Leakes Rd, Tarneit Planning Report in support of s96A Application Application for Subdivision (southern lot) Leakes Rd, Tarneit North Prepared by Tract Consultants for AMEX Corporation Pty Ltd 0312-0076 PR01_01 17 July 2013 195 Lennox St, RICHMOND 3121 Phone: (03) 9429 6133 www.tract.com.au Leakes Rd, Tarneit Quality Assurance - Report Record Project Name Leakes Rd, Tarneit Document Number PR01 Revision (see below) 01 Prepared By Katie Murphy Reviewed By Greg Wood Approved By Greg Wood Date of Issue 15 July 2013 Revision Status- all revisions must be identified by the following information Revision Number 01 Description of Revision Adjustments to plan and descriptive text. Prepared By Greg Wood Reviewed By Greg Wood Pages Revised ii Leakes Rd, Tarneit Contents 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction 2 1.1 1.2 2 3 Overview Strategic Context Site analysis 6 2.1 2.2 2.3 6 6 8 Site Context Access The Subject Site Proposal 10 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 10 10 12 12 Overview Design Response Land Budget Urban Design Planning assessment 16 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 16 16 16 17 17 Amendment Cxx Tarneit North Precinct Structure Plan Zone Overlays Particular Provisions Conclusion 19 Appendices Appendix 1 – Proposed Plan of Subdivision Appendix 2 – Overall Masterplan Appendix 3 – Road Hierarchy Plan and Cross Sections Appendix 4 – Clause 56 Assessment List of Figures 1 Figure 1 – Melbourne West Growth Corridor Plan 3 Figure 2 – Tarneit North Precinct Structure Plan (PSP 40) 5 Figure 3 – Locality Plan 7 Figure 4 – Site Analysis Plan 9 Leakes Rd, Tarneit 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview This report has been prepared by Tract Consultants on behalf of AMEX Corporation Pty Ltd to support a planning permit application for the subdivision of land located at the northeast corner of Leakes Road and Tarneit Road in Tarneit. The site is the southern parcel contained within Lot 1 on PS701127S and has an area of approximately 24ha. The northern parcel of the allotment, dissected by the future railway corridor that forms part of the Regional Rail Link, does not form part of this application. It is proposed to subdivide the land into 294 residential lots in a mix of lot sizes. The proposed subdivision also includes a central open space and drainage reserve which will be designed to act as passive open space. The land is within the Urban Growth Zone and forms part of the Tarneit North Precinct Structure Plan (PSP1089) area. The land is not currently affected by any overlays. A planning permit is required under the following clauses of the Wyndham Planning Scheme: Clause 37.07-10 (Urban Growth Zone) – To subdivide land. Clause 52.29 (Land Adjacent to a Road Zone, Category 2) – To subdivide land adjacent to a road in a Road Zone, Category 1. To provide for an expedited and efficient approvals process, this application has been prepared as part of a combined planning scheme amendment and permit application under Section 96A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to be considered concurrently with the Tarneit North PSP. The proposed subdivision will enable the land to be developed in accordance with the vision established in the PSP. Another application for subdivision of the northern parcel of the allotment together with the adjoining lot to the north extending to Dohertys Road is also included in the combined application. The proposed plan of subdivision provides for a variable range of residential lot sizes and reflecting its location on the northern edge of the Tarneit Gardens Town Centre catchment and residential neighbourhood. Whilst some minor deviations are proposed from the draft Tarneit North PSP, these are generally as a consequence of design detail. Overall, it is considered that the design response is generally in accordance with and maintains the integrity and objectives of the PSP. 2 Leakes Rd, Tarneit This report describes the site and its context, details the proposal and provides an assessment of the proposal against the relevant provisions of the Wyndham Planning Scheme. 1.2 Strategic Context 1.2.1 West Growth Corridor Plan Subject Land Figure 1 – Melbourne West Growth Corridor Plan The West Growth Corridor Plan establishes a framework for sustainable growth within the most rapidly growing of Melbourne’s growth corridors. It was adopted by the Minister for Planning on 13 June 2012. Upon development, the West Growth Corridor will support an increase in population of at least 290,000 and will have capacity to accommodate at least 130,000 jobs. The Corridor Plan sets a vision and provides a structure to deliver major infrastructure to the region that will support the region’s important role in meeting Victoria’s industrial and logistics needs. Planned infrastructure within the West Corridor includes: The Regional Rail Link (RRL); The proposed Outer Metropolitan Ring (OMR) transport corridor; The Melton rail line corridor; and The potential Western Intermodal Freight Terminal. The Melbourne West Growth Corridor Plan is depicted at Figure 1. 3 Leakes Rd, Tarneit Tarneit North Precinct Structure Plan The Tarneit North Precinct Structure Plan (PSP1089) is a strategic plan prepared by the Growth Areas Authority to guide urban development within the PSP area. It covers an area of approximately 1,000ha hectares and is expected to provide for more than 12,000 homes for around 35,000 new residents over the next 20 years. 1.2.2 When approved, Amendment Cxx to the Wyndham Planning Scheme will incorporate the following documents into the Wyndham Planning Scheme: Tarneit North Precinct Structure Plan (PSP1089); Tarneit North Development Contributions Plan; and Tarneit North Native Vegetation Precinct Plan The Amendment will also: Apply Schedule xxx to the Urban Growth Zone (UGZxxx) to all land within the Tarneit North PSP area; Introduce Schedule xxx to the Urban Growth Zone (UGZxxx) into the Wyndham Planning Scheme; Apply the Residential 1 Zone to the subject land as an implied zone through the UGZxxx; and Apply Schedule xxx to the Development Contributions Overlay (DCPOxxx) to all land within the Tarneit North PSP area; Introduce Schedule xxx to the Development Contributions Overlay (DCPOxx) into the Wyndham Planning Scheme. The location of the site as part of the Tarneit North PSP is shown in Figure 2. 4 Leakes Rd, Tarneit Plan showing subject site on FUSP base (when avail) Figure 2 – Tarneit North Precinct Structure Plan (PSP 40) 5 Leakes Rd, Tarneit 2 SITE ANALYSIS 2.1 Site Context The site is located approximately 25km to the west of Melbourne’s CBD, within the City of Wyndham (refer Figure 3 – Locality Plan). The land is situated to the north of the established area of Tarneit. Land to the north, west and east is currently used for grazing and agricultural purposes. Leakes Road forms the southern boundary of the site, and represents the current edge to the established residential area of Tarneit. The Rose Grange Activity Centre is located approximately 1.6km to the east of the site. 2.2 Access Existing Road Network The subject land is accessed via a central crossover to Leakes Road and also via an unmade access on the north eastern corner of the parcel to Tarneit Road. Leakes and Tarneit Roads are both two-carriageway roads that are constructed to rural road standard within road reservations of approximately 20m. Public Transport The reservation for the future Regional Rail Link (RRL) bisects the overall site, forming the northern boundary of the site for this application. When complete, the RRL project will carry VLine services from Geelong and beyond and will provide two new stations at Tarneit and Wyndham Vale. The future Tarneit station directly adjoins the subject land, to the north west of the site. 6 Leakes Rd, Tarneit Subject Site Figure 3 – Locality Plan 7 Leakes Rd, Tarneit 2.3 The Subject Site Site Particulars The site is the southern parcel contained within Lot 1 on PS701127. The site is generally rectangular and has an area of approximately 24ha. 2.3.1 The northern parcel of the allotment, dissected by the future railway corridor that forms part of the Regional Rail Link, does not form part of this application. Instrument AH462111E dated 30/08/2010 is the only encumbrance registered on the Certificate of Title for the land. Instrument AH462111E is a notice under 201UB Planning and Environment Act that registers that the land is subject to a Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution (GAIC) Levy upon a GAIC event being triggered. Topography The site and surrounding land sits within the broader context of the Victorian Volcanic Plains which is characterised flat to gently undulating land with stony rises and volcanic cones, however the subject land is generally flat with a consistent and gradual fall from the mid-point of the land. 2.3.2 Vegetation There is no native vegetation on the subject land. 2.3.3 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage A cultural heritage management plan has been undertaken by Ecology and Heritage Partners. The assessment confirmed that there are no areas of cultural heritage significance. 2.3.4 Services and Utilities As a background study to the PSP, an infrastructure and services capacity assessment was undertaken by Spiire Consultants. The report investigated the capacity of the following utilities in catering for the future community within the Tarneit North PSP area: 2.3.5 Water Sewer Recycled Water Power Gas Telecommunications Overall the site has access to urban services extensions from development from the south. 8 Leakes Rd, Tarneit w Figure 4 – Site Analysis Plan 9 Leakes Rd, Tarneit 3 PROPOSAL 3.1 Overview It is proposed to subdivide the site to create 294 residential lots as shown in the Proposed Plan of Subdivision attached at Appendix 1 to this report. 3.2 Design Response Overall Masterplan An overall Masterplan has been prepared to guide subdivision of the larger landholding and to ensure a coordinated and orderly process for future subdivision stages. The Masterplan provides the necessary context for the application and does not form part of this application. A copy of the Overall Masterplan, showing the site for this application as Precinct 1, is attached at Appendix 2. 