care services, maternity care at home or in the birth clinic, and (5) the youth health clinic: vaccinations, growth and development of the baby 20 Advertisement in (1,2) Short messages in Dutch: Local newspapers are freely local e.g., ‘Are you considering accessible and delivered by newspapers and pregnancy? Visit a baby post; the outside of trams on public wish consultation’ were painted with messages Articles written by a Local newspapers are freely journalist about the accessible and delivered by programme Ready for a post, national newspapers Baby with a focus on the (not all for freely accessible preconception projects; e.g., but they are mostly freely interviews with the accessible on the internet transportation Editorials (1-4) researchers or participating midwives and organisations Specific information to groups that are hard to reach Public health campaigns attempt to deliver information to the general population. Several studies have pointed out the difficulty of reaching high-risk target groups via public health campaigns. A major problem here is that the message of these campaigns is not well received by these groups. Mullenix et al.18 points out that general public health campaigns are more apt at reaching the small group of women who actively seek preconception information and counselling before pregnancy. Moreover, some public health campaigns leave out specific target groups on purpose, e.g., women with insufficient knowledge of the host country language.19 High-risk groups are typically socio-economically disadvantaged populations and nonwestern ethnic minorities. In many countries such as the Netherlands, they mostly reside in deprived neighbourhoods of large cities20, 21, 22 Many studies have demonstrated that highrisk groups are largely underserved by health care, and preconception care is not an exception here.23,15 Indeed, many studies on preconception care programs indicate ‘incomplete outreach’ as a major barrier for program effectiveness.15,24 In contrast to (local) public health campaigns, peer educator methods attempt to bring specific information to underserved and mostly high-risk groups. Use of peer education for preconceptional health promotion is a relatively new phenomenon (for instance, see18). It has been used within other areas of health, such as diabetes, and is reported to improve access and health outcomes for high-risk populations by offering care tailored to the socio-economic and cultural background as well as the social network of the target group.12, 17, 25-26 Peer educators come from a similar socio-economic and cultural background as the target group, and are therefore expected to have a deeper understanding of the situation of the 21 target group. They are often described as “bridges” between mainstream health care and high-risk target groups.12, 27 Peer educators in preconception health are often active in women’s and youth center’s, but other networks have also been found, such as college campuses.28 The program Ready for a Baby developed several peer educational intervention projects. The aim of these projects is to expand general knowledge and awareness about preconceptional healthy behaviour, achieve specific knowledge transfer tailored to subgroups and the increase of uptake of individual preconception care. This is done via three educational modules that were developed by the Erasmus MC in cooperation with the municipal health authority of Rotterdam and executed by six women from different ethnic origin (Turkish, Moroccan, Hindustani-Surinamese, Antillean, and Cape Verdeans). All attended a specific training on peer education and preconceptional health. At the same time, a Turkish male was trained in order to also reach out to men. The first educational module of the peer educator project is based on a short course developed by the Dutch National Genetic Resource and Information Center. This peer educational module consists of four sessions, and the content of these sessions comprises the importance of a good preparation of a pregnancy, the timely intake of folic acid supplementation, prenatal screening, genetics and information on the increased prevalence of genetic disorders among some migrant groups, such as sickle cell disease and Thalassemia. The method of training is interactive. Several materials are developed e.g., a healthy pregnancy game with pictures. During the four sessions, women are encouraged to access appropriate care if they have specific medical questions. Furthermore, myths and taboos regarding pregnancy are dealt with and women are provided with the tools to achieve behavioural change if necessary. The sessions take place either at a women’s organization, in a community centre or in a school, all in the same neighbourhood of the target group women. In the final session, the group of women visit a midwifery practice accompanied by a peer educator. The course is still ongoing. In 2010, in one neighbourhood 88 women from various ethnic origin participated in this course and we performed a qualitative evaluation. Results are shown in Table 2. 22 Table 2. Qualitative evaluation of the course healthy pregnancy (N=88) Reasons for participation in the course 1. Early pregnancy and therefore interested in the topic 2. A pregnancy wish 3. Multiple miscarriages 4. Information need about a healthy pregnancy Knowledge gaps among participants 1. The body – fertility – menstrual cycle 2. Use of contra conceptives 3. Medication during pregnancy 4. Genetics 5. Folic acid use Specific themes mentioned by participants that need more attention 1. Pregnancy is mostly a matter of women 2. Lack of knowledge on causes of multiple miscarriages 3. Stress as an important reason for adverse pregnancy outcomes 4. Evil spirits, black magic, and the evil eye as reasons for a adverse pregnancy outcome 5. Common misunderstandings in communication between care provider and patient 6. Midwives are unknown professionals in the obstetrical chain of care The second educational module of the peer educator project is called the ‘Tupperware method’. Here, a key person in a neighbourhood is recruited by the women’s organization as a hostess. The hostess sets up a group based on contacts within her own network. She recruits and motivates the participants to attend the course at her home. The peer educator then visits the women and gives the four sessions of the first educational module as outlined above. The same women meet on three occasions, and at the last meeting a midwife is invited to provide information on midwifery/obstetric care in the Netherlands. The Tupperware parties are ongoing and in one neighbourhood 211 women (Turkish, Moroccan, Antillean, Dutch and women from the Cape Verdean Islands) participated in 2011. The third educational module of the peer educator project is geared towards reaching women’s partners. This is a shortened version of four sessions of the first educational module as outlined above. These sessions are geared towards Turkish men and take place at typical meeting places for men, for example the coffee house or mosque. This module is unique in the Netherlands. In 2010 and in 2011, in two neighbourhoods in Rotterdam 315 23 Turkish men participated in the course. A qualitative evaluation of this course was performed and results are shown in table 3. In 2012 the course for men will continue. Table 3. Evaluation of group education for men (N=88) Reasons for participation in the course 1. Interested in topic 2. Fertility of men – what may influence the fertility Knowledge gaps among participants 1. The body – fertility 2. Influence of smoking, alcohol consumption, medication 3. Genetics 4. Folic acid use Specific themes mentioned by participants that need more attention 1. Pregnancy is mostly a matter of women 2. Mother (in law) has more important role in care for pregnant women than men 3. Understandable written information about a healthy pregnancy Peer Educators Perinatal Health In September 2010, in addition to the group courses described above, a Peer Educator Perinatal Health course was developed. Here, a full-time six month long training was provided for 16 bilingual women of non-western ethnic minority origin that had obtained a high school diploma. These trained peer educators are meant to play a bridging function between caregivers and clients from high-risk groups of deprived neighbourhoods. This means that they are able to translate the (medical) messages of caregivers into the language and cultural framework of high-risk target groups. The training of the peer educators was realised by the programme ‘Ready for a Baby’ in cooperation with educational, municipality, healthcare and society stakeholders. The content of the educational programme consisted of seven modules for ‘general health education’ and one for ‘perinatal health specialisation’. The table below provides an overview of the contents of these modules. 24 Table 4. Training Peer Educators Perinatal Health Modules Content 1. Education training Competencies of a Peer Educator Professional attitude Communication skills Teamwork 2. Communication Basics of communication Health education Health programmes Self reflection 3. Work in healthcare Health care and social services Health care and social services in the Netherlands Concepts of health care Insurance Legislation 4. Know your body Structure and functions of the body Respiratory, digestion and circulatory Skeleton, muscles and nervous system Fertility and sexuality 5. Basic diseases knowledge Peer Education about hepatitis and asthma Stomach, liver, intestinal diseases Chronic diseases Women’s diseases 6. Presentation techniques Personal presentation Techniques and competences Content, procedure and relation Transcultural communication and peer education Identify, evaluate and report 7. Child raising Problems with “good” and “bad” Child raising in practice Child raising questions and support 8. Perinatal health Preconception care Healthy pregnancy Delivery The postpartum period and infant and youth centres Since May 2011 the Peer Educators Perinatal Health are involved in a range of educational and support activities spanning preconception to the postnatal phase. The table below provides an overview of the totality of services offered by the peer educators. 25 Table 5. Peer Education Perinatal Health services Product Content 1.Group Education Preconception care A content and organization format for group preconception care and health education. 2. Group Education Healthy Pregnancy A content and organization format for group education about healthy behavior and healthcare use during pregnancy. 3. Group Education Delivery A content and organization format for group education about birth care and risk factors. 4. Group Education After Natal Care A content and organization format for group education about use of ‘After natal care’, specific care tasks and importance of this kind of care. 5. Individual Perinatal Health Education Health Education method individual support of women during preconception care, general practitioner consult and after natal care. 6. Support for using ‘’ Method for patient supervision for using web application ‘’ . 7. Theme meetings A content and organization format to achieve four theme meetings: (1) ‘ Child baring in the Netherlands’ , (2) ‘ Baby on the way’ , (3) ‘ Delivery and After Natal Care and’ (4) ‘ Breastfeeding and bottle-feeding’ . 8. Courses A content and organization format to achieve three theme courses: (1) from preconception care to postnatal care, (2) youth health care and (3) breastfeeding and bottle-feeding The module described above has been successful in Rotterdam. In less than seven months, more than 926 women were reached by the Peer Educators Perinatal Health. For evaluation purposes, women attending this module were asked to fill in questionnaires prior to and after having taken part in the sessions. This questionnaire retrieved information about the women’s background, perinatal health knowledge and how they were reached. A first analysis was done on 360 questionnaires. The following table indicates the characteristics of women who participated. 26 Table 6. Background characteristics of women participating in Peer Education Perinatal Health Variable Total N n % Age (years) 222 <20 21 9 20-29 98 45 30-39 60 27 40-59 36 16 <60 7 3 Low 89 28 Intermediate 166 53 High 58 19 Dutch 17 5 Surinamese 16 5 Antillean 27 8 Cape Verdean 16 5 Turkish 38 11 Moroccan 181 50 Other 58 16 First generation immigrant 130 53 Second generation immigrant 82 33 Native 34 14 Deprived area 158 46 Non-deprived area 185 54 Yes 143 63 No 83 37 Yes 143 63 No 83 36 Educational attainment level Ethnic origin Generation Residence Married Children 313 353 246 343 226 226 27 The Peer Education Perinatal Health project made use of four methods to reach women. In order to measure the success of these methods in doing so, we asked participants to provide information on how they were reached. The flowchart below shows the first results of the four recruitment methods used based on 360 completed questionnaires. The egg-shaped circles indicate the method, and how many women in total were reached by this method. The arrows moving from these circles to the boxes indicate the percentage of women reached by a given method for a given type of service. The evaluation of these methods is still work-in-progress and will be expanded upon in the future. Recruitment by organizations (46%) (1% ) ) % (12%) (4%) (38%) (4 2 %) (2 6% ) %) ( 7% ) ) 24 x Healthy Pregnancy n=120 (1 9 ) 9% (5 %) 5 x Delivery n=54 (3 % ) ) ( 29 % 6 x Preconception care n=115 Social network (16%) ( 4% (29 Mail (8 1% ) (1 8 (66%) Flyers 13x Postnatal Care n=71 Proactive professional approach and promotion of preconception care Another important method for reaching target groups in the field of preconception health revolves around the role of care professionals, and their active promotion of preconception care. Studies have suggested that key care professionals in the area of preconception (including general practitioners, midwives, nurses, gynaecologists, pharmacists) should take on a proactive approach to provide and promote preconception care as part of routine care of women of reproductive age.5, 17, 26 It should be pointed out here that many high-risk groups do not make adequate use of health care, 23 so the method described here cannot be the sole strategy employed within a country. There is only limited research on the effectiveness of a proactive professional approach in the field of preconception. For example, Elsinga et al.19 found that general practitioners offering preconception counselling were able to reach 25% of women who became pregnant a year after the invitation to attend a preconception counselling session was sent out. 28 The program ‘Parents of tomorrow’ (in Dutch: ‘Ouders van Straks’) in Leiden found that general practitioners who were asked to invite all women of reproductive age to a preconception consult neglected to invite 45% of these women. However, a large part of these women became pregnant. The general practitioners had not invited these women out of fear of insulting them, for instance because they did not have a partner.17 Several projects have been put forth where caregivers are asked to proactively promote preconception health. For instance, in the study in Leiden mentioned above, general practitioners were asked to promote preconception health by offering preconception counselling to women before they get pregnant.19 In Conventry, England, pharmacists were identified as playing a key role in preconception health promotion, as they are often the first point of contact for women requesting a pregnancy test or other conception related products (such as folic acid or ovulation kits).29-31 Preconception education at school Many public health programs have recognized that the reproductive health trajectory should also be addressed during adolescence as early health interventions can have great impact not only on future reproductive outcomes, but also on present and future general health.32 In line with this thought, few projects have been implemented. In 2010, the state of North Carolina launched a pilot Preconception Health Strategic Plan in which it developed and tested a Preconception Health Curriculum for high school students. 33 The goal of this pilot was to reach young people with preconception health messages during (junior) high school. The Healthy Before Pregnancy curriculum consisted of five stand-alone lesson plans addressing: 1) Pathways to Poor Birth Outcomes, 2) Multivitamins - Take Them for Life, 3) Healthy Weight Matters, 4) Preventable Factors That Can Lead to Poor Birth Outcomes, and 5) Reproductive Life Planning. The lesson plans investigated whether preconception health topics were appealing to high school students in a pilot study of 20 classrooms at 10 high schools. The pilot showed that students were highly receptive to the preconception health program, had low knowledge that health disparities exist between population groups, and were surprised that pre-pregnancy health is related to birth outcomes. From this pilot study it can be concluded that high school teachers and students are receptive to preconception health lesson plans, and that preconception health topics should be included in high school curricula. 29 In the state Maine of the United States of America, another study among college students showed that stage-tailored vs. traditional folic acid education was more effective in improving the willingness to consume a folic acid-containing multivitamin. The Internet was a successful medium for targeting college females for preconception health care education.34 30 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Delvoye P GC, Collard S, Nardella T, Hannecart V, Mauroy M-C. Preconception health promotion; Analysis of means and constraints. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2009 14(4):307-16. van der Zee B dBI, Temel S, de Wert G, Denktas S, Steegers E. Preconception care: an essential preventive strategy to improve children's and women's health. J Public Health Policy. 2011;32(3):367-79. McGovern E MH, Grewal G et al. Factors affecting the use of folic acid supplements in pregnant women in Glasgow. Br J Gen Pract 1997;47:635–37. Eicholzer M TO, Zimmermann R. Folic acid: a public-health challenge. Lancet 2006;367:1352– 61. Moos M-K DA, Jack BW, Nelson L, Coonrod DV, Long R, Boggess K, Gardiner PM. Healthier women, healthier reproductive outcomes: recommendations for the routine care of all women of reproductive age. . AJOG. 2009. Delft M vKE. Anticonceptiegebruik in Nederland. In. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Loghum 2002. Prue CE FA, Panissidi P et al. But I’ve already had a healthy baby: folic acid formative research with Latina mothers. J Women Health 2008;17:1257 – 69. Tedstone A BM, Harrop L, Vernon C, Page V, Swindells J, Hayward W, Croft J, Harris F, Stockley L. Fortification of selected foodstuffs with folic acid in the UK: consumer research carried out to inform policy recommendations. J Public Health 2008;20 (1):23-29. Janz N HW, Becker MP, Charron-Prochownik D, Shayna VL, Lesnick TG, et al. Diabetes and pregnancy: Factors associated with seeking preconception care. Diabetes Care 1995;18:157– 65. Bonsel GJ BE, Denktas S, Poeran J, Steegers EAP. Signalementstudie ‘ Zwangerschap en geboorte’. Lijnen in de Perinatale Sterfte. Rotterdam: Erasmus MC. ; 2010. Korenbrot CC SA, Bender C, Newberry S. Preconception care: A systematic review. Matern Child Health J 2002;6(75-88). Owens MD KE, Chowdhury FH. Preconception Care and Women with or at Risk for Diabetes: Implications for Community Intervention. Matern Child Health J 2006. Denktaş S BG, Van der Weg EJ, Voorham AJ, Torij HW, De Graaf JP, Wildschut HI, Peters IA, Birnie E, Steegers EA. An Urban Perinatal Health Programme of Strategies to Improve Perinatal Health. Matern Child Health J 2011. Ogden J. Health Psychology. A Textbook. Berkshire, England: Open University Press 2007. Rofail D CA, Abetz L, Lindemann M, Maguire L. Factors contributing tot the success of folci acid public health campaigns. J of Public Health 2011:1-10. PPH. About our campaign. Available at: Accessed. Pal-de Bruin van der KM VD, Jansen YJFM, Theunissen MHC, Broerse A, Aalhuizen I. Implementation of preconception care’ Implementatie van preconceptiezorg in de regio Leiden. In: TNO Rapport (in Dutch), Leiden; 2011. Amy Mullenix M, MSPH. Reaching Women and Health Care Providers with Women’s Wellness Messages:The North Carolina Folic Acid Campaign as a Model. NC Med J 2009;70 (5). Elsinga J vdP-dBK, le Cessie S, de Jong-Potjer LC, Verloove-Vanhorick SP, Assendelft WSS. Preconception counselling initiated by general practitioners in the Netherlands: reaching couples contemplating pregnancy. BMC Family Practice 2006;7 (41). Timmermans S BG, Steegers-Theunissen RP, Mackenbach JP, Steyerberg EW, Raat H, Verbrugh HA, Tiemeier HW, Hofman A, Birnie E, Looman CW, Jaddoe VW, Steegers EA. Individual accumulation of heterogeneous risks explains perinatal inequalities within deprived neighbourhoods. Eur J Epidemiol. 2011. de Graaf JP RA, Wildschut HI, Denktas S, Voorham AJ, Bonsel GJ, et al. Perinatal outcomes in the four largest cities and in deprived neighbourhoods in The Netherlands. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2008;152(50):2734-40. Urquia ML FJ, Glazier RH, Moineddin R, Matheson FI, Gagnon AJ. Neighborhood Context and Infant Birthweight Among Recent Immigrant Mothers: A Multilevel Analysis. Am J. Public Health. 2009;99 (2); 285-293. Chote AA, Koopmans GT, Redekop WK, de Groot CJ, Hoefman RJ, Jaddoe VW, et al. Explaining ethnic differences in late antenatal care entry by predisposing, enabling and need factors in the Netherlands. The generation R study. Maternal and Child Health Journal 2011;15(6), :689–699. 31 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Poppelaars FAvan der Wal G BJ, Cornel MC, Henneman L, Langendam MW, ten Kate LP. Possibilities and barriers in the implementation of a preconceptional screening programme for cystic fibrosis carriers: a focus group study. Public Health. 2003;14(4). Wilensky S PM. Community Approaches to Women’s Health. Delivering Preconception Care in a Community Health Center Model. Women’s Health Issues 2008;18 (6):S52-S60. van der Pal-de Bruin KM VD, Jansen YJFM, Theunissen MHC, Broerse A, Aalhuizen I. Implementatie van preconceptiezorg in de regio Leiden. In: TNO Rapport (in Dutch), Leiden; 2011. Witmer A. Community health workers: Integral members of the health care work force. Am J Public Health 1995;85:1055–1058. DHHS-OMH. Preconception Peer Education. Available at: Accessed. NHS. About NHS Conventry. Available at: Accessed. NHS. Annual General Meeting of LPC 2nd September 2010 Preconception Care in Coventry. In. Conventry; 2010. NHS. Intervention SOP (Standard Operative Procedure). In: Service NH, ed.; 2010. Heavey E. Don't miss preconception care opportunities for adolescents. Am J Matern Child Nurs. 2010;35:213-9. Mullenix A. Healthy Before Pregnancy: The Development and Testing of a Preconception Health Curriculum for High School Students in North Carolina. In: 3rd National Summit on Preconception Health and Health Care: Improving Preconception Health in a New Era of Health Care. Florida, US: Tampa; 2011. Milan JE, White, A.A. Impact of a stage-tailored, web-based intervention on folic acidcontaining multivitamin use by college women. Am J Health Promot. 2010;24:388-95. 32 III. The association between preconceptional risk factors and adverse pregnancy outcomes Sabine F. van Voorst, Sevilay Temel, Amber A. Vos, Rachel Bakker, Semiha Denktaş, Eric A.P. Steegers. This chapter describes the evidence for each domain – based on their associated risk factors – that should be addressed in preconception care. In 2008, a supplement in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (AJOG) focused on the content of preconception care across different domains of risk factors.1 This supplement was based on a literature review, a debate among 29 members of a clinical workgroup and interviews with consultants. The AJOG supplement provided the framework for this chapter. The purpose of this review is to update the AJOG supplement regarding newly identified risk factors that are potentially modifiable in preconception care and to add new evidence on the previously described risk factors. This update contributes to the improvement of the strength of the recommendations and the quality of evidence in preconception care. Methods Search The study identification and selection process is summarized in Figure 1. We performed an electronic search in PubMed to identify new evidence on the preconception risk domains described in the AJOG supplement. The exact search command is given in Appendix 1. Key words were extracts of ‘preconception care’ or ‘interconception’. Search criteria were: published from January 1 2008 (the AJOG supplement is based on the evidence until 2008) until December 22 2011 and no animal studies. Three reviewers (AV, ST, and SVV) assessed eligibility of identified articles based on title and abstract. Further selection was performed according to predefined criteria (the study assesses risk factor(s), present in the preconception phase for an adverse pregnancy outcome). Articles were retrieved in full text and quality was assessed according to predefined criteria as described in Appendix 2. The search resulted in 2214 articles. Based on screening by title and abstract 1779 non eligible articles were excluded. After screening the remaining articles, 257 full text articles were excluded for reasons stated. The remaining 178 articles were included. 33 Figure 1. Study identification and selection process Results The domains and previously described risk factors used in the AJOG supplement were used as a framework for this table. We added new evidence from 2008 onwards to these descriptive tables. Since 2008, for the domains health promotion, chronic medical conditions, maternal exposure, genetics, nutrition, environmental exposures, psychosocial stressors, medication, special populations the quality of evidence has improved. In the other domains (immunization, infection, psychiatric condition, and maternal exposure) the quality of evidence has not improved. New literature further supporting the risk factors within these domains strengthening pre-existing evidence is added. Finally, literature regarding new risk factors associated with adverse foetal and maternal outcome is added. Newly identified literature is shown in bold. Health promotion A short or long interpregnancy interval is identified and added as a new risk factor to the AJOG table. A short interpregnancy interval, defined as six months or less between delivery and subsequent pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of preterm delivery, low birth weight, Small for Gestational Age (SGA), neonatal death and congenital malformations.27 Interpregnancy intervals of 18 months or less (between delivery and subsequent pregnancy) are associated with low birth weight, preterm delivery and autism in offspring.8-9 Long interpregnancy intervals, defined as more than 60 months between delivery and subsequent pregnancies, are associated with preterm birth, SGA, congenital malformations and a higher risk of premature rupture of membranes.3-4, 6-7 34 Vitamins A, C, B6 and E, folic acid, calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium are important for the normal development of the embryo and the progress of a healthy pregnancy.10 Excessive amounts of vitamin E, however, have adverse effects, as has been identified in the nutrition domain of this chapter. Chronic medical conditions There is increase of evidence that pregnancy negatively affects the course of disease in women with dilated cardiomyopathy during pregnancy.11 Pre-pregnancy characteristics in women with other cardiac disease, when associated with cyanosis, subaortic or subpulmonary ventricular dysfunction, pulmonary regurgitation, left heart obstruction or cardiac events before pregnancy that help to identify women at increased risk for late cardiac events (for example cardiac arrest, pulmonary oedema, arrhythmia or stroke) were added to the table.12 Also new to the AJOG table is evidence for women with previous preeclampsia being at increased risk for presence of a thrombophilic defect and a higher recurrence risk for preeclampsia compared to women without a history of preeclampsia.13 New evidence is provided for the association between thrombophilic defect and spontaneous preterm delivery14 and unexplained still birth.15 Maternal exposure New evidence suggests that maternal illicit drug exposure is related to cleft palate.16 Genetics Genetic studies on folic acid metabolism found that some maternal MHTFR polymorphisms are a risk factor for oral clefts17 or neural tube defects18 in the foetus. Nutrition Vitamin B12 and vitamin E were previously not described in the AJOG supplement.19-21 Low maternal vitamin B12 status is associated with neural tube defects.20 Early detection of vitamin B12 deficiency provides the opportunity for treatment. High maternal vitamin E by diet and supplements is associated with an increased risk of congenital heart disease.19 Preconception care can identify women with higher vitamin E levels and supplementation or excessive dietary intake should be avoided. Furthermore, a maternal Mediterranean diet (characterised by high intakes of fruit, vegetables, vegetable oil, alcohol, fish, legumes and cereals, and low intakes of potatoes and sweets) is associated with a reduction in the risk of spina bifida in the offspring.22 35 A maternal Western dietary pattern (characterised by high intakes of meat, pizza, legumes, potatoes, and low intakes of fruit) was associated with a higher risk of a cleft lip or cleft palate in the offspring.23 Environmental exposures Solvents are added as a risk factor within the environmental exposures group. Both maternal and paternal occupational exposure to organic solvents can increase the risk of having a child with anencephaly.24 Psychosocial stressors Cohort studies that demonstrate an association between maternal low socio-economic status and intellectual disability in the offspring,25 and between low maternal educational level and preterm delivery are added.26 New evidence suggests that interpersonal violence is associated with preeclampsia27 and preconceptional alcohol use.28 Medication A recent published case-control study found an association between weight loss products in the preconceptional phase and the occurrence of foetal congenital abnormalities (dextroposition of the great arteries and anencephaly).29 Special populations Besides the previously identified risk of low birth weight 30, a more recent cohort study also found an association with increased premature delivery in these groups.31 Regarding women who survived cancer, previous radiation of the gonads is also associated with an increased risk of stillbirth, especially when radiation took place prior to menarche. 32 Conclusion This chapter provides the up to date evidence regarding the effects of preconceptional risk factors on foeto-maternal outcome. The update of the literature can be summarized as follows. Vitamins are important for early embryonic development and excessive amounts of vitamin E intake (dietary or by suppletion) are associated with adverse outcomes. Short and long term interpregnancy intervals are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Women with pre-existing cardiac disease need specific counselling regarding their condition and future pregnancy. Women with previous preeclampsia should be counselled regarding recurrence risk, specific attention should go out to underlying thrombophilic disease. Illicit drug use needs to be identified preconceptionally. As folic acid supplementation is 36 undisputed within preconception care it may be considered to identify women with genetically altered metabolism of folate (such as in women with MTHFR gene polymorphism). Besides the importance of assessing the use of prescribed medication, alertness is required for over the counter drugs. Preconception care should also focus on the risks of the individual in her physical and psychosocial environment. At a population level subgroups should recognised as being more likely to have and accumulate risk factors. Routine preconception care should focus on the risk factors that are associated with adverse foeto-maternal outcome. More research is needed regarding the impact of interventions addressing proven risk factors. 37 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Floyd RL, Jack BW, Cefalo R, Atrash H, Mahoney J, Herron A, Husten C, Sokol RJ. The clinical content of preconception care: alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug exposures, Am J Obstet Gynecol, 199 (2008), S333-9. Weger de FJ, Hukkelhoven CW, Serroyen J, Velde te ER, Smits L. Advanced maternal age, short interpregnancy interval, and perinatal outcome, Am J Obstet Gynecol, 204 (2011), 421 e1-9. Grisaru-Granovsky S, Gordon ES, Haklai Z, Samueloff A, Schimmel MM. Effect of interpregnancy interval on adverse perinatal outcomes--a national study, Contraception, 80 (2009), 512-8. Nabukera SK, Wingate MS, Kirby RS, Owen J, Swaminathan S, Alexander GR, Salihu HM. Interpregnancy interval and subsequent perinatal outcomes among women delaying initiation of childbearing, J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 34 (2008), 941-7. Rodrigues T, Barros H. Short interpregnancy interval and risk of spontaneous preterm delivery, Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 136 (2008), 184-8. Cecatti JG, Correa-Silva EP, Milanez H, Morais SS, Souza JP. The associations between inter-pregnancy interval and maternal and neonatal outcomes in Brazil, Matern Child Health J, 12 (2008), 275-81. Kwon S, Lazo-Escalante M, Villaran MV, Li CI. Relationship between interpregnancy interval and birth defects in Washington State, J Perinatol, 32 (2012), 45-50. Cheslack-Postava K, Liu K, Bearman PS. Closely spaced pregnancies are associated with increased odds of autism in California sibling births, Pediatrics, 127 (2011), 246-53. Adam I, Ismail MH, Nasr AM, Prins MH, Smits LJ. Low birth weight, preterm birth and short interpregnancy interval in Sudan, J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 22 (2009), 1068-71. Carmichael SL, Yang W, Feldkamp ML, Munger RG, Siega-Riz AM, Botto LD, Shaw G. for the National Birth Defects Prevention, Reduced Risks of Neural Tube Defects and Orofacial Clefts With Higher Diet Quality, Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, (2011). Grewal J, Siu SC, Ross HJ, Mason J, Balint OH, Sermer M, Colman JM, Silversides CK. Pregnancy outcomes in women with dilated cardiomyopathy, J Am Coll Cardiol, 55 (2009), 45-52. Balint OH, Siu SC, Mason J, Grewal J, Wald R, Oechslin EN, Kovacs B, Sermer M, Colman JM, Silversides CK. Cardiac outcomes after pregnancy in women with congenital heart disease, Heart, 96 (2010), 1656-61. Facchinetti F, Marozio L, Frusca T, Grandone E, Venturini P, Tiscia GL, Zatti S Benedetto C. Maternal thrombophilia and the risk of recurrence of preeclampsia, Am J Obstet Gynecol, 200 (2009), 46 e41-45. Ben-Joseph R, Levy A, Wiznitzer A, Holcberg G, Mazor M, Sheiner E. Pregnancy outcome of patients following deep venous thrombosis, J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 22 (2009), 332-36. Hiltunen LM, Laivuori H, Rautanen A, Kaaja R, Kere J, Krusius T, Paunio M, Rasi V. Factor V Leiden as risk factor for unexplained stillbirth--a population-based nested case-control study, Thromb Res, 125 (2010), 505-10. Gelder van MM, Reefhuis J, Caton AR, Werler MM, Druschel CM, Roeleveld N. S National Birth Defects Prevention, Maternal periconceptional illicit drug use and the risk of congenital malformations, Epidemiology, 20 (2009), 60-66. Boyles AL, Wilcox AJ, Taylor JA, Meyer K, Fredriksen A, Ueland PM, Drevon CA, Vollset SE, Lie RT. Folate and one-carbon metabolism gene polymorphisms and their associations with oral facial clefts, Am J Med Genet A, 146A (2008), 440-49. Shang Y, Zhao H, Niu B, Li WI, Zhou R, Zhang T, Xie J. Correlation of polymorphism of MTHFRs and RFC-1 genes with neural tube defects in China, Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol, 82 (2008), 3-7. Smedts HP, Vries de JH, Rakhshandehroo M, Wildhagen MF, Verkleij-Hagoort AC, Steegers EAP, Steegers-Theunissen RP. High maternal vitamin E intake by diet or supplements is associated with congenital heart defects in the offspring, BJOG, 116 (2009), 416-23. Wang ZP, Shang XX, Zhao ZT. Low maternal vitamin B(12) is a risk factor for neural tube defects: a meta-analysis, J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, (2011). Gardiner PM, Nelson L, Shellhaas CS, Dunlop AL, Long R, Andrist S, Jack BW. The clinical content of preconception care: nutrition and dietary supplements, Am J Obstet Gynecol, 199 (2008), S345-56. 