EVENT SPONSORSHIP PROPOSAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE PROJECT MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE BACKGROUND For the past couple of decades, 21 member economies of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) have been collaborating together in providing facilities and support for economic growth with regard to the upsurge of cooperation, trade, and th investment. In celebrating its 25 anniversary, APEC leaders have declared their aspiration to reach a seamlessly and comprehensively connected and integrated AsiaPacific in 2025 as one of the center issues of successful free-trade in this region. Connectivity, specifically through transportation sector, will be important not only for governments and businesses, but also for APEC as a community. By connecting APEC's developed and emerging growth centers, the region's quality of growth will improve, contributing to the AsiaPacific's economic prosperity and resilience. Overcoming the difference in growth of transportation systems between member economies remains as the biggest challenge to date. Thus, the contribution of project managers is requisite in order to ensure that projects in transportation sector are able to proceed in the right time, right cost, and right resources as planned. With qualities coming from skillful project managers, project management is projected to hold major influence to the development of transportation sector in AsiaPacific. Project Management Challenge 2015 (PMC 2015) is a competition which aims to increase the awareness about the importance of project management among university students in Asia region. By carrying the theme of “Improving and Balancing Transportation Sector to Support Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation”, students are invited to explore and present their project management ideas for improving and balancing transportation systems and facilities in Asia-Pacific region. Hopefully, PMC 2015 will be able accommodate and hone the students' skills in managing projects, especially in real c a s e s t h a t refl e c t t h e fa c t u a l condition of transportation sector in the region. 02 Improving and Balancing Transportation to Support Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation ORGANIZERS Departement of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada Objectives Project Management Challenge 2015 aims to raise the awareness about the importance of project management skill among university students as a part of programs conducted by Project Management Institute, Indonesia Chapter. Furthermore, this competition is proposed to provide the opportunity for the student to implement theories and concepts into practical activities to get better understanding of project management. SCOPE STATEMENT The main activities of the competition are inviting and recruiting university students in Asia region from any major who own skills of leadership, persistence, and determination in carrying out the execution and ensuring the quality of the project. DELIVERABLES Q· Q· Practical knowledge of project m a n a ge m e n t g a i n e d f ro m t h e activities of field observations, p ro j e c t p l a n n i n g, a n d p ro j e c t execution. Awareness of the importance of leadership skill, particularly in project management to bring AsiaPa c i fi c t o a h i g h e r l eve l b o t h regionally and globally. Q· P o ss i b l e Q· Q· s o l u t i o n s fo r i ss u e s regarding gap in transportation sector between APEC member economies, especially Asian countries. Direct knowledge from experts in project management, as well as in transportation sector. Experience to meet other students from Asia who have similar interest in project management. EXCLUSIONS Q· All costs incurred from any activities undertaken by participants prior to the final stage will not be covered by the committee. As for the final stage, the committee will provide accommodations regarding the main activities of the competition. submitted reports, either written Q· orAnyvirtual ones, will be the property of · Q P M C 2 0 1 5 w i t h a n a g re e m e n t b e t we e n t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s a n d organizers. T h e co m m i t t e e d o e s n o t h o l d responsibility for any events which are not related to the competition as scheduled. PARTICIPANTS 04 PMC 2015 welcomes all undergraduate and graduate students from any major in Asia universities to participate in this competition. SPEAKERS* *in confirmation 1. Emirsyah Satar Mr. Emirsyah Satar has been serving as President and Chief Executive Officer of Garuda Indonesia since 2005. For the past ten years, he has successfully brought Garuda Indonesia as one of the leading airlines in Asia-Pacific. Mr. Satar was awarded as 'Executive of the Year' in CAPA Asia Aviation Summit 2014, following his records as CNBC 2013 Travel Business Leader Award Asia Pacific. 2. Aireen Omar Mrs. Aireen Omar was appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of AirAsia Berhad in 2012. She played a critical role in AirAsia's growth into the biggest low-cost airline in Asia through securing the financing of AirAsia's fleet expansion, a vital component of AirAsia's success. Mrs. Omar was also awarded the 'Outstanding Achievement' Award under the CEO category at the Inaugural Malaysian Women of Excellence 2014. 3. Ignasius Jonan Mr. Ignasius Jonan was recently appointed as the Minister of Transport Republic of Indonesia following his successful story of transforming one of the state-owned transportation companies, PT. Kereta Api Indonesia. Mr. Jonan has received several awards as the 'Best CEOs of Indonesia State-Owned Company' in 2011-2013 and 'Marketer of the Year in Transportation and Logistics Sector' by Indonesian Marketing Association for two years in a row. THE EVENT Day and Date Time Location : Friday-monday, May 22nd-25th 2015 : 08.00 am - 09.00 pm (GMT+7) : Yogyakarta, Indonesia EVENT SCHEDULE Day 1 : Friday, May 22nd 2015 Day 2 : saturday, May 23rd 2015 Day 3 : Sunday, May 24th 2015 Day 4: monday, May 25th 2015 06 budget program tools sponsorship Transportation & accomodation secretariat Consumption TOTAL publication & decoration IDR 272.100.000 08 CO-OPERATION OFFER Several main advantages of being sponsor of this competition are: 1. Getting publication and advertisement of product to the society and academic community during the event. 