3.2.1 The Masterplan provides for a highly permeable road network generally aligned within 20O of a north-south orientation. Within the Amex holding two points of connection to the existing road network are proposed incorporating unsignalised left in/left out access arrangements in keeping with the requirement of the PSP. Local streets are established within a partial grid format and provide a high level of permeability. The Masterplan provides the opportunity for a ‘community hub’ and gateway at the Tarneit Road entrance to the northern site. It is intended that this land will accommodate a community recreation building comprising swimming pool, commercial kitchen and floor space for functions (restricted recreation centre) and a private child care facility incorporating a small public park interface. These facilities will supplement broader community services and facilities anticipated to be provided in the main town centre in the west of the PSP. An area of neighbourhood open space is provided within the AMEX holding (within Precinct 2), with part of the site conjoining with the primary active open space reserve which is centrally located within the PSP area. This park is intended to be the main central focal point for the community. It will be complemented by the retarding basis for storm water which will be designed to provide some complementary open space function. 10 Leakes Rd, Tarneit 3.2.2 Removal of Vegetation The proposed subdivision does not necessitate the removal of native vegetation. Access Access to the site is restricted to Leakes Road and connection to the site to the west of the application area by the Regional Rail Link and the Tarneit road overpass. Access can only be provided from Leakes Road. 3.2.3 Access is influenced by: − The proximity to the Leakes Road, Tarneit Road intersection, a major, future arterial road intersection − The provision of a signalised intersection approximately 150m west of the site. − The RRL access point. Two “left in/left out” access points will be provided no more than 200m west of the Leakes Road/Tarneit Road intersection. Pedestrian access points will be available at all local street interfaces with the arterial roads where at grade pedestrian access exists. The provision of good access to the west of the site will be important in providing access to the multi-directional signalised intersection. Housing Diversity Objectives. The housing mix and lot size has been influenced by input from Oliver Hume, providing a response to market analysis of demand for housing type across Melbourne’s west and Wyndham in particular. 3.2.4 This has also been informed by the need to respond to the physical constraints of the site, particularly the interface to the Tarneit Road railway overpass and the railway line. The advice and response to the site is also influenced by a desire to provide a diverse housing mix for all sectors of the market. In addressing these objectives specifically to the subject application area, regard has been given to: − Restricted access to the site, being bounded by Leakes Road (a future 6 lane arterial), Tarneit Road overpass and the RRL. − The uncertainty with regard to the future timing of a railway station adjoining the site, indications being that any station will be long term if at all. − The physical separation provided by the railway line to the greater part of the PSP area to the north. Essentially, this application area will have a strong relationship to the urban community to the south of Leakes Road. 11 Leakes Rd, Tarneit 3.3 Land Budget 3.3.1 Net Developable Area The land budget for the proposed subdivision (Precinct 1) is presented in Table 1 below. Table 1 – Net Developable Area Description Overall Site Area Arterial Road widening Encumbered Open Space (easement) Encumbered Open Space (drainage) Passive Open Space Linear Open Space Tree Reserve Net Developable Area (NDA) Area (ha) 24.017 1.814 0.141 1.480 0.752 0.592 0.399 18.839 ha % of Site 100% 7.55% 0.59% 6.16% 3.13% 2.4% 1.66% 78.44% % of NDA 9.63% 0.75% 7.85% 3.99% 3.14% 2.12% Yield The proposed subdivision for the site (Precinct 1) delivers a density of 15.6 dwellings per net developable hectare. Table 2 below provides a summary of the proposed lot mix. A further breakdown of the residential yield by lot size and stage is provided on the Proposed Plan of Subdivision (Yield). 3.3.2 Table 2 – Residential lot yield Frontage width 8m 9m 10.5m 12.5m 14m 15m 16m 18m Total 3.4 Area (ha) 0.161 0.129 0.445 1.845 4.604 0.112 5.204 0.068 12.568 Qty 9 6 15 52 103 4 104 1 294 % Mix 3.06% 2.04% 5.10% 17.6% 35.03% 1.36% 35.37% 0.34% 100% Urban Design Interface with Leakes Road The plan demonstrates lot frontage and internal local street frontage to Leakes Road for all but a small section of the Leakes Road frontage. For the 250m lead in to the Leakes and Tarneit Roads intersection an additional 5m landscape strip is proposed with the objective of providing larger tree planting outside the arterial road reservation. 3.4.1 Interface with Tarneit Road Tarneit Road is influenced by the railway overpass presenting a frontage to the batter to the overpass. 3.4.2 While it is understood that the overpass will be landscapes, the plan will provide no access to Tarneit Road. The objective for this interface is to: 12 Leakes Rd, Tarneit − Minimise the visual impact of the batter to residential properties. − Utilise built form in the design of medium density development to provide some acoustic protection to the subdivision. − Provide a design response in the medium density housing form that will present well to Tarneit road. The solution is a medium density housing product used in other locations in Melbourne, including an interface with the Western Ring Road where the rear of the medium density housing will present to Tarneit road as a 2-storey wall with windows and design features. Each window will be acoustically treated for the amenity of residents of the dwellings. 13 Leakes Rd, Tarneit Road Treatments Cross sections for the key road treatments that depart from the standard GAA requirements are provided at Appendix 3 to this report. 3.4.3 Primary Access Street The main entry to the subdivision will be designed as a variation of an Access Level 2 road. 3.4.4 This road will not need to function as a connector as there are no destination or traffic volumes that will justify a connector standard. A variation to the cross section of an access level 2 road is proposed to increase the verge planting width to 5m to enable larger tree species to be established. The road cross section has also been modified opposite the drainage reserve to provide a “park” interface. Secondary Streets The objective for the major East/West street, north of the drainage reserve providing access to the local park is to provide 5m verges (nature strips) to allow for increased planting. 3.4.5 Interface with Regional Rail Line The interface with the RRL is to have all dwellings fronting the railway line, providing a local street access and an 8m landscaping strip. While the detail of landscaping will need to be resolved with Council, the reservation has the potential to accommodate diverse planting and some mounding (functioning as limited acoustic treatment and a barrier to direct access across the railway line). 3.4.6 Public Open Space The local park has been located central to the plan and will be supplemented by the drainage reserve being designed as a secondary open space asset. 3.4.7 The design and detail of the treatment of the local park will be developed in consultation with Council but will seek to respond to the broader landscape objectives as outlined in the Tarneit North PSP. Designing for Noise The site’s location at a major future traffic intersection, overpass and railway line necessitates a diverse response to noise amelioration. This will be achieved through subdivision design, built form and treatment of individual building construction methods and treatment. 3.4.8 Specifically, the subdivision plan responds to the visual and noise impacts by: − Overpass interface will seek to provide a consistent built form interface to minimise impacts from traffic at elevated road overpass. Each building will be treated acoustically with double glazing and additional insulation on the overpass interface. Open space to each dwelling will be provided at the front of the dwelling for amenity reasons. − Railway interface will set all building frontages back at least 26 metres from the railway reservation (8m tree reserve, 13 m street reservation, 5m building setback on site). An Acoustic Report has been prepared by Renzo Tonin & Associates (3 May 2013). Bedrooms of properties that are exposed to maximum external noise levels greater than 80db(A) will be insulated as part of the building design as recommended in the report or further agreed with the Responsible Authority. Furthermore, facades of bedrooms within the eastern medium density envelope, adjacent to Tarneit Road, will be constructed as per Table 2 in the Acoustic Report. 14 Leakes Rd, Tarneit Staging The proposed subdivision plan indicates six development stages. 3.4.9 3.4.10 Drainage The final drainage scheme has yet to be approved by Melbourne Water. Based on draft concepts, storm water flows will be directed to the west in the south of the plan area and to the east in the north. The following presents a summary of the 2 schemes as they are currently developed: Southern Catchment The initial concept identifies a drainage scheme for the south of the plan are which will flow to the west along the railway line easement to a drainage treatment facility west of the application area as identified in the PSP. This may necessitate a temporary retarding basin in the south west of the plan area to retard flows to rural standard should the ultimate treatment facility not be constructed at the time of development, as outlined in the drainage report. Northern Catchment The Northern catchment flows to the west. The preliminary concept by Melbourne water identifies a potential single flow path and crossing of Tarneit Road at a point close to the main east-west connector intersection. An alternative concept is in consideration which seeks to provide multiple crossing points and a more dispersed flow to the west to be accommodated in a normal street network both East and West of Tarneit Road. Details of both options have been included with this application and will be further developed with Melbourne water. 15 Leakes Rd, Tarneit 4 PLANNING ASSESSMENT 4.1 Amendment Cxx This application is linked to Amendment Cxxx which proposes to introduce the Tarneit North PSP and associated planning controls into the Wyndham Planning Scheme. The assessment of this application is therefore based on the proposed controls to be introduced through the amendment. 4.2 Tarneit North Precinct Structure Plan Expand with PSP details. 