38 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Vujkovic M, Steegers EAP, Looman CW, Ocke MC, Spek van der PJ, Steegers-Theunissen RP. The maternal Mediterranean dietary pattern is associated with a reduced risk of spina bifida in the offspring, BJOG, 116 (2009), 408-15. Vujkovic M, Ocke MC, Spek van der PJ, Yazdanpanah N, Steegers EAP, SteegersTheunissen RP. Maternal Western dietary patterns and the risk of developing a cleft lip with or without a cleft palate, Obstet Gynecol, 110 (2007), 378-84. Aguilar-Garduno C, Lacasana M, Blanco-Munoz J, Borja-Aburto VH, A.M. Garcia AM. Parental occupational exposure to organic solvents and anencephaly in Mexico, Occup Environ Med, 67 (2010), 32-7. Heikura U, Taanila A, Hartikainen AL, Olsen P, Linna SL, Wendt von L, Jarvelin MR. Variations in prenatal sociodemographic factors associated with intellectual disability: a study of the 20-year interval between two birth cohorts in northern Finland, Am J Epidemiol, 167 (2008), 169-77. Morgen CS, Bjork C, Andersen PK, Mortensen LH, Nybo Andersen AM. Socioeconomic position and the risk of preterm birth--a study within the Danish National Birth Cohort, Int J Epidemiol, 37 (2008), 1109-20. Sanchez SE, Qiu C, Perales MT, Lam N, Garcia P, Williams MA. Intimate partner violence (IPV) and preeclampsia among Peruvian women, Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 137 (2008), 50-55. Alvanzo AA, Svikis SD. History of physical abuse and periconceptional drinking in pregnant women, Subst Use Misuse, 43 (2008), 1098-109. Bitsko RH, Reefhuis J, Louik C, Werler M, Feldkamp ML, Waller DK, Frias J, Honein MA. S. National Birth Defects Prevention, Periconceptional use of weight loss products including ephedra and the association with birth defects, Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol, 82 (2008), 553-62. Ruhl C, Moran B. The clinical content of preconception care: preconception care for special populations, Am J Obstet Gynecol, 199 (2008), S384-88. Cacciani L, Asole S, Polo A, Franco F, Lucchini R, Curtis De M, Lallo Di D, Guasticchi G. Perinatal outcomes among immigrant mothers over two periods in a region of central Italy, BMC Public Health, 11 (2011), 294. Signorello LB, Mulvihill JJ, Green DM, Munro HM, Stovall M, Weathers RE, Mertens AC, Whitton JA, Robison LL, Boice JD Jr. Stillbirth and neonatal death in relation to radiation exposure before conception: a retrospective cohort study, Lancet, 376 (2010), 624-30. 39 Appendix 1: Search terms preconception*[tw] OR pre-conception*[tw] OR prepregnan*[tw] OR pre-pregnan*[tw] OR pregestation*[tw] OR pre-gestation*[tw] OR periconception*[tw] OR peri-conception*[tw] OR interconception*[tw] OR inter-conception*[tw] OR interpregnan*[tw] OR interpregnan*[tw] OR intergestation*[tw] OR inter-gestation*[tw] OR internatal*[tw] OR internatal*[tw]) NOT (animals[mesh] NOT humans[mesh]) AND 2008:2011/2012[dp] Appendix 2: Criteria for Quality Assessment Quality of evidence I-a: at least 1 properly conducted randomized controlled trial BEFORE pregnancy I-b: at least 1 properly conducted randomized controlled trial not necessarily before pregnancy II-1: well-designed controlled trials without randomization II-2: cohort or case-control studies II-3: multiple time series with or without intervention or dramatic results in uncontrolled experiments III: opinions: clinical experience, descriptive statistics, case reports or reports of experts committees 40 Table 1. Health promotion1* Domains of preconceptional risk factors Risk factors Detectability Treatment available Impact of preconception care Quality 2008 Quality newly identified articles Family planning and reproductive life plan Pregnancy intention: Yes +/- The only opportunity to prevent unintended pregnancy is before conception. Tools are available to facilitate women’s reproductive life planning; this includes a manual for the caregiver.12 Examples of reproductive life plans exist, 13 but have not been evaluated for feasibility and effectiveness in primary care or other related settings. III II-24-11 II-2 II-217-18 - Foetal & maternal: Unintended pregnancy rates differ around the world.2 - Foetal: Unintended pregnancies are associated with elective abortions, late entry to prenatal care, low birth weight, child abuse and neglect, and behavioural problems in children.3 Assessment of reproductive plans in low-income women increased subsequent pregnancy planning and intention.14 Interpregnancy interval: ‐ Short interpregnancy intervals (IPI): ‐ IPI <6 months: associated with preterm delivery,4-8 low birth weight, 4-6, 8 neonatal death 5 and congenital malformations.5, 9 ‐ IPI <12 months: associated with autism in offspring.10 ‐ IPI <18 months: associated with low birth weight, 11 preterm delivery.11 ‐ Long interpregnancy intervals (>60 months): associated with preterm birth, 5-6 SGA, 5-6 congenital malformations, 9 higher risk of PROM.8 Physical activity (PA) Physical inactivity: ‐ >50% of adults do not get enough PA to benefit from health benefits. Activity decreases with age and is less common among women and among those with lower income and lower levels of education.15 Yes Yes Although there is no evidence of direct benefits of preconception exercise in terms of pregnancy outcome, indirect benefits may include achieving a healthy weight and mood stability. 41 ‐ Exercise has been associated with reduced allostatic loads and improved allostasis before pregnancy.16 ‐ Physical inactivity has been associated with perineal lacerations, delivery complications17 and macrosomia.18 Nutrient intake Nutrient intake: Yes Yes The efficacy of achieving the recommended daily amount of nutrients in terms of disease prevention is unknown. However, all women of reproductive age should be assessed for nutritional adequacy and receive the recommendation to take a daily multivitamin supplement. III II-219 Yes Yes Obesity (BMI>30kg/m2): III - ‐ A woman’s nutritional status has a profound impact on her own health and can affect fertility and reproductive outcomes. ‐ Vitamins A, C, B6 and E; folate; calcium; iron; zinc; and magnesium are important for normal development of the embryo and optimal progress of a healthy pregnancy, but most women are not ingesting sufficient amount of these nutrients. ‐ Intake of several nutrients contributing to one-carbon metabolism (folate, riboflavin, vitamins B6 and B12) and oxidative stress (vitamins C, E, A, b-carotene, lutein) were associated with reduced neural tube defects (NTD) and clefts risk.19 ‐ A maternal Mediterranean diet (characterised by high intakes of fruit, vegetables, vegetable oil, alcohol, fish, legumes and cereals, and low intakes of potatoes and sweets) is associated with a reduction in the risk of spina bifida in the offspring.20 ‐ A maternal Western dietary pattern (characterised by high intakes of meat, pizza, legumes, potatoes, and low intakes of fruit) was associated with a higher risk of a cleft lip or cleft palate in the offspring.21 Weight status Obesity (BMI>30kg/m2): ‐ Obesity is identified as the fastest growing health Preconception care can focus on achieving a healthy weight status by offering behavioural strategies to decrease caloric intake 42 problem in the Western developed countries. and increase physical activity. Underweight status (BMI<18.5 kg/m2): ‐ Obesity is associated with elevated risks of different diseases, e.g., diabetes mellitus, hypertension, infertility, heart disease and several cancers.22 All women with a low BMI should be assessed for eating disorders and distortions of their body image. Possibly referral for further evaluation of eating disorders might be needed. Underweight status (BMI<18.5 kg/m2): ‐ Foetal risks: increased risks of preterm birth, low birth weight, and intrauterine growth restriction. Increased risk for birth defects, such as gastroschisis.23 ‐ Maternal risks: nutrient deficiencies, osteoporosis, amenorrhea, and infertility. Folate levels Inadequate folate intake: Yes Yes Daily supplementation of folic acid has been adopted by <40% of non-pregnant women of reproductive age.41-42 I-a - Yes Yes Preconception care can provide protection against preventable diseases through immunization. III - Yes Yes Cessation of smoking during the preconception period and during pregnancy reduces prenatal exposure to tobacco metabolites. II-2 - ‐ Women without folate supplementation have an increased risk of having offspring with NTD and other birth defects.24-32 ‐ Low folate levels have been associated with occurrence of coronary artery disease, breast and colon cancers, and the development of some forms of dementia.33-40 Immunizations Lack of immunity: ‐ Risk of maternal and perhaps foetal infection during pregnancy due to a lack of immunity to potentially harmful infectious diseases. Substance use Tobacco use: ‐ Maternal risks: Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death worldwide. Women who smoke have higher risk of dysmenorrhoea, secondary amenorrhoea, and menstrual irregularities. They also enter menopause at an earlier age and are therefore exposed to associated risks (such as osteoporosis). ‐ Foetal risks: Smoking during pregnancy is associated with preterm delivery, spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, and intrauterine growth retardation. A meta-analysis 43 found a 90% increased risk of placenta abruption among smokers43; smokers also have an increased risk of placenta praevia. Alcohol consumption: Yes Yes There is no established safe level of alcohol consumption before or during pregnancy.45 Preconception counselling, addressing the facts around alcohol exposure (early) in pregnancy to reduce the number of alcohol exposed pregnancies. III - Yes Yes Preconception care, with patient education and counselling about prevention of STIs and sexual behaviours and pre-exposure vaccination may reduce risks related to STIs during the conception phase and during pregnancy. III - ‐ Associated with significant maternal and foetal health risks that include miscarriage, growth restriction, and foetal alcohol spectrum disorders, which includes foetal alcohol syndrome. ‐ Prenatal alcohol use is considered a leading preventable cause of birth defects in the US.44 ‐ Many women consuming alcohol are at risk for unintended conception; the foetus will be exposed to alcohol in the most detrimental period: in early pregnancy. Sexual transmitted infections (STIs) Sexual transmitted diseases: ‐ Approximately 19 million new STIs occur annually in the US, almost half of which are among young adults aged 15-24 years.46 * The bold items are the newly identified articles which strengthen evidence or add new risk factors to the AJOG 2008 supplement. 44 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Moos MK, Dunlop AL, Jack BW, et al. Healthier women, healthier reproductive outcomes: recommendations for the routine care of all women of reproductive age. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;199(6 Suppl 2):S280-9. Henshaw SK. Unintended pregnancy in the United States. Fam Plann Perspect 1998;30(1):24-9, 46. Brown SS. The best intentions:unintended pregnancies and well-being of children and families. Washington, DC: National Academy Press 1995. de Weger FJ, Hukkelhoven CW, Serroyen J, te Velde ER, Smits LJ. Advanced maternal age, short interpregnancy interval, and perinatal outcome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011;204(5):421 e1-9. Grisaru-Granovsky S, Gordon ES, Haklai Z, Samueloff A, Schimmel MM. Effect of interpregnancy interval on adverse perinatal outcomes--a national study. Contraception 2009;80(6):512-8. Nabukera SK, Wingate MS, Kirby RS, et al. Interpregnancy interval and subsequent perinatal outcomes among women delaying initiation of childbearing. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2008;34(6):941-7. Rodrigues T, Barros H. Short interpregnancy interval and risk of spontaneous preterm delivery. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2008;136(2):184-8. Cecatti JG, Correa-Silva EP, Milanez H, Morais SS, Souza JP. The associations between inter-pregnancy interval and maternal and neonatal outcomes in Brazil. Matern Child Health J 2008;12(2):275-81. Kwon S, Lazo-Escalante M, Villaran MV, Li CI. Relationship between interpregnancy interval and birth defects in Washington State. J Perinatol 2012;32(1):45-50. Cheslack-Postava K, Liu K, Bearman PS. Closely spaced pregnancies are associated with increased odds of autism in California sibling births. Pediatrics 2011;127(2):246-53. Adam I, Ismail MH, Nasr AM, Prins MH, Smits LJ. Low birth weight, preterm birth and short interpregnancy interval in Sudan. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2009;22(11):1068-71. Hatcher RA. Contraceptives must fit in reproductive life plan. Contracept Technol Update 1980;1(9):131-2. Moos MK. Unintended pregnancies: a call for nursing action. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs 2003;28(1):24-30; quiz 31. Moos MK, Bangdiwala SI, Meibohm AR, Cefalo RC. The impact of a preconceptional health promotion program on intendedness of pregnancy. Am J Perinatol 1996;13(2):103-8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. the importance of pyhysical activity. Available at: McEwen BS. Stress, adaptation, and disease. Allostasis and allostatic load. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1998;840:33-44. Voldner N, Froslie KF, Haakstad LA, Bo K, Henriksen T. Birth complications, overweight, and physical inactivity. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2009;88(5):550-5. Voldner N, Froslie KF, Bo K, et al. Modifiable determinants of fetal macrosomia: role of lifestyle-related factors. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2008;87(4):423-9. Carmichael SL, Yang W, Feldkamp ML, et al. Reduced Risks of Neural Tube Defects and Orofacial Clefts With Higher Diet Quality. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2011. M. Vujkovic, E.A. Steegers, C.W. Looman, M.C. Ocke, P.J. van der Spek and R.P. Steegers-Theunissen, The maternal Mediterranean dietary pattern is associated with a reduced risk of spina bifida in the offspring, Bjog, 116 (2009), 408-15. M. Vujkovic, M.C. Ocke, P.J. van der Spek, N. Yazdanpanah, E.A. Steegers and R.P. Steegers-Theunissen, "Maternal Western dietary patterns and the risk of developing a cleft lip with or without a cleft palate," Obstet Gynecol, 110 (2007), 378-84. 45 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. McTigue KM, Harris R, Hemphill B, et al. Screening and interventions for obesity in adults: summary of the evidence for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med 2003;139(11):933-49. Lam PK, Torfs CP, Brand RJ. A low pregnancy body mass index is a risk factor for an offspring with gastroschisis. Epidemiology 1999;10(6):717-21. Goh YI, Bollano E, Einarson TR, Koren G. Prenatal multivitamin supplementation and rates of congenital anomalies: a meta-analysis. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2006;28(8):680-9. Bendich A. Micronutrients in women's health and immune function. Nutrition 2001;17(10):858-67. Oakley GP, Jr. Eat right and take a multivitamin. N Engl J Med 1998;338(15):1060-1. Botto LD, Mulinare J, Erickson JD. Occurrence of omphalocele in relation to maternal multivitamin use: a population-based study. Pediatrics 2002;109(5):904-8. Mills JL, Druschel CM, Pangilinan F, et al. Folate-related genes and omphalocele. Am J Med Genet A 2005;136(1):8-11. Lammer EJ, Shaw GM, Iovannisci DM, Finnell RH. Periconceptional multivitamin intake during early pregnancy, genetic variation of acetyl-Ntransferase 1 (NAT1), and risk for orofacial clefts. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2004;70(11):846-52. Khoury MJ, Shaw GM, Moore CA, Lammer EJ, Mulinare J. Does periconceptional multivitamin use reduce the risk of neural tube defects associated with other birth defects? data from two population-based case-control studies. Am J Med Genet 1996;61(1):30-6. Czeizel AE. The primary prevention of birth defects: Multivitamins or folic acid? Int J Med Sci 2004;1(1):50-61. Itikala PR, Watkins ML, Mulinare J, Moore CA, Liu Y. Maternal multivitamin use and orofacial clefts in offspring. Teratology 2001;63(2):79-86. Rimm EB, Willett WC, Hu FB, et al. Folate and vitamin B6 from diet and supplements in relation to risk of coronary heart disease among women. JAMA 1998;279(5):359-64. Kruman, II, Kumaravel TS, Lohani A, et al. Folic acid deficiency and homocysteine impair DNA repair in hippocampal neurons and sensitize them to amyloid toxicity in experimental models of Alzheimer's disease. J Neurosci 2002;22(5):1752-62. Duan W, Ladenheim B, Cutler RG, Kruman, II, Cadet JL, Mattson MP. Dietary folate deficiency and elevated homocysteine levels endanger dopaminergic neurons in models of Parkinson's disease. J Neurochem 2002;80(1):101-10. Mason JB, Levesque T. Folate: effects on carcinogenesis and the potential for cancer chemoprevention. Oncology (Williston Park) 1996;10(11):172736, 1742-3; discussion 1743-4. Freudenheim JL, Graham S, Marshall JR, Haughey BP, Cholewinski S, Wilkinson G. Folate intake and carcinogenesis of the colon and rectum. Int J Epidemiol 1991;20(2):368-74. Giovannucci E, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, et al. Folate, methionine, and alcohol intake and risk of colorectal adenoma. J Natl Cancer Inst 1993;85(11):875-84. Fuchs CS, Willett WC, Colditz GA, et al. The influence of folate and multivitamin use on the familial risk of colon cancer in women. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2002;11(3):227-34. Bentley TG, Weinstein MC, Willett WC, Kuntz KM. A cost-effectiveness analysis of folic acid fortification policy in the United States. Public Health Nutr 2009;12(4):455-67. Green-Raleigh K, Carter H, Mulinare J, Prue C, Petrini J. Trends in folic Acid awareness and behavior in the United States: the Gallup Organization for the March of Dimes Foundation surveys, 1995-2005. Matern Child Health J 2006;10(5 Suppl):S177-82. de Jong-Van den Berg LT, Hernandez-Diaz S, Werler MM, Louik C, Mitchell AA. Trends and predictors of folic acid awareness and periconceptional use in pregnant women. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005;192(1):121-8. Ananth CV, Smulian JC, Vintzileos AM. Incidence of placental abruption in relation to cigarette smoking and hypertensive disorders during pregnancy: a meta-analysis of observational studies. Obstet Gynecol 1999;93(4):622-8. 46 44. 45. 46. Kesmodel U, Wisborg K, Olsen SF, Henriksen TB, Secher NJ. Moderate alcohol intake during pregnancy and the risk of stillbirth and death in the first year of life. Am J Epidemiol 2002;155(4):305-12. Hanson JW, Streissguth AP, Smith DW. The effects of moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy on fetal growth and morphogenesis. J Pediatr 1978;92(3):457-60. Weinstok H, Berman S, Cates W. Sexually transmitted diseases among American youth: incidence and prevalence estimates, 2000. Perspect Sex Reprod Health 2004;36:6-10. 47 Table 2. Immunization Domains of preconceptional risk factors Risk factors Detectability Treatment available Impact of preconception care Quality 2008 Quality newly identified articles Human papillomavirus Maternal HPV infection: Yes Yes II-2 - (HPV) - Subtypes of the HPV are associated with juvenile onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis or laryngeal papillomatosis, resulting in high morbidity rates and low mortality rates.1 Preconceptional detection allows treatment before pregnancy. Treatment of cervical dysplasia with a vaccine may reduce the risk of precancerous lesions, avoiding the need of surgical treatments, which may impact cervical performance during pregnancy.3 Yes Yes There are no studies available on the efficacy of a preconceptional immunization program, but immunization prior to pregnancy seems more logic than delaying immunization until pregnancy.13 Treatment achieves initial response in the majority of patients; however this effect is only sustained in a small minority.14 In pregnancy treatment reduces viral load lowering transmission during parturition and lactation.14 Immunization of the neonate should start postpartum.14 Also, preconception care can potentially protect or anticipate on potential infection of the partner. III - Yes Yes Vaccination is available and has a 98% efficacy against infection.7 Immunization is approved for use in women in childbearing age without a history of chickenpox. Because immunization, preferably with live vaccine, is III - - HPV infection can be associated with genital warts. Subtypes of HPV are predisposing to cervical dysplasia or cancer. Hepatitis B Maternal Hepatitis B seropositivity: ‐ Neonatal transmission: a) In case of acute hepatitis 10% to 90% risk, depending on the trimester.4 b) In case of chronic hepatitis B infection 10% risk in case of maternal HBsAG seropositivity; 90% risk in case of maternal seropositivity for HBsAG and Hepatitis B antigen.13 c) Neonatal transmission in utero is associated with low birth weight and prematurity.5,6 ‐ Chronic hepatitis B infection is an etiologic factor to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.13 Varicella Lack of immunity to varicella and risk of infection in pregnancy: ‐ Neonatal transmission 0,4% to 2,0% risk, depending on the trimester of infection. Risk is 48 Influenza largest in the twelfth – sixteenth week of Non immunization status in times of influenza: 13,14 gestation. ‐‐ There is an associationinwith higher Neonatal transmission theafirst half spontaneous of pregnancy 13 abortion rate. is associated with congenital varicella syndrome Yes Yes III - III - II-3 - - Non live vaccines are considered to be safe in pregnancy, incidence and severity of adverse effects is low.11 Vaccination of women pregnant during the influenza season occurs. (limb atrophy, skin scarring, central nervous ‐ Maternal morbidity and mortality of influenza system abnormalities andduring eye defects) in 2% the infections are increased pregnancy, yetofless cases.13 compared to the age groups of <2 years profound and >65 yearsbefore or when associated with medical ‐ Transmission delivery is associated with a 9,10 conditions. neonatal varicella of which the mortality rate is When the decision to vaccinate is brought back to the preconceptional period, the risk of potential adverse effects (although rare) is avoided during pregnancy. 30%.14 Diphtheria-TetanusPertussis vaccination infectiontocan be fulminant during ‐ Varicella Lack of immunity Diphteria, Tetanus or pregnancy;orthere is a higher tetanus mortalityvaccination: rate in Pertussis, a non-updated pregnancy.13,14 Diphtheria: Yes Yes Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) of immunity to MMR of infectio15n in ‐ Lack Associated with foetal lossand andrisk prematurity. pregnancy: ‐ Maternal: respiratory illness, which is more Measles: fulminant in pregnancy.15 Yes Yes ‐ Associated Tetanus: with spontaneous abortion, prematurity, low birth weight.13 There is no association with ‐ There is no data on foetal intrauterine tetanus; 8 birth defects. tetanus has been found after surgical abortion or Mumps: miscarriage. In the puerperal period tetanus infection of the umbilical stump is described and ‐ Spontaneous abortion, there is no specific associated with increased mortality.12,15 congenital syndrome.8 ‐ Maternal: Trismus, rigidity of skeletal muscle.13 ‐ Maternal: infection occurs asymptomatic or causes pulmonary tract symptoms, sometimes complicated Pertussis: by meningitis.8 ‐ There is no association with abnormal foetal Rubella: development, foetal morbidity, or other adverse outcomes of pregnancy. However, higher mortality ‐ Spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, congenital rubella rates are known of infants.13 syndrome.13 ‐ Maternal: long-term cough, complications may be pneumonia, rib fracture. Morbidity during pregnancy is not different when compared to the general population. not safe during pregnancy, the preconceptional period is Immunization to the most frequent subtypes of influenza an opportunity. viruses is available. - Licensed immunization is available. Vaccines are considered safe in the second and third trimester.13 Passive immunization is probably protective against neonatal tetanus.13 A licensed vaccine is available (MMR). Preconception Preconceptional assessment whether or not the patient is care can be an opportunity to prevent congenital rubella up to date with tetanus injections seems important. syndrome. Immunization is not possible during pregnancy (liveofvaccine), butcontacts is possible Immunization household of infants lowers the preconceptionally. It is important that theofpatient is is risk of infection of infants. Immunization the mother counselled to conceive within 3 months after an importantnot step in avoiding pertussis in newborns. vaccination. 49 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Silverberg MJ, et al., Condyloma in pregnancy is strongly predictive of juvenile-onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Obstet Gynecol, 2003. 101(4): p. 645-52. Prevention of genital human papillomavirus infection. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2004. Crane JM, Delaney T, Hutchens D Transvaginal ultrasonography in the prediction of preterm birth after treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Obstet Gynecol, 2006. 107(1): p. 37-44. ACOG educational bulletin. Viral hepatitis in pregnancy. Number 248, July 1998 (replaces No. 174, November 1992). American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1998. 63(2): p. 195-202. Sheppard T, Catalog of teratogenic agents. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1998. Hieber JO, et al., Hepatitis and pregnancy. J Pediatr, 1977. 91(4): p. 545-9. Marin M, et al., Prevention of varicella: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR Recomm Rep, 2007. 56(RR-4): p. 1-40. Watson JC, et al., Measles, mumps, and rubella--vaccine use and strategies for elimination of measles, rubella, and congenital rubella syndrome and control of mumps: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR Recomm Rep, 1998. 47(RR-8): p. 1-57. Fiore S, Haber, et al., Prevention and control of influenza: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR Recomm Rep, 2007. 54: p. 1-49. Harper SA FK, Uyeki TM, Cox NJ, Bridges CB, Prevention and control of influenza: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR Recomm Rep, 2005. 54: p. 1-40. Ayoub DM YF, Influenza vaccination during pregnancy: a critical assessment of the recommendations of the advisory committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). J. Am Phys Surg, 2006. 11: p. 41. World Health Organization. Progress towards the global elimination of neonatal tetanus. Weekly Epidemiol Rec, 1999. 74: p. 73-80 Coonrod DV, et al., The clinical content of preconception care: immunizations as part of preconception care. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 199 (6 Suppl 2): p. S290-5. Nelson-Piercy, Handbook of Obstetric Medicine. Fourth edition ed. 2010, New York: Informa Health Care. CDC, Prevention of Pertussis, Tetanus, and Diphtheria Among Pregnant and Postpartum Women and Their Infants. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), 2008. 57(4): p. 1-47. 50 Table 3. Infection* Domains of preconceptional risk factors Risk factors Detectability Treatment available Impact of preconception care Quality 2008 HIV Maternal HIV infection and medication: ‐ Mother-to-child transmission can occur during pregnancy, labour, delivery or breastfeeding.1-2 ‐ Perinatal HIV transmission accounts for more than 90% of the cases of paediatric AIDS.2 There are associations with miscarriage, preterm delivery and foetal growth restriction. These risks are higher in non-developed countries.1 HAART is not associated with congenital malformations, low birth weight and preterm birth.1, 3 ‐ Pregnancy does not increase the risk of progression of HIV; women with very advanced disease however may be affected by acceleration by pregnancy.1 Yes Yes Assessing the HIV status of a women before pregnancy allows reduction in viral load and thereby the risk for foetal transmission during pregnancy and labour (mother-to-child transmission). HAART is life prolonging and provides efficient reduction in viral load, lowering transmission rates.1 I-b Foetal risks: ‐ Neonatal transmission rate: 5% in presence of maternal viraemia (HCV RNA seropositivity).1 ‐ No association with adverse pregnancy outcomes.1 Maternal risks: ‐ General health: risks of chronic liver disease. ‐ Pregnancy: does not induce acceleration of liver disease, there is a higher risk of cholestasis.1 Yes Maternal tuberculosis (TB) infection during pregnancy with risk of vertical transmission and associated medication: Yes Hepatitis C Tuberculosis Quality newly identified articles II-23 Perinatal transmission can be reduced to less than 2% in those women with low viral load and by not breastfeeding.4-6 Counselling about breastfeeding and postpartum management is possible. Yes Treatment with ribavirin and interferon is available. However; it is unclear whether treatment prevents longterm sequelae and treatment is not allowed in pregnancy.1-2 The preconception phase allows treatment aiming to lower viraemia and neonatal transmission.2 Immunization of the neonate is not recommended.1 III - II - Furthermore, preconception care facilitates counselling of the woman about risks and postpartum management. Yes Preconceptional diagnosis allows adequate prophylaxis (completion) or treatment before pregnancy. Treatment of latent TB with isoniazide is effective.7 More advanced 51 cases or multidrug resistant TB require more toxic and extensive treatment.1 Treatment for latent TB is safe in pregnancy.2 ‐ Associated with low birth weight.2 ‐ Maternal: TB does not adversely affect disease progression.1 Toxoplasmosis Cytomegalovirus-virus (CMV) Parvovirus Advantages of preconceptional screening for toxoplasmosis immunization are: Women not immune to toxoplasma gondii or with congenital toxoplasmosis: ‐ Congenital toxoplasmosis: chorioretinitis, mental retardation, sensor neural hearing loss, blindness, epilepsy at birth. ‐ There is a risk for sequelae later in life in individuals with foetal infection.2 ‐ Women who have not contracted toxoplasmosa gondii do not have antibodies and are at risk for a primary maternal infection.2 Yes Risk of CMV infection during pregnancy in women without immunity to CMV: ‐ When vertical transmission occurs there is an association with intrauterine growth restriction, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, hepatosplenomegaly, petechiae, jaundice, chorioretinitis, hearing loss, and thrombocytopenia, anaemia.2, 8 Severity of the infection declines with gestational age.2, 9 ‐ A recent cohort study shows low transmission rates and good outcomes of live birth; however a big proportion of the women underwent termination of pregnancy.10 ‐ Infections are mostly asymptomatic.2 Risk of Parvo infection during pregnancy in women without immunity to CMV: Yes No There is no evidence that a screening/ treatment program prevents infection.11 There is no effective treatment for primary CMV infection during pregnancy.2 There is no vaccine.2 Preconception care could aim at primary prevention of infection. Yes No Screening for immunity during preconception care is not Uncertain II-2 - ‐ Reassurance when she is immunised. ‐ Emphasize can be made in women who are not immune. ‐ Preconceptional measurement of IgG and IgM provides a baseline measurement; facilitating the interpretation of testing during pregnancy, if necessary. ‐ Although preconception testing might lead to a diagnosis and timely management plan, there is no evidence of efficacy or cost effectiveness of screening.2 Treatment of toxoplasmosis during pregnancy reduces the risk of congenital toxoplasmosis, but does not eliminate the risk.2 52 Malaria Gonorrhoea Chlamydia Syphilis ‐ Infection in de first half of pregnancy is associated with anaemia, miscarriage/ foetal loss and foetal hydrops.2 ‐ Neurodevelopmental delay is present in children who have received intrauterine blood transfusion, due to anaemia caused by the Parvo infection.12-13 ‐ Primary infection in adults can cause arthritis, arthralgia and anaemia.12-13 Maternal malaria: ‐ Associated with second trimester miscarriage, preterm labour, low birth weight.1-2 ‐ Congenital malaria occurs in 1-4% due to tranplacental spread or transmission during labour.1 ‐ Increased risk of maternal anaemia, hypoglycaemia and severe disease during pregnancy. ‐ Maternal malaria is one of the leading causes of maternal death (400000 annually).2 Maternal gonorrhoea: ‐ Associated with chorioamnionitis, premature rupture of membranes, and preterm delivery.2 ‐ Neonatal transmission: conjunctivitis (which can result in blindness), meningitis and endocarditis.2 ‐ Maternal risk: there is a risk for pelvic inflammatory disease, which can give rise to future fertility problems due to pelvic adhesions. Maternal chlamydia: ‐ Neonatal transmission during partruition leads to conjunctivitis (which can result in blindness) and pneumonia.2 ‐ Maternal risk: there is a risk for pelvic inflammatory disease, which can give rise to future fertility problems due to pelvic adhesions.2 Maternal syphilis: ‐ Neonatal transmission is associated with stillbirth, premature birth, neonatal death, developmental delay, blindness, deafness, bone and teeth supported by data.2 The condition generally does not require treatment, except when anaemia occurs. There is not treatment in pregnancy reducing foetal risks.2 Primary preventive measures could be addressed during preconception care. Yes Yes Preconception care offers the opportunity to offer primary prevention. Furthermore, adequate treatment of malaria can lower risks of transmission. Treatment is available in pregnancy.1-2 Yes Yes Preconception care is an opportunity for timely detection and treatment of gonorrhoea. Treatment is uncomplicated and effective.2 Yes Yes Preconception care is an opportunity for timely detection and treatment of chlamydia before the health of the foetus and the reproductive status is jeopardized due to pelvic inflammatory disease.2 Antibiotic treatment is available. Yes Yes Preconception care is an opportunity to detect and treat syphilis timely, to prevent neonatal syphilis and comprise maternal disease burden. Antibiotic treatment is successful in treating all stages of syphilis; recurrence 53 ‐ Herpes simplex virus ‐ ‐ ‐ Asymptomatic bacteriuria ‐ ‐ abnormalities, and seizures.2 Maternal symptoms vary depending on the stage of the condition:2 Latent syphilis – asymptomatic; Primary syphilis – genital ulcers; Secondary syphilis – widespread rash, lympheadenopathy, mucocutaneous lesions; Tertiary syphilis – lesions in the neurologic, visual and auditory systems. Primary or reoccurring herpes simplex infection in pregnancy: Neonatal transmission leads to neonatal herpes (the extent varies from a localised skin infection to encephalitis a multiple organ system failure).2 Herpes simplex infection can be very discomforting to the patient, and patients can feel systemically ill, especially in case of primary infection. Rarely herpes simplex can disseminate and cause liver problems or even encephalitis or pneumonitis.2 Asymptomatic bacteriuria or maternal pyelonephritis in pregnancy: Maternal pyelonephritis is associated with low birth weight, prematurity, morbidity and mortality.2 Acute maternal pyelonephritis.2 though is possible.2 When syphilis is treated in early pregnancy, congenital syphilis can be prevented.2 Yes Yes Awareness about the risks of herpes simplex infections preconceptionally could lead to more timely detection and then management during pregnancy. Antiviral therapy is available to reduce the duration of the infection and the recurrence. The infection cannot be eradicated.2 Yes Yes There are no data that screening before pregnancy is more beneficial than screening and treating during pregnancy.2, 14 Antibiotic treatments are 90% to 95% effective in the prevention of progression to pyelonephritis.2 However, bacteriuria often reoccurs despite courses of antibiotics.2 Screening and treatment for periodontal disease is of benefit for maternal health in general; however, there is no evidence that this reduces adverse pregnancy outcomes.2 Clinical treatment reduces periodontal disease, but evidence that adverse pregnancy outcomes are reduced with treatment is lacking.2 Periodontal disease Periodontal infections in pregnancy: ‐ Associated with preterm birth15-16 and preeclampsia.17 Yes Yes Bacterial vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy: ‐ Associated with preterm delivery, preterm premature rupture of membranes, spontaneous abortion, preterm labour.14 ‐ Bacterial vaginosis is a common cause of vaginal Yes Uncertain Screening and treatment of asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis is not recommended in the general population.19 Preconception care can identify and treat symptomatic women and women at risk for potential adverse effects of 54 discharge.2 ‐ There is support that the organisms resulting in bacterial vaginosis can contribute to the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease.18 Group B Strep Infection (GBS) GBS colonisation of the urogenital tract: ‐ GBS is a common cause of neonatal sepsis and meningitis, associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. ‐ GBS infection is mostly asymptomatic. Yes +/ - bacterial vaginosis (history of previous preterm delivery or premature rupture of membrane).2 Antibiotic treatment (in and outside of pregnancy) corrects microfloral imbalance, relieving vaginal symptoms. Recurrence often occurs though.2 Evidence is conflicting regarding the treatment effect on preterm birth; women treated <20 weeks of gestation seemed a subgroup with benefit form early treatment in terms of a lower number of preterm births.20 Treatment seems to decrease the risk of premature rupture of membranes in women who have had a preterm delivery before. Recurrence often occurs.21 Preconceptional screening for genital GBS colonisation is not valuable: - There is no evidence that identification of genital GBS colonisation in non-pregnant women provides clinical benefit. - Genital tract colonisation in early pregnancy is not predictive for neonatal GBS sepsis.22 - Treatment can eradicate GBS successfully, although reoccurrence mostly occurs. - Intrapartum antibiotics are 90% effective at the prevention of early onset neonatal sepsis. * The bold items are the newly identified articles which strengthen evidence or add new risk factors to the AJOG 2008 supplement. 