Issue 136 - FREE Take One - June 2015 PLATTE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES Chugwater, Glendo, Guernsey, and Wheatland, Wyoming BOOKMARK On May 14th, kids going into Kindergarten this Fall enjoyed WE DIG DIRT! a Kick-off program of the Platte County Library Early Literacy Project, funded by Ladies of Legislature. Come join your friends at the Platte County Public Library for another fun Summer Reading Program! ! E! IZ t Our first Summer Reading Program date P R o Se D g for kids ages 3-8 AN e Le R g Is June 16, 2015 from 10:30-12:00! G u H Beginning June 18, 2015 from 1:00—2:30! Summer Reading for kids ages 8-13. Susan Bednasek gave a rousing talk! “Get out from in front of that boring old ’screen’ and PLAY! They really DUG DIRT! and learned about the value of playing outside. Did you know dirt is good for your mood? It's good for your skin, and fights allergies... Kids went home with great prizes too! G Dr D RAND re B P eats RIZE!! Hea dpho nes POOL PARTY— July 9th 7:00—8:30 P.M. WATER WARS — Last week of SRP Be prepared to get soaked! Everyone is invited to Mr. E’s Magic Show— June 26th at 10:30 A.M. INDIANA BONES! Story Teller — July 22nd 10:30 A.M. Teens and Adults Join the 2015 Summer Reading Program at the library front desk Get Mission Instructions and earn credit for your participation! Submit Book Reviews Nominate your Heroes (Be sure to sign the back of the form) Platte County Library Will be Closed July 3rd and 4th ‘Like’ Heroes that are already posted Present a Be Your Own Hero form to the librarian, turn in completed games and puzzles to enter our Teens, add your name to the roster NOW to get ready for Mystery and Dinner Night Wednesday, July 22 And help Save the Planet!!! Grand Prize Drawing! The PCPL Bookmark is a monthly publication, brought to you by your Platte County Library to provide patrons with library news, information and a little fun. 904 9th St. Wheatland, 307-322-2689, FAX 307-322-3540 Open: 10am-8pm M-Th, 10am-5pm Fri., 10am-2pm Sat. Editor : Molly Read, Contributors: Julie Henion, and Lee Miller Superheroes are regular people underneath the mask. 30th Annual CHUGWATER CHILI COOK-OFF Bring the whole family to enjoy food, fun and music! 9 am - 5 pm at Town Park in Chugwater Tickets: $10, Ages 12 and under Free Visit Happy FatHer’s Day June 21st Have you ever considered serving on the Platte County Library Board of Directors? Apply at the County Clerk’s Office if you are interested in filling the open position. Monday: Strong Bones Exercise class at 10:00 am, Beginning Braille, 1:15pm Tuesday: Cinnamon rolls and coffee, 8:30 am Jim’s Bible study at 8:30 am Wii Bowling at 10:00 am Cribbage, 1:00 pm Wednesday: Brain gym class, 10:00 am Bingo, 1:00 pm Crafts, 2:00 pm Thursday: Strong Bones Exercise class at 10:00 am Pool and Dominoes at 1:00 pm Friday: Line dancing at 9:00 am Movies this Month: June 5th, 12th ,& 26th We will be showing Night At The Museum 1, 2, &3 at 1:15 pm. Special Days: Wednesday, June 4th &18th– Watercolor Painting Class 1:30 pm th Tuesday, June 9 – Wellness Breakfast Guest Speaker Stacy Reichardt 8:00 am Monday, June 15th – Medicare Minute Breakfast 8:00 am Friday, June 19th - Father’s Day Picnic at the Park 5:30 pm Thursday, June 25th- Dinner And A Movie: “Something’s Gotta Give” New Non-Fiction William Peter Blatty – Finding Peter Edmund J. Bourne – The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook Demystifying the Book of Revelations Maribeth Ditmars – The Bald-headed Princess: Cancer, Chemo and Courage Hans Finzel – Launch Your Encore David Fisher – Bill O’Reilly’s Legends & Lies: The Real West Arielle Ford – Wabi Sabi Love Karen Gravelle – Teenagers Face to Face with Cancer Chris Hadfield – An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth Chris Hadfield – You are Here Christina G. Hibbert – Who am I without You? Michael W. Higgins – The Unquiet Monk Robert Marx Hubbard – Conscious Evolution Annie Kagan – The Afterlife of Billy Fingers Brian Kilmeade – George Washington’s Secret Six Nancy Keene – Childhood Cancer Survivors Scott McBride – Windows and Doors Thomas Merton – No Man is an Island David Pogue - Windows 8.1: The Missing Manual Peter Schweizer – Clinton Cash Gayle Tzemach Lemmon – Ashley’s War Laurie Vanous – The Ramblin’s of a Young Old Man When Your Brother or Sister Has Cancer Marianne Williamson – The Gift of Change Marianne Williamson – A Return to Love Kathy Wittman – Setting Sail: A Collection of Parables Go to Click on the Virtual Library logo to check out E-Books, and now Movies. Click on Zinio to download E-Magazines for FREE Superheroes descend on West Elementary at the last day of school! It’s just a CRIME to miss out on Summer Reading. Use the Platte County Library WEBSITE to go to our Facebook page, explore the Library Catalog, renew books, borrow e-books, get information from online databases, and link to Facebook and other Platte County sites. (Cut & Use For Bookmark) June 20, 2015 Wyoming Reads Platte County First grade students enjoyed Wyoming Reads Literacy Day On Tuesday, May 19th. Each first grader received a book from the annual program of the Sue Jorgensen Library Foundation that encourages literacy in the State of Wyoming. These talented WHS National Honor Society students did a wonderful job of engaging the kids in interactive storytelling. Seated: Chase Cochran, Todd Paisley, and Wes Taylor. Standing: Rachel Geile, Audrey Lucas, Samantha Britz, and Josh Calvert. Thank you all for your great contribution to the library and Wyoming Reads! Traditionally known as the "Libbey Moms, Brooke Mickelsen, Carrie Paisley, Courtney Sisson, Wendy May and their coach Susan Bednasek get ready for their annual skit about a big bad wolf who learns the value of reading. Super Happenings Around Town Platte County Parks and Rec. Ribbon cutting for the Splash Park south of the swimming pool is June 8th at 1:00 pm. Molly Wilhelm says the opening of the pool and Splash Park has been delayed because of the rainy weather but will be ready to enjoy very soon in June - hopefully. Platte County Main Street is sponsoring a Downtown Sidewalk Sale Saturday, June 13th, 9 am till noon Pre-Register for STEAM ACADEMY Summer Camp by June 15th. Contact Helena Wagner 331-3993, Legos donations are still being accepted to begin a library Legos Club. Everyone is invited to Summer Reading’s Mr. E’s Magic Show— June 26th at 10:30 am, at the library & INDIANA BONES! Story Teller — July 22nd 10:30 am New DVDs American Sniper The Boy Next Door Covert Affairs Season 5 The Mentalist Season 7 Paddington The Wedding Ringer New Books Rain chased the sack lunch inside to the meeting room instead of on the library lawn. Susan Wittig Albert – Bittersweet Nancy Atherton – Aunt Dimity and the Summer King David Baldacci – Memory Man Mary Daheim – The Alpine Zen Lin Enger – The High Divide Carol Ervin – Cold Comfort Carol Ervin – The Girl on the Mountain Carol Ervin – Midwinter Sun Joan Hess – Pride vs. Prejudice Craig Johnson – Dry Bones Rosalind Noonan – All She Ever Wanted Rosalind Noonan – And then She was Gone Rosalind Noonan – Take Another Look Amanda Quick – Crystal Gardens Amanda Quick – Garden of Lies Nora Roberts – The Liar Anne B. Ross –Miss Julia Lays Down the Law John Sandford – Gathering Prey Nancy Springer – Dark Lie Stuart Woods – Hot Pursuit Writers Group meets Friday June 12th at 2:00 p.m. Kids lined up to go from one reading station to the next. In one of the meeting rooms at Platte County Library. If you are interested in participating in a