4.3 Zone Clause 37.07 – Urban Growth Zone The objectives of this Clause are: 4.3.1 • “To manage the transition of non-urban land into urban land in accordance with a precinct structure plan. • To provide for a range of uses and the development of land in accordance with a precinct structure plan. • To contain urban use and development to areas identified for urban development in a precinct structure plan. • To provide for the continued non-urban use of the land until urban development in accordance with a precinct structure plan occurs. • To ensure that, before a precinct structure plan is applied, the use and development of land does not prejudice the future urban use and development of the land.” Amendment Cxxx seeks to apply Schedule xxx to the PSP area. The purpose of this schedule (UGZ01) is to: • (xxx Insert when available) UGZ01 provides the statutory framework for all future use and development applications within the PSP area. The following requirements apply for subdivision applications within UGZxxx: • 16 (xxx Insert when available) Leakes Rd, Tarneit 4.4 Overlays Clause 45.06 – Development Contributions Plan Overlay – Schedule xx Subject to the approval of the PSP, Schedule xx to the DCPO will affect the site. 4.4.1 The purpose of this Clause is: To identify areas which require the preparation of a development contributions plan for the purpose of levying contributions for the provision of works, services and facilities before development can commence. The provisions of the Development Contributions Plan Overlay are acknowledged and contributions will be required as a condition on permit as part of the proposed subdivision. 4.5 Particular Provisions Clause 52.01 Public Open Space Contribution and Subdivision This clause requires that ‘a person who proposes to subdivide land must make a contribution to the council for public open space in an amount specified in the schedule to this clause (being a percentage of the land intended to be used for residential, industrial or commercial purposes, or a percentage of the site value of such land, or a combination of both)’. 4.5.1 A public open space contribution may be made only once for any of the land to be subdivided. The Schedule to Clause 52.01 specifies the amount of contribution for local (passive) public open space for land zoned UGZx (Tarneit North Precinct Structure Plan) as 3.01%. The proposed subdivision comprises only part of the site, with the balance of the site and the combined Amex landholding to be further subdivided in accordance with the Tarneit North PSP. It is appropriate that the open space contribution be coordinated with the overall development of the land to provide meaningful and accessible open space within the neighbourhood. The proposed subdivision provides 3.99% of the net developable land as passive open space. Clause 52.16 Native Vegetation Precinct Plan No native vegetation is proposed to be removed. 4.5.2 Clause 52.29 Land Adjacent to a Road Zone The purpose of Clause 52.29 is to ensure appropriate access to identified roads and appropriate subdivision of land adjacent to identified roads. 4.5.3 The clause establishes a permit requirement for the subdivision of land or alteration of access to land that is adjacent to a Road Zone, Category 1. Tarneit Road is contained within Category 2 Road Zone. The proposed subdivision does no create formal access to Tarneit Road. An application must be referred to relevant Roads Corporation, in this case VicRoads. Clause 56 Residential Subdivision The purposes of Clause 56 are to: 4.5.4 17 To create liveable and sustainable neighbourhoods and urban places with character and identity. To achieve residential subdivision outcomes that appropriately respond to the site and its context for: Metropolitan Melbourne growth areas, infill sites within established residential areas and regional cities and towns. To ensure residential subdivision design appropriately provides for: − Policy implementation. − Liveable and sustainable communities. − Residential lot design. Leakes Rd, Tarneit − − − − Urban landscape. Access and mobility management. Integrated water management. Site management. The proposal complies with all of the relevant objectives of Clause 56. A full assessment against the relevant objectives and standards of Clause 56 is attached at Appendix 4. 18 Leakes Rd, Tarneit 5 CONCLUSION This report has been prepared in support of a planning application made for Amex Corporation on land at Tarneit Road in Tarneit. As detailed in this report, the proposed subdivision is responsive to the conditions and context of the site and is consistent with the relevant provisions of the Wyndham Planning Scheme. The proposed subdivision generally accords with the Tarneit North PSP that provides a cohesive framework for urban development within this precinct. The urban subdivision has been designed to respond specifically to physical and environmental constraints, including the potential traffic levels associated with the future completion of Tarneit Road as an arterial road, and the future regional railway line. A variety of lot sizes and configurations are provided to ensure a diversity of housing product. The local road network is structured to promote viewlines through the development towards areas of open space and provide efficient and pedestrian and vehicular linkages. The provision of open space is appropriate in scale and in location. The proposed plan of subdivision provides for the orderly development of the land for urban purposes through a staged approach that responds to market demand and ensures the timely delivery of services. The proposal will assist in facilitating the planned urban development of the land in accordance with the PSP, NVPP and DCP. We therefore respectfully request that Council support the proposal and issues the relevant planning permits for the proposed subdivisions. 19 Leakes Rd, Tarneit APPENDIX 1 – PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 20 LEGEND STAGING AMEX Site - Precinct 1 Lots 8.5 x 28m Lots 14 x 36m Community Facilities Stage 1 - 53 Lots Stage Boundary Lots 12.5 x 28m Lots 16 x 36m Primary School Stage 2 - 55 Lots Access Street Level 1 Lots 14 x 28m Lots 16 x 38m Easement Stage 3 - 49 Lots Access Street Level 2 Lots 16 x 28m Lots 16 x 40m Drainage Reserve Stage 4 - 42 Lots Lots 18 x 36m Active Open Space Stage 5 - 45 Lots Lots 10.5 x 28m Lots 18 x 38m Passive Open Space Stage 6 - 50 Lots Lots 12.5 x 32m Lots 18 x 40m Linear Open Space (PS701127 - 24.02Ha) Connector Street Lots 14 x 32m Tree Reserves 0 5 Lots 16 x 32m Medium Density Envelope Lots 16 x 36m Lots 8.0m x 20m Lots 9.0 x 20m Future Railway Lots 12.5 x 18-20m Station Lots 15 x 18m Lots 11.75-12.75 x 16m Lots 16 x 16m 8 . 0 m wi d e 1 6 L I NK L I N K AC C Q O U R R I S I D I T O I R ON A 49 L i n e a r R e s e r v e/ L a n d s c a p eB u f f e r 5 9 2 3 m² 1 6 TARNE I T N A L R AI LRA I L RO AD 5 0 20.831Ha (PART) ent 12 1 6 14. 1 1 6 49 1 4 . 1 16 20 1 6 Passive Open Space 5 0.750Ha 2 3 Drainage Reserve TARNEI T ROAD 1 6 1 8 20 1 RO AD Exi st i ng Ease m 16 4 1.48Ha 49 hydraulic engineers 1 8 16 Area to be confirmed by 1 6 6 1 6 1 6 2 0 TARNE I T 12 R E GI ONA L R E GI O 1 6 1 6 12 1 6 P R OP O S E P D R O P OS E D A3 esl oe B oul evar d Proposed connection to Leakes Road (configuration to be determined) 25 50 L E AK E SR OA DE L A KES R OAD WI DE NI NG Proposed connection to Leakes Road (configuration to be determined) 0 5 50 DOHER T YS RO ADLoop road 5m wide Tree Reserve PRECINCT 1 - PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION SCALE 1:2500 0 R OAD 12 DOHER T YS RO AD R OADW I DE NI NG 125m AMEX TARNEIT NORTH - Lot 1 PS701127 PROJ./DRG.NO. 0312-0076-00-UD REV. 07 DRAWN DG APP'D. EF DATE 16.07.2013 LEGEND AMEX Site - Precinct 1 (PS701127 - 24.02Ha) Stage Boundary Access Street Level 1 Access Street Level 2 Connector Street Future Railway Station 1 6 L I NK L I N K AC C Q O U R R I S I D I T O I R ON A 49 L i n e a r R e s e r v e/ L a n d s c a p eB u f f e r 5 9 2 3 m² 1 6 TARNE I T N A L R AI LRA I L 8 . 0 m wi d e RO AD 5 0 20.831Ha (PART) 16 4 14. 1 1 6 49 1 4 . 1 16 20 1 6 Passive Open Space 5 0.750Ha 2 3 Drainage Reserve TARNEI T ROAD 1 6 1 8 20 1 RO AD Exi st i ng Ease m ent 12 1 6 1.48Ha 1 8 16 Area to be confirmed by 1 6 49 hydraulic engineers 6 1 6 1 6 2 0 TARNE I T 12 R E GI ONA L R E GI O 1 6 1 6 12 1 6 P R OP O S E P D R O P OS E D R OADW I DE NI NG KES R OAD A3 0 30 60 150m Proposed connection to Leakes Road (configuration to be determined) bl et on Ave nue Cot t esl oe B oul evar d Proposed connection to Leakes Road (configuration to be determined) SCALE 1:3000 R OAD L E AK E SR OA DE L A WI DE NI NG 12 DOHER T YS RO AD 0 5 50 DOHER T YS RO ADLoop road 5m wide Tree Reserve PRECINCT 1 - PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION (YIELD) AMEX TARNEIT NORTH - Lot 1 PS701127 PROJ./DRG.NO. 0312-0076-00-UD REV. 07 DRAWN DG APP'D. EF DATE 16.07.2013 Leakes Rd, Tarneit APPENDIX 2 – OVERALL MASTERPLAN 21 LEGEND AMEX Site Stage Boundary Access Street Level 1 Access Street Level 2 DOHER T YS RO AD Connector Street Community Facilities DOHE R T Y SR OA D OHER D Primary School P R OP OS E D Easement DOHER T YS RO AD T YS RO AD R OAD Drainage Reserve 54 56 55 WI DE NI NG Active Open Space Passive Open Space ROAD DAM 4 3 TARNEI T 3. 4 5 .4 18 Linear Open Space 9 5 Tree Reserves 5 .1 21 1 3 GRATED PIT WATER TANK Conventional Residential G.I. SHED 17 EXISTING BRICK POOL .2 SINGLE STORY 5 Medium Density Residential BBQ DWELLING . 7 3 6 AD 53 13 5 .0 54 Passive Open Space 3 G.I. SHED 0.91Ha WATER PUMP 52 . 6 WATER TANK 53 03 9 . DAM G.I. SHED Electricity Transmission Easement TARNE 2 9 ROAD G.I. SHED .7 5 . T R AN Electricity Transmission S MI S S I ON Easement 9 G.I. SHED 2 2.51Ha .8 5 5 .7 19 E AS E ME NT 16 TARNEI T 52 95 E L E C T R I C I T Y 20 .8 5 1.28Ha T ROAD TARNE I I T RO W PRECINCT 3 3 2 G.I. SHED 8 2 Electricity Transmission Easement 54 55 TARNE I T 56 53 RO AD 1.01Ha 15 12 14 13 Passive Open Space 53 1.02Ha Road construction and design to allow for a 16m road reserve encroaching 3m within the electricity easement 54 WI DENI NG 53 Passive Recreation 55 Open Amenities Recreation Amenities Space 0.317Ha 0.668Ha 0.257Ha 54 Exi st i ng Ease m ent Primary School 3.64Ha 52 PRECINCT 2 3 5 RO AD 1 52 TARNE I T 2 53 TARNEI T ROAD 3 51 Active Open Space 3.72Ha 52 52 RO AD 51 4 6 11 Passive Open Space 5 1 5 0.75Ha 9 1 5 5 0 51 22 49 7 8 R A I L 10 0 5 PRO PO SED C OR R I D OR Passive Open Space Future Railway 0.18Ha 5 0 N A L R AI LRA I L 8 . 0 m wi d e 16 L I NK L I N K AC C Q O U R R I S I D I T O I R ON A 49 L i n e a r R e s e r v e/ L a n d s c a p eB u f f e r 5 9 2 3 m² 16 20.831Ha (PART) 16 4 14. 