2. Having opportunity for expansion in promotion with public and participants coming from Asia-Pacific region. 3. Getting the material and knowledge of project management which could help in creating and designing internal projects. 4. Proposing project of the company as a case for particular session of the final stage. The company also has the right to be the jury for field study* and apply the proposed solutions of participant. (*according to the sponsorship package) The event “PROJECT MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE 2015” is a beneficial media to promote the company/product to the academic communities in Asia Pacific region. Various facilities and other benefits are provided by the committee of “PROJECT MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE 2015” (terms and conditions applied). SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES IDR 50.000.000 Extra large ü IDR 35.000.000 Large no promotion no participants’ shirt ü IDR 20.000.000 Medium no promotion no participants’ shirt no leaflet no brochure no banner ü ü ü ü 10 package sponsorship package package package A 0 B 0 C 0 IDR 15.000.000 IDR 10.000.000 IDR 5.000.000 Medium Medium Medium ü ü ü ü no committee’s ID no billboard no backdrop ü ü no backdrop in - kind promotion Print Media Form of sponsor: Publishing articles or advertisements for events, news events, and coverage of the activities for 3 days. Consideration: Company logo on backdrop, banner, block note and co-card. Electronic Media Form of sponsor: Advertising events from a week after the registration opened. Consideration: Company logo on backdrop, banner, block note and co-card. Food and Beverages Form of sponsor: 50% discount on product. Consideration: Company logo on backdrop, banner, block note and co-card. Printing Agency Form of sponsor: 50% discount on product. Consideration: Company logo on backdrop, banner, block note and co-card. Hotel Form of sponsor: 50% discount on product. Consideration: Company logo on backdrop, banner, block note and co-card. 12 letter of approval Project Management Challenge 2015 (PMC 2015) committee Project Management Institute Indonesia Chapter- Yogyakarta Branch Chairman of PMC 2015, Secretary, Randy Julianto Uli Marta General Secretary Project Management Institute Indonesia Yogyakarta Branch, Vicky Swastika Ramadhani, S.T. President Project Management Institute Indonesia Yogyakarta Branch, Budi Hartono, S.T., MPM., Ph.D. Terms of sponsorship 1. Company with interests of sponsoring this event should sign a Memorandum of Understanding (further information is described in terms no. 12). 2. All sponsorship packages have included the design, production, and installation costs. Willingness to be a common, donors, and barter sponsor is welcomed by the committee “PROJECT MANAGEMENT st CHALLENGE 2015”at the latest on May 1 , 2015. 3. Any form of cooperation can be formally proceeded with an advance payment of at least 50% of the total package. 4. Payments of the remaining value of package could be processed with the due date of May 10th, 2015 or upon mutual agreement. 5. If the full payment has yet been settled until May 10th, 2015 or on agreed due date, then the committee will entitle the advertisements according to the value of sponsorship package which has been paid. Payment via Bank BNI UGM Branch, Yogyakarta a/n Vicky Swastika Bank BNI UGM Branch, Yogyakarta Account Number : 0352734225 th 6. Design from sponsors (logos, products, and others) should be submitted at the latest on May 10 , 2015 to: Committee of “PROJECT MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE 2015” Project Management Institute Indonesia Chapter Yogyakarta Branch Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada Jl. Grafika 2 Yogyakarta 55281 Randy Julianto (081908890513) Yohanes Tito (0819882199) pmchallenge2015@gmail.com 7. Cancelation of cooperation: a. If it comes from the sponsor, 50% of payment will be returned. b. If it comes from the committee, 100% of payment will be returned. 8. Cooperation contract is conducted by the responsible party links with the charge of the committee. 9. Settlements can be proceeded either in the secretariat of the committee or sponsor. 10. The committee has the right to claim the sponsor for any violation of the term. 11. Other provisions that have not been set will be made based on a mutual agreement between the committee and the sponsor. 12. After the agreement is settled, the committee will provide a Memorandum of Understanding to be formally signed on stamps by both parties. previous event Project Management Challenge (PMC) 2015 is being held following the two successful events in 2013 and 2014 carrying out the themes of “Project Management for Development of Eastern Indonesia Region” and “Project Management for ASEAN: Narrowing Development Gap”. Last year, participants came from various academic background in universities in ASEAN with more than 51 proposals were submitted in the preliminary round. The event conducted by Project Management Institute Indonesia Chapter Yogyakarta Branch (PMIIC-YB) aims to not only provide practical activities in project management but also prepare future leaders who will take over the management board in challenging sectors. Several activities which comprised last year's competition were: 1. Short training by PMI Experts Participants were given short trainings by PMI experts to have better understanding about working in project management. 2. Presentation Participants were given 30 minutes to present their submitted Mini Project Master Plan (MPMP) in front of the judges. 3. Field Study Field Study for PMC 2014 was conducted in Kebun Buah Mangunan. Participants were challenged to create a project concerning the development of the village and present it in front of the judges. 4. Games and Simulations Participants had the opportunity to apply their skills in project management through games and simulations arranged by the committee. 14
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