the PDF file - Pitt Meadows Community Garden

April 2015
Pitt Meadows Community Garden
In the spring I have counted one hundred and thirty-six different kinds of weather inside of four and
twenty hours. ~Mark Twain
Welcome to the 2015 Gardening
The fantastic spring weather we have
had has allowed us to get out to our
plots and planting early this year. It is
fantastic to see so many gardeners
down at the garden every day. The
garden is looking wonderful and we
are showcasing beautifully our
amazing piece of Pitt Meadows real
Thank you to all who came out to the
AGM on March 9th. If you were unable
to make it, the AGM presentation is
available on own website –
Don’t forget to ‘Like Us’ on Facebook
for current garden news and events!
Important upcoming events
Saturday, April 18 9AM-1PM
 Spring Work-Bee and BBQ
Monday, May 4th
 Board Meeting – 7 PM at the
The Board is eagerly organizing
education sessions hosted at the
garden! Topics being organized Planting seeds and
 Square Foot Gardening
 Bees
 Growing Tomatoes
SPRING: March 2014
Garden Expansion Plans. We received the
exciting news at our AGM from Parks and
Leisure that our expansion will be happening
this summer! Our driveway and access
points have already been measured and
assessed, so we are hoping to see trucks
soon start to fill the back of our garden. Our
Many Gardens are undergoing
renovations. Check out Plot #50!
expansion will make available 100 additional
garden plots!
Pitt Meadows Centennial. The garden has
also been chosen as a Pitt Meadows
Centennial celebration site to commemorate
Pitt Meadows 100th birthday. Please stay
tuned for more details on the centennial
addition to the garden.
Manure and Topsoil available at the
Garden! Start prepping your plot for a
Manure and topsoil available at the
garden- both from Davidson Farms
Sterile soil for greenhouse planting
available for $3/bag in the kitchen shed.
wonderful summer harvest. Cost $5 per
wheelbarrow for Manure and $8 per wheel
barrow for topsoil. Leave your money in an
Remember your plots
must be weeded and
tended by May 1st.
envelope in the kitchen lockbox with your
plot number.
Driveway use. Our driveway has areas of
significant erosion. This will be attended to
during the expansion however until then
please use the driveway for accessibility
purpose and for delivery of heavy loads only.
Thank you!
SPRING: March 2014
Garden tools and equipment are ready to
use! Please return and clean your tools
after every use! We want our wonderful
tools to last.
Toolshed Cubby Space. In early May we
will be doing some re-organizing of our
toolshed and this includes re-numbering
the cubby spots. Please clear your cubby
this month so that painting can occur.
Do you have special skills or interest in
volunteering for a garden task? We want
to hear from you! Keep in mind our 5
hours of work-in-kind. Stay tuned for
volunteer opportunities and sign up.
Horsetail. Most of us are battling Horsetail
weeds in our gardens. We are not the only
ones, they are everywhere! Please be
diligent in weeding your plots. If anyone
knows of tips and tricks other than
thorough weeding to eradicate, please let
us know!
Garden Security. Please remember to lock
up tool shed, kitchen and greenhouse
when you leave the garden.
Gardens are ready to go for planting this
SPRING: March 2014
Greenhouse Information
Ready to
Greenhouse PLOTl
layout-Model (2).pdf
get planting?
Our Greenhouse plots filled up fast!
If you have not yet used your greenhouse space, the Board may be contacting you. We have
many eager members who would love to use the greenhouse but were unable to secure
greenhouse space upon renewal and registration. If you will not be using your greenhouse space,
or wish to share, please contact the garden board at
Above it the link to the greenhouse space. Check to make sure you are using the greenhouse
space assigned to you!
Meet the 2015 Board of Directors
Devon Benoit (Plot #23) - President
Penny Butler (Plot #7, 8) – Vice President
Christine Ford (Plot #15) – Administration
Shawn Stephens (Plot #20) – Safety and Maintenance
Questions or Concerns?
Please contact the Board
Or Devon at 778 828 0927
Peter Fida (Plot #13/14) - Maintenance
Hal Maier (Plot #73) – Membership Coordinator
Please join us at the garden for our Board
meetings – always the 1st Monday of the month
Rahmouna Khelifi (Plot#34) – Director of Grants and
at 7 PM. All members and feedback welcome!
Dave Bisset (Plot#13) – Director
Liz Jackson (Plot#65) – Director
Guillermo Quijano (Plot #53) – Director
Oksana Kahuy (Plot #24) - Director