1 16 20 16 49 16 PRECINCT 1 1 4 . 1 Passive Open Space 5 0.750Ha 2 3 Drainage Reserve TARNEI T ROAD 16 18 20 1 RO AD Exi st i ng Ease m ent 12 16 1.48Ha 18 16 Area to be confirmed by 16 49 hydraulic engineers 6 16 16 20 TARNE I T 12 R E GI ONA L R E GI O TARNE ARNEI I T TR O ATDROAD Station 16 16 12 16 P R OP O S E P D R O P OS E D R OADWI DE NI NG SCALE 1:5000 0 50 100 250m KES R OAD WI DE NI NG 0 5 50 Avenue DOHER T YS RO AD Em bl et on A3 R OAD L E AK E SR OA DE L A 12 DOHER T YS RO AD Cot t esl oe B oul evar d L I N K PRELIMINARY OVERALL CONCEPT PLAN AMEX TARNEIT NORTH PROJ./DRG.NO. 0312-0076-00-UD REV. 04 DRAWN DG APP'D. EF DATE 16.07.2013 Leakes Rd, Tarneit APPENDIX 3 – ROAD HIERARCHY PLAN AND CROSS SECTIONS 22 LEGEND AMEX Site - Precinct 1 20m Entry / Wide Road - South (PS701127 - 24.02Ha) 18m Entry Road Edge - South 16m Access 1 Street 14.1m Access 1 Street adjoining Open Space 12m Access 1 Street Edge adjacent Rail Corridor 12m Access 1 Street Edge 10m Mews Street 0 5 Future Railway Station 12 5 0 8 . 0 m wi d e 1 6 A 49 L i n e a r R e s e r v e/ L a n d s c a p eB u f f e r 5 9 2 3 m² 1 6 20.831Ha (PART) ent Exi st i ng Ease m 16 12 1 6 14. 1 1 6 49 1 4 . 1 16 20 1 6 Passive Open Space 0.750Ha 20 1 8 Drainage Reserve TARNEI T ROAD 1 6 1.48Ha 49 hydraulic engineers 1 8 16 Area to be confirmed by 1 6 1 6 1 6 2 0 1 6 1 6 12 1 6 0 5 L E AK E SR OAD Proposed connection to Leakes Road (configuration to be determined) 12 P R OP OS E DR OADW I DE NI NG 50 Proposed connection to Leakes Road (configuration to be determined) 5m wide Tree Reserve Loop road A3 PRECINCT 1 - PROPOSED ROAD HIERARCHY SCALE 1:2500 0 25 50 125m AMEX TARNEIT NORTH - Lot 1 PS701127 PROJ./DRG.NO. 0312-0076-00-UD REV. 07 DRAWN DG APP'D. EF DATE 17.07.2013 Entry / Wide Road - South (20m) Entry Road Edge - South (18m) Access 1 Street (16m) Access 1 Street adjoining Open Space (14.1m) A3 SCALE: 1:200 0 1 2 3 4 5 PRECINCT 1 - CROSS SECTIONS 10m AMEX Tarneit North - Lot 1 PS701127 PROJ/DRG NO 312076 PS 01 REV 06 DRWN EF CHKD GW DATE 17.07.2013 Access 1 Street Edge adjacent Rail Corridor (12.0m) Access 1 Street Edge (12.0m) Mews Street (10m) A3 SCALE: 1:200 0 1 2 3 4 5 PRECINCT 1 - CROSS SECTIONS 10m AMEX Tarneit North - Lot 1 PS701127 PROJ/DRG NO 312076 PS 01 REV 06 DRWN EF CHKD GW DATE 17.07.2013 Leakes Rd, Tarneit APPENDIX 4 – CLAUSE 56 ASSESSMENT 23 Assessment Table - Residential Subdivision (Clause 56) Refer to Cl. 56 of the Wyndham Planning Scheme for objectives, decision guidelines and description of standards in full. Policy Implementation Cl. 56.02 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required C1 An application must be accompanied by a written statement that describes how the subdivision is consistent with and implements any relevant growth area, activity centre, housing, access and mobility, community facilities, open space and recreation, landscape (including any native vegetation precinct plan) and urban design objective, policy, strategy or plan for the area set out in this scheme. Complies Strategic Implementation Objective To ensure that the layout and design of a subdivision is consistent with and implements any objective, policy, strategy or plan for the area set out in this scheme. Comments: An assessment of the proposal against the relevant provisions of the planning scheme is provided in Chapter 5 of the Planning Report. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the Tarneit North PSP. Liveable and Sustainable Communities 56.03 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required C2 A subdivision should implement any relevant growth area or any approved land-use and development strategy, plan or policy for the area set out in this scheme. Complies Compact and walkable neighbourhoods objectives An application for subdivision must include a plan of the layout of the subdivision that: Meets the objectives (if relevant to the class of subdivision specified in the zone) of: - Cl. 56.03-2 Activity centres - Cl. 56.03-3 Planning for community facilities - Cl. 56.04-1 Lot diversity and distribution - Cl. 56.06-2 Walking and cycling network - Cl. 56.06-3 Public transport network Cl. 56.06-4 Neighbourhood street network Shows the 400m street walking distance around each existing or proposed bus stop, 600ms street walking distance around each existing or proposed tram stop and 800ms street walking distance around each existing or proposed railway station and shows the estimated number of dwellings within those distances. Comments: The proposed subdivision is consistent with the Tarneit North PSP. The proposed subdivision is in close proximity to a proposed Activity Centre and proposed Community Centre which can both be accessed via pedestrian links through the subdivision. As detailed in the lot yield, the subdivision proposes a range of densities. Areas of higher and medium density lots are dispersed throughout the proposed subdivision. The proposed subdivision offers good links to formal and informal public open space areas. Public transport provision will be provided in accordance with the Tarneit North PSP (refer Plan 9: Public Transport and Walking Trails). Shows the layout of the subdivision in relation to the surrounding area. Is designed to be accessible for people with disabilities. 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 1 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required C3 A subdivision should implement any relevant activity centre strategy, plan or policy for the area set out in this scheme. Complies Activity centre objective To provide for mixed-use activity centres, including neighbourhood activity centres, of appropriate area and location. Subdivision should be supported by activity centres that are: Accessible by neighbourhood and regional walking and cycling networks. Served by public transport that is connected to the regional public transport network. Comments: The proposed subdivision is within walking distance of the planned town centre on the opposite side of the rail corridor. The future activity centre will be subject to separate planning permit application by others. Located at public transport interchange points for the convenience of passengers and easy connections between public transport services. Located on arterial roads or connector streets. Of appropriate size to accommodate a mix of uses that meet local community needs. Oriented to support active street frontages, support street-based community interaction and pedestrian safety. 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 2 Title & Objective C4 Planning for community facilities objective To provide appropriately located sites for community facilities including schools, libraries, preschools and childcare, health services, police and fire stations, recreation and sports facilities. Standard Complies / Variation Required A subdivision should: Implement any relevant regional and local community facility strategy, plan or policy for the area set out in this scheme. Locate community facilities on sites that are in or near activity centres and public transport. Complies School sites should: Be integrated with the neighbourhood and located near activity centres. Be located on walking and cycling networks. Have a bus stop located along the school site boundary. Have student drop-off zones, bus parking and on-street parking in addition to other street functions in abutting streets. Adjoin the public open space network and community sporting and other recreation facilities. Be integrated with community facilities. Be located on land that is not affected by physical, environmental or other constraints. Schools should be accessible by the Principal Public Transport Network in Metropolitan Melbourne and on the regional public transport network outside Metropolitan Melbourne. Comments: The proposed subdivision is in close proximity to a future Community Centre as set out in the Tarneit North PSP. The PSP establishes a clear structure for the development and location of community facilities in line with these objectives. The proposed community facilities are on adjoining land. The proposed subdivision implements the structure plan, and ensures the appropriate connectivity with community facilities can be achieved. Primary schools should be located on connector streets and not on arterial roads. C5 Built environment objective To create urban places with identity and character. New State Government school sites must meet the requirements of the Department of Education and Training and abut at least two streets with sufficient widths to provide student drop-off zones, bus parking and onstreet parking in addition to other street functions. The built environment should: Implement any relevant urban design strategy, plan or policy for the area set out in this scheme. Provide living and working environments that are functional, safe and attractive. Provide an integrated layout, built form and urban landscape. Contribute to a sense of place and cultural identity. An application should describe the identity and character to be achieved and the elements that contribute to that identity and character. 