55 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Nelson-Pierson. Handbook of Obstetric Medicine. Fourth edition ed. New York: Informa Healthcare; 2010. Coonrod DV, Jack BW, Stubblefield PG, et al. The clinical content of preconception care: infectious diseases in preconception care. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;199(6 Suppl 2):S296-309. Machado ES, Hofer CB, Costa TT, et al. Pregnancy outcome in women infected with HIV-1 receiving combination antiretroviral therapy before versus after conception. Sex Transm Infect 2009;85(2):82-87. Ioannidis JP, Abrams EJ, Ammann A, et al. Perinatal transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 by pregnant women with RNA virus loads <1000 copies/ml. J Infect Dis 2001;183(4):539-45. US Public Health Service Task Force recommendations for the use of antiretroviral drugs in pregnant women infected with HIV-1 for maternal health and for reducing perinatal HIV-1 transmission in the United States, 2006. 2006. ACOG committee opinion number 304, November 2004. Prenatal and perinatal human immunodeficiency virus testing: expanded recommendations. Obstet Gynecol 2004;104(5 Pt 1):1119-24. Efficacy of various durations of isoniazid preventive therapy for tuberculosis: five years of follow-up in the IUAT trial. International Union Against Tuberculosis Committee on Prophylaxis. Bull World Health Organ 1982;60(4):555-64. Arpino C, Gattinara GC, Rosso M, Pelliccia A, Fariello G, Curatolo P. Cortical maldevelopment in congenital cytomegalovirus infection transmitted by a woman with preexisting immunity. J Neurovirol 2008;14(2):173-176. Feldman B, Yinon Y, Tepperberg Oikawa M, Yoeli R, Schiff E, Lipitz S. Pregestational, periconceptional, and gestational primary maternal cytomegalovirus infection: prenatal diagnosis in 508 pregnancies. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011;205(4):342 e341-346. Hadar E, Yogev Y, Melamed N, Chen R, Amir J, Pardo J. Periconceptional cytomegalovirus infection: pregnancy outcome and rate of vertical transmission. Prenat Diagn 2010;30(12-13):1213-1216. Duff P. A thoughtful algorithm for the accurate diagnosis of primary CMV infection in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2007;196(3):196-7. Rodis JF, Rodner C, Hansen AA, Borgida AF, Deoliveira I, Shulman Rosengren S. Long-term outcome of children following maternal human parvovirus B19 infection. Obstet Gynecol 1998;91(1):125-8. Nagel HT, de Haan TR, Vandenbussche FP, Oepkes D, Walther FJ. Long-term outcome after fetal transfusion for hydrops associated with parvovirus B19 infection. Obstet Gynecol 2007;109(1):42-7. Screening for asymptomatic bacteriuria. US Preventive Services Task Force. Available at: Accessed 2008. Offenbacher S, Lieff S, Boggess KA, et al. Maternal periodontitis and prematurity. Part I: Obstetric outcome of prematurity and growth restriction. Ann Periodontol 2001;6(1):164-74. Jeffcoat MK, Hauth JC, Geurs NC, et al. Periodontal disease and preterm birth: results of a pilot intervention study. J Periodontol 2003;74(8):1214-8. Boggess KA, Lieff S, Murtha AP, Moss K, Beck J, Offenbacher S. Maternal periodontal disease is associated with an increased risk for preeclampsia. Obstet Gynecol 2003;101(2):227-31. Koumans EH, Markowitz LE, Hogan V. Indications for therapy and treatment recommendations for bacterial vaginosis in nonpregnant and pregnant women: a synthesis of data. Clin Infect Dis 2002;35(Suppl 2):S152-72. Bertholet N, Daeppen JB, Wietlisbach V, Fleming M, Burnand B. Reduction of alcohol consumption by brief alcohol intervention in primary care: systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med 2005;165(9):986-95. McDonald HM, Brocklehurst P, Gordon A. Antibiotics for treating bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007(1):CD000262. Hay PE, Morgan DJ, Ison CA, et al. A longitudinal study of bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1994;101(12):1048-53. 56 22. Regan JA, Klebanoff MA, Nugent RP, et al. Colonization with group B streptococci in pregnancy and adverse outcome. VIP Study Group. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996;174(4):1354-60. 57 Table 4. Chronic medical conditions* Domains of preconceptional risk factors Risk factors Detectability Treatment available Impact of preconception care Quality 2008 Quality newly identified articles Diabetes Mellitus Maternal diabetes mellitus (type 1 or 2): Yes Yes Preconception diabetes control potentially reduces the risk for pregnancy loss and congenital malformations in approximately 113000 births each year (National Health Statistics US 2004). I I13, 22 Foetal risks: - - Congenital malformations: non-diabetic population: 23%, diabetic: 3-12% (sacral agenesis, complex cardiac defects, spina bifida, foetal organogenesis (however, any organ system can be affected).1-4 The rate of congenital malformations in infants born to mothers with pre-gestational diabetes is significantly reduced when glucose is controlled during the critical period of organogenesis (rates nearly similar to non-diabetic population).20-21 Adverse neonatal outcome: premature delivery, low Apgar, admission neonatal intensive care unit, perinatal mortality.5-8 Initiation of insulin analogue treatment preconception rather than during early pregnancy may result in a lower risk of severe hypoglycaemia in women with type 1 diabetes.22 II-111 II-23-8, 14-19 II-310 - Improved control of maternal glucose and antepartum foetal surveillance leads to reduction in the perinatal mortality rate1, 9 and congenital malformation rate 10 in pregnancies complicated by diabetes. Especially, pregnancies with poor first trimester glycemic control are prone to the presence of foetal heart disease.11 Maternal risks: - Spontaneous abortion.12 Metformin use has no effect on abortion risk.13 - Perinatal depression.14 - No association between overweight and obese women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes and an increased risk for an asymmetrical large for gestational age child15, risk for congenital abnormalities16 or adverse pregnancy outcomes in type 2 diabetic women.17-18 58 Thyroid disease - Maternal smoking, substandard utilization of antenatal care and hypertension in diabetic women are associated with stillbirths.19 - In general, maternal thyroid disease is associated with congenital anomalies (hydrocephaly, severe hypospadias, left ventricle outflow tract obstruction heart defects and anorectal atresia).23 Yes Yes Yes Yes Inadequate control of hyperthyroidism24 - Maternal risks: preeclampsia, congestive heart failure, thyroid crisis, placental abruption. - Foetal risks: foetal growth restriction, low birth weight, preterm birth, stillbirth. No well-designed studies have specifically evaluated the treatment of thyroid disease before pregnancy compared with during pregnancy. Hyperthyroidism24 However when hyperthyroidism is treated timely and safely in early pregnancy prognosis is well for hyperthyroidism.32 When hypothyroidism is treated safely early in pregnancy prognosis is well for hyperthyroidism.32 Preconceptional recognition of the risk factor: maternal thyroid diseases warrants this early treatment. Furthermore treatment of thyroid disease may improve fertility in women that have anovulatory menstrual cycles due to thyroid disease. II-1 II-223 II-1 - Inadequate control of hypothyroidism:25-26 - Maternal risks: preeclampsia, placental abruption, anaemia, postpartum haemorrhage, preterm birth, low birth weight, foetal death, anovulatory menstrual cycles. - Foetal risks: intellectual impairment. Subclinical hypothyroidism:25-31 Phenylketonuria (PKU) - Maternal risks: placental abruption, preterm birth, low birth weight, stillbirth, anovulatory menstrual cycles. - Foetal risks: impaired psychomotor development. Maternal phenylketonuria: - Untreated PKU: mental retardation, microcephaly, delayed speech, seizures, eczema, and behaviour abnormalities. - Foetal consequences of elevated phenylalanine: microcephaly, congenital heart disease, facial dysmorphia, low birth weight, foetal growth restriction, developmental delay, and learning difficulties.33-36 Adverse outcomes associated with maternal PKU might be prevented when mothers adhere to a low phenylalanine diet before conception and continue throughout their pregnancy.33, 37-40 59 Seizure disorders Hypertension Maternal seizure disorders: - Both seizures and medication used to treat the disorder affect pregnancy outcomes.41 - Maternal risks: increase in frequency of seizures during pregnancy (in 30%).31 - Foetal risks: congenital anomalies if mother experienced seizures during pregnancy (2-3 times higher compared to women without epilepsy).42 - Seizures cause spontaneous abortion, low birth weight, diminished head circumference, developmental disabilities, neonatal haemorrhagic disorder, vitamin K deficiency, and perinatal death.42-43 - Many anticonvulsants are teratogenic: neural tube defects, cleft lip and palate, cardiac anomalies, and skeletal abnormalities.44-45. - Dependent on dose and polytherapy (anticonvulsant-related reductions in folic acid and disturbances in folic acid mediated biochemical processes).42 Maternal hypertension: Maternal: - Further increasing blood pressure in pregnancy, increased risk of preeclampsia and eclampsia, central nervous system haemorrhage, cardiac decompensation, renal deterioration.47 Yes Yes No literature for specific preconception strategies for management of seizures. II-2 - II-2 II-249 Teratogenic medication: phenytoin, carbamazepine, barbiturates, valproate; increased risk of teratogenicity at higher doses and with polytherapy.42, 44-45 Assessment by neurologist: to determine if women are an appropriate candidate for a withdrawal of anticonvulsant therapy or adjustment of medication regimen (same principles for pregnant women as for general population with seizures).46 Yes Yes No scientific evidence that antihypertensive therapy will improve perinatal outcomes in mild hypertension (SDP 140-179 mmHg or DBP 90-109 mmHg); however treatment decreases progression to severe hypertension.54-57 Treatment of severe hypertension (SBP>180 mmHg or DPB>110 mmHg) decreases the risk of pregnancy related outcomes.53 Foetal: - Associated with preterm birth, intra-uterine growth restriction, placental abruption, foetal demise.48-49 - Superimposed preeclampsia in hypertensive women is associated with severe adverse perinatal outcomes.50 60 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Pregnancy outcomes are related to the degree of hypertension and presence of preeclampsia.51-53 Maternal: Patients should be advised of the natural history of the disease and likelihood of flaring during pregnancy. No curable treatment; but control of symptoms. - The disease remits in approximately 70-80% women during pregnancy. However, 20-30% have active of worsening disease during pregnancy.58-59 Methotrexate and Leflunomide are extremely teratogenic; NSAIDs are safe until 27 weeks of pregnancy; corticosteroids seem save based on available data.62 Maternal: Rheumatoid arthritis: Yes Yes III - II-2 II-3 65, 71 - RA may prolong time to conception.60 Foetal: - No increase in morbidity. However, active RA may increase the risk of intra uterine growth retardation and prolonged premature rupture of membranes.61 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Maternal SLE: Yes Yes Maternal: - Exacerbations during pregnancy are common (57%).63 Active SLE at time of conception is associated with a higher risk of disease exacerbation during pregnancy and higher rate of adverse pregnancy related outcomes (7 to 33% vs. 61 to 67%). No curable treatment; but control of symptoms. III 64, 72 Better pregnancy outcome can be expected if clinical remission is achieved before pregnancy and disease activity is adequately controlled prior to pregnancy.65 - Maternal: gestational hypertension.64 Foetal: - Foetal: spontaneous abortion, intra-uterine foetal death, preeclampsia, intra uterine growth retardation, preterm birth (in 25%), neonatal lupus (10% if anti-Ro antibodies).63-64 Flares and adverse pregnancy outcomes are particularly elevated among those with lupus nephritis.66-72 - Prognosis for both mother and child are best when SLE is quiescent for at least 6 months before pregnancy and underlying renal function is stable and normal.63 Chronic renal disease Maternal chronic renal disease: - The potential impact of chronic renal disease is dependent on the degree of serum creatinine elevation and the level of hypertension.73 Yes +/- Cohort studies report that higher serum creatinine, proteinuria, and blood pressure prior to conception is associated with a greater risk of disease progression during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes.75-76, 82-83 II-2 II-2 74 61 - Reduced kidney function without hypertension is not associated with increased risk for small for gestational age, preeclampsia or preterm birth. 74 - Mild and normal blood pressure: >90% chance of successful outcome and progression of renal disease is unlikely.75 - Moderate / severe: worsening of renal function during pregnancy.76 - Maternal: preeclampsia, anaemia, chronic hypertension, caesarean delivery. Foetal: - Preterm delivery, foetal growth restriction, increased foetal loss and stillbirth, preterm birth.76-81 - If hypertension is present: 10-fold increase in foetal loss.82 Cardiovascular disease Maternal cardiovascular disease: Maternal: - Physiologic alterations of pregnancy can result in decomposition of the cardiac condition with increased symptoms, morbidity and mortality.84-86. Adverse cardiac events during pregnancy are associated with increased risk of late cardiac events (cardiac arrest, pulmonary oedema, arrhythmia or stroke). 87 Yes Yes Preconception care can counsel women with cardiac disease about the risks of pregnancy in their specific condition. Pre-pregnancy maternal characteristics can help to identify women at increased risk for a late cardiac event.87 II-3 II-2 85, 87 II-3 86 Foetal: - Risk of foetal or neonatal death is doubled in pregnant women with heart disease; the risk of heart disease is increased in offspring for almost all forms of congenital heart disease and if the mother is affected.84, 88 - Warfarin: characteristic warfarin associated with embryopathy and central nervous system and foetal bleeding after first trimester.89 62 Thrombophilia Maternal Thrombophilia: Yes Yes Maternal: - Maternal: venous thromboembolism (deep vein, pulmonary, cerebral vein), arterial thrombosis (peripheral, cerebral), severe preeclampsia.90 No studies have specifically evaluated the effect of treatment; warfarin is teratogenic so preconception counselling and family planning are important considerations. Treatment not evidence based and sometimes controversial. III (no warfarin) II-3 (warfarin) II-290, 96-97 (no warfarin) Preconception counselling for health risks during pregnancy, medication on pregnancy outcomes; if disorder is heritable: genetic counselling. Foetal: - Foetal: placental infarcts, placental abruption, recurrent miscarriages, foetal growth restriction, spontaneous preterm delivery, foetal stroke, unexplained still birth.91-97 Asthma Maternal Thrombophilia: Maternal: - In about 30% of women with asthma, the condition worsens during pregnancy (especially in case of severe or poorly controlled asthma).98 - Maternal complications (poorly controlled): preeclampsia, hypertension, hyperemesis.99 Foetal: Yes Yes Subsequent pregnancies tend to follow a course similar to the first pregnancy.101-102 II-3 II-3102 If asthma is adequately controlled, neonatal outcomes are similar to those of non-asthmatic women.103-105 Risks of uncontrolled asthma appear to be greater than the risks of asthma medications.106 Inhaled corticosteroids are recommended as prophylactic treatment of choice for pregnant women with persistent asthma (budesonide).107-108 - Foetal complications (poorly controlled): still birth and infant death, neonatal hypoxia, intra uterine growth retardation, prematurity, low birth weight.99-100 * The bold items are the newly identified articles which strengthen evidence or add new risk factors to the AJOG 2008 supplement. 63 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Kitzmiller JL, Buchanan TA, Kjos S, Combs CA, Ratner RE. Pre-conception care of diabetes, congenital malformations, and spontaneous abortions. Diabetes Care 1996;19(5):514-41. Rosenn B, Miodovnik M, Combs CA, Khoury J, Siddiqi TA. Glycemic thresholds for spontaneous abortion and congenital malformations in insulindependent diabetes mellitus. Obstet Gynecol 1994;84(4):515-20. Eidem I, Stene LC, Henriksen T, et al. Congenital anomalies in newborns of women with type 1 diabetes: nationwide population-based study in Norway, 1999-2004. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2010;89(11):1403-1411. Correa A, Gilboa SM, Besser LM, et al. Diabetes mellitus and birth defects. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;199(3):237 e231-239. Eidem I, Vangen S, Hanssen KF, et al. Perinatal and infant mortality in term and preterm births among women with type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia 2011;54(11):2771-2778. Shand AW, Bell JC, McElduff A, Morris J, Roberts CL. 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II-2 II-2 10 Maternal depression: - Impact on family life, mother-infant relationship, future mental health of child.1-7 - Maternal: depression increases the risk of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use, inadequate prenatal care, increase risk of self-injurious and suicidal behaviour, postpartum depression.1, 8-9 Reduced interaction and irritability towards the child.6 There is a high risk of relapse if medication is discontinued (50 to 75%).1, 16 Preconception medication adjustment allows gradual tapering of antidepressive medication to minimize risk of withdrawal symptoms (relapse occurs in the initial months following withdrawal). - Foetal: preterm delivery, lower birth weight, smaller head circumference, low Apgar1, 8-10. Short- and long term developmental, cognitive, and behavioural effects.1, 11-13 Anxiety disorders1 - Maternal risks: avoidance of the child by mother, obstetric complications. - Foetal risks: Poor neonatal outcome, childhood behavioural problems. - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - Maternal: Worsening of symptoms, obsessions of infanticide or child harm.14 - Posttraumatic stress syndrome. 69 - Maternal: breastfeeding implications, mother-child relationship, abuse, frequently comorbidity with depression and anxiety disorder.5, 14-15 Bipolar disorder Maternal depression: Yes Yes Maternal: - Lower fertility rates, strong genetic loading, recurrence rate is high if treatment is discontinued abruptly, at risk for other psychiatric disorders and medical conditions, unintended pregnancy ((hypo)manic episodes), postpartum psychosis (suicide and infanticide). 3, 17-19, high recurrence risk during pregnancy and postpartum period.2, 20 Preconception care allows time to discuss treatment options and change to treatment regimen (prior to conception) (medications used are associated with increased risk of foetal anomalies). II-2 - II-2 - Main goal: euthymic during pregnancy to prevent negative outcomes. Women should be informed about high risk of relapse when discontinuing maintenance medication. These women often have limited social support. Foetal: - Terotogenic risk (medication), strong familial pattern (10%).21 - Some studies suggest a positive effect on the disorder during pregnancy.1 Schizophrenia Maternal schizophrenia: Maternal: - Psychosis during pregnancy gives increased risks for foetal abuse, neonaticide, inability to recognize signs and symptoms of labour.1, 22 Yes Yes Any necessary changes in medication should be performed prior to conception to decrease exposure of the foetus to multiple medications (depending on severity of symptoms). When possible, antipsychotics should be avoided during first trimester of pregnancy.3 - Atypical antipsychotics are associated with obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Women with schizophrenia tend to have poor nutrition and high prevalence of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use. - Women often have limited social support. - At risk for unwanted and unplanned pregnancies. 70 Foetal: - Dearth data about atypical antipsychotics, highpotential typical are less teratogenic than low-potential antipsychotics. 71 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Cohen LS NR. Mood and anxiety disorders during pregnancy and postpartum.; 2005. Wyszynski AA LS. The obstetric patient. Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2005. Burt VK HV. Clinical manual of women’s mental health: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2005. Brockington I, Guedeney A. Motherhood and mental health. Infant Observation 1999;2(2):116-117. Ross LE, McLean LM. Anxiety disorders during pregnancy and the postpartum period: A systematic review. J Clin Psychiatry 2006;67(8):1285-98. Halbreich U. The association between pregnancy processes, preterm delivery, low birth weight, and postpartum depressions--the need for interdisciplinary integration. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005;193(4):1312-22. Brockington I. Postpartum psychiatric disorders. Lancet 2004;363(9405):303-10. Bloch M, Rotenberg N, Koren D, Klein E. Risk factors for early postpartum depressive symptoms. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2006;28(1):3-8. Robertson E, Grace S, Wallington T, Stewart DE. Antenatal risk factors for postpartum depression: a synthesis of recent literature. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2004;26(4):289-95. Gavin AR, Chae DH, Mustillo S, Kiefe CI. Prepregnancy depressive mood and preterm birth in black and white women: findings from the CARDIA Study. J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2009;18(6):803-811. Talge NM, Neal C, Glover V, et al. Antenatal maternal stress and long-term effects on child neurodevelopment: how and why? J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2007;48(3-4):245-61. Monk C. Stress and mood disorders during pregnancy: implications for child development. Psychiatr Q 2001;72(4):347-57. Davis EP SN, Wadhwa PD, Glynn LM, Schetter CD, Sandman CA. Prenatal Maternal Anxiety and Depression Predict Negative Behavioral Reactivity in Infancy. Infancy 2004 (6):319-34. Brockington IF, Macdonald E, Wainscott G. Anxiety, obsessions and morbid preoccupations in pregnancy and the puerperium. Arch Womens Ment Health 2006;9(5):253-63. Loveland Cook CA, Flick LH, Homan SM, Campbell C, McSweeney M, Gallagher ME. Posttraumatic stress disorder in pregnancy: prevalence, risk factors, and treatment. Obstet Gynecol 2004;103(4):710-7. Cohen LS, Nonacs RM, Bailey JW, et al. Relapse of depression during pregnancy following antidepressant discontinuation: a preliminary prospective study. Arch Womens Ment Health 2004;7(4):217-21. Viguera AC, Cohen LS, Bouffard S, Whitfield TH, Baldessarini RJ. Reproductive decisions by women with bipolar disorder after prepregnancy psychiatric consultation. Am J Psychiatry 2002;159(12):2102-4. Yonkers KA, Wisner KL, Stowe Z, et al. Management of bipolar disorder during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Am J Psychiatry 2004;161(4):608-20. Stewart DE, Klompenhouwer JL, Kendell RE, van Hulst AM. Prophylactic lithium in puerperal psychosis. The experience of three centres. Br J Psychiatry 1991;158:393-7. Viguera AC, Whitfield T, Baldessarini RJ, et al. Risk of recurrence in women with bipolar disorder during pregnancy: prospective study of mood stabilizer discontinuation. Am J Psychiatry 2007;164(12):1817-24; quiz 1923. Merikangas KR, Low NC. The epidemiology of mood disorders. Curr Psychiatry Rep 2004;6(6):411-21. Yaeger D, Smith HG, Altshuler LL. Atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia during pregnancy and the postpartum. Am J Psychiatry 2006;163(12):2064-70. 72 Table 6. Maternal exposure* Domains of preconceptional risk factors Risk factors Detectability Treatment available Impact of preconception care Quality 2008 Quality newly identified articles Alcohol Maternal alcohol consumption: Yes Yes There is no established safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.6-7 I-a II-12 Foetal: Several studies found effectiveness in reducing alcohol prior to conception by screening, brief advice, behavioural interventions, effective contraception or a combination in diverse settings.6-9 - Spontaneous abortion,1-3 prenatal and postnatal growth restriction,2 birth defects, and neurodevelopmental deficits including mental retardation,4-5 with foetal alcohol syndrome,1 preterm birth 2 and congenital defects (craniosynostosis, omphalocele, gastroschisis,3-4 NTDs.4) Tobacco Maternal tobacco consumption: II-24 II-34 With reducing alcohol consumption prior to conception adverse health outcomes will also reduce. Yes Yes I-a II-25-6 7-10 11 Maternal: - Regardless of pregnancy status, women who smoke are at increased risk for a wide range of cancers (i.e., lung, cervical, pancreatic, bladder, and kidney), cardiovascular disease, and pulmonary diseases. Foetal: - Foetal effects of exposure to maternal smoking include intrauterine growth retardation,5 prematurity,6 low birth weight,7 and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), congenital heart defects,8-9 gastroschisis, 10 and orofacial clefts.11 - Spontaneous abortion.2-3 73 - Second hand smoke exposure of an infant causes respiratory illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis, ear infections, and Sudden infant death.12 - Complication in pregnancy include: premature rupture of membranes, placenta praevia, and placental abruption.13 Illicit substances Maternal use of illicit substances: Maternal: - Women who use illicit drugs often experience higher rates of STIs, HIV, hepatitis, domestic violence, and depression.14 Yes Yes In one intervention study participants increased participation in alcohol and drug treatment programs and increased contraception use from 5% prior to enrolment to 61% at 12 months, reducing their risk for a drug-exposed pregnancy.18 Contraception services should be offered and pregnancy should be delayed until individuals are drug free. III II-2 17 Foetal: - Cocaine use has been linked to increased risks for low birth weight, prematurity, perinatal death, abruption placenta, small for gestational age births15-16 and for the risk of cleft palate.17 Children exposed to cocaine were associated with only placental abruption and premature rupture of membranes.6 - Marijuana seems to exert less of a negative impact on pregnancy outcomes; however, a negative effect on cognitive development had been reported in young children.7-8 * The bold items are the newly identified articles which strengthen evidence or add new risk factors to the AJOG 2008 supplement. 74 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Mullally A, Cleary BJ, Barry J, Fahey TP, Murphy DJ. Prevalence, predictors and perinatal outcomes of peri-conceptional alcohol exposure-retrospective cohort study in an urban obstetric population in Ireland. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2011;11:27. Patra J, Bakker R, Irving H, Jaddoe VW, Malini S, Rehm J. Dose-response relationship between alcohol consumption before and during pregnancy and the risks of low birthweight, preterm birth and small for gestational age (SGA)-a systematic review and meta-analyses. BJOG 2011;118(12):1411-21. Richardson S, Browne ML, Rasmussen SA, et al. Associations between periconceptional alcohol consumption and craniosynostosis, omphalocele, and gastroschisis. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2011;91(7):623-30. Grewal J, Carmichael SL, Ma C, Lammer EJ, Shaw GM. Maternal periconceptional smoking and alcohol consumption and risk for select congenital anomalies. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2008;82(7):519-26. Ness RB, Zhang J, Bass D, Klebanoff MA. Interactions between smoking and weight in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia and small-forgestational-age birth. Am J Epidemiol 2008;168(4):427-33. Haskins A, Mukhopadhyay S, Pekow P, et al. Smoking and risk of preterm birth among predominantly Puerto Rican women. Ann Epidemiol 2008;18(6):440-6. La Merrill M, Stein CR, Landrigan P, Engel SM, Savitz DA. Prepregnancy body mass index, smoking during pregnancy, and infant birth weight. Ann Epidemiol 2011;21(6):413-20. Alverson CJ, Strickland MJ, Gilboa SM, Correa A. Maternal smoking and congenital heart defects in the Baltimore-Washington Infant Study. Pediatrics 2011;127(3):e647-53. Karatza AA, Giannakopoulos I, Dassios TG, Belavgenis G, Mantagos SP, Varvarigou AA. Periconceptional tobacco smoking and Xisolated congenital heart defects in the neonatal period. Int J Cardiol 2011;148(3):295-9. Feldkamp ML, Alder SC, Carey JC. A case control population-based study investigating smoking as a risk factor for gastroschisis in Utah, 1997-2005. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2008;82(11):768-75. Zhang B, Jiao X, Mao L, Xue J. Maternal cigarette smoking and the associated risk of having a child with orofacial clefts in China: a case-control study. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2011;39(5):313-8. Gold DR, Burge HA, Carey V, Milton DK, Platts-Mills T, Weiss ST. Predictors of repeated wheeze in the first year of life: the relative roles of cockroach, birth weight, acute lower respiratory illness, and maternal smoking. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1999;160(1):227-36. Arnold DL, Williams MA, Miller RS, Qiu C, Sorensen TK. Iron deficiency anemia, cigarette smoking and risk of abruptio placentae. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2009;35(3):446-52. Ethics ACo. ACOG Committee Opinion. Number 294, May 2004. At-risk drinking and illicit drug use: ethical issues in obstetric and gynecologic practice. Obstet Gynecol 2004;103(5 Pt 1):1021-31. Handler A, Kistin N, Davis F, Ferre C. Coaine use during pregnancy: perinatal outcomes. Am J Epidemiol 1992;135:1425-7. Hadeed AJ, Siegel SR. Maternal cocaine use during pregnancy: effect on the newborn infant. Pediatrics 1989;84(205-10). van Gelder MM, Reefhuis J, Caton AR, et al. Maternal periconceptional illicit drug use and the risk of congenital malformations. Epidemiology 2009;20(1):60-6. Grant TM, Ernst CC, Streissguth AP. An intervention with high-risk mothers who abuse alcohol and drugs: the Seattle Advocacy Model. Am J Public Health 1996;86(12):1816-7. 75 Table 7. Genetic risks* Domains of preconceptional risk factors Risk factors Detectability Treatment available Impact of preconception care Quality 2008 Quality newly identified articles General population Parental familial genetic defects: Yes No Preconception care can identify individual couples that need specific genetic counselling. Treatment of genetic diseases is generally not applicable; there are options to be considered before conception (adoption, surrogacy, use of donor sperm or eggs, preimplantation diagnosis or avoidance of pregnancy). III II-22, 1 II-3 - - Genetic risks are present across the general population. Burden of suffering of the descendant depends on the genetic disease. - All individuals, regardless of ethnicity are at risk for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) carriership: CF carriership can be associated with fertility problems in men (when CF carriership has resulted in (a) missing ductus deferens; but is furthermore asymptomatic. The burden of disease for the descendant with CF: CF is associated with severe morbidity and shortened life expectancy. Counselling on Cystic Fibrosis in the general population is a topic of debate. There is not treatment for Cystic Fibrosis. - Some MHTFR polymorphisms are a risk factor for oral facial clefts1 or neural tube defects2. Ethnicity based Genetic diseases associated with ethnicity: - White – higher prevalence of: Cystic fibrosis.3 - European – higher prevalence of: Cystic fibrosis.3 - Ashkenazi Jewish – higher prevalence of: Canavan disease, cystic fibrosis, familial dysautonomia, Tay Sachs disease, Gaucher’s disease, Niemann-Pick disease Type A, Bloom Syndrome, Mucolipidosis IV, Fanconi anaemia Group C.3 Yes No Preconception care can identify couples with ethnic based genetic risk factors so genetic risk counselling can be offered. Treatment of genetic diseases is generally not applicable; there are options to be considered before conception (adoption, surrogacy, use of donor sperm or eggs, pre-implantation diagnosis or avoidance of pregnancy). - French-Canadian – higher prevalence of Tay Sachs disease.3 - Cajun – Higher prevalence of: Tay Sachs disease3 76 - African – Higher prevalence of: Sickle cell disease/ trait, Thalassemia.3 - Mediterranean – Higher prevalence of: Thalassemia.3 - Asian - Higher prevalence of: Thalassemia.3 Family history Genetic diseases in the family warrant risks for Yes No Treatment of genetic diseases is generally not applicable. There are options to be considered before conception (adoption, surrogacy, use of donor sperm or eggs, pre-implantation diagnosis or avoidance of pregnancy). Yes No Preconception can be of meaning here in the guidance of the couple who has experienced miscarriages. There is no treatment option available for genetic causes of recurrent miscarriage. In some cases there are management options such as: IVF with preimplantation genetics.3 descendants: - Chromosomal disorders.3 II-3 - III - - Clotting disorders.3 - Developmental delay, mental retardation.3 - Early infant death.3 - Heart defects.3 - Cystic fibrosis.3 - Tay Sachs.3 - Neural tube defects.3 - Orofacial clefts.3 - Sickle cell disease or trait.3 - Sudden infant death syndrome.3 - Thalassemia.3 - Thrombophilia.3 - Other known genetic disorders.3 Previous pregnancies Recurrent pregnancy loss (≥2 miscarriages) is associated with genetic risks of both parents including: chromosomal anomalies, hereditary thrombophilia.4,5,6 77 Preconception care address recurrence risks and if possible, management options. Known genetic conditions Specific genetic conditions are associated with higher risks in pregnancy: - Sickle cell disease: preterm labour and premature rupture of membranes.7 - Marfan syndrome: risk of aortic dissection during pregnancy.8 Yes . No Preconception care offers opportunities regarding the control of the maternal condition [see table chronic diseases, this report]. In general there are no treatment options, focus on management options for the maternal condition and the pregnancy. II-3 - Preconception care identifies genetic risks for the descendants and offers the couple chances for genetic consultation.3 - Phenylketonuria: risk of microcephaly, developmental delay, growth restriction, heart defects.9,10 * The bold items are the newly identified articles which strengthen evidence or add new risk factors to the AJOG 2008 supplement. 78 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Boyles AL, Wilcox AJ, Taylor JA, et al. Folate and one-carbon metabolism gene polymorphisms and their associations with oral facial clefts. Am J Med Genet A 2008;146A(4):440-9. Shang Y, Zhao H, Niu B, et al. Correlation of polymorphism of MTHFRs and RFC-1 genes with neural tube defects in China. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2008;82(1):3-7. Solomon BD, Jack BW, Feero WG. The clinical content of preconception care: genetics and genomics. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;199(6 Suppl 2):S340-4. ACOG Practice Bulletin. Clinical Management Guidelines for Obstetrician-Gynecologists Number 64, July 2005 (Replaces Committee Opinion Number 238, July 2000): hemoglobinpathies in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 2005;106(1):203-10. Kesmodel U, Wisborg K, Olsen SF, Henriksen TB, Secher NJ. Moderate alcohol intake during pregnancy and the risk of stillbirth and death in the first year of life. Am J Epidemiol 2002;155(4):305-12. Dunlop AL, Jack BW, Bottalico JN, et al. The clinical content of preconception care: women with chronic medical conditions. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;199(6 Suppl 2):S310-27. Powars DR, Sandhu M, Niland-Weiss J, Johnson C, Bruce S, Manning PR. Pregnancy in sickle cell disease. Obstet Gynecol 1986;67(2):217-28. Lind J, Wallenburg HC. The Marfan syndrome and pregnancy: a retrospective study in a Dutch population. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2001;98(1):28-35. Rouse B, Azen C. Effect of high maternal blood phenylalanine on offspring congenital anomalies and developmental outcome at ages 4 and 6 years: the importance of strict dietary control preconception and throughout pregnancy. J Pediatr 2004;144(2):235-9. Koch R, Hanley W, Levy H, et al. The Maternal Phenylketonuria International Study: 1984-2002. Pediatrics 2003;112(6 Pt 2):1523-9. 79 Table 8. Nutrition* Domains of preconceptional risk factors Risk factors Detectability Treatment available Impact of preconception care Quality 2008 Quality newly identified articles Dietary supplements Inadequate dietary intake: Yes Yes III III ‐ Requirements for additional dietary supplementation increase substantially during the earliest weeks of pregnancy. Many women use multivitamins, single vitamins, herbal products, traditional medicines, and other dietary supplements prior to and during pregnancy.1-3 Preconception care is an opportunity to assess maternal use of dietary supplements and advise women in their use. ‐ Intake of dietary supplements is often not assessed by health care professionals.4-5 ‐ Risks of supplements are mostly unknown. (also see Table 11 Medication). A maternal Mediterranean diet (characterised by high intakes of fruit, vegetables, vegetable oil, alcohol, fish, legumes and cereals, and low intakes of potatoes and sweets) is associated with a reduction in the risk of spina bifida in the offspring.6 Yes Yes Preconception care is an opportunity to assess maternal dietary patterns and advise women if needed. A maternal Western dietary pattern (characterised by high intakes of meat, pizza, legumes, potatoes, and low intakes of fruit) was associated with a higher risk of a cleft lip or cleft palate in the offspring.7 Insufficient maternal Vitamin A intake/ suppletion: Yes Yes III III ‐ Adequate vitamin A is essential for proper visual functioning, foetal growth, reproduction, immunity, and Preconception care is an opportunity to detect excessive maternal vitamin A intake and advise cessation of supplementation and excessive intake preconceptionally. Dietary patterns Vitamin A 80 epithelial tissue integrity.8 Because vitamin A is lipid soluble, it crosses the placenta easily and has a long half-life. Folic acid Multivitamins Vitamin D ‐ Although normal foetal development requires sufficient vitamin A intake, very high levels of preformed vitamin A (retinoic acid) supplementation has been associated with miscarriage and birth defects that affect central nervous system and craniofacial, cardiovascular, and thymus development.8 Insufficient maternal dietary and supplemental intake of folate acid: ‐ Important prior to and during pregnancy because of its proven preventive properties against neural tube defects.9 ‐ Inadequate folate levels have been linked to increased risks of stroke, cancer, dementia,10-11 and conotruncal heart defects.12 Insufficient vitamin intake: ‐ Insufficient intake of multivitamins containing folic acid, vitamin D, and vitamin A can cause neural tube defects and other birth defects. Inadequate maternal vitamin D intake or suppletion: ‐ It is essential for the health of pregnant women and their infants. Vitamin D deficiency is common among pregnant women in ethnic minorities.20 ‐ Deficiency is reflected in lower maternal weight gain; biochemical evidence of disturbed skeletal homeostasis in the infant; and in extreme situations, reduced bone mineralization, radiological evident rickets, and fractures.21-22 ‐ Additionally, deficiency has also been associated with other health outcomes that affect women, asthma, Yes Yes Women can be advised preconceptionally about adequate dietary and supplemental folate intake. I-a I-a12 Yes Yes Taking multivitamins, with at least 400 μg folic acid, daily may also reduce the incidence of other malformations such as orofacial cleft, limb deficiencies, cardiac defects, urinary tract defects, and omphalocele.13-19 II-2 II-2 Yes Yes The current recommendations are 10 μg daily. Clinicians should be aware of the risk factors for vitamin D deficiency. II-3 II-3 The optimal dose of vitamin D for the conception and during pregnancy is unknown. More research is needed on the optimal vitamin D dose and blood concentrations for several health outcomes.22 81 diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and certain cancers.23-26 Vitamin B12 Vitamin E Overweight Inadequate maternal vitamin D intake or suppletion: ‐ Low maternal B12 status has been associated with NTDS.27 Excessive maternal vitamin E intake or suppletion: ‐ High maternal vitamin E by diet and supplements is associated with an increased risk of congenital heart disease.28 Obesity (BMI>30kg/m2): ‐ Obesity, defined as a body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or higher, is associated with elevated risks of type 2 diabetes, 29-39 (pregnancy-induced),40-41 hypertension, 30, 32, 34-38, 42-43 preeclampsia,30-33, 35, 44-46 infertility; subfertility,47-48 adverse birth outcomes; heart disease; gallbladder disease; immobility; osteoarthritis; sleep apnea; respiratory impairment; social stigmatization; a variety of cancers ( including breast, uterine, and colon),49-51 caesarean delivery,30-31, 33, 3637, 44, 46, 52-57 overweight in children,58-65 macrosomia,30-31, 38, 44, 46, 65-76 post term delivery,77 preterm delivery,46-47, 74, 78-86 premature rupture of the membranes,32, 44, 87-88 abruption placentae,44 postpartum haemorrhage,44 perineal rupture,44 foetal and infant death,31, 89 congenital heart defects in the offspring,90-92 congenital anomalies,93 greater placenta weight,55; low Apgar core,31 different lipid profiles,94 labour induction,33 wound infection,33 postpartum depression,95 cleft palate,96 elevated plasma cytokine levels,82 stillbirth,97 induction,36 hydramnios,36 neural tube defects,92, 98 spina bifida,98 cardiovascular anomalies,98 cleft lip and palate,98 anorectal atresia,98 hydrocephaly,98 limb reduction Yes Yes Early detection of vitamin B12 gives the opportunity to treat deficiency of vitamin B12. - II-127 Yes Yes Preconception care can identify women with higher vitamin E levels and supplementation should be avoided. - II-228 Yes Yes The risks associated with high body mass index are best addressed before conception because weight loss during pregnancy is not recommended. I-b I-b Losing weight before conception reduces infertility rates, health risks for the mother and adverse birth outcomes for the infant. 82 anomalies,98 renal agenesia or hypoplasia,99 asthma in children,100 higher level nursery admissions,38 ADHD symptoms in children,101 infant death.102 Underweight ‐ Women who are obese before conception tend to gain and retain more weight during pregnancy.103 ‐ Interpregnancy BMI changes involving overweight mothers become more obese, normal weight mothers become overweight or obese, or obese mothers maintaining their obesity status across two pregnancies appeared to play an important role in subsequent (elevated) stillbirth risk104 and the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus.105 ‐ Interpregnancy weight reduction decreases the risk of recurrent preeclampsia.106 ‐ No association was found between pre-pregnancy maternal obesity and hypospadias or cryptorchodism in male infants.107 ‐ A weak association was found between prepregnancy maternal obesity and microtia.108 ‐ Little consistent evidence of intrauterine effects of maternal pre-pregnancy overweight on child cognition and behaviour was found.109-110 Underweight (BMI<18,5kg/m2) Maternal: ‐ Yes Yes Women should be counselled during the preconceptional period on the potential risks of their weight on fertility and on pregnancy outcome. III II-244 Health risks of being underweight (BMI<18 kg/m2) include nutrient deficiencies, heart irregularities, osteoporosis, amenorrhea, and infertility. 83 Foetal: ‐ Low pre-pregnancy weight is associated with increased risks for preterm birth45, 97, low birth weight, gastroschisis111, anaemia, placental abruption.30, 44, 71, 73, 81, 112-122 Eating disorders Maternal: ‐ Associated with postpartum depression. Foetal: Yes Yes When eating disorders are addressed and treated with a multidisciplinary approach, adverse health effects on the mother and on foetal development will be reduced. Also obstetric complications will be less. III III Miscarriage, low birth weight ‐ Eating disorders are associated with nutritional, metabolic, endocrine, and psychological changes that have potential negative effects on foetal development. * The bold items are the newly identified articles which strengthen evidence or add new risk factors to the AJOG 2008 supplement. 84 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Tsui B, Dennehy CE, Tsourounis C. A survey of dietary supplement use during pregnancy at an academic medical center. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;185(2):433-7. Nordeng H, Havnen GC. Impact of socio-demographic factors, knowledge and attitude on the use of herbal drugs in pregnancy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2005;84(1):26-33. Zaffani S, Cuzzolin L, Benoni G. Herbal products: behaviors and beliefs among Italian women. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2006;15(5):354-9. Howell L, Kochhar K, Saywell R, Jr., et al. Use of herbal remedies by Hispanic patients: do they inform their physician? J Am Board Fam Med 2006;19(6):566-78. Gardiner P, Graham R, Legedza AT, Ahn AC, Eisenberg DM, Phillips RS. Factors associated with herbal therapy use by adults in the United States. Altern Ther Health Med 2007;13(2):22-9. Vujkovic M, Steegers EAP, Looman CW, Ocke MC, Spek van der PJ, Steegers-Theunissen RP. The maternal Mediterranean dietary pattern is associated with a reduced risk of spina bifida in the offspring, BJOG, 116 (2009), 408-15. Vujkovic M, Ocke MC, Spek van der PJ, Yazdanpanah N, Steegers EAP, Steegers-Theunissen RP. Maternal Western dietary patterns and the risk of developing a cleft lip with or without a cleft palate, Obstet Gynecol, 110 (2007), 378-84. Office of Dietary Supplements. Dietary supplement fact sheet: vitamin A and carotenoids. Available at: Pitkin RM. Folate and neural tube defects. Am J Clin Nutr 2007;85(1):285S-288S. Mischoulon D, Raab MF. The role of folate in depression and dementia. J Clin Psychiatry 2007;68 Suppl 10:28-33. Wang X, Qin X, Demirtas H, et al. Efficacy of folic acid supplementation in stroke prevention: a meta-analysis. Lancet 2007;369(9576):1876-82. Shaw GM, Carmichael SL, Yang W, Lammer EJ. Periconceptional nutrient intakes and risks of conotruncal heart defects. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2010;88(3):144-51. Goh YI, Bollano E, Einarson TR, Koren G. Prenatal multivitamin supplementation and rates of congenital anomalies: a meta-analysis. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2006;28(8):680-9. Botto LD, Mulinare J, Erickson JD. Occurrence of omphalocele in relation to maternal multivitamin use: a population-based study. Pediatrics 2002;109(5):904-8. Mills JL, Druschel CM, Pangilinan F, et al. Folate-related genes and omphalocele. Am J Med Genet A 2005;136(1):8-11. Lammer EJ, Shaw GM, Iovannisci DM, Finnell RH. Periconceptional multivitamin intake during early pregnancy, genetic variation of acetyl-Ntransferase 1 (NAT1), and risk for orofacial clefts. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2004;70(11):846-52. Czeizel AE, Puho E. Maternal use of nutritional supplements during the first month of pregnancy and decreased risk of Down's syndrome: casecontrol study. Nutrition 2005;21(6):698-704; discussion 774. Czeizel AE, Dobo M, Vargha P. Hungarian cohort-controlled trial of periconceptional multivitamin supplementation shows a reduction in certain congenital abnormalities. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2004;70(11):853-61. Itikala PR, Watkins ML, Mulinare J, Moore CA, Liu Y. Maternal multivitamin use and orofacial clefts in offspring. Teratology 2001;63(2):79-86. Williams AF. Vitamin D in pregnancy: an old problem still to be solved? Arch Dis Child 2007;92(9):740-1. Pawley N, Bishop NJ. Prenatal and infant predictors of bone health: the influence of vitamin D. Am J Clin Nutr 2004;80(6 Suppl):1748S-51S. Gale CR, Robinson SM, Harvey NC, et al. Maternal vitamin D status during pregnancy and child outcomes. Eur J Clin Nutr 2008;62(1):68-77. McCullough ML. Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy: bringing the issues to light. J Nutr 2007;137(2):305-6. Vieth R, Bischoff-Ferrari H, Boucher BJ, et al. The urgent need to recommend an intake of vitamin D that is effective. Am J Clin Nutr 2007;85(3):649-50. 85 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Holick MF. Vitamin D deficiency. N Engl J Med 2007;357(3):266-81. Holick MF. High prevalence of vitamin D inadequacy and implications for health. Mayo Clin Proc 2006;81(3):353-73. Wang ZP, Shang XX, Zhao ZT. Low maternal vitamin B(12) is a risk factor for neural tube defects: a meta-analysis. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011. Smedts HP, de Vries JH, Rakhshandehroo M, et al. High maternal vitamin E intake by diet or supplements is associated with congenital heart defects in the offspring. BJOG 2009;116(3):416-23. Singh J, Huang CC, Driggers RW, et al. The impact of pre-pregnancy body mass index on the risk of gestational diabetes. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;25(1):5-10. Saereeporncharenkul K. Correlation of BMI to pregnancy outcomes in Thai women delivered in Rajavithi Hospital. J Med Assoc Thai 2011;94 Suppl 2:S52-8. Ovesen P, Rasmussen S, Kesmodel U. Effect of prepregnancy maternal overweight and obesity on pregnancy outcome. Obstet Gynecol 2011;118(2 Pt 1):305-12. Chen Z, Du J, Shao L, et al. Prepregnancy body mass index, gestational weight gain, and pregnancy outcomes in China. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2010;109(1):41-4. Ahmed SR, Ellah MA, Mohamed OA, Eid HM. Prepregnancy obesity and pregnancy outcome. Int J Health Sci (Qassim) 2009;3(2):203-8. Pirkola J, Pouta A, Bloigu A, et al. Prepregnancy overweight and gestational diabetes as determinants of subsequent diabetes and hypertension after 20-year follow-up. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010;95(2):772-8. Salihu HM, Weldeselasse HE, Rao K, Marty PJ, Whiteman VE. The impact of obesity on maternal morbidity and feto-infant outcomes among macrosomic infants. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011;24(9):1088-94. Farah N, Maher N, Barry S, Kennelly M, Stuart B, Turner MJ. Maternal morbid obesity and obstetric outcomes. Obes Facts 2009;2(6):352-4. Chen A, Feresu SA, Fernandez C, Rogan WJ. Maternal obesity and the risk of infant death in the United States. Epidemiology 2009;20(1):74-81. Joy S, Istwan N, Rhea D, Desch C, Stanziano G. The impact of maternal obesity on the incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes in high-risk term pregnancies. Am J Perinatol 2009;26(5):345-9. Torloni MR, Betran AP, Horta BL, et al. Prepregnancy BMI and the risk of gestational diabetes: a systematic review of the literature with metaanalysis. 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Screening and interventions for obesity in adults: summary of the evidence for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med 2003;139(11):933-49. Dixit A, Girling JC. Obesity and pregnancy. J Obstet Gynaecol 2008;28(1):14-23. Chihara I, Uehara R, Kotani K, et al. The effect of prepregnancy body mass index on singleton cesarean delivery among term nulliparous women in Japanese population. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2011;284(5):1117-22. Jang DG, Jo YS, Lee GS. Effect of pre-pregnancy body mass index and weight gain during pregnancy on the risk of emergency cesarean section in nullipara. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2011;284(6):1389-97. Garabedian MJ, Williams CM, Pearce CF, Lain KY, Hansen WF. Extreme morbid obesity and labor outcome in nulliparous women at term. Am J Perinatol 2011;28(9):729-34. Mamun AA, Callaway LK, O'Callaghan MJ, et al. Associations of maternal pre-pregnancy obesity and excess pregnancy weight gains with adverse pregnancy outcomes and length of hospital stay. 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Belogolovkin V, Alio AP, Mbah AK, Clayton HB, Wathington D, Salihu HM. Patterns and success of fetal programming among women with low and extremely low pre-pregnancy BMI. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2009;280(4):579-84. Deutsch AB, Lynch O, Alio AP, Salihu HM, Spellacy WN. Increased risk of placental abruption in underweight women. Am J Perinatol 2010;27(3):235-40. Flegal KM, Graubard BI, Williamson DF, Gail MH. Excess deaths associated with underweight, overweight, and obesity. JAMA 2005;293(15):1861-7. Begum F, Buckshe K, Pande JN. Risk factors associated with preterm labour. Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 2003;29(2):59-66. Borkowski W, Mielniczuk H. [The influence of social and health factors including pregnancy weight gain rate and pre-pregnancy body mass on low birth weight of the infant] Wplyw wybranych czynnikow spolecznych i zdrowotnych, w tym tempa przyrostu masy ciala w ciazy i masy przed ciaza, na mala mase urodzeniowa noworodka. Ginekol Pol 2008;79(6):415-21. Diouf I, Charles MA, Thiebaugeorges O, et al. Maternal weight change before pregnancy in relation to birthweight and risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Eur J Epidemiol 2011;26(10):789-96. Liabsuetrakul T, Southern Soil-Transmitted H, Maternal Health Working G. Is international or Asian criteria-based body mass index associated with maternal anaemia, low birthweight, and preterm births among Thai population? An observational study. J Health Popul Nutr 2011;29(3):218-28. Watanabe H, Inoue K, Doi M, et al. Risk factors for term small for gestational age infants in women with low prepregnancy body mass index. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2010;36(3):506-12. Velez MP, Santos IS, Matijasevich A, et al. Maternal low birth weight and adverse perinatal outcomes: the 1982 Pelotas Birth Cohort Study, Brazil. Rev Panam Salud Publica 2009;26(2):112-9. Salihu HM, Mbah AK, Alio AP, Lynch O, Wathington D, Kornosky JL. Maternal prepregnancy underweight and risk of early and late stillbirth in black and white gravidas. J Natl Med Assoc 2009;101(6):582-7. Ricci E, Parazzini F, Chiaffarino F, Cipriani S, Polverino G. Pre-pregnancy body mass index, maternal weight gain during pregnancy and risk of smallfor-gestational age birth: results from a case-control study in Italy. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2010;23(6):501-5. 90 Table 9. Environmental exposures* Domains of preconceptional risk factors Risk factors Detectability Treatment available Impact of preconception care Quality 2008 Quality newly identified articles Workplace exposure Maternal workplace exposures: Yes Yes III II-21-2 ‐ Many chemicals with adverse reproductive or developmental effects are in regular commercial use and thus pose a risk to women before pregnancy. During the preconceptional period harmful workplace exposures can be identified and alternative duty could be recommended. Consultation with an occupational medicine specialist may assist in carrying out a more detailed investigation regarding recommendations for work modification. Yes Yes During the preconception period potential exposures could be identified. Consultation with an occupational medicine specialist may assist with a more detailed investigation regarding recommendations for modifying exposures. III III4 Foetal: Household exposures ‐ There is an association between parental exposure to solvents and anencephaly in the offspring.1 A study in which women where exposed to solvents at the workplace due to environmental pollution showed a risk of childhood cancers, especially leukemia.2 Maternal household exposures: ‐ Hobbies of concern include those involving solvents such as oil-based paints and heavy metals (lead) which can be toxic to the foetus.3 ‐ Women with a high intake of fatty fish had 50% higher PCB concentrations than women with low intake. Maternal high PCB concentrations are inversely associated with birth weight and placental weight.4 Potential exposure to PCBs should be carefully considered before recommending weekly consumption of fatty fish among women of reproductive age. The bold items are the newly identified articles which strengthen evidence or add new risk factors to the AJOG 2008 supplement. 91 References 1. 2. 3. 4. Aguilar-Garduno C, Lacasana M, Blanco-Munoz J, Borja-Aburto VH, Garcia AM. Parental occupational exposure to organic solvents and anencephaly in Mexico. Occup Environ Med 2010;67(1):32-7. Sung TI, Wang JD, Chen PC. Increased risk of cancer in the offspring of female electronics workers. Reprod Toxicol 2008;25(1):115-9. Ellenhorn MJ, Bercelous DG, editors. Medical toxicology, diagnosis and treatment of human poisoning. New York: Elsevier 1988. Halldorsson TI, Thorsdottir I, Meltzer HM, Nielsen F, Olsen SF. Linking exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls with fatty fish consumption and reduced fetal growth among Danish pregnant women: a cause for concern? Am J Epidemiol 2008;168(8):958-65. 92 Table 10. Psychosocial stressors* Domains of are the Risk Impact of preconception care The bold items newlyfactors identified articles which strengthen evidence or add newDetectrisk factorsTreatment to the AJOG 2008 supplement. preconceptional ability available risk factors Inadequate financial resources Intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and childhood maltreatment Maternal financial problems: ‐ Poverty or low-income status makes it difficult to obtain food, shelter and other necessities to a healthy pregnancy.1-2 ‐ Maternal low educational level and low socioeconomic status are associated with intellectual disability in offspring (IQ < 70)3 and low maternal educational level is associated with preterm delivery.4 Interpersonal violence: Maternal: Preeclampsia,5 periconceptional alcohol use,6 physical harm, inconsistent contraception use, substance use, unplanned pregnancies, increased risk for sexually transmitted diseases, depression, at risk for posttraumatic stress disorder.7-8 ‐ Quality 2008 Quality newly identified articles Yes Uncertain It is assumed that increased income can reduce financial stress, improve food security and improve wellbeing that contributes to a healthy pregnancy. Benefit programs are seldom able to lift women out of poverty. III II-23-4 Yes Yes Main goal is the prevention of violence during pregnancy. Abuse assessment, providing information about sources of assistance and about safety plans and a nurse as case management protocol seem to reduce the level of interpersonal violence and contribute to adopt safety behaviours in women.12 III II-25, II-36 There is an increased risk for depression, and antisocial behaviour.9 Foetal: ‐ Risks of low birth weight and preterm birth (inconclusive data).10-11 Chronic psychosocial stress may disturb the body’s capacity to maintain stability through a change (called allostatis). Examples of allostasis are: feedback inhibition on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis to maintain the body’s stress response and the modulation of inflammatory response by the HPA axis.13-14 In case of chronic and repeated stress, such as the factors stated above, these systems may deteriorate. If pregnancy occurs when the allostatic system does not function optimally, pregnancy complications could occur, for instance premature delivery. Preconceptional or prenatal stressful events are also associated with diabetes and overweight15-16 in offspring and congenital anomalies (cleft lip).17 An important objective of preconception care is to restore allostasis by reducing chronic psychosocial stress before pregnancy.18 93 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Haas JS, Meneses V, McCormick MC. Outcomes and health status of socially disadvantaged women during pregnancy. J Womens Health Gend Based Med 1999;8(4):547-53. Huynh M, Parker JD, Harper S, Pamuk E, Schoendorf KC. Contextual effect of income inequality on birth outcomes. Int J Epidemiol 2005;34(4):888-95. Heikura U, Taanila A, Hartikainen AL, et al. Variations in prenatal sociodemographic factors associated with intellectual disability: a study of the 20year interval between two birth cohorts in northern Finland. Am J Epidemiol 2008;167(2):169-177. Morgen CS, Bjork C, Andersen PK, Mortensen LH, Nybo Andersen AM. Socioeconomic position and the risk of preterm birth--a study within the Danish National Birth Cohort. Int J Epidemiol 2008;37(5):1109-1120. Sanchez SE, Qiu C, Perales MT, Lam N, Garcia P, Williams MA. Intimate partner violence (IPV) and preeclampsia among Peruvian women. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2008;137(1):50-55. Alvanzo AA, Svikis DS. History of physical abuse and periconceptional drinking in pregnant women. Subst Use Misuse 2008;43(8-9):1098-1109. Coker AL. Does physical intimate partner violence affect sexual health? A systematic review. Trauma Violence Abuse 2007;8(2):149-77. Kendall-Tackett KA. Violence against women and the perinatal period: the impact of lifetime violence and abuse on pregnancy, postpartum, and breastfeeding. Trauma Violence Abuse 2007;8(3):344-53. Roberts TA, Klein JD, Fisher S. Longitudinal effect of intimate partner abuse on high-risk behavior among adolescents. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003;157(9):875-81. Sharps PW, Laughon K, Giangrande SK. Intimate partner violence and the childbearing year: maternal and infant health consequences. Trauma Violence Abuse 2007;8(2):105-16. Silverman JG, Decker MR, Reed E, Raj A. Intimate partner violence victimization prior to and during pregnancy among women residing in 26 U.S. states: associations with maternal and neonatal health. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2006;195(1):140-8. McFarlane JM, Groff JY, O'Brien JA, Watson K. Secondary prevention of intimate partner violence: a randomized controlled trial. Nurs Res 2006;55(1):52-61. McEwen BS. Protective and damaging effects of stress mediators. N Engl J Med 1998;338(3):171-9. Chrousos GP. The stress response and immune function: clinical implications. The 1999 Novera H. Spector Lecture. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2000;917:38-67. Virk J, Li J, Vestergaard M, Obel C, Lu M, Olsen J. Early life disease programming during the preconception and prenatal period: making the link between stressful life events and type-1 diabetes. PLoS One 2010;5(7):e11523. Li J, Olsen J, Vestergaard M, Obel C, Baker JL, Sorensen TI. Prenatal stress exposure related to maternal bereavement and risk of childhood overweight. PLoS One 2010;5(7):e11896. Mostowska A, Hozyasz KK, Wojcicka K, Lianeri M, Jagodzinski PP. Polymorphisms of stress-related genes and the risk of nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2011;91(11):948-955. Klerman LV, Jack BW, Coonrod DV, Lu MC, Fry-Johnson YW, Johnson K. The clinical content of preconception care: care of psychosocial stressors. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;199(6 Suppl 2):S362-6. 94 Table 11. Medication* Domains of preconceptional risk factors Risk factors Detectability Treatment available Impact of preconception care Quality 2008 Quality newly identified articles In general medication can be harmful because of the teratogenic characteristics or physiologic effects of the medication; among of which small for gestational age and fertility problems should be named. These depend on the dosage, route of administration and time in relation to the gestational age of which they are given. Important to emphasize is that under treatment of the disease can lead to higher occurrence of the perinatal adverse effects of that disease. Medication itself is therefore not the only risk factor; under treatment of the condition the medication aims to treat is an important risk factor when awareness around medication is addressed itself. Prescribed medication Medications accepted to be contraindicated in the periconceptional period are: ‐ Angiotensin-converting. ‐ Enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers.1,2 ‐ Statins. ‐ Androgens and testosterone. ‐ Derivatives. ‐ Carbamazepine. ‐ Folic acid antagonists.3 ‐ Leflunomide, thalidomide. ‐ Lithium. ‐ Phenytoin. ‐ Streptomycin and kanamycin. ‐ Tetracycline. Yes Yes Preconception care can identify potentially harmful medication and propose a management plan in which control of the condition is not compromised and foetal risks are minimised. Preconception care can increase awareness that prescribed medication can be potentially harmful and nonessential prescribed medication should be avoided. II-2 II-2 2 II-2 3 II-1 4 II-2 5 III 6 II-2 7 95 Over the counter drugs ‐ Valproic acid.4-6 ‐ Isotretoin. ‐ Some bronchodilators such as albuterol, are associated with higher risk of cleft lip.7 Medications accepted to be contraindicated in the periconceptional period are: ‐ Analgesics: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Naproxen. Yes Yes 1 Dietary supplements ‐ Cough and cold medication containing pseudoephedrine, Guaifenisin or Clemastine.1 ‐ Gastrointestinal medication containing Nizatidine, Famotidine.1 Maternal consumption of herbs/ herbal products: ‐ These may be abortifiacient, mimic oxytocin or be teratogenic at certain doses; studies of effects of herbal products in pregnancy are lacking to ensure safety.8 ‐ Weight loss products: studies of effects of herbal products in pregnancy are generally lacking to ensure safety. On the contrary a new case control trial was identified in which weight loss products in the periconceptional phase were associated with congenital abnormalities (dextroposition of the great arteries, anencephaly).9 ‐ Efficacy of dietary supplements and consequences of deficiencies in vitamins and minerals are described in the nutrition table and the efficacy table in this report. Preconception care can identify potentially harmful over the counter acquired drugs and propose a management plan in which control of the underlying symptoms is not compromised and foetal risks are minimised. Management options and safer alternatives may be available.1 III Preconception care can increase awareness amongst the patients that over the counter drugs are potentially harmful and use of nonessential over the counter drugs should be avoided. Yes Yes Preconception care can identify potentially harmful dietary supplements and propose a management plan in foetal risks are minimised. Management options and safer alternatives may be available. II-C II-29 Preconception care can increase awareness amongst the patients that dietary supplements are potentially harmful and that use of nonessential dietary supplements should be avoided. The bold items are the newly identified articles which strengthen evidence or add new risk factors to the AJOG 2008 supplement. 96 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dunlop AL, Gardiner PM, Shellhaas CS, Menard MK, McDiarmid MA. The clinical content of preconception care: the use of medications and supplements among women of reproductive age. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;199(6 Suppl 2):S367-72. Caton AR, Bell EM, Druschel CM, et al. Maternal hypertension, antihypertensive medication use, and the risk of severe hypospadias. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2008;82(1):34-40. Wen SW, Zhou J, Yang Q, Fraser W, Olatunbosun O, Walker M. Maternal exposure to folic acid antagonists and placenta-mediated adverse pregnancy outcomes. CMAJ 2008;179(12):1263-8. Mawer G, Briggs M, Baker GA, et al. Pregnancy with epilepsy: obstetric and neonatal outcome of a controlled study. Seizure 2010;19(2):112-9. Thomas SV, Ajaykumar B, Sindhu K, et al. Cardiac malformations are increased in infants of mothers with epilepsy. Pediatr Cardiol 2008;29(3):604-8. Holmes LB, Mittendorf R, Shen A, Smith CR, Hernandez-Diaz S. Fetal effects of anticonvulsant polytherapies: different risks from different drug combinations. Arch Neurol 2011;68(10):1275-81. Munsie JW, Lin S, Browne ML, et al. Maternal bronchodilator use and the risk of orofacial clefts. Hum Reprod 2011;26(11):3147-54. Refuerzo JS, Blackwell SC, Sokol RJ, et al. Use of over-the-counter medications and herbal remedies in pregnancy. Am J Perinatol 2005;22(6):321-4. Bitsko RH, Reefhuis J, Louik C, et al. Periconceptional use of weight loss products including ephedra and the association with birth defects. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol 2008;82(8):553-62. 97 Table 12. Reproductive history* Domains of preconceptional risk factors Risk factors Prior preterm birth ‐ Women with a history of preterm birth have an increased risk on subsequent preterm birth.1-3 Earlier preterm birth (in terms of gestation) increases the risk of recurrence. ‐ 1 preterm birth before 35 weeks: 16% reoccurrence risk, 2 preterm births: is associated wit a recurrence risk of 41%, 3 preterm births is associated with a recurrence risk of: 67%.4 5 ‐ Risk factors are (besides) previous preterm birth: Prior foetal growth restriction ‐ Multiple gestations ‐ African American ethnicity ‐ Chorioamnionitis ‐ Low maternal pre-pregnancy weight ‐ Large interpregnancy weight loss (> 5 kg/m2) ‐ Cigarette smoking ‐ Short pregnancy interval (< 12 months) ‐ History of cervix insufficiency ‐ Maternal periodontal disease ‐ Medication Foetal risks of growth restriction: ‐ Growth restricted foetuses account for almost half of all stillbirths. It is also a main cause for foetal Detectability Treatment available Impact of preconception care Quality 2008 Quality newly identified articles Yes Uncertain Preconception care provides the opportunity to identify women at risk for preterm birth due to prior preterm birth and due to risk factors which can result in preterm birth. Women can be counselled, about recurrence risks and a management plan can be formulated, when they are not yet pregnant. The preconceptional phase is an opportunity to treat some risk actors and theoretically decrease anxiety regarding reoccurrence of prematurity. I-a - Yes + / - Preconception care provides the opportunity to identify women at risk by determining their pregnancy history and planning next pregnancies II-2 - 98 asphyxia, meconium aspiration, serious neonatal morbidity, infant death. It has also consequences in childhood and adulthood (hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes, obesity, other chronic health problems).6 Prior caesarean delivery Prior miscarriage Prior stillbirth Uterine anomalies Foetal risks of growth restriction: ‐ Elective repeat caesarean: lower risk for dehiscence or uterine rupture ( gives severe disability of infant or death,7-8 severe haemorrhage, hysterectomy9-10) ‐ Success of trial of labour depends on type of incision, type of repair, maternal characteristics, time since last caesarean, labour initiation, number of prior caesareans.11 ‐ Multiple caesarean sections increase risks for placenta praevia, placenta increta, placenta percreta.12-13 Prior miscarriage: ‐ Overall: successful next pregnancy is observed in 50 to 75% of women. ‐ Recurrence rate differs with underlying cause. Prior stillbirth: ‐ Associations with low socioeconomic status are found.14 ‐ Reoccurrence rate is 2-10 fold increased in women with prior stillbirth.15-18 Known uterine anomalies: ‐ Prevalence of anomalies in women with history of poor reproductive outcomes is estimated at 13%.20 Yes Yes Counselling for elective caesarean versus trial of labour, which ideally occurs prior discharge after initial caesarean. II-2 - I-a - II-2 II-218 Counselling for family planning: the chance on uterine rupture is reduced 18 months after the initial caesarean section. Yes Work up for recurrent spontaneous abortion is done in the preconception period. If loss after gestational age of 14 weeks, work-up for ‘prior stillbirth’ could be considered. Yes Depending on cause In 50% the cause stays undetermined; Review circumstances and work-up of previous stillbirth; review autopsy reports. II-314 Risk on stillbirth is dependent on maternal characteristics and prior still birth.19 Yes No Best results in women with recurrent pregnancy loss with a uterine septum > 1 cm resection.20-22 II-3 - Awareness for increased risk for ectopic pregnancy due to uterine anomaly in early gestation.23 99 Foetomaternal: ‐ Ectopic pregnancy, postpartum haemorrhage, cervical insufficiency, pregnancy associated hypertension, uterine rupture, caesarean deliveries, prematurity, growth restriction, malpresentation, shoulder dystocia. The bold items are the newly identified articles which strengthen evidence or add new risk factors to the AJOG 2008 supplement. 100 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Fedrick J, Anderson AB. Factors associated with spontaneous pre-term birth. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1976;83(5):342-50. Bakketeig LS, Hoffman HJ, Harley EE. The tendency to repeat gestational age and birth weight in successive births. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1979;135(8):1086-103. Wen SW, Goldenberg RL, Cutter GR, Hoffman HJ, Cliver SP. Intrauterine growth retardation and preterm delivery: prenatal risk factors in an indigent population. