Broadcast Message System (BMS) Procedures Category: Information Management 1. LEGISLATION/ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT/POLICY SUPPORTED Brand Communications Policy 2. PROCEDURAL DETAILS The Broadcast Message System (BMS) enables the sending of messages (emails) to all Curtin staff or to specific groups of Curtin staff. 2.1 Sending broadcast messages through the BMS 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.2 G50-746-92 A sender may draft a broadcast message consistent with these procedures and email it to one or more of the addresses listed in Schedule 1. The sender will receive an automated response advising that their broadcast message has been received and is being held for moderation. The moderator will review each broadcast message request for compliance with these procedures. If a broadcast message is rejected by the moderator, the sender will be advised of this by email and given a reason for the decision. Broadcast messages are sent out each working day at about 4 pm. Urgent broadcast messages may be sent earlier, upon approval of the Director Public and Community Relations or, in their absence, the approval of the Managing Editor Corporate Publications. The sender is responsible for archiving their broadcast messages in accordance with the Recordkeeping Policy. Content of broadcast messages 2.2.1 Broadcast messages will: (a) relate to the business of the University; (b) provide information to staff and not contain personal messages, opinion or commentary; (c) be accurate; (d) include information that is relevant to the intended recipients; (e) not be greater than 2 MB in size, including attachments; and (f) ensure key information in the attachments is included in the body of the email 2.2.2 Broadcast messages will not include: (a) comment or debate on issues (b) promotion of personal affiliations (e.g. appeals by candidates for electoral support in University elections, or items for sale) (c) commercial content, unless approved by the Vice-President Corporate Services (d) messages promoting charity fundraisers, except the following which have been approved by the Vice-President Corporate Relations and Development and which must show Curtin affiliation: World’s Greatest Shave Princess Margaret Hospital for Children Mother’s Day raffle for Parkerville Children’s Home Daffodil Days for Cancer Council John Curtin Weekend Camp Quality Christmas tree gifts for children from Parkerville Children’s Home Australian Red Cross blood drive (e) any content that breaches legislation, Curtin policies or procedures, or the Code of Conduct. 1 3. 2.3 Before submission to an email address listed in Schedule 1, messages that relate to the employment conditions of staff will be referred to the Director, People and Culture for approval. 2.4 Only Curtin-approved surveys may be promoted through the BMS. Staff should consult with Strategy and Planning to obtain approval for any proposed surveys. 2.5 No message will be resent and no reminder messages will be sent, unless there is a significant change or update to the content. RESPONSIBILITIES Responsibilities are those as set out in section 2. 4. SCOPE OF PROCEDURES These procedures apply to all senders of broadcast messages through the BMS. 5. DEFINITIONS (Note: Commonly defined terms are located in the Policy Preferred Definitions. Any defined terms below are specific to this document). Broadcast message system (BMS) An email system that enables messages to be sent to all Curtin staff or groups of Curtin staff with an email address administered through Curtin Information Technology Services (CITS). Moderator The Curtin staff member who reviews messages sent to the BMS for compliance with these procedures. Sender A Curtin staff member who composes the message for forwarding to groups of Curtin staff and sends it to the BMS, or the Curtin Student Guild, which may send the following to the BMS: one message per year to Curtin academic staff advising of the Guild’s Excellence in Teaching Awards; one message per year to Curtin academic staff advising results of Excellence in Teaching Awards; one ‘Guild benefits for staff’ message per semester; and one fundraising message, if applicable to Curtin staff, per semester. 6. SCHEDULES Schedule 1: Specified Broadcast Message System Lists 7. RELATED DOCUMENTS/LINKS/FORMS Recordkeeping Policy Code of Conduct Policy Manager Vice President, Corporate Relations and Development Director, Public and Community Relations Contact Tel: 9266 7711 Fax: 9266 2266 G50-746-92 Approval Authority Vice President, Corporate Relations and Development Review Date 1st September 2015 2 REVISION HISTORY Revision / Ref. No. New Approved/ Amended/ Rescinded Date Committee / Board / Executive Manager Approved Resolution Document Reference 26/09/2012 Vice President, Corporate Relations and Development EM1228 Conditional upon PMC rescinding the current policy and procedures at its 25th September 2012 meeting, effective 9 October 2012 Amended 31/10/2013 Vice President, Corporate Relations and Development EM1321 Change to 2.2.1(e) and Schedule 1 Administratively Updated 20/04/2015 Director, Legal and Compliance Services G50-746-92 Director, Human Resources changed to Director, People and Culture 3 Schedule 1: Specified Broadcast Message System Lists All Curtin staff: All HR-classified General Staff All HR-classified Academics All Curtin staff located in the metro area (Bentley; Shenton; GSB): All staff located at Bentley All staff located at Shenton Park All staff located at Graduate School of Business All staff located at Kalgoorlie G50-746-92 4
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