Port Orange Elks Lodge #2723 United We Stand * One Nation Under God May 2015 Orange Peal Celebrating 29 years of service to our Community Award Winning Publication weekly updates. Tickets will be available at the bar. I cannot believe that a month has past already. I want to thank everyone for all of their help and support. Marge Luca’s named was picked in the first meeting in April and was written a $1000.00 check for bond # 33. Thanks for the loan Marge. May is going to be a busy month. Kentucky Derby will be May 2nd, Mother’s Day Services on May 10th and on May 16th we will be holding a Smoked Pork Dinner for a local woman who is in need of a double lung transplant. If you missed the previous dinner this one will be cooked again by our new members Dan and Brian. All proceeds fromthis function will be donated to her. We are also planning a cook out on Memorial Day May 25th in the afternoon. Please plan on attending these functions. Exact times will be posted at the lodge, in the Orange Peal and Congratulations to our Elk of the month Robert Lauthain. Bob is part of our Wednesday morning work detail and is always willing to help with our projects around the lodge. Thanks Bob for all your help. I am hoping that more members attend our lodge meetings on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. Come and join in the fellowship and the food that is offered after the meeting. It is a good way of keeping up with what is going on around your lodge. It seems to me that more members are attending functions at the lodge, thank you for your support by taking part. Your dues were due March 31st. If you have not paid them they are due and you will be receiving a call from our Membership Committee in the near future. If you have paid them thank you. Linda Lee has placed second in the state again for her newsletter “The Orange Peal”. It is the best newsletter as far as I am concerned. She will be receiving an award at the state convention at the end of the month. Remember to get your information to Linda by the 15th of the month for publication on the following month. Thanks for all your hard work Linda. Fraternally Yours, Larry D. Lewis Exalted Ruler "Like" us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/POELKS2723 Memorial Day Service-Ponce Inlet 11 AM– Monday, May 25, 2014 Free Picnic Elks Lodge #2723– 1PM (or following the Memorial Day Service) Burgers and dogs will be provided Please bring a covered side dish! 1 Kentucky Derby Day At the Lodge May 2, 2014 3:00 PM Drink Specials Bring an Appetizer Dinner from the Regular Menu Kentucky Derby Hat Contest for the Ladies Special Joanne Flatt Horse Races The highlight of the day being the Kentucky Derby Post Time: 6:24 pm “Tribute to Mothers” Sunday, May 10, 2014 2:30 PM Refreshments after ceremony King of Hearts to follow at 7 PM Recognition for Youngest Mother Oldest Mother And Mother with Most Children All proceeds to benefit a local woman in need of a double lung transplant. Meals on Wheels could certainly use your help in serving our seniors on May 25th (Memorial Day). It is important that we be there for those who need us on this holiday for a good meal to keep them healthy and warm. We will meet at the Lodge at 7:30 AM, it will make you warm inside too! $12 Per Person New Members May 16th Another Famous Bar-B-Q Fund Raiser Cooked by Dan and Brian Bring a side dish! Lodge opens at 2 PM Bar-b-que will be ready around 5ish! King of Hearts to Follow at 7PM Indoctrination of New Members will be held on May 12th at 6 