Communication From PV

President: Warren Hunt
Vice-President: Peter Ridgway
Executive Officer: Lisa Galvin Chief Umpire: Brad Cooper
13 May 2015
Dear Polocrosse Victoria Members,
The 2015 State Club Championships were cancelled so no awards will be presented for this
The Committee would like to thank the Casterton club for hosting this year’s event. The
Casterton Committee and its members are to be congratulated for presenting their grounds
and facilities to a high standard. Consideration for players and spectators comfort was
taken into account with lots of cover and the firewood was certainly appreciated.
To all of the playing members, umpires and spectators play on Saturday was conducted in a
manner that showed great respect for our game. Horses and players were well presented,
teams and officials were on time and the days play ran very well. It was unfortunate that
the organising committee had to cancel Sundays play, but the weather is one thing we
cannot control and player and horse safely is our number one concern.
The Polocrosse Victoria Committee would like to take this opportunity to recognise some of
our members for achievements over this season:
Coaching Level 1 Attainment: Katie Martin, Luke Lossberg, Velia Hartley, Kenny Grimmond
and Jared Martin.
PAA Open Squad Development Teams: Luke Lossberg, Matt Jarmain, Corey Buys, Erin
Nisbet, Sam Allen, Kelly Allen, Jess Bowman
PAA U 21 New Zealand Team: Taylor Radford, Mark McInnes, Ike Murray
PAA U 21 Development Squad: Adam Galvin, Ben Boulton, Ben Hochuli, Jasmine Shields,
Remi Gray, Bridie Armstrong, Laura Beer and Dave Williamson
PAA U 16 Australian Squad: Blake Radford
PAA U 21 Team Sydney: Cassie Malady, Taylor Radford, Mark McInnes and Corey Buys
The representative teams we had this year at the Bass Strait Cup, Albury Junior Classic and
Barastoc all experienced great Polocrosse and presented our State well with their
presentation and commitment to further their skills and make the most opportunities
given. Our appointed state coaches had an opportunity to get to know the players and
further develop their skills as well. Many players received personal awards at these events,
well done. This year Hugh Armstrong Polocrosse Victoria Director of Coaching appointed
Assistant coaches where possible to further develop our depth in this area.
Date Claimer: The Polocrosse Victoria Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday the
25th October at 10am in Ballarat. Please ensure that all Clubs have their AGM’s prior to this
Looking forward to 2016, the selectors are in the process of selecting the Open and Masters
squads. These will announced within the next few weeks so keep an eye out.
To all Club Committees, players, coaches and spectators congratulations on another
successful year of Polocrosse in Victoria.
Warren Hunt
Polocrosse Victoria President
We apologise if we have missed any other player achievements, please advise via email asap.