Contents MAY 2015 078 COVER STORY A design process that supports func onality and prac cality rather than form, colour or design and a dynamic architect lara de rooij (of LMC A rchitects) who is against using pricey materials just for show... a wonderful, fluid and airy apartment in mumbai. Cover photograph: Radhika Raj; Courtesy LMC Architects DESIGN BYTES Set in Motion Ar st Gayatri Sekhri leaves behind a career in law to pick upsculp ng tools and brushes and establish her own studio pomegranate design. An example of beauty, grace and great cra smansship, her sculptures are here to inspire anyone who encounters them. 040 060 A Piece of Nature Greatly inspired by nature, furniture designer Aakriti Kumar's gorgeous products at Differniture are a perfect union of sculptural aesthetics and functional efficiency. 068 046 Everyday Inspiration Crafty Tales Product designer Valerie Barkowski has the gift to turn ordinary objects into pieces that are most suitable for contemporary decor. Her on-going project for No-Mad in Mumbai is an apt example of her creativity An unconven onal career path and the vision to make a difference makes Designer Dakshyani Gowda's cra and her organiza on sanchali's joueney truly excep onal and one to be inspired by. CENTRESTAGE Daily Graphic With a penchant for turning kitsch in to entertaining and vibrant designs for hospitality spaces and creating innovative wedding invites... graphic designer chetana vij Sharma's work has a modern, fun vibe 18 BETTER INTERIORS MAY 2015 052 078 Design that work With a design philosophy where func on scores substan ally higher than form, Lara de Rooij of LMC Architects designs a lovely light-filled and airy apartment in Mumbai for a middle-aged couple. {DesignBytes} Art Walk Set in Motion Hanging up her court dress, ar st Gayatri Sekhri instead picks up sculp ng tools and brushes to establish own studio pomegranate Design. Striking and beau ful, her works is bound to inspire anyone who encounters them. TEXT: ALIFIYA MEHAMDABADWALA; PHOTOGRAPHS: COURTESY POMEGRANATE DESIGN ABOVE This wall- mounted sculpture called climbing Men depicts gents hard at woek crea ng a stunning visual impact. LEFT The beau ful pegasus showcases a pure white body with detailed anatomy in grey along with glimmering wings. 40 BETTER INTERIORS MAY 2015 LEFT Named Reaching Out, this three-dimensional figurine is made of aluminium and fiber. It evokes the feeling of being free and reaching out for life with both hands. BELOW Beautiful and graceful, the dancre is in perfect harmony with her surrounddings and is rejoicing in her art. ARTIST Gayatri Sekhri ry as we might, we always end up where we're supposed to. that crea ve call can come to anyone at any me... and if you heed your inner voice and follow your heart, life takes a 360-degree turn. something similar happened to the very talented and charisma c sculptor and entrepreneur Gayatri Sekhri.Having finished her schooling from the convent of jesus and mary,New Delhi, Gayatri went on to study law at the Durham university,England.Later,she Worked as an advocate in Delhi and singapore for there years. But it wasn't long a er that she had a crea ve epiphany and was drawn to the aesthe cs. Her job seemed mundane and she decided to follow her dream to become an ar st. "I wanted to create a line of sculptures which was not only decora ve but also relatable to everyone, in terms of the strong message that each piece communicates.... as each piece pertains to something spiritual and powerful," she asserts. There was a burning need in her to strike a perfect balance between art and architecture.According to Gayatri, there was a huge gap in the market for aesthe cal and tasteful home decor and the prices that were being quoted. MAY 2015 BETTER INTERIORS 41 Art Walk TOP A mixed - media artwork called The Great Escape is symmolic of endings and signifies the culmina on of a cycle and the beginning of a new phase ABOVE Another mixed - media artwork by the ar st is called where the Stars S ll Shine.... With a fairytale quality, the artwork signifies a posi ve outlook during the most trying mes. 42 BETTER INTERIORS MAY 2015 Pomegrante Design, her crea ve studio was thus born in 2014, giving frui on to her wxpression of thoughts and crea vity. The designer immersed herself in crea ng sculptures that were inspired by mo on. Each crea on responds to or directly depicts movement in various ways-through dance, gesture, transporta on, sports,etc.Men and Women in embrance, Women dancing and horses flying are some of the visuals one would encounter. Gayatri uses bronze, aluminium,fiberglass and other alloys to make her wonder- which are available in a variety of sizes and finishes. the process of making the sculptures first involves crea ng figures in clay and making a replica in wax. Then there comes the detailing and finishing of the modal. This is followed by cas ng the figure in fiber or metal. since each crea on is handcra ed, no two are alike or have a similar composi on and are thus truly unique. Her first collection is a selection of beautiful life-size sculptures for large spaces. climbing Men, an iconic piece (made of fiber and finished with patina) comprised gents climbing ropes. Adding a sense of motion and uniqua artistic visual to any spac, this one is symbolic of the strenght that man requires to overcome obstacles in life. then there's Reaching Out, a free-standing fiber glass and steel sculpture which is evocative of going beyond the periphery and conquering the from he collection is pegasus yhat portrays the free spiritedness of the heavenly Greek creature. Apart from designing a range every few months,Gayatri also works on customizing site-specific pieces for special floor plans. These handmade sculptures and accent pieces are a great way to bringn a dramatic focal point to a room. then there are the mixed media. Art Walk CLOCKWISE, FROM TOP LEFT THE Experience of a Book sculpture(made of fiber) is an ode to all those who cherish books. The sculpture Valen ne - true to its name - shows the kinship, desire and freedom two individuals feel when in loov. The Tree of life (sculptured out of aluminium and fiber) is a perfect example of the amalgam of different shapes and elements from nature. artworks from her ki y...colourful and bright, one can see recurring glimpses of horses, elephants, hot -air balloon, bu erflies and airplanes here. To get your own Gayatri artwork,you'd have to get in touch with S&G Arts, an art promoter that is helping the budding sculptor in crea ng awareness and visibility for her work.the ar st's studio promoter her sculptures and caters to architecture, interiors, art decor and event decor needs as well.As for future plans, the ul mate vision is to diversify the mul desciplined design prac ce by providing a full range of service including architecture, construc on, interiors, art decor, and event decor. Some mes it's ok to not go according to the plan. A li le faith in yourself can carry you throught to the end. Take Gayatri as an example... this mul -talented, inspira onal visionary has carved a niche in this extremely compe ve industry,and so can you if you heed your call. BI 44 BETTER INTERIORS MAY 2015
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