PM. Initiation of New Members will be held at the regular monthly meeting on May 19th, 2015. New members should be present at 6:30 PM 2 SCHOLARSHIP NEWS The school year is about to come to an end with graduations the last weekend of May. I have not received the results of the Elks National Foundation MVS finalist awards. I will have that information for the June Orange Peal. During the summer months, for those who have a person going into their senior year of high school, speak to the student about scholarships. The scholarship application season starts on September 1, 2015 and for many of the scholarships, the judging starts in December. STUDENT OF THE MONTH AWARDS The school year is about to come to an end with graduations the last weekend of May. I have not received the results of the Elks National Foundation MVS finalist awards. I will have that information for the June Orange Peal. During the summer months, for those who have a person going into their senior year of high school, speak to the student about scholarships. The scholarship application season starts on September 1, 2015 and for many of the scholarships, the judging starts in December. ATLANTIC HIGH SCHOOL: Miss Theresa Chapman of South Daytona, is the daughter of Theresa and Mitchell Chapman. Theresa has a 4.43 GPA and has been accepted to the University of Florida working towards a doctor of medicine degree and eventually becoming a brain surgeon. Mr. Dylan LaPointe of Daytona Beach, is the son of Beth and Marc LaPointe. Dylan has a 3.30 GPA and will be attending Cornell College working towards a degree in sports medicine. Pictured from left to right: Principal, Ms. Teresa Marcks; Students, Miss Theresa Chapman and Mr. Dylan LaPointe; Assistant Principal, Mr. John Cunningham; and Paul Leonard. SPRUCE CREEK HIGH SCHOOL: Miss Dalia Lache of Port Orange, is the daughter of Kimberly and Rod Lache. Dalia has a 4.56 GPA and will be attending the University of Michigan working towards a degree in business administration. Mr. Jonah Morales of Port Orange, is the son of Peter Morales. Jonah has a 4.6 GPA and will be attending Dartmouth College working towards a degree in biology. Pictured from left to right: Principal, Dr. Todd Sparger; Student, Miss Dalia Lache; Guidance Counselor, Ms. Susan Chance; and Paul Leonard. (Student, Mr. Jonah Morales was not available for the photo) Fraternally yours, Paul Leonard, Lodge Scholarship Chairman 3 Photo Missing in Action. Will be presented next month! Get Well Soon Bob! May2015 Robert Luthair Congratulations to Robert Luthair for being chosen as Elk of the Month. Bob is part of our Wednesday morning work detail and is always willing to help with our projects around the lodge. Thanks Bob for all your help. APPLICATION FOR LIFE MEMBERSHIP Grand Lodge Statute 14.260 provides that Life Membership may be conferred upon LEO PREVOST who has paid the required annual dues for the period of not less than thirty (30) years preceding his election and not less than ten (10 years with the current Lodge and has attained the age of not less than sixty-five (65). LEO PREVOST, was initiated at Tacoma, Washington Elks#174 on June 29, 1966 and was affiliated with Port Orange Lodge #2723 by transfer dimit as Member #2418 on December 31, 2004. This application will be published in the May, 2015 issue of the Orange Peal and will be acted upon at the May 19th, 2015 regular lodge meeting. Jeannette Artymovitch, Secretary Port Orange Lodge, #2723. SICKNESS AND DISTRESS Ken Steady still being treated for