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Complies Comments: The proposed subdivision has been designed in accordance with character requirements of the Tarneit North PSP (refer Section 3.1 – Image, Character and Housing). Sense of place is fostered through the provision of a central open space and tree-lined streets which will create identity throughout the proposed subdivision and a local road network that provides for viewlines towards open space areas. Page 3 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required C6 Subdivision should: Complies Neighbourhood character objective To design subdivisions that respond to neighbourhood character. Respect the existing neighbourhood character or achieve a preferred neighbourhood character consistent with any relevant neighbourhood character objective, policy or statement set out in this scheme. Respond to and integrate with the surrounding urban environment. Protect significant vegetation and site features. Comments: There is little in the way of existing neighbourhood character in this location, however the design of the subdivision is consistent with the vision of the Tarneit North PSP. Despite the creation of a new community through the PSP, the site will retain an important connection with the established residential area south of Leakes road due to the physical barriers created by the rail corridor. The subdivision design is responsive to this by and provides a direct point of connection between the two areas. Lot Design Cl. 56.04 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required C7 A subdivision should implement any relevant housing strategy, plan or policy for the area set out in this scheme. Complies Lot diversity and distribution objectives To achieve housing densities that support compact and walkable neighbourhoods and the efficient provision of public transport services. To provide higher housing densities within walking distance of neighbourhood centres. To achieve increased housing densities in designated growth areas. To provide a range of lot sizes to suit a variety of dwelling and household types. Lot sizes and mix should achieve the average net residential density specified in any zone or overlay that applies to the land or in any relevant policy for the area set out in this scheme. Comments: The subdivision design provides for a broad range of housing densities with variety in lot size and configuration. A range and mix of lot sizes should be provided including lots suitable for the development of: Single dwellings. Two dwellings or more. Higher density housing. Residential buildings and Retirement villages. Unless the site is constrained by topography or other site conditions, lot distribution should provide for 95 per cent of dwellings to be located no more than 400m street walking distance from the nearest existing or proposed bus stop, 600ms street walking distance from the nearest existing or proposed tram stop and 800ms street walking distance from the nearest existing or proposed railway station. Lots of 300 sqm or less in area, lots suitable for the development of two dwellings or more, lots suitable for higher density housing and lots suitable for Residential buildings 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 4 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required and Retirement villages should be located in and within 400ms street walking distance of an activity centre. C8 Lot area and building envelopes objective To provide lots with areas and dimensions that enable the appropriate siting and construction of a dwelling, solar access, private open space, vehicle access and parking, water management, easements and the retention of significant vegetation and site features. An application to subdivide land that creates lots of less than 300 sqm should be accompanied by information that shows: That the lots are consistent or contain building envelope that is consistent with a development approved under this scheme, or That a dwelling may be constructed on each lot in accordance with the requirements of this scheme. Lots of between 300 sqm and 500 sqm should: Complies Comments: The smaller lots proposed through this subdivision have been designed with a specific housing product in mind, that provides for acoustic amenity and whilst providing an appropriate interface with their adjoining railway and road reserve interfaces. Building envelopes can be provided for all medium and higher density lots. Contain a building envelope that is consistent with a development of the lot approved under this scheme, or If no development of the lot has been approved under this scheme, contain a building envelope and be able to contain a rectangle measuring 10ms by 15ms, or 9ms by 15ms if a boundary wall is nominated as part of the building envelope. If lots of between 300 sqm and 500 sqm are proposed to contain dwellings that are built to the boundary, the long axis of the lots should be within 30 degrees east and 20 degrees west of north unless there are significant physical constraints that make this difficult to achieve. Lots greater than 500 sqm should be able to contain a rectangle measuring 10ms by 15ms, and may contain a building envelope. A building envelope may specify or incorporate any relevant siting and design requirement. Any requirement should meet the relevant standards of Cl. 54, unless: The objectives of the relevant standards are met, and The building envelope is shown as a restriction on a plan of subdivision registered under the Subdivision Act 1988, or is specified as a covenant in an agreement under Section 173 of 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 5 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required the Act. Where a lot with a building envelope adjoins a lot that is not on the same plan of subdivision or is not subject to the same agreement relating to the relevant building envelope: The building envelope must meet Standards A10 and A11 of Cl. 54 in relation to the adjoining lot, and The building envelope must not regulate siting matters covered by Standards A12 to A15 (inclusive) of Cl. 54 in relation to the adjoining lot. This should be specified in the relevant plan of subdivision or agreement. Lot dimensions and building envelopes should protect: Solar access for future dwellings and support the siting and design of dwellings that achieve the energy rating requirements of the Building Regulations. Existing or proposed easements on lots. Significant vegetation and site features C9 Solar orientation of lots objective To provide good solar orientation of lots and solar access for future dwellings. Unless the site is constrained by topography or other site conditions, at least 70 percent of lots should have appropriate solar orientation. Lots have appropriate solar orientation when: The long axis of lots are within the range north 20 degrees west to north 30 degrees east, or east 20 degrees north to east 30 degrees south. Complies Comments: The orientation of lots is in accordance with this standard. The subdivision design responds to the topography of the site and allows for dwellings to be appropriately oriented to facilitate solar access. Lots between 300 sqm and 500 sqm are proposed to contain dwellings that are built to the boundary, the long axis of the lots should be within 30 degrees east and 20 degrees west of north. Dimensions of lots are adequate to protect solar access to the lot, taking into account likely dwelling size and the relationship of each lot to the street. 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 6 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required C10 Subdivision should increase visibility and surveillance by: Complies Street orientation objective To provide a lot layout that contributes to community social interaction, personal safety and property security. Ensuring lots front all roads and streets and avoid the side or rear of lots being oriented to connector streets and arterial roads. Providing lots of 300 sqm or less in area and lots for 2 or more dwellings around activity centres and public open space. Ensuring streets and houses look onto public open space and avoiding sides and rears of lots along public open space boundaries. Providing roads and streets along public open space boundaries. Comments: Tarneit Road is identified as a future arterial road and is anticipated to carry high volumes of traffic. It will be an elevated road and will be separated from the residential lots by an intervening landscaped batter that will provide for an improved outlook. Given these considerations, it is not considered appropriate for dwellings to have frontage to Tarneit Road, and the resdidential lots that adjoin Tarneit Road are proposed to face the internal local road. However the landscaped berm will provide for an appropriate visual interface, and design controls will be applied to ensure that an appropriate built form response is achieved. All open space areas are fronted by roads and streets enhancing passive surveillance and personal and property safety. C11 Common area objectives To identify common areas and the purpose for which the area is commonly held. To ensure the provision of common area is appropriate and that necessary management arrangements are in place. To maintain direct public access throughout the neighbourhood street network. An application to subdivide land that creates common land must be accompanied by a plan and a report identifying: N/A Comments: No common area will be created. The common area to be owned by the body corporate, including any streets and open space. The reasons why the area should be commonly held. Lots participating in the body corporate. The proposed management arrangements including maintenance standards for streets and open spaces to be commonly held. 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 7 Urban Landscape Cl. 56.05 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required C12 An application for subdivision that creates streets or public open space should be accompanied by a landscape design. Complies Integrated urban landscape objectives To provide attractive and continuous landscaping in streets and public open spaces that contribute to the character and identity of new neighbourhoods and urban places or to existing or preferred neighbourhood character in existing urban areas. To incorporate natural and cultural features in the design of streets and public open space where appropriate. To protect and enhance native habitat and discourage the planting and spread of noxious weeds. To provide for integrated water management systems and contribute to drinking water conservation. Th The landscape design should: Comments: A conceptual landscape plan has been prepared for the overall masterplan area. Implement any relevant streetscape, landscape, urban design or native vegetation precinct plan, strategy or policy for the area set out in this scheme. The conceptual landscape plan indicates a themed approach to the local parks, interlinked by off-road pedestrian / cycle trails throughout the development. Create attractive landscapes that visually emphasise streets and public open spaces. We anticipate that detailed landscape plans will be prepared in response to permit conditions. Respond to the site and context description for the site and surrounding area. Maintain significant vegetation where possible within an urban context. Take account of the physical features of the land including landform, soil and climate. Protect and enhance any significant natural and cultural features. Protect and link areas of significant local habitat where appropriate. Support integrated water management systems with appropriate landscape design techniques for managing urban run-off including wetlands and other water sensitive urban design features in streets and public open space. Promote the use of drought tolerant and low maintenance plants and avoid species that are likely to spread into the surrounding environment. Ensure landscaping supports surveillance and provides shade in streets, parks and public open space. Develop