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1990;162(1):213-8. Bloom SL, Yost NP, McIntire DD, Leveno KJ. Recurrence of preterm birth in singleton and twin pregnancies. Obstet Gynecol 2001;98(3):379-85. Spong CY. Prediction and prevention of recurrent spontaneous preterm birth. Obstet Gynecol 2007;110(2 Pt 1):405-15. Berghella V. Prevention of recurrent fetal growth restriction. Obstet Gynecol 2007;110(4):904-12. Bujold E, Gauthier RJ. Neonatal morbidity associated with uterine rupture: what are the risk factors? Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002;186(2):311-4. Bujold E, Bujold C, Hamilton EF, Harel F, Gauthier RJ. The impact of a single-layer or double-layer closure on uterine rupture. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002;186(6):1326-30. Kieser KE, Baskett TF. A 10-year population-based study of uterine rupture. Obstet Gynecol 2002;100(4):749-53. Hibbard JU, Gilbert S, Landon MB, et al. Trial of labor or repeat cesarean delivery in women with morbid obesity and previous cesarean delivery. Obstet Gynecol 2006;108(1):125-33. Shipp TD, Zelop C, Lieberman E. Assessment of the rate of uterine rupture at the first prenatal visit: a preliminary evaluation. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2008;21(2):129-33. Getahun D, Oyelese Y, Salihu HM, Ananth CV. Previous cesarean delivery and risks of placenta previa and placental abruption. Obstet Gynecol 2006;107(4):771-8. Grobman WA, Gersnoviez R, Landon MB, et al. Pregnancy outcomes for women with placenta previa in relation to the number of prior cesarean deliveries. Obstet Gynecol 2007;110(6):1249-55. Goy J, Dodds L, Rosenberg MW, King WD. Health-risk behaviours: examining social disparities in the occurrence of stillbirth. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2008;22(4):314-320. Greenwood R, Samms-Vaughan M, Golding J, Ashley D. Past obstetric history and risk of perinatal death in Jamaica. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 1994;8 Suppl 1:40-53. Samueloff A, Xenakis EM, Berkus MD, Huff RW, Langer O. Recurrent stillbirth. Significance and characteristics. J Reprod Med 1993;38(11):883-6. Sharma PP, Salihu HM, Oyelese Y, Ananth CV, Kirby RS. Is race a determinant of stillbirth recurrence? Obstet Gynecol 2006;107(2 Pt 1):391-7. August EM, Salihu HM, Weldeselasse H, Biroscak BJ, Mbah AK, Alio AP. Infant mortality and subsequent risk of stillbirth: a retrospective cohort study. Bjog 2011;118(13):1636-1645. Fretts RC. Etiology and prevention of stillbirth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005;193(6):1923-35. Grimbizis GF, Camus M, Tarlatzis BC, Bontis JN, Devroey P. Clinical implications of uterine malformations and hysteroscopic treatment results. Hum Reprod Update 2001;7(2):161-74. Homer HA, Li TC, Cooke ID. The septate uterus: a review of management and reproductive outcome. Fertil Steril 2000;73(1):1-14. Daly DC, Maier D, Soto-Albors C. Hysteroscopic metroplasty: six years' experience. Obstet Gynecol 1989;73(2):201-5. Lin PC. Reproductive outcomes in women with uterine anomalies. J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2004;13(1):33-9. 101 Table 13. Special groups Domains of preconceptional risk factors Risk factors Detectability Treatment available Impact of preconception care Quality 2008 Quality newly identified articles Women with disabilities Maternal disabilities: Yes Uncertain III - ‐ Barriers (physical, administrative, attitudinal) to access care.2-5 ‐ Women with functional limitations are more likely to smoke have hypertension, overweight, mental health problems or poor health overall, compared to women without functional limitations.6 Preconceptional planning can aim to maximize social and environmental support.2 Preconception care can identify relevant risk factors (associated conditions), as in any group.2 Issue in efficacy of care is to reach the women due to the barriers.2 3-5 Treatment/ management options for the individual conditions are available. Evidence that care specifically for disabled women improve pregnancy outcome is lacking.2 ‐ Complications that may develop or worsen during pregnancy:3-5 ‐ Deep venous thrombosis ‐ Urinary tract infections ‐ Respiratory dysfunction ‐ Urinary incontinence ‐ Spasticity ‐ Constipation ‐ Pressure ulcers ‐ Falls Maternal status of immigrant: +/- Uncertain Preconception care should focus on access of these groups to primary care, before pregnancy occurs. III II-2 149 Immigrant and refugee populations Foetal: ‐ Low birth weight;7,8 Among African American immigrants one cohort study reported higher risk Furthermore attention to the specific risks the individual has attained in the country of origin and in the new country should occur. 102 of premature delivery. 9 Efficiency of care is limited by the barriers of these groups to the care.2 Maternal: Cancer survivors ‐ Risks related to the country of origin.2 ‐ Risk of infectious diseases endemic to the area of origin. ‐ Psychosocial stressors exposed to in the country of origin and the country where the woman immigrated to (e.g. war, prosecution).2 ‐ Under treatment of medical conditions due to the health care facilities in the country of origin. ‐ Differences in immunisation status (the risk is lack of immunization to the diseases endemic to the country that is emigrated to). ‐ Social, language and cultural barriers to health care access due to arrival in a new country.2,10,11-12 Women who survived cancer who wish to conceive: Maternal: ‐ Recurrence risk of the disease.2 ‐ Comprised fertility.2 ‐ Depression chronic fatigue, cognitive changes, neuropathies may difficult pregnancy and parenting.2 ‐ Certain chemotherapies or radiotherapy regimens are associated damage to the decreased cardiac condition.13 +/- No Preconception care can counsel the woman on possible genetic risks due to hereditary cancer, fertility issues, specific risks due to her condition as a cancer survivor (such as the cardiovascular condition), before pregnancy. III II-214 Newly diagnosed cancer patients should be counselled about fertility preservation. Foetal: ‐ Low birth weight, when abdominal pelvic radiation has taken place.2 ‐ Risk of stillbirth after radiation of the gonads, this risk seems higher after radiation prior to menarche.14 103 ‐ There does not seem to be a risk for miscarriages, birth defects.15,16 ‐ Here is no documented risk in childhood cancer in the offspring of the woman who survived cancer16,15. A longer follow-up time is necessary, because survivors of hereditary cancers may pass on the genetic mutations associated with these cancers. ‐ Certain maternal medication taken in case of cancer is contraindicated in pregnancy due to risk of birth defects.2 The bold items are the newly identified articles which strengthen evidence or add new risk factors to the AJOG 2008 supplement. 104 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Berghella V. Prevention of recurrent fetal growth restriction. Obstet Gynecol 2007;110(4):904-12. Ruhl C, Moran B. The clinical content of preconception care: preconception care for special populations. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;199(6 Suppl 2):S384-8. Howell L, Kochhar K, Saywell R, Jr., et al. Use of herbal remedies by Hispanic patients: do they inform their physician? J Am Board Fam Med 2006;19(6):566-78. Kaplan C. Special issues in contraception: caring for women with disabilities. J Midwifery Womens Health 2006;51(6):450-6. Smeltzer SC. Pregnancy in women with physical disabilities. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2007;36(1):88-96. Chevarley FM, Thierry JM, Gill CJ, Ryerson AB, Nosek MA. Health, preventive health care, and health care access among women with disabilities in the 1994-1995 National Health Interview Survey, Supplement on Disability. Womens Health Issues 2006;16(6):297-312. Alder J, Fink N, Lapaire O, et al. The effect of migration background on obstetric performance in Switzerland. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2008;13(1):103-8. Tierney-Gumaer R, Reifsnider E. Risk factors for low birth weight infants of Hispanic, African American, and White women in Bexar County, Texas. Public Health Nurs 2008;25(5):390-400. Cacciani L, Asole S, Polo A, et al. Perinatal outcomes among immigrant mothers over two periods in a region of central Italy. BMC Public Health 2011;11:294. Office of Dietary Supplements. Dietary supplement fact sheet: vitamin A and carotenoids. Available at: . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Viral Hepatitis B frequently asked Questions. 2006; 2007. National Center for Cultural Competence. Conceptual frameworks/models, guiding values and principles.; Landier W, Bhatia S, Eshelman DA, et al. Development of risk-based guidelines for pediatric cancer survivors: the Children's Oncology Group LongTerm Follow-Up Guidelines from the Children's Oncology Group Late Effects Committee and Nursing Discipline. J Clin Oncol 2004;22(24):4979-90. Signorello LB, Mulvihill JJ, Green DM, et al. Stillbirth and neonatal death in relation to radiation exposure before conception: a retrospective cohort study. Lancet 2010;376(9741):624-30. Green DM, Whitton JA, Stovall M, et al. Pregnancy outcome of female survivors of childhood cancer: a report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002;187(4):1070-80. Chiarelli AM, Marrett LD, Darlington GA. Pregnancy outcomes in females after treatment for childhood cancer. Epidemiology 2000;11(2):161-6. 105 IV. Effectiveness of the interventions in reducing the risk factors before pregnancy Sevilay Temel, Sabine F. van Voorst, Rachel Bakker, Lieke C. de Jong-Potjer, Chantal Quispel, Amber A. Vos, Semiha Denktaş, Eric A.P. Steegers Introduction This chapter describes the evidence – based on their associated risk factors – of the impact of the intervention for each domain. In 2009, a Cochrane review focused on the impact of routine lifestyle interventions in preconception care versus no preconception care or usual care.1 The scope of this review is not only to identify effective and available interventions focusing on health promotion but also interventions aiming to identify and modify risk factors. This is important for a number of potentially modifiable risk factors, which are known to be associated with poor pregnancy outcomes, such as smoking, drinking (excess) alcohol, and not taking folic acid supplements during the periconception period. Effective preconception care interventions could be an opportunity for improving pregnancy outcomes by encouraging behavioural change and allowing early identification of risk factors preconceptionally. Methods Search The literature identification and selection process is summarized in Figure 1. We performed an electronic search in PubMed, Embase and Web of Science to identify evidence on the effectiveness and availability of interventions for the risk factor concerned including interventions focusing on (a) health promotion [basic health assessment, advice or both], and (b) interventions aiming to identify and modify risk factors. The search (Appendix 1) included preconception interventions ranged from a brief advice to group education sessions on health and lifestyle over several sessions. Also intensified treatment in the diabetic group was regarded as preconception intervention. Key words were extracts of ‘preconception care’ or the ‘time before conception’ or ‘interconception’ and ‘intervention’ or ‘counselling’. Search criteria were: published from 1900 until January 06 2012 and no animal studies. Two reviewers (ST and SVV) independently assessed eligibility of identified articles based on title and abstract. Further selection was performed according to predefined criteria (the study assesses interventions, addressed in the preconception phase for an adverse pregnancy outcome). Articles were retrieved in full text and quality was assessed according to predefined criteria as described in Appendix 2. 106 The search resulted in 678 articles. As 106 duplicates were found, 572 potential articles were identified. Based on screening by title and abstract 496 non-eligible articles were excluded. After screening the remaining 76 articles, 28 full text articles were excluded for reasons stated. Additionally, based on references extracted from systematic reviews another 56 articles were included resulting in a total of 104 articles. Figure 1. Study identification and selection process Results Since 1946 several preconception interventions to improve either maternal and/or foetal outcome have been described as preconception care health programs. Studies often targeted specific risk factors such as diabetes, infectious diseases, folic acid and/or multivitamin use or targeted specific subgroups. This section summarizes the results. 107 Preconception care health programs (Table 1) Several preconception counselling and intervention programs aiming to modify health risk behaviour for adverse pregnancy outcomes have reported some degree of effectiveness. In the Strong Healthy Women intervention women were more likely to report (a) higher selfefficacy for consuming healthy foods, (b) a higher intention to eat healthy foods and (c) behavioural changes, e.g. more physical activity and using daily multivitamins with folic acid as was found 12 weeks after the intervention period2 During a 12-months follow-up the women of this intervention group were more likely to use multivitamins with folic acid daily, have lower weight and a lower BMI.3 Other preconception programs have also reported higher internal health locus of control,4 higher knowledge of risk factors5 and a lower mean State Anxiety Inventory score was reported after preconception counselling,6 indicating lower anxiety when preconceptional risk factors were identified and addressed during preconception counselling. In contrast to the study mentioned before, another study observed no change in anxiety levels after counselling or during the first trimester of pregnancy7. Other effects were a higher use of folic acid supplementation before pregnancy5, 8-9 with an improvement in cell folate among women planning to conceive10, reduced alcohol consumption,5, 8, 11 increased daily intake of vegetables,8 more often read food labels8 and more often women met physical activity guidelines.8 Chronic diseases: Diabetes (Table 4) Preconception counselling (e.g. intensive insulin therapy, glycemic control, counselling?) in women with diabetes type 1 and/or type 2 have resulted in improvement of lifestyle behaviour with lower intake of alcohol consumption12, less women smoking13 and more women taking folic acid supplements.14 Lower Hba1C levels were seen following preconception counselling,12, 14-17 women entered prenatal care at an earlier gestation,14, 17 women had less spontaneous abortions18 and fewer adverse pregnancy outcome.14 Furthermore women were less hospitalized during pregnancy, had a shorter mean length of stay after delivery,17 but had a higher rate of caesarean section.16 Infant outcome also improved after counselling showing lower prevalence of being small for gestational age16 and less major and minor congenital anomalies.13 Infections and/or Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Table 3) Prepregnancy pertussis booster vaccination resulted in higher antibody titers against pertussis antigens as measured in cord blood and in blood of 1-month-old infants.19 This implies better protection against congenital pertussis infection. 108 Asymptomatic candida colonisation was associated with higher risk of preterm birth and this risk was reduced with Clotrimazole treatment preconceptionally.20 Preconceptionally given antibiotics are associated with lower acquisition and higher resolution of Gardnerella.21 Folic acid and/or multivitamins (Table 2) Preconceptional use of folic acid supplements and/or multivitamins is proven to be associated with significant reduction in neural tube defects,22-25 less recurrence of neural tube defects23, 26 and less neural tube defects with associated major congenital anomalies.27 Also the risk on overall congenital heart defects22, 28-30 and particular (outflow tract defects,30 ventricular septal defect30-31 and isolated septal defectt28 heart defects is lower due to preconceptional use of folic acid supplements and/or multivitamins. Furthermore, risk reduction is seen in omphalocele,32 cleft lip with/without cleft palate,33-40 orofacial clefts,36 stenosis/atresia of pelvicureteric junction,22, 29, 31, 33, 41 neuroblastoma,42 imperforate anus43 and limb deficiency.44 Besides a risk reduction in structural congenital anomalies, also a risk reduction is reported in lower birth weight infants (<2500g)45-47 and preterm delivery from 20-32 weeks.48 Higher risk on multiple pregnancies49 50-51 due to preconceptional use of folic acid supplements and/or multivitamins was also reported. Eight observational studies examining folic acid food fortification in a meta-analyse gave an estimate significant risk reduction in neural tube defect incidence of 46%.23 However, adverse effects of preconceptional use of folic acid and/or multivitamins are reported in two retrospective case-control studies reporting a higher risk of multiple congenital anomalies52-53 among mothers of infants with previous multiple congenital anomalies. One RCT from Hungarian reported a significant increase of 16% in rates of miscarriage between supplemented and trace-element groups.54 Sub-groups (Table 5) Subfertile women and men attending a preconception counselling clinic reported lower scores on the median Preconception Dietary Risk (based on six Dutch dietary guidelines) and on the median Rotterdam Reproduction Risk score (based on lifestyle factors: women 13 items, men 10 items) due to higher physical activity, higher folic acid use, less alcohol use among men, higher fruit intake among men and women and higher fish consumption among women.55 Serum cotinine decreased significantly after preconception counselling intervention on smoking cessation in women (indicating reduced smoking), but none of the women stopped smoking.56 Women with reported previous spontaneous abortions and treated with a 109 ‘single’ therapy on Heparin plus Aspirin preconceptional had higher pregnancy success rates.57 Conclusion A list of preconception interventions associated with reduced maternal and/or foetal risk and reduced adverse outcomes was reviewed. This overview represents the current state of evidence regarding, merely modifiable, effective preconception interventions to reduce and modify risk factors in the periconceptional period. Numerous risk factors for maternal and foetal health have been identified and can be modified. But the numbers of interventions that are proven effective when started before the conception are still limited. More research is needed on the effects of preconception interventions to fully understand the additional benefit of preconception care. 110 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Whitworth M, Dowswell T. Routine pre-pregnancy health promotion for improving pregnancy outcomes. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2009:CD007536. Hillemeier MM, Downs DS, Feinberg ME, et al. Improving women's preconceptional health: findings from a randomized trial of the Strong Healthy Women intervention in the Central Pennsylvania women's health study. Womens Health Issues 2008;18:S87-96. Weisman CS, Misra DP, Hillemeier MM, et al. Preconception predictors of birth outcomes: prospective findings from the central Pennsylvania women's health study. Matern Child Health J 2011;15:829-35. Bastani F, Hashemi S, Bastani N, Haghani H. Impact of preconception health education on health locus of control and self-efficacy in women. East Mediterr Health J 2010;16:396-401. Elsinga J, de Jong-Potjer LC, van der Pal-de Bruin KM, le Cessie S, Assendelft WJ, Buitendijk SE. The effect of preconception counselling on lifestyle and other behaviour before and during pregnancy. Womens Health Issues 2008;18:S117-25. de Jong-Potjer LC, Elsinga J, le Cessie S, et al. GP-initiated preconception counselling in a randomised controlled trial does not induce anxiety. BMC Fam Pract 2006;7:66. de Weerd S, van der Bij AK, Braspenning JC, Cikot RJ, Braat DD, Steegers EA. 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Am J Reprod Immunol 1999;41:271-8. 113 Appendix 1: Search terms PubMed: (preconception*[tw] OR pre-conception*[tw] OR prepregnan*[tw] OR pre-pregnan*[tw] OR pregestation*[tw] OR pre-gestation*[tw] OR periconception*[tw] OR peri-conception*[tw] OR interconception*[tw] OR inter-conception*[tw] OR interpregnan*[tw] OR inter-pregnan*[tw] OR internatal*[tw] OR inter-natal*[tw] OR intergestation*[tw] OR inter-gestation*[tw]) AND (education*[tw] OR promotion*[tw] OR care[tw] OR campaign*[tw] OR counsel*[tw] OR wellness*[tw] OR intervent*[tw]) AND (matern*[tw] OR mother*[tw] OR paternal*[tw] OR father*[tw] OR parent*[tw]) AND (Humans[Mesh] AND Female[MeSH Terms] AND (Clinical Trial[ptyp] OR Randomized Controlled Trial[ptyp]) AND English[lang]) Embase: preconception* OR prepregnan* OR pregestation* OR periconception* OR interconception* OR interpregnan* OR internatal* OR intergestation* OR pre NEAR/1 (conception* OR pregnan* OR gestation*) OR peri NEAR/1 conception* OR inter NEAR/1 (conception* OR pregnan* OR gestation* OR natal*) AND (education* OR promotion* OR care OR campaign* OR counsel* OR wellness* OR intervent*) AND (matern* OR mother* OR paternal* OR father* OR parent*) AND ([cochrane review]/lim OR [controlled clinical trial]/lim OR [randomized controlled trial]/lim) AND [female]/lim AND [humans]/lim AND [english]/lim Web of Science: Topic=((preconception* OR prepregnan* OR pregestation* OR periconception* OR interconception* OR interpregnan* OR internatal* OR intergestation* OR (pre NEAR/1 (conception* OR pregnan* OR gestation*)) OR (peri NEAR/1 conception*) OR (inter NEAR/1 (conception* OR pregnan* OR gestation* OR natal*))) AND (education* OR promotion* OR care OR campaign* OR counsel* OR wellness* OR intervent*) AND (matern* OR mother* OR paternal* OR father* OR parent*) AND cohort) Refined by: Document Type=( ARTICLE OR PROCEEDINGS PAPER ) Topic=((preconception* OR prepregnan* OR pregestation* OR periconception* OR interconception* OR interpregnan* OR internatal* OR intergestation* OR (pre NEAR/1 (conception* OR pregnan* OR gestation*)) OR (peri NEAR/1 conception*) OR (inter NEAR/1 (conception* OR pregnan* OR gestation* OR natal*))) AND (education* OR promotion* OR care OR campaign* OR counsel* OR wellness* OR intervent*) AND (matern* OR mother* OR paternal* OR father* OR parent*) AND (case control)) Refined by: Document Type=( ARTICLE OR PROCEEDINGS PAPER ) Databases=SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH Timespan=All Years Lemmatization=On Topic=((preconception* OR prepregnan* OR pregestation* OR periconception* OR interconception* OR interpregnan* OR internatal* OR intergestation* OR (pre NEAR/1 (conception* OR pregnan* OR gestation*)) OR (peri NEAR/1 conception*) OR (inter NEAR/1 (conception* OR pregnan* OR gestation* OR natal*))) AND (education* OR promotion* OR care OR campaign* OR counsel* OR wellness* OR intervent*) AND (matern* OR mother* OR paternal* OR father* OR parent*) AND (observational)) Refined by: Document Type=( ARTICLE OR PROCEEDINGS PAPER ) Databases=SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH Timespan=All Years Lemmatization=On Topic=((preconception* OR prepregnan* OR pregestation* OR periconception* OR interconception* OR interpregnan* OR internatal* OR intergestation* OR (pre NEAR/1 (conception* OR pregnan* OR gestation*)) OR (peri NEAR/1 conception*) OR (inter NEAR/1 (conception* OR pregnan* OR gestation* OR natal*))) AND (education* OR promotion* OR care OR campaign* OR counsel* OR wellness* OR intervent*) AND (matern* OR mother* OR paternal* OR father* OR parent*) AND RCT) Databases=SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH Timespan=All Years Lemmatization=On 114 Appendix 2: Criteria for Quality assessment Quality of evidence I-a: at least 1 properly conducted randomized controlled trial BEFORE pregnancy I-b: at least 1 properly conducted randomized controlled trial not necessarily before pregnancy II-1: well-designed controlled trials without randomization II-2: cohort or case-control studies II-3: multiple time series with or without intervention or dramatic results in uncontrolled experiments III: opinions: clinical experience, descriptive statistics, case reports or reports of experts committees 115 Table 1. Preconception care health education Intervention Author, design and year study Outcome Quality Strong Healthy Women intervention Hillemeier et al, 20081 RCT Two groups: a) Intervention group (n=252) b) Control group (n=110) I-a Strong Healthy Women intervention versus no intervention Timeframe: unclear - Significant intervention effects were shown for self-efficacy, behavioural intent and behaviour change related primarily to nutrition and physical activity. The Strong Healthy Women intervention contains six small-group sessions for nonpregnant pre- and interconceptional women, spread out over a 12-week period in a community setting. - Compared to controls, women in the intervention group were more likely to: 1) Report higher self-efficacy for eating healthy food (general linear models (GLM) coefficient 1.109; p-value 0.018) and for perceived preconception control (OR 1.916; p-value 0.031) compared to controls. 2) Have a greater intent to eat healthier foods (OR 1.757; p-value 0.008) and to be more physically active (OR 2.185; p-value < 0.001). 3) Have behaviour changes including greater likelihoods of reading food labels for nutritional values (OR 2.264; p-value 0.001), greater likelihoods of daily multivitamin with folic acid (OR 6.595; p-value < 0.001) and higher rates of meeting recommended physical activity levels (OR 1.867; p-value 0.019). This intervention aims to modify healthy risk behaviour for adverse pregnancy outcomes such as preterm birth and low birth weight. Healthy risk behaviour include poor nutrition, low physical activity, tobacco use, alcohol use and exposure, unhealthy coping with stress, gynaecologic infections, and inadequate pregnancy planning or spacing. - No significant intervention effects were seen in anthropometric and biomarker measures, including BMI, weight, waist circumference, blood pressure, and blood tests, such as serum glucose, HDL cholesterol and total cholesterol. This article reported about the short-term effects of the intervention. Strong Healthy Women intervention Strong Healthy Women intervention versus no intervention as described above - Significant dose effects were found for perceived internal preconceptional control (OR 1.309; pvalue 0.002), reading food labels (OR 1.161; p-value 0.015), engaging in relaxation exercise or meditation for stress management (OR 1.236; p-value 0.009), and daily use of multivitamin with folic acid (OR 1.448; p-value < 0.001). Weisman et al. 20112 RCT Timeframe: unclear Patients: a) Women who participated in the original trial of the Strong Healthy Women intervention (n=362 = total post-test analyses) b) Birth records from women who gave birth to singletons during the follow-up period (n=45). I-a 116 This article reported about the long-term effects of the intervention (12 months followup). - Intervention effect on reading food labels for nutritional values dropped off between the 6- and 12-month follow-up (OR, 1.97; 95% CI, 1.07-3.65 and OR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.40-1.23). - At 12 months follow-up women of the intervention group were more likely to use multivitamin with folic acid daily (OR, 2.15; 95% CI, 1.19-3.88), were more likely to have a lower weight (OR -4.33; 95% CI -8.16- -0.49) and were more likely to have a lower BMI (OR -0.75; 95% CI -1.39- -0.11). - Intervention effect on physical activity, consumption of fruit and vegetables was not maintained during the follow-up periods (OR 1.00; 95% CI, 0.57-1.76; OR 0.68, 95% CI 0.39-1.21; OR 0.99, 95% CI 0.57-1.71). - The significant intervention effect on gaining weight during pregnancy among the women in the intervention group who gave birth to full-term singletons (23.4% vs. 41.4%; p-value 0.023) was no longer significant when controlling for pre-pregnancy obesity (23.8% vs. 34.2%; p-value 0.138). - No intervention effects on the odds of exceeding the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommended weight gain for women’s each pre-pregnancy BMI category were shown (42.9% vs. 55.6%; p-value 0.645). Preconception health education workshops Single two-hour workshop session for 8 to 12 women at a premarital counselling clinic for both the intervention and the control group. In addition, women in the intervention group received an individualized healthy lifestyle training prior to the standard workshop. Bastani et al, 20103 RCT 2006-2007 I-a - No significant pre-intervention effects were found for health locus of control (mean score internal HLOC 15.9 vs. 15.8; p-value 0.918 and mean score external HLOC 23.5 vs. 24.0; p-value 0.409) and self-efficacy for exercise (mean score in both the intervention and control group 3.5; p-value 0.577). - Post-intervention effects on external health locus of control (HLOC) maintained not significant (means scores 23.2 vs. 23.1; p-value 0.890). The aim of the intervention is empowering women to understand future risks of unhealthy lifestyles. Including education on physical activity, psychological and emotional health in women and the relation between (un)healthy lifestyles and morbidity and mortality, and the consequences of over- or underweight on pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes. Preconception counselling Two groups of self-reported healthy women planning to conceive in the first year of marriage: a) Intervention group (n=109) b) Control group (n=101) - Post-intervention effects on internal HLOC and exercise self-efficacy became significant different (mean internal HLOC score of 22.3 vs. 15.9; p-value < 0.001 and self-efficacy scores 18.9 vs. 11.0; p-value < 0.001). - Pre- and post-intervention mean scores differed significantly for both the intervention and the control group (internal HLOC p-value < 0.001, external HLOC p-value 0.003, exercise self-efficacy p-value < 0.001). Elsinga et al, 20084 Two groups: I-a 117 Usual care versus GP-initiated preconception counselling (PCC) for women RCT 2000-2003 a) Women participating in PCC (n=211) b) Women in usual care (n=422) - Increase in knowledge of women participating in PCC (81.5%; n=211) compared to women in usual care (76.9%; n=422). - Significantly more women of PCC group started using folic acid before pregnancy (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 4.93; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.81–8.66) and reduced alcohol use during the first 3 months of pregnancy (adjusted OR, 1.79; 95% CI, 1.08–2.97). - Adverse pregnancy outcomes women PCC: 16% (OR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.48–1.22). Adverse pregnancy outcomes women in usual care: 20% Group education for pre- and interconceptional women, addressing pregnancy and conception. This article published strategies to recruit women for group education. Data of the intervention itself is unpublished, but reported in a Cochrane review (Whitworth et al, 2009) which we used as source. The aim of the intervention was to improve lifestyle changes, stress management and to prevent infections Velott et al, 20085 RCT Timeframe: unclear Two groups: a) Intervention group (n=252) b) Control group received no active intervention (n=110) I-a After three months follow-up: - No significant change in cigarette smoking compared to baseline measurements in both groups. (Intervention group 67/251 vs. 68/252 and control group 36/109 vs. 33/108 after follow-up). - Alcohol consumption decreased among women in the intervention group (172/251 before vs. 155/250 after) compared to the control group (64/109 vs. 62/108 after follow-up). - Folic acid use was higher among women in the intervention group (88/250 before and 180/246 after follow-up in the intervention group vs. 34/109 before and 34/109 and 42/110 after follow-up in the control group). - Physical activity guidelines were more often met in the intervention group (82/250 before and 102/250 after) compared to the control group (34/108 before and 33/110 after). - Daily intake of fruits did not change in both groups (62/252 and 64/251 intervention group vs. 21/110 and 29/110 control group). - Daily intake of vegetable increased in the intervention group (58/252 vs. 71/252) but decreased in the control group (27/110 vs. 19/110). - Food labels were read more often among women in the intervention group (72/252 before and 82/252 after follow-up versus 33/110 before and 29/110 after follow-up). 118 Preconception counselling versus preconception information only To reduce the risk of an alcohol-exposed Floyd et al, 20076 RCT 2002-2005 pregnancy (AEP) in preconception women Two groups of non-pregnant women who were ‘risky drinkers’ (8 drinks per week or more than 5 drinks on 1 occasion). a) Women in the intervention group received preconceptional counselling on reducing alcohol, with personalised feedback and goal setting (n=416). b) Women in the control group received written preconceptional information only (n=414). I-a Women in the intervention group had higher odds to be at reduced risk for alcohol-exposed pregnancies (AEP) than the control group at three months follow-up (OR 2.31; 95% CI 1.69-3.20), at six months follow-up (OR 2.15; 95% CI 1.52-3.06) and at nine months follow-up (OR 2.11; 95% CI 1.47-3.03). Preconception counselling Usual care versus GP-initiated preconception counselling for women De Jong-Potjer et al, 20067 RCT 2000-2003 Two groups: a) GP practices providing usual care (control group, n=37 practices) b) GP practices providing preconception counselling (intervention group, n=30 practices) I-a - Mean State Trait Anxiety Inventory I (STAI-I) score before preconception counselling was 36.4 (95% CI 35.4-37.3) (n=466). After preconception counselling the mean STAI-II score was 3.6 points lower (95% CI 2.4-4.8) (n=466). - Postpartum, when focussing on the first trimester of pregnancy, mean scores of STAI-III were 38.7 (95% CI 37.9-39.5) among women in the intervention group (n=1186) and 38.5 (95% CI 37.739.3) on average in the control group (n=1090). Pre-pregnancy information, advice and counselling Women who attended local Maternal and Child Health centres with their first child were visited by a midwife, who discussed their previous pregnancy and answered any questions (control group). In the intervention group, health assessment, pre-pregnancy information, advice and counselling was offered: Pre-Pregnancy Information and Counselling Service (PPIS). Lumley et al, 20068 RCT 1982-1994 Two groups, including non-pregnant women with one child in a community setting with high risk of poor birth outcomes: a) Intervention group (n=392) b) Control group (n=394) I-a - Infant birth weight was 97.4 gram lower among infants in the intervention group (-97.4 g). - No significant differences between intervention and control group were found in the proportion of preterm birth (OR 1.44; 95% CI 0.73-2.91), low birth weight (OR 1.85, 95% CI 0.91-3.91) or birth weigh < 10th percentile (OR 1.14, 95% CI 0.55-2.38). - Compared to the controls, the intervention group had more births < 32 weeks (10 vs. 1), more birth weights < 2000 g (16 vs. 2), and more perinatal deaths due to birth anomalies (5 vs. 2). 