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PM World Journal
Physics of Projects
by Bob Prieto
Vol. IV, Issue V – May 2015
Physics of Projects
Bob Prieto
My last paper1 posed the question as to whether it is time to rethink project
management theory, at least as it applies to the universe of large projects. Based on the
number of emails and discussions that this has triggered I feel more confident than
before that this is a question best answered “YES”. In thinking about this question and
precedents for development of new fundamental theories to address special or radically
different circumstances I was struck by the development of new fundamental theories in
the world of physics.
In that field, classical theory, sometimes referred to as the theory of mechanics, were
underpinned by Newton’s Laws of Motion. These laws can be described as
encompassing an inertial frame of reference and a deterministic nature in addition to the
stalwart equation of F=ma that we are all familiar with. But as time moved on, physicists
realized that these theories did not adequately describe the universe around us as we
considered extremes relative to our more common experiences. This led to the
development of neo-classical theories that include quantum mechanics with its
characteristics of a probabilistic world, that forces us to abandon the notion of precisely
defined trajectories through time and space, and uncertainty, that says we can’t know
location and velocity precisely at the same time. This consideration of the universe in
extremus also led to Einstein’s special theory with its emphasis on relative frames of
reference and the concept of spacetime (space and time should be considered together
and in relation to each other). Neo-classical theory is best represented by the well know
equation e=mc2.
Table 1 highlights some of the differences between classical and neo-classical theory
and suggest some comparisons to the universe of large projects.
Is it Time to Rethink Project Management Theory?; PM World Journal; March 2015
© 2015 Bob Prieto
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PM World Journal
Physics of Projects
by Bob Prieto
Vol. IV, Issue V – May 2015
Classical and neo-classical theories were both focused on the same problem. If the
state of a dynamic system is known initially and something is done to it, how will the
state of the system change with time in response?
This is analogous to what we are trying to determine in project management.
In the world of physics, classical theory breaks down at scale. This is best demonstrated
when looking at system performance (represented by Blackbody Radiation) which is
over predicted by classical theory. Scaling (frequency and energy grow) leads to lower
unit performance (energy density).
© 2015 Bob Prieto
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PM World Journal
Physics of Projects
by Bob Prieto
Vol. IV, Issue V – May 2015
So how does this compare to classical PM theory in the world of human scale projects
as opposed to those found at scale? In classical PM theory projects are seen as
“temporary endeavors” versus enduring outcomes. Project management is viewed
mechanistically (similar to classical theory in physics). This mechanistic view
encompasses applying knowledge, skills, tools and techniques and accomplishing the
project in a stepwise fashion (similar to the deterministic world we experience in
classical physics). These steps in classical PM theory include initiating, planning,
executing, monitoring & controlling, and closing.
In classical PM theory, governance largely imposes constraints on a project as opposed
to providing an enabling context. Frames of reference are largely fixed versus being
relative to all that is acting on the project, including stakeholders (internal and external)
with radically different frames of reference. Organizational strategy is largely viewed as
providing guidance and direction versus driving a project to achievement of Strategic
Business Objectives (SBOs).This opens the door to varying (even if only slightly)
interpretations of SBOs.
Classical PM theory breaks down at scale. Large scale project performance is over
predicted by classical PM theory and these scaling effects lead to poorer performance
outcomes. Two out of three large projects fail! In large projects, frames of reference are
relative and change over the project’s lifetime, not just the project delivery lifetime.
Probability and uncertainty take on greater importance and classical modeling breaks
down. Time and timing take on dominant roles. We are no longer in the equivalent of
Newton’s world under an apple tree.
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PM World Journal
Physics of Projects
by Bob Prieto
Vol. IV, Issue V – May 2015
The creation of neo-classical physics theories to describe behaviors in extremus is
analogous to the challenge that PM theory faces today. Scale matters. Scale reveals
the presence of complexities not otherwise seen. We are forced to consider multiple
changing frames of reference. Probabilities provide for extreme behaviors and
uncertainty opens the door to multiple project paths and outcomes. Finally, time (and
timing) are an integral part of everything.
So what must a neo-classical PM theory address?
Neo-classical PM theory must address uncertainty within the owner’s scope of control,
governance models, owner readiness and planning biases. Uncertainty within the
owner’s scope of control must particularly focus on the articulation, agreement and
continuous communication of SBOs. Governance models, geared to the universe of
large projects that is the focus of neo-classical PM theory must reflect the inherent
complexity of these projects as well as the changing nature of large projects. These
models must enable, seek and support opportunities not just impose constraints. They
must be focused on achieving strong and sustained internal stakeholder alignment,
often overlooked in smaller projects, and they must build aligned partnerships not
adversarial failures.
Neo-classical PM theory must test owner readiness similar to how we test project
readiness and planning biases such as optimism bias created by Kahneman’s 2 “framing
questions” must be thoroughly identified and checked.
Next, neo-classical PM theory must address probability and improbability3, which do not
behave “normally” as complex systems begin to look like financial and natural systems
where catastrophe’s are a reality. Perhaps some of the weakness we see in the
application of classical PM theory in large projects is associated with inadequate or
inappropriate baseline plans. Are the baselines we manage to built on weak
foundations. If we consider a more “catastrophic” distribution of project performance
such as that associated with a so-called fat tail distribution such as a Cauchy
distribution our view of the world and how it behaves is greatly altered similar to what
was seen in the world of physics as theory migrated from classical to neo-classical. The
project with a P90 confidence level under a Monte Carlo analysis using a normal
distribution that is expected to cost $6.2 billion rises to $8 billion at a similar confidence
level under a Cauchy distribution. Perhaps we should not be surprised by failure!