appropriate landscapes for the intended use of public open space including areas for passive and active recreation, the exercising of pets, playgrounds and shaded areas. Provide for walking and cycling networks that link with community facilities. Provide appropriate pathways, signage, fencing, public lighting 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 8 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required and street furniture. Create low maintenance, durable landscapes that are capable of a long life. The landscape design must include a maintenance plan that sets out maintenance responsibilities, requirements and costs. C13 Public open space provision objectives To provide a variety of open spaces with links to other open spaces and regional parks where possible. To ensure that public open space of appropriate quality and quantity is provided in convenient locations to meet the recreational and social needs of the community. To support active and healthy communities. The provision of public open space should: Complies Comments: Implement any relevant open space plan, strategy or policy for the area set out in this scheme. Open space is provided in accordance with the Tarneit North PSP in the form of a park and a drainage reserve. Provide a network of welldistributed regional and local open space that includes: The drainage reserve will be available for informal use for recreational purposes but will also provide a drainage function. · Regional public open space where appropriate, including along foreshores, streams and permanent water bodies. · Regional parks of at least 3 hectares, combining passive and active use, within 2 kilometres of all dwellings. All dwellings are within 300metres safe walking distance of such amenities. Higher densities surrounding open space encourage the active and shared use of such space. · Large local parks of at least 1 hectare for active and passive use, within 500ms safe walking distance from all dwellings. · Small local parks within 150ms to 300ms safe walking distance of all dwellings, where appropriate. Include land used for drainage control or stream and floodway purposes if generally available for recreational use. Be integrated with urban water management systems including watercourses and water bodies. Incorporate natural and cultural features where appropriate. Encourage shared use of active open space. Adjoin schools and other community facilities where practical. Meet the social, cultural, recreational and sporting needs of the community including different age groups and abilities. Be linked to existing or proposed future public open spaces where appropriate. Include publicly owned plazas 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 9 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required or parks in activity centres where appropriate. Land provided for public open space should be: Of a quality, quantity and character that makes it fit for its potential functions. Located so that every lot in the subdivision is within 500ms street walking distance of existing or proposed public open space. Related to the street and lot layout in a manner that promotes personal safety and surveillance of users of the public open space from streets along public open space boundaries. Of an area and dimensions to allow easy adaptation to different uses in response to changing community sport and recreational preferences. Access and Mobility Management Cl. 56.06 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required C14 An application for a subdivision must include a plan of the layout of the neighbourhood that meets the objectives of: Complies Integrated mobility objectives To achieve an urban structure where compact and walkable neighbourhoods are clustered to support larger activity centres on the Principal Public Transport Network in Metropolitan Melbourne and on the regional public transport network outside Metropolitan Melbourne. Cl. 56.06-2 Walking and cycling network. Cl. 56.06-3 Public transport network. Cl. 56.06-4 Neighbourhood street network. To provide for walking (including persons with impaired mobility), cycling, public transport and other motor vehicles in an integrated manner. Comments: The subdivision design ensures that the site provides connectivity and facilitates a high level of movement. The railway corridor provides an opportunity to create an uninterrupted linear trail along the northern perimeter of the site. All roads within the subdivision are designed to achieve a walkable neighbourhood. To contribute to reduced car dependence, improved energy efficiency, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and reduced air pollution. C15 Walking and cycling network objectives To contribute to community health and well being by encouraging walking and cycling as part of the daily lives of residents, employees The walking and cycling network should be designed to: Implement any relevant regional and local walking and cycling strategy, plan or policy for the area set out in this scheme. 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Complies Comments: The residents. The incorporation of dedicated pedestrian and cycle links within of the subdivision will increase Page 10 Title & Objective and visitors. To provide safe and direct movement through and between neighbourhoods by pedestrians and cyclists. To reduce car use, greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Standard Link to any existing pedestrian and cycling networks. Provide safe walkable distances to activity centres, community facilities, public transport stops and public open spaces. Provide an interconnected and continuous network of safe, efficient and convenient footpaths, shared paths, cycle paths and cycle lanes based primarily on the network of arterial roads, neighbourhood streets and regional public open spaces. Provide direct cycling routes for regional journeys to major activity centres, community facilities, public transport and other regional activities and for regional recreational cycling. Complies / Variation Required pedestrian permeability. Internally, the street pattern allows for easy access around the development, with clear routes to focal points such as the central open space reserve. All streets will incorporate footpaths in accordance with C18. Cycling infrastructure and proposed public transport infrastructure has been designed for in accordance with the Tarneit North PSP (refer Plan 9: Public Transport and Walking Trails). The Leakes Road access has been designed to accommodate a bus service to provide a connection with the future railway station. Ensure safe street and road crossings including the provision of traffic controls where required. Provide an appropriate level of priority for pedestrians and cyclists. Have natural surveillance along streets and from abutting dwellings and be designed for personal safety and security particularly at night. Be accessible to people with disabilities. C16 Public transport network objectives To provide an arterial road and neighbourhood street network that supports a direct, efficient and safe public transport system. To encourage maximum use of public transport. The public transport network should be designed to: Implement any relevant public transport strategy, plan or policy for the area set out in this scheme. Connect new public transport routes to existing and proposed routes to the satisfaction of the relevant public transport authority. Provide for public transport links between activity centres and other locations that attract people using the Principal Public Transport Network in Metropolitan Melbourne and the regional public transport network outside Metropolitan Melbourne. Complies Comments: The public transport strategy is established through the Tarneit North PSP in conjunction with the requirements for the Department for Transport. The proposed subdivision abuts Tarneit Road, an arterial road designed with capacity for future public transport provision. Davis Road and Houdini Drive, providing the north and southern boundaries of the Site respectively, are both collector roads cited as potential bus routes. (Refer Tarneit North PSP - Plan 9: Public Transport and Walking Trails). Locate regional bus routes principally on arterial roads and locate local bus services principally on connector streets 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 11 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required to provide: · Safe and direct movement between activity centres without complicated turning manoeuvres. · Direct travel between neighbourhoods and neighbourhood activity centres. · A short and safe walk to a public transport stop from most dwellings. C17 Neighbourhood street network objective To provide for direct, safe and easy movement through and between neighbourhoods for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport and other motor vehicles using the neighbourhood street network. The neighbourhood street network must: Take account of the existing mobility network of arterial roads, neighbourhood streets, cycle paths, cycle paths, footpaths and public transport routes. Provide clear physical distinctions between arterial roads and neighbourhood street types. Comply with the Roads Corporation’s arterial road access management policies. Provide an appropriate speed environment and movement priority for the safe and easy movement of pedestrians and cyclists and for accessing public transport. Complies Comments: Safe and easy movement of vehicles is provided. The proposed street network largely comprises local access streets. The grid pattern provides for direct access to key areas within the development from north, south, east and west. It also provides for an appropriate level of local traffic dispersal. A high provision of street trees will contribute to slowing internal traffic creating a cycle and pedestrian friendly environment. There is no access proposed to Tarneit Road which will become a significant arterial road. Provide safe and efficient access to activity centres for commercial and freight vehicles. Provide safe and efficient access to all lots for service and emergency vehicles. Provide safe movement for all vehicles. Incorporate any necessary traffic control measures and traffic management infrastructure. The neighbourhood street network should be designed to: Implement any relevant transport strategy, plan or policy for the area set out in this scheme. Include arterial roads at intervals of approximately 1.6 kilometres that have adequate reservation widths to accommodate long term movement