Danish Golden Age Studies A Monograph Series The Danish Golden Age The Series

Danish Golden Age Studies
A Monograph Series
The Danish Golden Age
The Series
Museum Tusculaum Press in cooperation with the Søren Kierkegaard
Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen is proud to produce a
monograph series entitled, Danish Golden Age Studies (ISSN: 1903-3338).
The series is dedicated to advancing international research on different works,
figures and discussions from the Danish Golden Age.
The Principles
This series features many different kinds of monographs, such as Ph.d.
dissertations, Habilitation theses, and conference proceedings. All of
the featured books are of the highest scholarly standard. The series is
interdisciplinary and thus features research monographs in areas such as
philosophy, theology, literature, history, aesthetics, art history and drama. The
goal of this series is to promote international interest in and research on this
rich cultural period of Danish history.
The series Texts from Golden Age Denmark is published
by Museum Tusculanum Press in cooperation with
the Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen
General Editor:
Jon Stewart, Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre
at the University of Copenhagen
Editorial Board:
Finn Gredal Jensen
Mads Sohl Jessen
Due to numerous translations,
Søren Kierkegaard and Hans
Christian Andersen have long been
familiar names in the anglophone
world. However, as is well known
inside Denmark, Kierkegaard and
Andersen were not isolated figures
in the Danish intellectual and
artistic scene of the day; rather,
they were merely the best-known
representatives of an extremely rich
period in Danish cultural life that
began at the start of the nineteenth
century and continued for some
fifty or sixty years. This period,
which has been designated “the
Golden Age of Denmark,” is only
now coming to be appreciated for
its full significance.
Danish Golden Age Studies
Forthcoming publication
Volume 8:
Katalin Nun
Women of the Danish Golden Age:
Literature, Theater and the Emancipation of Women
Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press. Forthcoming in March 2013. Hardback xvi+200pp.
ISBN 978-87-635-3913-5. Normal price: 200 DKK (35 $. 27 €). Webshop Price: 180 DKK (31 $. 24 €).
In recent years there has been a growing interest in the rich culture of the Danish Golden Age. It
is no exaggeration to say that in almost every area of cultural life women played a significant role
in this period. While some works on this topic have appeared in Danish, the international reader
has had very little opportunity to assess the important cultural contributions made by women
during the Golden Age.
The present monograph wishes to fill this gap by presenting the role of women in literature and
theater and by discussing the more general question of the emancipation of women of the time.
The book is divided into three main parts, based on three main areas of interest. Each area has its
central figure, who can be regarded as representative for the respective field. Thus, the first part,
dedicated to literature, has as its focal point Thomasine Gyllembourg (1773-1856) and her writings. The second part deals with the
theater and the most famous actress of the period, Johanne Luise Heiberg (1812-90). Finally, the third part discusses the question of
the emancipation of women examined through the case of the controversial author Mathilde Fibiger (1830-72).
More titles in the series
Volume 1: K. Brian Soderquist, The Isolated Self: Truth and Untruth in Søren Kierkegaard’s On the Concept of Irony (2007).
Hardback. viii+247pp. ISBN 978-87-635-3090-3. Normal price: 250 DKK (43 $. 34 €). Webshop Price: 200 DKK (35 $. 27 €).
Volume 2: Robert Leslie Horn, Positivity and Dialectic: A Study of the Theological Method of Hans Lassen Martensen (2007).
Hardback. xviii+246pp. ISBN 978-87-635-3089-7. Normal price: 250 DKK (43 $. 34 €). Webshop Price: 200 DKK (35 $. 27 €).
Volume 3: Jon Stewart, A History of Hegelianism in Golden Age Denmark
Tome I: The Heiberg Period: 1824–1836 (2007).
Hardback. xxi+629pp. ISBN 978-87-635-3086-6. Normal price: 440 DKK (69 $. 54 €). Webshop Price: 320 DKK (55 $. 43 €).
Tome II: The Martensen Period: 1837–1843 (2007).
Hardback. xx+775pp. ISBN 978-87-635-3101-6. Normal price: 500 DKK (86 $. 67 €). Webshop Price: 400 DKK (69 $. 54 €).
Volume 4: Curtis L. Thompson, Following the Cultured Public’s Chosen One: Why Martensen Mattered to Kierkegaard (2008).
Hardback. xvi+216pp. ISBN 978-87-635-1097-4. Normal price: 250 DKK (43 $. 34 €). Webshop Price: 200 DKK (35 $. 27 €).
Volume 5: Johan Ludvig Heiberg: Philosopher, Littérateur, Dramaturge, and Political Thinker, edited by Jon Stewart (2008).
Hardback. xxii+548pp. ISBN 978-87-635-1096-7. Normal price: 350 DKK (61 $. 47 €). Webshop Price: 280 DKK (48 $. 38 €).
Volume 6: Hans Lassen Martensen: Theologian, Philosopher and Social Critic, edited by Jon Stewart (2012).
Hardback. xv+351pp. ISBN 978-87-635-3169-6. Normal price: 350 DKK (61 $. 47 €). Webshop Price: 280 DKK (48 $. 38 €).
Volume 7: The Heibergs and the Theater: Between Vaudeville, Romantic Comedy and National Drama, edited by Jon Stewart (2012).
Hardback. ix+316pp. ISBN 978-87-635-3897-8.
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Photo, Design and Layout: K.Nun Design©2013.
Forthcoming volumes:
Volume 9: Jon Stewart, Heiberg, Kierkegaard and Danish Golden Age.
Volume 10: Mads Sohl Jessen, The Master of the “Thief Language”: Kierkegaard’s Hidden Satire of Heiberg in Repetition.