writing group, come join us. Library Displays for June Recipe for June YAY! Is there a Superhero in your kitchen? Check out the colossal collection of food and recipe books on the table in the New Books section. Submit a favorite recipe for credit toward Grand Prize Drawing, and it may be used in a future library newsletter. Who doesn’t LOVE to see a great big bowl of Frog Eye Salad at the summer picnic table! Enter Book Review forms for the Top Ten prizes. Teens - Sign up for Hero/Villain Summit Mystery and Dinner Night. Book suggestions for J and YA readers are on the old card catalogue file. Frog Eye Salad This recipe is from Ingredients Wonder Woman/Shilo Weber. 1 cup sugar 2 Tbs flour 2 1/2 tsp salt (divided) 1 3/4 cup pineapple juice 2 eggs, beaten 1 Tbs lemon juice 3 quarts water 1 Tbs cooking oil 1 pkg (16 oz) Acini de Pepe 2 cans (15 oz) mandarin oranges, drained 2 cans (20 oz) pineapple chunks, drained 1 can (20 oz) crushed pineapple, drained 1 8oz carton cool whip Directions Combine sugar, flour and 1/2 tsp of the salt. Gradually stir in pineapple juice and eggs. Cook over moderate heat, stirring, until thickened. Add lemon juice. Cool mixture to room temperature. Bring water, remaining 2 tsp of salt and oil to boil. Add Acini de Pepe. Cook at a rolling boil until Acini is done. Drain, rinse, drain again and cool to room temperature. Combine egg mixture and Acini. Mix lightly but thoroughly. Refrigerate over night in airtight container. Add remaining ingredients. Mix lightly but thoroughly. Refrigerate until chilled in airtight container. Salad may be refrigerated for as long as a week in airtight container. May also be frozen, although freezing somewhat alters the texture. Makes 25 servings. PRE-SCHOOL STORY TIME Mondays, at Guernsey Branch Library TIME: 11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Please stop by and enjoy a story and a craft every Monday. Turn in Who’s your Hero forms to post on the Hero wall, but be sure to sign them first for credit toward Grand Prize Drawing. Present a completed Be Your Own Hero form to be credited for the Grand Prize Drawing, but you take that form home with you. It’s for your own reference. Sr. Outreach Center Events First Friday Book Club with Platte County Public Library, 2:00 at the Outreach Center, June 5th discussion: “Philly Girl Goes West” by Elaine Mandigo Everyday at the Center is Yoga at 8:15 am Donuts Monday mornings, Sewing Circle Mondays at 2:00, Outreach Choir Rehearsal Tues. at 3:00 Tai Chi Mon. 1:15 and Tues. 9:30 Cribbage Wed. 9:00 am, Knitting Thurs. at 2:00 Elderly/Disabled Tax Rebate Assistance call for apt. 331-7780 Individualized Computer Help by appointment. Wed. June 3 Comedy Club -Tim Allen in “Men Are Pigs” 2:00 pm Sat., June 6,20 & 27 Sack Lunch and Games—10:00 am to 2:00 pm Tuesday, June 9 Low Income Energy Assistance Program at noon Tuesday, June 9 Outreach Board Meeting 1:00 pm Wed., June 10 Origami or Silk Flower Arranging 2:00 pm Fri., June 12 Pot Luck Dinner 5:30 pm Sat., June 13 Brunch & Sidewalk Sale fund Raiser 8:00 am till noon Sun., June 14 Road Trip to Denver - Cirque du Soleil Wed., June 17 Thyroid Support Group 3:00 pm Wednesday, June 24 Games for Your Brain 2:00 pm Presented by Cathy Carlisle of Wyoming Senior Citizens, Inc. “Dirty Deeds at the Depot” Melodrama Performance Friday, June 19 7:00 pm at Wheatland High School Auditorium Summer Reading Program in Guernsey too! For more information, please contact: Shiela Oliver 307-837-2816 Saturday, June 20 7:00 pm at Glendo High School Gym Saturday, June 27 1:00 pm at Chugwater High School Gym Saturday, June 27 7:00 pm at Guernsey High School Gym Platte County Senior Outreach Center 975 Gilchrist, Wheatland 307-331-7780
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