demand. Include connector streets approximately halfway between 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 12 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required arterial roads and provide adequate reservation widths to accommodate long term movement demand. Ensure connector streets align between neighbourhoods for direct and efficient movement of pedestrians, cyclists, public transport and other motor vehicles. Provide an interconnected and continuous network of streets within and between neighbourhoods for use by pedestrians, cyclists, public transport and other vehicles. Provide an appropriate level of local traffic dispersal. Indicate the appropriate street type. Provide a speed environment that is appropriate to the street type. Provide a street environment that appropriately manages movement demand (volume, type and mix of pedestrians, cyclists, public transport and other motor vehicles). Encourage appropriate and safe pedestrian, cyclist and driver behaviour. Provide safe sharing of access lanes and access places by pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. Minimise the provision of culs-de-sac. Provide for service and emergency vehicles to safely turn at the end of a dead-end street. Facilitate solar orientation of lots. Facilitate the provision of the walking and cycling network, integrated water management systems, utilities and planting of trees. Contribute to the area’s character and identity. Take account of any identified significant features. C18 Walking and cycling network detail objectives To design and construct footpaths, shared path and cycle path Footpaths, shared paths, cycle paths and cycle lanes should be designed to: Be part of a comprehensive design of the road or street reservation. 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Complies Comments: The pattern of the street network is connected and allows for a high level of permeability. Page 13 Title & Objective networks that are safe, comfortable, well constructed and accessible for people with disabilities. To design footpaths to accommodate wheelchairs, prams, scooters and other footpath bound vehicles. Standard Be continuous and connect. Provide for public transport stops, street crossings for pedestrians and cyclists and kerb crossovers for access to lots. Accommodate projected user volumes and mix. Meet the requirements of Table C1. Provide pavement edge, kerb, channel and crossover details that support safe travel for pedestrians, footpath bound vehicles and cyclists, perform required drainage functions and are structurally sound. Provide appropriate signage. Complies / Variation Required Proposed pedestrian paths are well-integrated with the street pattern. The road and path widths also enhance personal safety and provide for people with impaired mobility. Footpaths will be provided in accordance with Table C1.The pattern of subdivision largely promotes local access streets which are designed to minimise traffic speeds and to provide for safe on-road cycling. All road infrastructure will be designed and constructed to meet the relevant Council requirements and Australian Standards. Be constructed to allow access to lots without damage to the footpath or shared path surfaces. Be constructed with a durable, non-skid surface. Be of a quality and durability to ensure: · Safe passage for pedestrians, cyclists, footpath bound vehicles and vehicles. · Discharge of urban run-off. · Preservation of all-weather access. · Maintenance of a reasonable, comfortable riding quality. · A minimum 20 year life span. Be accessible to people with disabilities and include tactile ground surface indicators, audible signals and kerb ramps required for the movement of people with disabilities. C19 Public transport network detail objectives To provide for the safe, efficient operation of public transport and the comfort and convenience of public transport users. To provide public transport stops that are accessible to people with disabilities. Bus priority measures must be provided along arterial roads forming part of the existing or proposed Principal Public Transport Network in Metropolitan Melbourne and the regional public transport network outside Metropolitan Melbourne to the requirements of the relevant roads authority. Complies Comments: The proposed subdivision has been designed to implement the public transport network as provided for under the Tarneit North PSP. Road alignment and geometry along bus routes should provide for the efficient, unimpeded movement of buses and the safety and comfort of passengers. The design of public transport stops should not impede the movement of 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 14 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required pedestrians. Bus and tram stops should have: Surveillance from streets and adjacent lots. Safe street crossing conditions for pedestrians and cyclists. Safe pedestrian crossings on arterial roads and at schools including the provision of traffic controls as required by the roads authority. Continuous hard pavement from the footpath to the kerb. Sufficient lighting and paved, sheltered waiting areas for forecast user volume at neighbourhood centres, schools and other locations with expected high patronage. Appropriate signage. Public transport stops and associated waiting areas should be accessible to people with disabilities and include tactile ground surface indicators, audible signals and kerb ramps required for the movement of people with physical disabilities. C20 Neighbourhood street network detail objective To design and construct street carriageways and verges so that the street geometry and traffic speeds provide an accessible and safe neighbourhood street system for all users. The design of streets and roads should: Meet the requirements of Table C1. Where the widths of access lanes, access places, and access streets do not comply with the requirements of Table C1, the requirements of the relevant fire authority and roads authority must be met. Provide street blocks that are generally between 120ms and 240ms in length and generally between 60ms to 120ms in width to facilitate pedestrian movement and control traffic speed. Have verges of sufficient width to accommodate footpaths, shared paths, cycle paths, integrated water management, street tree planting, lighting and utility needs. Complies Comments: The neighbourhood street network design enhances personal and property safety with appropriate street widths which provide for a low-speed environment as well as direct and convenient access around the development. Lots fronting the street enhance passive surveillance. Roads are in accordance with Table C1. Splays at corners have been provided to accord with these standards. The proposed road cross sections are generously proportioned and are designed to accommodate all necessary services and functions. Have street geometry appropriate to the street type and function, the physical land characteristics and achieve a safe environment for all users. Provide a low-speed environment while allowing all road users to proceed without 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 15 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required unreasonable inconvenience or delay. Provide a safe environment for all street users applying speed control measures where appropriate. Ensure intersection layouts clearly indicate the travel path and priority of movement for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. Provide a minimum 5m by 5m corner splay at junctions with arterial roads and a minimum 3m by 3m corner splay at other junctions unless site conditions justify a variation to achieve safe sight lines across corners. Ensure streets are of sufficient strength to: · Enable the carriage of vehicles. · Avoid damage by construction vehicles and equipment. Ensure street pavements are of sufficient quality and durability for the: · Safe passage of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. · Discharge of urban run-off. · Preservation of all-weather access and maintenance of a reasonable, comfortable riding quality. Ensure carriageways of planned arterial roads are designed to the requirements of the relevant road authority. Ensure carriageways of neighbourhood streets are designed for a minimum 20 year life span. Provide pavement edges, kerbs, channel and crossover details designed to: · Perform the required integrated water management functions. · Delineate the edge of the carriageway for all street users. · Provide efficient and comfortable access to abutting lots at appropriate locations. · Contribute to streetscape design. Provide for the safe and 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 16 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required efficient collection of waste and recycling materials from lots. Be accessible to people with disabilities. A street detail plan should be prepared that shows, as appropriate: The street hierarchy and typical cross-sections for all street types. Location of carriageway pavement, parking, bus stops, kerbs, crossovers, footpaths, tactile surface indicators, cycle paths and speed control and traffic management devices. Water sensitive urban design features. Location and species of proposed street trees and other vegetation. Location of existing vegetation to be retained and proposed treatment to ensure its health. Any relevant details for the design and location of street furniture, lighting, seats, bus stops, telephone boxes and mailboxes. C21 Lot access objective To provide for safe vehicle access between roads and lots. Vehicle access to lots abutting arterial roads should be provided from service roads, side or rear access lanes, access places or access streets where appropriate and in accordance with the access management requirements of the relevant roads authority. Vehicle access to lots of 300 sqm or less in area and lots with a frontage of 7.5ms or less should be provided via rear or side access lanes, places or streets. The design and construction of a crossover should meet the requirements of the relevant road authority. 