leukemia Peggy Bertoli still doing well Frank Barongi had open heart surgery and is recovering at Halifax Barbara Izzarelli working on healing. Angelo Micciulla lost his sister Dan Theodore had a procedure and is recovering nicely. Please let me know of anyone who is ill or is in distress . Thank You . Michelle Greci, 386-632-3063 Florida Elks online encyclopedia now has a Google-like search capability! Type a word or topic in the search box and all entries that refer to it will be pulled up for you to read. http://floridaelks.org/encyclopedia-ofelkdom Please send any encyclopedia updates about your lodge to State Historian Truman Bass at tbass1@comcast.net 4 May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Lodge Hours Mon Open 4 PM-Close Tues Closed except meeting nights Wed Open 2 PM-Close 3 Breakfast 8AM-noon 4 Lodge Open 4 pm Shuffleboard House Committee 5:30 Breakfast 108AM-noon 11 Mother’s Day Tribute 2:00 17 Breakfast 8AM-noon 24 Breakfast 8AM-noon 31 Breakfast 8AM-noon Elks Riders USA Mt-11:30 AM 5 Lodge Open4pm Trustee Mtg5:30 PER Mtg- 6pm Lodge Mtg-7:30 12 Lodge Open 4 pm Shuffleboard 18 Lodge Open 4 pm Shuffleboard Lodge Closed Thurs Open 2 PM-Close Fri Open 2 PM-Close Sat Open 2 PM-Close Sun Open 8AM-Noon 6 Bar Bingo Dinner 4-7 PM Bar Bingo 6:15 Bid Euchre6PM 13 Bar Bingo Dinner 4-7 PM Bar Bingo 6:15 Bid Euchre6PM 19 Lodge Open4pm Trustee Mtg5:30 Lodge Mtg-7:30 25 Meals on 26 Wheels Memorial Day 12 noon-Hot Dogs and Hamburgers 1 Lodge Closed 20Bar Bingo Dinner 4-7 PM Bar Bingo 6:15 Bid Euchre6PM 27Bar Bingo Dinner 4-7 PM Bar Bingo 6:15 Bid Euchre6PM 7 Dinner 5-8 pm Michael LeoneKaraoke 14 Dinner 5-8 pm Michael LeoneKaraoke 21 Dinner 5-8 pm Michael LeoneKaraoke 28 Dinner 5-8 pm Mike & TrishKaraoke Fri Sat BINGO 11:30 AM 2Derby Party 3-7 Dinner 5-8 PM Ernie OD Larry Lewis 8 BINGO 11:30 AM Dinner 5-8 PM Steve Coleman OD-Gary VanOpdorp BINGO 1511:30 AM Dinner 5-8 PM Dave & Lorraine OD-Paul Clary BINGO 2211:30 AM Dinner 5-8 PM Memphis & Me OD-Lou Greci 29 BINGO 11:30 AM Dinner 5-8 PM Wally OD Dan Theodore Kentucky King of Hearts-7PM Dinner 5-8 PM Juke Box OD-Michelle Greci Ballroom9Private Rental King of Hearts-7PM Dinner 5-8 PM Juke Box OD-Lynn Lewis King of 16 Hearts-7PM Dinner 5-8 PM Juke Box OD Elaine Kuczkowski King of 23 Hearts-7PM Dinner 5-8 PM Juke Box OD-George Brennan King of 30 Hearts-7PM Dinner 5-8 PM Juke Box OD-Frank Kuczkowski Elks Care, Elks Share Support Your Lodge 5 Dennis Nolden….. ….. William Gerard………. Angelo Cretella………. Dotty Newcomer..…..... Pamela Ford……....….. Shelby Prather……..…. William J Zatloukal.….. Grace Kern…….……... Fred Sellers…………... Michael Barber.....……. Catherine Fenton…….. Georgeann Leger……... Carvell Lloyd…..…….. James Fatigate.......….... Charles Hamlin..….….. Joseph Skowronek…... Richard Spitz…………. Mary Keys…....……… James McGuffie, PER.. Irene Bourn….……….. Robert Gouin..…..…..... James Haga………..…. Rose Lapocca..……….. 5/01 5/02 5/03 5/03 5/04 5/04 5/04 5/05 5/05 5/06 5/06 5/06 5/06 5/07 5/07 5/07 5/07 5/08 5/08 5/10 5/10 5/10 5/10 Alison Allison…………. 9/15S Clyde/Gerri Bennett …... 9/15G Richard/Alice Bisset…... 8/15B Marion Bousquet…….. 9/16S George Brennan……….. 10/15S Cliff Capelle…………... 3/15G Bev/GeorgeCard………. 12/15B John P. Clarke…………. 6/15S Bob Cornelius…………. 8/15B Kathleen DeVoe…….… 2/16S Mary Engle……………. 3/16B Eddie/Blanche Fischer… 8/15S Norm/Lorraine Frappier. 2/16G Gracie/James Haga……. 2/17G John Martens, PER.. Ronald Brown ….… Shane Smith....…..... Robert Luznar.....…. Robert Maddern….. Gerald Avery..