119 Preconception counselling to increase the use of folic acid supplements among preconceptional women Robbins et al, 20059 RCT Timeframe: unclear De Weerd et al, 200210 Cohort study 1997-1999 Women and their partners reported folic acid supplement intake in a preconceptional health questionnaire, and the women were categorized as reported ‘users’ or ‘nonusers’ before counselling During the subsequent preconception counselling the use of periconceptional folic acid was addressed Psychological impact of preconception counselling Assessment of anxiety levels in women and men before and after preconception counselling and during the first trimester of pregnancy I-a - The intervention increased weekly use of folic acid (68% in the intervention group vs. 20% in the control group; p-value 0.008). No significant differences were found in daily folic acid use (67% in the intervention group vs. 54% in the control group; p-value 0.549). The intervention group received a brief folic acid counselling followed by a reminder phone call and 30 folic acid tablets. The control group received a brief counselling on preventive health behaviours Preconception counselling To assess whether counselling women planning pregnancy to start or continue folic acid supplementation improves folate status Two groups: a) Women in the intervention group (n=162, of which 139 were analysed). b) Women in the control group (n=160, of which 140 were analysed). A Total of 111 (66%) of 168 eligible women participated. II-2 Estimated mean red cell folate levels of women who reported no use of folic acid supplements before counselling increased significanlt after 4 months from 540 nmol/L to 680 nmol/L. Red cell folate levels of women who reported taking supplements (44%) remained stable up to 1 year after counselling. Women with low precounselling folate levels showed a highly significant mean increase in red cell folate from 475nmol/L to 689nmol/L 4 months after counselling. De Weerd et al, 200111 Cohort study 1997-1999 53 women and 51 men (74%) completed the STAI both before and after counselling. II-2 Anxiety levels did not change significantly after counselling or during the first trimester of pregnancy. Anxiety was assessed using the 40-item Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) 120 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Hillemeier MM, Downs DS, Feinberg ME, et al. Improving women's preconceptional health: findings from a randomized trial of the Strong Healthy Women intervention in the Central Pennsylvania women's health study. Womens Health Issues 2008;18(6 Suppl):S87-96. Weisman CS, Misra DP, Hillemeier MM, et al. Preconception predictors of birth outcomes: prospective findings from the central Pennsylvania women's health study. Matern Child Health J 2011;15(7):829-35. Bastani F, Hashemi S, Bastani N, Haghani H. Impact of preconception health education on health locus of control and self-efficacy in women. East Mediterr Health J 2010;16(4):396-401. Elsinga J, de Jong-Potjer LC, van der Pal-de Bruin KM, le Cessie S, Assendelft WJ, Buitendijk SE. The effect of preconception counselling on lifestyle and other behaviour before and during pregnancy. Womens Health Issues 2008;18(6 Suppl):S117-25. Velott DL, Baker SA, Hillemeier MM, Weisman CS. Participant recruitment to a randomized trial of a community-based behavioral intervention for preand interconceptional women findings from the Central Pennsylvania Women's Health Study. Womens Health Issues 2008;18(3):217-24. Floyd RL, Sobell M, Velasquez MM, et al. Preventing alcohol-exposed pregnancies: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Prev Med 2007;32(1):1-10. de Jong-Potjer LC, Elsinga J, le Cessie S, et al. GP-initiated preconception counselling in a randomised controlled trial does not induce anxiety. BMC Fam Pract 2006;7:66. Lumley J, Donohue L. Aiming to increase birth weight: a randomised trial of pre-pregnancy information, advice and counselling in inner-urban Melbourne. BMC Public Health 2006;6:299. Robbins JM, Cleves MA, Collins HB, Andrews N, Smith LN, Hobbs CA. Randomized trial of a physician-based intervention to increase the use of folic acid supplements among women. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005;192(4):1126-32. de Weerd S, Thomas CM, Cikot RJ, Steegers-Theunissen RP, de Boo TM, Steegers EA. Preconception counseling improves folate status of women planning pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 2002;99(1):45-50. de Weerd S, van der Bij AK, Braspenning JC, Cikot RJ, Braat DD, Steegers EA. Psychological impact of preconception counseling: assessment of anxiety before and during pregnancy. Community Genet 2001;4(3):129-33. 121 Table 2. Chronic disease: diabetes Intervention Author, design and year study Outcome Quality Pre-pregnancy counselling in pregestational diabetes and maternal health status Anwar et al, 20101 Retrospective cohort study 1997-2007 57 pregnant women achieved pregnancy after pre-pregnancy counselling. II-2 Tripathi et al, 20102 Cohort study 2001-2004 558 women were observed in this study: 448 (77%) had type 1 diabetes Glycemic control, review and consideration of medical conditions, drug treatment, smoking and alcohol use, obstetric and general history and screening of diabetic complications. Preconception counselling in women with diabetes - HbA1c levels were significantly reduced at prenatal booking compared to pre-pregnancy counselling: 7.5% vs. 8.8% - Diabetic surveillance (retinopathy and nephropathy screening) was up to date in > 80% of all cases. - Folic acid was taken by 48 of 54 women at their booking - No significant reduction in smoking was observed: 23 % vs. 20 % (p = 0.68) - Alcohol consumption was significantly reduced: 20% vs. 51% vs. 20 % II-2 Preconception counselling was non-significantly associated with: - Better glycemic control prior pregnancy (OR 1.91, 95% 1.10-3.04) and first trimester (OR 2.05, 95%CI 1.39-3.03) - Higher folic acid intake (OR 4.88, 95%CI 3.26-7.30) - Reduced risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes Women with type 1 diabetes more often visited preconception counselling compared to women with type 2 diabetes (OR 1.87, 95% CI 1.14-3.07) Regional prepregnancy care program in women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. A preconception leaflet with advice and telephone contacts for a prepregnancy care coordinator was mailed annually to all diabetic women aged 16-45 years from diabetes registers Murphy et al, 20103 Prospective cohort study 2006-2009 680 pregnancies were observed during the study period - 27% (181 women) attended prepregnancy care - 54% of women with type 1 and 32% of women with type 2 diabetes attended II-2 Women with prepregnancy care: - Presented earlier to antenatal care (6.7 vs 7.7 weeks, p<0.001) - Were more likely to take 5 mg preconception folic acid (88.2% vs. 26.7%, p < 0.0001) - Had lower HbA1c levels (6.9 % vs. 7.6%, p < 0.0001) - Had fewer adverse outcome (OR 0.2, 95% CI 0.05-0.89) 122 The content of preconception care was standardized but delivered by different health care providers Comparison of different insulin regimes Initiation in the preconceptional period or in early pregnancy Prandial insulin aspart administrated immediately before each meal was compared with human insulin administrated 30 minutes before each meal Heller et al, 20104 Open-label, randomized, parallel group trial 2002-2004 Prepregnancy care in women with type 1 diabetes. Women who received prepregnancy care were seen every 1-3 months by a physician, diabetes specialist nurse and dietician Women were advised to monitor blood glucose four to seven times daily and counselled for pregnancy alterations regarding diabetes Temple et al, 20065 Cohort study 1991-2002 Influence of preconception care on the risk of congenital anomalies Ray et al, 20016 Meta analysis of cohort studies 1970-2000 322 pregnant women with type 1 diabetes were randomly assigned: - 99 subjects were preconceptionally assigned: 44 to prandial insulin aspart and 55 to human insulin - 223 subject were early in pregnancy assigned (< 10 weeks): 113 to prandial insulin aspart and 110 to human insulin I-a The main outcome was severe hypoglycaemia in the preconceptional period, during pregnancy and postpartum: - 23% of women experienced severe hypoglycaemia during pregnancy with the peak incidence in early pregnancy - The relative risk (RR) of severe hypoglycaemia of therapy initiated in early pregnancy compared with preconceptional was 1.70 (95%CI 0.91-3.18) - No significant differences between both insulin regimens were observed 290 pregnancies occurred during the study period: 110 (38%) women received preconception care II-2 The preconception care group: - Contained significantly fewer smokers (9.4% vs. 28.7%) - Registered significantly earlier for antenatal care (6.6 vs. 8.3 weeks) - Had significantly lower HbA1c levels at booking visit (6.5% vs. 7.6%) - Adverse pregnancy outcomes and very premature deliveries were also significantly lower in this group Rates of macrosomia, preeclampsia or maternal severe hypoglycaemic episodes did not differ between both groups 14 cohort studies in which congenital anomalies were studied were included II-1 The pooled rate of major and minor congenital anomalies was lower in women who received preconception care (RR 0.32, 95% CI 0.17-0.59) Fewer women who received preconception care smoked (19.6% vs. 30.2%) Mean HbA1c values were reported in 7 studies. In each study the mean levels were lower (2.3%, 95% CI 2.1-2.4), but heterogeneity was present (p<0.20) 123 Preconception care compared to prenatal care in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes Herman et al, 19997 Prospective, observational study Time frame: unclear 98 women with type 1 diabetes were studied: 24 women received preconception care; 74 women received prenatal care II-3 Diabetic women that received preconceptional care: - Were earlier seen in gestation (6.7 vs. 9.8 weeks) - Had significantly lower HbA1c levels - Were hospitalized significantly less during pregnancy and - Had shorter inpatient stays (40 days vs. 80 days) - The mean length of stay after delivery was significantly shorter (3 days vs. 4.8 days) In addition, preconception care substantially reduced costs Glycemic control in the preconception period and early pregnancy Preconception counselling was offered to all women of childbearing age who visited the clinic for routine diabetes review to optimize HbA1c levels HbA1c was recorded for time periods before pregnancy (if available) and / or during pregnancy every 2-4 weeks Gold et al, 19988 Observational study (case records) November 1992-May 1996 57 case records of women with type 1 diabetes were reviewed Pre-pregnancy counselling in type 1 and type 2 diabetic women. Normocaloric diet and glycemic control (intensified insulin therapy and self-monitoring of blood glucose) García-Patterson et al, 19979 Observational study 1986-1966 185 pregnancies in diabetic women were studied: - 152 women with type 1 diabetes - 33 women with type 2 diabetes - 36.1% enrolled for pre-conception counselling (n= 54): 41.1% for type 1 diabetes and 9.1% for type 2 diabetes II-3 The median standardized birth weight was 1.1 SD higher than the non-diabetic mean (reference group not mentioned) Glycemic control in the immediate preconception period and early first trimester seems to have a greater influence on birth weight than glycemic control during later weeks of pregnancy (p < 0.05) II-3 Significant differences between attenders (A) and non-attenders (NA) were observed for the following perinatal outcomes: - Initial HbA1c (Standard deviation around the mean: A: 2.57 vs.. NA: 3.98). - Caesarean section rate: A: 71% vs.. NA: 54.9 % - Small for gestational age: 1.8% vs. 8.7% All other perinatal outcomes were not significant between A and NA 124 Intensive preconceptional insulin therapy compared with conventional preconceptional insulin therapy in type 1 diabetic women. Intensive insulin therapy aims to achieve normal glycemic control The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research group, 199610 RCT 1983-1993 180 women in total completed 270 pregnancies: - 135 women were randomly assigned to the intensive treatment group (94 became pregnant); 135 women were assigned to the conventional group (86 became pregnant). - During the study time period, 52 women who became pregnant switched to the conventional group but received intensive treatment during the preconceptional period I-a Preconceptional mean HbA1c levels were significantly lower in women who received intensive insulin treatment (7.4% vs. 8.1%), but were similar during gestation There were no significant differences in adverse outcome (abortion, congenital malformations) between women who initiated intensive therapy preconceptionally and those who began this therapy after conception. The adverse outcomes were similar to the non-diabetic population Effectiveness of preconception counselling in women with pregestational diabetes Preconception counselling to prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes Willhoite et al, 199311 Cohort study 1985-1990 A total of 185 pregnancies among 160 women with pre-gestational diabetes were identified: - 62 (34%) pregnancies occurred in the preconception counselling group with one major congenital defect (1.6%) and four fetal or neonatal deaths (6.4%) - 123 pregnancies occurring in women without preconception counselling 8 infants (6.5%) were born with congenital abnormalities and 26 (21.1%) fetal or neonatal deaths occurred II-2 Effectiveness of a preconception program in insulin-dependent diabetic women Glycemic control through attending a preconception clinic Rosenn et al, 199112 Case-control study 1984-1989 Study group (28 women) versus control group (71 women enrolled after conception): - HbA1c 8.5 vs. HbA1c 9.9 - Congenital malformations: none vs. 1.4% - Spontaneous abortion: 7% vs. 24% (all non-significant) II-2 Effectiveness of a preconception program in insulin-dependent diabetic women Preconception counselling (PCC) in diabetes type 1 women Cousins et al, 199113 Multicentre study 1986-1988 Comparing 27 PCC attenders versus 247 controls: - Malformations: 0% versus 6.3% II-3 Effectiveness of preconception care in type 1 diabetes on congenital anomalies Preconception care includes medical, obstetric, and gynaecological history, assessment Steel et al, 199014 Observational study 1976-1990 239 records of women with diabetes were studied -143 women with type 1 diabetes received preconception care (attenders) - 96 women with type 1 diabetes did not participate in preconception care program II-3 Attenders appeared to have lower HbA1c levels (8.4% vs. 10.5%, higher incidence of hypoglycaemia in early pregnancy and fewer congenital anomalies in offspring (RR 7.4, 95%CI 1.7-33.2) 125 of diabetic complications (retinopathy, renal function, blood pressure, ischaemic heart disease, autonomic neuropathy), optimised diabetic control, thyroid function control, rubella immunity assessment. Intensive management of diabetes before versus early pregnancy Daily measurement of fasting and postprandial capillary blood glucose levels; 40% had DM type 2 Kitzmiller et al, 198815 Single centre study 1982-1988 Cases (84 women treated before conception) versus controls (110 women who were already pregnant referred at 6-30 weeks of gestation): - Major congenital anomaly: 1.2% (n=1) versus 10.9% (n=12); p=0.01 II-2 Effectiveness of preconception care in type 1 diabetes on congenital anomalies Intensified insulin therapy and monitoring by blood glucose selfmonitoring in a preconceptional clinic versus non-attenders Dicker et al, 198816 Observational study Timeframe: unclear Significantly higher (p<0.001) spontaneous abortions among women not seen before pregnancy (n=35) versus preconceptional glycemic control (n=94) II-3 Effectiveness of preconception care in type 1 diabetes on congenital anomalies Intensified insulin therapy and monitoring by blood glucose selfmonitoring in a preconceptional clinic versus non-attenders Goldman et al, 198617 Single Timeframe: 1981-1985 Attenders (44 pregnant women with juvenile-onset insulin dependent diabetes) versus non-attenders (n=31): - HbA1c 7.4 vs. HbA1c 10.4 - No malformations vs. 9.6% malformations (p=0.07) II-2 Non-attenders had also more maternal complications (e.g. pre-eclampsia, higher caesarean section rates) 126 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Anwar A, Salih A, Masson E, Allen B, Wilkinson L, Lindow SW. The effect of pre-pregnancy counselling for women with pre-gestational diabetes on maternal health status. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2011;155(2):137-9. Tripathi A, Rankin J, Aarvold J, Chandler C, Bell R. Preconception counseling in women with diabetes: a population-based study in the north of England. Diabetes Care 2010;33(3):586-8. Murphy HR, Roland JM, Skinner TC, et al. Effectiveness of a regional prepregnancy care program in women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: benefits beyond glycemic control. Diabetes Care 2010;33(12):2514-20. Heller S, Damm P, Mersebach H, et al. Hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetic pregnancy: role of preconception insulin aspart treatment in a randomized study. Diabetes Care 2010;33(3):473-7. Temple RC, Aldridge VJ, Murphy HR. Prepregnancy care and pregnancy outcomes in women with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2006;29(8):1744-9. Ray JG, O'Brien TE, Chan WS. Preconception care and the risk of congenital anomalies in the offspring of women with diabetes mellitus: a metaanalysis. QJM 2001;94(8):435-44. Herman WH, Janz NK, Becker MP, Charron-Prochownik D. Diabetes and pregnancy. Preconception care, pregnancy outcomes, resource utilization and costs. J Reprod Med 1999;44(1):33-8. Gold AE, Reilly R, Little J, Walker JD. The effect of glycemic control in the pre-conception period and early pregnancy on birth weight in women with IDDM. Diabetes Care 1998;21(4):535-8. Garcia-Patterson A, Corcoy R, Rigla M, et al. Does preconceptional counselling in diabetic women influence perinatal outcome? Ann Ist Super Sanita 1997;33(3):333-6. Pregnancy outcomes in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1996;174(4):1343-53. Willhoite MB, Bennert HW, Jr., Palomaki GE, et al. The impact of preconception counseling on pregnancy outcomes. The experience of the Maine Diabetes in Pregnancy Program. Diabetes Care 1993;16(2):450-5. Rosenn B, Miodovnik M, Combs CA, Khoury J, Siddiqi TA. Pre-conception management of insulin-dependent diabetes: improvement of pregnancy outcome. Obstet Gynecol 1991;77(6):846-9. Cousins L. The California Diabetes and Pregnancy Programme: a statewide collaborative programme for the pre-conception and prenatal care of diabetic women. Baillieres Clin Obstet Gynaecol 1991;5(2):443-59. Steel JM, Johnstone FD, Hepburn DA, Smith AF. Can prepregnancy care of diabetic women reduce the risk of abnormal babies? BMJ 1990;301(6760):1070-4. Kitzmiller JL, Gavin LA, Gin GD, Jovanovic-Peterson L, Main EK, Zigrang WD. Preconception care of diabetes. Glycemic control prevents congenital anomalies. JAMA 1991;265(6):731-6. Dicker D, Feldberg D, Samuel N, Yeshaya A, Karp M, Goldman JA. Spontaneous abortion in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: the effect of preconceptional diabetic control. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1988;158(5):1161-4. Goldman JA, Dicker D, Feldberg D, Yeshaya A, Samuel N, Karp M. Pregnancy outcome in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with preconceptional diabetic control: a comparative study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1986;155(2):293-7. 127 Table 3. Infections Intervention Author, design and year study Outcome Quality Prepregnancy pertussis booster vaccination Leuridan et al, 20111 Prospective study Timefream: unclear 24 non-pregnant women were included: blood was drawn from mother and off-spring II-2 Banhidy et al, 20102 Secondary analyses of RCT 1984-1992 4,672 pregnant women were evaluated: - 215 with clinical and 691 with subclinical vaginal candidiasis (asymptomatic candida colonisation) - 466 with combination of Sexual Transmitted Disease (STD) and vaginal candidiasis - 795 with STD without vaginal candidiasis - 2,505 without STD and vaginal candidiasis as references Tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis booster vaccine (Boostrix®, GlaxoSimthKline Biologicals, Rixensart, Belgium) was given in between the first and second pregnancy after breastfeeding was ceased Preconceptional screening of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) Treatment of preconceptional clinically diagnosed vaginal candidiasis: combination of Canesten® 100 mg and Canesten®, 200 mg in 20 g cream, i.e. 1% or Clomitrazole; vulvar and anal application and partner treatment with Clotrimazole cream; other STD were treated mainly by clindamycin, metronidazole and doxycycline Efficient transplacental antibody transfer and significantly higher antibody titers against 3 pertussis anitigens were observed in cord blood and in blood of 1-month-old infants born after a maternal booster vaccination compared with results in their siblings born before the booster administration I-a Association was found with higher risk of preterm birth in: - Pregnant women with STD (OR 8.5; 95% CI 2.0-34.9) - Clinically diagnosed vaginal candidiasis (OR 2.5; 95% CI 0.8-7.7) - Asymptomatic candida colonisation (OR 2.5; 95% CI 1.2-5.2). This risk was reduced with Clotrimazole treatment - Pregnant women without recognized STD and/or vaginal candidiasis (OR 13.0; 95% CI 5.5-30.7) 128 Interconception antibiotics Every 4 months 2 doses of Azithromycine versus placebo until conception or until the study was terminated Preconceptional Haemophilus influenza type b conjugate or pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccines Healthy non-pregnant women of childbearing age were randomized to receive a Haemophilus influenzae type B conjugate vaccines (either HbOC or Hib-OMP) or a 23valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PnPs) Infants received Hib-OMP vaccine at 2, 4 and 12 months of age Vaccine safety and immunogenicity was evaluated in the women and their infants Tita et al, 20073 Secondary analyses of double-blind placebo-controlled RCT 1998-2003 241 women were recruited with singleton pregnancies that ended in a spontaneous preterm birth or pregnancy loss between 16- 34 weeks of gestation Santosham et al, 20015 RCT 1991-1994 199 women who gave birth after receiving 1 or more doses of the respective vaccine were evaluated: HbOC n=68, HibOMP n=70 and PnPs n= 61 I-a Endometrial cultures and histologic types were obtained at randomization among women assigned to the antibiotics group (n=118) or a placebo group (n=123) Antibiotics were associated with lower acquisition and higher resolution of microbes: - 14% of the women who received antibiotics vs. 34% of the placebo group had positive endometrial culture for Gardnerella after treatment (p<0.05); - 57% of the women who received antibiotics vs. 33% of the placebo group had a negative follow-up culture ( p<0.05) I-a Women immunized with one of the Hib conjugate vaccines compared to PnPs: - Anti-polyribose ribitol phosphate antibody titers were significantly higher throughout the 37-month observation Infants born to mothers immunized with Hib vaccines compared with PnPs: - Significantly higher polyribose ribitol phosphate-specific IgG antibody titers at birth and 2 months of age - Lower antibody responses to Hib-OMP at 6 months - Similar titers before and after boosting with Hib-OMP at 1 year of age 129 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Leuridan E, Hens N, Peeters N, Witte de L, Meeren van der O, Damme van P. Effect of a prepregnancy pertussis booster dose on maternal antibody titers in young infants,Pediatr Infect Dis J, 30 (2011), 608-10. Bánhidy F, Dudás I, Czeizel AE, Preconceptional screening of sexually transmitted infections/diseases, Central European Journal of Medicine, 6 (2010), 49-57. Tita AT, Cliver SP, Goepfert AR, Conner M, Goldenberg RL, Hauth JC, Andrews WW. Impact of interconception antibiotics on the endometrial microbial flora, Am J Obstet Gynecol, 196 (2007), 226 e1-6. Fowler KB, Stagno S, Pass RF, Maternal immunity and prevention of congenital cytomegalovirus infection, JAMA, 289 (2003), 1008-11. Santosham M, Englund JA, McInnes P, Croll J, Thompson CM, Croll L, Glezen WP, Siber GR, Safety and antibody persistence following Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate or pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccines given before pregnancy in women of childbearing age and their infants, Pediatr Infect Dis J, 20 (2001), 931-40. 130 Table 4. (Multi)vitamins and folic acid supplementation Intervention Name, design and year study Outcome Quality Multivitamin supplementation Burris et al, 20101 Retrospective cohort 19982007 2,374 non-Hispanic white subjects: no association found with birth weight, gestational age, or weight-for-gestational-age 135 non-Hispanic black subjects: association found with - 536 gram increased birth weight (p=0.001) - Longer gestations (not significant) - Increased foetal growth (+0.86 z score units, 95% CI 0.35-1.36) II-2 Van Beynum et al, 20102 Case- control study 1996-2005 Cases: mothers with infants with isolated or complex heart defects(CHD), without any related syndrome or genetic abnormality (n=611) II-2 Four or more times/week in the periconception period (28 days before conception throughout 28 days after conception) Folic acid supplementation Daily 0.4 mg alone or as a multivitamin during at least 4 weeks before pregnancy until the first two months of pregnancy Controls: mothers of children with known chromosomal or genetic defect, and with infants with other non-folate related congenital malformations (n=2401) 18% reduced significant risk of all types of CHD relative to other malformations: OR 0.82; 95% CI 0.68-0.98 38% reduced risk of isolated septal defects: OR 0.62; 95% CI 0.47-0.82 Folic acid supplementation/ fortification Blencowe et al, 20103 Meta-analyse of 4 RCT’s and 11 observational studies The evidence for and the effect of folic acid fortification/supplementation on neonatal mortality due to neural tube defects (NTD), especially in low income countries was reviewed in 4 RCT’s and 11 observational studies Meta-analyse of: - 3 RCT’s for women with a previous pregnancy with NTD indicates a significant reduction of 70% (95 % CI 0.14-0.65) in recurrence (secondary prevention) - 1 RCT with 3 cohort studies suggested a significant reduction of 62% (95 % CI 0.49-0.71) through folic acid supplementation - 8 observational studies examining folic acid food fortification gave an estimate significant reduction in NTD incidence of 46% (95% CI 0.37-0.54) Folate supplementation With or without multivitamins Bukowski et al, 20094 Prospective cohort study 1999-2002 34,480 low –risk singleton pregnancies were enrolled I-a (RCT’s) II-1 (observational studies) II-2 Comparing no preconceptional folate supplementation to preconceptional folate supplementation for 1 year or longer was associated with: - 70% significant decrease in the risk of spontaneous preterm delivery between 20-28 wk (41 131 [0.27%] versus 4 [0.04%]; HR 0.22; 95% CI 0.08-0.61; p=0.004) - 50% significant decrease in the risk of spontaneous preterm delivery between 28-32 wk (58 [0.38%] versus 12 [0.18%]; HR 0.45; 95% CI 0.24-0.83; p=0.010) No association was found of preconceptional folate supplementation and the risk of spontaneous preterm birth: - Beyond 32 wk - Shorter duration (<1 year) of preconceptional folate supplementation - Other complications of pregnancy The risk of spontaneous preterm birth decreased with the duration of preconceptional folate supplementation (trend analysis; p=0.01) and was the lowest in women who used folate supplementation for 1 year or longer Multivitamin supplementation Containing folic acid or not; intake of dietary folic acid; analysed in monthly units from 3 months before pregnancy through the last month of pregnancy Mosley et al, 20085 Case-control study 1998-2003 Daily dosage of 1 mg folic acid or once weekly dosage of 5 mg; during 12 weeks Multivitamin supplementation Containing 0.4 mg folic acid versus no supplementation during periconceptional period II-2 Periconceptional supplement use did not reduce the risk of having a pregnancy affected by NTD Maternal telephone interviews were conducted Folic acid supplementation Cases: women with a pregnancy affected by anencephaly (n=180) or spina bifida (n=385) with no chromosomal abnormality; controls: random sample of women who delivered a liveborn infant without a structural birth defect (n=3,963) Maternal intake of dietary folate was not significantly associated with NTD Rosenthal et al, 20086 RCT April-June 2005 140 eligible women aged 18-49 years old were randomised, but 58 remained in the dosage 5mg/week group and 49 in the dosage 1mg/daily 1mg/daily: serum folate levels increased from 6.3 to 14.9 ng/mL (p<0.0001) 5mg/week: serum folate levels increased from 6.9 to 10.1 ng/mL (p<0.0001) Red blood cell folate concentrations also increased significantly in both groups, although slower I-a Chen et al, 20087 Randomised population based intervention study 2000-2002 All of the women having pregnancies with birth defects and women without birth defects were interviewed I-b 9 NTDs from 25,444 pregnancies in the intervention group versus 48 NTDs among 26,599 pregnancies in the control group significant protective rate of 80.4% (RR 0.20; 95% CI 0.10-0.40) 132 Multivitamin supplementation Containing folic acid for 3 months before conception through the first trimester Bitsko et al, 20078 Case-control study 1993-1995 During the month before the last menstrual period and the first two months of pregnancy II-2 Controls: random sample of live births No significant association between taking vitamins containing folic acid during the periconceptional period and multiple congenital anomalies was found ( OR 1.12; 95% CI 0.75-1.69) Telephone interviews were conducted to assess exposure to folic acid through vitamins, cereal, and food supplements Multivitamin and folic acid supplementation Cases: mothers of infants with multiple congenital anomalies No significant association between vitamin exposure beginning in the first trimester and multiple congenital anomalies outcomes was found (OR 1.05; 95% CI 0.59-1.87) Wilcox et al, 20079 Case-control study 1996-2001 Cases: mothers of infants with cleft lip with/without cleft palate (n=377) and cleft palate alone (n=196); controls: n=763 II-2 Folic acid supplementation (>0.4mg/day) was significantly associated with a reduced risk of isolated cleft lip with/without cleft palate: aOR 0.61; 95% CI 0.39-0.96 The lowest risk of cleft lip was among women with folate rich diets who also took multivitamins and folic acid: OR 0.36; 95% CI 0.17-0.77 (significant) Folic acid provided no significant protection against cleft palate alone: OR 1.07; 95% CI 0.56-2.03 Folate supplementation Average consumed folic acid the month before pregnancy and each of the first three months of pregnancy Multivitamin supplementation Periconceptional (-1 month to +2 months conception) use of multivitamins Elevit Pronatal Folic acid supplementation During 12 weeks before conception through the date of delivery; dietary intake and supplementation Bower et al, 200610 Case- control study 1997-1999 Cases: mothers of infants with orofacial cleft (n=62); congenital heart defects (n=151); urinary tract defects (n=117); limb reduction defects (n=26); or other major birth defects (n=119); and 578 control women live-born infants without birth defects II-2 Neither folic acid supplements nor dietary folate intake in women using supplements was significantly associated with a reduction in risk in any of the case groups Czeizel et al, 200611 Case-control study 1980-1996 1,349 cases and 2,405 controls Shaw et al, 200612 Case-control study 1997-2000 Cases: mothers of infants with cleft palate/lip with/without cleft palate (n=1108): controls: mothers of infants without malformations (n=2,594) II-2 No association wad found for a higher risk of multiple congenital anomalies (i.e., two or more congenital abnormalities in the same person affecting at least two different organ systems) II-2 No significant reduction in risks with periconceptional use of supplements containing folic acid was found (aOR cleft palate 1.01; 95% CI 0.82-1.24; aOR cleft lip with/without cleft palate 1.02; 95% CI 0.77-1.34) 133 Multivitamin supplementation 3 or more times/ week during 3 months before pregnancy and throughout the first trimester Yuskiv et al, 200513 Case- control study 1993-1997 Maternal interviews were available for 99 case-infants (multiple congenital anomalies: 2 or more major birth defects affecting at least two different organ systems, with no recognized chromosome abnormality or single gene disorder) and 335 control-infants (a random sample of live births with no major birth defects) II-2 Periconceptional multivitamin use was associated with a higher risk of multiple congenital anomalies among all infants: adjusted OR 2.4; 95% CI 0.9-6.7, and especially when limited to those with no family history or major defects: adjusted OR 4.0; 95% CI 1.3-12.8. Folate intake Intake of folic acid from supplements was calculated using the amount of folic acid in every supplement taken. The amount taken in the month before and in each of the first three months of pregnancy was expressed as an average of folic acid in micrograms (µg) per day per period. Women consuming an average of 200 µg or more daily of folic acid from supplement in each of the four relevant time periods were considered to be adequately supplemented Multivitamin supplementation one vitamin tablet/day, or had missed only one day, for 28 days before conception and/or until the date of the third missed menstrual period with the multivitamins Elevit Pronatal Bower et al, 200414 Case- control study 1997-2000 Cases: mothers of infants with a previous NTD (n=36); controls: random sample of all liveborn infants (n=578) II-2 Supplement use was associated with a non-significant 4% reduction in risk For women not taking supplements, dietary sources of folate were protective, and most women obtained at least some folate from fortified food Czeizel et al, 200415 Controlled- cohort trial 1993-1996 3,069 pregnant women in each cohort II-1 Supplemented cohort: - significant reduced congenital cardiovascular malformations (31 vs. 50;OR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.38-0.96), mainly by ventricular septal defects (5 vs.19; OR, 0.26; 95% CI, 0.04-0.86) - protective significant effect on NTDs (1 vs. 9; OR, 0.11; 95% CI, 0.01-0.91) - significant reduction in stenosis/atresia of pelvicureteric junction (2 vs. 13; OR, 0.19; 95% CI, 0.04-0.86) Folic acid fortification Multivitamin supplementation containing folic acid starting from 4 weeks before until 8 weeks after conception; Kucik et al, 200416 Cohort 1990-2001 510,000 singleton and 7,168 twin pregnancies were evaluated Van Rooij et al, 200417 Case- control study 1998-2000 Cases: 174 mothers of a child with non-syndromic cleft lip with/without cleft palate and; controls: 203 mothers of a child without congenital malformations II-2 There was no upward trend in twinning rates among women younger than 30 years prior to fortification II-2 47% significant reduction in the risk of cleft lip with/without cleft palate (OR 0.53; 95% CI 134 93% of women took only folic acid Multivitamin supplementation each day or only 1 day missing per week during the periconceptional period (1 month before to 2 months after conception) with the multivitamins Elevit Pronatal, Rochem, Basel, Switzerland Vitamin C supplementation 750 mg vitamin C daily alone from the first day of the third menstrual cycle until pregnancy test was positive versus no supplementation or placebo Multivitamin supplementation Multivitamin with folic acid, iron, zinc and vitamin A versus no multivitamin with folic acid, iron, zinc and vitamin A Folic acid supplementation Daily 0.4 mg folic acid before and during early pregnancy 0.33-0.85) and the largest significant risk reductions were found on those mothers who had a diet of more than 200 μg folate per day in combination with a folic acid supplement (OR 0.26; 95% CI 0.09-0.72) Czeizel et al, 200318 RCT (1984- 1991) and controlled-cohort trial (19931996) combined 5,527 supplemented pregnant women with 51 cases of multiple congenital abnormalities (OR 0.89; 95% CI 0.45-1.68) and 5,447 unsupplemented pregnant women Hemmi et al, 200319 RCT 1997-2000 122 women were randomised to either vitamin C (n=76) or control (n=46) Christian et al, 200320 RCT 1998-2001 The final analysis involved 3325 infants allocated to control (n=685), compared to folic acid (n=628), folic acid-iron (n=635), folic acid-iron-zinc (n=672) or multiple micronutrients (n=705) II-1 (controlled trial) I-a No significant difference was seen for: Maternal outcomes: - Foetal loss (RR 0.1.28; 95% CI 0.58-2.83) - Early or late miscarriage (RR 1.17; 95% CI 0.52-2.65) I-a Difference was seen for: Neonatal outcomes: - More likely to be stunted at six to eight years of age (RR 1.09; 95% CI 1.00-1.19) - Significantly less likely to have an infant with a birth weight <2500 g (RR 0.94; 95% CI 0.900.99) Li et al, 200321 Cohort 1993-1996 Folic acid use does not significantly increase the occurrence of multiple births (0.59% in the supplemented group versus 0.65% not supplemented) Waller et al, 200322 Cohort 1996-1998 1 003 207 deliveries were examined The prevalence of twin deliveries conceived before, during and after fortification with folic acid was compared: - 1997 versus 1996: 2.4% yearly non-significant increase in twin pregnancies; 1,024 (OR 0.98; 95% CI 0.98-1.07) Prospectively gathered precise records information regarding supplementation Folic acid fortification No significant evidence was found for preventing or inducing multiple congenital abnormalities by periconceptional folic-acid containing multivitamin supplementation I-a (RCT) II-2 Not confounded by increasing maternal age or the use of ovarian stimulation or assisted reproductive technologies II-2 135 - 1998 versus 1997: 4.6% yearly non-significant increase in twin pregnancies; 1,046 (OR 1.00-1.09) The size and pattern of these increases are consistent with the ongoing increase in twinning of 1-4% per year which began in the US prior to fortification Folic acid fortification Multivitamin supplementation Multivitamin containing 0.8mg folic acid begun at least one month before conception Shaw et al, 200323 Cohort 1990-1999 2.5 million births were examined regarding twin pregnancies Olshan et al, 200224 Case- control study 1992-1996 Vitamin use information was obtained during specific periods before and during pregnancy from 538 cases (children under age 19 years with new diagnosed neuroblastoma) and 504 control (one control was selected for each case, using random digit dialling based) mothers through telephone interviews II-2 After adjusting for maternal age, parity, race/ethnicity, sexes of twin pair, year of birth, and fortification period no association between fortification and twinning was found II-2 Daily vitamin and mineral use in the month before pregnancy was associated with a 