8 Munster Terrace North Melbourne VIC 3051, Australia Poppy Seed Festival: Poppy Seed aims to support exciting artists and theatre collectives in the presentation of their work. This mini-festival will select four works from open submissions, program them into participating venues, provide underwriting to help realise the productions, widely publicise the festival and shows, provide logistic support to each project programmed and, via strategic alignments with highly experienced industry professionals, will provide a dedicated, structured collaborative program to all festival participants. Festival participants, in turn, will form a de facto ensemble to support the realisation of all shows and, ultimately, the success of the festival itself. Our goal is to solicit the highest calibre of applicants and create a truly vibrant season of work. Poppy Seed Festival has a few points of difference, from our submission process to the hands on mentorship and structured professional development. Not everyone has producing experience and many extraordinary creatives, from emerging artists to our peers, would benefit from a no-risk platform to realise their passion projects. Submission process: The first stage of the process will be the submission of an application with support materials including a script or development treatment. When submitting an application do consider the three venues on offer: Butterfly Club, fortyfivedownstairs and Trades Hall. You are welcome to express a preference of venue but this is by no means a guarantee. All applications are assessed by the Artistic Panel and core creative team. The second stage of the application process is a live pitch, a 20-25 minute meeting/ presentation with the Artistic Panel and the Poppy Seed team. To prepare for the live pitch and discussion points, you’ll need to be ready to: • Tell us why we should choose your project! • Discuss you overall vision and how it has developed or changed since your original pitch. This could include speaking to the text & realisation, showing artwork or an updated cast & creative team or marketing strategy. • Speak to your preparedness to work with others as part of the festival Ensemble. • Field questions from the panel, whose diverse range of experience includes playwriting & dramaturgy, directorial, production & technical expertise and marketing/ promotions. • Present some sort of visual material. We understand that visually presenting your work can be difficult so we have formulated a few ideas for your reference: an excerpt of the work on the floor, a full design pitch by the key creative team, a rehearsed reading of the script or share your development process. It’s up to you – you set the goalposts here. Just make sure it’s the best representation for your project at this early stage. File labelling All applications must be uploaded onto the Poppy Seed website in one ZIP file. Please title the file in the following format: Surname of Producer_Production Title For example, if your producers name is “Jane Doe” and your production is titled “My Big Show” your file should read: All files within that should be labeled as follows Surname of Producer_Production Title_File (Budget/Script/Application). eg. Doe_MyBigShow (ZIP FILE) eg. Doe_MyBigShow_Budget (INDIVIDUAL FILES) Dates to remember Live Pitch Day: 11/07/2015 Offers & Acceptances: 13/07/2015 – 27/07/2015 Show # 1: Nov 9 - 22 at Trades Hall Show # 2: Nov 16 - 29 at The Butterfly Club Show # 3: Nov 23 - Dec 6 at Trades Hall Show # 4: Nov 30 - Dec 13 at Fortyfivedownstairs SUBMISSION DETAILS Project Snapshot: Project title: (Please attach script or treatment to application) Collective, ensemble or artist name: Contact name: Contact number: Contact email address: Number in cast: Names of cast members (if known): Proposed director: Proposed creative personnel and their roles (if known): Approximate duration of performance: Projected budget expenditure (total) excluding in-kind costings: Brief Description of Proposal (100 word maximum): Please explain your concept and what you hope to achieve through this opportunity. Project Synopsis and Artistic Vision (500 word maximum): This is your opportunity to sell your project, tells us about your inspiring creative team and the artistic vision. How will the Poppy Seed opportunity enable you to grow in and sustain your practice? (200 word maximum): Consider the Poppy Seed resources on offer and the viability of your project. Marketing Strategy (200 word maximum): Who are your target audience and how will you reach them? Please consider that you will be expected to take on a collaborative marketing approach with the rest of the ensemble. Fundraising Strategy (200 word maximum): How will you source any further funds required to realise your project? Technical Notes and Venue Preference (200 word maximum): Considering the three venues on offer and the demands of the project, please describe the known technical requirements of your production including the approximate stage dimensions, any audiovisual requirements, scenic/staging and lighting specifications. Video Links: Please provide links to any archival footage of previous work, if available. Please use youtube or vimeo, the panel will not be in a position to download large video files from dropbox. Support Material Please provide a maximum of three pages in minimum 11 point font of support material including artist biographies, this is a compulsory element. Industry Reference: Please ensure you speak to your nominated reference before providing their details. Name: Organisation: Contact Number: Relationship: Submission Checklist I have attached my script or treatment. I have attached a budget for the project and notes, using the template provided. I have included relevant artist biographies in the support material. I have read and understood the Poppy Seed Festival submission guidelines. I have adhered to the published eligibility criteria for the Poppy Seed Festival. I have completed and upload my application to adhering to the file formatting specified. I have spoken to my nominated industry reference and cited their details above. I (First Name, Last Name Printed) declare that I am over 18 years old and am authorised to fill out this application. Signature Date
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