…..... Albert Pistilli...….… Charles Hutton.......... Jacob Bianco…….... Eddie Fischer.…….. Jim Harber………... Martin Lamey.……. Jerry Peterson, PER. Robert Walega..…... William Kiefer……. Gina Antolos…...…. Phillip Brennan…… Robert Lee Hoyt….. Donald Johnson….. Thomas Omalley…. Stacey Strnad…….. Wilbur Ferrell…….. James Gombita…… Rose McCabe…….. William Rambert…. Patricia Elliott…….. Bob Harris……….…… Howard Hawkins…….. Joyce Haynes………… Helen Holmes………… Allan/Beverly Johnson.. Al Judd……………….. Eddie/Anne Kaye…….. Karen Keller………….. The Kuczkowskis……. Linda/Larry Lee……… Paul/Theresa Leonard... Chet/Fran Masztak…… Marguerite McPhaul…. Chris/Len Moynihan…. Dori/Thomas Nash…… William Perry………… Susie Popp…………... 5/11 5/12 5/12 5/13 5/15 5/19 5/19 5/21 5/22 5/22 5/22 5/22 5/24 5/24 5/25 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/28 5/28 5/28 5/29 5/29 5/29 5/29 5/30 11/15G 9/18B 3/15B 8/15B 8/16G 8/15B 3/16B 2/17S 12/15S 9/15G 3/17S 9/15G 10/15B 8/15B 4/16B 10/15G 6/15S Lou Greci…………... Tony Wheaton. ….… 5/31 5/31 Members whose names appear on the birthday list are entitled to one free well drink of their choice, not to exceed $2.50 each, at the bar. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Elks Lodge Port Orange #2723 5207 South Ridgewood Ave. Port Orange, FL Friday 11:30 am - 2:30 pm Three $200 Jackpots Packages start at $10 Doors Open Friday - 9:30 am Don Rambert………... Art/Mickey Rauch…... Carolyn Shultz……….. Kenneth/Ellie Steady… Harry/June Trautman… Jerome Yelvington…... 7/15S 10/15G 12/15B 5/15B 10/15S 12/14B BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR EXPIRATION STATUS, RENEW YOUR BOOSTER AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR YOUR LODGE! Please include my name as a supporter of The Orange Peal Bulletin for one year at level: Gold_____($15-no mail out) Silver_____($10-no mail out) Bronze_____($10-newsletter mailed out) Name___________________________________________ Member #_________________ Address_________________________________________ City______________________ Zip Code___________ Email__________________________________________________ Orange Peal Boosters Thanks to all of you that have supported our newsletter through the Orange Peal Boosters. We hope that you will continue to support not only our newsletter but our lodge. To better serve you, there are now additional options on the Booster level. GOLD BOOSTER-$15 YR SILVER BOOSTER-$10 YR (No mail-out of newsletter) BRONZE BOOSTR-$10 YR and have the newsletter mailed to your home address For more information contact Linda Lee, 386-383-3877 or email, elksnewsletter2723 @yahoo.com 6 9/15 9/15 MOORE STRATEGIES for SUCCESS Learn easily & effortlessly how to model excellence in thoughts, words, & actions through communication techniques M Ashley Moore Board Certified Trainer & Master Practitioner Neuro-Linguistics Programming, Time Line Therapy® Hypnotherapy, Coaching Seminars, Workshops, Individual Coaching Business Consulting, Keynote speaker Certified Practitioner Courses 3-16 Marcell Medical Executive Building 3959 South Nova Rd, Bldg. B Ste. 21-22 Port Orange, FL 32127 Website: Moorestrategiesforsuccess.com Email: Ashley@moorestrategiesforsuccess.com 386-788-5653 7 9 Volume 29 No. 2 Lodge 2723 May 2015 Officers 2015-2016 Exalted Ruler …………………….. Leading Knight………………..….. Loyal Knight………………..…….. Lecturing Knight…...…………..… Secretary………………….……… Treasurer………………….……... Tiler…………………………..……. Larry Lewis …………………….. 295-8380 Frank Kuczkowski……………… 492-6105 Gary VanOpdorp..……………… 299-3403 Paul Clary…………………...