30-40% reduction in risk of neuroblastoma Plasma folate levels George et al, 200225 Case- control study 1996-1998 Cases (n=468): women who had spontaneously aborted foetuses with gestational age of 612 weeks; controls (n=921): women matched for gestational age of the foetuses II-2 Women with low plasma folate concentrations (≤4.9 nmol/L) were more likely to have had a miscarriage than women with plasma folate concentrations between 5.0-8.9 nmol/L The occurrence of miscarriage was not increased in women with higher plasma folate concentrations (≥14.0 nmol/L) relative to women with plasma folate concentrations between 5.0-8.9 nmol/L Supplement use was not associated with an increased occurrence of miscarriage Multivitamin supplementation Regular periconceptional use Multivitamin supplementation Regular use in first trimester +/preconceptional use Botto et al, 200226 Case-control study 1968-1980 72 cases of non-syndromic omphalocele (40 isolated, 32 multiples) and 3,029 controls Itikala et al, 200127 Case-control study 1968-1980 309 with non-syndromic clefts and 3,029 controls II-2 Periconceptional multivitamin use was associated with a 60% risk reduction in risk for nonsyndromic omphalocele (OR 0.4; 95% CI 0.2-1.0) II-2 Periconceptional multivitamin use was significant associated with a risk reduction of: - 39% in orofacial clefts (overall): OR 0.61; 95% CI 0.43-0.87 - 48% in cleft lip with or without cleft palate: OR 0.52; 95% CI 0.34-0.80 Periconceptional multivitamin use was non-significant associated with a risk reduction of: - 19% in cleft palate: OR 0.81; 95% CI 0.44-1.52 136 Folic acid supplementation In early pregnancy Ericson et al, 200128 Cohort Timeframe: unclear Women (n=2,569) who in early pregnancy reported the use of folic acid had an increased rate of dizygotic twin deliveries (OR 2.13; 95% CI 1.64-2.74) compared the rate of twin births in the entire Swedish population II-2 These results were highly confounded by increasing maternal age and the length of involuntary childlessness, maybe the women were also using assisted reproductive technologies Supplementation 0.4 mg folic acid only (pill) use in any periconceptional period Myers et al, 200129 Evaluation of public health campaign 1993-1995 126,783 women on folic acid supplements and 95,531 women on no supplements Multivitamin supplementation Beaty et al, 200130 Case- control study 1992-1998 135 with non-syndromic clefts and 152 controls Regular use in first trimester +/preconceptional use Folic acid supplementation 0.4 mg folic acid before and during early pregnancy or not Folic acid component of multivitamins Periconceptional daily 0.4 mg folic acid supplementation was significantly associated with a risk reduction of 50% in imperforate anus of the child (OR 0.50; 95% CI 0.29-0.88) II-2 No statistically significant association was found for risk reduction of: - Cleft lip with or without cleft palate: OR 0.59; 95% CI 0.33-1.09 - Cleft palate: OR 0.70; 95% CI 0.31-1.56 Gindler et al, 200131 Cohort 1993-1995 21,935 women had any use of folic acid pills; 1,871 women had no use of folic acid pills II-2 Prospectively information was gathered; excluding previous miscarriages Miscarriage rate between folic acid use versus no use: 9.0% versus 9.3% (RR 0.97; 95% CI 0.84-1.12; not significant) Hernandez-Diaz et al, 200032 Case-control study 1976-1998 Exposure to folic acid antagonists that act as dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors and to certain antiepileptic drugs was assessed in: - 3870 infants with cardiovascular defects - 1962 infants with oral clefts - 1100 infants with urinary tract defects - 8387 control infants with malformations II-2 Increased risk on cardiovascular defects when exposure to dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors occurred in the second month of pregnancy versus no exposure: OR 3.4; 95% CI 1.8-6.4 Increased risk on oral clefts when exposure to dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors occurred in the third month of pregnancy versus no exposure: OR 2.6; 95% CI 1.1-6.1 137 Multivitamin supplementation Multivitamin containing folic acid versus placebo ICMR 200033 RCT 1988-1991 466 women were enrolled and randomised to either vitamin (n=231) or placebo (n=235) I-a No significant difference was seen for: Maternal outcomes: - Foetal loss (RR 1.00; 95% CI 0.75-1.34) - Early or late miscarriage (RR 1.09;95% CI 0.95-1.25) Neonatal outcomes: - Stillbirth (RR 0.86; 95% CI 0.65-1.13) - Small for gestational age (RR 0.96; 95% CI 0.84-1.08) - Open NTD: 2.92% in the vitamin group vs. 7.04% in the placebo group (p=0.06) Difference was seen for: Maternal outcomes: - Multiple pregnancies (RR 1.36; 95% CI 1.00-1.85) Vitamin A supplementation Vitamin A and/or beta-carotene versus placebo Katz et al, 200034-35 RCT 1994-1997 17,373 pregnancies were allocated to the following groups: vitamin A (n=6070), betacarotene (n=5650) or placebo (n=5653) I-a No significant difference was seen for: Maternal outcomes: - Foetal loss (RR 1.04; 95% CI 0.95-1.14) - Early or late miscarriage (RR 1.09; 95% CI 0.95-1.25) - Neonatal death (RR 1.11; 95% CI 0.94-1.31) Difference was seen for: Maternal outcomes: - Multiple pregnancies (RR 1.39; 95% CI 1.05-1.84) Multivitamin supplementation Regular periconceptional use Botto et al, 200036 Case-control study 1968-1980 958 with heart defects and 3,029 controls II-2 Periconceptional vitamin supplementation was significantly associated with: - Risk reduction of 28% in heart defects (overall): OR 0.76; 95% CI 0.60-0.97 - Risk reduction of 54% in outflow tract defects: OR 0.46; 95% CI 0.24-0.86 -Risk reduction of 39% in ventricular septal defect: OR 0.61; 95% CI 0.38-0.99 Multivitamin supplementation Containing folic acid 3 months before through 3 months after conception Shaw et al, 200037 Case- control study 1993-1996 cases: mothers of children with multiple congenital anomalies; controls: randomly selected from non-malformed liveborn infants. II-2 Telephone interviews were conducted with 112 case and 195 control mothers 138 Elevated risk for multiple congenital anomalies (OR 2.6; 95% CI 1.1-6.2) was found for women who used multivitamin supplementation compared to those who did not Multivitamin supplementation Containing 4 mg folic acid besides calcium, iron, zinc and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 C, D and nicotinamide or placebo containing calcium and iron only during one month prior to conception and up to three months after conception Multivitamin supplementation 3 months before conception and in each trimester of pregnancy Folic acid supplementation 1.0 mg versus 2.5 mg preconceptional Multivitamin supplementation multivitamin plus 0.8 mg folic acid begun ate least one month before conception Folic acid supplementation 1.0 mg versus 2.5 mg preconceptional Thomas et al, 200038 RCT 1988-1991 466 women with previous history of giving birth to a child with NTD were included: 231 in the vitamin group and 235 in the placebo group Shaw et al, 199939 Case- control study 1989-1991 Interviews were conducted with 409 NTD cases and 420 non-malformed randomly selected controls from each area hospital Rolschau et al, 199940 Double-blind randomized trial 1983-1986 8,184 women took part: 2,310 with supplementation without being randomised and 2,721 women received no folic acid supplementation Czeizel et al, 199941 Case-control study 1980-1996 473 with clefts and 525 controls Ulrich et al, 199942 1983-1986 RCT 14,021 pregnancies resulted in child birth: - 2,721 pregnancies with no supplementation - 2,310 with folic acid given without randomisation - 8,184 pregnancies with folic acid with randomisation (1,359 [16.6%] before the last menstrual period; 6,825 [83.4%] during the first 19 weeks of pregnancy) I-a Recurrence of NTD: 2.92% in the vitamin group versus 7.04% in the placebo group (not significant; p=0.06) II-2 Most single nutrients studied appeared to be associated with decreased NTD risks in models that considered intake data in quartiles and did not adjust for other nutrients. Many of these estimates when adjusted for other nutrients did not reveal reduced NTD risks (potential confounding effect) I-b A supplement of 1.0 mg folic acid had the same effect as 2.5 mg The effects of supplementing the diet with folic acid preconceptional: - Slight increase of birth weight - Decrease in the incidence of preterm labour - Decrease in infants with low birth weight and SGA II-2 Periconceptional multivitamin supplementation plus 3.0-9.0 mg folic acid was associated with: - Non- significant risk reduction of 13% in cleft lip with or without cleft palate: OR 0.87; 95% CI 0.73-1.03 - Significant risk reduction of 25% in cleft palate: OR 0.75; 95% CI 0.58-0.96 I-b 139 No dose-dependent differences were found in either total anomalies or in those specific malformations Multivitamin supplementation Regular use in first trimester +/preconceptional period Werler et al, 199943 Case-control study 1993-1996 160 with non-syndromic clefts and 521 controls II-2 Periconceptional multivitamin supplementation was associated with: - Non-significant risk reduction of 30% in cleft lip with or without cleft palate: OR 0.7; 95% CI 0.4-1.1 - Significant risk reduction of 60% in cleft palate: OR 0.4; 95% CI 0.2-0.9 157 with outflow tract defects, 186 with ventricle septal defect and 521 controls Periconceptional multivitamin supplementation was non-significant associated with: - Outflow tract defects: OR 1.00; 95% CI 0.70-1.50 - Ventricular septal defect: OR 1.20; 95% CI 0.80-1.80 31 with non-syndromic limb deficiencies and 521 controls Periconceptional multivitamin supplementation was non-significant associated with: - Risk reduction of 50% in limb deficiency: OR 0.50; 95% CI 0.2-1.1 184 with defects of kidney/ureter/bladder/urethra and 385 controls Periconceptional multivitamin supplementation was significant associated with: - Risk reduction of 40% in urinary tract defects: OR 0.6; 95% CI 0.4-0.9 Folic acid supplementation Periconceptional daily intake of 4 mg/day; 0.4 mg/day Multivitamin supplementation Multivitamin containing 0.8 mg folic acid begun at least one month before conception Mathews et al, 199944 RCT; observational study 1983-1991; unclear The rate of multiple births in both studies was similar for supplemented or unsupplemented; also when the datasets were combined (p=0.59) I-a Czeizel et al, 199845 RCT 1985-1993 2,471 women on multivitamin supplements and 2,391 on trace elements I-a II-2 Periconceptional multivitamin supplementation was significant associated with: - Risk reduction of 58% in heart defects (overall): OR 0.42; 95% CI 0.19-0.98 - Risk reduction of 79% in urinary tract defects: OR 0.21; 95% CI 0.05-0.99 Periconceptional multivitamin supplementation was non-significant associated with: - Risk reduction of 23% in orofacial clefts (overall): OR 0.77; 95% CI 0.22-2.69 - Risk reduction of 81% in cleft palate: OR 0.19; 95% CI 0.01-4.03 - Risk reduction of 81% in limb deficiency: OR 0.19; 95% CI 0.03-1.18 - Risk reduction of 52% in outflow tract defects: OR 0.48; 95% CI 0.04-5.34 - Risk reduction of 76% in ventricular septal defect: OR 0.24; 95% CI 0.05-1.14 140 Multivitamin supplementation Average multivitamin with folic acid use in year before conception Scanlon et al, 199846 Case- control study 1986-1989 126 with outflow tract defect and 679 controls II-2 Periconceptional multivitamin supplementation was non-significant associated with: - Risk reduction of 3% in outflow tract defects: OR 0.97; 95% CI 0.6-1.6 Multivitamin and/or folic acid supplementation Wald et al, 199747 Secondary analysis of RCT (MRC study) 1983-1991 Only data from women who became pregnant were analysed: no association was found between periconceptional folic acid supplementation and an increase in miscarriage rates (RR 1.06; 95% CI 0.79-1.43; p=0.70) I-a Folic acid supplementation Hook et al, 199748 Secondary analysis of RCT (MRC study) 1983-1991 2787 women in the folic-acid supplemented group; 2653 in the not-folic acid supplemented group I-a Werler et al, 199749 Retrospective study 1968-1980 1987-1989 1987-1994 Multiple and singleton births collected from 3 separate birth defect programs; retrospectively interviews; did not differentiate among types of vitamin supplements used Yang et al, 199750 Case-control study 1968-1980 117 with non-syndromic limb deficiencies and 3,029 controls 4 mg folic acid or not Multivitamin supplementation Periconceptional (before pregnancy and throughout the first three months after conception); started early (first month through at least the third month after conception); and started later (in the second or third month after conception) Multivitamin supplementation Regular periconceptional use Non significant increase in spontaneous miscarriages: OR 1.16; 95% CI 1.01-1.3 II-2 A non-significant 30-60% greater prevalence of periconceptional vitamin supplementation among mothers of multiple births was found II-2 Periconceptional multivitamin supplementation was significant associated with: - Risk reduction of 53% in limb deficiency: OR 0.47; 95% CI 0.23-0.97 Multivitamin supplementation Daily single tablet of a multivitamin containing 0.8 mg of folic acid or traceelement supplement was given during at least one month before conception and at least until the date of the second missed menstrual period Czeizel et al, 199651 RCT 1985-1993 Multivitamin group: n= 2,471; placebo-like trace element group: n= 2,391 informative offspring (prenatally diagnosed and terminated malformed foetuses, stillborn foetuses, and liveborn infants) I-a The total rate of major congenital abnormalities was: 20.6/1,000 in the multivitamin and 40.6/1,000 in the trace element group. After the exclusion of six cases of neural-tube defects in the trace element group the difference was very highly significant (p= 0.0003; RR 0.54; 95% CI 0.39, 0.76). 141 Multivitamin supplementation appeared to result in a significant reduction in: - The rate of urinary tract abnormalities - Mainly obstructive defects - The rate of sporadic cardiovascular malformations, mainly VSDs Multivitamin supplementation At least three times/ week at any time during -3 to +3 months conception Multivitamin or folic acid alone supplementation Multivitamin supplementation Containing folic acid from one month before until two months after conception Khoury et al, 199652 2 case-control studies 1968-1980; 1989-1991 112 NTD multiple cases and 3568 control babies Hayes et al, 199653 Case-control study 1988-1991 303 with non-syndromic clefts and 1,167 controls with selected defects Shaw et al, 199554 Case- control study 1987-1988 Telephone interviews were conducted with mothers of 207 children with cardiac conotruncal malformations, 178 limb defect cases and of 481 randomly selected liveborn non-malformed control infants II-2 Significant risk reduction for multiple NTDs (i.e., NTD cases with associated major defects) was found: pooled OR 0.36; 95% CI 0.18-0.72 II-2 Periconceptional multivitamin or folic acid alone supplementation was non-significant associated with: - Increased risk of orofacial clefts (overall): OR 1.4; 95% CI 0.8-1.7 - Increased risk of cleft lip with or without cleft palate: OR 1.3; 95% CI 0.8-2.1 - Increased risk of cleft palate: OR 0.9; 95% CI 0.5-1.6 II-2 Reduced (non-significant) risks were observed for any compared to no multivitamin use for: - Conotruncal defects: OR 0.70; 95% CI 0.46-1.1 - Limb defects: OR 0.65; 95% CI 0.41-1.0 Among non-vitamin using women, consumption of cereal containing folic acid was also associated with reduced risks for both defects Multivitamin and folic acid supplementation Multivitamin plus 10 mg folic acid begun at least one month before conception Talorava and Harris, 199555 Nonrandomized recurrence prevention trial 1976-1980 221 women on multivitamin supplements and 1901 not supplemented II-2 Periconceptional multivitamin plus 10 mg folic acid alone supplementation was significant associated with: - Risk reduction of 65% in cleft lip with or without cleft palate: OR 0.35; 95% CI 0.09-0.95 Multivitamin supplementation Use in any periconceptional period Shaw et al, 199556 Case-control study 1987-1988 489 clefts and 734 controls; 178 with non-syndromic limb deficiencies and 481 controls II-2 Periconceptional multivitamin use was associated with: - Significant risk reduction of 50% in cleft lip with or without cleft palate: OR 0.50; 95% CI 0.36-0.68 - Non- significant risk reduction of 27% in cleft palate: OR 0.73; 95% CI 0.46-1.20 142 - Non-significant risk reduction of 36% in limb deficiency: OR 0.64; 95% CI 0.41-1.0 Multivitamin supplementation Any periconceptional use Li et al, 199557 Case-control study 1990-1991 117 with defects of kidney/ureter/bladder/urethra and 385 controls II-2 Periconceptional multivitamin use was associated with: - Significant risk reduction of 83% in urinary tract defects: OR 0.17; 95% CI 0.06-0.48 Multivitamin supplementation Multivitamin with/without folic acid versus no multivitamin or folic acid from at least 28 days before conception until at least the second missed menstrual period Czeizel et al, 199458-59 RCT 1984-1992 7765 women were randomised and 5502 women had a confirmed pregnancy and were allocated to either multivitamins (n=2819) or control (n=2683). I-a No significant difference was seen for: Maternal outcomes: - foetal loss (RR 1.09; 95% CI 0.95-1.25) - early or late miscarriage (RR 1.09;95% CI 0.95-1.25) Neonatal outcomes: - Stillbirth (RR 0.86; 95% CI 0.65-1.13) - Neonatal death (RR 1.11; 95% CI 0.94-1.31) - Small for gestational age (RR 0.96; 95% CI 0.84-1.08) - Congenital malformations (RR 1.47; 95% CI 0.90-2.40) Birth weight (MD 3.00 g; 95% CI -24.15- 30.15) Difference was seen for: Maternal outcomes: - Multiple pregnancies (RR 1.36; 95% CI 1.00-1.85) Multivitamin supplementation Daily one tablet of a multivitamin including 0.8 mg folic acid or trace-element supplement for at least one month before conception and at least two months after conception Czeizel et al, 199360 RCT 1984-1988 4,156 pregnancies with known outcome and 3,713 infants evaluated in eight month of life I-a Vitamins group versus trace-element group: - Lower rate of all major congenital abnormalities other than NTDs and genetic syndromes: 9.0/1000 versus 16.6/1000 (RR 1.85; 95% CI 1.02-3.38) - Rate of all major congenital malformations other than NTDs and genetic syndromes was 14.7/1000 versus 28.3/1000 (RR 1.95; 95% CI 1.23-3.09) 143 Multivitamin supplementation Containing 0.4 mg folic acid during 28 days before through 28 days after the last menstrual period Werler et al, 199361 Case-control study 1988-1991 Cases: mothers of occurrent NTDs (n=436); controls: with other malformations (n=2,615) II-2 Periconceptional multivitamin use was associated with: - Significant risk reduction of 60% in the risk of NTDs: RR 0.4; 95% CI 0.2-0.6 For dietary folate, there was a dose-related decline in risk according to the quintile of intake (p for trend =0.02) Multivitamin supplementation containing folic acid Single tablet of vitamin supplement (12 vitamins; including 0.8 mg folic acid; 4 minerals; and 3 trace elements) or traceelement supplement (copper, manganese, zinc, and a very low dose of vitamin C) daily during one month before conception until the date of the second missed menstrual period or later Multivitamin and folic acid supplementation Multivitamin with/without folic acid versus folic acid Czeizel et al, 199262 RCT 1984-1988 Vitamin supplement group: n= 2,104; trace-element group: n= 2,052 I-a Congenital malformations: - More prevalent in the trace-element group (22.9 per 1000 cases) than in the vitamin supplement group (13.3 per 1000 cases; p=0.02) NTDs: Six cases in the trace-element group versus none in the vitamin group Cleft lip with/without cleft palate: Was not reduced by periconceptional vitamin supplementation Miscarriages: Significant increase of 16% in rates between supplemented and trace-element group Kirke et al, 199263 RCT 1981-1988 354 women were randomised to either folic acid alone (n=115), multivitamin with folic acid (n=119) or multivitamin without folic acid (n=120) I-a No significant difference was seen for: Maternal outcomes: - Foetal loss (0.91; 95% CI 0.65-1.27) Multivitamin and folic acid supplementation Multivitamin with/without folic acid versus no multivitamin or folic acid MRC 199164 RCT 1983-1991 1,817 women were randomised to either folic acid alone (n=449), multivitamin with folic acid (n=453), multivitamin without folic acid (n=461) or placebo (n=454) I-a No significant difference was seen for: Maternal outcomes: - Foetal loss (RR 1.09; 95% CI 0.95-1.25) - Early or late miscarriage (RR 1.09;95% CI 0.95-1.25) Neonatal outcomes: - Stillbirth (RR 0.86; 95% CI 0.65-1.13) - Congenital malformations (RR 1.47; 95% CI 0.90-2.40) 144 Nutritional supplementation Interpregnancy Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC); providing food supplementation and nutritional education to pregnant, lactating, and postpartum women and children up to 5 years of age who are both low-income and nutritionally at risk Multivitamin supplementation Daily 3 tablets multivitamins (‘Spofavit’) containing 10 mg folic acid for at least 3 months before conception at least until the end of the first trimester of pregnancy Folic acid supplementation Twice daily 4 mg before conception through early pregnancy versus placebo Multivitamin supplementation 1 tablet three times a day of Pregnavite Forte F (Bencard) 28 days before conception until the date of the second missed period Multivitamin supplementation Multivitamin versus control without placebo Caan et al, 198765 Cohort study 1981-1983 Study group (n=335) received postpartum benefits for 5-7 months versus 0-2 months in the control group (n=307) II-2 Infants born to study group women had a higher mean birth weight (131g) and birth length (0.3 cm) and a lower risk of being ≤2500g At the onset of the second pregnancy study group women had higher mean Hb levels and lower risk of maternal obesity Tolarova et al, 198266 Case- control study 1976-unclear In the fully supplemented group (n=85) there was one recurrence of cleft lip with/without cleft palate versus 15 recurrences (7.4%) in the control group (n=212) (p=0.023) II-2 Laurence et al, 198167 RCT 1954-1969 Supplementation group: 60 women who had a child with NTD (44 complied and 16 not); placebo group: 51 women I-a Smithells et al, 198168 Multicentre non-randomised study Timeframe: unclear Any women who had previously given birth to at least one NTD child, who was not pregnant, and who planned a further pregnancy at some time in the future were eligible. People’s league 194669 RCT 1938-1939 5,022 women were allocated to either multivitamins (n=2510) or control (n=2512) No recurrences of NTDs were observed among the supplementation group versus six among the placebo group (p=0.04) II-2 NTD recurrences were: - 1 (0.5%) in the fully supplemented group (n=200) - None in the partially supplemented group (n=50) - 13 (4%) in the unsupplemented group (n=300) I-a No significant difference was seen for: Maternal outcomes: - Foetal loss (RR 0.83; 95% CI 0.58-1.17) - Early or late miscarriage (RR 1.09;95% CI 0.95-1.25) - Breastfeeding (RR 0.98; 95% CI 0.96-1.01) Neonatal outcomes: - Stillbirth (RR 0.86; 95% CI 0.65-1.13) - Neonatal death (RR 1.11; 95% CI 0.94-1.31) 145 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Burris HH, Mitchell AA, Werler MM. Periconceptional multivitamin use and infant birth weight disparities. 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Maternal periconceptional use of multivitamins and reduced risk for conotruncal heart defects and limb deficiencies among offspring. Am J Med Genet 1995;59(4):536-45. Tolarova M, Harris J. Reduced recurrence of orofacial clefts after periconceptional supplementation with high-dose folic acid and multivitamins. Teratology 1995;51(2):71-8. Shaw GM, Lammer EJ, Wasserman CR, O'Malley CD, Tolarova MM. Risks of orofacial clefts in children born to women using multivitamins containing folic acid periconceptionally. Lancet 1995;346(8972):393-6. Li DK, Daling JR, Mueller BA, Hickok DE, Fantel AG, Weiss NS. Periconceptional multivitamin use in relation to the risk of congenital urinary tract anomalies. Epidemiology 1995;6(3):212-8. Czeizel AE, Dudas I, Metneki J. Pregnancy outcomes in a randomised controlled trial of periconceptional multivitamin supplementation. Final report. Arch Gynecol Obstet 1994;255(3):131-9. Czeizel AE, Metneki J, Dudas I. 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Benefits associated with WIC supplemental feeding during the interpregnancy interval. Am J Clin Nutr 1987;45(1):29-41. 148 66. 67. Tolarova M. Periconceptional supplementation with vitamins and folic acid to prevent recurrence of cleft lip. Lancet 1982;2(8291):217. Laurence KM, James N, Miller MH, Tennant GB, Campbell H. Double-blind randomised controlled trial of folate treatment before conception to prevent recurrence of neural-tube defects. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 1981;282(6275):1509-11. 68. Smithells RW, Sheppard S, Schorah CJ, et al. Apparent prevention of neural tube defects by periconceptional vitamin supplementation. Arch Dis Child 1981;56(12):911-8. 69. People's League of H. The nutrition of expectant and nursing mothers in relation to maternal and infant mortality and morbidity. J Obstet Gynaecol Br Emp 1946;53(6):498-509. 149 Table 5. Sub-groups Intervention Author, design and year study Outcome Quality Preconception dietary and lifestyle counselling At the first visit, the filled out questionnaires were checked by the counsellor and discussed in detail for tailored dietary and lifestyle advice; height and weight were measured to calculate BMI; waist-hip circumference and blood pressure were measured; venous blood samples were drawn to measure red blood cell folate and plasma total homocysteine; during the second visit the same questionnaire was filled out to measure differences in lifestyle compared to the first visit Preconceptional smoking cessation program Evaluation of the impact of smoking cessation advice given before pregnancy on smoking behaviour to both women and their partners; 12 months follow- up Hammiche et al, 20111 Prospective cohort 2007-2009 Most couples were subfertile (93.8%) A subgroup of 419 couples was counselled twice (n=110 couples) II-2 de Weerd et al. 20012 Cohort study Timeframe: unclear In a cohort of 111 women followed over a 1-year time period, 16 women reported smoking, whereas 24 were identified as smokers (serum cotinine >5µg/L, 33% underreporting) Differences at the second counselling: - Intake of fruit: increased from 65 to 80% in women vs. 49 to 68% in men - Recommended intake of fish: increased from 39 to 52% in women - Median Preconception Dietary Risk (PDR score based on six Dutch dietary guidelines) decreased: Women: 2.6 (95% CI 2.4-2.9) to 2.4 (95% CI 2.1-2.6); Men: 2.5 (95% CI 2.3-2.7) to 2.2 (95% CI 1.9-2.4); both p<0.05) - Median Rotterdam Reproduction Risk score (R3 score) decreased: Women: 4.7 (95% CI 4.3-5.0) to 3.1 (95% CI 2.8-3.4); Men: 3.0 (95% CI 2.8-3.3) to 2.0 (95% CI 1.7-2.3); both p<0.01) due to less alcohol use (-14.6%), more physical exercise and folic acid use in women, and less alcohol use in men (-19.4%) (all p<0.01) - Low educated women appeared to show a larger reduction in R3 score than better educated women and men with a normal BMI showed a larger reduction than overweight men II-2 20 men admitted smoking habits versus 36 men identified as smokers via serum cotinine assay (44% underreporting) Women: serum cotinine decreased significantly after intervention (from 214 µg/L to 99 µg/L; p=0.016), but none of the women stopped smoking. 75% of cotinine-validated smokers and 88% of self-reported smokers reduced smoking after the preconception counselling intervention Men: neither reduced nor stopped smoking 150 Smoking was confirmed by serum cotinine assay and also paternal smoking behaviour was assessed Smoking cessation in infertile women 3-5 minute scripted intervention advice and booklet vs. standard of care to assess a ‘stage-of-change’ Hughes et al, 20003 RCT 1996-1999 The effectiveness of Heparin plus Aspirine as a single therapy on the pregnancy success rate in patients with recurrent spontaneous abortion. Aspirin 100 mg/d from day 1 of the menstrual cycle to 2 wk before the delivery date Aspirine injections of 5.000 units/mL; on day + postovulation, 5.000 units at 12-hr intervals Cavadid et al. 19994 Prospective clinical trail 1993-1997 Infertile women at their first visit to a tertiary referral infertility clinic (n=47 intervention; n=47 control) and new patients seeking pre-natal care (n=56 intervention; n=54 control) who had smoked ≥3 cigarettes in the past six months. Exhaled carbon-monoxide (CO) monitoring was used to validate exposure in both groups I-a Infertile women: Intervention and control were similarly effective: the rate of maintained cessation rose significantly from 4% to 24% over twelve months 8 patients associated with allo- and autoimmunity, treated with a complete therapy: pregnancy success was (6/8) 75% II-2 11 patients associated with allo- and autoimmunity, treated with a single therapy: pregnancy success was (10/11) 90,9% 151 References 1. 2. 3. 4. Hammiche F, Laven JS, van Mil N, et al. Tailored preconceptional dietary and lifestyle counselling in a tertiary outpatient clinic in The Netherlands. Hum Reprod 2011;26(9):2432-41. de Weerd S, Thomas CM, Cikot RJ, Steegers EA. Maternal smoking cessation intervention: targeting women and their partners before pregnancy. Am J Public Health 2001;91(11):1733-4. Hughes EG, Lamont DA, Beecroft ML, Wilson DM, Brennan BG, Rice SC. Randomized trial of a "stage-of-change" oriented smoking cessation intervention in infertile and pregnant women. Fertil Steril 2000;74(3):498-503. Cadavid A, Pena B, Garcia G, et al. Heparin plus aspirin as a "single" therapy for recurrent spontaneous abortion associated with both allo- and autoimmunity. Am J Reprod Immunol 1999;41(4):271-8. 152 V. Risk assessment in preconception care Jacoba van der Kooy, Rachel Bakker, Sabine F. van Voorst, Chantal Quispel, Jashvant V.V. Poeran, Semiha Denktaş, Eric A.P. Steegers The preconceptional period provides opportunity for well-timed risk assessment. In The Netherlands, one of the main recommendations from the Dutch Health Council regarding preconception care is to implement evidence based instruments for preconception risk assessment. Yet, there are only a few evidence-based standardised risk assessment instruments available. In this chapter, risk assessment tools for preconception care, identified by an electronic literature search, are decribed. The instruments are subdivided into the following categories: questionnaires or checklists, physical examinations, laboratory tests, and complementary tests. Methods The study identification and selection process is summarized in Figure 1. An electronic search in PubMed was performed to identify new evidence on the preconception risk assessment instruments. The exact search command is given in Appendix 1. Key words were extracts of ‘preconception care’ or ‘interconception care’. Search criteria were: published from January 1, 2008 until December 22, 2011 and no animal studies. Three reviewers (JK, CQ, and JP) assessed eligibility of identified articles based on title and abstract. This selection was performed according to predefined criteria; the study assessed risk factors in the preconception or interconception period, the study examined a standardized risk assessment instrument, and the article was written in English. The electronic search resulted in 773 articles. Based on screening by title and abstract 737 non eligible articles were excluded. After screening the remaining articles, 30 full text articles were excluded for the same reasons as stated above. The remaining 6 articles were included for analyses. Risk assessment by questionnaires or checklists One method to assess preconceptional risks is by self-reported questionnaires or checklists, filled out at home. An advantage of completing a questionnaire or checklist at home is the opportunity to attain information from family members in case of a possible complicated family history.1 The main disadvantage pertains to the sometimes inevitable use of medical 153 terms in checklists, which might lead to incorrect answers due to misunderstandings.1 An overview of preconception risk assessment instruments is given in Table 1. An often used preconception care risk assessment instrument used in The Netherlands is the Preconception Health Assessment form which was originally developed by Cefalo et al.2 De Weerd and colleagues translated the risk assessment instrument into Dutch and validated the instrument in a preconceptionally recruited cohort of Dutch women.3 The authors state that the questions on the form provide an accurate risk assessment tool for preconceptional risk factors and thus they advocated implementation in various settings to facilitate the provision of preconception care.3 In the Netherlands one other uniform risk assessment instrument is being repeatedly used, validated and nationally implemented: ZwangerWijzer.3-4, 5 ZwangerWijzer is based on the Preconception Health Assessment. It is a risk assessment instrument to identify medical, genetic, environmental, nutritional, and lifestyle risk factors to be used by couples planning pregnancy. The identification of risk factors results in recommendations and referral to a midwife, general practitioner or obstetrician. The Erasmus Medical Center, together with the Dutch National Genetic Resource and Information Center, developed for the general public (couples having a pregnancy wish). With ZwangerWijzer risk factors can be easily identified and comprehensive information can be provided. This website is very successful with 400 to 500 serious visitors per day. Many health care professionals, obstetricians and midwives, use this site – recommended by the Foundation and Dutch Working Group on Preconception Care Netherlands - in providing preconception care. PreconceptieWijzer ( is an instrument developed for health care providers to be used together with ZwangerWijzer. Individual risks of a couple identified in ZwangerWijzer can be linked to protocols regarding preconception advice and subsequently lead to suggestions for referral patterns for specialist individual preconception care in case of high risks. In this way preconception care can be offered in a structured, protocolized way as part of chain care. In 2007, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam initiated the preconception outpatient clinic “Achieving a Healthy Pregnancy” (in Dutch: Gezond Zwanger Worden Spreekuur) for preconception counseling tailored on nutrition and lifestyle to patient-couples and employees. They showed the feasibility of this outpatient clinic in a tertiary center in subfertile couples. The Rotterdam Reproduction Risk score directed on lifestyle behaviors and the Preconception Dietary Risk score (PDR> score) are used as risk assessment instruments. It revealed that 3 months after counseling an 154 overall 30% decrease in unhealthy lifestyle behaviours and a significant increase of fruit intake in couples and fish intake in women was established. Further analyses found that especially women with low education benefit most from preconception counseling. More than 85% women and men found the counseling useful and around 70% would recommend it to others.6 Furthermore, a personal coaching program of 26 weeks on the mobile phone tailored on improvement of nutrition and lifestyle to be used by couples before and during pregnancy was developed by the Erasmus Medical Center. This program, in Dutch: Slimmer Zwanger, consists of a website in combination with text messages and email messages, through which personal support is given at any time, at any place and at very low costs. The screenings module on nutrition and lifestyle can be used in preconception care by health care providers.7 A promising new instrument which could be used as a preconception care instrument is the so called GyPsy digital screen-and-advice tool. This instrument screens for psychopathology and psychosocial problems before conception and has previously been validated among urban pregnant women.8 Another example of a risk assessment instrument is reported by Livingood et al. The authors assessed the effect of social determinants, as part of a multiple determinants model of preand interconception care, on birth outcomes. The subsequently developed program showed promising results related to reducing infant mortality and reducing other high-risk factors of poor birth outcomes, including low birth weight and the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. They concluded that social determinant interventions, designed to mitigate the impact of social class and stress, should be considered with efforts to reduce infant mortality, particularly the disparities associated with infant mortality.9 Some instruments may be used in practice; however, not been published in scientific literature. Therefore, we searched on the internet and contacted different organisations known to work within the preconception care field. We could not find any information on available instruments used by the following organisations; Los Angeles Mommy and Baby Project, March of Dimes, and Every Woman California. Furthermore, we could confirm that no instruments are used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Colorado project. 