Thinking, Fast and Slow; Daniel Kahneman; 2011
The Improbability Principle: Why Coincidences, Miracles, and Rare Events Happen Every Day; David J. Hand; 2014
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PM World Journal
Physics of Projects
by Bob Prieto
Vol. IV, Issue V – May 2015
Two other points with respect to probability and improbability are worth noting as we
move to a neo-classical world. The first deals with our views of the risks to be managed.
It is not unusual for low frequency, high impact risks to fall out of risk planning and
management since their likely contribution to project outcome is judged to be incidental.
Yet it is often these very risks which contribute to project failure. Let’s consider the case
of a 5 sigma risk in our “normally” modeled project. It has a 1 in 3.5 million chance of
occurring. Not including a contribution to likely project cost is not surprising. But now
let’s think about that same 5 sigma risk if we build our baseline using a Cauchy
distribution. It now has a 1 in 16 chance of happening and given its potential high impact
it is very much a subject of our attention. (Even more interesting is a 30 sigma events
which “normally” has 1 chance in 2 times ten to the 197th power but with a fat tail
distribution it now has a 1 in 94 probability.
Probability of the Improbable
5 sigma event
1 in 3.5 million
1 in 16
30 sigma event
1 in 2.0 x 10 197
1 in 94
The second point with respect to probability and improbability deals with consideration
of volatility (think uncertainty). During a recent one year period we saw steel price
volatility approaching 20%.
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PM World Journal
Physics of Projects
by Bob Prieto
Vol. IV, Issue V – May 2015
Neo-classical PM theory must also address uncertainty outside the owner’s and
industry’s sphere of control. This is contrasted with uncertainty within the owner’s
control previously described. This second form of uncertainty derives from the extended
timeframes and inherent complex web of inter-relationships that may not be readily
apparent. We see this in assumption migration (assumptions sufficiently fixed for shorter
duration projects move more than expected over extended project durations and such
movement makes a difference); implicit assumptions that we don’t even recognize that
we have made (we must make these explicit in neo-classical PM); and constraint
coupling which often is a second or third order phenomena (think about how the US
foreign exchange rate has impacted oil price, CAPEX and national economies)
Complexity is an inherent feature not only of the large projects that neo-classical PM
theory should be the focus of but also the 50,000 to 100,000 activity project schedules
we develop to manage them. In this neo-classical world we need to measure
complexity, as a system level property, and ensure our plans have sought to minimize
this complexity. We must constantly assess the potential for “white space” risks in this
universe of large projects recognizing that Black Swans nest and breed in these white
© 2015 Bob Prieto
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PM World Journal
Physics of Projects
by Bob Prieto
Vol. IV, Issue V – May 2015
The extended time frames of large projects requires a PM theory that in many ways
starts earlier than classical PM theory addresses while recognizing that in the universe
of large projects a project is not sufficiently defined in terms of initial delivery but rather
demands a life cycle approach to provide the improvements in capital efficiency that
owner’s are clamoring for.
Neo classical PM theory must recognize the dynamic and ever changing nature of the
environment in which large projects occur and provide for dynamic planning, rebaselining and assumption tracking. In this world of execution in a changing
environment, owner’s must accept the impacts of disruption and avoid contributing to it.
Large projects are dynamic, often chaotic, systems in a changing world of constraints
and opportunities. We must recognize that general management theory itself has
changed since PM theory was first conceived.
© 2015 Bob Prieto
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PM World Journal
Physics of Projects
by Bob Prieto
Vol. IV, Issue V – May 2015
Table 1
Comparison of Physics Theories as Analog for Comparison of PM Theories
Classical Physics
Neo-Classical Physics
Low Energy
Human Scale
Action from Force
High Energy
Very Large Scale
Action at Distance (quantum
Independent of Frame Frame of Reference Matters
of Reference
Time independent
Spacetime (physical properties
and time influence each other)
Cartesian space
Curvature of space
What we can see
© 2015 Bob Prieto
Black Holes, dark matter, dark
Neo-Classical PM
Many concurrent activities
Very Large Scale
System level interactions not well
Frame of Reference Matters
Logistics and durations shaped by
schedule and relative activity levels
Relational space and activities (each
highly influences the other)
The unseen in complexity (Black
Swans; constraint coupling; white space
risks; assumption migration; dynamic
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PM World Journal
Physics of Projects
by Bob Prieto
Vol. IV, Issue V – May 2015
About the Author
Bob Prieto
Senior Vice President
Princeton, NJ, USA
Bob Prieto is a senior vice president of Fluor, one of the
largest, publicly traded engineering and construction
companies in the world. He focuses on the development and delivery of large, complex
projects worldwide. Bob consults with owners of large capital construction programs
across all market sectors in the development of programmatic delivery strategies
encompassing planning, engineering, procurement, construction and financing. He is
author of “Strategic Program Management”, “The Giga Factor: Program Management in
the Engineering and Construction Industry” , “Application of Life Cycle Analysis in the
Capital Assets Industry” and “Capital Efficiency: Pull All the Levers” published by the
Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) and “Topics in Strategic
Program Management” as well as over 500 other papers and presentations.
Bob is a member of the ASCE Industry Leaders Council, National Academy of
Construction, a Fellow of the Construction Management Association of America, a
member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council and several university
departmental and campus advisory boards. Bob served until 2006 as a U.S. presidential
appointees to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Advisory
Council (ABAC), working with U.S. and Asia-Pacific business leaders to shape the
framework for trade and economic growth and had previously served as both as
Chairman of the Engineering and Construction Governors of the World Economic
Forum and co-chair of the infrastructure task force formed after September 11th by the
New York City Chamber of Commerce. Previously, he served as Chairman at Parsons
Brinckerhoff (PB).
Bob can be contacted at Bob.Prieto@fluor.com.
© 2015 Bob Prieto
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