….. 275-9538 Jeannette Artymovitch………….492-4484 Alisha VanOpDorp………………852-0829 Bill Perry………………………… 767-3054 Trustees 5 Year Trustee……………..…….. 4 Year Trustee…………..……….. 3 Year Trustee……………..…….. 2 Year Trustee……………..…….. 1 YearTrustee…………………..... Larry Lee, PER..………...………898-2699 Pat Heller-Jackson,PDDGER… 763-2010 Gerald Peterson,PER…………. 847-3086 Phyllis Howe……………………. 761-6987 Bud Pankevich…………………. 304-8909 Appointed Officers Esquire………………………..…... Chaplain…………………………... Inner Guard……………………..... District Deputy…………….……... Lodge Advisor……………….…... Loui Greci, PER ……………….. 788-9242 Michelle Greci…………………...631-3063 Dan Theodore………………….. 322-8983 Edward Jackson,DDGER .. 732-221-5691 Michael Chandler,PDDGER...…677-7180 Lodge Committees Accident Prevention………….….. Americanism……………….…….. Auditing……………………………. ………………………………….….. ……………………………………... Bud Pankevich…………….….... 304-8909 Paul Clary………………………..275-9538 Clifford Capelle…….…………… 423-6266 Geri Bennett……………………..767-6374 Mary Garvey……….………….... 843-1109 Bar BINGO Wednesday……… BINGO-Friday………….……… By-Laws (PER’s)………….…... Community Activities…………. Drug Awareness………………. Elks Nat Foundation…………... Elks Riders USA………………. Elks Training……………...…… Flag Day……………...………… Government Relations………... Harry-Anna Trust……………… Hoop Shoot……………………. House Committee…………….. Indoctrination………………….. Inter-Lodge Visitation…………. Investigation…………………… Lodge Activities……………...… Meals On Wheels…………...… Meals On Wheels…………...… Medal of Valor…………………. Mediator………………………... Membership/Lapsation……….. Co-Chair.............................. Memorial Service……………... Officer Attend. Comm………… Orange Peal Editor……………. PER Association………………. Port Orange On-Line………….. Public Relations……………….. Soccer………………………….. Scholarships…………………… Standing Relief………………… Veterans Affairs……………….. Youth Activities………………... Co-Chair............................. Angela Lee……………………....310-9571 Bud Pankevich…………………. 304-8909 Harry Trautman, PER……….….767-5308 Michelle Greci………...…………631-3063 Paul Clary…….………………….275-9538 Pat Heller-Jackson,PDDGER....763-2010 Bill Sacramone................... 508-864-5258 Vic McClellan, PSP....................562-5362 Dan Theodore............................322-8983 Nancy Epps............................... 304-0451 Angela Cretella.......................... 423-2519 Gary Van Opdorp……………….299-3403 Mary Garvey……………………. 843-1109 Jeannette Artymovitch............... 492-4484 Lynn Lewis.................................424-7550 Larry Lee, PER.......................... 898-2699 Dee Peterson…………………... 299-9234 Don Rambert............................. 760-3132 Don Clark, PER......................... 756-6852 Dan Theodore........................... 322-8983 Ray Warren............................... 212-3963 Larry Lee, PER.......................... 898-2699 Al Judd...................................... 956-9010 Dan Theodore........................... 322-8983 Jeannette Artymovitch............... 492-4484 Linda Lee...................................383-3877 Gerald Peterson, PER............... 847-3086 Tony Sperduti............................ 756-7763 Dan Black.................................. 236-8070 Bob Fraizer................................ 506-5877 Paul Leonard............................. 756-4348 Lou Greci, PER..........................788-9242 Dan Theodore............................322-8983 Lou Greci................................... 788-9242 8 Paul Clary.................................. 275-9538
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