155 Table 1. An overview of preconception risk assessments instruments Instruments Valid Part of instrument routine care Preconception Yes No ZwangerWijzer4 Partly Yes PreconceptieWijzer Partly Preconception Risk domains Lifestyle Medical Psychiatric conditions conditions Nutrition X X X X X Yes X X X Partly Yes X X Slimmer Zwanger7 Partly Noy X X Gypsy8 Yes No X A multiple Yes No Environmental Social exposure environment X Medication Obstetric Family history history X X X X X X X X Health Assessment3 Dietary Risk score (PDR score)6 X X X X X X determinants model of pre- and interconception care9 156 Risk assessment by physical examinations, laboratory tests and complementary tests The aims of clinical testing in preconception care are to identify risk factors and to specify the magnitude of the risks that require intervention. Part of preconception care overlaps routine care, therefore diagnostic testing is not specifically different in the preconceptional practice. A summary of available physical examinations, laboratory tests and complementary tests is given in Table 2. Table 2. Summary of existing diagnostic tests (physical, laboratory, and complementary) per risk factor listed in the risk domains Risk domain Risk factor History Physical examinations Laboratory tests Complementary tests Family planning and reproductive life plan Short or long interpregnancy intervals Self-report, medical record - - - Physical activity Physical inactivity Self-report - - - Weight status BMI>30 kg/m2 BMI<18.5 kg/m2 - Body mass index - - Maternal HPV infection History of HPV infection of immunisation Visual examination (presence of genital warts on the cervix vagina and vulva). Microbiologic testing in conjunction to cytological screening of the cervix - Hepatitis B Maternal Hepatitis B History of Hepatitis B infection - Serum antibody and antigen testing - Varicella Maternal lack of immunity to varicella History of previous infection is associated with likely immunity 10 - Testing of immunity: varicella IgG and IgM antibody tests - Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) Lack of immunity or recent vaccination to measles, mumps or rubella History of immunisation - Serologic testing of immunity (specific antigen based tests) - Influenza Non immunisation status in times of influenza History of immunisation - - - Diphteria-tetanus- Lack of History of - Serologic testing of - Lifestyle Immunization Human papillomavirus (HPV) 157 Risk domain Risk factor History Physical examinations Laboratory tests Complementary tests pertusis vaccination immunity to Diphteria, Tetanus or Pertusis, or a non updated tetanus vaccination vaccination, last tetanus vaccination HIV Maternal HIV infection and medication Risks of HIV infections, known HIV status. symptoms associated with disease control Visual examination (presence of rash) Viral assays (HIV antibodies, HIV RNA tests, P24 antigen tests) for diagnosis and follow-up (HIV RNA, CD4 cell count, complete blood count (white and red blood cells, platelets)11 - Hepatitis C Maternal hepatitis C infection Symptoms associated with disease control, risks of Hepatitis C infection - Anti-HCV and HCV RNA for diagnosis and follow-up - Tuberculosis Maternal tuberculosis Risk assessment of exposition to tuberculosis - Toxoplasmosis Lack of immunity to toxoplasma gondii or with congenital toxoplas-mosis Known (possible) exposures to toxoplasmosis gondii - Toxoplasmosis IgG and IgM antibodies - Cytomegalovirus Risk of CMV infection during pregnancy in women without immunity to CMV Risk of exposure during eventual pregnancy, known infection in the past. - CMV IgG and IgM antibodies - Risk of CMV infection during pregnancy in women without immunity to CMV Risk of exposure during pregnancy, known infection in the past - Parvo B19 IgG and IgM antibodies - immunization status (antigen based tests) Infections (CMV) Parvovirus Sputum examination (Ziehl Neelsen stain), Mantoux test, Serologic testing (interon γ release essays, QuantiFeron-TB) X-ray examination 158 Risk domain Risk factor History Physical examinations Laboratory tests Complementary tests Malaria Maternal malaria Risk assessment: visit to an endemic area - - Gonorrhea Maternal gonorrhea History of sexual transmitted infections (STI’s) or risk factors for STI’s (symptoms, sexual behaviour, promiscuity) - Microscopy, blood tests: malaria antigen tests Microbiological tests: (culture or PCR) from cervical swabs/ urine samples Chlamydia Maternal Chlamydia infection History of STI’s or riskfactors for STI’s (symptoms, sexual behaviour, promiscuity) - Syphilis Maternal Syphilis infection (latent, primary or secondary stage) Symptoms, risk of contracting syphilis. Known treatment in the past Genital inspection, inspection of the skin (rash, mucocutaneous lesions, lympheadenopa thy) neurologic examination serologic testing (treponemal and non treponemal tests) - Herpes simplex virus Primary or reoccurring herpes simplex infection in pregnancy Primary genital infection with HSV in the past Genital inspection Culture of the vesicle, serologic testing (primary HSV in the past or not) - Asymptomatic bacteriuria Asymptomatic bacteriruria or maternal pyelonephritis in pregnancy - - Urine culture or less specific: dipstick testing, microscopy - Periodontal disease Periodontal infections in pregnancy Symptoms Oral inspection - - Bacterial vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy Symptoms Evaluation of fluor vaginalis Amsel criteria (inspection, KOH specimen + microscopy) or Nugent criteria (cervical swab) - GBS GBS colonisation of the urogenital tract Known GBS colonisation, especially a history of neonatal GBS sepsis after prior delivery - Culture (perianal and urine sample) - - Microbiological tests: (culture or PCR) from cervical swabs/ urine samples 159 Risk domain Risk factor History Physical examinations Laboratory tests Complementary tests Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus: inadequate glycaemic control History of diabetes, use of medication and reported compliance - HbA1c, glucose test - Thyroid disease Maternal thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism and (subclinical) hypothyroidism medication use and inadequate disease control Symptoms of thyroid disease, compliance with medication Blood testing: TSH and Ft4,TSH receptor antibodies - Phenylketonuria Maternal PKU History of PKU - Blood phenylalanine - Seizure disorders Risk of seizures in pregnancy due to inadequate treatment and riks of associated medication Evaluation of medication regimen, compliance and control of seizures - Evaluation of therapeutic levels of medication on indication - Hypertension Maternal hypertension Medicational compliance Blood pressure - - Rheumatoid arthritis Maternal Rheumatoid arthritis and risk of associated medication Evaluation of disease control and medication use Evaluation of flares of arthritis Markers of disease activity (on indication; such as: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, Rheumatic Factor - Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE Maternal Systemic lupus erythematosus; inadequate disease control and renal function Evaluation of disease control - Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, Anti Ro/La, aPLs, renal status (creatinine)11 - Chronic renal disease Reduced kidney function with or without possible coexisting renal hypertension due to chronic maternal renal disease and medication use Evaluation of disease control Blood pressure Serum creatinine - Cardiovascular disease Cardiovascular disease in Evaluation of disease control Cardiologic physical Specific laboratory testing may be Echocardiography, or other diagnostic Medical conditions Inspection (dry skin, exopthalmus, enlarged thyroid), palpation of the thyroid (PKU) 160 Risk domain Risk factor History pregnancy and possible risks of associated medication Physical examinations examination Laboratory tests necessary Complementary tests testing may be necessary Thrombophilia Known thrombophilia or thrombophilic events in the past Medical history or family history of thrombophilia or a thrombophilic event (pulmonary embolisms or deep venous thrombosis, recurrent pregnancy loss, preeclampsia, Intrauterine growth restriction, placental abruption)12 - Factor V Leiden, prothrombin mutation, antithrombin III deficiency, hyperhomocystine mia, protein C deficiency, protein S deficiency, lupus anticoagulants 12 - Asthma Maternal asthma and disease control, asthma medication Evaluation of disease control and medication use - - Spirometry Psychiatric conditions Depression and anxiety disorders History of or prepregnancy depression and anxiety disorders; risks of associated medication use Evaluation of disease state, psychiatric assessment and evaluation of medication Psychiatric assessment Applicable in some cases (evaluation of medication use) - Bipolar disorder Maternal bipolar disorder and risks of associated medication use. Evaluation of disease state, psychiatric evaluation, Evaluation of medication Psychiatric assessment Applicable in some cases (evaluation of medication use) - Schizophrenia Maternal schizophrenia and risks of associated medication use. Evaluation of disease state, psychiatric evaluation, evaluation of medication Psychiatric assessment Applicable in some cases (evaluation of medication use) - 161 Risk domain Risk factor History Physical examinations Laboratory tests Complementary tests Alcohol Maternal alcohol consumption Self-report and screening tests for heavy drinkers (egDSM criteria, TACE, CAGE, AUDIT, 5 shot)13 Acute signs of intoxication Laboratory tests are available for heavy drinkers (γGT, MCV, ASAT, ALAT, CDT, %CDT, uric acid, FAEE, EtG e.g.) but have limited value in clinical practice. 13 - Tobacco Maternal smoking or secondary smoking Self-report of use - Laboratory tests (carbon monoxide, nicotine, cotinine, thiocyanate)14 not used in clinical practice - Illicit substances Cocaine, Marijuana, Heroin, other illicit substances Self-report of use - Specific toxicological screening tests are available - General population History of the couple and both sides of their family; including: medical diseases, obstetric history, genetic disorders, congenital defects, developmental delay/ mental retardation, and ethnicity.15 - - - Cystic fibrosis carrier ship Family history - DNA testing of the CFTR gene16-17 - MHTFR polymorphisms Previous examinations or family history - MTHFR DNA test - Ethnicity or family history - RBC count, iron indices, hemoglobin electrophoresis15 - White/ European Ethnicity or family history - - Ashkenazi Jewish Ethnicity or family history - Cystic fibrosis: CFTR gene test Canavan disease: ASPA gene test, familial dysautonomia: Parental exposures Genetic diseases All individuals Ethnicity based Asian: thalessemia - 162 Risk domain Risk factor History Physical examinations Laboratory tests Complementary tests IKBAP gene test, Tay Sachs disease: hexosaminidase-A test or of Hexa gene test, Gaucher’s disease: GBA gene, Niemann-Pick disease Type A: SMPD1 gene test, Bloom Syndrome: BLM gene test, Mucolipidosis IV: MCOLN1 gene test, Fanconi anemia Group C: FANCC gene test 15 French Canadian Ethnicity or family history - Tay Sachs disease: hexosaminidase-A test or of Hexa gene test15 - African Ethnicity, history, or family history of thalessemia - RBC count, iron indices, hemoglobin electrophoresis15 - Mediterranean Ethnicity, history or family history - RBC count, iron indices, hemoglobin electrophoresis15, - 18-19 Cajun Ethnicity or family history - Tay Sachs disease: hexosaminidase-A test or of Hexa gene test15 - Previous pregnancies Recurrent miscarriage Obstetric history, family history - Karyotyping, thrombophilia tests15 - Known Genetic conditions Maternal or paternal genetic condition Self-report, medical history - Specific test and availability vary with the type of genetic disease15 - Maternal vitamin A intake above daily recommended intake Self-report of dietary intake and use of medication or supplements containing vitamin A. - Serologic vitamin A levels can be evaluated; there is no place in clinical practice for this however. - Nutrition Vitamin A 163 Risk domain Risk factor History Physical examinations Laboratory tests Complementary tests Folic acid Folate intake by nutrition and supplements Nutritional intake of folate (or if applicable intake of fortified food), use of supplements - Folate can be measured in serum (reflection of short term intake) or in the erythrocytes (reflecting long term intake) - Multivitamins Insufficient intake of vitamin supplements Compliance to multivitamins - Laboratory tests are available for each vitamin (see other vitamins enlisted) - Vitamin D Maternal vitamin D deficiency Symptoms an risk factors for deficiency Skin colour Blood test: 25-OH vitamin D3 (Calcidiol) - Vitamin B12 Maternal vitamin B12 deficiency Symptoms, evaluation of nutritional intake, history of anemia or vitamin B12 deficiency - Cobalamin blood test - Vitamin E High maternal vitamin E intake Evaluation of nutritional intake and supplements and adherence to daily recommendations - Vitamin E blood test (although this is not routine in clinical practice) - Obesity Maternal BMI >30 kg/m2 - Body mass index - - Underweight Maternal BMI <18,5 kg/m2 - Body mass index - - Eating disorders Maternal eating disorders (anorexia or boulimia) Evaluation of disease control, or DSM criteria for evaluation of not yet diagnosed eating disorders Psychiatric evaluation - - Environmental exposure Environmental exposures Maternal exposure to environmental hazards History of environmental exposures - Tests can provide information on certain elements; although this can be difficult - Workplace exposures Maternal exposure to hazardous substances at the workplace History of occupations and known exposures - - - 164 Risk domain Risk factor History Physical examinations Laboratory tests Complementary tests Household exposures Maternal exposure to hazardous household substances Exposure to solvents in paints, pesticides, herbicides, soldering of metals etc. 20 - - - Questions regarding use or need of benefits or economic help household income, debts - - - Psychosocial stressors Financial resources Inadequate financial resources 165 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. American College of Obstetricians, Gynecologists Committee on Genetics. Committee Opinion No. 478: Family history as a risk assessment tool. Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Mar;117(3):747-50. Cefalo RC, Bowes WA, Jr., Moos MK. Preconception care: a means of prevention. Baillieres Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 1995 Sep;9(3):403-16. de Weerd S, van der Bij AK, Cikot RJ, Braspenning JC, Braat DD, Steegers EA. Preconception care: a screening tool for health assessment and risk detection. Prev Med. 2002 May;34(5):505-11. Landkroon AP, de Weerd S, van Vliet-Lachotzki E, Steegers EA. Validation of an internet questionnaire for risk assessment in preconception care. Public Health Genomics. 2010;13(2):89-94. de Weerd S, Steegers EA. The past and present practices and continuing controversies of preconception care. Community Genet. 2002;5(1):50-60. Hammiche F, Laven JS, van Mil N, de Cock M, de Vries JH, Lindemans J, et al. 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Full search command (preconception*[tw] OR pre-conception*[tw] OR prepregnan*[tw] OR pre-pregnan*[tw] OR pregestation*[tw] OR pre-gestation*[tw] OR periconception*[tw] OR peri-conception*[tw] OR interconception*[tw] OR inter-conception*[tw] OR interpregnan*[tw] OR inter-pregnan*[tw] OR intergestation*[tw] OR inter-gestation*[tw] OR internatal*[tw] OR inter-natal*[tw]) NOT (animals NOT humans) AND 2008:2012[dp]) AND Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures" 167 FIGURE 1. Flowchart study identification and selection process 168 VI. Overall benefits of preconception care in terms of public health Marijana Vujkovic, Semiha Denktaş, Eric A.P. Steegers, Rachel Bakker, Gouke J. Bonsel As a health theme, reproductive health has an important role on the public health services agenda. Within the domain of reproductive health the focus has been mainly on prenatal initiatives; however, recently also the preconception period is acknowledged as an important phase within the reproductive chain.1-3 Preconception care provided by public health services is focused on primary prevention at a collective level.4 This chapter describes the benefits of preconception care on a public health level. History Since the 1990s, public campaigns have been carried out in European countries in order to raise awareness about the use of folic-acid supplementation.5 Despite campaigns to promote folic acid supplementation, the number of women who take folic acid supplements in the recommended timeframe - the preconception period until the tenth week of gestation - has remained relatively low.6-7 In 1995 and in 2004, a public awareness campaign to promote folic acid use was launched in the Netherlands. Dutch pharmacies started proactively informing and motivating women to use oral contraceptives to start taking folic acid supplements before conception. An increase in folic acid uptake was not achieved and remained low.7-10 It was estimated that approximately 36% of women in the reproductive age use folic acid supplements, despite the high percentage, about 80%, of planned pregnancies among the native Dutch population.11 Nowadays, the focus of preconception care has extended to several other domains including conscious family planning, prevention of sexual transmitted diseases, prevention of tobacco and drug use, optimising psychosocial health, provision of sexual education, and prevention of domestic violence and sexual abuse.2 Public health services worldwide increased their efforts in collective preventive measures, such as cigarette package labelling for preventing low birth weight singletons12 and food supply folic acid fortification to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the offspring.13 Furthermore, their role in surveillance by collecting data on the prevalence of key indicators has been increased over the last years.14-15 Public health perspectives Many public health perspectives are relevant in preconception care. First, public health services are increasingly aware that obesity and nutrition have, besides their effect on the general population, also clear extensions in the reproductive domain. Initiatives to prevent 169 obesity and poor nutritional status may increase health promotion in couples with a pregnancy wish.16 A second public health perspective focuses on the long-term effects of better reproductive health, resulting in subsequent better outcomes of the child. Impaired foetal development and low birth weight have been associated with increased risks of chronic disease later in life.17 Conventional outcomes such as perinatal mortality and morbidity are gradually extended to outcomes in childhood, including psychosocial development and obesity.18-20 Additionally, also more long term outcomes including the development of the metabolic syndrome, psychopathological disturbances, and cardiovascular consequences are being recognised.21-24 Long-term consequences for the offspring are in particular importance for newborns with severe conditions at delivery (prematurity, congenital anomalies, and low birth weight), since survival of these newborn has improved considerably in the last decade. Given the non-trivial prevalence of perinatal morbidity, public health epidemiology shows more interest in the long-term consequences of early preventive efforts, including preconception care. The remainder of this chapter will focus in more detail on a third public health perspective, namely maternal health effects, parallel to the intended reproductive health effects.25-26 The improvement of reproductive outcome is often a consequence of improved maternal health. When women in the reproductive age have for example a proper body weight and a balanced nutritional state, their own health will improve as well. Some distinct beneficial preconception interventions like folic acid supplementation lack clear-cut benefits for maternal health. We have listed nine domains of preconception care in Table 1. For each domain, we included the most important target items with expected maternal health benefits. We described the consequences of the diseases mentioned in the table. If preconception care is successful, such consequences might be avoided to some degree or even completely. The column 'Overall' provides an indication of possible effectiveness of targeting a particular preconception care item on the subsequent maternal health conditions. In this manner, Table 1 emphasises the most important maternal benefits for public health initiatives. If these effects translate into increased mortality and severe morbidity on the individual level, this is summarized in the columns with the headings 'Mortality' and 'Morbidity'. An ‘A’ refers to potential presence of mild or moderate benefits, ‘B' refers to potential presence of strong benefits, and ‘C’ refers to the absence of such benefits. 170 171 Table 1. Preconception care target items of public health and maternal health benefits PRECONCEPTION CARE MATERNAL HEALTH BENEFITS Domains Target items Overall* Mortality** Morbidity** Consequences, symptoms and inconviences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Family planning and reproductive life plan Psychosocial stressors Substance use Micronutrient intake Energy intake Physical activity Infectious diseases - Pregnancy intention + C A - prevention social abortions, teenage pregnancy - Inadequate financial resources - Intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and childhood maltreatment27-28 - Tobacco use29-30 + A A ++ B B - general socio-economic ill-health effect - physical, mental, sexual disorder ++ B B - Cannabis - Opiate like drugs31 - Alcohol abuse32-34 + + + C B A A B B Hypovitaminosis - Vitamin D + C A - Vitamin B1235 - Vitamin E - Folate levels Hypervitaminosis - Vitamin A + - C C C B A C - osteoporosis, bone disease osteomalacia, muscle functioning - anaemia, neuropsychiatric disorders - rare disease: blindness, cardiovascular disease, nerve damage, cognitive dysfunction -- + C A - liver problems - Obesity36 ++ B B - Underweight - Eating disorders + + C A B B - Physical inactivity - HIV37 - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis C37 - Tuberculosis37 - Toxoplasmosis37 - Cytomegalovirus-virus (CMV)37 - Parvovirus37 + ++ ++ ++ ++ - C B B B B C C C C B B B B A A A - diabetes mellitus, hypertension, infertility, cardiovascular disease, several cancers - nutrient deficiencies, osteoporosis, dysmenorrhea, infertility - psychiatric episodes, nutritional, metabolic, endocrine, psychological problems - weight stability, mood disorders - reduction of viral load, disease progression - prevention of cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma - chronic liver disease - lung disease, systemic disease - mild symptoms - usually asymptomatic - arthritis, arthralgia, anaemia - hypertension, cardiovascular disease, several cancers, dysmenorrhoea - mental health problems - neuropsychiatric disorders, heart failure - liver disease, neuropsychiatric disorders, cardiovascular disease, chronic pancreatitis 8. 9. Sexually transmitted diseases Environmental exposures - Malaria37 - Asymptomatic bacteriuria37 - Periodontal disease37 - Bacterial vaginosis37 - Varicella - Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) - Influenza - Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis - Chlamydia37 + + + - B C C C C C C C B A A A A A A A - malaria - acute maternal pyelonephritis - loss of teeth - vaginal discharge, pelvic inflammatory disease - in adults rare complications - rare symptomatic disease -- rare in non-immunized adults + C A - Gonorrhoea37 - C A - subfertility, chronic pelvic pain, pelvic inflammatory disease, eye disease - pelvic inflammatory disease, damage to joints and heart valves - Syphilis37 - Herpes simplex virus37 + - A C B A - Human papillomavirus (HPV) - Workplace & household exposure - Noise - Deprived area + + + ++ A C C C A B A C - syphillis local, systemic manifestations - rare symptomatic disease: hepatitis, encephalitis, pneumonitis, neurological damage - genital warts, cervical dysplasia, cancer - solvents carcinogenic, neurological problems - loss of hearing - general ill-health effect * Indication of possible effectiveness of targeting a particular preconception care item on the subsequent maternal health effects; -: little effect; +: mild or moderate effect; ++ strong effect. ** Indication of maternal health benefit; A: potential presence of mild or moderate benefit; B: potential presence of strong benefit; C: absence of such benefit. Example: Within the domain 'Family planning and reproductive life plan' we selected the preconception target to strive for positive pregnancy intention underlying a pregnancy, with avoidance of unplanned unwanted pregnancies. The consequences of an unwanted pregnancy go beyond foetal disadvantage and are described in the most right column: abortions and teenage pregnancies. The health of teenage pregnant children can be compromised, and legal and illegal abortion both are causes of health problems and in many cases of risk for the pregnant woman. The presented rating, only an 'A' at morbidity and a ‘C’ at mortality, obviously represents the state in developed countries where it is possible to undergo legal abortion for non-medical reasons. However, in some countries there should be a 'B' at morbidity and even an effect indication at mortality. The resulting rating in the ‘Overall’ column is '+' is reflecting an estimated moderate beneficial effect on the public health level. 173 Beneficial targeting items In the section below we selected those target items with either '++’ overall effect or a strong benefit ('B') in terms of mortality or morbidity from Table 1. Intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and childhood maltreatment The prevalence of partner violence and sexual violence in developed countries has been estimated to range between 5-15%, depending on the method of measurement and definition and thresholds.27 In less develop countries a pevalence as high as 70% has been reported.27 Long-term effects include physical, mental, and sexual disorders.28 Increasing the sensitivity of health providers in the preconception care to detect these conditions may be an important strategy to open communication and address gender inequality issues. If appropriate measures are taken health benefits include better health of the mother. Tobacco use Cigarette smoking causes serious health problems, severe diseases, and increases the mortality risk from many causes.29-30 Smoking also causes an additive risk to the mortality risk from severe diseases indirectly related to smoking. Quitting smoking reduces the risk for cancer, cardiovascular disease including hypertension; for some diseases risk lowers instantaneously.38 Because more benefits are achieved in people who stop smoking at an earlier age, preconception interventions are an important component of individual and public health interventions directed at smoking cessation. Many believe, the pregnancy period offers an excellent window of opportunity.39 In this case, the parental approach (both mother and father) is essential for effectiveness, adding to health for the father too. Opiate like drugs From a theoretical point of view, preconception care offers health benefits to the addicted woman (and frequently to the addicted father too) as opiate addiction deteriorates health through direct and indirect mechanisms. With current shift in the pattern of illicit drugs used, the benefits for the woman change with the risk profile of the particular substance.31 Little is known on the persisting effect of preconception care in this risk group. Alcohol abuse A major difficulty in alcohol abuse is the different risk profile for the mother and the foetus. From a foetal health point of view, non-use is the single preconception advice which has to be given.40 From a maternal health point of view, we must acknowledge different subgroups, including pregnant women, with different health consequences to be anticipated. One glass of alcohol per day, according to most epidemiological studies does not reflect a specific 174 harm, and may be associated with small health gains at the individual level, yet tangible health benefits for the population at large.41 For women drinking this amount, the preconception care advice is to stop drinking. For larger amounts, or in case of an irregular drinking pattern with occasional excessive consumption, e.g. binge drinking, prevention will be beneficial to the women's health as alcohol abuse is associated with a wide range of disadvantages, including liver damage,33 neuropsychiatric disease mediated through hypovitaminosis,32 mental disorders, and weight problems as alcohol represents high energy intake.34 Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 deficiency most commonly occurs in the context of knowledge on risk factors which are associated with the disorder. It has a heterogeneous background: Helicobacter pylori infection; however, still inconclusive,42 alcohol abuse,43 vegetarian dietary pattern,44 auto-immune disease45 or gastro-intestinal disease. The symptoms are insidious, but in its severe form in part irreversible. If discovered by blood testing, the aetiology is a guide to treatment usually consisting of substitution.46 In diseased persons this represents a substantial benefit.35 Obesity, underweight and nutritional deficiency At reproductive age between 30% to 60% of women are obese depending on age and (sub) population.47 Prevalence strongly depends on socio-economic class and ethnicity; however, systematic data in pregnant women are unavailable. Being obese increases the risk for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, musculo-skeletal disorders, and probably some cancers.36 While being obese in developed countries is priority public health problem, in underdeveloped countries and in extreme underprivileged groups underweight is also prevalent. Since overweight is largely preventable, the preconception period is a window of opportunity as it allows to timely provide an supportive environment for individuals who need structural guidance towards healthy eating and regular physical activity. In particular, women from deprived subpopulations may benefit from healthy nutrition, contributing at the same time to decrease of obesity, and lower prevalence of hypovitaminosis and other symptoms of undernutrition. Folic acid intake, while being critical for foetal health, is not in the same way important for maternal health.48 Infectious diseases The relevance of preconception care for maternal health in infectious diseases is twofold. To the extent that preconception care includes vaccination or revaccination, in all women or selected groups, the prevention of the disease represents a benefit for women’s own health. 175 The higher the natural prevalence and the morbidity, the more this is relevant. In some other diseases, preconception care includes its screening, usually in subpopulations with higher risks through some known exposure mechanism. In these cases it is secondary rather than primary prevention which in most cases represents a maternal benefit. HIV HIV has a prevalence between 0.1% and 0.7% of the adult population in developed countries. In 40% of unaware HIV status there is mother-infant transmission37, 49-50 Until the introduction of an effective HIV vaccine, direct prevention of this immune deficiency disease is not possible. Still, preconception care offers the possibility to optimize HIV prevention in atrisk women of reproductive age in developed countries, more generally in epidemic regions like Eastern Europe, and Africa. The gains of therapy (HAART) for the women are obvious: early treatment has shown to improve long-term outcome. The awareness of being HIVpositive may interfere with pregnancy intentions. Also, in particular in younger couples who start a family, economic disadvantages may also be present due to job loss as a consequence of a HIV positive diagnosis. However, stigmatization by HIV positive status and subsequently losing a job has decreased in most countries during the last years. These disadvantages are outweighed by the straightforward health benefits of targeted specialist therapy. Hepatitis B While hepatitis B infection in adults leads to recovery in the majority of the cases, 5% clearing of the virus is incomplete, and some form or chronic disease remains. Liver cirrhosis is a common serious event after long standing chronic infection.51 Treatment (e.g. with interferon immune modulation or antiviral drugs) is effective, in particular since the recent generation of antiviral drugs shows less long term resistance.51 Also, a highly effective vaccine to reduce the susceptibility of infection is available.52 Migrants from areas where Hepatitis B infection is endemic should be therefore be vaccinated. This being the case, maternal health benefits arise from primary prevention, secondary prevention and treatment of screen-detected cases. Hepatitis C Hepatitis C infection in developed countries is a more rare disease compared to hepatitis B. It is related to - primarily - blood transfusions with donated blood uncontrolled for this infection before 1992.37 Unlike hepatitis B, clearance is incomplete in the majority of cases, and although chronic infection may for long remain asymptomatic, many finally develop chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis.53 As blood donations and its fractions are checked, 176 for the presence of infection, risk for being positive is limited to women older than 30 years.54 Prevalence is still low then, since the probability for blood transfusion is low in young people. A vaccine does not exist for primary prevention, but treatment of chronic asymptomatic infection represents a substantial benefit for the mother as treatment options has gradually extended and successful.55 Tuberculosis In 2001, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported over 15.000 cases of active tuberculosis, and 10 to 15 million latent infections.37 It is the leading cause of death among people who are HIV-positive.56 Occasionally women will be detected with chronic or active tuberculosis, usually in the context of other risks or diseases, including HIV, intravenous drug use, migrant from specific areas, etc. In these rare cases prompt treatment will be of benefit. Malaria Malaria leads to 400.000 severe maternal anemia per year, mostly in the sub-Sahara region.37 In terms of preconception care its relevance is negligible in epidemiological terms. In underdeveloped countries, its prevention and treatment are essential as maternal pregnancy risks increase with this infection. Sexually transmitted diseases Syphilis Besides the known association of syphilis during pregnancy and stillbirth,57 the burden of syphilis in the non pregnant population has great impact. The World Health Organization estimates 12 million new cases of syphilis each year.37 The clinical presentation of syphilis ranges from asymptomatic to genital ulcers in primary syphilis to more widespread symptoms (skin rash, lymfadenopathie and mucocuteaneus lesions). The late complications known as tertiary syphilis are gummatous lesions or involvement of neurological, visual or auditory systems. Treatment with antibiotics (usually penicillin G) can be used in all stages of syphilis but are more successful when administered in an earlier stage.37 Many countries screen for syphilis in the first trimester as a simple blood tests can be used.58 Some states require syphilis screening to obtain a marriage license. Preconceptional screening in high-risk populations can reduce the impact of syphilis in women but can also reduce congenital syphilis. 177 Environmental exposures A wide range of chemical and physical exposures are known to be relevant in preconception care.59 Women can be exposed due to their profession, working place, hobby, and place of living. In particular occupational hazards are frequently underestimated with regard to the consequences for the worker-employee and the foetus.60 Exposure to e.g. solvents and noise are obvious examples of environmental exposures with combined effects. The prevention of exposure or the protection also benefits the women. A special case is the social environment. Recent research shows the relevance of exposure to living in deprived areas where a complex of factors decreases maternal and foetal health.61-62 Preconception care may not easily change this type of exposure, yet by focussing on other preventable targets both mother and child may benefit. Conclusion The focus of public health initiatives should be on maternal effects of preconception care as well as the foetal effects. Maternal benefits from preconception care affect both the reproductive outcomes of women in the reproductive age, as well as the general health of these women during the lifespan. 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