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Complies Comments: As detailed above, frontage to Tarneit Road is not proposed. There are no lots with a frontage of 7.5 or less. The proposed development will be predominantly serviced through a series of local access streets or otherwise by connector streets. Crossovers will be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the relevant road authority. Page 17 Integrated Water Management Cl. 56.07 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required C22 The supply of drinking water must be: Complies Drinking water supply objectives To reduce the use of drinking water. To provide an adequate, costeffective supply of drinking water. Designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements and to the satisfaction of the relevant water authority. Comments: The proposed development will be provided with drinking water in accordance with the requirement of the relevant water authority. Provided to the boundary of all lots in the subdivision to the satisfaction of the relevant water authority. C23 Reused and recycled water objective To provide for the substitution of drinking water for non-drinking purposes with reused and recycled water. Reused and recycled water supply systems must be: Designed, constructed and managed in accordance with the requirements and to the satisfaction of the relevant water authority, Environment Protection Authority and Department of Human Services. Complies Comments: The provision of reused and recycled water supply is unconfirmed at this stage and will be provided as required by City West Water. Provided to the boundary of all lots in the subdivision where required by the relevant water authority. C24 Waste water management objective To provide a waste water system that is adequate for the maintenance of public health and the management of effluent in an environmentally friendly manner. Waste water systems must be: Designed, constructed and managed in accordance with the requirements and to the satisfaction of the relevant water authority and the Environment Protection Authority. Complies Comments: The proposed development will be connected to reticulated services. Consistent with any relevant approved domestic waste water management plan. Reticulated waste water systems must be provided to the boundary of all lots in the subdivision where required by the relevant water authority. C25 Urban run-off management objectives To minimise damage to properties and inconvenience to residents from urban run-off. To ensure that the street operates adequately during major storm events and provides for public safety. To minimise increases in stormwater run-off and protect the environmental values and physical characteristics of receiving waters from degradation by urban run-off. The urban stormwater management system must be: Designed and managed in accordance with the requirements and to the satisfaction of the relevant drainage authority. Designed and managed in accordance with the requirements and to the satisfaction of the water authority where reuse of urban run-off is proposed. Designed to meet the current best practice performance objectives for stormwater quality as contained in the 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Complies Comments: The urban stormwater management system will be designed to effectively manage and mitigate stormwater runoff entering the drainage catchment and waterways. The system will meet this objective through the provision of a drainage reserve to the Site’s south-west. The drainage reserve will provide a retarding function and will be sized, designed and construction in accordance with the requirements of the relevant authority. Page 18 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required Urban Stormwater – Best Practice Environmental Management Guidelines (Victorian Stormwater Committee 1999) as amended. Designed to ensure that flows downstream of the subdivision site are restricted to predevelopment levels unless increased flows are approved by the relevant drainage authority and there are no detrimental downstream impacts. The stormwater management system should be integrated with the overall development plan including the street and public open space networks and landscape design. For all storm events up to and including the 20% Average Exceedence Probability (AEP) standard: Stormwater flows should be contained within the drainage system to the requirements of the relevant authority. Ponding on roads should not occur for longer than 1 hour after the cessation of rainfall. For storm events greater than 20% AEP and up to and including 1% AEP standard: Provision must be made for the safe and effective passage of stormwater flows. All new lots should be free from inundation or to a lesser standard of flood protection where agreed by the relevant floodplain management authority. Ensure that streets, footpaths and cycle paths that are subject to flooding meet the safety criteria da Vave < 0.35 m 2/s (where, da = average depth inms and Vave = average velocity inms per second). The design of the local drainage network should: Ensure run-off is retarded to a standard required by the responsible drainage authority. Ensure every lot is provided with drainage to a standard acceptable to the relevant drainage authority. Wherever possible, run-off should be directed to the front of the lot and discharged into the street 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 19 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required drainage system or legal point of discharge. Ensure that inlet and outlet structures take into account the effects of obstructions and debris build up. Any surcharge drainage pit should discharge into an overland flow in a safe and predetermined manner. Include water sensitive urban design features to manage runoff in streets and public open space. Where such features are provided, an application must describe maintenance responsibilities, requirements and costs. Any flood mitigation works must be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of the relevant floodplain management authority. Site Management Title & Objective C26 Site management objectives To protect drainage infrastructure and receiving waters from sedimentation and contamination. To protect the site and surrounding area from environmental degradation or nuisance prior to and during construction of subdivision works. To encourage the re-use of materials from the site and recycled materials in the construction of subdivisions where practicable. Cl. 56.08 Standard Complies / Variation Required A subdivision application must describe how the site will be managed prior to and during the construction period and may set out requirements for managing: Complies Erosion and sediment. Dust. Run-off. Litter, concrete and other construction wastes. Chemical contamination. Vegetation and natural features planned for retention. Comments: The development of the site will be managed to protect drainage infrastructure and receiving waters. Construction and environmental management plans will be prepared prior to the commencement of development, as required by Council. Recycled materials will be used throughout the development where practicable. Recycled material should be used for the construction of streets, shared paths and other infrastructure where practicable. 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 20 Utilities Title & Objective C27 Shared trenching objectives To maximise the opportunities for shared trenching. To minimise constraints on landscaping within street reserves. C28 Electricity, telecommunications and gas objectives To provide public utilities to each lot in a timely, efficient and cost effective manner. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by supporting generation and use of electricity from renewable sources. Cl. 56.09 Standard Complies / Variation Required Reticulated services for water, gas, electricity and telecommunications should be provided in shared trenching to minimise construction costs and land allocation for underground services. Complies The electricity supply system must be designed in accordance with the requirements of the relevant electricity supply agency and be provided to the boundary of all lots in the subdivision to the satisfaction of the relevant electricity authority. Complies Comments: Reticulated services for water, electricity and telecommunications will be provided in shared trenching. Comments: All lots will be provided with connection to a mains electricity supply and telecommunication services. Arrangements that support the generation or use of renewable energy at a lot or neighbourhood level are encouraged. The telecommunication system must be designed in accordance with the requirements of the relevant telecommunications servicing agency and should be consistent with any approved strategy, policy or plan for the provision of advanced telecommunications infrastructure, including fibre optic technology. The telecommunications system must be provided to the boundary of all lots in the subdivision to the satisfaction of the relevant telecommunications servicing authority. Where available, the reticulated gas supply system must be designed in accordance with the requirements of the relevant gas supply agency and be provided to the boundary of all lots in the subdivision to the satisfaction of the relevant gas supply agency. C29 Fire hydrants objective To provide fire hydrants and fire plugs in positions that enable fire fighters to access water safely, effectively and efficiently. Fire hydrants should be provided: A maximum distance of 120ms from the rear of the each lot. Complies Comments: Fire hydrants will be provided to achieve this objective. No more than 200ms apart. Hydrants and fire plugs must be compatible with the relevant fire service equipment. C30 Public lighting objective To provide public lighting to ensure the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. Public lighting should be provided to streets, footpaths, public telephones, public transport stops and to major pedestrian and cycle paths including public open spaces 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Complies Comments: Public lighting will be appropriately located around the development to Page 21 Title & Objective Standard Complies / Variation Required To provide pedestrians with a sense of personal safety at night. that are likely to be well used at night to assist in providing safe passage for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. ensure the adequate provision of lighting in public areas, such as the open space and streets. To contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to saving energy. Public lighting should be designed in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards. Public lighting should be consistent with any strategy, policy or plan for the use of renewable energy and energy efficient fittings. 2013-04-18 ResCode Clause 56 Assessment AMEX south Page 22
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